How to open a car wash from scratch: a business plan. Mobile or stationary car wash? Cargo car wash features

If it is enough for passenger cars to simply bring their own appearance in due order, the same cannot be said for freight transport. Not every city has at least one truck wash, which means that there is a significant shortage of enterprises of this type. So why not take advantage of this and fill a still empty niche? O competent organization truck wash project and will be discussed.

Cargo car wash is able to serve large vehicles and special equipment

Cargo car wash features

The result of modern globalization has become the opportunity not only to move from one point to another, but also to move goods, including large ones, to the most various distances. Similar long-distance and international transportations are carried out on long-sized, overall vehicles. They have a lot of advantages, but heavy vehicles also add trouble.

This issue is paradoxical. On the one hand, there are customers who are ready to use the services of cargo washes, which means that there are few competitors, and there are many consumers. On the other hand, the cargo car wash business does not require special investments and special knowledge and skills. The whole point is to find appropriate place and install necessary equipment.

What can be washed in a truck wash:

  • agricultural machinery,
  • road equipment,
  • cisterns,
  • buses,
  • trucks (trucks, KAMAZ trucks, vehicles with a trailer),
  • minibuses (gazelles, vans).

Business Advantages and Disadvantages

How promising and profitable is it to invest in the car wash business? Let's look at some obvious reasons.

How often have you seen clean trucks or special vehicles? Contrary to prejudices that the owners of such heavy vehicles themselves prefer not to spend money on washing once again, truckers themselves complain that there is an acute shortage of places where they could "bathe" their iron horse. And it is very problematic to clean such transport yourself manually.

Most enterprises that have their own fleet of heavy trucks have a clear regulation, according to which the cars must have a presentable (including clean) appearance, otherwise the driver may get a fine. Violation legislative norm, which notes that the numbers of vehicles must be visible to the surrounding people, and completely threatens with the recovery or even confiscation of a driver's license for a while. To avoid misunderstandings, the owners of the companies ask on an outsourcing basis, as necessary, to wash and care for their trucks.

Among other things, the construction of a car wash is carried out literally in 2 months. Therefore, a businessman, the future owner of a truck-type car wash, with a predicted influx of customers, will be able to quickly recoup the start-up capital and start making money.

Another "penny" in favor of a car wash for trucks is the presence of a large-scale target audience. Drivers of this group of vehicles will become very grateful and, importantly, regular consumers of cargo washing services.

Plan of a single-seat cargo car wash of a stationary type

A car wash for trucks differs from a car wash in some features, which in some cases can be considered as disadvantages. Among them are to be listed:

  • significant consumption of resources (water, electricity, detergents),
  • a smaller range of services (just washing, no polishing and drying),
  • the need for the presence of drivers (if it is required that the truck itself drive through watering taps and brushes),
  • costly due to large volumes of construction (the box must be at least 25 m long and 6 m wide, a solid foundation, large gates).

Types of cargo washes

There are two main types of car washes for trucks:

Mobile car wash does not require big investments and shopping land plot, as well as faster construction and payback. A stationary car wash costs an order of magnitude more expensive, but it allows you to service several cars at once and therefore brings a good income.

Stages of a truck wash project

As you know, any entrepreneurial activity begins with an idea, which, with a skillful approach, turns into a project. The list of items in the business plan for opening a cargo car wash must include the following steps:

  • registration,
  • selection of land and premises,
  • selection of equipment and inventory,
  • recruitment,
  • advertising.

Let's consider each of the stages in more detail.

Company registration

Car wash project for trucks - a business that requires registration as one of the subjects entrepreneurial activity. If the businessman is just a novice businessman and has never dealt with the business environment before, then he needs to register first. What type of registration is best?

It all depends on the number of partners and starting capital:

  • IP suitable if the entrepreneur has enough financial resources to implement the project alone;
  • OOO necessary if there are several business partners ready to start a car wash business.

What set of documents do you need to prepare for registration of a company? Make sure you have:

  • registration certificate legal entity or IP,
  • certificate of the fact of the presence of land (lease agreement, ownership),
  • agreement with utility companies (on the maintenance of engineering networks),
  • waste collection agreement.

Cargo car wash mobile type

In the OKPD-2 application, we indicate the following OKVED code(All-Russian classifier of types of economic activity) - 45.20, which means " Maintenance and repair of any vehicle. Do not be afraid that this code does not indicate exactly what you will do exactly: washing trucks is equated to maintenance of a technical type.

The bureaucratic ordeals of the future owner of a truck wash lead him to the need to obtain permission from several other state authorities:

  • approval of the natural resources and nature management
  • approval from the local Architectural Board,
  • the conclusion of the fire inspectorate,
  • conclusion of the Sanitary Epidemiological Station,
  • conclusion of Rospotrebnadzor.

Choosing a taxation system

One of the important issues that it is desirable to solve while still on the shore is the choice of a taxation system. There are several possible options here:


(A single tax on imputed income)

(Patent taxation system)

USN (Simplified Taxation System)
Bid 15%; 6%; 6%;

- income tax,

- property tax;

- income tax,

- property tax;

- income tax,

- property tax;

Notes working staff up to 4 people; more than 4 workers;

- legal entity;

- IP;

- legal entity;

Methods of reduction (due to contributions) missing;
Reporting - book KUDiR; - book KUDiR.

Instead of a cash register, you can issue BSO forms (strict reporting form).

Selection of land

Choosing a place to build a car wash complex for trucks is not an easy task. Unlike passenger cars, large vehicles have restrictions on entry into some areas of the city, which significantly limits the territorial areola of searches. So, for example, the city center can immediately be excluded from the list of potential places.

The room for a cargo wash should be selected taking into account the dimensions of the transport that will be serviced

In order to successfully implement such a project, you only need to find land that would meet the following characteristics:

  • location outside the city limits, near the highway, where the main flow of customers, car repair shops, parking lots passes;
  • the possibility of development, that is, the land should not be part of a nature reserve or agricultural land;
  • distance from residential buildings(at least 100 m);
  • the presence of free space around, for further expansion;
  • large area for comfortable arrival and departure of vehicles.

The rate of return on your initial investment in a truck wash project is up to 90% dependent on choosing the right location.

In the long term of running a truck wash business, it makes more sense to buy a plot rather than rent it.

Room selection

When the issue with a plot of land for the construction of a truck wash is resolved, you should proceed to the stage of selecting and arranging the premises itself.

Cargo car wash may consist of:

  • actual working area
  • rest room,
  • administrative premises,
  • warehouse for inventory.

Washing for trucks and special equipment also dictates a number of requirements, only taking into account which you can count on the successful development of your business. The room must be:

  • large for maneuvers of overall transport,
  • equipped with communication networks (sewerage, electricity, water supply),
  • provided with cleaning systems that neutralize the harm to the earth and groundwater from detergents,
  • equipped with high pressure pumps.

At the stage of formation, you can open a single car wash. Then, if the business goes uphill, it will be possible to build one or more portals.

But, if an entrepreneur wants to seriously conduct a business of this kind, then over time, perhaps, he will be interested in the idea of ​​providing additional services to the drivers themselves: shower cabins, a sleeping place, a small cafe or a general-purpose shop. Such an investment will quickly pay off and attract new customers who also want to stay in comfortable conditions at least between trips.

The success of the truck wash business is predetermined by low competition

Equipment selection

There are two main variations regarding the technical equipment of a truck wash:

  1. Manual system involves the work of trained personnel who know how the system functions and how to use it. A lot of resources are consumed (especially electricity and water). Equipped with a cleaning and drain complex. The cost is from 300 thousand rubles.
  2. Automatic system programmed by one person. Equipped with CCTV cameras. Serves a continuous flow of vehicles throughout the day. Consumes few resources. There is a function of contactless and contact washing. The cost is from 6 million rubles.

For the first time, some novice entrepreneurs, in order not to bother buying individual components, prefer to make their choice in favor of automatic system. Despite the high price, it quickly pays for itself. In addition, many manufacturers of equipment for car washes, including Nilfisk, Istobal and Karcher, provide customers with fairly favorable purchase conditions (installments, loans, deposits, franchise cooperation).


A stationary truck wash can work effectively with up to 10 people on staff. The mobile car wash functions successfully even with 3 people. Much more important is how the work will be organized.

First, at least one of the employees must perform the duties administrator, namely to provide staff with all necessary materials and supervise the work washers.

Secondly, it is necessary that the truck wash works 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, which means shift work for employees: truck drivers need to know that they can wash their truck at any time of the day.

Thirdly, there is no need to hire an accountant. The owner of the car wash can take over his powers or, at worst, hire a specialist on the basis of outsourcing.


In order for customers to know about the existence of a truck wash, it is required to tell them about it in the most favorable light. Of course, you can not do without advertising moves.

  • order a large and bright sign by the road, along the highway,
  • put up signs and signs with clues where the sink is located and how long to go to it,
  • place advertisements in thematic magazines and newspapers,
  • advertise on TV, radio and the Internet,
  • arrange business cards.

For the effective operation of a single-seat cargo wash, a staff of 3 people is enough

Financial calculations

A truck wash project requires a large investment. Even the size of the starting capital can scare an unprepared person. So how much will you have to shell out and how much can you really earn in the car wash truck business?

Let's try some calculations. And although the numbers will be conditional, they can pleasantly surprise you.


The expenditure part at the very beginning will be (averaged prices are taken):

  • acquisition of a plot of land (the cost varies depending on the region and location) - 5 million rubles,
  • construction of a mobile car wash or construction of a stationary complex - 500 thousand rubles,
  • purchase of equipment - 3 million rubles,
  • advertising - 100 thousand rubles,
  • current expenses (utility payments, purchase of detergents, wages to workers) - 400 thousand rubles.

Summing up the results, we conclude that the launch of a truck wash will cost about 9 million rubles.

Profitability and income

Of course, the arrangement of activities for the provision of washing services for trucks and special equipment requires much more costs than the implementation of a car wash plan in practice. However, it is worth mentioning that the average check in our case will be an order of magnitude larger, which, in turn, means an increase in profits.

If we assume that washing one truck will bring 2 thousand rubles (for the purity of the experiment, all figures of the revenue side will also be averaged), and 20 trucks will be serviced per day, then it is easy to calculate that one washing place per day will bring profit in the amount of 40 thousand rubles, and for the working season - 1.5 million rubles.

Thus, the profitability of a car wash for trucks with proper organization and business will be 80%, and the start-up capital will return to the investor in just six months.

When arranging places of additional service (a store, a canteen, a hotel), you can even become a millionaire in the first year of owning a car wash.


Having made a brief overview of the idea of ​​investing in a truck wash project for large vehicles and special equipment, it is safe to say that this business should, with proper management, bring a lot of income to the owner.

The absence of competition and the correct location of the sink determines the relevance and success of the business plan. If you have the opportunity to get a large amount of money, then be sure to look at this option.

  • Capital investment: 2 400 000 rubles,
  • Average monthly revenue: 352,000 rubles,
  • Net profit: 178 00 rubles,
  • Payback: 14 months!

The article presents ready business plan to open an autonomous modular car wash. You will find out how much money is needed to open, the number of employees, potential income, profitability and payback periods.

1. How to open an offline mobile car wash

In Russia, the number of cars is increasing every year. According to the API information portal (link), as of January 1, 2012, more than 35 million cars.

Most car owners treat their cars like living beings, take care of them carefully, and try to keep them clean. Due to the car wash it is very profitable and promising business in Russia.

Relatively recently, a new direction has appeared on the Russian car wash market: the production of fully autonomous mobile car washes. In this business plan, we will try to reveal all the features of the new product.

1.1. Benefits of a mobile car wash

Compared to stationary, mobile autonomous car washes have the following Benefits:

  • Not required in foundation construction
  • Fast commissioning time
  • They have all permits SES, as well as a certificate for a fire report.
  • Sewerage is not required, as the module is equipped with reverse water treatment equipment.
  • There is no need to connect electricity, sewerage, water supply and other infrastructure lines.
  • Easily dismantled and transported to a new location.

1.2. Car wash location

The issue of choosing a location for a car wash must be taken seriously, since the success of the entire enterprise depends on it.

It would be optimal to place the car wash near a busy highway (next to a gas station) or near a large shopping center. It is also worth paying attention to the availability of a convenient entrance and exit for transport. If the territory allows, then it is worth providing a small parking lot for waiting cars.

As soon as you decide on a location, you need to resolve the issue of renting a land plot for installing a mobile car wash. To do this, you need to contact the administration of the district in which you plan to open a sink and clarify who owns the land.

If the land is owned by the state, then the cost of rent will not be high, but if it is privately owned, then the price of rent can be several times higher.

Important point: When installing a mobile car wash, the presence electrical networks, water supply and sewerage is not required, so this sink is completely autonomous and has the necessary equipment for operation: water is concentrated in containers and exported-imported, and electricity is generated diesel generator.

1.3. Necessary equipment for an autonomous car wash

Currently, there are many offers on the market for the sale of autonomous modular car washes, we settled on the offer of Aquarius LLC

Aquarius LLC is a developer and manufacturer of autonomous mobile car washes under the AMAP-1 brand.

A mobile car wash is a modular container-type unit that includes an autonomous power supply (diesel generator), equipment for manual washing, containers for clean and waste water, as well as a water purification system for circulating water supply in a closed cycle.

Also, the kit for washing comes with a complete package of documents necessary for work:

  1. SES conclusion.
  2. Fire report.
  3. Certificate of conformity.
  4. Passport.
  5. Manual

Thus, when buying an autonomous modular car wash, you only need to agree on the lease of a land plot, find staff and you can get to work.

The cost of the module for 2 cars is 2 250 000 rubles

1.4. Staff

4 people are enough to service a car wash for 2 cars. They work in shifts, two in two, for 12 hours. Salary is piecework, 20% of the cost of work, payment daily. All issues related to the purchase of products, the solution of administrative issues are the responsibility of the business owner.

2. Financial model

  • Type of activity: mobile car wash for 2 cars
  • Location: in the city, near a busy road, there is a gas station nearby. The population of the city is 400,000 people.
  • The average cost of washing is 400 rubles.

2.1. Capital cost to open a car wash

2.2. Revenue

The activity of the car wash is subject to significant seasonal fluctuations, so the growth of revenue falls on March - October, and the period November-February there is a decrease in revenue.

Revenue for 2 parking spaces located in the city and near a busy highway is presented in the table:

Revenue, in rubles

average revenue

2.3. Cost price

Naming of expenditures

daily consumption

Cost, per unit

Consumption, per shift, in rubles

Monthly output / 30 shifts

Diesel fuel costs (2.4 liters per hour)

Generator maintenance costs

Water replacement costs

Filter cartridge replacement costs

Consumables (Shampoo, rags, etc.)

other expenses

Total cost

2.4. General expenses

2.5. Profitability calculation

2.6. Payback calculation

The payback period for a modular car wash for 2 cars is 13.4 months.

3. Organizational moments

3.1. Organizational form

To start activities to provide washing services to the population, you must register with the IFTS. Best fit organizational form Individual entrepreneur. (With this form of activity founding documents and authorized capital is not required)

3.2. Taxation system

According to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the activities of a car wash are subject to a simplified taxation system: UTII.

For those regions where UTII does not apply, the possible application of the Simplified Taxation System (STS), income minus expenses.

3.3. Accounting

Tax and accounting of a car wash is quite simple and does not take much time; it is not advisable to keep an accountant on staff. In this regard, it is best to do all the accounting yourself using the My Business online service - this will allow you to save money (you will receive a full accounting for less than 1,000 rubles per month), as well as your time (the service is fully automated and easy to manage).

Risk Analysis for Mobile Car Wash Business Plan

During the implementation of organizational and operational activities, the functioning of the project may be accompanied by a number of negative factors. In general, the threats are given in the analysis of risk factors and opportunities for opening a mobile car wash. To determine the degree of impact of risks and their actual danger to the business, it is necessary to detail the threats through qualitative and quantitative analysis.

Qualitative Analysis risks involves an expert assessment of the likelihood of a threat. Quantitative indicators reflect the actual value and degree of its impact on the main components of the project.

Qualitative project risk analysis

Risks are divided into external and internal. Those threats that arise under the influence of general economic influence and are not related to management processes are called macro-environment risks. Those threats that directly depend on the business organization, project management, the actual implementation of the business plan are internal risks.

Table 1. The main external risks of the project

Name of riskRisk assessment

Change in regulatory and regulatory legislation

The risk can lead to tougher conditions for the functioning of the business and reduce its profitability. Risk compensation takes place organizational stage when creating a form of management, property and taxation.

Opening in city N with a population of 400 thousand people, activation and dumping of direct competitors

The emergence of new market operators leads to a redistribution of profits (demand may increase slightly, while the number of competitors - at times). The risk is leveled by creating your own client base, active sales and development of a unique selling proposition (USP). Consumer loyalty should be stimulated through effective programs.

Seasonal decline in sales

The risk does not have clear predictable time limits (as in other types of business) and is subject to the influence of weather conditions. The threat of a decrease in average annual income indicators significantly increases the expenditure side of the business (the efficiency of production equipment, the maintenance of personnel). The risk is leveled by the development of competent marketing strategy, shifting seasonal accents in sales and an effective advertising policy.

Vandalism, natural disasters and force majeure

Risk may result in property damage. That entails costly repairs and restoration. The risk is compensated by the insurance service.

As a rule, all external threats are leveled by a competent organizational component. With proper planning and development of anti-crisis strategies, external risks are only a predictable consequence, which is offset by prepared measures. A much greater danger to business are internal risks.

Table 2. Main internal risks of the project

Name of riskRisk assessmentRisk Characterization and Responses

Geomarketing location error

The risk of a mistake with the location of the car wash location point has a high degree of probability and significant consequences. A qualitative geomarketing analysis of the terrain, traffic flows, infrastructure, etc. can eliminate the wrong decision, which will provide input for sales forecasting, taking into account the density of potential customers.

Low level of personnel competence, turnover, low probability of financial motivation

The risk is due to the low prestige of the profession, which leads to the filling of the labor market with people with low intellectual data (or temporary staff). In turn, such personnel has a low financial capacity and is insensitive to financial motivation. Poor quality of service, irresponsible attitude to the property of the car wash, incompetence leads to lost profits. The risk is leveled by a system of total control and punishment, strict standardization of the work of ordinary personnel.

Technological risks

The selected technology and assortment can lead to a number of difficulties due to illiterate or inappropriate use. technical capacities. Failure of the water supply and disposal system, power units will lead to a stop of business processes and direct losses. The risk is leveled at the organizational stage by the creation of compensatory or backup emergency support systems, at the functional stage - by the introduction of a competent service personnel unit (engineer) and by carrying out scheduled maintenance and preventive maintenance.

Quantitative risk analysis of the project

All risks, both internal and external, have as a general negative result a decrease in profits up to the bankruptcy of the project. Omitting probable causes, real threats to reduce business profitability can be:

  • unforeseen technological and technical risks;
  • opening in city N with a population of 400 thousand people, activation and dumping of direct competitors;
  • decrease in consumer demand as a result of:
    • geomarketing location errors;
    • low quality of service;
    • seasonal variation.

Degree of influence of unforeseen technological and technical risks

Calculated based on the average throughput of a car wash. The average period required for emergency troubleshooting is 4.5 hours (taking into account the type of equipment: autonomous power supply (diesel generator), pumps, water treatment system for recirculating water supply in a closed cycle, etc.).

With an average car wash load of 30 cars/day (see Risk and Opportunity Analysis of Opening a Mobile Car Wash), direct losses could be:

(30 / 24) * 4.5 \u003d 5.625 washes * 400 rubles \u003d 2250 rubles (lost income) + 12000 (repair and restoration work with material) + 2500 (part organizational expenses attributable to downtime) = 16,750 rubles - direct losses on one breakdown, which is about 4.7% of the total monthly income.

As equipment wears out, these costs will increase monthly.

Thus, the possible financial risk values ​​allow us to consider an increase in staff by 1 unit (equipment operation engineer) as a necessity, which, moreover, will reduce compensation costs, taking into account wages a competent specialist (16.5 thousand rubles).

The degree of influence of the competitive environment

The relative calculation of the market capacity of the city N with a population of 400 thousand people, given in the analysis of risk factors and opportunities for opening a mobile car wash, demonstrates the prevalence of demand over the number of offers (data are given as an example): “with an average frequency of washing 1 time / 9 days, the turnover one wash can vary within the average maximum of 630 thousand rubles / month with a throughput of 50-55 washes / day.

Thus, with the vast majority of manual small washes, a large share the financial capacity is occupied by specialized large car washes, which, together with mobile car washes and offers at gas stations, form a competitive environment. Loss step at total share market of 1.2% is negligible.

Decrease in consumer demand due to organizational errors (location, service, lack of seasonal compensation).

The risk is calculated based on the average loss rates and the dependence of demand on additional factors: convenient location (up to 65%), level of service (up to 48%), promotions and special offers (up to 22%).

Thus, a mistake in geolocation can lead to a loss of up to 220 thousand rubles (by comparison, geomarketing analysis costs about 3.5-5 thousand rubles), low quality maintenance - to a loss of up to 150 thousand rubles; the lack of seasonal compensation leads to a decrease in average annual indicators by 70 thousand rubles.

On average, the risk threatens with losses of up to 70% of profits and is the most significant. This situation requires a detailed analysis of the company's capabilities, the development of a marketing and organizational plan, creating a high-quality long-term advertising strategy.

Project Risk Ranking

The most probable are the risks of demand reduction due to organizational errors and technological risks are the most critical threats.

The fundamental point is the determination of the location. An error in choosing a location can lead to irreparable losses. A low level of service increases the risk of being influenced by a competitive environment.

The general background of threats to the project is favorable. The market is under development and demand significantly exceeds supply, tending to increase. With a competent organizational approach, the business is promising and allows you to respond very flexibly to the emergence of any risk, for which you should carefully consider marketing planning, strict regulation of work and service processes, active promotion of services.

Editor's note: An interesting option for opening a car wash is the purchase of a successful business model, this option has its advantages (the entrepreneur acquires already gained experience, a certain set of knowledge, software developments, and much more) and disadvantages (you have to pay money for experience (royalties, lump-sum fee)). But considering buying a franchise as one of the ways to start is definitely worth it.


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Many people want to start their own business but don't know where to start. Considering that the number of cars in the world is constantly growing, one of the easiest and most common types of business is to open your own car wash. However, the competition in this area is very high, so you need to win customers not at a low price, but high quality provision of services.

The relevance of this business

This business in Russia is relevant. Our roads are far from ideal, and with every kilometer the car gets dirtier. At the same time, there are a lot of car washes for cars, but trucks not in all cities can use this service.

In connection with shortage of offers, opening such a business can promise big profits, since trucks in large quantities arrive in any city every day.

Market analysis

A study of the situation with car washes for trucks showed that in small towns such a service is completely absent. In some towns there are 1-2 car washes. However, there are not enough places in them, so truck owners have to wait a long time for their turn.

In cities with a population of 500 thousand to 1 million, the situation is slightly better, since there are 3-5 car washes per city.

In million-plus cities, there are no more than 50 such offers, which is also not enough, given the flow of goods and trucks that come to such settlements every day.

Thus, it is easy to conclude that opening such a car wash will really allow you to make good profits, and the presence of additional services can increase it.

What documents are needed to open a car wash?

Before registering a company, you must select its form ( or ) and the type of taxation. Most often choose or.

To open your company, you need to do the following:

If you don't have the time or desire to independently find out what documents are needed for a car wash, collect them, then for a small fee you can entrust this to an organization that provides full legal support for the process of opening a new company.

We open our car wash for trucks

Buy or rent a car wash?

Far from everywhere a car wash for trucks will be cost-effective. If conventional car washes are good to open on the highway or closer to the city center, where there are enough cars, then trucks will become popular. at the entrance to the city.

So, in many cities, trucks are prohibited from driving around the city during the day. Drivers are forced to stand at the entrance to the city, sleep in the cab, eat in cafes, and wash cars if there is a car wash. The main customers in this case are truck drivers. Therefore than more city, the greater the demand for such a sink.

For such a business, you can rent a room, but in the future it is better to buy it out or build your own nearby. It is necessary to provide that entry and exit are convenient, therefore the site must be quite large.

Interestingly, the room may not be stationary, but mobile. The assembly process of the premises takes about 3 days, and there is no need to fill the foundation and connect communications. When registering a mobile facility, there will be no problems, and when buying such a room, you can immediately purchase the necessary equipment.

Necessary car wash equipment

The most important thing in this business is the water supply process. Since the size of the cars is large, then the pressure must be appropriate. If it cannot be ensured in a normal way, then it will be necessary to use special fluid booster pumps.

Washing vacuum cleaner, compressor and cleaning system used water is also an integral part of any car wash. They must be of high quality so that you can use them for several years. The most famous and reliable brands: Karcher, Carebridge, California Kleindiest, Weidner.

On consumables in the form detergents You can save money by buying less expensive ones.

In addition, special terminal for accepting card payments. This will allow serving those drivers who avoid cash (in recent times There are more and more such drivers.

To increase the level of customer loyalty, you can purchase comfortable sofa . Big advantage will be if you offer the waiting person a cup of coffee with cookies. It will cost you almost nothing, and the client will be happy to remember you and advise his other friends and work colleagues.

Blacksmith business in action:

How much money does it take to open a truck wash?

It will take approximately 3 million rubles. The monthly profit will be 600-1200 thousand rubles. With a maximum tax base of 18% (VAT), the state will have to pay 108-216 thousand rubles. The salary fund for 2 administrators and 4 cleaners can be 180 thousand rubles with a salary of 30 thousand rubles each. You can rent a room for a car wash for 50 thousand rubles, public utilities“take away” 5 thousand rubles, advertising - 50 thousand rubles.

Having carried out simple calculations, you can find out how much profit a car wash brings per month: monthly net profit will be 207-699 thousand rubles. Such turnover will allow you to quickly expand the car wash, build another one on the other side of the city, or increase the list of offers.

Profitability of a car wash for trucks that does not Additional services, is thus 34%-58% when calculating 10-15 clients per day.

Truck washes are a really profitable business. However, not everyone can start with it due to the fact that the initial investment is quite large. On the other side, monthly profit can easily cover the cost of securing a loan. In addition, you can submit Required documents(of which there are few) to the relevant authority.

Often, third-party investors are ready to give money, who are in search of interesting and profitable ideas. You can find such an investor at various forums and seminars. As a rule, the conditions for investing in a project are 10-30% of the organization's profit.

The car wash is a service sector that provides its owners and employees with constant and stable income. However, to ensure high profits, you must:

  • establish direct contacts with wholesale suppliers of detergent components,
  • create a marketing system
  • and use the latest high-tech equipment.

These and other subtleties of the business should be reflected in the project plan for opening a car wash.

The car wash is ideal business solution for people who do not have special knowledge, but who want to start their own profitable business.

How to write a detailed car wash business plan

Business practice requires starting your business only after drafting detailed business plan, which takes into account all the nuances, provides approximate calculations of capital investments and the payback period. When drawing up a car wash project, we will proceed from the fact that you are starting your business from scratch and you do not have your own premises.

In order to properly and effectively plan your future business Without "overestimating" the volume of initial investments, attention should be paid to a number of key issues related to the project.

An analysis of the car services market shows that this business is the least developed in our country.

There are great potentials not only for the development of their own business, but also for its partial monopolization. The ever-increasing number of cars is a signal of an increasing demand for car wash services.

Although the business is subject to seasonal factors (winter and summer are not seasonal times for car washes), in spring and autumn, large queues at car washes are considered a common occurrence, which also confirms the need for the service.

There are sinks on the market portal and tunnel type, however, are more popular with motorists manual car washes.

The manifestation of creativity and perseverance, coupled with a serious attitude to business, will allow the owner to provide additional services on the basis of a car wash, such as:

  • car wash,
  • interior cleaning and chemical treatment,
  • engine cleaning,
  • body polishing.

In the future, you can expand your business by opening a small shop selling accessories and fragrances, or a cafe where customers will wait for their turn.

Optimal location and choice of location

When choosing a room, you should pay attention to the following key factors:

  • Accessibility for cars.

The wider the space for entering the car wash, the greater its throughput, and as a result, the greater the number of serviced cars.

  • Liveliness of the track.

Opening a car wash in the center will be a risky move, as there is a very dense cluster of cars. It is not cost-effective to locate a sink on the outskirts.

When choosing a room, you should focus on average road traffic.

Very good places at the entrance to the city. This is justified by the fact that incoming cars generally make a long journey. The cars are dirty and the owners often decide to wash them before entering the city.

  • Drainage of sewage.

The ideal option would be drain into central water supply , so you need to pay attention to the availability of this feature.

  • The presence of a canopy or hangar.

The walls of the room must be protected from moisture and provided with thermal insulation. Availability good lighting allows you to work even at night.

  • Developed infrastructure of services for motorists.

Nearby there should be an auto repair shop or an auto parts store. It is also important to have parking lots adjacent to the washing area.

If you listen to these recommendations when choosing a room or land for a car wash, then you will be able to organize a large flow of customers in a short period of time.

Another equally important point is money question and honesty of the landlord. When drawing up a lease, try to conclude a contract at the lowest price and for the longest possible period.

Minimum for a sink, which consists of two posts, 90 sq.m. area.

This will be the work area of ​​the staff with the calculation of the client's waiting area. For the full functioning of the car wash, taking into account the queue and future expansions, it is necessary to rent a room area of ​​150-200 sq.m.

It is difficult to determine the exact rental price for a universal project, as prices depend on the region in which you are located. For example, we took the prices for renting such premises in Moscow - 400 rubles per 1 sq. m. Possible additional expenses for repair, water supply and laying of waste channels.

Washing equipment

You will not need a lot of equipment for the sink itself. However, to provide comprehensive and quality services, it is necessary to focus on the purchase of high-tech and professional equipment that can withstand heavy loads and work without failures and interruptions:

  • To wash the bodies, you will need a water blower that increases the water pressure.
  • To dry the surface of the car from moisture, you can use special rags that absorb moisture as much as possible.
  • for washing and dry cleaning interior requires a vacuum cleaner with nozzles, various brushes, chemicals.
  • A supply of polish and materials necessary for polishing will come in handy if your client asks to polish the body in addition.
  • Buying a diesel water heater will allow you to work in the winter.


Speed ​​and quality of service customers at hand car washes will ensure a constant flow of cars.

Of course, the professional attitude of employees to their work is very important. However, when hiring employees, you should focus not only on their knowledge of the design of the car and the ability to repair breakdowns. Such skills should be encouraged, but by no means required, from potential candidates.

For fast and quality cleaning one car enough staff from two employees.

Taking into account the fact that the sink will work around the clock, it is necessary to organize the work of personnel in three shifts. Recruitment of a staff of 6 employees who will replace each other during the day will be the most effective in terms of workload and pay. In such a case:

  • staff fatigue is reduced
  • increases the speed of work
  • and ensuring the continuity of your business.

The starting salary for these employees will be set at the level of 20,000 rubles. Bonuses will become an effective tool for stimulating them, for Good work, which can be entered after your initial investment has paid off. This approach will constantly motivate your employees to do a good job and increase the flow of customers.

In addition to the attendants, you can also hire a cashier-operator who will accept payments and issue checks. When working around the clock, you should hire 2 cashiers who will work every other day. The work of the cashier is financially responsible, in connection with this, their salary can be set at the level of 30,000 rubles.

Consumables and utilities

Another important item of expenditure is utilities.

  • Electricity.

When placing 20 incandescent bulbs that will work indoors throughout the day, the light consumption will be: 20 bulbs * 0.1 kW * 24 hours * 3.82 rubles. = 183.36 rubles per day.

  • Water supply (cold water).

It is necessary to ensure the constant availability of water, which can only be achieved if the payment for the service is correct. On average, a wash of 2 posts consumes 25 daily cubic meters water: 25 m 3 * 45 p. = 1 125 rubles. in a day.

  • Sewerage at the rate of 50 m 3 per day * 8r. =400 r.
  • Heating consumption per month will be about 5,000 rubles. On the day, expenses will amount to 166 rubles.

In total, utility costs in one working day will amount to 1,874.36 rubles.

Key article variable costs are:

  • car shampoos,
  • wax polishes
  • and means for chemical processing of salon.
  • a periodic change of rags for cars is also necessary.

In order to provide yourself with permanent and reliable consumables, you should turn to services of wholesalers auto chemicals and detergents.

Consumption of car shampoo is an average of 40 gr. by car. Based on this indicator, for 1 car 0.04 * 88 rubles / liter = 3.52 rubles. the cost of detergent for the car body. The consumption of other materials is more difficult to calculate.

In the business plan, we will calculate as an expense for other materials 30% of the total cost Supplies for car wash.

Advertising and business expansion

You can come up with and implement hundreds of brilliant ideas, organize the supply of the best consumables and purchase the most expensive and high-quality equipment, however, in the absence of customers, all your investment will slowly pay off. This is not good for business.

To quickly promote your car wash, you need to plan a marketing plan to enter the market:

  • The use of advertising in the media can be a decisive factor in the development of your business. Turning to services professional designers, by designing advertising on your car wash, you will be able to bring originality to your business that will be engraved in the memory of your client. The next time, choosing a sink, he will most likely turn to you.

In this regard, in long-term planning, it is necessary first of all to strive to provide customers with the entire list of services that are available on the market.

An example of a financial plan for a car wash with calculations for renting a room

Profit and loss forecast is the basis of the entire business plan. Your entire business will be based on this forecast, and you will “dance” from it.

Expenditure part

  1. Premises renovation 400 000 rubles

Initial investment for the arrangement of boxes and premises:

  • Water supply and drainage - 180,000 rubles;
  • Territory arrangement - 100,000 rubles;
  • Insulation and repair of the premises - 120,000 rubles;
  1. Equipment - 520 000 rubles.
  • The cost of the entire list of equipment for 2 posts is 480,000 rubles.
  • Installation and debugging of equipment - 40,000 r
  1. Document preparation ( tax office and utilities) - 180,000 rubles.

Total non-recurring capital investment- 1,100,000 rubles.

Variable costs will depend on the flow of cars and the number of service personnel. There are other monthly expenses to consider as well.

  1. Room rental - 400 rubles. *200 = 80,000 rubles per month. Prepayment for 12 months of work will be 960,000 rubles.
  2. The salary of working personnel is 210,000 rubles. per month
  • 20,000 rubles * 6 people service personnel = 120,000 rubles.
  • 30,000 rubles * 2 cashier-accountants = 60,000 rubles.
  1. Consumables - 8 547 rubles. per month.
  • Body wash at the rate of servicing 60 cars through both posts 3.52 rubles * 60 * 31 days = 6,547.20 rubles.
  • Additional services - 6 547.20 rubles. *30% = approximately 2,000 rubles.
  1. Utilities - 1,874.36 rubles * 31 days \u003d 58,105.16 rubles.

Total monthly expenses in the amount of 356 653 rubles.

Cost items for starting a business, taking into account the annual rental payment, will be 2336653 r. taking into account the payment of other monthly expenses for the first month of work.

Revenue part

In practice, one post in a standard traffic flow serves up to 30 vehicles per day. Your average bill will be 400 rubles per car.

Guided by the principle accounting for income at a minimum and expenses at a maximum, we will not take into account the revenue from such services as interior cleaning, polishing and engine cleaning, which will allow us to calculate the payback of the project at critically low sales rates.

  • The flow of cars - 60 cars * 31 days = 1,860 cars per month.
  • Monthly revenue - 1,860 m * 400 rubles = 744,000 rubles. per month.

Considering maximum expenses per month, which amount to 356,653 rubles, the operating profit of the working month will be 387,347 rubles. The net profit of the ambassadors of paying taxes will vary at the level of 250,000 rubles. — 300000 r. depending on your region.

As can be seen from the business plan that was drawn up, opening a car wash requires a rather large capital investment to start. However, the profit potential that you can get after the implementation of the entire range of car wash services will allow you to recoup your investment within the first 6 months of operation.

Every day, with every kilometer, any car will be polluted to one degree or another. Unfortunately, our roads are not very clean, so car washes are in great demand today. And if washing is available for passenger cars in almost every city, then in the case of heavy trucks, the statistics leave much to be desired. We are all used to seeing car washes for SUVs, minibuses and cars, but there are sorely lacking places where you can drive a truck 20 meters long onto the site.

However, experts say that car wash as a business is a very profitable business. And in order for it to bring real income, it is necessary to take into account a number of highlights, which we will tell you about in today's article.

What you need to know about a truck wash?

First of all, it is necessary to note who exactly will use your services. The majority of customers are truck drivers. Their essence of work lies in the delivery of goods over long distances in different directions.

And since the flight can last 5 or more days (sometimes up to 2-3 weeks), drivers have to live in their cars. There they eat, sleep and live. Naturally, the cabin must be in order and cleanliness. But they don’t forget about the outside of the truck either, which is why they use the services of car washes.

What will play into your hands is the quality of the roads. Domestic tracks are practically not cleaned, so they are always very dusty. And just imagine - after the rain on the wet paintwork a huge amount of small particles of road debris stick to the body. If you do not wash in time, the dirt will “envelop” the entire truck right up to the roof.

And then, no matter how expensive the car may seem, it will look, to put it mildly, not very. In addition, some unloading bases and ports have a special restriction, according to which dirty trucks are simply prohibited from entering there. And then, willy-nilly, you have to look for a car wash or wash the truck with your own efforts.

But even under the most acceptable weather conditions, you will not be able to come “clean”, for example, from Yekaterinburg to Moscow. It turns out that on our roads trucks get dirty 1.5-2 times more often than on German autobahns. This explains the profit this business in Russia.

How to open a car wash? Choose a place

The most difficult moment when opening this business is the choice of a suitable territory on which a car wash will be built. In the center of the city, of course, there is no point in building such a building, if only because trucks are prohibited from entering there during the day and at night. It should be built outside the city somewhere near the highway with a large flow of trucks.

You can rent a room for a car wash, but for permanent business it's not an option. Pay attention to the convenience of water supply. Since large trucks will use your services, the pressure of the water supply must be appropriate. As a last resort, use special pumps that increase the pressure of the liquid (most often the equipment is already equipped with them). Plan the entry and exit for vehicles.

The car wash room and its territory should be as large as possible to ensure the maneuver of a long truck. It should be taken into account that the size of foreign (foreign) structures and their territory may slightly differ in area in a smaller direction.

This is explained by the fact that a lot of American-made bonnet tractors travel around in Russia. Compared to cabover "Europeans", they are less maneuverable, so they need more space on the road to turn around.

Mobile or stationary?

In total, there are two types of such structures, which can be either mobile or stationary. The first option has several advantages over the second. Firstly, it is the ease of assembly of structures. A mobile car wash for trucks is assembled in 2-3 days, and there is no need to fill the foundation and connect to sewer and water communications.

This structure can be built either on asphalt or concrete slab, as well as on the ground. That is, the launch of a business can be carried out in the coming days.

Secondly, you will have practically no problems with paperwork for the mobile station and all related permits. Thirdly, when buying such structures, you will immediately pick up a complete set of appliances and tools. You will already have all the necessary equipment for a car wash. By the way, in terms of functionality, mobile stations are practically in no way inferior to their stationary counterparts.

Why are these designs so uncommon in Russia?

The fact is that the minimum cost of such stations is about 2-3 million rubles, depending on the number of parking spaces (in some cases it reaches 6 million rubles). However, as practice shows, the versatility of such designs allows the owner to "recapture" this cost in the next few months. At good choice mobile station locations will allow you to earn pretty good money. By the way, the activity is registered for one legal entity or individual.

We draw up a car wash plan: the number of employees

For normal functioning firms you will need no more than 10 staff members. If it is a small car wash for trucks, it is enough to hire 3 people for successful work. The division by position is as follows: only the administrator and washers work at the car wash, whose work he will control.

That is, if it is 10 workers, then 9 of them will wash cars, and one will check all their actions. It is important that they work in shifts, as trucks can arrive not only during the day, but also at night.