How to make a sushi bar. Business plan: sushi shop. Sushi bar organizational plan

Even though the restaurants Japanese cuisine gaining popularity, most national dishes from the Land of the Rising Sun remain unfamiliar to Russians.

In many cities, restaurateurs do not even think about how to open a sushi bar, and where they are, the quality of the dishes often has nothing to do with Japanese ones. Therefore, the organization of the bar remains an attractive business with high profitability and fairly low investment.

Business Features

The organization of a cafe or restaurant always requires impressive financial investments for the purchase and installation of kitchen equipment. But not a sushi bar. Basically, the products of such a mini-restaurant are cold snacks that do not require the use of complex kitchen appliances.

In addition, many seafood suppliers agree to provide and install equipment free of charge when concluding a long-term contract with them for the delivery of “seafood”.

Opening a bar does not require huge areas. It can successfully function in a room with a size of 50 m2, and if the products are provided "to take away", then even less.

Despite the low cost, the bar can have high profitability. Given that the cost of 1 roll is at the level of 3-10 rubles, you can’t buy it in any bar for less than 45 rubles.

And yet, such a type of business as a sushi bar is gaining momentum in our country. This is evidenced by the fact that even if Japanese restaurants are located on the same street, they, as a rule, always a large number of visitors.

How to open a small sushi bar

A small business selling Japanese cuisine can eventually become a good impetus for opening a restaurant chain. For such a business, you can rent small room, equipping it instead of tables with racks with standing places, hiring a minimum number of employees, as well as establishing sales finished products in supermarkets and take-away cafes.


  • Sushi cases - keep the presentation of the fish;
  • Refrigeration equipment - storage of ready meals;
  • Thermoses - for storing cooked rice;
  • Rice cookers - for cooking rice;
  • Cutting boards, knives.


Those who have already wondered how to open a sushi bar know that one of the components of a successful business in this area is qualified staff. You can’t learn how to cook real Japanese dishes from cookbooks or recipes from the Internet, you need a real professional for this.

Sushi bars today, according to experts, are one of the most profitable areas restaurant business, because the range of their dishes is quite wide, but they are simple and quick to prepare. Owners do not have to spend money on insanely expensive equipment. Even the area to start will need a very small one. Based on this, we can safely say that opening a sushi bar is a very profitable idea.

Features of business in the east

Before you open a sushi bar, you should still understand some of the intricacies and features of this business so as not to run into trouble already in the process. If you could open an ordinary restaurant or cafe with almost minimal preparation (you cook well yourself, you know approximately how to organize the process), then in the case of Japanese cuisine, it will not work so easily.

The key point in this business for you will be the staff: people working with cooking must have good experience, or they will have to constantly learn from professionals and hone their skills.

Despite the popularity of sushi, there are very few establishments that specialize only in this direction.

Suppliers are another major problem. They must be trusted and decent people, as the slightest loss in quality will turn into a disaster for you. Since almost all cooking products are imported, the price of sushi in your restaurant will depend on many factors: the pricing policy of the supplier, the current exchange rate, transportation costs, duty rates, etc. Note that these factors can change constantly. However, there is good news: the demand for sushi remains stably high, moreover, it even continues to grow.

Where to begin?

Before you open a sushi bar, make a business plan. Write down all the key points in order, calculate your expenses. This will help you in your work.

  1. Define the concept of your future establishment and choose a style. Try to stick to this direction in all further activities.
  2. Analyze the market that exists in your city: are there individual bars, how do they exist, what kind of clientele are received daily, what is in demand and what is in short supply, what are their advantages or visible disadvantages, etc.
  3. Check out everything Required documents and get permission to open.
  4. Prepare the selected room, make repairs or the necessary design in it, bring in equipment and furniture.
  5. Find employees.
  6. Purchase materials and products.
  7. Spend advertising campaign and open up.

In this business, there is a more beaten and easier path: to buy a franchise from one of the larger and more widespread chains. Then you do not have to develop your own concept, spend money on advertising, look for suppliers. However, stand-alone sushi bars can function perfectly and be very popular if they approach the matter with all responsibility: to provide high quality service, good food and carefully consider marketing campaigns.

Legal registration of activities

Before you open a sushi bar, decide everything legal aspects question, that is, the documentation should be in in perfect order. For an institution Catering where alcohol will be sold is needed (limited liability company). Having chosen the form of taxation (single tax - or - a simplified system) and paying the state duty, you can deal with obtaining permits.

  1. Register activity codes for OKVED, indicating the types of services that you will provide (the main type will be “activities of restaurants and cafes”, and additional ones you can choose “activities of bars” and “supply of products”, if you want).
  2. To sell alcohol or tobacco in a sushi bar, you will have to obtain the appropriate licenses for the sale of these goods.
  3. Rospotrebnadzor, sanitary and epidemiological service and Pozhnadzor will conduct inspections in the premises where you are going to settle down. It must meet all sanitary standards and requirements.
  4. All employees who will work for you must have valid medical books. They will need to undergo regular examinations and certifications. Also keep a sanitary log, where all checks and conduct will be recorded. necessary activities like disinfection, pest control, etc. (you may have to enter into contracts with individual companies for this).
  5. It will also require contracts for the removal of waste, organic waste, disposal of solid waste, provision of utilities.
  6. A separate item will be contracts with product suppliers.

The form of taxation depends on how large your hall will be and how many visitors you will serve (UTII is only suitable for a hall whose area does not exceed 150 sq. M.). If you want to open a sushi bar with delivery, you will have to use two systems and keep separate records.

Search and preparation of premises

Experts say that a very small area is enough for a sushi bar - from 30 sq. m. Of course, a full-fledged restaurant can be located on 100-300 square meters. m. On average, this will provide about 70 seats. In a small establishment, you can easily set up small tables or even standing food stands (for 20–25 seats).

Keep in mind that the room should have a guest room, and besides it, a kitchen, utility rooms, small warehouses, toilets, a bar, maybe an office. Pay attention to other factors:

  • to count on stable income, it is better to settle away from competitors. Of course, in big city or the capital, it is much easier to do this than in a small village, but still try;
  • before you open a sushi bar from scratch in a residential area, think about who will visit you there? Although there is a shortage of Japanese cuisine in these places, but whether there is a demand there - you will have to find out when analyzing the market. On the one hand, rent is much more expensive in the city center, but on the other hand, the traffic of people is much higher. At the same time, business centers are simply oversaturated various institutions, and if people have already chosen a place for themselves, then it will be very difficult to lure them away. Another controversial point may be the time of attendance - business people prefer dinners and business lunches, and the public in a residential area will come to you at any time of the day;
  • it’s good if there is a transport interchange nearby, in addition, a sushi bar can be located near the train station, campus, parks, cinemas, shopping and entertainment centers.

Think about how you can make your establishment stand out from the crowd. This is easy to do with an unusual or interesting interior, style or design concept that would unite the entire work of the sushi bar. Choose soft and soothing colors to make people feel comfortable and at ease. You can give preference to a purely oriental style, so that visitors will have the impression that they have been to Japan.

What equipment will be needed?

The East is famous for its conciseness, and this is manifested in everything. Even for the purchase of equipment for cooking, you do not have to spend a lot of money:

  • a rice cooker is a must if you want to get a real Japanese dish;
  • at least one stove (oven), if you plan to sell not only cold snacks (sushi and rolls), but also hot dishes (soups, fried hot rolls) or desserts;
  • refrigerators and freezers must be spacious and of high quality in order to store both finished and semi-finished products;
  • separate cutting boards for different varieties fish and seafood;
  • professional kits sharp knives;
  • roll wrapping machine;
  • themed utensils for serving dishes to customers and the necessary utensils / utensils in the kitchen;
  • if you are thinking about how to open a takeaway sushi bar, or want to include such a service in your establishment (perhaps distributing products to various outlets, supermarkets, etc.), then get special thermoses for storage and sushi cases (showcases with ready meals);
  • dishwasher equipment;
  • serving decor and other attributes.

As you can see, nothing special, especially since the suppliers of such products almost always provide regular customers with free use refrigeration units so that you store their branded products (fish, seafood, etc.) there. If you plan to deliver to your home, then you will need another car.

The hall can have large and small tables, chairs, sofas or pouffes, hangers (so as not to make a separate wardrobe). Take care of pleasant music or unobtrusive video, for which you can put audio equipment or hang a plasma.


The main dishes from the sushi bar menu are, as a rule, all kinds of sushi and rolls, which are presented in a variety of options: rice, shrimp, eel, salmon, caviar, nori, scallop, that is, any kind of fish, vegetables, seafood are combined together to create a new dish. To diversify the menu, include appetizers, Japanese salads, soups, noodles, rice with vegetables, and other traditional oriental dishes. Don't forget the vegetarian sushi too. Large companies like to order "sets", consisting of sets of sushi and rolls.

You can also pick up a good variety of desserts that are perfect for noble varieties. delicious tea(white, red, green, black, complemented by floral or fruity additives).


You can brag about the high quality of the dishes produced only if you have good products and skilled craftsmen. Take only professionals to the staff, because the reputation of the institution and the responsibility for people's health are above all. Usually, training or internships are provided for employees to obtain higher qualifications.

At least one chef must be eminent and experienced. He may have assistants or sushi people. In addition, waiters and administrators are needed. The number of staff depends on how big your establishment is.

The chef and administrator, in addition to their main duties, should also be involved in compiling or updating the menu, keeping an eye on new products, and regularly check (tasting) the products supplied, since the food in your establishment must be of impeccable quality.

Take a kitchen worker for cleaning, washing dishes, minor ancillary work, a bartender, a cleaning lady. You can do bookkeeping remotely. When expanding, it will be possible to think about a personnel and purchasing manager, about operators and couriers for delivery, etc.

Promotion and advertising

Stick to your chosen style. Design uniforms for all employees, such as kimono or any other appropriate theme. The advertising campaign should start even before the opening. If you had a business idea how to open a sushi bar in small town, then with advertising it will be easier for you. Involve all local media: newspapers, magazines, TV and radio advertisements. Posters in crowded places, a beautiful large signboard will not interfere either.

In the capital or large cities, you will have to fork out for advertising banners, light boards and big boards, good outdoor advertising. A prerequisite success is also the creation of your own website on the Internet. True, for high popularity it needs to be actively promoted. Advertising on social networks or on forums will also help.

To attract customers, come up with some interesting moments: small souvenirs for the first visitors, a good discount program, bonuses and discounts.


Experts estimate the profitability of this business at 60%. One of its main advantages is the possibility of a high mark-up for all dishes, because at the cost of products, a finished dish is on average 4–8 times more expensive than individual ingredients in the purchase.

Approximate costs

(prices are indicated in rubles)

But you can even cut your initial costs in half (from $1 million to $500,000) by renting a much smaller space and not buying as much equipment. This business pays off quickly enough: within a period of 8 months to two years maximum.

Starting with a small sushi bar, over time, you can expand your business and even create a whole network of such establishments. The main thing is to believe in yourself and your success.

You will learn what equipment you need to open your own sushi bar. In what format can such an institution be opened and how much money will be needed to start? And we are also on real example We will tell you how to avoid difficulties when starting a business.

Good afternoon, dear readers!

Look for current idea for a food service business? Open your own sushi bar! The implementation of this idea has many formats. Choose the most suitable and act!

This is Alexandra Kadyntseva, financial expert of HeatherBober magazine. From the article you will learn how to open your own sushi bar, how much it costs and how to act so as not to burn out.

1. Sushi bar as an idea for a business - all FOR and AGAINST

Sushi and other dishes of Japanese cuisine came to the taste of the Russian consumer. These restaurants are visited daily by thousands of customers, other users order rice and fish dishes at home or in the office.

Sushi bars open in different formats: market with delivery, restaurant, food court. The most promising option is different variations of fast food sushi with delicious dishes and fast service.

Pros of a business idea:

  • high profitability;
  • quick payback with competent marketing;
  • relatively low initial investment;
  • simple production technology;
  • no need to rent a large area;
  • sustainable demand for products.


  • high competition;
  • high rent;
  • the difficulty of selecting qualified chefs for Japanese cuisine;
  • seasonality - the peak of demand for products falls in autumn and winter periods, there is a slight decrease in the spring-summer period.

2. Opening methods

There are several ways to open a sushi bar - on your own, using personal or borrowed funds from start-up capital, or through a franchise, that is, by joining an existing restaurant chain that is interested in expanding and opening new branches.

Consider the features of both methods.

On one's own

You yourself determine the format of the institution, look for a place, conclude a lease agreement, hire staff, decorate the interior, and make advertising.

To get off to a successful start and achieve profitability as soon as possible, you need a good business plan, competitor analysis, finance for the purchase of equipment and the initial purchase of products. It is desirable to have experience in starting a business, know the production technology. Need a "safety cushion" - money for unforeseen start-up expenses.

For more information about self-organizing sushi delivery, see the video:


Franchise - your right to open an institution under the leadership of the owners of a chain of sushi bars or restaurants that has already established itself in the market. Such brands already have a recognizable name, a client audience. They are interested in expansion, staff training. By joining such a network, you will gain experience, specialist support and certain guarantees of success.

An example of a company providing franchising services in the restaurant industry is.

The brand is actively developing in the international and Russian markets, is well recognizable, has an effective management strategy. Joining the network is simple: choose the format of the institution that interests you, submit an application, sign an agreement and develop your business.

3. What are the formats of the sushi bar

According to restaurant market experts, the current task of catering establishments is to turn going to a restaurant not into a luxury, but into a necessity. This is what sushi bars do well. Several formats of such establishments are used all over the world, the purpose of which is to be always at hand so that the visitor can come in at any time, have a delicious meal, buy their favorite dishes on the road or order their home delivery.

So, in addition to the classic restaurant, street, food court, island, and sushi delivery formats appeared. Let's dwell on each of them in more detail.

Street with waiting area

This is a small room (up to 80 square meters) with two entrances, a contact desk for receiving orders, a waiting area and a kitchen. The institution is focused on a menu with affordable prices, a simple assortment, fast serving of dishes.

Fast service and delicious food - everything most visitors need

To start an institution of this format, you will need about 1.8 million rubles. The projected average monthly profit for the year is 209,300 rubles with successful management and good advertising.

Food-Court with kitchen factory

A food court with a kitchen is a comfortable small restaurant or a showcase with several tables on the territory of a shopping and entertainment center where visitors order sushi, rolls. Its area does not exceed 30-50 square meters. meters. The structure has several seats, a contact desk for orders, a kitchen.

Here you can have a snack or take your favorite treats with you.

To start the food court, you need an amount of 2.4 million rubles. According to forecasts, the average monthly net profit of the institution for the first year will be 146,000 rubles.

Restaurant with seating and showcases

This is a full-fledged family restaurant with an area of ​​​​80-120 square meters, located both in the shopping center and in separate room. The menu includes not only sushi, but also other dishes of Japanese cuisine, seafood.

Atmosphere of Japan delicious food attract visitors all year round

Restaurant accent - cozy atmosphere, high quality service, delicious original dishes. You will spend about 3.7 million rubles to start a business in this format. Expected profit for the first year 297,000 rubles. (monthly average).

Island with landing

This is a mini-zone with an area of ​​​​20-30 square meters. meters with a contact rack, a showcase and several seats, as well as a small kitchen.

The purpose of the island is a food market, that is, the sale of ready-made meals that customers can take away or can taste on the spot, sitting at a small counter. The island is located in the passage places of shopping centers.

Sushi island in the shopping center - an opportunity for visitors to refresh themselves without looking up from shopping and entertainment

The cost of opening the island will be approximately 1.5 million rubles. Expected profit: 290,000 rubles.

Home delivery

An institution with a small area (up to 50 square meters), a contact desk, a sofa or chairs for visitors waiting for orders, a kitchen area. Orientation - courier delivery of ready meals around the city by orders on the site.

With the most economical expenses at the start, you will spend 250,000 rubles on opening a “point”. With proper business management, such a project goes to zero within 3-4 months of work.

4. How to open a sushi bar from scratch - a detailed guide

Opening your own business is a multi-stage work, consisting of market analysis, planning, staff recruitment, menu preparation, supplier search, and advertising campaign.

Choose your sushi bar format and get started.

Step 1. We draw up a business plan

This is a step-by-step guide that shows everything related to launching a catering point: from the concept and justification for its choice, to the list of menu items and marketing strategy. The plan includes a calculation part with a description of starting and monthly expenses, the size of the announced net profit, the timing of reaching the break-even point.

Don't know how to write a business plan? There are many examples on the internet. ready plans for the restaurant industry. Choose the closest one to your concept and adapt it to your needs and goals.

Step 2. Registering your business

To register a case, issue an IP. OKVED for registration of a sushi bar 56.10 - the activities of restaurants and the provision of food delivery services. Suitable code 56.10.1, relating to the activities of all forms of restaurant business (cafeterias, bars, restaurants), 53.30, 55.4, 55.52, also regulating activities in the field of catering.

The best option for a taxation system for sushi delivery is the simplified taxation system or a simplified system. For the operation of the restaurant, UTII is used. If you intend to manage both the restaurant and delivery, use both systems.

In addition to documents for starting a business, you will need a license for the sale of alcohol (if you intend to sell it), permission from Rospotrebnadzor, the conclusion of the SES, the fire service.

Step 3. Choose a room

The choice of space is based on the format you use for your business. Food court, island and street are desirable to open in mall, in passing places visited.

It is advisable to locate the restaurant in that part of the city where the shopping malls are concentrated and there are a lot of people every day.

For sushi delivery, the geographical location of the establishment is not so important, since this form of business is connected in the operation of the site and the courier service.

The key factor in choosing a room for rent is its compliance with fire regulations, SES requirements, safety measures, cost rent.

After choosing a room, try to negotiate with the landlord to reduce the rent for the first 2-3 months.

Many landlords agree to a price reduction, subject to an upfront payment of the full monthly rent. When drawing up a lease, reflect all the conditions for cooperation so that you do not have to deal with an unexpected "change of mood" of the owner of the area.

Step 4. We buy equipment

I will give an example of the purchase of equipment for a small (50 sq. Meters) sushi delivery, since among all the formats, it needs the smallest start-up capital to open it:

Type of equipment Cost in rubles
1 Shelving for the kitchen, a contact stand, a sofa and a table for waiting for an order50 000
2 Fridge20 000
3 Freezer15 000
4 2 rice cookers12 000
5 kitchen scales3 000
6 Boxes, knives, dishes, small kitchen utensils15 000
7 Computer + base 1C, video surveillance30 000
Total: 145 000

Step 5. We select personnel

To open a small sushi delivery, you need a small staff: 2 cooks, 2 dispatchers, 2 couriers. The staff must have sanitary books and overalls. Look for chefs with experience who know how to cook several types of sushi.

Table of monthly staff costs:

Step 6. We make a menu and buy products

Ask your chefs to make all kinds of sushi and rolls they know how to make. Invite your friends or family members to choose the most delicious ones. The key to the success of any institution - delicious cuisine, so you must be sure of the quality and taste of the dishes. Gradually mastering the market and customer demand, you will add or remove some dishes from the list.

To organize an uninterrupted supply, look for 2-3 food suppliers. Constantly monitor prices and the range that they offer. Suppliers compete with each other. To win this competition, show them the prices of competitors, ask for discounts, check the quality of products.

Step 7. We launch advertising and wait for clients

Make your website where customers will look at the menu, work schedule, book tables or order food at home. The main thing in online advertising of a sushi bar is spectacular photos of dishes and competent promotion in Yandex and Google.

To do this, you will need SEO optimization of the site: in your region, it should be located on the first page of search results so that customers can easily find you.

Having gained an audience, offer customers bonuses, discount cards, “compliments” from the chef, closely monitor the quality of food and service.

Don't know what to name the bar and what logo to come up with? Trust it to professional designers. There are many freelancers among them who are ready to offer several options at a price that is quite affordable for a novice entrepreneur.

5. How much does it cost

To open a small point for the delivery of sushi and rolls to your home, you will need 250,000 rubles with all the starting costs. This amount includes payment of rent, the cost of equipment, the initial purchase of products, advertising, hiring staff.

For comparison, the cost of opening an island with franchise seats:

To the final amount, add 400,000 rubles of a lump-sum contribution.

Opening a franchise is more expensive, but this method guarantees you the success of the enterprise. Working on a franchise, you can easily overcome all the difficulties that await novice restaurateurs.

6. Possible difficulties when opening a sushi bar

As a restaurateur starting from scratch, you run the risk of:

  1. Weak advertising campaign that does not attract the desired number of customers.
  2. Ignorance of the market and competition.
  3. Difficulties with setting up a well-coordinated work of the bar.
  4. Frequent staff changes, difficulties in attracting qualified specialists.
  5. Poor quality of purchased products.
  6. Wrong menu design.
  7. Difficulties with correct design tax reporting documents.

7. How can they be solved

All these difficulties are solved by buying a franchise. If you do not want to risk your funds or are not completely sure that you will be able to spin up and stay afloat, join an existing project offering franchising services.

In this material:

Nowadays, Japanese cuisine is very popular. Young people and middle-aged people are not averse to eating exotic dishes. Entrepreneurs can take advantage of this and open a sushi bar. How quickly a business will pay off depends on many factors. To start receiving in a few months net profit, you need to draw up a business plan for a sushi bar, think through everything to the smallest detail. Here are some tips to help aspiring entrepreneurs.

Pros and cons of this business

Before deciding to open such a business, you need to analyze its advantages and disadvantages. Let's look at the positives first:

  1. Establishments that produce and sell sushi and rolls are not considered as a place where you can celebrate a wedding or an anniversary. This means that the entrepreneur does not have to look for a room with a large area and overpay for extra square meters.
  2. The business of selling Japanese cuisine is profitable, investments will quickly pay off, because most of the population of large cities love to eat sushi.
  3. When decorating the interior of a sushi bar, preference is given to a minimalist style, so repair costs will not be too high.
  4. The cost of the finished portion of rolls and sushi is 2-2.5 times higher than the cost of the products used.
  5. To open a sushi bar, an entrepreneur can limit himself to purchasing equipment for a cold shop, if he does not plan to include hot dishes in the establishment's menu.
  6. In order for the initial investment in this business to quickly pay off, it is enough to hire a talented chef who knows how to cook deliciously and set an acceptable price bar for products.

The business idea is attractive and interesting, but it also has several drawbacks. You need to familiarize yourself with them in advance so as not to make mistakes:

  1. Limited audience. The clients of such an institution are young people and girls with incomes above average. The age range of guests is 17-40 years old. Children don't like Japanese food, and elderly wealthy ladies and men prefer to spend their leisure time in restaurants or cafes.
  2. It will not be possible to reduce costs when purchasing products for making rolls. The main ingredient in Japanese cuisine is raw fish. It must be fresh.
  3. Sushi and rolls are exotic food. Its adherents are hard to find in small settlements. Opening a sushi bar in the countryside can lead to bankruptcy.

What does it take to open a sushi bar?

When compiling a business plan, you need to think through everything to the smallest detail. The main tasks to be solved are:

  • registration;
  • choice of premises;
  • purchase of equipment;
  • selection and hiring of personnel;
  • conducting an advertising campaign.

There are 2 paths that a novice entrepreneur can take. The first is to take advantage of a franchise, that is, to open an institution under an already existing promoted brand. In this case, it will be easier to start - the entrepreneur will be assisted in many matters, however, income will also have to be shared. The second option is to open an autonomous institution, relying only on your own strength and means.

Business registration

To register a business, you need to contact the tax office and register an individual business or LLC. The entrepreneur is registered and offered to decide on the taxation system. If the business premises are small, its area does not exceed 180 m2, it is possible to pay tax fees using a simplified scheme.

  • 55.30 (activity of cafes, restaurants);
  • 55.52 (delivery of catering products).

By selecting such codes, the entrepreneur will be able to deliver Japanese cuisine to customers at home.

Attention! If you plan to sell alcohol in a bar, then you will need an additional license allowing you to conduct such activities.

Registration of a business includes obtaining relevant certificates from:

  • Rospotrebnadzor;
  • sanitary and epidemiological stations;
  • fire protection.

Important! All employees of the institution must undergo a medical examination and receive sanitary books.

Location and choice of location

The profitability of a business directly depends on the successful location of the premises. Ideal would be a place with good traffic in the central quarters of the city. It is also important how convenient transport interchange is there. It should be easy for guests to get to the establishment.

An entrepreneur should consider options for renting premises with a small area - up to 100 m2. This will be enough to equip the production area, a cozy guest room with 5-10 tables, two toilets and an office. If you have a small budget, you should give preference to options with a low rent.

Attention! To reduce the cost of repairing the premises, you need to carefully inspect it for serious damage.

The costs associated with cosmetic repairs should not exceed 300,000-350,000 rubles even in a large city, since the interior is Japanese style quite restrained. For wall decoration, it is better to use calm shades of green, brown, gray.


Sushi bar equipment is a significant expense item, but you can’t save on it. Better buy new refrigerator to store fish and ready meals than to lose customers and ruin your reputation due to the provision of poor quality services.

What equipment will you need to open a sushi bar:

  • refrigerating chamber for industrial use;
  • rice cooker;
  • thermos for rice;
  • kitchen utensils - cutting boards, knives, spoons, silicone mats, bowls, food containers;
  • plate;
  • 2 sinks;
  • racks, showcases;
  • kitchen hood;
  • furniture for the production area;
  • tables and chairs for guests;
  • dishes in Japanese style;
  • microclimatic technology.

Reference. The cost of purchasing equipment, on average, will amount to 1 million rubles.


Considering that sushi bars usually work from 11 am until almost midnight, you will have to hire staff to work in shifts, for example, every other day. This schedule assumes:

  • 2 administrators;
  • 2 sushi chefs;
  • 2 cook assistants;
  • 4 waitresses;
  • 2 bartenders;
  • 2 telephone order takers;
  • 2 drivers to deliver rolls to customers' homes;
  • 2 cleaners.

The entrepreneur needs to decide in advance whether he himself will keep records of the expenses and profits of the establishment and manage the sushi bar, or will he also have to hire an accountant and a director.

Attention! In order for a sushi bar to earn the favor of customers, it is better to find an Asian chef and waiters.

Supplier search

For the manufacture of sushi and rolls, you will need high-quality raw materials - fresh fish, shrimp, caviar and other products. The task of the entrepreneur is to choose reliable suppliers. This can be both private fisheries and large companies selling fish and seafood. Both with those and with others it is possible to organize profitable cooperation. It is important to choose suppliers with a good reputation.

Advertising campaign

  • in social networks (this is where the main part of the audience aged 17-40 is concentrated);
  • in local media;
  • in leaflets;
  • signboards.

Attention! Creating your own website is something that cannot be neglected. Using this tool, an entrepreneur will be able to inform customers about various promotions, inform about new dishes, and master classes.

How much money will it take to open?

Starting any business requires start-up capital, and opening a sushi bar is no exception. Considering all the listed expenses - for registration, purchase of equipment, redecoration of the premises, hiring staff and an advertising campaign, an entrepreneur will need an impressive amount - from 1.5 to 2 million rubles. It is important to understand that the first few months the institution will pay for itself, while you will have to spend money on:

  • rental of premises;
  • wages;
  • communal payments;
  • taxes;
  • purchasing products from suppliers.

If an entrepreneur does not have enough money to open a sushi bar, it is worth thinking about supporting partners. However, in this case, part of the profit will have to be given to them.


The period during which the business will pay off directly depends on the popularity of the institution. The more customers you can attract and retain, the better. In this regard, much attention should be paid to the quality of sushi and rolls and the level of guest service. It is difficult to determine how long it will take to pay off the investment in opening a sushi bar, it depends on the competitiveness of the establishment, the location of the facility, and the solvency of the population in the area.

On average, a popular sushi bar is visited by 40-50 guests every day. Each of them leaves about 500-700 rubles at the box office, that is, for 1 day the institution receives 15-30 thousand rubles. Multiplying this amount by 30 days, we get approximately 450-900 thousand rubles. A significant part of the monthly revenue will be spent on staff salaries, rent, food purchases, taxes, as well as incidental expenses. In this scenario, the business will pay off in 1.5-2 years.

Opening a sushi bar is not so difficult if you have start-up capital, but even in this case, in order not to “burn out”, you need to think carefully. The payback period of a business depends on the number of satisfied visitors, so all efforts should be directed to the quality of customer service.

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Investments: Investments 1 200 000 - 3 000 000 ₽

The history of the SushiStore brand began in 2009, at the peak of the financial crisis. The crisis of 2008-2009 hit well-being significantly Russian citizens. In the country, in the field of catering, meanwhile, a pan-Asian trend was seriously brewing. This was due to the popularity of Pan-Asian cuisine all over the world, due to the low cost of its ingredients. It was during this period that Russia began to open everywhere ...

The brand "AvtosuShi" and "Avtopizza" is a federal network of cafes with delivery of sushi and pizza. Our slogan is: "WE LOVE FOOD!", so we cook from raw materials only of the highest category according to common standards. Our second principle is super-loyalty (love) to customers! And they pay us back! The first cafe appeared 9 years ago in Nizhny Novgorod, to be exact 22…

Investments: Investments 450,000 - 750,000 rubles.

The sushi box chain of sushi markets was founded in Chelyabinsk in 2014 on the basis of a large federal take-away network. The positioning of the sushi box company is a format of shopping malls, departments of our own network are located directly in the food court area, or entrance group complexes. This format distinguishes us from street retail, where you need to be selective about the place and make big…

Investments: Investments 800,000 - 1,700,000 rubles.

Sushi Mag chain of stores is a dynamically developing chain of sushi stores. The first store was opened in 2011, during which time we have opened 40 chain stores, including franchisee outlets. Network territory - St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk and Krasnoyarsk. The format of the Sushi Mag sushi shop makes it attractive for both schoolchildren and white-collar workers. We are one of the first to…

Investments: Investments 300,000 - 400,000 rubles.

The delivery service "Eat Sushi and Pizza" began its activity in 2012 in small room size 17 m2. By 2014, we had demonstrated a 25-fold increase in business value and a 40-fold increase in revenue. We started with the delivery of sushi and rolls, later we introduced pizza delivery. We have been constantly expanding: at the beginning we occupied a room of 17 m2. Now…

Investments: from 1,200,000 rubles.

Japanese cuisine is rapidly gaining popularity all over the world. People are more and more "addicted" to sushi, rolls and other oriental dishes. That is why this area looks very profitable and attracts a huge number of businessmen. Nevertheless, if there are a sufficient number of restaurants and cafes offering Japanese cuisine to customers, then the format in the form of a store in our country is developing significantly ...

Investments: 1,200,000 - 1,800,000 rubles.

Network for the production and delivery of sushi and Japanese cuisine Sushi Time. Description of the franchiseCooperating with us, you become our business partner and get the right to use a well-known brand, precisely verified technology, as well as access to a proven franchisor system for creating, opening and operating delivery points , cafe-restaurant, and fast food points according to our standards. We are focused on…

Investments: from 8,000,000 rubles.

TERRA Group of Companies is one of the largest restaurant holdings in Siberia, founded in 1999. TERRA Group manages several brands: from popular Japanese restaurants to classic coffee houses. AT this moment the company includes 47 own establishments that open their doors to guests every day in 6 cities Russian Federation: Novosibirsk, Omka, Krasnoyarsk, Kemerovo, Surgut, Samara.…


Investments: from 1,300,000 rubles.

The SUSHISHOP® chain of stores is one of the most dynamically developing companies in the fast food market. The first store was opened in St. Petersburg in March 2011. The high pace of development of the network made it possible to step far beyond the borders of St. Petersburg in a couple of years. On the this moment our stores successfully operate in Moscow, Samara, Nizhny Novgorod, Yekaterinburg and other major regional centers.…

Investments: Investments 2 500 000 - 5 000 000 ₽

The Pirate Pizza company was founded in 2007 and includes several catering concepts. For 12 years, Pirat Pizza has covered the southeastern part of the Moscow region, opening 18 delivery branches, including in the Food-court format and a cafe. Also in 2016, the company opened a restaurant of Uzbek cuisine Chaikhana Barashek in Lytkarino. In 2018…

Probably each of you at least once in your life was in a sushi bar. Various miso soups, rolls, rice and fish dishes - all this has already become so familiar to our people. Sushi bars reached their peak of popularity in the mid-2000s. It would seem that then they grew like mushrooms after the rain. Every week there were new restaurants of Japanese cuisine, "Japanese" cafes, all kinds of establishments that offered, in addition to traditional dishes, also exquisite Japanese culinary solutions.

But no matter how many sushi bars have appeared over the past ten years, the relevance of this type of business does not decrease. Market development dictates demand, and it is not just there, but is rapidly increasing. Of course, the client is no longer as “hungry” as ten years ago, and prefers to choose high-quality establishments that are distinguished not only by good cuisine, but also by excellent service.

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Of course, time dictates its own rules, and many single sushi bars were replaced by chain corporations, which began to grow rapidly in big cities and megacities. Now in the leading cities of our country, you can count more than a hundred different sushi bars and Japanese restaurants, the vast majority of which are large network companies operating for more than a year in this market. The question arises, how to open your own sushi bar and not get lost in the shadow of more eminent and large competitors? Believe me, not all the cream is collected by chains, and there are examples of single sushi bars that not only survived, but also compete well with eminent opponents. It's all about the quality of services, marketing moves, the good location of the institution, and several other factors that allow you to attract customers no less successfully.

The popularity of Japanese cuisine is so great that many restaurateurs specifically introduce a page with sushi, miso soups, and other Japanese dishes into their traditional menus. This once again confirms the fact that the idea of ​​opening a sushi bar is still relevant in our time, and if you correctly approach this issue, you can organize a fairly profitable and promising business.

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In this article, we will talk about how to open a sushi bar in our time. What you should pay attention to first of all, what steps to take, where to start, so as not to make mistakes and not lose the race to more eminent and well-known competitors. We will also try to draw up an understandable and clear business plan for a sushi bar that will help you decide on the initial investment and the prospects for this type of business.

Why is it so profitable to open a sushi bar?

We have already said above that sushi bars open with enviable regularity. Japanese cuisine is in demand among many people, but this is not the main factor that should push you to open your own sushi bar. It would seem that the market is already saturated with all kinds of offers, and the struggle for a client is becoming more and more difficult. So why is it profitable to open a sushi bar? What are the advantages of this type of institution?
Business profitability is the main feature that makes opening a sushi bar quite attractive. Firstly, most Japanese dishes are quite simple, and there are no culinary excesses in their preparation. If you look, these are cold appetizers, which sometimes include quite exotic and still unusual products for our person. It is this exoticism of products, and the necessary specific skills in preparing the same sushi, that make Japanese dishes unsuitable for home cooking. It is easier for a person to come to a sushi bar, order the rolls they like, and enjoy themselves in 10-15 minutes delicious sushi. And so I would have to do everything at home, and it’s not a fact that something would work out the first time.

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So it turns out that sushi bars offer ready-made meals at a fairly low price. Due to the "penny" cost, you can make good money. Look, a restaurant spends from 6 to 10 rubles to make a standard roll, and sells it from 30 or more. Wrap at least three times.

The main costs of opening a sushi bar

If you are going to draw up a business plan for a sushi bar, then you need to clearly understand how much you will have to invest in opening this type of business. The demand for Japanese cuisine is commensurate, perhaps, with the demand for Italian, especially pizza. Only investments in opening a sushi bar will be several times less than the costs of opening and promoting your own pizzeria. As we said earlier, Japanese cuisine is mostly cold appetizers that do not require special equipment. Therefore, you can significantly save by discarding the cost of purchasing equipment for preparing hot dishes. Of course, in the process of developing your sushi bar, you can expand your menu by adding various hot dishes to it, but at the initial stage, you can limit yourself to the standard set of Japanese cuisine.

Based on the calculation that your sushi bar will receive 20-30 guests at a time, then it will require the following accessories:

A rice cooker is an indispensable element of any Japanese institution. Rice is the foundation of everything. 95% of all dishes contain rice, and without a good rice cooker, it is not even worth starting a business. If you are counting on the fact that you will cook rice in pots, as our mothers and grandmothers did, then we can say right away - close this article and look for another business for yourself. A modern sushi bar is, first of all, product quality and excellent service. And this can only be achieved with the help of professional equipment and experienced workers.

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A sushi case should also be available. This is a special showcase where ready-made dishes will be presented. It has a peculiar structure, which allows cooked dishes to keep their freshness longer, not to weather, and not to lose a presentable appearance. Of course, you can do without this element of your sushi bar, but if funds allow, then buy a sushi case.

Sushi making machine. You can also roll sushi by hand, which is more authentic and correct, but the machine will greatly simplify and speed up the work.

Thermoses for storing rice. As you understand, rice is the main ingredient in many Japanese dishes, and it is prepared in advance. But boiled rice has one unpleasant feature - it quickly weathers, loses its appearance and taste. Therefore, you need to store rice in special thermoses.

Refrigeration equipment. Fish, seafood, various algae and blanks - everything is stored in refrigerators. Not a single food establishment, including a sushi bar, can do without refrigeration equipment.

Cooking utensils and serving utensils.

Special inventory

According to our calculations, based on average prices at the time of this writing, everything will cost you about $6,000.

By the way, you can save a lot on refrigeration equipment if you sign a contract with a major supplier of frozen foods. As a rule, if you agree to privileged use of the goods only trademark, then they can supply their refrigerators and provide the necessary equipment.

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Also, the costs should include the monthly rent of the premises, if you do not have your own, and the costs of repairs, interior arrangement of the institution. Everything here is purely individual, and depends on your preferences in design, and the cost of consumable building materials.

Additional aspects of opening a sushi bar

Sushi bars are also attractive because they do not require large areas. If you rent a room, then each square meter is extra costs. Therefore, you have to somehow save, optimize space, try to harmonize all free corners. Sushi bars differ from ordinary cafes and restaurants in that they do not require much space. To open good place for 50 people, you need a room of no more than 150 square meters. But if you wish, you can fit in a smaller quadrature. An institution for 30 people will be optimal (on average, this is 60 visitors per day), for which a room of no more than 100 square meters is suitable. Do not forget that your sushi bar should be located in places with a high concentration of people - shopping and business centers, on busy streets and squares. It makes no sense to open an institution where no one will see and find it. Everything can play in your favor: the proximity of the transport interchange, the number of enterprises and offices nearby, the lack of competitors.

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As we said earlier, a sushi bar should not be limited to a standard set of Japanese dishes. First of all, it is a unique flavor, an indescribable spirit, the highest service and quality of service. Here everything should be based on your vision of the business and the fantasy of its development. You can take traditional Japanese sushi bars as a basis, creating an appropriate interior and customer service rules, or you can rely on more modern trends, borrowing some chips and basics from foreign companies specializing in sushi bars and Japanese cuisine.

When opening a sushi bar, you need to decide on employees

The number of employees in your sushi bar depends on several factors. First, you need to analyze the number of potential customers in order to understand how many employees you will need in order to serve them as quickly and efficiently as possible. Secondly, decide on the menu and other services that you are going to provide. So that you don’t think of yourself there, but one thing you need to know for sure: the minimum number of sushi bar employees is 5 people. It's simple: one cook, 2-3 waiters, and a kitchen worker who will do all the unskilled work (cleaning, washing dishes, etc.) Of course, we also need a cashier and an accountant, but early stages you can take over this function. Further, in the process of developing your business, you will also have a purchasing manager, a personnel officer, a marketer, and a number of other employees. But this is all in the future, and you will have to start small.

If you want to diversify your menu, which will potentially increase the number of visitors, then you need to hire several chefs already. One will work with cold dishes, the other with hot ones. If you immediately want to rent a room of 150 square meters, counting on 50-60 visitors at the same time, then you need to provide the necessary number of waiters. As a rule, one waiter serves up to 5 tables without any problems, and this is about 10-15 people.

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If your business also includes food delivery, then immediately think about couriers and an order manager. Only at first glance, sushi delivery is simple and needs an addition to the main business. But this species activities will draw certain costs, among which are the salaries of individual employees.
If the budget is limited, but you still plan to open a sushi bar, then you will have to take on some of the responsibilities, or distribute them among existing employees. Just make sure that additional duties do not affect the quality of services provided in your sushi bar. If the combination will lead to the fact that both jobs will not be done well enough, it is better not to chase the savings and invite an incoming specialist.

Qualification of sushi bar workers

At a time when the territory former USSR the first sushi bars began to appear, the issue of qualified personnel was especially acute. If there were no problems with the waiters, and they could be found in a matter of days, then the search for a good and experienced chef becomes a whole epic. Many wanted to invite a real master from Japan who knows how to cook sushi according to original recipes. Over time, foreign specialists began to be successfully replaced by domestic craftsmen. At the moment, finding a good sushi chef in a big city is not difficult, which cannot be said about a professional hot kitchen worker.

If we talk about the salary of a sushi chef, then it varies depending on the skill level of the employee, and the region. On average, wages start at $650. Of course, professional chefs with a name earn ten times more, but they also work not in ordinary sushi bars, but in elite and presentable establishments.

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Profit and payback of a sushi bar

As we said before this business pretty cost effective. Even a small establishment can make a pretty good profit. The initial investment for opening a small sushi bar can range from $5,000 to $15,000. Of course, everything is very individual, and depends on your region, real estate prices, the level of salaries of qualified workers. If we take into account the fact that you can save on interior design, on equipment for a hot kitchen, on refrigerators, then you can open a sushi bar with minimal costs.
Payback also depends on many factors: the location of the sushi bar, prices, marketing moves and policies to attract new visitors. As a rule, a well-built business will pay off in less than two years, or even faster. There are real cases when investments in the amount of $ 50,000 paid off in a matter of months, and after six months the institution worked in a good plus. June 7, 2014 4:08 am