How to cool an apartment and a room with a fan. Rescue methods in the heat without air conditioning How to cool a small room

Summer heat in the absence of air conditioning can create considerable discomfort. To cool off and feel good without air conditioning, you can use various tricks using water, fans, light clothing, cool drinks and food, psychological tricks, and so on. You can also naturally cool the whole house, preventing heat from stagnating in it. With the right approach, you will successfully escape the heat while saving money on air conditioning.


Use of water for cooling

    Drink more water. The body will be cooler if its water balance is in order. Try to drink about 230 ml of water every hour. Adding mint leaves or orange, lemon or cucumber slices to your water will make it more refreshing. You may also find it easier to drink water if it has a slight flavor.

    Spray yourself with cool water. Fill a spray bottle with cool water and set it to a fine mist. For an immediate cooling effect, irrigate bare skin with a spray bottle.

    Chill a damp handkerchief in the freezer and apply it to your neck, forehead, arms, or legs. Applying a cold cloth to your skin will help you fight the heat. When the fabric is warm, simply rinse it and put it back in the freezer.

    • You can also apply an ice pack to the back of your head.
  1. Pour cold water over your wrists. Soak your wrists and other areas of the body with large blood vessels under the skin, such as the neck, inner crooks of the elbows and knees, in cold water for about 10 seconds. This will lower your body temperature slightly.

    Wet your head. Wet hair helps to cool the body, so try this step for an instant cool down. You can wet both the whole head and just the hairline. Evaporation of water will cool the head (however, it can make previously styled hair curl if it is naturally curly).

    • Put a water-soaked bandana on your head and walk around in it.
  2. Fill the tub with cool water and soak in it. Once you get used to the water temperature, turn the water off a bit and add more cold water. Keep doing this until you're cool enough. When you get out of the bath, your body will remain cool for a long time.

    • If you want, you can take a cool shower instead of a bath.
    • You can also put your feet in a bucket of cold water. The body mainly radiates heat from the hands, feet, face and ears, so cooling any of these places will effectively cool the whole body. Shallow children's pools are also good for cooling the feet of adults.
  3. Go for a swim. Visit the swimming pool, go to the river, lake or sea and unwind. Immersion in water will cool you down in an incredible way. When outdoors, be sure to use sunscreen to prevent sunburn, which can further heat up your body.

    Install a house fan. It will drive hot air towards the attic, where it will be blown out through the attic vents. To cool the house, open the door to the basement, make sure that all other internal doors between the basement and the room containing the fan are also open. Turn on the fan at night, while opening the windows of the lower floor, so that it can effectively cool the house. However, be sure to make sure the attic vents are working properly beforehand, otherwise the attic may not be able to handle the heat dissipation.

    • If you don't have attic vents, make them. You can’t even imagine how amazingly a cool attic affects the temperature of the whole house.

Fighting the heat

  1. Avoid peak heat hours. Try not to go outside between 10:00 and 15:00, when the sun's rays are at their strongest. This way you avoid sunburn. Try running or exercising outdoors in the early morning or late evening. The early mornings and evenings are usually cool enough for you to enjoy walking, running, hiking, biking, gardening or yard work.

    Wear summer clothes made from natural fabrics. Wear low-density natural fabrics (cotton, silk, linen) rather than polyester, synthetic viscose, and other synthetic fabrics (with the possible exception of specially designed breathable sports fabrics).

    • Choose light-colored clothes. Dark-colored clothing absorbs heat better from the sun and stays warm longer than light-colored or white clothing, which reflects light and heat better.
  2. Walk barefoot. Take off your shoes and socks, especially on days when the humidity is extremely high. Wearing boots with socks in these conditions will make your feet sweat, generally raising your body temperature. Try to walk barefoot as often as possible (if possible).

    Fill your freezer with frozen fruit treats. Use ice cream sticks (you can find them in the supermarket) or just grab a bag of frozen fruit wedges like watermelon, pineapple, or lemon. Refrigeration can be delicious!

  3. Take advantage of mint. Mint refreshes the skin and leaves a feeling of pleasant coolness. Smear on mint lotion (avoid your face and eyes), shower with mint soap, do a mint foot bath, or soak with other mint-infused powders. In addition, there are some delicious mint recipes that you can also try:

    • smoothies made from watermelon yogurt and mint;
    • Irish chocolate drink with cream and mint;
    • mint truffles.
    • During peak heat, the municipalities of some cities organize "cooling centers" with working air conditioners, which can be visited by anyone. If you don't have air conditioning in your home (especially if you're old or have a medical condition), call your city's help desk to find out if cooling centers are available.
    • If you have a garage at the base of your house under the living quarters, leave your warmed up car outside to cool it down before putting it in the garage.


    • Heat is often an essential companion of drought. If your area imposes water restrictions due to drought, be sure to check them out before using the water cooling tips mentioned in this article.
    • While drinking too much water is rarely a problem for healthy people, it can be dangerous for people with heart, liver, or kidney problems. If you have any of these serious conditions, be aware of how much water you drink, as your kidneys may not be able to properly process the excess water.
    • Babies, children, pregnant women and the elderly are more susceptible to overheating. Be sure to keep an eye on your family members, work colleagues and neighbors who are in this risk category.
    • If you notice symptoms of heatstroke or dehydration, call an ambulance or seek medical attention yourself to get qualified medical care. Body temperature above 40°C is life-threatening, but if it rises to 42.5°C, it will be fatal.

Cooling the air in the summer is one of the top priorities of a homeowner. How to use the energy that surrounds us for this purpose and make air conditioning practically free, this article will tell.

The importance of ventilation cannot be overestimated. We will not repeat what has been described many times and will focus on our own task - to cool and freshen the air in the house. Traditional ventilation systems can be quite expensive to install due to the cost of components and assemblies, as well as the cost of qualified installation work.

During operation, they consume a significant amount of electricity, especially for cooling the air mass, they emit a lot of heat and create noise. The system described in this article is easy to install, energy efficient, requires no special skills and is intuitive. It should be noted right away that due to its simplicity, it has limited functions, however, it provides for modernization at any site at any convenient time.

In our case, the term "recuperation" is a synonym for the word "heat exchange", therefore the concepts of "recuperator" and "heat exchanger" are interchangeable. At the physical level, the process consists in cooling / heating the air, changing its temperature due to the consumption of thermal energy, and then mixing. How and why this happens, we will consider further.

Stable energy source

Pursuing the goal of lowering the temperature in the room in the summer, it is reasonable to ask the question: “Where to give the energy of the heated atmospheric air? How to cool it down? Here the forces of nature come to our aid. The fact that at a certain depth the ground temperature is constant will be our main argument in justifying the energy efficiency of the system.

The soil is capable of endlessly exchanging energy - cooling and heating any carrier (air, water), but only up to its own temperature at a given depth, which remains constant due to the relative stability of the earth's core.

International practice

Of course, we are far from the first to decide to use the infinite and free energy of the Earth. In European countries, which are commonly called developed (Germany, Sweden, Belgium, etc.), this energy has been used since the beginning of the last century. The progress made in this area is impressive.

Systems for heat exchange of water below ground level are called "heat pumps". Such underground and underwater devices heat and cool the premises of the entire house. Standard projects have been developed for any building and it is possible to transfer a house from a traditional (gas, electric) air conditioning system to heat pumps. In a similar, but more primitive way, this energy is also used in our country, arranging underground food storage facilities (cellars).

What is a good natural heat exchanger

The operation of our heat exchanger is based on the same physical process as in heat pumps. Focusing on economy, we use this principle, bringing it to our own needs and local realities.

Tasks that an adapted autonomous recuperator can solve:

  1. Constant natural ventilation with closed doors and windows.
  2. Rapid replacement of indoor air with fresh air.
  3. Cooling the air in the room.
  4. Preparing the air mixture for the next steps.


  1. Absolute environmental friendliness. During the installation and operation of the basic system, no toxic materials are used and no heat emissions into the atmosphere occur.
  2. Safety. The recuperator does not use electric motors (power more than 100 W), chemical agents, high voltage.
  3. Simplicity and cheapness. For forced ventilation, only low-power 100 W fans are used. Ventilation takes place naturally.
  4. Oxygen is not burned during operation.
  5. Low noise level.


  • the basic system does not provide for filtration, humidity control, heating or other processing of the air mixture (but allows the possibility of installing the appropriate equipment later).

Simple and clear system

An autonomous heat exchanger for a country house is a system of ventilation ducts, partially laid underground, included in the supply and exhaust ventilation circuit. In order to create such an “air conditioner”, it is not necessary to understand the intricacies of physical phenomena. Just knowing that it works is enough. You can verify this by going down in the heat to any basement, well or subway.

The principle of operation is as follows:

  1. Atmospheric air passes through pipes laid in the ground with a constant temperature (usually from +4 to +10 °C).
  2. In the underground part, the cool soil absorbs the thermal energy of the heated air.
  3. The cooled air is delivered through the ventilation ducts to the premises of the house.
  4. At the same time, the exhaust fan removes the saturated and heated air mixture (“old air”) from the room.

According to the principle of construction, such systems are divided into two main types: pipe and bunker.

Pipe - consists entirely of pipes. The design can be varied depending on site conditions. Suitable in case of reconstruction of a house without a capacious basement, but a lot of earthwork will be required.

Bunker or stone - the heat exchanger is a bunker filled with large stones. It takes up less space than a pipe one (you can arrange it in the basement of a house). Requires a basement or underground space. The best option for new construction.

We create an internal system of ventilation ducts at home

In both cases, the ventilation ducts inside the house will be located approximately the same. Let's start with them.

The primitive supply and exhaust ventilation system consists of external and internal ventilation ducts connected into one network. Air sockets are located in the upper diagonally opposite corners of the rooms. In one - inflow, in the other - exhaust. In a one-story building, the main air ducts can be located in the attic. In a two-story building, the supply and exhaust air ducts of the first floor will run in boxes fitted into the interior decoration, the second floor - in the attic. The location of the main air ducts should be determined for each house individually, taking into account the layout (location of walls and partitions).

Advice. Premises where supply and exhaust ventilation is recommended: living room, bedroom, children's room, kitchen, dining room, offices, pantry, rest rooms, gym. In bathrooms and toilets - only exhaust. It is not needed at all in corridors, vestibules, halls and loggias.

Rules for calculating the system of internal ventilation ducts:

  1. Sewer pipe with a diameter of 250 mm for distributing inlet and combined outlet channels. Estimated consumption - two lengths of the house + height of the upper floor + 20%.
  2. Pipe sewer (gray) with a diameter of 150 mm. Estimated consumption - three times the length of the house + 20%. For a two-story house with equal floor area + 50%.
  3. Fasteners for the pipe (based on the material of the walls) at the rate of 1 pc. by 70 cm.
  4. Insulation (rolled mineral wool) - 1 roll.
  5. Foam, sealant, decorative grilles.
  6. Elbows, revisions, couplings (1 piece per 70 cm).

Attention! Do not use 90° elbows as this will obstruct the passage of air and create noise. Combine 45° elbows (following the sewer example).

If it is supposed to arrange a pipe heat exchanger in a one-story building, the supply channel will come out of the ground into a heat-insulated box outside the building and enter the attic. In a two-story one, it is better to bring it into the building at the bottom of the first floor and install an internal vertical (distributing) channel, which will then be brought into the attic space.

When installing a bunker option in the basement of a building, a vertical distribution channel will exit the bunker immediately into the room. It is also possible to mount it outside.

An example of calculating the consumption of materials for the installation of internal channels at home

Take as an example a one-story house with a calculated ventilated area of ​​​​60 m 2, which will have approximately 100 m 2 of total area and approximate dimensions of 8x12 m:

  1. Pipe 250 mm: 2 x 12 + 3 + 20% = 32 m.
  2. Pipe 150 mm: 3 x 12 + 20% = 43 m.
  3. Fasteners: 32 + 43 / 0.7 = 107 pcs.
  4. Elbows, revisions, couplings - take for 1 piece per 3 m: 32 + 43 / 3 = 55/3 = 20 pcs.
  5. Grids: 8 pcs. (2 for each room).
  6. Switches: 4 pcs.
  7. Foam, sealant.
Name Unit rev. Qty Price Total, rub.
Pipe 250 mm linear m 32 200 6400
Pipe 150 mm linear m 43 150 6450
Elbows, revisions, couplings PCS. 20 40 800
fasteners PCS. 100 30 3000
Lattices decor PCS. 4 100 400
Switches 2-cl. PCS. 4 120 500
insulation pack. 1 1000 1000
Foam, sealant, other 1000
total material 19550
Work 5000
Total material and work 24550

Tube heat exchanger

In order not to complicate the calculations with mathematical calculations, we will provide the data of the tests already carried out in an averaged form, or rather their results.

The basic principle that must be observed when creating a system of pipes is that there must be at least one pipe of an underground channel per room. This will facilitate the operation of the fans due to atmospheric pressure. Now it remains to place the required number of pipes in the underground part of the site. They can be laid individually or combined into a common channel (250 mm).

In this description, we propose to take into account not the maximum load, when all rooms are forcibly ventilated at the same time, but the average load, which will be applied during regular periodic ventilation of different rooms (as happens in real life). This means that there is no need to display a separate channel for each room. It is enough to bring 150 mm air ducts from each room to one common 250 mm duct. The number of common channels is taken from the calculation of one channel per 60 m 2.

We create a recovery field

Scheme of the device of the pipe heat exchanger: 1 - fan; 2 - channel in the trench ∅250 mm; 3 - rows of pipes ∅250 mm; 4 - recovery field.

First you need to choose the location of the pipes (recuperation field). The greater the length of the laid pipes, the more efficient the air cooling will be. It should be noted that after the work is completed, this area can be used for planting plants, landscaping or a playground. Never plant trees on the recovery field:

  1. We excavate the soil to a freezing depth of plus 0.4 m.
  2. We lay pipes of 250 mm in increments of at least 700 mm along the axis.
  3. We bring the air intakes to a height of 1 m. It is desirable that they be in a shaded, but well-ventilated place.
  4. With the help of knees and adapters, we combine them into a common channel of 250 mm, which is connected to the ventilation system of the house (see above).

Attention! In the underground part, use special ground sewer pipes with a thick wall. They do not need to be thermally insulated, but simply covered with soil, spilling water. Only concreting is allowed if necessary.

Calculation of the scope of work and material consumption:

  1. For the recuperation field we take a plot of 15x6 m with an area of ​​90 m 2.
  2. The volume of soil of the pit at a freezing depth of 0.8 m will be: V cat \u003d (0.8 + 0.4) x 60 \u003d 72 m 3.
  3. The volume of the trench 40 cm wide (10 m from the house): V tr \u003d 1.2 x 0.4 x 10 \u003d 4.8 m 3.
  4. The total volume of earthworks: V total \u003d V cat + V tr \u003d 72 + 4.8 \u003d 77 m 3.
  5. Sections of 15 m: N neg \u003d a / 0.7 \u003d 6 / 0.7 \u003d 9 pcs., where a is the field width.
  6. Total pipe length: L \u003d N neg x 15 + 10 \u003d 9 x 15 + 10 \u003d 145 linear meters m.
  7. We accept consumption of elbows, couplings, adapters 2 pcs. x 15 m = 30 pcs.

Advice. The deeper the heat exchanger is laid, the more efficient its operation will be. More than one tier is allowed.

Name Unit rev. Qty Price Total, rub.
Pipe sewerage 250 mm soil linear m 150 250 37500
Elbows, couplings, adapters PCS. 30 50 15000
excavation cube m 77 300 23000
backfilling cube m 70 150 10500
Pipe installation work 3000
total material 52500
Total work 36500
Total work and material 89000
The cost of 1 sq. m 89000 / 60 1500

Bunker heat exchanger

If the house has unoccupied basements, they can also be used to build a bunker (air or heat exchange tank) for a stone heat exchanger. Its action is based on the energy intensity of the stone - it gradually picks up the ambient temperature and balances the flow of passing air. In the absence of free space in the basement, the bunker can be arranged on a plot outside the house.

Scheme of the device of the bunker heat exchanger: 1 - fan; 2 - pipe Ø250 mm; 3 - protection; 4 - stone Ø200-450 mm; 5 - brick walls; 6 - cover

At a certain place, a pit is dug, approximately 2x3x3 m in size. From the exit point of the common channel of the ventilation system of the house to the pit of the future tank, a trench is made, a 250 mm pipe is laid into it to a depth of 140 cm, through which cooled air will be discharged from the bunker. Along the wall to which the trench approached, a vertical strobe is laid to the bottom under a pipe with a diameter of 250 mm. Then the bottom is laid out with bricks or concreted. The bottom of the air reservoir must be at least 1 meter deeper than the ground freezing level.

Attention! After the device of the bottom of the bunker, a 250 mm outlet pipe should be laid.

The beginning of the outlet pipe protrudes from the wall by 1/3 of the distance to the opposite wall and is lined with brick protection. A protective grid is installed on the inlet.

Filling the tank

It is better to lay out the walls from brick or cast from concrete (without slag!), since these materials conduct temperature better than others. The cinder block is not suitable because of its thermal insulation properties. The walls and bottom must be carefully waterproofed (roofing material) from the outside and plastered from the inside to prevent the penetration of organic matter or moisture. The height of the walls is up to ground level minus 20 cm. An inlet hole is arranged at the top of any wall and air intake pipes are installed. To facilitate the operation of fans, we recommend installing 3 pcs.

After the mortar hardens, the hopper must be filled with a large pebble stone. Size from 200 to 450 mm in diameter. The stone must be clean from organics, washed.

The tank is covered with a "lid" of a continuous boardwalk on wooden beams, covered with waterproofing materials. Sod is laid on top. Then the outlet pipe is connected to the ventilation system of the house (to the common ventilation duct) and backfilled.

Calculation of the scope of work and consumption of materials:

  1. With an air tank size of 2x3 m and a depth of 3 m, the volume of soil (earthworks and stone for filling) will be: V \u003d 2x3x3 \u003d 18 m 3 + V tr \u003d 22.8 m 3.
  2. Volume of brickwork: V treasure \u003d S walls + S bottom x 0.125 \u003d ((2x3) x 2 + (3x3) x 2 + 2x3) x 0.065 \u003d 36 x 0.065 \u003d 2.34 m 3.
  3. The total length of the pipe (10 m from the house): L = (10 + 3) + 10% = 15 m.
  4. Number of knees - 6 pcs.
Name Unit rev. Qty Price Total, rub.
Red solid brick cube m 2,3 7000 16000
Pipes 250 mm linear m 15 250 3750
knees PCS. 6 50 300
Stone cube m 18 1500 27000
Cement / sand / treasure. grid - - - 2000
Lid - - - 1000
excavation cube m 22,8 300 7000
tank masonry cube m 2,3 1000 2300
pipe laying linear m 15 100 1500
cover device PCS. 1 1000 1000
total material 50000
Total work 12000
Total material and work 62000
The cost of 1 sq. m 79550 / 60 1000

The cost of stone to fill the tank may vary depending on the region of construction.

As can be seen from the calculations, the final cost of air conditioning 1 m 2 for both options is different. The main factor of choice is the level of groundwater occurrence. If it is high, less than 3 m, then it will not work to build a bunker heat exchanger. The pipe is suitable even with a 1.5 meter UGV.

Installing fans

The system presented here provides for the synchronous operation of two duct fans - supply and exhaust - installed in each air outlet of the room. This makes it possible to quickly deliver cool fresh air into the room and remove heated air. For effective ventilation, the fan power of 100 W each is sufficient. When choosing a fan, pay attention to the noise level during its operation.

Approximate cost of operation

If you ventilate each room three times during the day for 20 minutes, then we get 1 hour of operation of 8 fans of 0.1 kW each. This is less than 1 kWh per day. Per month - 30 kW. At a price of 5 rubles / kW, this will be 150 rubles / month.

The service life of recuperators and ventilation ducts at home is limited by the service life of the material. For underground elements - from 50 years, for internal - unlimited.

The system does not require maintenance (except for fans - once every 5 years).


The described scheme can become the basis of a more complex air conditioning system. It can gradually include additional elements - filters, heating and cooling coils, more powerful fans, automatic control units and others. The air mixture prepared underground has a stable temperature not only in summer but also in winter, so it can also be used for heating.

Vitaly Dolbinov,

26 28 723 0

We are all looking forward to hot summer days, but when the thermometers show more than 35 degrees, you already dream of coolness. Of course, the best option would be to purchase an air conditioner. But what if there is no way to do this, and it’s hard to breathe in the house from the heat? Do not despair, there are many different ways to cool the room without the help of an air conditioning system.

It would seem that it is simple, but ventilation must be done wisely.

To open windows, doors, in order to “let in” fresh air into the apartment, you need from 4 to 7 in the morning. If it’s hard to call you a “lark”, then leave your windows open all night.

It would be nice to ventilate wardrobes, dressers with clothes at this time, opening them, then in the morning you can put on cool clothes.

Hiding the house from the sun

But when the sun is already hosting in the sky, then you need to carefully close not only windows and doors, but also curtains (especially if the windows face south). White thick linen curtains perfectly reflect the sunlight.

Air humidification

High temperatures quickly destroy moisture, and it becomes more difficult to breathe into the room.

  1. Therefore, you need to either purchase special moisturizing sprays in the store, or make them yourself: pour plain water into a spray bottle, moistening the air with it every hour.
  2. You can also wet the curtains, which, when dried, will give up their moisture.
  3. In addition, it is worth placing vessels with water in each room, adding refreshing aromatic oils to them: lavender, mint or citrus.

But you don’t need to overdo it with moisturizing, so that later you don’t.


It is definitely a source of cold. In it, you can not only cool many bottles of water, freeze ice, but also take care of your dreams. How? You can cool bed linen in it. In the morning, put it neatly in a bag and put it in the refrigerator. Make the bed in the evening, but go to bed in it only after 20-30 minutes. After all, if you immediately lie down on such a “frozen” sheet, you can catch a cold.

And to breathe easier at night, you need to put bottles of cold water on a chair at the head of the bed.

Many are surprised, but the foil perfectly copes with the heat in the apartment. You can stick it on window glass, as well as walls. This will be especially necessary in those rooms whose windows face south or southwest. The material reflects heat very well. This method of cooling is very effective, the interior elements do not heat up, which means that the air does not heat up.

Window tinting will help keep out the sun. Through the darkened film, you can see everything that happens on the street (although not in the usual colors), but the bright light will not enter the room.

When choosing a tinted film, you should stop at green or blue.

If you do not want to buy foil or seal windows with a blackout film, then you should install blinds.

When the blinds are closed, they block out 90% of the sun's rays.

With the help of them, you will not only be able to cool the apartment, but make the interior more fashionable and modern.

But, like curtains, they need to be carefully taken care of.

Good results in hot weather are obtained by frequent wet cleaning. By wiping furniture, window sills, doors and especially the floor with a damp cloth, you can easily lower the air temperature in the room by several degrees.

Also, the fight against dust, and the increase in humidity will make it easier to breathe.

wet sheet

A wet sheet can be hung on a door or window. The main thing to remember is that the larger the sheet, the faster the heat transfer occurs. Some take cover with a wet sheet at night.

It is preferable to use fans with automatic change of air flow direction. After all, there is a high probability of catching a cold. For cooling, you can use both desktop and floor or ceiling fans.

Cold water

If you open the door to the bathroom, where water flows in the shower are noisy or the bathtub is filled with cold water, it will become cooler in the whole apartment.

Plain ice will help to make the temperature in the room cooler. It should be thrown into any wide container. Soon the ice will begin to melt, giving off cold, will cool the air.

When the sun fries mercilessly, the apartment turns into a real Sahara. Need to refrigerate immediately. Moreover, both himself and the living space - and even not far from a heat stroke. What if there is no air conditioning? (And in general - I'm tired of catching a cold because of this monster). Eureka, we will lower the temperature with improvised means. Internet forums assure that this is quite real.

Method One: Bathe!

Folk wisdom advises in the heat to wash all surfaces and metal objects in the room (for example, doorknobs and batteries) with cold water. And the colder the water, the better the effect. You should not wipe dry either - let the moisture evaporate, they say, so the air in the room will cool faster.

It seems that the home thermometer is also tired of the heat and hangs with a sour face: +32! It's okay, I'll wash you now.

I collect cold water from the tap into a bucket ... It can be called cold with great interference - it's hot outside, and the water, after all, is from the river. I walk with a rag on the floor and window sills. Sweat rolls in a hail, flooding the face, but it does not become fresh. Yes, and the thermometer will not let you lie: the temperature seems to have begun to decrease, but literally after a couple of minutes it returned to its original positions. And I didn’t even have time to enjoy the coolness, I didn’t even have time to gasp.

Outcome: does not work.

Method two: Attention, curtain!

The advice at the next forum says: thick white curtains on the window, or even better - a reflective mirror film, will save the room from direct sunlight, responsible for overheating the air. It is best to close the window in order to stop the supply of heat from the street.

I measure the air temperature right behind the glass - +35.5. Finnish sauna, and only. I tighten the window opening with white plastic blinds, sit down on the windowsill and hypnotize the thermometer.

After 10 minutes of humble waiting, patience is rewarded: an almost comfortable temperature is set on the windowsill - +30 degrees. Believe me, in a one-room brazier with southern windows, this is almost a victory.

If your apartment has been roasting in the sun all day, it will cool down slowly - the thermal conductivity of the air is low. It is best to cool the dwelling with the coolness of the night, and turn it into a darkened cave and close the windows with the sunrise.

Outcome: the room became colder by 5.5 degrees. Excellent result!

Method Three: Wet T-shirt Contest

Folk methods assure that an increase in humidity in the apartment will help to cope with the heat - place containers with water everywhere, wet clothes and hang wet towels.

I start from a temperature of +32. I put out a bucket of cold water in the hall, hang a wet sheet on the dryer. The idea of ​​having a wet T-shirt in the apartment does not stand up to scrutiny: rivulets flow down the back, merging on the floor with rivers laden with sheets. It crunches underfoot.


After 10 minutes, the thermometer is not happy: it stubbornly shows +29. That is, the room became cooler by only 3 degrees.

Method four: Sea breeze

Arrange the ice cubes in a container with a wide mouth, add table salt and place the bowl in front of the fan. Ice molds will not work: the more ice cubes, the colder. They promised that in 10 minutes I would run for a jacket.

The problem of ice harvesting is easily solved: I freeze a one and a half liter plastic bottle of water, then I split the block with a kitchen hatchet. I mix the ice cubes with table salt (you can find it in every home). Ice hisses and crackles, microgeysers explode on its surface, spraying icy water molecules in all directions. The directional air flow from the fan blows me a fresh breeze. Bliss! No matter how I failed the experiment, I almost forgot about the measurements from pleasure!

Of course, I don’t run for a jacket, but in 10 minutes the temperature in the room drops from 35.5 to 26! True, it all ends pretty quickly: after an hour, only a bowl of salty broth remains from the ice. But the result is still impressive.

Outcome: as much as 10 degrees have been reclaimed from the heat. Victory!

Method five: Cold accumulators

These are plastic containers filled with a special solution. They are the size of a pencil case. Sold in stores, one piece will cost around 400 rubles. Frozen, they are used to preserve perishable products - ice cream will not turn into porridge on the way from the store to the house.

I managed to get hold of as many as 15 such batteries. But it seems that this is not enough - they did not think to cool the air.

Outcome: does not work.

Dry air and high temperature reduce the efficiency, mood and well-being of a person. Such a microclimate is especially dangerous for people with weakened immune systems and the elderly. Climate equipment can solve this problem, but not everyone can afford it because of the high cost. However, you can cool a room without air conditioning with the help of affordable means. They will give a temporary effect, but they can make life much easier during a period of unbearable heat.

We ventilate the rooms

In the summer it is useless to air the room after 9 a.m.

During the heat, it is highly recommended not to open all windows wide open, especially if the air temperature outside exceeds +30 ºС. Even if there is no cooling equipment in the house, the microclimatic conditions in it are much more comfortable than outside. If windows are opened during the summer heat, the room will heat up to the same temperature as on the street, and the person’s well-being will worsen.

The same applies to windows that are located on the shady side. It will not work to make the air in the house cooler due to the fact that all windows are closed on the sunny side and open in the shade, because in any case there will be an exchange of air masses, and it does not matter which side they entered the dwelling from.

You need to ventilate the apartment at night or early in the morning. The coolest time of the day is from 4 am to 7 pm.

Removing direct sunlight

The vast majority of the heat enters the room due to direct sunlight. To create a favorable microclimate, it is recommended to curtain all windows or lower the blinds. The denser the material of the curtains, the slower the apartment heats up. Of course, darkness spoils the mood, it is more pleasant to enjoy the bright sunlight, but in this case you have to make a choice between comfort and personal preferences.

If the curtains on the windows are transparent and thin, you can use a special reflective film or foil. They are glued to the windows so that direct light does not enter the room. Foil can also be glued to walls - it will reflect heat and keep cool for a long time.

You can cope with ultraviolet radiation with the help of light filters.

An alternative to air conditioning in an apartment is energy-efficient windows with a polarized coating. They keep warm in winter and cool in summer. This option is suitable for those who are going to do major repairs or change window structures.

We regulate humidity

Air washing scheme

Air humidity is a significant factor affecting the microclimate in the house. Hot dry air causes dizziness, nausea and fever, so it is wise to install a humidifier in the room. It will not completely replace the air conditioner, but it will help to significantly improve well-being. It can also be used in the autumn-winter period, since working batteries and other heating elements dry the air. A household humidifier must be purchased if there are children in the house.

Allergy sufferers and asthmatics benefit from moist air, as dust particles are nailed to the floor. This will help to avoid exacerbation of the disease. Another device suitable for this purpose is an air washer. It performs the following functions:

  • humidifies the room;
  • cleans from dust, all kinds of viruses and fungi;
  • ionizes the air;
  • fills the room with any chosen aroma.

When buying a humidifier or cleaning device, it is also necessary to regularly do wet cleaning, wash floors and take care of furniture.

Humidification and cooling of a house without an air conditioner is possible with the help of improvised means.

Hang a large sheet in a door or window opening, and lower the ends into a container of water. It will gradually get wet and evaporate, giving the room coolness. However, this method is only suitable for the shady side of the apartment. Otherwise, under the influence of direct sunlight, the sheet will dry very quickly. Humidity will be very high and the microclimate will feel like the tropics. As a result, breathing may be difficult. Excessive sweating will evaporate very slowly due to high humidity.

Cooling the room in the heat without air conditioning will help ordinary cold water. Arrange the containers around the room, fill the bath or just turn on the ice water. Cool air from the bathroom will be distributed throughout the apartment. Additionally, you can put ice cubes in the bowls and change them as needed. Such methods at the same time help to humidify the air.

Before going to bed, leave a bowl of cold water and napkins near the bed. If it gets too hot, wet your face, neck, and ears to make it easier to breathe.

A refrigerator can help you cope with the sweltering heat before bed. At the beginning of the day, put sheets, pillowcases, duvet covers in it. Make your bed in the evening. You should not immediately lie down on ice sheets, otherwise you can catch a cold.

Optimizing fan performance

In the summer, many people try to cool the air with a fan. Use it to keep your home cool and comfortable. This feeling is created due to the constant movement of air masses. During this process, the sweat glands, which are located in the human skin, secrete sweat. Due to ventilation, it evaporates and the person feels cool.

A fan cannot become an alternative to an air conditioner, but if you put it near your workplace or bed, then it will be much easier to endure a hot period. It is rational to place this device near a window or door. This method is relevant for those whose house is located on the sunny side: hot air will move from the apartment to the street.

From the fan, you can create a homemade cooler. Fill plastic bottles or other containers with water and place in the freezer for several hours. When the water freezes, place the bottles in front of the fan so that the air flow is directed precisely at them. After 10-15 minutes, the room will cool significantly. As the ice melts, the bottles should be changed.

Turn off household appliances

To feel comfortable at home, it is necessary to turn off all appliances that generate heat, if possible. Otherwise, even without this, a hot room will heat up additionally. Disconnect batteries and heated towel rails. They can be powered by electricity or hot water.

Each thermal or heating device generates up to 400 W of heat. This is enough to heat a small bathroom, so it is best to refuse them during the heat.

Electrical appliances also emit heat, albeit in a fairly small amount. Incandescent lamps are recommended to be replaced with energy-saving ones. Just 5 ordinary lamps can generate as much heat as one small radiator. Incandescent bulbs are uncomfortable in the heat and consume a lot of electricity, so replacing them is a great solution.

Hot air circulates much faster in a home than cold air. Close the door to the kitchen when cooking for a long time. If possible, during a period of abnormally high temperature, do not use the stove or kettle, cook food in the microwave.

To make it easier to endure the heat, it is recommended to remove everything unnecessary from the house: carpets, warm textiles, everything that traps heat. It is much more pleasant and comfortable to walk on linoleum or parquet in the summer.

Drink plenty of fluids. It is important to bear in mind that ice water gives a deceptive effect. It is much easier to endure the heat by drinking hot tea, as it raises the body temperature and provokes sweating.

Avoid hot and heavy meals. Give preference to salads, okroshka, dairy products, fruits and vegetables.

During the peak of the heat, try to move less so as not to generate heat with your body. Wear light, loose clothing made from natural fabrics. Relief will bring a cool cloth wrapped around the head, wet wristbands.