Own well or central water supply. Well or central water supply. Well or well

In places with well-developed infrastructure, as a rule, there is central water supply to which you can connect. But at the same time, there are often concerns about the quality of the water that such a pipeline provides. And this question justified, since the existing water supply systems are generally quite old, with a high degree of wear, and therefore the quality of water inevitably suffers and frequent shutdowns of water supply due to repair work are likely. But, nevertheless, the central water supply system greatly simplifies and reduces the cost of water supply to the site.

Alternative to central water supply - autonomous water supply. Despite the fact that this method of water supply requires quite serious initial financial investments, it is preferred by most owners of private houses or cottages.

A properly organized autonomous water supply system is characterized by excellent water quality and complete autonomy from central systems.

Features of the central water supply

The central water supply guarantees maximum convenience and no need to independently organize the water supply of the site and the house. One of the most serious obstacles to organizing a central water supply is the initial absence of one at the location of the site. If the infrastructure of the place is well developed, then to connect to the central water supply, you need to issue the necessary permits and call in specialists who will tie into the central water supply.

At the same time, central water supply has a number of rather significant drawbacks:

  • the use of a central water supply system involves the payment of a monthly fee for use, and given the regular increase in prices for water supply, it is worth initially preparing for a constant increase in the cost of water supply to the site;
  • when connecting to the central water supply, it is necessary to take into account possible interruptions in the water supply due to regular preventive maintenance;
  • only the recently organized central water supply is characterized by the use of modern equipment, but in places with an old central water supply, equipment wear is quite large, which leads to frequent breakdowns and shutdowns of the water supply;
  • for the same reason, the quality of water from the central water supply is rather poor and often requires the use of additional system filtration for possible use as drinking water.

What should you pay attention to when choosing a central water supply?

If there is a central water supply, you can choose it to supply water to the site or to a private house. In this case, you should pay attention to several rather significant points:

  • when connected to a new high-quality central water supply system, there are practically no problems, except for organizing a sewerage system, but it is possible that it can also be solved by connecting to centralized system discharge and treatment of wastewater;
  • if the house is used exclusively in the warm season, then care should be taken to turn off and completely drain the water supply to avoid freezing and possible rupture of pipes;
  • if the plumbing is old and not designed for a large number of consumers, there may be insufficient water pressure, which may cause malfunctions household appliances(dishwasher and washing machines and water heaters) - in this case, you will have to install a special pump to create more water pressure;
  • typical for old plumbing low quality water, because normal operation household appliances, as well as the possibility of using water for food, filters for water purification are mounted in the water supply system.

The procedure for connecting to the central water supply

After deciding to connect to the central water supply, you need to perform certain actions:

  • initially you need to get a special site plan, which indicates all available underground utilities;
  • in local branch water utility, after providing title documents, you need to obtain technical conditions for connecting to the central water supply;
  • the licensed organization develops design estimates;
  • after registration of documentation in the SES, the work is coordinated with organizations whose communications are available at the specified site;
  • licensed organizations after that, work can be carried out to bring the central water supply to the site.

The last step is the registration of devices in the water utility and the conclusion of a contract for the supply of water.

It is worth paying special attention to the fact that carrying out many stages requires contacting specialized licensed organizations, a list of which can be obtained from the water utility department, as well as numerous approvals.

Independent work on the diversion of water supply to the site is unacceptable.

Autonomous water supply

Despite the significant convenience that the central water supply provides, even in places where there is a central water supply, autonomous water supply is often chosen to supply a site or a private house with water.

Autonomous water supply implies complete independence from the centralized water supply and the possibility of independent control and regulation of water quality in the water supply. The main disadvantages of the system include the need for significant financial investments in the organization of such water supply. Although the cash costs are one-time and can be shared, for example, with the owner of a neighboring site, who also wants to organize an autonomous water supply.

One of the key stages in the organization of an autonomous water supply system is the drilling of a well or a well and their arrangement.

Since the autonomous water management system may differ depending on specific conditions and the preferences of the owner of the site, then initially it is worth consulting with specialists, which option will be optimal:

  1. Most economical option organizations autonomous water supply- wells. Compared to drilling a well, they have a lower cost. But you should choose them only in case of a relatively small need for water, shallow waters and the presence of favorable conditions, while you should be prepared for the fact that the water in the well can be of very dubious quality.
  2. The old, but hardly applicable to modern reality, method of supplying water through a well has been replaced by a more efficient method of water supply - drilling a well for water.
  3. Up to thirty-five meters, filter wells can be drilled, which take about two days to drill, but they quickly become silted up.
  4. The most optimal way of autonomous water supply is drilling artesian well, which is drilled to a depth of twenty to two hundred meters, depending on individual conditions, they take about five days to drill, but they are more durable, with a minimum service life of fifty years.

Water from the well, due to the change in the environmental situation and numerous communications, this moment often ceased to meet safety requirements, so many forgot about the well and began to use the most in modern ways organization of autonomous water supply of a site or a private house.

A filter well as an alternative to a central water supply is relatively inexpensive, but not durable either. One of the features is the rather rapid siltation of the well. These wells are usually drilled to a depth of two to ten meters, in the case of a shallow groundwater table and the presence of sand. But, as a rule, at such a depth there is rarely drinking water in quality, therefore the main purpose of filter wells is technical. In the final version, the filter well is constructed from a casing pipe, with strainer at the end. The peculiarity of a filter well is that its lifespan directly depends on the frequency of use: the more often a well is used, the longer its service life. The productivity of such a well is about a cubic meter of water per hour.

Not wanting to use the central water supply to organize water supply on the site or in a private house, you can drill an artesian well, which, despite its high cost, fully justifies the cost of it.

An artesian well is drilled up to two hundred meters deep, depending on individual features finding underground groundwater. Water from such a well can be used for any household needs and used as drinking water. Unlike a filter well, an artesian well has a significantly higher productivity, it can reach one hundred cubic meters per hour.

Such wells are not subject to silting, and their service life is at least fifty years. To organize an artesian well, special metal pipes are used. large diameter, the thickness of the walls of which should be at least five millimeters.

The system for arranging autonomous water supply on the site or in a private house

To organize an autonomous water supply on the site, you can resort to the services of professionals who will issue the necessary permits, carry out the necessary survey work and carry out direct installation of the structure. In this case, the optimal time for drilling a well will be winter. Since drilling a well involves the use of specialized equipment, then in winter time it will be less traumatic for green spaces and especially for the master's beds. In addition, winter is not the season for companies involved in drilling and well construction, and therefore it is possible to carry out work with significant savings in terms of money.

To organize water supply, you must initially decide on the place of drilling of the well itself. The platform for organizing the camera, in which the automation and the head of the well are located, occupies at least four square meters, but it is optimal to place it as close as possible to the house in order to save:

  • you can choose a cheaper version of the pump, since a small length of pipes does not require such pressure as when it is increased, because in the latter case, the pump must not only lift water from the well, but also push it through the water supply system;
  • materials are significantly saved: not only the pipes themselves, but also backfill, insulation, etc .;
  • reduce the cost of digging a trench.

If the need for water is seasonal, then the well can be equipped with a cap, which is designed to seal the well, protect it from the ingress of melt and rain water, mechanical impurities and facilitates the process of attaching the pump.

If the need for water is not limited to any period and is not seasonal, then a well is drilled with a caisson. With this drilling option, the well head is below the level of soil freezing, otherwise damage to expensive equipment cannot be avoided during the winter cold. The caisson also helps to protect the head of the well from the penetration of groundwater and possible sewage drains located nearby.

There are several nuances when developing an autonomous water supply scheme:

  • in the development process, it is necessary to provide for possible changes in the water supply system in the future, in which case an increase in the length of the pipes or the number of consumers will not affect the specified fluctuations in water pressure in the pipes;
  • to prevent damage to equipment from lightning strikes, grounding and lightning protection must be carefully carried out.

Installing and using additional containers will help protect yourself from possible interruptions in water supply and save money by storing it at night.


Well and well: differences in device and varieties

Individual water supply systems are more difficult to install because they require the organization of a direct source of water.

This is solved in two ways:

  • using a well (usual depth 10-15 m.);
  • using a well (depth of 10-15 m or more).


The well has been used for many centuries as a source of water, which is located on the nearest permanent aquifer from the surface. Its shape is round, and its diameter is from 0.5 meters. Rectangular wells are rare. The well passes through the water layer and deepens into a solid layer, which is 0.5-2 m lower than it. handheld devices or electric pumps. Water gradually flows down from various horizons and accumulating in a well is stored there in certain quantities. If you pump out all the water from the well, then a new one will arrive only after a certain time.


Wells can be sand or artesian. A sand well can have a diameter of 3.6 - 5 cm or more. It is less deep than artesian and its filter is installed in a sandy aquifer. At the same time, the depth of the wells can reach 20-50 meters. The diameter of an artesian well is from 12 cm, and the depth is 50-100 meters or more. When using a well, the pump constantly draws water from the wellbore, and new water, passing through the filter, under pressure, continuously, again enters the wellbore. The system works in such a way that water intake always compensates for the influx of new water. Therefore, the water from the well never runs out, compared to the well.

Now that you know the fundamental differences between a well and a well, we will compare these two sources of water supply in order to understand in which case one or another source will be better.

Choosing a place for a water source

The well must be located at a distance of at least 30 meters from sources of dirt (dung heaps, toilets, garbage pits, baths). In the case of installing a well, the distance can be reduced to 15 meters. It is not recommended to build a well on the slope of a ravine or on the bank of a river, since in this case dirty groundwater will become the main source.

Whichever water extraction system is chosen, provision should be made for the passage and placement of the contractor's machinery and equipment, as well as space for materials on site. In the case of wells, another area is needed for the disposal of excavated soil. If a house has not yet been built on the site, you can cut a well right in the building area. This will significantly reduce the cost of pipelines and caisson, but may become a problem during well workover.

Choosing a location for a well can be more difficult than choosing a location for a well. When arranging the well will be involved big square than when drilling a well. Especially when you consider the fact that drilling can be carried out by mobile drilling rigs, which do not require a large area to operate.

Water quality

The result of technogenic pollution was the ingress of untreated groundwater into sources at relatively shallow depths. A feature of deeper aquifers is additional protection water, clay layers. True, even in this case, the water content may contain impurities of iron and salt.

Wells, as water intake structures, are designed to collect water from the upper aquifer. And the wells are designed to take water from the underlying horizons, which ensures best quality and more water. The purity of water depends on the aquifer in which a well is dug or a well is drilled. In terms of water quality, it is difficult to say that better well or a well, because there is no absolutely pure water either in wells or in wells.

Thus, comparing the quality of water in a well or well, the following can be noted:

1. In the wells behind recent times the quality of water has significantly decreased, due to an increase in the amount of industrial and domestic waste;

2. In wells, water quality is better due to greater depth, but iron, manganese and hydrogen sulfide may be present in it.

Amount of water

If we consider the performance of wells and wells, we can determine the following. Good performance the flow rate of wells is from 3 to 5 m³ per day. That is, in 24 hours from 3000 to 5000 liters can be pumped out of the well. But, in many cases, indicators maximum number arrivals of fresh water in wells can be from 1 to 2 m³ per day. In such cases, people are faced with a lack of water, they have to save money, resort to the use of hydroaccumulators, rainwater tanks, drip irrigation systems.

The wells are marked by a more stable flow rate, the indicators of which are:

  • from 1 to 3 m³/h at a depth of up to 50 m;
  • from 5 to 6 m³/h at a depth of 50 to 100 meters.

This means that a well in an hour is capable of producing as much water as a well in a day. True, it should be remembered that high costs require more powerful sewage.

For an approximate calculation of the amount required water on a specific object, all consumable data should be added up. According to SNiP, the amount of water consumed by a person per day is 200 liters. Therefore, the indicated number must be multiplied by the number of residents with a small reserve, designed for guests or in case of the appearance of small children.

Water consumption standards:

To water one cubic meter land on the lawn or in the garden will need from 3 to 6 liters per day. This difference is due to soil moisture, climatic conditions and the moisture requirement of individual plants. Maintenance costs should also include car washing and other household needs. Huge volumes of water are required in the presence of a pool. Thus, taking into account household and personal needs, the total water consumption per day for a family of four can be from 2 to 4 m 3 and even more.

If a large water consumption is planned, then the well will obviously not be enough for a full-fledged water supply, in view of its small debit. The well is great as an emergency backup or when the water flow is low. Thus, determining what is better a well or a well on suburban area or for the home, you should rely on the above factors.

The complexity of the construction work

The main difference between a well and a well lies in the way they are arranged. The well is drilled using specialized equipment. On the this moment There are both large and mobile drilling rigs. Therefore, if you do not have room to maneuver, then it will not hurt to drill a well. Many well drilling operations are mechanized.

To service the well, a technological pit is equipped above its trunk. It can be built of brick or monolithic concrete, has a roof and hatch. Often the pump itself is installed in the pit.

The well is dug by hand. For this, special workers are hired, who dig a hole, approximately two to three meters deep, after which two or three rings are lowered there. After that, the earth digs under them, as a result of which they sink deeper. This happens until the workers reach the required depth.

The well occupies the leading position in terms of the speed of work being carried out. In one day, workers can dig a maximum of three rings in the well. If the soil is dense enough, their number can be reduced to two or even one. That is, a well of 10 meters will be dug for at least 5 days. A 10-meter well can be drilled in two hours.

Autonomy of water supply

The operation of the well and well is characterized by autonomy. Water from the well can be extracted manually (using a bucket and a special mechanism) or automatically (by installing a pump in the well and running communication pipes to the house).

In the case of a well for manual extraction of water, it is necessary to purchase a special mechanical installation. But as a rule, at present, wells are equipped only with electric pumps.

In the event of a power outage, it will not be possible to draw water from the well, but it can be drawn from the well at any time.

Source durability

The duration of the presence of water in a well or well depends on the aquifer from which water is taken. The durability of sources is unforeseen. It is possible that a well will be dug in a neighboring area, falling into the same aquifer, reducing the amount of water in your well or well. Thus, based on this criterion, it is difficult to determine what is better a well or a well for a house.

According to statistics, wells dry up more often than wells run out of water. The latter are singular. Most quickly, the well ceases to function as a result of silting or wear of its filter. Wells require maintenance much more often than wells.

Arrangement cost

The price for arranging a well and a well is not the same. Digging a well is the least expensive option. The cost of work is determined by the depth of the mine, which can range from 3 to 40 meters. The price includes work, delivery and installation of reinforced concrete rings. Additional costs will be spent on communications - a pump, pipes, etc.

The price for well construction is determined by the geographical location of the site, the terms of reference for water supply and the diameter of the well pipe.

If the depth of the aquifer is small (10 - 15 meters), then drilling a sandy well of small diameter can be cheaper than a well. But most often drilling a well is a more costly option.

Laying communications

To equip automatic system water supply to the house, a water main and a pump should be installed. This process is almost identical for a well and a well. The water main consists of an electric wire, a pipe or corrugation, a heater, a pipeline and a heating cable. In the case of a well, the length of the pipeline can be several times longer.

The borehole pump is the central water supply unit in country house. By rationally approaching the choice of a pump for a well, you will ensure its long-term service and comfortable operation. Submersible or surface pumps. To choose the right type of pump, you need to know about the water level in the well and its seasonal changes.

  • operational reliability, quality and wear resistance;
  • high engine efficiency and energy efficiency;
  • the presence of various protective systems;
  • the presence of smooth descents;
  • small equipment options.

In some cases, installing a pump for a well and supplying communications is more challenging task which is best left to a specialist. Installing a pump in a well simple task, even an amateur master can perform it.

In which case is it better to equip a well, and in which well

A well should be built only if there are no aquifers on your site for the construction of a well or they are in very hard-to-reach places. The purchase of land in a non-built-up area should be treated very carefully and responsibly. Sad cases are known when people bought a plot in an area where clean water was at a depth of 100-150 m or it was not found at all. If you purchase such a site, you should ask the seller for the conclusion of geological studies, or get advice from drilling organizations that have information about the characteristics of the soil. If residential areas are located in the neighborhood, then the most reliable information can be obtained from their owners.

Ask them:

  • about the source of water;
  • about the amount of water that is used every day and the purpose of its use;
  • about organizations that made a well or well for neighbors;
  • whether the owners of neighboring plots handed over water for analysis;
  • whether they are satisfied with the chosen water supply system.

Thus, the installation of a well will be justified only when the extraction of water from the depths is impossible, due to the characteristics of the land of a particular region. The well is able to collect water from various horizons on which its pipes are lowered and store it in certain quantities. This water will be of poor quality, but it will be. Then you can clean it using various cleaning installations.

If in your area neighbors use wells, then it is worth stopping at this particular type of water supply. Drilling a well is more justified and reliable option water supply systems.

Apart from autonomous systems water supply, there is also a centralized system that is connected using utilities after a relatively small earthworks, approval of the ability to provide the site and the house with the required water pressure and connection to the nearest source on the street. It should be remembered that it is possible to connect to the centralized water supply only if there is a sewerage system and the permission of the water utility. If it is possible to connect to a centralized water supply system, then it is best to choose this particular method. Most often this will be best solution, even compared to a well.


Compare the differences between a well and a central water supply:

Type of water supply Individual well Central water supply
Well type Well "on the sand" Artesian well
Well depth 6 to 30 meters From 100 meters
Water quality For technical needs (watering, etc.), it is suitable for drinking only after multi-level water purification. Suitable for drinking; for use in washing dishwashers, does not harm mixers.
drilling cost From 1500 rubles per meter of sand drilling, the cost of the pump, the arrangement of the well, the cost of filters Included in the cost of communications when buying a plot in a cottage village
Fire safety Water pressure from one shallow well is not enough to extinguish a fire The village has a fire hydrant system.
Filtration equipment Periodic replacement of filters and pumps is necessary, if necessary. Based on the analysis of the water, a water treatment station is selected, the maintenance of the water treatment station and filters is included in the water tariff or is included in the cost of services of the management company of the village.
Life time From 1 year to 5 years About 50 years
Well maintainability Irregular use leads to silting of the well, so it is necessary to periodically clean the installation. The occurrence of water in limestone rocks, which are essentially a natural filter, avoids silting and repair work.
Sanitary protection zone The small size of the site does not allow providing the necessary sanitary zone around the well, pollution from groundwater and neighboring sewage pits can get in. Around an artesian well, a zone of sanitary protection from pollution is necessarily provided

Anatoly Zakharov, Development Director of VodaSet, clarifies:

"The best option for water supply country house in the village without a central water supply, there will be drilling on the site individual well"to the sand". Then you need to install filters deep cleaning water, as the upper aquifers are subject to pollution by sewage and surface water.

In settlements with central water supply, purified water is run into the house from the central system, and for irrigation and other technical needs, a shallow well is drilled on the site.

The cost of arranging your own well includes:

  • The average cost of drilling is from 1500 rubles / meter (for sand) and 2500 rubles / meter for stone;
  • Pump from 2 thousand rubles; good pump— from 6 thousand rubles;
  • Arrangement of a well and the introduction of water into the house - from 10 thousand to 100 thousand rubles
  • Water purification system from 10 to 80 thousand rubles.

Cheap equipment (pump + well equipment) breaks down very quickly, it is more suitable for summer cottages and weekends, and if you plan to use the well all year round, then the equipment should be professional.”


Sources: what are they?

The first step is to determine at what level the usable water is. There are 3 main types of underground sources.

  1. Verkhovodka is the layer closest to the surface of the earth, located at a depth of no more than 4 meters. Filling occurs as precipitation falls, it is especially rich during the period of snow melting and floods of rivers. The obvious disadvantage of this layer is its pollution - the thickness of the earth is not sufficient to purify water, therefore it is not suitable for drinking, but it is quite suitable for irrigation. Because the well in the country may be of small depth, this is enough for economic use.
  2. Groundwater - the middle layer, located at a depth below 10 meters. Due to the thick layer of earth, precipitation and river water undergo a sufficient degree of purification. Such water can be used for food and household purposes.
  3. The artesian spring is located between layers of impermeable rocks below 40 meters and is under pressure. When drilling wells, water rises above the level of the layers containing it, it is the cleanest and most suitable for use.

Depending on the availability of a particular source on the site, as well as based on needs, they choose which is better - a well or a well.

mine well

Most old way production of water for the economy. This is an ordinary classic well, it has the simplest design and provides access to the upper and groundwater. It is advisable to arrange it to a depth of 15 meters.

How to make a well with your own hands?

It is necessary to adhere to the following procedure:

  1. Mechanically or manually dig a recess to the desired level.
  2. The walls of the well are arranged with special concrete rings. The seams at their joints must be carefully sealed so that foreign objects and living creatures that live in the upper layers of the soil do not penetrate into the water.
  3. The bottom of the well is covered with gravel of various fractions up to 30 cm thick - it will filter the water coming from below from large impurities.
  4. The last stage is the installation of a canopy that protects water from external pollution. It can be a simple lid or a design with a door.

The undoubted plus that such a well has is the price. This is the cheapest facility that can provide water for a subsidiary farm. The cost of concrete rings depends on their size and amounts to 1500-5000 rubles. The price of work on raising the soil and installing walls also depends on the size of the shaft and the complexity of the process, on average 1800-3000 rubles per ring. If you decide to do the installation yourself, then you only need to spend money on concrete elements, which is very profitable.

In the presence of electrical source From such a well, water can be pumped using a pump. Otherwise, mining is done only with the help of a bucket manually.

Abyssinian well

It is a driving pipe up to 15 meters long with a diameter of 1 inch. A filter is installed on the tip, and a pump is installed in the ground part. At its core, this is a well for water, only very compact. Allows installation anywhere - on the site or indoors. Limitation - solid soils. The advantages include tightness: when accessing groundwater, the ingress of polluting top water is excluded. By cons - the inability to use constantly due to the threat of silting (cleaning is required).

The depth of the well should be at least 12 meters - it is from this level that the pump is able to raise water.

The Abyssinian well can be a source of water supply for a house: it supplies relatively clean water, suitable for drinking and household use.

Features of the device of simple structures

Any well in the country can be installed all year round, even in winter. Upper layer the soil freezes shallowly, it can be warmed up by making a fire. In the spring, during the period of snowmelt and floods, excavation and installation can only be carried out if you know the level of the source in other periods. There is a risk of making a mistake with the depth due to the saturated water filling. Level fluctuations are within 1-2 meters. Optimal time developments - autumn and winter.

Where to install and how to make a well? Please use common sense when deciding this issue. Water layers are located evenly in the depths of the soil, strong drops are practically not encountered, therefore the location is determined by convenience.

If the year turned out to be dry and the water receded, you can always increase the depth by adding a concrete ring of a smaller diameter and height.


Wells should be cleaned regularly or as they become dirty. If you notice a change in the smell, color of the water, then it's time to clean the source.

First of all, find the reason from the possible:

  • water from the upper dirtier layers got into the well;
  • for some reason, cracks appeared in the walls or there was a depressurization of the seams and pollutants penetrated through them;
  • accumulation of debris and dust on the surface of the water due to the unprotected top of the mine;
  • rare use of the well.

Preventive cleaning of wells should be carried out after the winter period, when the snow has melted. This will reduce the likelihood of re-contamination by melt and flood waters. Cleaning can be carried out both independently and using the services of specialists.

well for water

A modern way of extracting water to meet the needs of the home and economy. It is a pipe deeply buried to the lower layers with installed filters and a pump.

There are 2 types of wells:

  1. On sand (up to 30 meters, less often - up to 80 meters).
  2. On limestone (artesian, below 30 meters).

The advantages of both options include:

  • high quality of produced water;
  • a large stock that can satisfy all household needs.

Main disadvantages:

  • in comparison with wells, they have a higher cost of the device;
  • if the lifting pump fails, it is impossible to manually get water.

filter well

This has access to the lower layers of groundwater, cleaner water. Well drilling is carried out up to sand layers, providing filtration at the production level. Usually the depth reaches 30 meters, except in some areas - up to 80 meters.

The well is a submerged pipe with a diameter of up to 133 mm. It is advisable to entrust the deepening to professionals, then the installation will last a long time - up to 30 years.

The cost of drilling a well for sand is an average of 2000-3000 rubles per meter, taking into account the material.

Pros of using:

  • fast device in 1 day using oversized equipment;
  • does not require permission for installation, licensing;
  • medium power pumps can be used;
  • contains the optimal level of iron and other impurities that are not harmful to health.


  • the threat of silting requires periodic cleaning;
  • if there are similar installations in neighboring areas - a decrease in the amount of produced water and pressure, respectively;
  • in winter, a decrease in water is possible due to the lack of replenishment of the source.

Artesian well

Provides the most clean water from the deepest sources. Well pipes have a diameter of up to 324 mm. Deepening is carried out using special equipment to a depth of up to 240 m (depending on the geological conditions of the area), reaching impermeable limestone layers, due to which high-quality water purification and protection occurs. Accordingly, the cost of a well device is high, so it is often arranged for several houses or yards.


  • there is no sludge pollution, respectively, cleaning is not required;
  • high productivity (up to 5000 cubic meters per hour);
  • service life - over 50 years with proper installation;
  • the amount of water does not depend on the season and the number of connected farms;
  • the possibility of surface contamination is completely excluded.


  • the main one is the high cost of the source device (depending on the depth, pipe diameter, complexity of insertion: from 2000 to 3500 rubles / meter);
  • a permit is required for the development of a well (bureaucratic processes may take several months) with further payment of a tax for the use of the resource;
  • the risk of high mineralization of water, which will require additional treatment.

Well device features

In order for the water extraction plant to serve for a long time and reliably, you need to responsibly approach its installation and the choice of material.

For the device of the well, seamless steel pipes are used. It is better not to use galvanized ones - over time they will pollute the water with particles and compounds harmful to the body.

The ideal option is to install plastic pipes inside steel ones. They are not subject to corrosion and other changes during operation. A “multi-layer” water well will last longer without the need for repair, it is easier to clean, the quality of the water supplied from it is higher. But its device will cost much more (3000-6000 rubles / meter).

Water quality control

At home, it is almost impossible to determine the composition of the liquid. Especially if we are dealing with a recently installed source.

Water intake is recommended to be done 3-4 weeks after the installation of a well or well. Then it acquires a permanent stable composition. Based on the results of the analysis, one can choose best way purification, which will ensure safe consumption for various needs. These can be special installations for well shafts or filters for local use.

Making a choice

Which is better - a well or a well - the question is not entirely correct. They are used for different purposes and the extraction of water from different layers of the earth. If you need a source for irrigation, it is optimal to install a shallow shaft well on the site. The price of his device is the most affordable, you can dig it out on your own, then the savings will be maximum.

Drilling wells will cost more, but the quality of the water produced by them is much higher. They can be used to supply water to the whole house through a system of pipes and taps. It is important here that a reliable pump and cleaning plant be installed if necessary.

An Abyssinian well can also provide a house with water, but in small volumes, since the pump power is relatively small, and the system's water production will not give much pressure.

Which is better - a well or a well, depends on the geological conditions, financial capabilities and needs of a particular farm.

If it is possible to connect a country house to a centralized water supply network, many will say that you need to choose this particular way to provide yourself drinking water. To support their opinion, they will give arguments such as:

  • , as the only worthy alternative to centralized water supply, is relatively high;
  • there may be problems associated with the direct performance of work on the construction of a water intake structure on the site;
  • high costs for the purchase and installation of filters.

In general, the amount of capital investment for drilling a well, the purchase of pumping and filtering equipment, and later the cost of servicing the source of water intake in this case are cited as the main factors in favor of centralized water supply.

Meanwhile, everything is not as simple as it seems at first glance: I received permission from Vodokanal, laid a pipeline, installed water meters and use the water supply system, as in a city apartment. It is worth understanding in more detail and identifying all the negative aspects of providing water to a country house through centralized water supply. But first about the pros.

All the benefits of centralized water supply

  • Vodokanal is responsible for the water supply of the house: it checks the chemical and bacteriological composition of the water, carries out all water treatment measures, maintains and repairs the main networks, and maintains the necessary water pressure.
  • The second indisputable plus is independence from power supply. Even in the event of a power outage in the house, water will flow to the faucets regularly.

On this, perhaps, everything, although it is quite a lot. As for the initial capital investments, here the inhabitants are often mistaken, believing that the cost of connecting to a centralized water supply system is cheaper than the price of drilling a well.

The nuances of connecting a private house to centralized water supply networks.

Consider the main actions of the owner, who decided on a contract for the supply of water with Vodokanal. First you need to get permission to tie into the backbone network. Then wait for the issuance specifications for connection and, on their basis, order the development of design and estimate documentation. Conclude an agreement with a licensed organization to perform work on laying a pipeline from the main pipe to the site. Lay pipes and install meters.

All stages are carried out taking into account the requirements of Russian legislation, namely, the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 416 “On Water Supply and Sanitation” and related amendments and decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation.

And now more about capital investments. You need to know that the estimated daily water consumption affects the estimated cost of connecting to the network. According to the tariffs of Vodokanal, established in 2015 by the Tariff Committee of St. Petersburg, 17,330 rubles will be required for 1 m 3 / hour. And the water consumption in a country house is quite large: in addition to the kitchen, bath, toilet, water is needed in the bathhouse, on the street for watering lawns, greenhouses and garden plants. But this ridiculous amount only emphasizes the global nature of further expenses.

Gasket cost 1 running meter pipes with a diameter of 20 cm from the main network to the house is 12,490 rubles. It is easy to calculate that if the main pipe is located only 50 meters from the site, the laying of water supply networks from the connection point to the connection point of the water supply networks to the central cold water supply system will cost 625 thousand rubles. Let's reduce the size of the pipe by half. The amount will decrease slightly and amount to 563 thousand rubles.

And that's not all the cons.

Disadvantages of using centralized water supply networks

In addition to capital investments, centralized water supply will require a monthly payment for the use of water, and tariffs, as you know, are growing. The complete dependence on the water supplier is also embarrassing: for the period of planned or emergency repairs, the house may be left without water. The supplier will also not be able to guarantee the high quality of water due to wear and tear. main pipeline. Representatives of Vodokanal themselves admit this.

So, perhaps, the installation of an additional water purification system cannot be avoided. And with insufficient water pressure, which also sins the central water supply, you will have to buy and install additional pump equipment. And now we can draw conclusions regarding the choice of the source of water supply for a country house. Probably, the alleged problems with drilling and well construction are no longer problems in the direct sense of the word.

"Well or centralized water supply", BC "POISK", tell friends: February 16th, 2016

The garden and garden need watering, and the water utility requires owners to garden plots registration of special "irrigation" contracts at unpleasant rates. Why pay for irrigation with drinking water, if you can saturate the garden with moisture from your own technical well for free.

Irrigation with tap water

Having a central water supply on the site, gardeners spend drinking water for irrigation and pay considerable sums for irrigating horticultural plantings. How much money is spent on this? Let's count.

The average monthly required water consumption for square meter garden area (area according to the cadastre), according to official housing and communal services standards, is 0.276 cubic meters of water with central water supply. Those. 276 m 3 of water is spent on watering a garden of 10 acres, the cost of which the owner will pay for 4 months (May-August) annually.

Considering the tariff price of Ufavodokanal cold water in 2018, for May-June, garden irrigation of 10 acres will cost 13,121.04 rubles, and for July-August - 13,800 rubles. Thus, watering horticultural vegetation with drinking water, the owner of a plot of 10 acres will spend 26,921.04 rubles this year.

Year by year, water prices are rising, so next year it will be even more expensive to water the garden with drinking water. Moreover, water for domestic needs in the IZHS section will also be taken into account by the water utility and paid for in separate amounts.

The calculation performed was made for billing according to water supply standards without a water meter (meter) - it usually comes out a little more expensive with it. However, it may turn out cheaper if spring-summer is rainy.

Watering from a well

The gardener pays for watering bills from the water supply, although he can easily reduce them by contacting us for drilling a well. Well cost technical water, by and large, will be determined only by the cost of filtration - the removal of iron and suspensions. You can’t drink such water, but you can water plant plantings with it as much as you like.

The depth of the technical well is less than 35 m (usually 10-25 m). Its hourly debit rarely exceeds 2 m 3 of water, but this is enough for irrigation and domestic needs (bathroom, washing dishes, etc.).

Our drilling rates will allow gardeners to get a stable source of irrigation water from a 20 meter well for 30,000 rubles. Is it expensive? With a similar amount, the owner of a garden plot of 10 acres annually pays for four months of watering from the water supply. Moreover, the well will provide water to the garden for at least a dozen years.

Industrial water filtration

Sometimes, water from a technical well requires water treatment before irrigation. However, drinking water is not needed for irrigation; it is enough to reduce the concentration of ferrous iron in its volume.

A simple way to bring iron into a trivalent sedimentary state is water aeration. Saturation needed well water atmospheric air, for which spray nozzles and an aquarium compressor are used. If better water purification is required, the aeration unit is supplemented with a filter element with a backfill of birm material. This sorbent mechanically traps aqueous iron and does not require frequent replacement, only regeneration by backwash clean water (not chlorinated).

Drinking water supply, irrigation well

By combining two water sources in a private household - a central water supply and a technical well - its owner achieves best conditions water savings. At the same time, independence from external water supply communications is achieved, known for the inconstancy of pressure and periodic breakdowns due to wear. If the site has technical well- there will always be water for irrigation.

In settlements with developed infrastructure, residents have the opportunity to connect to the central water supply. It would seem a simple solution, but far from the most optimal.

The quality of water in a centralized system often leaves much to be desired: it is dangerous to drink, washing machines and dishwashers fail because of it.

Communications are mostly old, so there is a risk of accidents, and therefore interruptions in water supply. In the districts of the Tula region, the condition of water pipelines is often deplorable: equipment breaks down, pipes freeze through, water supply is sometimes turned off for several months.

Own well gives the owner of the house complete freedom and independence from utilities, pipe condition, season, air temperature and other factors. This is your personal autonomous water supply that will provide you with clean artesian water without interruption - all year round and 24 hours a day. And for water from the well you do not need to pay for the meter.

Well or well?

In the absence of a central water supply, the owner of the house has two options - a well or a well. And here you need to understand that wells are dug to a depth of about 20 m, and the water layer can lie at a depth of 50-70 m.

Therefore, by ordering a well, you will spend money, but you may not get water.

Secondly, the quality of well water is reduced due to melt and rainwater. Thirdly, in winter there is less water in the well, and in a dry summer it may end altogether.

An artesian well has high performance(there will be enough water even with high consumption) and is not subject to silting.

The wellbore is reinforced with a casing metal pipe, which protects the walls from shedding, from dirt and ground moisture getting into the wellbore. Inside - plastic pipe: she doesn'trots, does not rust, does not collapse under the influence of water.

It is completely hermetic, so it excludes the ingress of groundwater, melt water and other contaminants. It will not freeze in any frost, as the water is taken from a great depth.

Is there water everywhere?

Everywhere. A well can be drilled in any area with guaranteed access to the aquifer. It does not require a lot of space: 1 sq. meters, with the possibility of access roads for equipment.

A well will require financial investments only once, and in the next 50 years it will faithfully supply you with water.

Moreover, water of excellent quality: analyzes of water from wells confirm its drinking characteristics. You can safely drink it, it does not form scale on household appliances. Such water does not require an additional purification system, although it can be installed if desired.

To drill a well, you need a small area - from 1 sq. meters and the possibility of access to it equipment.

The company "TSENTRGIDROSTROY" will help you drill and equip the well. We have been operating for over 10 years and have our own fleet of vehicles. The staff consists of specialists with 10-15 years of experience. We equip wells on a turnkey basis, with the installation of everything necessary equipment, entering water into the house, internal wiring and issuing documentation. We work quickly (the turnaround time is from 1 to 5 days) and efficiently, so that your well will serve for many years. We provide a guarantee up to 5 years, after-sales service.

Only until the end of April there is a special price - from 1800 rubles per meter. m.

Before you get access to one or another source, you should shovel a lot of information that will undoubtedly be useful. The opinions of the participants of the thematic forum can also become decisive in choosing an autonomous or centralized supply of both a cottage and a residential village. Communication with the neighbors around you, who have already drunk the cup of ordeals in this matter, will also become more useful.

Preferring deep, you will have to deal with compounds of iron, sulfur, magnesium salts, calcium. Dissolved iron is always present and their use in food is contraindicated. As a consequence, this is the inevitable use of mechanical, bacteriological purification with filtration for and.

In the case of a 20-meter well, you will have to deal with nitrates, nitrites, heavy metals, oil products, including other surface active substances. It will take a thorough, serious water treatment system to eliminate bacteria, various microorganisms, fertilizer residues, manure heaps and other surface sewage. After settling such a liquid, you will have to use the same filtering devices and carry out its comprehensive analysis.

For central supply systems, the most likely to be the presence of hardness salts and chlorine compounds. These compounds will also require iron removal and softening.

So what to stop at the central water supply or well, if the site is registered and bought, fenced, the house is already under construction.
The natural desire to have their own artesian structure prevails over the option of centralized supply. However, in addition to the suitability of the site for a sanitary protection zone, the owner will need strong nerves, patience - about five years and very large financial reserves.

However, all organizational issues are often taken over by specialized organizations engaged in drilling operations. But a complex of technical, technological, supply, transport issues, including, cost money. Waiting for it, for a period construction works, you can get by with either sufficient for technical, construction needs and, even, irrigation.

Centralized water supply is more and more often acceptable for objects of mass development. In this case, someone (investor), purchasing the array, divides it into separate sections, builds appropriate communications on them and sells them to private owners. At the same time, a part of the land on which is being built is allocated, taking into account the project, sanitary zone and other permissions. Drilling work is completed by supplying water to each site.

Counts simple solution, but with a great risk of getting polluted water of a man-made nature. There are also, shallowing, drying out. There are problems with modern filters.

The advantage of such a well is the absence of the need for permits. So, the choice in favor of their own well or the use of a central supply line remains with the owner of a suburban building.

Well benefits

An artesian or limestone well is considered to be a reliable source. This is, first of all:
. Decades of operation (sometimes 50).
. Unlimited supply with high quality.
. Exclusion of ingress of sewage and other surface liquid.
. No need for special equipment and apparatus for lifting.

Well Disadvantages

High construction cost.
. The need for iron removal and softening filters due to the high hardness of the source.
. Mandatory availability of a document authorizing the use of subsoil.

Advantages of the trunk line

Connection to central network will require permission from the organization operating the water supply system and the availability of technical conditions for connecting to the main. Perhaps this is the most convenient option with advantages:
. No need to build a well or carry out drilling work on the site.
. Unlimited use of moisture.
. Responsibility for technical condition and service is carried out by the water supply service.
. Moisture supply in the event of a power outage.
. No need for storage tanks.

Trunk Line Disadvantages

Centralized supply has a number of disadvantages:
. The presence of rust and chlorine salts in the water.
. Termination of supply due to emergency situations on the highway or Maintenance.
. Monthly payment for the use of water supply and many other expenses.
However, the possibility of connecting to the central network is not always possible due to the distance and the small section of the main line.