Divination in the name of the betrothed: time, methods and best options. Fortune-telling for the betrothed: find out everything about your future groom and husband

Fortune-telling at Christmas time will allow you to find out about your fate and the number of years to come. Also, Christmas fortune-telling can tell about the future husband and family life with him, which is especially interesting for young unmarried girls.

It often happens that modern young unmarried girls do not know what to do during the New Year and Christmas holidays.

Many people waste their precious time on a banal rest at the TV and computer.

Some make trips to visit, various household and household chores and all sorts of pre-holiday fuss.

But in the traditions of our people there are more than funny and interesting options holiday pastime.

For example, divination at Christmas time for a betrothed or guidance love spell at home.

Folk holiday Svyatki - a time of fortune-telling

Christmas time is one of the most important periods of the year. This is the time between two key holidays of Christianity - the Birth and Baptism of Christ the Savior. In total, Christmas time takes twelve days, starting with Kolyada (in the Slavic tradition) or Christmas on the seventh day of the first month of the year and ending with the actual feast of Epiphany, celebrated on the nineteenth of January.

In church tradition, this time is considered sacred and blessed, ideal for communion, confession, reading prayers and thanksgiving to God. On the other hand, it is believed that during this period the line between the worlds is significantly weakened, so information from otherworldly universes becomes available to a person.

That is why it is best to guess on holy days - there is a high probability of obtaining the most reliable information about those things that are normally closed to a person.

Orthodox Church does not welcome any fortune-telling practices, and fortune-telling at Christmas time, and even more so, considers it sinful. After all, a person must initially submit to the will of God, trusting him in everything, including in choosing his life partner. And to resort to the help of the Unclean One in order to find out what awaits a person in the near future, and at all for Orthodox Christian shameful.

Rules of Christmas divination

The Slavic tradition developed its own beliefs about how to get around these conventions.

For example, in order for fortune-telling to come true and stain a person as little as possible, you must remember to do the following:

  • read by heart prayers before the rite, in order to be cleansed beforehand, and also after the rite, in order to remove sin from oneself;
  • be sure to remove belts, jewelry and especially pectoral crosses from yourself before divination;
  • it is better to carry out the ritual in a deaf and uninhabited place; previously, baths or old huts were chosen for this, where there were no icons, in modern conditions bathrooms, a garage or any technical room are suitable;
  • fortune-telling should only be started at night, when the sun is below the horizon;
  • during fortune-telling, one should remember that everything is in the hands of God, especially not to worry about unsuccessful fortune-telling or bad omens;
  • it is advisable not to guess alone, but to do it together: fortune-telling in solitude not only overtakes fear, but also opens the soul of a person to evil spirits;
  • you need to guess by a strictly defined group of people, for example, if girls are going to guess, then do not let the guys in, and the number of girls must be odd;
  • in no case should you cross your legs during fortune-telling, so as not to interfere with fate to appear on those ritual things that are used in the process of the ceremony;
  • at the end of the ritual, go to church, confess, light candles for your loved ones, ask God for forgiveness.

Standard fortune-telling for Christmas time for your betrothed is distinguished by its simplicity and traditionalism.

Who hasn't heard of the famous boot toss or church eavesdropping? And the rituals for the coming dream, which involve placing one or another object under the pillow, with the help of which the betrothed will have access to the dream of the girl who made the ritual, and have become a classic. Many of these practices were described by the greats (Pushkin, Gogol and others), who were no strangers to folk traditions Slavs.

Today fortune-telling takes on a new meaning. The era of computerization makes its own adjustments both in the relationship of people, and in particular the connection of a person with the other world.

Now, for example, it is not necessary to guess from the psalter - you can use any book instead, even modern authorship. And the mysterious and mystical divination with a mirror corridor has already managed to turn into an equally strange divination with a computer monitor.

Do these methods really work or are they just a good imitation of real fortune-telling? Probably, it all depends on the person's faith, but experts still recommend not to deviate from grandfather's traditions, reproducing ancient rituals in all subtleties and details, as they were originally described. Here are some of these divinatory techniques.

Methods of divination in the name of the betrothed

Divination with a mirror

The best fortune-telling for Christmas time for the betrothed are those that are made with mirrors. But, if there is not enough courage to close oneself in a bathhouse or an abandoned hut alone with a mirrored corridor, one option remains - to make this simple and very effective fortune-telling:

  • In advance, you need to pick up a medium mirror (preferably in the girth of the arms), as well as 2 spruce branches (but any evergreen tree will do).
  • Divination should start at midnight. To do this, the name of the person you like is written on the mirror, the mirror is placed under the bed.
  • Around mirror surface branches of a Christmas tree are laid.
  • In the morning, preferably without getting out of bed, you should take out the ritual object from under the bed and look at it.
  • If the inscription on the mirror surface is visible, therefore, in the near future you will have a serious relationship with this person, marriage. But if the name is not visible, then it is not destiny.

In rare cases, certain signs appear next to the name of a person written on a mirror, the most dangerous of them is a cross, denoting a severe blow, illness or loss of the one about whom they wrote.

With the help of some rituals, you can find out not only the name of the future husband assigned to the girl by her fate, but also the year or even the specific date of marriage with him. For Christmas divination for a betrothed mummer, it is proposed to do the following:

Type in a large basin clean water(ideally - not from a tap, but from a key or a river) to the brim. Precook a large number of separate pieces of paper with names written on them and separately with the years or dates of the proposed marriage (it can be in the form of “in a year”, “in two years”, etc.). At the same time, it is important to twist each piece of paper into a neat tube so that it does not unfold on its own, but remains in a twisted state.

The more options for dates and names are shown on paper, the higher the likelihood that fortune-telling will show the truth, so you should not be lazy when writing this data.

By candlelight, as soon as the clock strikes midnight, in one fell swoop, throw the names and dates prepared on paper into a container of water. Now you need to carefully monitor what is happening on the surface of the water. Water, as a universal conductor of the true energies of the world, will tell the truth about the future, pushing the truthful options to the surface.

  • Which piece of paper will open first with a name - that’s what the betrothed will be called.
  • What is the first piece of paper with a date to open - then marry him and go.

At present, however, this fortune-telling should be deciphered much more widely, remembering the first few names and dates that unfold, which is associated with the high prevalence of divorces and remarriages in society.

Another option for divination for Christmas time in the name of the betrothed is carried out with the help of one of the close relatives.

It can be a mother, aunt, sister, cousin or friend of a fortune-telling girl. The main condition of this ritual is that the fortuneteller herself should not be present at it. And it's done like this:

The main character - a fortune-telling girl - is taken to another hut (preferably an unfamiliar one) or at least to another room, after which they are put to bed.

At midnight, her friend or relative takes a padlock and closes with it some item of clothing of the girl who spends the night in another house.

A woman should place the key to the cherished lock at the head of her bed, while saying:

“Betrothed-mummers, come quickly to save your bride, unlock it with a key, help out of trouble!”.

Then the accomplice of fortune-telling also fits in for the night, trying not to move the key from its original place. Her friend's fiancé must come to her at night for a key to rescue his love.
In the morning, the castle is opened, the girl is returned to her father's house and she is told the dream of her friend or relative about her betrothed.

And at Christmas time, you can not only guess at the groom, but also bewitch the one who has already liked.

However, it is better before this fortune-telling to first make sure that the chosen person is destined by fate by checking this on other fortune-telling methods. Only after such a check can one proceed directly to the fortune-telling-love ritual.

You need to take a red apple and cut out a heart-shaped triangle from it. Then, on a very small piece of paper, write the name of a loved one and place it in an apple instead of a core. Top the paper insert with a cut out heart.

After that, the resulting composition must be set aside somewhere away from idle eyes, in a dry and dark place For a three days. After these three days, they check what happened to the fruit.

  • If the apple begins to dry, then the beloved will pay attention to you and also fall in love.
  • If the apple starts to rot, it means that it’s not destiny to be with him and it’s better to stop loving him right away, giving up trying to charm him.

And now we will look at some old Christmas divination, which can be combined under the general name: fortune-telling for a dream. By the way, during Christmas time all dreams are prophetic! So from January 7 to 19, be especially attentive to everything that you see in a dream.

But now we will try the most simple methods, using which you can, for example, see your future husband in a dream or find out when your wedding will take place and whether your marriage will be successful, and just find out what awaits you in next year. I would like to make a reservation right away that most of the Christmas divination in general, and for sleep in particular, our great-great-grandmothers used to see their betrothed. After all, you must admit that it is always easier to wait when you know who you are waiting for ... And now, while Christmas time is coming, you will have wonderful opportunity try at least with one eye to look at that “prince on a white horse”, the image of which always lives in the soul of every girl and woman.

Prophetic dream

Another fortune-telling is called "on prophetic dream". Here, on the contrary, you need to properly comb your hair before going to bed, and be sure to use a clean comb, and then put it under your pillow. The pillowcase on the pillow should also be clean and fresh. In this fortune-telling, you do not have to utter any conspiracies, just when you lie down in bed, think about the person you would like to love: how he should look, what eyes, hair, what voice he will have. The clearer the image you create and the stronger the strength of your desire to see your loved one in the flesh, the sooner you yourself will attract him into your life. At first you will see him just in a dream, and after a while you may run into him on the street, in the subway or at a friendly party. After all, our thoughts are material, and they can become our reality tomorrow...

Divination for the fulfillment of a wish

Ah, these desires... We all lack something in life, we always want something, and right away - here and now, we don't want to wait. And if it doesn’t work right away, then you need to at least know exactly what will come true and when (if it comes true, of course). That is why we are now trying to guess the fulfillment of desire.

Salt is not white death, but a reliable fortune teller

Now let's take a look at a few fortune-telling with salt. Yes, salt is also a magical element. Although, if you look, everything in our world has its own magic, we just do not notice it yet. But we have everything ahead ...

So, salt... Take about a thimble of salt and the same amount of water, mix and eat. Yes, it tastes disgusting, of course, but the results are sometimes simply amazing. You can’t drink anything else before going to bed, otherwise it will spoil all fortune-telling. Before going to bed, say a conspiracy three times: “Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer - he will give me a drink” and fall asleep calmly, thinking about your loved one. You will be madly thirsty, I confess right away, but on the other hand, you will really see your betrothed in a dream, who, seeing how you suffer because of him, will certainly come and give you a drink. And in the morning you will not be thirsty at all.

The next method is usually called "Salty food", it is very similar to the previous one.

The only difference is that before going to bed you do not have to eat a whole thimble of salt. Just eat something salty - for example, herring, pickled cucumbers or pickled mushrooms, but then in no case do not drink, no matter how much you want. Now lie down in bed and imagine your betrothed, draw his image as brightly as possible for yourself and say a conspiracy: “My betrothed, mummers, come to me and give me a drink.” And at night your beloved will come to you and give you a drink, maybe he will not be the same as you planned, but he will definitely come. Now wait for a meeting with him, but not in a dream, but in reality.

I scratch my hair with five fingers ...

Hair divination. Ask your girlfriends for some hairs, you need one red hair, the second is light, and the third is dark. Take a gray hair from your grandmother, and you will also need a widow's hair. The last - the sixth hair - will be yours. Now cut seven squares out of paper and wrap each hair in a separate piece of paper. As you can see, there are six hairs, and seven pieces of paper, so do not put anything in the last seventh square, but simply wrap it empty. All the resulting seven bags should look exactly the same on the outside. Now put them under the pillow, saying: "What is my fate to be - I get such hair." Nothing more can be said tonight.

In the morning, when you wake up, immediately, without looking, pull out one bag from under the pillow and see what kind of hair is there. Red hair means that your husband will also be red and kind, gray - will be much older than you, dark - gloomy, harsh and unkind, light - blond. If you come across a widow's hair, you will either become a widow early or marry a widower, if your hair is yours, then you will live soul to soul with your husband, but if the envelope is empty, you don’t have to count on a successful wedding yet, there is even a risk of staying old maid.

Hay, straw...

Fortune telling on straw is most interesting when there are a lot of people, so invite all your friends and girlfriends. And when midnight strikes, gather all in one room, light a candle and start ... As a result of this fortune-telling, you can find out the name of your betrothed. To do this, collect a heap somewhere: straw (as you can see, it is most convenient to carry out all these fortune-telling somewhere in the village), bring it into the house and beat, crumple and roll it in such a way that all the straws are tangled as much as possible and you it would turn out to be a straw ball that needs to be put on the table. Place a frying pan on top of the resulting lump, and put a medium-sized stone in the frying pan and pour some water. The structure is quite unstable, so be careful that it does not fall apart ahead of time.

Then everyone needs to shut up so that there is complete silence in the house, and only now you can guess. Each girl present should slowly, very carefully pull out one straw from the coma. As you understand, this is quite difficult to do, since twisted and tangled straws are pulled out poorly. To prevent the spikelet from breaking, the straw must be pulled very slowly. But if you have patience and skill, this fortune-telling will not disappoint you. At the same time, the water in the pan will splash slightly, the stone lying in the pan will scrape along the bottom, tremble and oscillate, making different sounds.

Listen carefully! It is in this sound that you should hear the name of your betrothed. In the ensuing silence, you will feel vague sounds that vaguely resemble human speech. They can even distinguish quite specific words. Of course, it’s not so easy right away, that’s why, while you are guessing, there should be complete silence in the room so that not a single sound clogs your hearing and distracts your attention from trying to hear the name of the dearest person ...

Divination on a mitten

This method will simply help you determine whether it is worth waiting for a person who is somehow delayed. For example, your fiancé is stuck somewhere at work again or something worse... Take an ordinary mitten or mitten and throw it up to the ceiling as high as possible. And now watch how it will fall down: if thumb up, this means that the one you are waiting for will definitely arrive, he is already on his way; and if the thumb is down, then, alas, today you are again out of luck. But maybe this person is not worth waiting for at all? Think...

a swan song

For this divination you will need a lot of wax. If you couldn’t get the wax, you can get out of the situation by taking a few large paraffin candles and melted them down. From the resulting paraffin, while it is still warm, blind, as far as possible, to the best of your artistic abilities, a flock of swans (but do not forget that each swan must have a pair). There should be as many swans as the girls will participate in fortune-telling. Therefore, get together one evening with your friends and do “sculpting” ... Now paint the swan with blush, and let the swan remain white. Now you all have a pair of swans, remember where whose is, you can somehow mark them so as not to confuse them later.

Then you need to take a large basin or wooden tub and fill it with water about three-quarters. Although if there are few people and the swans are also small, then a small bowl or pan will be enough. Now each of you should carefully lower your pair into the water, and then cover the entire vessel with a piece of cloth. And before you go to bed, go and see how your swan swims with a swan. If they swim together, then your family life it will turn out well, you will live soul to soul with your husband, in full agreement, but if the swans parted in different sides, then you will not be lucky in marriage - quarrels and strife, constant conflicts, so think carefully before you get married next year.

Future on the water

Tell me, have you ever wondered how many children you will have and what gender? I think yes. So let's try to answer it with the help of fortune telling.

In the evening, pour water into a glass, dip the ring into it and put it outside in the cold. And somewhere around midnight, before going to bed, bring a glass into the house and see how the ice freezes. Count the number of tubercles formed and the number of holes or pits. The number of tubercles indicates how many sons you will have, and the number of holes indicates how many daughters. Now you know whether you will be a heroine mother of many children or you will have an ordinary family - a son and a daughter.

Eat a lot of salty food in the evening so that you will be more thirsty at night. Going to bed, say the phrase: "My betrothed, come to me in a dream, bring me water." The one that you dream is yours future husband.

Before going to bed, in the place where you usually lie, build a bridge out of twigs. Put a pillow on it and, falling asleep, say: "My betrothed, take me across the bridge." According to the reviews of fortunetellers, it is known that the groom really comes in a dream. You can check it for yourself.

You can try another old one. Take the lock, turn on the water in the tap. Hold the lock over the stream and say: "My betrothed, come to me in a dream, ask for water." Then the lock is locked and placed under the pillow. This night her future husband should dream.

Take a comb and put it under your pillow before going to bed. Say the phrase: "My betrothed, come in a dream and comb me."

It is believed that an unclean spirit comes to a girl in a dream in the form of her future groom.

Maps will help you find out your future husband. Take a deck, take out four kings, put them under the pillow. Say: "My betrothed, my mummers, come to visit me." In a dream, you will see your fiance in the form of one of the kings. It is quite possible that the betrothed will dream of more than one. How many men you will see, so many will be in the future.

Not only themselves, but also their mothers can call the future groom. To do this, you need to take the girl's thing, hang a lock on it. Say: "Betrothed, come to rescue the bride." Next, the thing, together with the lock, is placed under the pillow. And the son-in-law should dream of his future mother-in-law. Perhaps she will also be shown a number in a dream, which will mean the number of years before her daughter's marriage.

Street fortune-telling for a betrothed

Sit at the window at night, your family should already be asleep so as not to disturb you. Say: "Betrothed, pass by my window." Now wait for the first pedestrian or company of passers-by to appear. If people passed by the window and at the same time they had fun, whistled, laughed, it means that life in marriage is going to be good. A silent passerby, on the contrary, means a poor existence in.

Go outside, find a fence made of boards. Walking along it, say: "Poor or rich, widower or bachelor." On which word the fence ends, this will be the future husband. You can judge the veracity of fortune-telling when you meet your betrothed.

Take boots or boots, go outside. Throw the burden over your right shoulder. Before that, say: “In which direction does my betrothed live?” In which direction the sock or boots will show, from there the groom will come for you.

In another version of fortune-telling, the boots must be removed from the left foot, and not taken out into the street with you in your hands.

You can guess in the name of the future spouse. Bake a pancake, go out with it after 22:00, but no later than midnight. Go ahead and eat a pancake. Ask the first passerby you come across what his name is. It is the name that your future husband will have. If you met a woman first on the street, then you will not get married in the next year.

The tradition of women's fortune-telling dates back centuries, if not millennia, but despite the change of times, girls still want to get at least a hint of a future husband and an upcoming wedding..

How to successfully tell fortunes with girlfriends at Epiphany? How to invoke a prophetic dream about your chosen one? Why wait for the holidays and how can help?

What are the best days to guess

The best are Christmas divination for the betrothed during the winter holidays from Christmas to Epiphany.

Next time for divination - summer holiday Ivan Kupala ( John the Baptist, Kupalskaya night). This is done on the night before the holiday, from midnight to the first roosters, that is, until about 4 o'clock in the morning.

You can guess from Thursday to Friday, but such fortune-telling has less power, since weekdays associated with daily activities, reduce our susceptibility to signs from underworld. On such days, it is much more likely that the prediction will not come true.

In order for the holiday fortune-telling to succeed, it is important to keep the mood for the peculiarity of this time, listen to yourself and try to catch the connection with the world of magic. If you spend Christmas time as usual - work, do household chores - and do not try to break the daily routine in any way, the likelihood correct divination very small.

It is not for nothing that the ancient traditions of divination chose holidays as the best time for contact with other forces: without being distracted by the mundane and material, the fortuneteller could rely on the signs received as truthful information not obscured by everyday problems.

If you are planning fortune-telling for your betrothed for Christmas, stick to the traditions: keep fasting for at least some time, get distracted from worries about earning money, watch TV less, do not talk on the phone, avoid noisy companies on the eve of fortune-telling.

The day after fortune-telling, do not communicate with strangers or unfamiliar people, do not bathe or wash your hair.

Fortune telling on the betrothed with questions

Of course, you may be interested in all the details: what will be the character of the future husband, how he looks, rich or poor, countryman or foreigner, and how you will get along with him. Immediately tune in that it is impossible to find out everything in detail, and it’s not worth it - always leave space for fate to maneuver, of course, in your favor.

Traditional questions that girls have been asking for centuries during divination:

  • Is marriage coming soon or will I have to wait?
  • who is the groom - a wealthy man or a poor man, without a penny in his pocket?
  • Which of your friends will get married first?
  • Will the married life be peaceful and smooth or will it be filled with strife and suffering?
  • which of the prospective suitors will become a husband?
  • what is the groom's name?

Some questions need prompting, such as when to determine a contender for the role of a husband. In this case, you need to offer divination the name of the desired man, names from your environment and several names that your friends do not have.

You should not be tempted by names that are not found in your area or are outdated, just as you should not guess with obviously impossible options (a Hollywood actor, a politician, or a long-dead celebrity).

How to guess with friends

Divination in a group is one of our traditional, primordially Slavic female rituals. Who can participate?

First, all stakeholders, that is, those who will ask questions. Secondly, most often these are unmarried girls, but the participation of an elderly woman is also possible, who, however, does not guess for herself, but only helps to carry out the ritual. Children are not allowed, boys and girls do not come together.

There is an unspoken rule: rivals in love guess separately, and here, of course, there is nothing to comment on.

Tune in to the magical world

One of the most important conditions for successful divination is the right mood and attitude to one's actions. Avoid guessing for fun, and not out of fear that you will be punished by "offended" spirits, but simply because you will waste time in vain and strengthen your skepticism about the action - next time it will be much more difficult to tune in.

In order for any fortune-telling to give the correct answer to your questions, you need to think over your situation in advance and literally memorize the questions you have chosen. Make sure your “yes” or “no” answers exhaust your question, that is, do not allow ambiguity.

By the way, it is impossible to write down questions, unless the note is involved in the ritual as one of the magical items.

You should cast aside doubts, do not laugh or joke, it is better to guess silently, except for casting the necessary spells. Excitement or fear will do a disservice. It is best to get rid of problems, your everyday mood and do everything as if you are someone else.

How to get an answer in a dream

The magical use of sleep dates back to time immemorial, and a special relationship to the information that comes to us in a dream continues to this day. How to use it amazing time a night's rest to find out your future and your destiny?

Preparing for divination on the narrowed in a dream. Put on your night clothes topsy-turvy, re-lay the sheet on the other side, turn the pillow to your feet instead of the headboard - go to bed " vice versa".

Key lock. Braid one pigtail, attach a closed lock (hinged) in it, and hide the key under the pillow. Saying to the betrothed " Come to me and ask for the key' Go to bed immediately. In the morning, remember who is from.

A thimble of salt. At night, eat some salt from a thimble. Say to the betrothed " Come give me water to drink", Go to bed. In a dream, the image of the future husband will appear.

Bridge. Buy, without bargaining, a new broom, pull out three twigs from it, weave it with a pigtail. Before going to bed, put it under the pillow and say to the betrothed " Come take me across the bridge". Go to bed immediately, try to remember your betrothed in a dream.

Divination on objects

These methods are ideal for a group of girls, because the number of items that participate in the ritual is unlimited and can provide a choice for everyone present. It is better to take items new or at least cleaned.

After divination, all items must either be thrown away or cleaned and kept closed for 7 days in a box, in a closet - for cleaning.

With rings and cereals. At Christmas, cereals (with whole grains) are poured into a large bowl, preferably more, they put many different rings - simple, gold, silver, with stones.

Each girl pulls out a handful of cereal without looking and looks: no ring - the wedding is not this year, simple - for the poor, silver or gold - for a prosperous person, with a stone - for the rich.

On matches. Guess the name of the guy you like. Pull out two matches, stick them on the sides of the box and set fire to it. If the burnt matches are bent towards each other, then very soon the feelings will be mutual.

On wreaths of fresh flowers. On the eve of Ivan Kupala go to the river. Each girl should make herself a wreath of grass and flowers, put on the water. Whoever swims faster - that one will marry first. If the river does not accept the wreath (nails it to the shore), then it will not be married this year.

Notes with names. Write the names of the intended suitors on thin pieces of paper and leave one blank. Roll up all the pieces, mix in a large bowl or bucket of water to make a whirlpool, pull out the note that pops up first. If a blank paper is caught, then the name of the betrothed is not on the list.

Fortune-telling for a betrothed allows you to look into the future and find out the name of a potential spouse, his external data, character, etc. There are many ways, and among them there are very simple ones that do not pose any danger to the fortuneteller, but there are also those with the help of which you can "tickle your nerves." In some magical rites there is an opportunity to personally see the evil spirit in the image of the groom or talk to him in a dream, others will allow you to get truthful information about the feelings of the man you like, the fate of further relationships and the time of marriage.

But it is worth remembering that the desire to know your future with the help of otherworldly forces is a sin and is condemned by the Orthodox Church. In order to wash off the sin later, you can plunge into the hole in the hole on Epiphany night or wash yourself with holy water.

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    How to get an accurate prediction?

    In order to guess at the betrothed correctly and get the most truthful answers, it is necessary to adhere to during the session simple rules:

    1. 1. In any divination, very important point is the mood. If you are skeptical about fortune telling, then the result will not please you.
    2. 2. You need to guess all alone, no extraneous sounds should distract the girl.
    3. 3. All thoughts about everyday and material problems must be thrown out of your head. The subconscious must be freed for the best perception of information.
    4. 4. It is necessary to illuminate the room with the help of candles.
    5. 5. All the images of the saints must be taken out of the room, pectoral cross put away in a box. The Orthodox Church does not approve of divination and considers it a sin. Therefore, in order for the fortune-telling process to be successful, the girl should not be under the protection of God.
    6. 6. Particular attention should be paid to the choice of space for divination. In Russia, the so-called unclean places were used for rituals. One of them was considered a bath, because it was in it, according to ancient legends, that evil spirits lived. Suitable for this role and some abandoned house, basement or attic. The cemetery can also act as a place for divination, since it is located at the junction of the world of the living and the dead, as well as any crossroads, where you can often feel the presence of otherworldly forces. But these places should not be used by impressionable girls with weak nerves. The boundary spaces in the house have no less mysterious power and are used for divination - these are the thresholds, the front door, the gate, the gate, the corners in the room.
    7. 7. It is necessary to remove rings, belts, bracelets and other encircling objects.
    8. 8. Hair should be loose, clothes and shoes should be removed or a loose nightgown should be used that will not restrict movement.
    9. 9. It is forbidden to cross arms and legs. This will confuse the ritual.
    10. 10. At the end, you can’t do anything and talk to anyone, otherwise what you see will not come true.
    11. 11. The day after the divination, it is not recommended to bathe and wash your hair, as well as communicate with strangers.
    12. 12. No one should be told about the results of divination, otherwise the predictions may not come true.

    When is the best time to guess?

    You can find out about your betrothed at home at any convenient time all year round. Evenings are the most effective for divination. women's days- Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays, the time is midnight, and the phase of the moon is the full moon. However, the most accurate predictions will be in special periods that are considered the most successful for divination:

    • Christmas time. They last from the Nativity of Christ to the Baptism of the Lord from the night of January 7 to January 19. The tradition of finding out your future during this period is quite ancient, and Christmas divination is very popular to this day with most girls. They provide information for the long term.
    • Christmas Eve, which is celebrated on January 6th. The night before Christmas has always been considered magical, and the predictions made on this day are the most truthful.
    • Night on the old New Year from January 13 to 14 carries the energy of an ancient Slavic holiday.
    • Epiphany evening from 18 to 19 January. Twilight on January 18 is the most reliable time for divination. Wishes made on this day always come true.
    • Green Yuletide lasts during the week preceding Trinity. From an astronomical point of view, this period is energetically strong, since it falls on the summer solstice, during which there is a maximum flow of energy from the Sun to the Earth. This is a rather favorable summer time for correct predictions.
    • Apple Spas- the first festival of the harvest and the transformation of nature, celebrated on August 19. The apple symbolizes secret knowledge and is a kind of oracle that can be asked about matters of the heart.
    • The night on Ivan Kupala had great magical significance for our ancestors since the time of pre-Christian Russia. It is celebrated on the night of 6 to 7 July. On this day, girls tell fortunes about their betrothed with a wreath, and also use various Kupala fortune-telling, which have been popular for centuries.
    • The night on St. Andrew the First-Called from December 12 to 13 is considered special. It will help to reveal the secrets of the future to fortunetellers and give answers to the most secret questions.

    It is worth noting that all fortune-telling held during certain periods, for example, at Christmas or Christmas time, should not be used on ordinary days. At best, they will not bring any result, and at worst, they can harm the fortuneteller.

    Christmas divination

    The most popular and exciting way is divination with a mirror, which is accompanied by the evocation of a betrothed-mummer. In esotericism, a mirror is considered a portal to another world through which reality can be penetrated. various perfumes. Therefore, to see the image of the future spouse through him is quite real.

    For the ritual you need:

    • Wait until midnight and retire to suitable place.
    • Put in front of you large mirror.
    • Opposite it, place the second smaller size on the front side.
    • Get a kind mirror corridor, around which you need to place burning candles.
    • It is necessary to concentrate and gaze intently into a large mirror, in which evil spirits will appear in the form of a person destined for the girl by fate.
    • So that the unclean could not harm the fortuneteller, you need to have time to say “Chur me” or “Chur from this place.” stand between two large mirrors in no case is it impossible, it can be dangerous for a fortuneteller.

    Another method of divination for Christmas time is not for the faint of heart:

    • At night, you need to go to any nearest intersection.
    • Ask a question about the groom.
    • Circle yourself.
    • Listen carefully to the sounds around you. Laughter, merry singing and talking mean imminent marriage. Crying, cursing, whatever negative emotions will serve as a sign that the fortuneteller will not marry soon.

    If a girl is not afraid to be alone with evil spirits, you can try to call her betrothed:

    • AT empty room cover the table with a tablecloth.
    • Put cutlery on it, any, except for a knife and fork.
    • Say the magic words: " Betrothed-mummers, come to me for dinner".
    • Left all alone, lock all windows and doors and wait for the arrival of an unclean spirit in the form of a future husband. Signs of the approach of the betrothed may be knocking on windows and doors, gusts of wind.
    • As soon as the groom appears, he will sit down at the table and begin to entertain the fortuneteller with conversations. At the same time, it is necessary not to move, to remain in one’s place, not to answer questions and not talk to him, carefully examine the stranger, remember facial features and clothes.
    • Then suddenly and decisively ask him for his name.
    • After he calls him, takes out some little thing from his pocket and puts it on the table, you need to quickly say: “Stay away from me.” At that moment, the impure will disappear without harm.

    Easy Christmas divination for the profession of the future spouse can be carried out in cheerful company girlfriends. For him it is necessary:

    1. 1. Lay out small items specially prepared for this on the table: a coin, scissors, a ring or any other decoration, a needle, a handkerchief, etc.
    2. 2. With your left hand, without looking, take the first object that comes across.
    3. 3. Show imagination and make a prediction on the chosen item. For example, a coin means that the future spouse will be wealthy, and his profession is related to finance. Any legal document will predict a lawyer husband, scissors will indicate a hairdresser, stylist or builder, a spoon or any other cutlery- for a cook, a flash drive - for a programmer, etc.

    You can do another simple divination on paper. To do this, a paper sheet needs to be crumpled, put on a large flat dish and set on fire. Then watch what shadows the burnt paper casts on the wall. An image that looks like a castle predicts marriage this year.

    On Christmas Eve

    On the night before Christmas, you can get the most truthful answers to your innermost questions about your future spouse. One of the simplest and safe fortune-telling is divination by bulbs. This method will help determine which of the contenders for the hand and heart is most suitable for the girl. It is necessary to choose even and beautiful bulbs and write the name of one of the potential suitors on each. Put them in the water and say a spell: "Ah, onion, whisper, who will be the groom." Which bulb will sprout first, that candidate should be married.

    On the night of Christmas, you can see a prophetic dream about the betrothed. In order to call him, you need to use several methods:

    1. 1. Divination with a comb. Put it under the pillow and say: "My betrothed, my mummers, come to me in a dream and comb my head." In this case, before going to bed, you can not comb.
    2. 2. At night, eat a thimble of salt, a slice of bread with salt, or any other salted food, without drinking water. Going to bed, say: "Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, he will give me water to drink." Whoever gives water in a dream will become the future husband.
    3. 3. Read before going to bed, three times a conspiracy and, without talking to anyone else, go to bed. At night, the groom will definitely dream.

    For Old New Year

    Fortune telling on the eve of the old New Year has already become a tradition. All methods of divination are quite accessible and safe. One of these methods is divination playing cards. Necessary:

    • Before going to bed, get four kings from the deck.
    • Put them under your pillow.
    • In the morning, without looking, draw one of the cards.
    • Whatever king falls out, such a betrothed will be: peak - an elderly, jealous person, clubs - a serviceman, maybe, for example, a military or policeman, the king of hearts - handsome, young and wealthy, tambourine - desired and beloved.

    Another New Year's divination with stockings:

    • Buy new stockings.
    • Before going to bed, you need to put on a stocking on your left leg.
    • Go to bed without talking to anyone.
    • Say to yourself: "Narrowed, mummers, come take off my shoes."
    • In a dream, the future husband unfolds a fortuneteller.

    The night before Epiphany

    Epiphany eavesdropping is one of the oldest methods of divination that has survived to this day. It is more convenient to carry it out for those who live in the countryside or in the private sector, but you can also guess while walking under the windows of a high-rise building:

    • You must select any neighbor window.
    • Stand under him and listen.
    • Heard phrases are prophetic. If scolding is heard, then the future husband will also come across angry and aggressive. If the conversation is pleasant, laughter is heard, then the spouse will be the same.

    There is another easy way by which you can find out the name of the betrothed. The girl needs to go outside on the evening of January 18 and ask the first passerby she meets for his name. Whatever he calls, this will be with her husband.

    Green Christmas time

    Divination for a quick wedding is popular. It is suitable for a girl who wants to marry a guy she likes:

    • On any holy night before the Trinity, you need to go to the house of the chosen one.
    • Without going to him, return home and, without talking to anyone, go to bed.
    • On the way home, pay attention to whether someone will meet you or not.
    • If not a single passer-by is met, and the same young man is seen in a dream, then this year he will receive a proposal for marriage.

    Girls who put bread and scissors under their pillows on any holy day will definitely see their future husband in a dream. You can tell fortunes with the help of a decanter and a mirror:

    • Divination is carried out all alone with three candles.
    • Fill a transparent glass decanter with water.
    • Place it on a flat and hard surface.
    • Install a medium-sized mirror behind it.
    • Light candles on three sides of the decanter.
    • Carefully observe through the water the image of the betrothed in the mirror.

    Apple Spas

    To find out about the attitude of a loved one, you can tell fortunes in Apple Spas in this way:

    1. 1. Take an even and beautiful apple.
    2. 2. Think about your beloved.
    3. 3. Cut the fruit in half.
    4. 4. Look at the condition of the seeds.
    5. 5. If they are all intact, then the young man is undoubtedly in love. If one of them is damaged, problems are brewing. If two or more are cut, it is better to abandon the relationship.

    Another way to tell fortunes on the feelings of a loved one:

    • August 19 buy a ripe red apple.
    • Cut it in half.
    • Mark the left half in any way.
    • Between the halves put a note with the name of a loved one.
    • Tie them with a red ribbon or thread.
    • Read the slander: “The apple is red, beautiful to everyone, tell me, tell me, show me the way. What does the servant of God (name) feel towards the servant of God (name)?
    • Put the apple on the windowsill.
    • Watch how it deteriorates. If the left half darkens more, it means that the man loves and will soon make an offer. Right - no feelings.
    • After divination, feed the apple to the birds.

    Kupala magic

    Rituals for Ivan Kupala are inextricably linked with plants, fire and water. To see the betrothed in a dream on the night of Ivan Kupala, you need to put seven different colors collected at sunset.

    A popular Kupala fortune telling is a rite with wreaths. The girl needs to weave a wreath and fix torches or candles on it. At night, let him go with the river. If the wreath swam to the shore or got tangled in coastal plants You won't be able to go down the aisle this year. Sailed away - marriage is near. If he drowned, they fell out of love with his owner.

    Predictions for the day of St. Andrew the First-Called

    The night from 12 to 13 December is magical. Many of unmarried girls according to the old tradition, on the eve of the day of the Apostle Andrew, they fast and pray for a wedding with a good groom.

    To find out when a girl will get married, fortune telling by candlelight and water is used:

    1. 1. Place a bowl filled with water outside the threshold of the house or on the balcony.
    2. 2. Wait until midnight.
    3. 3. Take a candle.
    4. 4. Break her crust of ice on the surface of the water.
    5. 5. Quickly dip the candle into the water, touching the bottom.
    6. 6. Enter the house, saying certain words.
    7. 7. Try to light a candle from a lamp burning in front of the icons of the saints. If the candle lit up immediately, then the girl will soon have to get married.

    For the same purpose, you can use fortune-telling on the ring. Fortune-telling girls take turns rolling the ring on the floor. If it rolls towards front door, then this means a quick wedding.

    Other divination

    Well-known and affordable divination for every day:

    • Take a book of any content, but the Bible or the Psalter is better.
    • Mentally ask a question about the betrothed.
    • Guess the page and line number at the top or bottom.
    • Open the desired paragraph and interpret what you read depending on the question conceived.

    You can find out the name of the betrothed in the following way on pieces of paper:

    • Cut a sheet of paper into several strips.
    • On each write the name of the proposed candidate, roll into a tube.
    • Put them in a hat or bag and mix.
    • Get out, without looking, one piece of paper and read the desired name.

    It should be remembered that not all fortune-telling can give reliable answers to questions, because the process itself depends on many circumstances. If the result does not satisfy the fortuneteller, then you should not be upset ahead of time. It can always be improved for the better.