How to bring your loved one closer. Rite to attract the betrothed. A home plot for a good groom is the power of female wedding magic. A conspiracy to find a bride for a guy

Every person, wherever he lives, whatever he is, wants to be happy. For some people, a happy life is huge house, cars, cottages and fashionable clothes from famous designers. Even loneliness can bring satisfaction to such individuals. But 90% of humanity dreams of family happiness, a cozy clean house, where love reigns and children's laughter sounds. For those who believe that chance finds, dreams, or other signs can help in some way, we will give signs of a betrothed and other omens for consideration, and teach them how to solve them.

What are the signs on the betrothed

To talk about signs and their meaning, you need to pay attention to what they are.

  1. Pleasant smells that can be smelled in a completely inappropriate place for them.
  2. Change bad mood to a happy euphoria, for no apparent reason.
  3. Unexpected surprises and presents or a desire to radically change your appearance.
  4. Sometimes good omens There may even be minor annoyances that you do not expect at all.
  5. A person's dreams have a strong energy, they attract into his life what they talk about, becoming prophetic dreams.

This is general characteristics signs and signs. But they are both happy omens of events and bad harbingers of future problems that need to be met and experienced.

It is important to learn to recognize them and act to avoid trouble. The choice is made by a person, and he can also accelerate events if they are positive, or try to get away from evil and trouble. No wonder there is a saying that if a person is warned about something, then he is armed in order to adequately get out of a critical situation.

good omens

Positive signs are associated with grandiose events in people's lives.

  1. These may be signs that portend the appearance of a loved one.
  2. Romantic dreams or visions of love relationships lead to such events in reality.
  3. A friendly attitude towards you, unfamiliar animals can be a harbinger happy event such as pure and bright love
  4. A lot of signs are connected with the Moon, among them are signs for the betrothed, for the spouse and family life.

Consider the signs that will bring love and prosperity, warmth in relationships, and those signs that promise long-term marital happiness.

Fateful beliefs

Sometimes, in a noisy city, you can smell exotic fruits that follow you everywhere. In the office or at home, you can smell the scent of fresh pine needles, or your favorite flowers. The main thing is that you will like this smell, so you can hope that it is a harbinger of future love, an opportunity to meet your betrothed.

Unexpected decisions, consisting in the fact that a person urgently wants to change his style of clothing. Changing your hairstyle or accessories to extravagant ones that are not characteristic of you are also signs that promise new acquaintances and vibrant relationships. Even the words of friends spoken about the need to change can be prophetic and carry a meeting with a person who can occupy your thoughts for a long time, and maybe forever.

In the old days, girls guessed at the betrothed on Christmas days. It was a beautiful sign when it was necessary unmarried girl stir with a spoon, from right to left, the prepared kutya and hide the spoon under the apron.

Going out into the street, listen to which side you can hear the barking of dogs, in that direction she will get married. If this is a lonely joyful barking, then life with your loved one will be calm and happy. When a lot of dogs bark, then family life will be stormy, full of various events.

Tips for a good family life

In order for your future family life to be full of happiness and feelings never cool down, you need to arrange a first date on the New Moon. Folk omens, who have been watched for centuries, they say that the first kiss that took place at this time will be the key to a long relationship.

If a girl thinks about her lover and doubts something, but hears the cry of roosters, then he will give a sign that marriage with this person will last forever. No trouble or life situations, will not be able to terminate this union. A couple can always find a way out that satisfies both parties.

The loss of jewelry such as earrings, brooches or chains is also a sign that predicts future meetings. If the lost items are quickly found, then a marriage proposal will follow soon.

Popular superstitions tied the future happy life with weddings in certain years. We are accustomed to believe that you can not do weddings, in leap years. But in the old days, it was in leap years, only girls had the right to choose their betrothed and make proposals. It is noteworthy that they were never denied, and the life of the couple was long and prosperous.

Bad omens and how to avoid negativity

Consider the main signs and beliefs associated with love and family life.

  1. Where you can not take things that you accidentally found.
  2. Omens associated with rings, not just wedding rings.
  3. A date that is not chosen correctly can ruin a relationship.
  4. Photographs of a couple, at the wrong time, are fraught with quarrels and even a break in relations.
  5. Many gifts are also considered harbingers of misfortune.

With some examples, we will tell you how best to act so as not to destroy the emerging feelings. And if a married couple suddenly has problems, then how they should have been prevented.

Signs associated with the finds

At home, you can pick up any things, finds or surprises. But this does not apply to linings because they are easy to recognize. But earrings, souvenirs or other pleasant finds will not cause harm, but will only please the attention of others, to your person.

It is strictly forbidden to take things at intersections, even if you really want to. Taken home, they can attract bad events. Everything in life will not go the way you planned. Heavy ones are coming financial terms, days or suddenly get sick close person. Shiny trinkets are not worth paying for.

Rings and jewels

What wedding ring it is necessary to give only to the betrothed, everyone knows. But why this can not be done before the wedding, few people know. Perhaps such an engagement ring, worn before the engagement, can harm relationships or completely divorce lovers, for the simplest reasons.

It is considered bad luck if one of the spouses loses the wedding ring. This is sure sign that the marriage will perish. Even if the ring is found, it still will not save the marriage union. So, this decoration must be protected and not removed from the finger. Especially detrimental to family life is if you give a wedding ring to try on a friend.

Date places

Folk signs warn that you can meet your betrothed everywhere, under any circumstances. But signs, signs and predictions will help to keep love. You need to choose your meeting place carefully.

It is better to refuse meetings in poplar parks, on the shore artificial ponds, lakes and rivers. They attract negative energy and your love can swim away for water. Poplar, according to ancient beliefs, this tree is a vampire.

Bridges and crossroads where lovers can meet will attract a lot of trouble. And each of them will attract more and more trouble.

Gifts and Presents

People, from ancient times, have noticed that it is impossible to give beloved items of clothing, such as:

  • ties;
  • Men's shirts;
  • women's underwear;
  • self-related things.

Only spouses can make such gifts. But it is advisable not to buy a husband or wife underwear for their soul mate.

When we want something, our consciousness is completely focused on the desire. We begin to look at the world around us through the prism of our desire. And if the power of desire is really great, then space responds to us with signs that are called signs. Such signs are very different nature, there are also signs on the betrothed.

How do omens work?

Probably, every person wanted to experience the happiness of mutual love in life. But it is one thing to want it and quite another to tune in energetically to it. By mood is meant a blissful state, relaxed, when a person is in a pleasant expectation of love. That is, inside, as if there is a calm confidence that your love will find you very soon. This is a very favorable energy state to meet the betrothed.

It is in this state that a woman begins to receive answers from outer space that a meeting with love awaits her soon. This is called omens. Signs for a meeting of a loved one and a betrothed can be both common and unique, which a woman interprets to herself. Below are examples of common signs that people have collected since ancient times.

And what are the unique signs of love? This is when a young lady begins to notice in real external environment what I thought about love. For example, a young lady imagined a picture where her future beloved would be dressed in blue color. And the next day, she may notice that she often meets men in this light or something pleasant, maybe connected with the blue color. Or she imagines in her imagination that her beloved will have a name starting with the letter “A”, and now she increasingly meets people with a name starting with this letter. This means that the outer space is slowly beginning to reciprocate.

Now let's talk about the common signs of love that people have been collecting since ancient times.

Signs of love with a positive meaning

There are love signs that, by the fact of their existence, also raise the mood:

  • So you came on a date all dressed up, beautiful, and it so happened that, together with a young man, you got caught in the rain. Don't be upset. This is a positive love omen. She says that with this man the likelihood that there will be a wedding and a rich happy life is very high.
  • There is a romantic dinner, you and your companion are exchanging compliments, and suddenly someone breaks a plate. This suggests that you may have a mutual passion with this man, so take a closer look at him.
  • If the young lady noticed that recent times acquaintances often do not recognize her, they confuse her with someone, which means that very soon there will be sharp turns in her personal life, you will meet a betrothed with whom you will change both internally and externally.
  • A woman is walking down the street, and it seems there are no bakeries or cafes anywhere nearby, but suddenly it smells of some very delicious dish. Such a sign suggests that a woman will very soon meet love with whom she will enjoy carnal pleasures.
  • Do not be discouraged if it often seems to your acquaintances lately that you have become pregnant, this does not always mean that you have gained excess weight. In some cases, this means that very soon you will really find yourself in a position from a loved one.
  • If after a date, a young lady, combing her hair, suddenly discovered that she had a new gray hair, then this means that with this man fate promises a long and mutual love she will be married soon.
  • Recently, various jewelry has simply caught the eye of a woman - this means that she wants to feel valuable as well. And if a girl accidentally finds some kind of precious jewelry, it can be a bracelet, ring or pendant, then someone will appear in her life who will give her these jewelry. If a woman accidentally found beautiful jewelry, then a bright, stormy, but short-lived romance awaits her.
  • If a usually punctual girl suddenly lately is often late for something, her schedule changes as if by magic, then in this case you should not get annoyed. Most likely, the space sets you up for the fateful meeting of the betrothed. In this case, as far as possible, succumb to the flow of fate.
  • When you go on your next date, in order for the date to become fateful, look to the north side.
  • If you already have a young man and you want even more love and passion in the relationship, then be sure to kiss him on the new moon.

Signs that scare away happy love

Young girls will also not be out of place to know the signs that scare away love:

  1. It is considered a bad omen, which can lead to parting, to meet with your young man near water bodies, under poplars. They say that such places carry destructive love energy.
  2. Folk signs say that lovers should not be photographed together before the wedding. It is believed that such a photograph can destroy future family happiness. Although, today, it is extremely difficult to observe such a sign, because today every person a day can take several dozen pictures on the phone.
  3. A love sign that portends parting is kissing with a loved one on the steps.
  4. If your beloved man gave you something, then in no case do not let your friends measure these things. This will lead to quarrels and possible separation. Especially it is impossible for girlfriends and acquaintances to give ring measurements, otherwise these same girlfriends can then beat off your beloved man from you.
  5. Not a very good love omen if your heel breaks during a date. This means that love with a man will be lame.
  6. If you don’t want to bring trouble on yourself in your personal life, then don’t measure other people’s Wedding Dresses and rings. Some believe that, in this way, the girl attracts the fate of a lovebird, a lover.
  7. I want to live a long and happy life with a real beloved man, then do not write or call him on January 7 and February 29.
  8. A bad sign to celebrate a wedding in church holidays, it does not bring happiness in personal life.
  9. Folk signs say that for your beloved young man you can’t knit anything with your own hands. Thus, you symbolically entangle your loved one in a love relationship.

  • If the right eyebrow itches, then one of the young people will call you on a date.
  • And if your lips itch, then very soon you will kiss passionately with someone.
  • If you stumbled when you left the house on a date, then it could be fateful.
  • The girl who found a hairpin at the crossroads should rejoice, because her meeting of great love is just around the corner.
  • An apple that unexpectedly rolled off the table or fell out of the basket portends a meeting with an interesting young man.
  • If a girl suddenly made a marriage proposal at a dance, and she refused, then it is believed that in this way she attracted even greater love luck.
  • It is a bad love omen when a young man proposes to you and is interrupted by another girl, which means that she will be his second wife.
  • If a man proposed three times and was refused, then it is best for him not to try to marry again. It is believed that, in this way, fate warns him from unhappiness in marriage.
  • If a girl has often had dreams about love lately, where there is romantic setting, this means that her soul is tuned in to mutual and long love. After such dreams, it is worth taking a closer look at the environment of men.
  • In this article:

    If you have trouble with your personal life, you get only casual connections, but there is no love, then it's time to change it. Conspiracies will help you find "your person" in the crowd. Love comes into our lives suddenly, let's help it. Meeting a person with whom you can build a strong relationship, start a family, is not so easy. Love magic will come to the rescue - it will become easier to find your narrowed or narrowed one. Now all paths are open to you. In order not to be sad alone, look for a person who will give you happiness and love.

    Why are you alone?

    There are so many questions - why is a person lonely? Beautiful, smart, rich and poor want one thing - to find their love. It can be difficult to do this, because we are all so different. It is not always possible to see a person as he is at first sight. It might be that:

    • a person is very shy, does not know how to get acquainted, draw attention to himself;
    • believes that being attractive is a sin;
    • lives in a very conservative family;
    • dreaming too much perfect man or a woman;
    • cannot recover from past relationships;
    • too much preoccupied with thoughts of his imperfection.

    Anyone can find true love. Doesn't have special significance How perfect is your figure? We do not always notice our betrothed in the crowd if we believe that we only like tall brunettes with blue eyes. Happiness has no eye color, does not depend on height and weight.

    Love is somewhere near

    Your love is near! It does not happen that a person who is destined by heaven will never meet you on the way. Universe, High power, God - will always guide you along the same path. To meet him and understand that this is the very thing is already your concern. Here conspiracies will help you.

    There is no sin in them, they will only help you to be in right place at the right time, pay attention to the right person, push him to action.

    He is also looking for you. Give you both a gift - say a conspiracy that will help you find each other sooner.

    Spells to find your love

    Conspiracies are pronounced at night on the growing moon. As it grows, so does the power of your conspiracy increase, and the effect gets closer. All these conspiracies are fast, the effect comes in a maximum of a week, but for someone faster.

    Conspiracy to find a groom

    In order for the girl to find herself a good, decent groom sooner, she will need to read this conspiracy.

    In urban conditions, you can work in the park, on the alley, in the square.

    Go out alone into the open field. Stand in the very middle, say three times:

    “How burdock clings to my hem,
    So the suitors would cling to me,
    fell in love with me
    And they did not lag behind, they called for marriage.
    Amen". Cross on all 4 sides. Run away from the field, do not turn around, even if they call you by name.

    It's vintage rustic way. He always works. You will have to wait 5-6 days, and then it will appear right person. He is also looking for you, so the meeting and acquaintance will be joyful.

    Conspiracy for beer

    If men don’t pay attention to you at all, then you need to buy a bottle of good, expensive beer. Splash them at the threshold, and then take them under the tree. Pour beer there, repeating the plot:

    “How everyone goes to this beer and goes, gathers,
    So it would be for me, God's servant (name),
    The matchmakers were going, they were going.
    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

    So you lure a man to you. Do not be stingy, the drink should be of high quality, expensive, then your man will have money, and with a good appearance.

    Spell to meet the bride

    This plot is read by men to meet their soul mate. Let her be the way you want. A man must buy four candles in the church. Put them in your house in the corners of the room. Stand in the middle and say:

    “There are four corners in my house, in each corner there are three wells: Good, Comfort, Peace live, they guard the house from adversity. A girl walks from corner to corner, a scythe spreads along the ground. The name of the girl is Love, and my shelter is based on her. So that the girl does not leave, gifts must be brought - a ribbon for a braid, a mirror for beauty.

    You need to give a ribbon and a mirror to your bride, or leave it in her house. Let the candles burn out to the end, and you take the cinders to the crossroads.

    The success of the work depends on the intention of the performer

    Very soon, the woman you are destined to be with will appear. She will also notice you and will favor you. Conspiracies bring the right person to you, then it's up to you. It is impossible to think of an ideal beauty for yourself and meet her right there. Perhaps your betrothed is not at all perfect, but having fallen in love with her, you will understand - this is SHE.

    Holy water conspiracy

    For a woman to meet her man, you need to read this plot. After him, your man will appear, and even he will soon call for marriage:

    “God's water is Ulyana, my blush is Maryana.
    My lips are not kissed, my breasts are not pardoned.
    I wash off my age, I put on my wedding crown.
    God's water - Ulyana, my blush - Maryana.
    Let the grooms see this, they want to marry themselves.
    Key. Lock. Language.

    It is read only once on holy water. Done on a Saturday night. After that, the woman should wash with water and pour over so that it gets everywhere. Don't repeat it too many times! It is done only once, it is very strong. If more than a week has passed and nothing has happened, then wait. Your betrothed is on his way to you.

    Corruption "Crown of Celibacy": what to do if you are cursed for loneliness

    If none of these conspiracies worked, then you should check with a specialist. Perhaps some time ago a terrible corruption was imposed on you - the Crown of Celibacy. It literally cuts off your path to happiness with another person.

    It must be removed, otherwise you will never build a normal family.

    Even the most good, kind, beautiful and successful will remain alone until the end of their days. It needs to be removed by a specialist love magic, healer. Before that, fast for 7 days without meat, alcohol, coffee, cigarettes. The body needs to be cleansed. The specialist removes such damage in just 2-3 sessions. This will give you the opportunity to meet the person of your dreams in order to find love.

    A simple but effective conspiracy will help you meet your love. They are versatile so both men and women can try. You won't have to wait long for the effect, your love is somewhere nearby. You just have to call her right. Happiness is for everyone, take your own.

    Conspiracies of the Pechora healer Maria Fedorovskaya for indestructible love and pigeon fidelity Smorodova Irina

    To meet the betrothed

    To meet the betrothed

    First you need to take a ball of dark woolen thread, unwind it, pass every centimeter of thread through your hands, and then wind it into a ball again with your own hands. Then put it under your pillow and sleep on it for three nights. And on the fourth night, you need to pretend that you went to bed, and after a few hours, when the moon in the sky will shine brightly, take the ball into left hand, quietly leave the house, reach the wasteland, which the moon completely illuminates (you can just settle in a deserted courtyard, where the windows do not go out, so as not to interfere with prying eyes).

    Stand up straight, look at the sky, turn around yourself three times over your left shoulder and say:

    In heaven Jesus Christ, ever-virgin Mary, angels and archangels, cherubim and seraphim. The moon shines on them, helps them to see. So they see all my thoughts, they know everything in advance, they cry with me about all my sorrows and sorrows. Help me, moon, find my beloved among all, lead me to him, shine on my path, show the way to him. As three nights pass, I will meet with my betrothed, let my ball roll to him. And the ball will not roll, and the road will not be illuminated - let his name break from the lips of the person whom I will welcome in my house in three days. In my words, heaven is the key, earth is the castle from now on and forever and ever and ever. Amen.

    Take the ball in right hand, unwind a little, put it on the ground and push it slightly so that it rolls. Then cross yourself three times and go home without looking back. And leave the ball where it was. When you come home, read "Our Father" nine times.

    After three days, return to that place: if the ball is strongly unwound or it is not visible at all, then soon you yourself will meet the right person. If the ball rolled away not far, it means that your guests, who will come that day, will introduce you to your betrothed. Well, if the ball lies as it was supposed to, then there is no help for you.

    There can be two reasons for this: either the right person already exists in your life, or such a turning point will soon occur in your life that you no longer need any dear one. For example, you get sick or die. It’s scary to know about yourself, but it’s better to know than not to know. Because when you know, you can still do something.

    How to check why the plot is not working

    For the same reasons, any conspiracy may not work. We need to know exactly why. Go home. At the four corners of the room, light thin wax candles. Sit in the middle of the room, bare-haired, barefoot, on the floor. Take your favorite ring, preferably without a pebble, tie a thread to it from the ball you slandered. Take a clay bowl with water. Read "Our Father" three times over the water. Then take a ring on a thread in your right hand, you get a pendulum, the thread should be ten centimeters. Hold the pendulum above the water, five centimeters from the bowl. Stop it with your left hand. Keep it up and ask questions:

    There is no help for me, because the cute one is already near me, but I don’t see him?

    If not, then ask:

    I don't get help because I'm about to get sick?

    If the pendulum is standing or moving in a circle, then no, if it swings from side to side, then yes. Then ask further:

    Can I get rid of that disease?

    If the pendulum is standing or moving in a circle, then no, if it swings from side to side, then yes.

    If the pendulum answered no to the question about the disease, ask further:

    I have no help because I'm about to die?

    If the pendulum is standing or moving in a circle, then no, if it swings from side to side, then yes. Then ask:

    Can I take death away from myself?

    If the pendulum is standing or moving in a circle, then no, if it swings from side to side, then yes.

    After you have learned all that you need, quickly blow out all the candles and throw them into a bowl of water, cover it with a clean linen towel, cross twice and say:

    “Jesus Christ, you are a prayer for all, our representative in heaven, forgive me my sins and transgressions, I trust in your mercy and ever-virgin Mary, I wash your feet, wipe my hair with my hair, forgive your sinful slave (name) in orphanhood and stupidity , and my wretchedness, forgive my sins.

    After that, cross yourself, take that bowl as you eat barefoot and, bare-haired, take it out into the street and pour it out behind the house. Throw away the towel you covered her with. But boil the bowl itself and never eat from it and do not cook food in it.

    How to Cleanse to Get Help When Illness or Death Awaits You

    If illness or death awaits you, but you are told that you can take them away from yourself, you need to cleanse yourself. Here's what you need to do:

    1. Fast for three days, then confess in the church with the priest and take communion.

    2. Remember all the people whom you offended and ask for their forgiveness. If they are not around, ask mentally. Write letters. For those who are nearby, also give small gifts.

    3. Distribute all debts, if any. Even if you took a ruble from someone, remember, give that ruble back too.

    4. Exchange one hundred rubles for metal money and distribute to the poor.

    5. Buy a variety of simple food and feed stray dogs and cats.

    6. Buy a loaf of bread and feed the birds.

    7. Bake pies and treat all the neighbors.

    8. Sort out your clothes, take everything you don’t need outside and leave it there so that everyone who needs it can take it.

    9. Don’t drink wine for a week, don’t smoke, don’t eat meat, don’t swear (meaning not only swearing, but also any showdown, manifestations of discontent).

    How to know what to do after cleansing

    As the week went by, go to bed and before going to bed say, looking at the lit church candle:

    “Jesus Christ, the son of God, the wondrous Light, teach life, save from adversity, accept repentance, put thoughts into your head, how can I, a servant of God (name), take away sadness-attack-grief-bitterness of death from myself, what should I do, how trouble help his. Now and forever and forever and ever, amen.”

    After that, drink a cup of herbal tea (brew valerian herb, and thyme, and a sprig of basil, and three dried rose hips in a mug), lie on your right side, put your right hand under your cheek and read "Our Father" until you fall asleep. In a dream, the path to healing and averting trouble will appear to you.

    What to do if you were told that help would not be provided

    If the pendulum answered you that you do not have to wait for help, cleanse yourself and do the following. Take a vacation from work, if you work, for a week or better for two and go to any monastery. Arriving there, pray from morning to night and ask the monks to pray for the salvation of your soul and the extension of your life. And when you distribute alms, ask all the poor to pray for you. And ask all your friends and relatives to put a candle in the church for your health. Perhaps they will pray for you with the whole world.

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    From the author's book

    Fortune-telling on the betrothed by echo Running out of the hut into the street, the village girls aukali and listened - from which side the echo resounds, the groom will be from there. Other details were also noted. If the echo responded quickly and sounds for a long time, the wedding will be soon. If the echo is thin,

    There are special days in the year that are most suitable for divination and magic.

    This is the time when the border between Navu and reality is blurred, which allows you to look into the future or the distant past, and the rites performed these days have a special power.

    To find effective rite to attract a betrothed, I went on a journey through ancestral memory.

    From the whole variety of memories, I singled out 3 girls. Each of them dreamed of meeting a loved one and creating a family with him.

    Rite one. Needlework and embroidery

    I see how the girl is sitting at the table, the light is falling from the window, she is humming a song and embroidering a handkerchief. He puts into the pattern what he sings.

    He composes the words of the song in the course of the needlework, in them he prescribes the image of the future meeting and what will happen after the meeting, how the house will be built, life will develop together, children.

    After the embroidery is ready, she folds the handkerchief close to her heart and wears it there until spring. On Maslenitsa, when the effigy of Winter was burned, she threw a handkerchief into that fire.

    Second rite. chrysalis

    The second girl sculpts a doll from salt dough, the size of half a palm. A female chrysalis is a small shoreline - a desire. She has no face, I see a sundress, her hair is long contoured. The girl, preparing the doll, also sits at the table by the window, does everything in the light of day and also sings a song.

    Words, like the previous beauty, she composes herself, puts in images: what kind of meeting she sees with her beloved, she prescribes feelings, what kind of stir in her soul, how their eyes meet, what kind of love they will have.

    By making, doll 3 days and 3 nights stood on a shelf in the bedroom, where the eye often fell, and then that girl burned it in the oven, as if letting go of her desire, passing it into the hands of the Universe.

    Rite three. Pupa Bereginya

    The third girl also makes a small doll-coast, only a rag one, from fabric and pieces - scraps. On the bench I see a girl sitting by the window. She makes a doll, decorates it and also sings a song.

    He adds up his dreams and images about his beloved and family, sings, and passes them on to the doll to take care of. Then he puts it for 3 days and 3 nights at the head of his bed. At the end of this period, under the tree of her beloved, she buries the doll, as if transferring her desires into the hands of Mother Earth, releasing him at will.

    All three of these girls are not related in any way, they lived in different time, in different places and families. But all three rites were performed at sunshine, in a day.

    All three sang the song, adding words along the way. The motive was not important, focusing on the images, they, singing, put them into their needlework, as if passing them on to the pupae or the pattern (on the handkerchief).

    They prescribed in this way a meeting with a loved one, their feelings, sensations that, when meeting with him, wake up, stir up, then their family life, happiness and joy together.

    Each did it in her own way, picked up her own words, put them together in different ways and sang them. But all three did it alone, focusing only on creation, not being distracted by anything or anyone else, neither in actions, nor in words, nor in their thoughts.

    Rite to attract a betrothed. Ways to do it today:

    Those of you, dear needlewomen and craftswomen, who know how to make and embroider dolls, you can take the methods described above.

    Important! Remember that a needle is not used in the manufacture of ritual dolls.

    For those who are not yet strong in needlework, I suggest going the other way:

    1. Prepare in advance, ask that no one interfere or distract.
    2. Choose a place so that the sunlight falls. Take a piece of paper, a pen and write.
    3. Imagine your meeting with your loved one, do not describe the meeting place and clothes, but your feelings, the sensations that will awaken from this meeting.

    Describe your dream, love, joint aspirations, joys. It is not necessary to prescribe all your life, let everything be written by someone, how the syllable will go. It is advisable to hum what you write, let the words, as in fairy tales, fit neatly.

    Write without thinking about the form of what is written. Try to convey the meaning, your dream, as brightly, deeply, multifacetedly as possible.

    4. When finished, fold the leaf, leave it somewhere within it so that you can open it and read it. Do not place on the mirror and next to it, under the pillow you can or on desk. Only so that no one else can read and see what you write. Then you can burn this leaf in a candle flame, on a fire or in a fireplace (the main thing is that the fire is alive).

    The image of the soul is important

    1. Before prescribing your meeting with your betrothed, you must already prescribe, know image of his soul. Those. how you see him, not external data, but personal qualities, character.
    2. Think about it, do you really want to meet, get to know him, change your life?
    3. After the ceremony, look back at yourself. Are you ready for the meeting? Are you living up to your dreams or do you need to work on something? Change something in yourself, some qualities, skills, perhaps develop? Take a closer look and start preparing yourself, because everything will happen very soon.

    Meeting with the betrothed

    I propose to look at three of our girls that this ritual was performed this winter. Let's look ahead a bit. Maslenitsa, festivities.

    One to get acquainted with her betrothed at the fair. I see how their eyes met and feelings flared up immediately.

    The second one found her destiny at the games, watching how the good fellows showed their prowess.

    The third shirt weaved, embroidered, and sold them at the fair herself. There he found her. He liked the shirts so much that the wedding was soon played.

    Those. it turns out that the dreams of all three girls came true already in the spring, when winter receded. At what they came true exactly as they prescribed, what feelings they invested, that's how it all happened, and in life then it happened.

    Fairy tales or miracles? Or maybe self-understanding?

    I give this rite to all who are ready to receive it.

    Realize, dream, embody.

    And let everyone who has not yet found his love, be sure to meet her.