1994 is a leap year. Leap years

The leap year, in which an extra day is added to the end of February every four years, is due to a mismatch solar system and the Gregorian calendar. The Earth's full orbit around the Sun takes exactly 365.2422 days, but the Gregorian calendar has 365 days. So leap seconds - and leap years - are added to keep our clocks (and calendars) in sync with the Earth and her seasons.

Why is the extra day in February and not in another month?

All other months in the Julian calendar have 30 or 31 days, but February fell victim to the ego of the Roman Emperor Caesar Augustus. During the time of his predecessor Julius Caesar, February had 30 days and the month of his name - July - 31, while August had only 29 days. When Caesar Augustus became emperor, he added two days to "his" month to make August as long as July. So February fell victim to August in the battle for extra days.

Julius Caesar vs. Pope Gregory

The Roman calendar did indeed have 355 days, with an additional 22-day month every two years, until Julius Caesar became emperor in the 1st century and ordered the astronomer Sosigenes to develop a better system. Sosigene settled on 365 days a year, with an extra day every four years to include additional hours, and so February 29 was born. Because an earth day is not exactly 365.25 days, Pope Gregory XIII's astronomers decided to remove three days every 400 years when they introduced the Gregorian calendar in 1582. The calculations have worked since then, but the system would have to be rethought after about 10,000 years.

Technically, a leap year doesn't occur every four years.

2000 was a leap year, but 1700, 1800 and 1900 were not. A leap year is every year that is divisible by four, except for those years that are both divisible by 100 and not divisible by 400. The added century rule (versus the simple "every four years") was an additional correction to compensate for the fact that an extra day every four years was too much of a correction.

What is a leap second?

Leap years are not directly related to leap seconds, but they were all introduced for the purpose of keeping our clocks and calendars in line with the revolutions of the Earth. Leap seconds were added to bring the Earth's rotation in line with atomic time. The leap second was added at the end of June last year, when just after midnight the dials showed 11:59:60. atomic time is constant, but the Earth's rotation is gradually slowing down by about two thousandths of a second per day. So leap seconds are critical to ensure that the time we use doesn't accurately deviate from time based on the Earth's rotation. If this is not checked, eventually we will come to the fact that the clock will show noon at night. The leap second can sometimes cause problems for some networks that rely on precise timings. When the last leap second was added in 2012, Mozilla, Reddit, Foursquare, Yelp, LinkedIn, and StumbleUpon reported crashes, and problems with operating system Linux and programs written in Java.

Other calendars need leap years too

The modern Iranian calendar is a solar calendar with eight leap days added every 33 years. The Indian National Calendar and the Revised Calendar of Bangladesh arrange their leap years so that the leap day is always close to February 29 in the Gregorian calendar.

What if you were born on February 29th?

The chance of being born on a leap year is 1 in 1461. People who were born on February 29th are called "leaplings" or "leapers" (from "leap year" - leap year). In common years, many of them choose either February 28 or March 1 to celebrate their birthday, while purists stick to February 29. Some suggest that those born just after midnight on February 29 should celebrate their birthdays on February 28, while those born just before midnight on March 1 should celebrate their birthdays on that day. Those born around noon are less fortunate when it comes to choosing. About 4.1 million people worldwide were born on February 29th.

Famous people born on a leap day

The chances of your birthday falling on a leap day are extremely slim - 1 in 1461 to be exact - and there's a pretty mixed bag famous people born on this day.

  • Frederick is a character in The Pirates of Penzance
  • John Byrom - Romantic poet
  • Pope Paul III - 16th century pontiff
  • George Augustus Polgreen Bridgetower - 19th century musician
  • Ann Lee - leader of the Shaker sect
  • Gioacchino Rossini - Italian composer
  • Charles Pritchard - British astronomer
  • Sir Dave Brailsford - English cyclist and coach
  • Tony Robbins - motivational speaker
  • Alan Richardson - composer
  • Darren Ambrose - English football player
  • Ja Rule (Jeffrey Atkins) - rapper

Photo: Sir Dave Brailsford changed the fate of British cycling

Why do women propose to men on a leap year?

Leap year is also known as the time when women can propose to men.

According to one theory, this tradition dates back to the 5th century, when, according to legend, the Irish nun Saint Bridget complained to Saint Patrick that women had to wait too long for an offer from suitors. Saint Patrick then allegedly gave women the opportunity to do it themselves every four years. Until the 19th century, no one thought that the tradition would become commonplace. There is also a theory that Margaret, Queen of Scots was behind the legendary Scottish law of 1288. The law gave unmarried women the freedom to propose during a leap year, and the man who refused had to pay a fine. True, this story is dubious at best - after all, Queen Margaret was only eight years old when she died, and scholars have been unable to find a record of the law.

Others argue that the tradition of women proposing on this day dates back to a time when a leap year day was not recognized by English law. According to this theory, if the day had no legal status, it was acceptable to break with the custom that it was a man's job to propose. In Denmark, if a man declines an offer, he is required to give the woman 12 pairs of gloves, while in Finland, the penalty is fabric for a skirt.

Leap year capital

The city of Antonia, which lies on the border between Texas and New Mexico in the United States, is the self-proclaimed Leap Year Capital of the World. The four-day leap year festival held there every leap year includes a huge birthday party for all children born on that day.

According to a study by Beefeater, 20% of women said they would like to propose to their partner. Despite this, nearly a third of the women said they would be concerned about their partner's reaction. However, more than half of the men (59%) would like their girlfriends to get down on one knee. To that end, the chain has created a "Leap Year Package" just in case you want to ask this question at one of their establishments.

Research by The Stag Company has found similar results, with more than half of the men saying they would accept a proposal from their girlfriend and the majority saying they would like their girlfriend to present them with a ring. However, only 15% of the women said they would consider the offer.

Leap year proverbs

In Scotland, a leap year is considered bad for cattle. That is why the Scots sometimes say: "Leap year has never been good year for the sheep."

In Italy, where they say "anno bisesto, anno funesto" (meaning leap year, fateful year), there are warnings against planning special events such as weddings. What is the reason?

"Anno bisesto tutte le donne senza sesto", which means "In a leap year, women are fickle".

Other Leap Year Facts

Summer Olympic Games always held in a leap year

In Greece, couples often avoid getting married on a leap year, believing it brings bad luck.

Food for thought: If you work for a fixed monthly salary, you will have to work one more day than usual for the same salary.

As mentioned above, a year that is divisible by 100 but not by 400 is not technically a leap year. Therefore, 2000 was a Gregorian leap year, as was 1600. But 1700, 1800, and 1900 were not leap years. "There is good reason of this,” said Ian Stuart, Professor Emeritus of Mathematics, Air Force. “There are 365 days in a year and a quarter more - but not exactly. If it was accurate, then you could say it happens every four years." The decision of Pope Gregory and his astronomers should be rethought in about 10,000 years, Professor Stewart points out.

Leap years are also known as intercalary years.

In the Julian and Gregorian calendars, a leap year is a year that consists of 366 days. Thus, it differs from the usual one by the presence of an “extra” day. In the Julian calendar, every fourth year is a leap year. As for the Gregorian, it has a similar approach to determining a leap year, but with a small exception.

What are leap years in the Gregorian calendar?

To be considered a leap year, the year must first of all be divisible by four. Regarding zero years, from which centuries begin, they are considered leap years only if their number is a multiple of 400. So, for example, the year 2000 is a leap year, while the year 1900 is not.

As for the question, how many days are in a leap year, the most common in the world Gregorian calendar contains 366 days. The “extra” day is February 29th. Thus, people born on this day officially celebrate their birthday every four years. it interesting feature leap years.

Where does the extra day come from?

Our planet is constantly revolving around its celestial body - the Sun. The Earth makes a complete revolution in 365 days and several hours. This period of time is called a "year". For convenience of calculation, the “extra” few hours are not taken into account for three years. In the fourth year, additional hours are added up and, as a result, an “extra” day is obtained, which is usually added to every fourth February.

Leap years: a list for the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries

Given the above rules for determining leap years, it is possible to form a list of them for the last centuries. So, in the 19th century, these were: 1804, 1808, 1812, 1816, 1820, 1824, 1828, 1832, 1836, 1840, 1844, 1848, 1852, 1856, 1860, 1864, 1868, 1872, 180. 1888, 1892, 1896.

In the 20th century leap years, respectively, were 1904, 1908, 1912, 1916, 1920, 1924, 1928, 1932, 1936, 1940, 1944, 1948, 1952, 1956, 1960, 1964, 1968, 1972, 1976, 198. 1996.

As for the 21st century, in which we all were lucky enough to live, the leap years were 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012. The next leap year will be 2016.

Leap Year Mystery

Despite the fact that the origin and features of leap years have long been studied and absolutely clear, many people are apprehensively waiting for their onset. It just so happened that a leap year is considered something strange and somewhere even dangerous. Nevertheless, if we analyze history, in ordinary years there were no less various kinds of cataclysms and negative events than in leap years. Therefore, it is not necessary to attach any special significance to leap years.

A leap year gives rise to many superstitions and rumors, which boil down mainly to the fact that this year is unlucky and rich in negative events. Let's see if this is the case.

Leap year: a bit of history

The word "leap" is of Latin origin, translated as "second sixth". According to the Julian calendar, the year lasted 365.25 days, while every year the day shifted by 6 hours. Such an error could confuse the ancient men, so that this did not happen, it was decided that every fourth year would consist of 366 days, and February would become a day longer. This year is called a leap year.

In Russia, there were many legends about the appearance of leap years, each of which was considered unlucky.

Legends about the appearance of a leap year in Russia

February 29 is also called in honor of St. Kasyan Kasyanov Day. Being a bright angel, he was tempted by the tricks of evil spirits and went over to the side of the devil. However, later he repented and prayed to the Lord for mercy. Having mercy on the traitor, God assigned an angel to him. He put Kasyan in chains and, at the behest from above, beat him on the forehead with an iron hammer for 3 years, and let him go on the fourth.

According to another legend, Kasyanov's day is the day of his name day. However, the saint each time got dead drunk for three years and came to his senses only in the fourth year. Therefore, he is supposed to celebrate his day so rarely.

There is a third legend: walking along the road, Saint Kasyan and Nicholas the Wonderworker met a peasant. He asked for help, as his wagon got stuck in the mud. To which Kasyan replied that he was afraid to stain the robe, and Nikolai helped. The saints came to paradise, God noticed that Nicholas's robe was dirty and asked what was the matter. The Miracle Worker told him what had happened. Then God noticed that Kasyan's robe was clean, and asked if they weren't walking together? Kasyan replied that he was afraid to get his clothes dirty. God understood that the saint was cunning and made it so that his name day comes every 4 years. And the birthday of Nikolai for his kindness - twice a year.

Leap years were notorious in Russia: we will not continue the list of legends for a long time, here is one example: honest people tried to complete all their affairs before February 29th. Many did not dare to leave the house, the sun on this day was called the "Eye of Kasyan", they were afraid to fall under the sun, so that Kasyan would not jinx them and send illness and suffering.

Leap year superstitions

As in ancient times, modern world often there are signs and superstitions, not with better side characterizing leap years (the list is given below):

  • We need to postpone marriage in a leap year. Such a marriage will not be lasting, the young will quarrel, and the newly created family will incur troubles and misfortunes.
  • You need to wait with the sale, purchase, exchange of real estate or building a house. The deals made this year will not be profitable and will inevitably lead to the ruin of the parties. The new home won't last long.
  • Any undertakings are dangerous - job change, moving, starting a business. The sign is understandable: the presence of the 29th day in one of the winter months can characterize the whole year as not being what it should be. Therefore, unsure of own forces it is easier for a person to give up something new than to make efforts to start and develop a business.
  • You can not get pregnant and give birth, as the birth will be difficult, the baby may be born unhealthy. Or his life will be hard and joyless.
  • A leap year "mows down" people, that is, it takes them away. It is generally accepted that mortality increases every fourth year, although this superstition is not statistically confirmed.
  • You can’t pick mushrooms, eat them or sell them to people, so as not to raise bad things from the earth.
  • It is believed that leap years entail natural disasters and disasters: fires, floods, drought.

What are leap years? List of leap years in the 20th century

In the past century, as well as in the 21st century, leap years have been terrifying for superstitious people. A list of them is given below:

  • 1900s: -00; -04; -08; -12, and so on, every fourth year.
  • The year 2000 was also a leap year.

Leap years: 21st century list

To this day, many are waiting for a leap year with fear, psychologically setting themselves up for trouble and explaining misfortune by the presence of an extra day in February.

Leap years, list since 2000: -04; -08; -12; -16, and then - every fourth year.

Instead of a conclusion

According to statistics, only a small number of all the troubles and disasters occur in leap years. The superstitions that exist to this day can be explained by the fact that people who closely follow the troubles and misfortunes that happened in leap years, attached exaggerated significance to what was happening solely because of the unflattering glory of the latter.

People who believe too much in leap year superstitions would like to wish to pay more attention to positive change and events. And then, perhaps, a list of good signs rehabilitating leap years will appear.

A year is a certain period of time when our planet completely travels along the orbit of the Sun. The number comes out a little more than 368 days, the difference is small ─ almost 6 hours. However, the luminaries of world science decided to correct such a "mistake" of the Earth's movement and introduced the 29th day in the last winter month. For this reason, every 4 years we have a leap year, and there is no getting away from it.

When is the leap year: we will find out for sure

Not all people keep track of when the last leap year was and, moreover, do not track the approach of the next one. However, this is the year we live in now. There is a lot different beliefs and will accept with regards to leap years, so it is not surprising if a person is interested in, they say, a leap year when last time? After that, there is an active count up to 4, and now we will tell you why.

When is the next leap year and what can it bring?

If the year without a remainder is divisible by either 4, or 100, or 400, then you can definitely say that it is a leap year. Old people do not like them and are even afraid, because it is considered:

In such a year dies more people;
marriages entered into at this time are short-lived;
changes in life will not bring any benefit;

By the way, do you know? And we know - find out for yourself!

More interesting things you can see in the video from YouTube. Read, share with loved ones and always be happy at any time.

These are the most common thoughts, and if your friend asks: when was the previous leap year, can you tell me? You will know for sure the reason for his fears!

Also read on the portal My Tips - it's interesting!

The new year 2020 will be a leap year, which means that in it we will live 1 more day - in February, instead of the usual 28 days, there will be 29. An additional 366 day in a leap year on February 29 is due to the fact that the Earth makes its revolution around the Sun in 365 days 5 hours 48 minutes and 46 seconds. To compensate for this difference of almost 6 hours, one day is added to the calendar every 4 years.

Everyone has a different attitude to a leap year - someone considers this period the most ordinary year that does not carry any danger, someone is afraid of it and associates many superstitions with this period. In this article we will try to understand all the signs, beliefs and misconceptions associated with a leap year.

Upcoming Leap Years: 2020, 2024, 2028, 2032, 2036, 2040, 2044.

An extra day in a leap year, February 29, is called Kasyanov Day. In Naoda, this day is considered one of the most difficult and dangerous. Bad attitude to a leap year was in folk beliefs associated with a certain Kasyan, about whom there were many legends and beliefs. According to one legend, Kasyan was an Angel who knew all the affairs and plans of God. However, it later turned out that he was a traitor who told all the plans to the demons. For this he was punished - for 3 years he was beaten on the forehead, and for 4 years he was released to Earth, where he had already committed evil deeds. According to another legend, Kasyan was a saint, but he broke the law and drank alcohol for 3 years, and stopped for 4 years.

Signs for Leap Year 2020

In Leap Year, nothing serious can be started - building a house, major contracts or transactions, purchases, weddings, and much more. All this was forbidden. Because nothing good will come of such undertakings - everything will soon fall apart and bring many more problems with it. Also, if possible, do not change jobs and apartments.

In a leap year, it is better not to start building a bathhouse.

A child born in a leap year needs to take blood relatives as godfathers.

If you live in a village and breed geese, then, when slaughtering a bird in a leap year, give the third goose as a gift to relatives or neighbors.

In the spring of a leap year, when you plant seeds and seedlings for the first time in the garden, say: "In a leap year, it's fine to die."

If you still decide to get married in a leap year, then before the ceremony, say this amulet: "I crown with a crown, and not with a leap year."

People who get divorced in a leap year should buy a new towel. These towels are then taken to the church and given to the cleaners, saying to themselves: “I pay tribute to the leap year, and you, family angel, stand next to me. Amen. Amen. Amen.

In a leap year, leaving home, they say without stepping over the threshold: "I'm going and going along the leap year, I bow to the leap year. I left the threshold, I'll be back here. Amen."

At the first thunder in a leap year, they cross their fingers and whisper: "The whole family is with me (names of your family members). Amen."

Hearing the howl of a dog in a leap year, they say: "Go howl, but not to my house. Amen."