Wangi's dream interpretation is old spoiled by moths. Why does a woman dream of a mole: a girl, a woman, a pregnant woman, a man - an interpretation according to different dream books. Signs and beliefs

A wedding is a very important event for everyone, a turning point, a stepping stone to a new life. It is not surprising that the largest number of traditions, rituals and superstitions are associated with it, because with their help the ancestors tried to program a happy family life and protect it from unclean forces. In the modern world, wedding signs for the bride and groom no longer play such a decisive role as before. But still, on a subconscious level, the newlyweds try to follow some of them - so calmer.

What to avoid in pre-wedding preparation

They start, of course, from the day of the wedding. It is believed that it is best to play a wedding in the summer - life will be sweet, the husband will be faithful, love will be long. Those who create a family in September will find comfort and peace in the house, in November - wealth, and in December - passionate love forever. Difficulties await those who marry in October, early widowhood in January, betrayal in May.

Rain or snow on the wedding day will shower the new family with prosperity. Registration after dinner promises happiness, and if the bride sneezes and cries in the morning, then there is no doubt about a good family life. The thirteenth and Friday will bring nothing good to lovers.

Wedding rings should be chosen together, this is for understanding and solidarity in the family. Ordinary traditional rings (without stones, inscriptions and patterns) promise a smooth relationship. You can not let anyone measure them before the wedding.

A wedding ring cannot be worn on a gloved hand

The groom must pick up the bride from her house, and if before the wedding they lived together, then the last night should be spent apart.

Divorced and married friends cannot be chosen as witnesses. Such a choice promises a short family life and quarrels.

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Wedding signs for a young couple

Mostly folk beliefs relate to newlyweds. It is they who are responsible for their destiny, and they must try to meet all the requirements.

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Folk beliefs for the future wife

Most often, wedding signs for the bride are associated with her outfit:

  • the longer the dress, the longer the marriage will be;
  • it is better to take a one-piece dress - a skirt with a corset will lead to separate interests;
  • the outfit should be bought new and kept for life; the veil will later serve as a talisman for the newborn - they hang it on the bed or wrap a sick child;
  • the bride should be dressed in a neighboring house on the same side so that she does not cross the road;
  • put on a dress only over the head, and a married woman with a good fate should help;
  • you can’t look in a mirror in full dress and show yourself to the groom in it until the wedding day;
  • the white color of the dress attracts the blessing of higher powers, gold - wealth, pink - love, red - conflicts, green - poverty, blue - treason;
  • shoes should be with closed toes (so that happiness does not run away) and worn (it is enough to walk in them on the eve of the wedding);
  • you should not wear jewelry for a wedding, it is better to choose jewelry, except for pearls - it brings tears;
  • a broken heel on wedding shoes speaks of a “limping” life together.

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Superstitions for a young husband

Great responsibility for the well-being of family life rests with the head of the family. Wedding signs for the groom can help him protect his marriage:

  • in front of the bride's house, care must be taken not to enter into a puddle, otherwise the betrothed will abuse alcohol;
  • after he took his wife out of her house, you can’t look back, otherwise the spouse will soon return to her parents;
  • your beloved should be brought into your house in your arms, this promises well-being;
  • during the wedding feast, the groom must add wine to his mother-in-law - so she will always be his ally;
  • in the right shoe you need to put a coin to family wealth;
  • if at the wedding table preference is given to desserts, then family life will be passionate.

When the groom is younger than his chosen one, then their relationship will be cheerful, if older - faithful and strong. A black suit indicates a love marriage, a gray one indicates haste, a blue one indicates betrayal, and a red one indicates a short life.

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Signs during wedding ceremonies

Many superstitions relate to the most important and solemn events on the wedding day - weddings and paintings. These ceremonies, especially weddings, carry mystery and imply the presence of higher powers, so various incidents during their conduct are given a special meaning.

On the way to the registry office, it is better for the bride to cover her face with a veil (from the evil eye)

  1. When a young couple left the house to go to the registry office (church), the mother of the bride should wash the floors. So the future life of the daughter in the new house will not be stained or overshadowed by anything.
  2. Before the wedding or painting between lovers, no one should pass so that treason does not enter family life. In some cases, their clothes are even fastened with pins.
  3. The road to the church for the wedding procession is chosen long and winding in order to confuse the "evil spirits". They scare her away with car horns.
  4. Strangers are not allowed to straighten clothes on the bride and groom during solemn ceremonies. This should be strictly monitored by their relatives and witnesses.
  5. The bride must wear the wedding ring to the very base of the finger. In this case, the husband will love and be faithful all his life.
  6. After the rings are put on, the young couple is forbidden to take the empty box where they were stored.

If you drop the ring during the wedding, misfortune will come to the new family. But all bad predictions can be prevented by stretching a thread through a fallen ring and then burning it. Usually this ritual is entrusted to one of the witnesses.

  1. If the bride and groom extinguish the wedding candles at the same time, then a long and mutual love awaits them.
  2. A prematurely extinguished candle indicates the death of one of the spouses in the near future.
  3. After the wedding ceremony, the newly-made husband and wife should eat one candy for two for a sweet family life.

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Superstitions for parents and guests

People's beliefs were also touched by other, less important, but necessary participants in the wedding celebration, without which it is difficult to imagine it. We are talking about the parents of the newlyweds and the guests.

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Signs for the father and mother of a young couple

There are not so many wedding signs for parents, but all of them are given great importance. Relatives wish their children family happiness and mutual love, and do everything in their power for this, even using ancient signs.

On the day of the wedding, parents on both sides should cry. So they will let emotions go out, and they will bring prosperity for lovers. But after tears, you must definitely have fun, then the young in the future will have many reasons for joy. Both mother-in-law and mother-in-law, choosing a festive outfit, should give preference to a dress, since the suit indicates a divorce.

If the parents' marriage is not happy, then it is better not to give your children their rings - this way you can pass on your fate to them. The newlyweds cannot dance with their father and mother for a long time, and after that, the lovers must definitely dance together so that no one will ever come between them.

The groom's parents meet the children on the threshold of their house with bread and salt, so that the young family does not need anything. And which of the newlyweds will bite off a larger piece from the loaf, he will manage. If salt is scattered during this ceremony, then there will be contention between the daughter-in-law and the mother-in-law. At a banquet, the first toast should be raised to the father-in-law (for well-being) or the mother-in-law (for comfort).

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Wedding signs for guests

According to folk beliefs, those invited to the wedding should not dress in black outfits. It is not recommended to give a young family knives, forks and other sharp and piercing objects - this is a quarrel and misunderstanding. An unexpected and uninvited guest always brings good luck and a stable income to a new family, so you should only rejoice at such surprises.

There are several wedding signs for unmarried girls or boys. If they also want to get married soon, they just need to take an empty box from under the wedding rings or touch the rings on the fingers of the newlyweds.

A girl can simply pull the tablecloth at a wedding banquet in order to walk down the aisle in two years. And if you are lucky to catch the bride's bouquet, then in a year she will proudly enter the status of a married woman. It is better for a beauty to refuse an invitation to a dance from a feast neighbor sitting next to her - happiness will be brought by a partner for dancing, located opposite.

When studying wedding signs, one must definitely remember that one cannot unconditionally believe them. Only a person can decide his own destiny, and family happiness is in his hands.

The wedding ritual has long been accompanied by certain rites and signs associated with them. Rites, having passed through the centuries, have become softer, simpler and more humane. But wedding signs, although replenished with new superstitions, remained just as strict. Believe them or not - everyone decides for himself. But compliance with "safety precautions" will help to avoid unnecessary conflicts and quarrels at any wedding.

How did the signs for the wedding

Any superstition did not arise from scratch. Human observation during the celebration of the wedding celebration proved to be strong, noticing the causes and their consequences. That is why most of the signs can be explained even by the most categorically minded people by ordinary life situations.

As a rule, all beliefs and signs for a wedding, what is possible and what is not, one way or another, are connected with people's health, the preservation of property and the ability to be happy. For example, torn dresses and suits are always for grumpy relatives. Which is not surprising, because in ancient times, a wedding dress was often a family asset and was inherited. And damage to such a dress easily led to a family scandal.

As for the future happiness, here everything is traditionally built on the principle of "on the contrary." So, if dishes break during the celebration, it means that there will be no quarrels in family life. In a modern interpretation, this sign has become a separate obligatory ritual, when the bride and groom, leaving the registry office, break the glasses in which they drink champagne “for good luck”. At the same time, people over the centuries have combined this sign with another one: it is believed that if broken glasses lay in large pieces, then the first child will be a boy, and if small ones, a girl.

Also, the signs of a happy wedding advise the bride to cry before the celebration itself. In fact, in ancient times, brides cried without special goals, because they really left one family for another and forever left behind their free life. Today this is not at all the case, but from a psychological point of view, such tears help reduce nervous tension, which means that the celebration itself, like family life, will be a joy for the girl. Therefore, the brides cried and cry at the wedding, sometimes not knowing that this is an important sign that promises happiness in marriage.

Wedding dress and signs associated with it

A girl moving into a new family was the key to prosperity and the future of the whole family. Hopes were pinned on her, connected with the birth of children and grandchildren. And the ability to keep the house clean, create comfort and find a common language with new relatives is also important for the personal happiness of each bride. Therefore, it is not surprising that it was the bride who was and remains under the closest attention of the guests. And most of all restrictions are connected with her actions and attire.

So, signs about a wedding dress forbid the bride:

  • put on your outfit through your legs, and not over your head;
  • wear a wedding dress borrowed (although today this sign is not observed so strictly);
  • wear a dress on which there are knots, laces and weaves in the form of decoration, but at the same time a special nodular amulet can be attached under the dress;
  • dress and appear in a dress in front of the groom before the ceremony;
  • wear a two-piece suit rather than a one-piece dress;
  • give something from your toilet to be measured: a dress, a veil, shoes or a ring to someone else.

By observing these wedding signs and superstitions, the bride will avoid quarrels, poor health and early parting with the groom.

It is also believed that if the wedding dress was completely put on before the wedding, for example, when trying on, then the wedding itself will not take place. Therefore, when choosing in a store or atelier, it is customary not to wear some part of the outfit. Most often gloves.

As for the color of the dress, it almost does not matter. White, cream, red... Popular wisdom condemns only the green color, which has nothing to do with the wedding ritual. It is he who should be avoided in the outfit.

Even among the huge number of beliefs, you can also find signs-warnings:

  • torn dress - to a grumpy and angry mother-in-law,
  • sell a dress - lose the protection of the family.

And if you make a few stitches on the hem of the dress or sew two red ribbons, then the bride will be protected from the evil eye. Also, a witness for the same purpose can pin a pin to the bride's dress.

The best dress for the bride has long sleeves, a closed back, a floor-length skirt and embroidery acts as decoration on it. And treating a wedding dress as a symbol of family wealth and a shrine, you can avoid a bad mood, both during the ceremony itself and after it.

Other wedding signs that the bride should know

But what about shoes, underwear and various details of the outfit? There are rules here too. The bride is required to wear only white underwear. This is due to the fact that it is not only aesthetically pleasing and beautiful, but also symbolizes the purity of thoughts. Belief itself does not depend on the color of the dress.

Shoes should be comfortable and, best of all, old. This is a very practical superstition, because the wrong shoes can cause pain in the legs and swelling, which will interfere with the wedding fun. In order to comply with all the rules, the bride is advised to walk around the house for several hours in shoes a couple of days before the important date, breaking in and, thereby, aging her shoes.

As for jewelry, then wedding signs for the bride condemn all types of jewelry, except jewelry. Pearl beads are especially bad, because this stone has been associated with bitterness and tears for centuries. And why in the future family life extra sadness?

Ideally, if the bride wears something new, something old and something borrowed for the wedding. The dress itself is new, the shoes are old, and the embroidered handkerchief taken from the mother can be borrowed. Such a scarf will not only be an additional amulet, but also useful for wiping tears.

According to European tradition, something blue should be added to this list. As a rule, a blue garter is chosen. The use of this particular color for such an intimate detail of the toilet symbolizes the future fidelity of the wife to her chosen one.

And in any case, the bride is strictly forbidden to lend, sell, or simply let someone vilify her veil. Such a taboo is caused not only by the fact that the veil is a ritual symbol, but also with the belief that it is on the veil that terrible damage can be done. After the wedding, the veil is kept by the young wife.

But wedding signs about the bride's bouquet appeared recently. This is due to the fact that in ancient Russia there were no such bouquets. But the flowers were in wreaths. At the same time, folk wisdom here prohibits injecting individual flowers into the hairstyle itself - they should only be in a veil or in the form of a wreath. As for the bouquet, the tradition of throwing it into the crowd of unmarried girlfriends also came from Europe. Which one of them catches the bouquet, she will marry next. During the day, the bouquet should be held in hands, and during the banquet, put in a vase on the table in front of the bride. If it is from natural flowers, then you can put it in water.

Also, the bride herself can do good to her friends and sisters without throwing a bouquet. It is believed that the girl to whom the bride gives a piece of cheese before she leaves her parents' house will soon get married. And if the bride pulls the tablecloth on the dining table before leaving, then her younger sisters will soon become married women.

But what about the groom and witnesses

Not bypassed people's observation and the groom. True, the main wedding signs for the bride and groom are very similar and differ only in small details. Of course, no one expects tears from the future head of the family, and his costume does not require such a reverent attitude, however, red ribbons sewn onto the jacket, pinned pins or stitches made are needed here to protect against the evil eye. And the groom's boutonniere after the wedding is kept at home as reverently as the bride's veil.

As for individual signs for the future husband, there are not very many of them. First of all, these are those associated with the ritual of throwing the garter. The groom removes or takes the garter from the bride's leg and throws his unmarried friends into the crowd. Whoever catches her will marry the beauty.

It is also important that it is the groom who buys the wedding rings. At the same time, both his and the bride’s rings should be made of the same metal and absolutely smooth, without stones, engravings and curlicues. What rings - such is the life of the newlyweds. You should not make wedding rings from other jewelry, even if parents' rings were used for this. Violation of this taboo promises someone else's fate.

When exchanging rings, you should also be very careful. In ancient times, it was believed that if you drop the ring on the floor at this moment, this will lead to the breakup of the family. If such a nuisance nevertheless happened, then the friend and friend at the wedding should soften this sign: for this, they specially prepare a white thread in advance, which is threaded through the fallen decoration. Thus, the thread takes on all the bad things and the ring can again be used in the ceremony.

But the loss of the ring means separation for the spouses. And here, unfortunately, nothing can soften the sign. Although the bride or relatives may not believe in such superstition, in the event of the loss of the wedding ring, a spoiled mood is provided. But even if the ritual exchange of rings was successful, the groom could not touch an empty box from under them or a special plate. They are brought and removed by both witnesses or only the best man.

Also, a friend of the groom, before the groom brings the bride to his house, can put an unlocked lock under the threshold of the house. After the newlyweds are inside, the lock is closed and the key is thrown away. Such a sign-rite symbolizes strong family happiness. At the same time, the groom must carry the bride in his arms. In this way, he protects her from damage.

The role of the witness at the wedding is important, and the signs associated with it are very categorical. First of all, a girl who meets strict criteria is selected for this “position”:

  • not a widow
  • younger than the bride at least one day,
  • not namesake.

Moreover, if the witness was already somewhere in this role, it means that she herself will have a happy marriage. Also, it is the bridesmaid who should pin the pin on the dress or hem the hem with threads. At the same time, she should not inject herself or inject the bride. If she pricks, this promises her misfortune in her personal life.

Among other things, it is the boyfriend and boyfriend who shout “Sweet!” during the wedding banquet, when the guests shout “Bitter. And since no one should cross the path of the bride and groom on the wedding day, it is the witnesses who go everywhere first in front of a couple of newlyweds.

Wedding signs for guests

There are far more prohibitions than permissions associated with guests and relatives and friends invited to the wedding. So, guests should not be allowed into the bedroom of the newlyweds until such time as they themselves are not. In some customs, guests accompany the bride and groom to the bedroom with songs, jokes and parting words, but even then they enter after the young ones. In many ways, this tradition protects the future husband and wife from stealing guests or much more trouble.

Also, parents and witnesses should ensure that none of the guests, whose duties do not include the right to dress the bride and groom, adjust their clothes.

And to make the wedding fun and with lots of gifts, it is customary to invite an odd number of guests. Guests should not give forks, spoons and knives. But if, nevertheless, they are given, then in exchange they should be given at least a coin. Folk omens for a wedding forbid guests to give roses to the newlyweds. Especially the red ones. Chrysanthemums, lilies, peonies and many others are considered wedding flowers.

What else you need to know from the beliefs for the perfect celebration

Much of the wedding superstition has to do with the weather and the seasons. In different cultures, girls were given in marriage in different ways: somewhere the spring months were considered the most suitable for this purpose, but most often such celebrations took place in August-October. Today, a wedding can be celebrated on any day of the year. Therefore, some of the signs are related to weather conditions.

So, rain on the wedding day is a sign that promises happiness and wealth. The harder and longer the rain, the better. However, even a simple rain is better than a cloudless sky. But you shouldn’t have complexes about the beautiful weather on your wedding day.

And since winter was also considered one of the most suitable wedding seasons in Russia, snow is also a good symbol, meaning prosperity and well-being. In general, a special wedding in winter has special signs. If the wedding is celebrated on the day of Shrovetide, it means that prosperity and a cheerful life in the house will go hand in hand.

February is considered the best winter month for a wedding. Marriage at this time is life soul to soul for the future husband and wife. Also a good wedding in December. Here, beliefs promise an eternal feeling of love for the spouses. But the January wedding promises an early widowhood.

The influence of the wedding ritual is so huge that meeting a wedding is a very common sign. But it is complex in that it has several different and conflicting meanings. So, it is believed that this is also for an imminent wedding in the family, as well as for an addition to the family, sometimes even for the birth of twins. But at the same time, the day on which such a meeting took place is not very good for business and, in general, is considered not profitable.

Of course, these are not all well-known signs and superstitions for a wedding. However, this important event for every person is so dependent on rituals and beliefs that even the most remote from understanding their meanings people involuntarily observe them.

To believe in the power of folk wisdom or not, the newlyweds decide. In any case, no matter how ideal the wedding would be, without mutual understanding, respect and trust between spouses, there will be no prosperous family life.

Favorable month for marriage:

  • Wedding in January - early widow;
  • Wedding in February - live in love and harmony;
  • March wedding - live in a strange house or country;
  • Wedding in April - happiness will be short-lived;
  • A wedding in May - to treason;
  • Wedding in June - life will be like a honeymoon.
  • Wedding and July - life will be changeable;
  • Wedding in August - to the long love and strong friendship of the spouses;
  • Wedding in September - to a quiet and peaceful life;
  • Wedding in October - to a hard life;
  • Wedding in November - to a rich life;
  • Wedding in December - love will intensify over the years;

And what will bring the newlyweds each of the days?

  • Get married on Monday - be healthy;
  • Get married on Tuesday - to wealth;
  • Getting married on Wednesday is the best day for a wedding;
  • Getting married on Thursday - to difficulties
  • Getting married on Friday - better not to plan

Marriages concluded in the afternoon are considered more successful.
People born (July 7) on Ivan Kupala should not get married on the 7th.
Whoever marries Kazanskaya (November 4) - happiness awaits him.
Getting married on your birthday is not good, that is. not a number, but a day of the week. For example, if the groom was born on Tuesday, then the wedding on Tuesday cannot be played.
If the wedding falls on Pokrov Day and it snows, this is fortunate and well-being in the family. Marriages made on Palm Sunday are also considered lucky.

Bride's dress:

You can only get married in a white dress for the first time. With remarriage, this color can bring misfortune. Even when getting married for the first time, some girls sometimes prefer dresses of other tones. But here's what they say wedding omens:

  • White dress - God's Grace;
  • Silver or gray dress - short-term marriage;
  • Red dress - to quarrels and conflicts in the family;
  • Blue dress - feelings will soon cool;
  • Blue dress - the husband will be walking;
  • Green dress - to lack of money;
  • Yellow dress - live together for six years;
  • Golden dress - to a rich life;
  • Brown dress - to share acquired property;
  • Black dress - early widow;
  • Pink dress - to a long lasting love.

To get married in a hat - to divorce,
To get married in a short veil - to sick children.
To get married without a veil - to betrayal and suffering.

groom suit:

  • Black suit - considered traditional and portends a happy life;
  • A gray suit is a hasty marriage, but often a long one;
  • White suit - the groom will suffer;
  • Blue suit - quarrels over money;
  • A green suit is a marriage for people to laugh at;
  • Red suit - to the short life of the groom;
  • A brown suit is a strict, demanding husband.

To marry a groom in a butterfly - will change
To get married in light shoes to the groom - will have poor health and will not live long.

There are no signs and no move - wedding signs on the eve of the wedding:

  • The wedding dress cannot be ironed by the mother and the bride.
  • The longer the train of the dress, the longer the married life will be.
  • A spider on a dress or veil - for good, wealth.
  • The bride should not wear sandals, shoes with open toes, shoes with laces - this will lead to poverty for the young.
  • The bride should not put on the dress through her legs; put on the dress first with her head and then with her hands.
  • It is impossible for a bride to try on a wedding dress before the wedding: to see yourself in a mirror in a wedding dress means to capture it in it and not repeat it in life. But before the wedding, before leaving the house, the bride should look in the mirror and add some other little thing to her outfit - a brooch, bow, etc. Otherwise, she might not be lucky.
  • Girlfriends, sisters or anyone else should not try on the bride's wedding dress, and also try on jewelry from the bride's head (veil, twig) - a sign - to take happiness to yourself.
  • The groom is not allowed to see the bride trying on her wedding dress.
  • You can’t let someone measure your wedding rings, both before the wedding and after - happiness can be measured.
  • After the young people exchange rings, they cannot take a box from them, and the one who does this next will go down the aisle.
  • The bride should not pull the wedding ring on her finger, married life will not work out.
  • If the bride wakes up on the wedding day to the singing of birds, it means to be happy in family life.
  • A traditional wedding sign - before going to the wedding, the bride must feed the cat. Be sure to pay attention to how the animal behaves if it runs away - nothing good awaits the bride if it rubs against her legs - this is a very good sign.
  • It is not good if the surnames of the bride and groom begin with the same letter. Such couples were not given blessings for marriage.
  • It is a bad omen to write the future name of the husband before the wedding. Trying to put a signature or just give your future name.
  • On the eve of the wedding, the groom should not cut his hair - the children will get sick.
  • The bride and groom are not allowed to be photographed on the eve of the wedding.
  • To be photographed separately at the wedding of the bride and groom means separation.
  • Giving a photo before the wedding to each other - to parting
  • It is impossible for the bride to knit before the wedding to the groom - to treason.
  • There is a wedding sign according to which the bride should cry a little before registering. This will bring prosperity to the family. However, tears just before the wedding itself do not bode well.
  • The bridesmaids in front of the mirror should not stand in front of her, the same applies to the groom, there is a sign that they can take away the “half”.
  • The bride and groom are not allowed to see each other before the wedding.
  • It is impossible for any of the guests to straighten the clothes on the bride or groom. Parents or a happily married older friend can do this.
  • It is considered a wedding omen that if the groom puts a coin in his right shoe, then this will bring prosperity to the family.
  • In order not to jinx the bride, pins were stuck into her hem with the point down, and a red ribbon was tied around her waist. Also, the bride should wear a veil, and when entering the Wedding Palace, you can throw it back.
  • Before going to the registry office, the mother of the bride should give her daughter an item from family heirlooms, a brooch, earrings, a ring, etc. It protects the bride.
  • The bride should not part with the bouquet that the groom gave her. For a while, it can be transferred to the groom or mother. At the wedding banquet, the bride should put the bouquet in front of her, and at the end of the ceremony, take it home.
  • The groom who took the bride from the parental home should not look back on the way to the registry office.
  • To make it easier for the bride to live in a new family, a wet cleaning should be carried out in the house as soon as the wedding procession left for the wedding ceremony, but you can’t wash the threshold - it means the bride will return to her parental home.
  • The bride and groom should not allow anyone to pass between them, and one of the guests should not be allowed to sit in the place of the bride or groom during the feast. Then their marriage will be long and inseparable.
  • Newlyweds should not eat from one spoon - a sign to "eat" their fate.
  • It is impossible for divorced, as well as married people, to be witnesses of the bride and groom. They must be single and benevolent in character.
  • It is a bad omen to postpone the appointed wedding to another day.
  • There is a tradition that the husband and wife live in abundance, they throw coins at the feet of the newlyweds, shower them with grain or hops, so that there are many children.
  • A wedding sign - for life to be sweet, the bride and groom secretly for two must eat a chocolate bar before registering at the registry office. This must be done before leaving the house for the wedding.
  • If it rains on the wedding day, this is a good good sign, as well as the appearance of a rainbow.
  • It is bad luck to forget the rings at home or drop them during the ceremony.
  • A good wedding sign is that if, after the wedding ceremony, the newlyweds look in the mirror, then this will bring good luck. But you can’t take a picture of your reflection in the mirror.
  • Smash "for good luck." If during the celebration one of the glasses of the newlyweds is broken, then the second one should certainly be broken.
  • You should not give newlyweds sets of knives and forks - to divorces and quarrels.
  • A common wedding omen is the throwing of the bride's bouquet. The girl who catches the bouquet will soon get married. The girl should keep this bouquet in her bedroom for a year. A similar tradition for bachelors, the one who catches the garter from the bride's leg, will have a wedding in the near future.

    It is better to go to a banquet not along a straight road, but as if straying in order to confuse evil spirits. It is even better to go around seven bridges before registering a marriage - to great happiness.

    As you know, life and dare go side by side. If, nevertheless, your wedding car meets a funeral car, of course this is not very good news. You can neutralize it with the words: Wreath wreath strife. Amen

  • In the bedroom of the newlyweds before the wedding night, there should not be “single” portraits. And the pillows must be laid so that the cuts of the pillowcases “look” at each other. Then the young couple will live in love and harmony.
  • Alder is considered a magical amulet. Therefore, from spoilage, the newlyweds put pieces of alder bark in their pockets.