When did the Olympic Games appear? Ancient olympic games in ancient greece briefly

Only running competitions were held at a distance of one stadium (from the Greek stages = 192 m). Gradually, the number of sports increased, and the games turned into significant event for the entire Greek world. It was religious and sports holiday, at the time of which the mandatory " sacred world and any military action was prohibited.

The history of the first Olympiad The period of truce lasted a month and was called ekecheiriya. It is believed that the first Olympiad took place in 776 BC. e. But in 393 AD. e. Roman emperor Theodosius I banned Olympic Games. By that time, Greece lived under the rule of Rome, and the Romans, having converted to Christianity, believed that the Olympic Games with their worship pagan gods and the cult of beauty are incompatible with the Christian faith. The Olympic Games were remembered in late XIX century, after they began to excavate in ancient Olympia and discovered the ruins of sports and temple facilities. In 1894, at the International Sports Congress in Paris, the French public figure Baron Pierre de Coubertin (1863-1937) proposed organizing the Olympic Games on the model of the ancient ones. He also came up with the motto of the Olympians: "The main thing is not victory, but participation." De Coubertin wanted only male athletes to compete in these competitions, as in ancient Greece, but women also participated in the second Games. Five multi-colored rings became the emblem of the Games; colors were chosen that are most often found on the flags of various countries of the world.

The first modern Olympic Games took place in 1896 in Athens. In the XX century. the number of countries and athletes participating in these competitions has grown steadily, and so has the number of Olympic sports. Today it is already difficult to find a country that would not send at least one or two athletes to the Games. Since 1924, in addition to the Olympic Games, which take place in the summer, they began to arrange and winter Games so that skiers, skaters and other athletes involved in winter sports can also compete. And since 1994, the Winter Olympic Games have been held not in the same year as the summer ones, but two years later.

The history of the first Olympiad is the most interesting facts.

Sometimes the Olympic Games are called the Olympics, which is incorrect: the Olympics is a four-year period between consecutive Olympic Games. When, for example, they say that the 2008 Games are the 29th Olympiad, they mean that from 1896 to 2008 there were 29 periods of four years each. But there were only 26 Games: in 1916,1940 and 1944. There were no Olympic Games - world wars interfered. Greek city Olympia today attracts crowds of tourists who want to look at the ruins of the ancient city excavated by archaeologists with the remains of the temples of Zeus, Hera and visit the Archaeological Museum of Olympia. otvetkak.ru

One of the brightest and most massive events on the planet are the Olympic Games. Any athlete who manages to take the podium at the Olympic competitions receives the status of an Olympic champion for life and his achievements remain in the world history of sports for centuries. Where and how did the Olympic Games originate and what is their history? Let's try to spend brief digression in the history of the origin and holding of the Olympic Games.


The Olympic Games originated in ancient Greece, where they were not only a sports, but also a religious holiday. Information about the holding of the very first games and their origin has not been preserved, but there are several legends that describe this event. The first documented date for the celebration of the Olympic Games is 776 BC. e. Despite the fact that the games were held before, it is generally accepted that they were established by Hercules. In 394 AD, with the advent of Christianity as the official religion, the Olympic Games were banned by Emperor Theodosius I, as they began to be seen as a kind of pagan phenomenon. And yet, despite the ban on games, they have not completely disappeared. In Europe, local competitions were held, somewhat reminiscent of the Olympic Games. After some time, the games resumed thanks to Panagiotis Sutsos, who proposed this idea, and thanks to the public figure Evangelis Zappas, who brought it to life.

The first modern Olympic Games took place in 1896 in the country where they originated - in Greece, in Athens. To organize the Games, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) was created, whose first president was Demetrius Vikelas. Despite the fact that only 241 athletes from 14 countries took part in the first modern Games, they were a huge success, becoming a significant sporting event in Greece. Initially, it was meant to always hold the Games in their homeland, but the Olympic Committee introduced a decision that the venue would change every 4 years.

The II Olympic Games of 1900, held in France, in Paris, and the III Olympic Games of 1904, held in the USA, in St. Louis (Missouri), were less successful, as a result of which the Olympic movement as a whole experienced the first crisis after a significant success. Since the Games were combined with the World Exhibitions, they did not arouse much interest among the audience, and the sports competitions lasted for months.

In 1906, again in Athens (Greece), the so-called "intermediate" Olympic Games were held. At first, the IOC supported the holding of these Games, but now they are not recognized as Olympic. There is an opinion of some sports historians that the 1906 Games were a kind of salvation Olympic idea, which did not allow the Games to lose their meaning and become "unnecessary".

All rules, principles and regulations are determined by the Charter of the Olympic Games, approved in Paris in 1894 by the International Sports Congress. The Olympiads are counted from the time of the first Games (I Olympiad - 1896-99). Even if the games are not held, the Olympiad receives its serial number, for example, the VI Games in 1916-19, the XII Games in 1940-43 and the XIII in 1944-47. Symbolize the Olympic Games five rings fastened together different color(Olympic rings), denoting the union of the five parts of the world - the top row: blue - Europe, black - Africa, red - America, and the bottom row: yellow - Asia, green - Australia. The choice of venues for the Olympics is carried out by the IOC. All organizational issues related to the Games are decided not by the chosen country, but by the city. The duration of the Games is approximately 16-18 days.

The Olympic Games, like any strictly organized event, have their own specific traditions and rituals.

Here is some of them:

Before the opening and closing of the games, theatrical performances are held, presenting to the audience the appearance and culture of the country and city in which they are held;

Solemn passage through the central stadium of athletes and members of delegations. Athletes from each country go in separate groups to alphabetical order country names in the language of the host country or in the official language of the IOC (English or French). Each group is preceded by a representative of the host country who carries a sign with the name of the respective country. He is followed by a flag bearer carrying the flag of his country. This very honorable mission, as a rule, is granted to the most respected and titled athletes;

AT without fail President of the International Olympic Committee delivers welcoming speeches. Also, the speech is delivered by the head of state in which the Games are held;

The flag of Greece is raised as the country in which the Olympic Games originated. Her national anthem is played;

The flag of the country in which the Games are held is raised and the performance of its national anthem follows; - one of the outstanding athletes of the host country of the Games takes an oath on behalf of all participants about a fair fight and competition that will comply with all the principles and rules of sports;

The opening ceremony ends with the lighting and "relay" of the Olympic flame. The initial part of the relay passes through the cities of Greece, the final part - through the cities of the country in which the games are held. The torch with fire is delivered to the city that organizes the Games on the opening day. The fire burns until the closing ceremony of the Olympic Games;

The closing ceremony is also accompanied by theatrical performances, the speech of the IOC President, the passage of participants, etc. The President of the IOC announces the closing of the Olympics, followed by the performance of the national anthem, the anthem of the Olympic Games, the lowering of the flags. At the end of the ceremony, the Olympic flame goes out.

Each country participating in the Olympic Games develops its own official emblem and mascot of the Games, which become part of the souvenir products.

The following sports are included in the program of the Olympic Games

BUT: crossbow sport

B: Badminton , Basketball , Running , Skating , Bobsleigh , Biathlon , Billiards , Boxing , Freestyle wrestling , Greco-Roman wrestling

AT: Cycling, Water polo, Volleyball

G: Handball , Artistic gymnastics , Rhythmic gymnastics , Alpine skiing ,
Rowing, Rowing and canoeing

D: Judo

TO: Curling, Equestrian

L: Athletics ,
Ski race , skiing

H: Table tennis

P: sailing,
swimming, Diving , ,Ski jumping

FROM: luge,

First Games

It is not a secret to anyone that the first Olympic Games were held in Greece as early as 776 BC. The small village of Olympia was chosen as the venue for the competition. At that time, competitions were held in only one discipline, which was running at a distance of 189 meters. Interesting feature that distinguished the first Olympic Games in Greece was that only men could take part in them. At the same time, they competed without shoes and any clothes on themselves. Among other things, only one woman, whose name was Demeter, received the right to observe the course of the competition.

History of the Olympics

The first Olympic Games were a great success, so the tradition of holding them has been preserved for another 1168 years. Already at that time it was decided to hold such competitions every four years. A confirmation of their great authority is the fact that during the competition between states that were at war, a temporary peace treaty was always concluded. Each new Olympics has received many changes compared to what the first Olympics were like. First of all, we are talking about adding disciplines. At first it was running at other distances, and then long jumps, fisting, pentathlon, discus throwing, spears, darts and many others were added to it. The winners enjoyed such great respect that they even erected monuments in Greece. There were also difficulties. The most serious of these was the ban on the Games by Emperor Theodosius I in 394 AD. The fact is that he considered this kind of competition pagan entertainment. And 128 years later, a very strong earthquake happened in Greece, because of which the Games were forgotten for a long time.


In the middle of the eighteenth century, the first attempts to revive the Olympics began. They began to come true about a hundred years later thanks to the French scientist Pierre de Coubertin. With the help of his compatriot - archaeologist Ernst Curtius - he, in fact, wrote new rules for such competitions. The first modern Olympic Games began on April 6, 1896 in the Greek capital. Representatives of 13 countries from all over the world took part in them. Russia, due to financial problems, did not send its athletes. Competitions were held in nine disciplines, among which were the following: gymnastics, shooting, athletics, weightlifting, wrestling, fencing, tennis, swimming and cycling. Public interest in the Games was colossal, a vivid confirmation of which is the presence at them, according to official figures, of spectators in the amount of more than 90 thousand people. In 1924, it was decided to divide the Olympics into winter and summer.

Failed competitions

It happened that the competitions were not held, despite the fact that they were planned. We are talking about the Berlin Games in 1916, the Olympics in Helsinki in 1940, as well as the London competitions in 1944. The reason for this is one and the same - in world wars. Now all Russians are looking forward to the first Olympic Games to be held in Russia. It will happen in Sochi in 2014.

In the 18th century, during archaeological excavations in Olympia, scientists discovered ancient sports facilities. But archaeologists soon ceased to study them. And only 100 years later, the Germans joined the study of the discovered objects. At the same time, for the first time, they started talking about the possibility of reviving the Olympic movement.

The main inspirer of the revival of the Olympic movement was the French baron Pierre de Coubertin, who helped German researchers to study the discovered monuments. He also had his own interest in the development of this project, since he believed that it was the poor physical preparation of the French soldiers that caused their defeat in the Franco-Prussian War. In addition, the baron wanted to create a movement that would unite young people and help establish friendly relations between different countries. In 1894, he voiced his proposals at the international congress, where it was decided to hold the first Olympic Games in their homeland - in Athens.

The first Games were a real discovery for the whole world and were a huge success. In total, 241 athletes from 14 countries took part in them. The success of this event so inspired the Greeks that they proposed to make Athens the venue for the Olympics on a permanent basis. However, the first International Olympic Committee, which was founded two years before the start of the first Games, rejected this idea and decided that it was necessary to establish a rotation between states for the right to host the Olympics every four years.

The 1st International Olympic Games were held from 6 to 15 April 1896. Only men competed. 10 sports were taken as a basis. These are classical wrestling, cycling, gymnastics, swimming, shooting, tennis, weightlifting, fencing. In all these disciplines, 43 sets of medals were played. The Greek Olympians became the leaders, the Americans took the second place, the Germans got the bronze.

The organizers of the first Games wanted to make them an amateur competition in which professionals could not take part. After all, according to the members of the IOC committee, those athletes who have a material interest initially have an advantage over amateurs. And that's not fair.

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The next Olympic Games will be held at the end of summer 2012. The previous competition took place two years ago - it was the Winter Olympics in Vancouver. Despite the fact that it was already the 21st Winter Olympic Games, there were several "premiers" at them.

The emblem of the games was a hero named Ilanaak - "friend", made up of five stones of Olympic colors. Two of the games' slogans were borrowed from Canada's national anthem: the French phrase "To the most brilliant deeds" and the English phrase "With burning hearts".

Amendments have been made to the original script for the opening of the Olympics. A few hours before the ceremony, it became known about the tragedy - a luger athlete from Georgia crashed during training. The ceremony included a minute of silence, and the Georgian national team came out in mourning bandages.

During the lighting of the Olympic flame, there was a small incident. For the first time, four athletes participated in the procedure. But due to a technical failure, only three "grooves" appeared leading to the main torch. However, during the closing ceremony, this situation was played ironically. The same guilty "electrician" appeared on the stage, he apologized and removed the missing fourth element in the design of the Olympic flame.

The main stadium of the games was BC-Place in downtown Vancouver, designed for 55,000 spectators. In addition, some competitions were held in Whistler, Richmond and West Vancouver.

From February 12 to February 28, 82 teams competed for prizes in 15 disciplines. Compared to the previous Olympic Games, the list of disciplines has been replenished: ski cross competitions have been added, separately for men and women.

The medals at the Vancouver Winter Olympics were unique, stylized in the tradition of Canadian Indigenous art. For the first time in the history of the Olympics, the awards were not flat, but with a wavy surface.

The Russians remember these games as one of the most unsuccessful for the national team. The Winter Olympics became a record failure - the Russians showed the worst result in terms of the number of gold medals and place in the team event. In the medal standings, the team was only 11th in the table. The hosts of the XXI Winter Olympic Games took the first place in terms of the number of "gold", Germany took the second place, and the US team took the third place.

From February 12 to February 28, 2010, the XXI Winter Olympic Games were held in the Canadian city of Vancouver. These two-plus weeks have been filled with many sporting events. Participants and spectators became heroes and witnesses of victories and defeats, doping scandals, the struggle for Olympic medals and, unfortunately, even tragic events. This Olympiad for the Russian team was the most unsuccessful in the history of the Games.

From the very beginning, the Olympic Games in Vancouver were marked by an absurd tragedy: even before the opening of the Games, several athletes were injured on the bobsleigh track, and a young promising athlete from the Georgian team, Nodar Kumaritashvili, died after crashing into metal support. Therefore, the solemn opening ceremony of the Olympics began with a moment of silence.

But further events developed according to plan, despite too warm weather and problems with demonstrators and strikers protesting against globalization. The very next day, ordinary Olympic everyday life began, the first official competitions were held - K-90 ski jumping, in the finals of which the Swiss Simon Ammann won, who opened the scoring for Vancouver medals.

Russian skiers did not start their performances very well, and as a result they got only fourth places, which the coaches explained with poor selection of ski wax. The first Olympic medal for the Russian team was won by skater Ivan Skobrev, who took third place in the 5 km distance.

The Russian team continued to be haunted by failures: the Nordic combined athlete Niyaz Nabeev, on whom great hopes were placed, was suspended from participation in the competition due to advanced level hemoglobin in the blood. In the very first match with the Finns, the Russian hockey players lost with a score of 1:5 and, in fact, immediately dropped out of the fight for medals. For the first time in many years, there were no Russian athletes in the competitions of sports couples either.

The first gold for Russia only on the 5th day of the Olympiad was won by sprint skiers Nikita Kryukov and Alexander Panzhinsky. Evgeni Plushenko, who was predicted to be gold in figure skating, took only second place, which also became an unpleasant surprise and a reason for long disputes. Ice dancers, team sprint skiers, biathletes and lugers were successful, adding a few more medals to the Russian national team. For the first time in history Russian sports Ekaterina Ilyukhina won the gold medal in snowboarding. In the unofficial team standings, the Russian team was only 11th in terms of the number of Olympic medals.

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The history of the Olympic Games has more than 2 thousand years. They originated in ancient Greece. At first, the games were part of the festivities in honor of the god Zeus. The first Olympiad was held in ancient Greece. Once every four years, athletes gathered in the city of Olympia in the Peloponnese, a peninsula in the south of the country. Only running competitions were held at a distance of one stadium (from the Greek stages = 192 m). Gradually, the number of sports increased, and the games became an important event for the entire Greek world. It was a religious and sports holiday, during which a mandatory "sacred peace" was declared and any military action was prohibited.

History of the first Olympiad

The period of truce lasted a month and was called ekecheiriya. It is believed that the first Olympiad took place in 776 BC. e. But in 393 AD. e. Roman Emperor Theodosius I banned the Olympic Games. By that time, Greece lived under the rule of Rome, and the Romans, having converted to Christianity, believed that the Olympic Games, with their worship of pagan gods and the cult of beauty, were incompatible with the Christian faith.

The Olympic Games were remembered at the end of the 19th century, after they began to carry out excavations in ancient Olympia and discovered the ruins of sports and temple facilities. In 1894, at the International Sports Congress in Paris, the French public figure Baron Pierre de Coubertin (1863-1937) proposed organizing the Olympic Games on the model of the ancient ones. He also came up with the motto of the Olympians: "The main thing is not victory, but participation." De Coubertin wanted only male athletes to compete in these competitions, as in ancient Greece, but women also participated in the second Games. Five multi-colored rings became the emblem of the Games; colors were chosen that are most often found on the flags of various countries of the world.

The first modern Olympic Games took place in 1896 in Athens. In the XX century. the number of countries and athletes participating in these competitions has grown steadily, and so has the number of Olympic sports. Today it is already difficult to find a country that would not send at least one or two athletes to the Games. Since 1924, in addition to the Olympic Games, which take place in the summer, Winter Games have also been organized so that skiers, skaters and other athletes who are involved in winter sports can compete. And since 1994, the Winter Olympic Games have been held not in the same year as the summer ones, but two years later.

Sometimes the Olympic Games are called the Olympics, which is incorrect: the Olympics is a four-year period between consecutive Olympic Games. When, for example, they say that the 2008 Games are the 29th Olympiad, they mean that from 1896 to 2008 there were 29 periods of four years each. But there were only 26 Games: in 1916,1940 and 1944. There were no Olympic Games - world wars interfered.

The Greek city of Olympia today attracts crowds of tourists who want to look at the ruins of the ancient city excavated by archaeologists with the remains of the temples of Zeus, Hera and visit the Archaeological Museum of Olympia.