Prayer for the mole to disappear. Folk beliefs: a conspiracy from moles

In this article:

Some folk beliefs tell us that a large number of moles on human skin is a sign of a happy fate. In addition, according to the same beliefs, each mole has its own meaning, and its location on the human body can tell about its future and present.

But do not forget that moles and warts are very dangerous for human health, if they are damaged, they can even cause a cancerous tumor.

That is why if the warts start to bother you, bleed or change color, you should immediately go to the doctor.

Rites from moles

If you want to cleanse your skin for aesthetic reasons, a special conspiracy will help you, which will cleanse your body of moles. Such magical rituals should be performed only during the waning moon, otherwise, the number of growths on the skin can only increase.

The waning moon symbolizes getting rid of something, so its power can be used in our case.

There are a large number of rituals, different in execution and principle of action. You need to choose a plot depending on each individual case however, many experienced sorcerers say that you can subconsciously choose the ritual that suits you best. To do this, you just need to get acquainted with various rituals and apply the one that you like best. Trust your feelings and intuition.

Ritual with a dry blade of grass

You need to concentrate on your desire to get rid of moles or warts and go to the nearest field or forest. There we tear off a dry blade of grass or spikelet, which we will use in the ritual. Now we go home, touch a blade of grass to each mole or wart that you want to remove, and read the words of the conspiracy:

“As this blade of grass dries and dries up, so the mole on the body of the servant of God (name) itself melts.”

Next, you need to go outside, find a small bush of dried grass, dig a small hole next to it, put a used blade of grass in it, and cover it with earth. As soon as the straw rots in the ground, your moles or warts will disappear.

Rite with celandine

This ritual should be performed on the new moon or during the growing moon. We collect the juice of celandine grass and let it brew for at least one night. Then, after sunset, rub the moles or warts with the resulting juice and pronounce the words of the conspiracy:

“A young month, a month, you are my lord. You see everything, you hear everything, you remember everything, help me, month. Highlight moles (or warts) on my body, pour them out with clean dew, beyond distant seas, and beyond dark forests, where wild animals live, nasty reptiles, they will eat my moles (or warts) and never return them. Let it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Be careful with celandine juice, make sure that it does not get on the mucous membranes

This is a strong magical rite, which should work within a month after it is carried out.

Ritual with cow's milk

For the ceremony you will need only very fresh cow's milk(still warm). You need to hold a vessel with milk in your hands and slander the words on it:

“In the Name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, I will go, pray, cross myself with the cross, arm myself with the grace of God. Moles, you are moles, warts, evil, hanging ghouls, you go away from the servant of God (name), run away from his body as soon as possible, run away, but don’t get into anyone else’s eyes. From the body to the bumps, from the bumps to the twig, from the branch to the leaf. The wind will carry that leaf across a distant field, across deep seas, and into a dark forest. In the forest that evil beast lives, in the swamp he stamps with one foot. And you, my sores from the servant of God (name), go away forever. Let it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Now you need to wet it a little right hand in milk (it should be clean), and while the milk has not yet completely drained from your skin, wipe it with moles or warts that worry you. You need to wipe with each finger in turn, starting with the little finger, ending with thumb. After this procedure, you can wash your hand, and do not wash the treated areas and do not wipe anything, the milk should dry on them. For greater effectiveness, this magical ritual can be performed every three days. It is carried out only on the waning moon, in addition, milk cannot be spoken for major Christian holidays.

cemetery ritual

This ceremony is performed during the waning moon. You need to go to the cemetery, find a grave there where a person with the same name as yours is buried (children's graves cannot be used). Now go around the selected grave clockwise and pronounce the words of the conspiracy:

“Let the one who lives in this house take away all my warts and moles. I don't buy from her, I don't sell, I don't trade. I give her all the trouble for nothing. As it is said, so it will come true. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Evil moles

A lot of young and beautiful people have on the skin in the most different places moles, warts and other benign tumors, cherish and even proud of them, considering them a sign of a bright personality. You have to upset them!

PRACTICALLY all still benign neoplasms of the skin and mucous membranes are caused by the papillomavirus.

Papillomavirus enters the body most often through small scratches, cuts, splinters. In this place, a common wart appears. The attitude towards it is usually indifferent, and yet the wart can be quite called the forerunner of almost all other neoplasms, including cancer.
Where do they come from?

It is INTERESTING that moles, papillomas, angiofibroma are, as it were, inherited. They appear in descendants in approximately the same places where they were in their parents. Often the virus enters the body immediately after the birth of a child - literally with the first breath of a newborn. If the mother has warts, genital warts on the genitals, the child may become infected with the papilloma virus, and then a serious illness - papillomatosis of the larynx, which is treated with great difficulty and by the time of puberty (if the child lives to this age) passes in cancer of the larynx.

During a person's life, the virus manifests itself ambiguously. First, these are common warts, juvenile warts, condylomas. A wart can disappear without treatment, since it acts as a "reproduction factory" and storage of papilloma viruses for the time being. Do not rush to rejoice if, after whispering, conspiring, or tying a piece of meat, the wart has disappeared. This only indicates that the papilloma virus has dispersed in large quantities from it throughout the body and then will manifest itself in the most unexpected forms.

Often, warts are burned with acids, picked, cut off, but almost never completely destroyed. And this is a serious prerequisite for the occurrence of cancerous tumors in adulthood. Following the common wart that appears on the skin or on the mucous membranes, other manifestations of the papillomavirus occur. They are generally benign in nature, until they become catastrophically numerous.

The papilloma virus begins to activate after negative impacts environment when the immune system is weakened. In women during pregnancy, with the restructuring of the body, changes in metabolism and, as a result, a decrease in immunity after childbirth, the incidence of papillomas increases.

It is characteristic that warts, nevi, and angiomas behave according to the rules of malignant tumors - they constantly grow, give metastases (daughter formations). It is clear that it is necessary to actively fight against all manifestations of papillomaviruses, but today the attitude towards moles and warts remains criminally indifferent.

They are afraid to remove moles, and there is a logical explanation for this. According to the existing expectant tactics, you only need to monitor the mole and wait for it to grow rapidly, give many daughter formations, become inflamed, and begin to bleed. Only then do doctors refer the patient to the excision of the mole, and this

In many cases, it is already too late to do so. A person dies from cancer that develops in a mole. Therefore, an association arose: if you remove a mole, you will immediately die. This once again proves that papillomas, moles and other benign tumors must be eliminated prophylactically, without waiting for cancer.
Cold against warts

BUT WHICH method should I choose? Until recently, it simply did not exist. Surgical excision is traumatic, because after the incisions, scars will necessarily remain, which themselves, in the presence of the papillomavirus, are a favorite place for the development of cancer. A surgical laser, an electrocoagulator are no different from a scalpel in terms of the result: they cause a burn and, as a result, scars, besides, a cosmetic defect remains. With these methods, you can get rid of one or two moles in one operation - more people will not stand. And one person has a lot of moles and papillomas!

Much better results are obtained by the method of radical instrumental cryo-destruction - the use of "cosmic" cold to destroy tumor cells and the papilloma virus in it. Cryodestruction is almost painless, bloodless, not associated with a violation of the integrity of the skin. Infection with AIDS and hepatitis is impossible. In one procedure, several hundred neoplasms can be subjected to cryodestruction without negative consequences. Destruction, healing and rejection occur spontaneously without scar formation.

It should be noted that those applications of the cryogenic method that are used in beauty salons(lubrication with a cotton swab dipped in liquid nitrogen) are unable to radically destroy the entire tumor along with the papillomaviruses located in it. Therefore, it is better to immediately contact a doctor who uses instrumental cryodestruction according to the rules adopted in oncology, who has experience in working with cryosurgical instruments, and who has an appropriate tool kit.

It is necessary to emphasize another important positive aspect of the treatment with "cosmic" cold - the cryogenic method improves human immunity, "tunes" the body against tumors. After the procedures, the number of colds decreases: sore throats, acute respiratory viral infections, flu, herpes disappears.

Warts, boils, styes, pimples, freckles, papillomas and tattoos.

Warts. Warts are associated with Mercury. Although they are shaky, temporary signs, sometimes they can “stick” for a long time.

The appearance of warts indicates that a person’s life will be in full view, ”about his dependence on the opinions of others, that there will be conversations around some problem, the person will be condemned. A person's life will noticeably change for the worse or better side- depending on the half of the body on which warts have formed.

Boil, barley, acne. All of these signs are associated with Mars. They portend acute situations in which a person will fall.

Freckles. They belong to Mercury, occur seasonally and can pass. In some people, freckles do not appear on the face, but on the back or legs.

papillomas. Red papillomas are associated with Mars; browns refer to Jupiter if they appeared from birth, and if later, then to Mercury.

Tattoos. In ancient times, tattoos were applied to correct fate. It was a magical act, a ritual act.

For priests, tattooing was an act of initiation. And each was applied a strictly defined pattern, intended only for him. The tattoo "worked" only on the condition that the person worked out the corresponding problem, taking into account the signs on the body, and if nothing is done, then no tattoo will help. This is the path of magic. Tattoos are not to be taken lightly.

Folk medicines and remedies

Warts, papillomas, keratomas: Folk medicines and remedies. Treatment - Warts, papillomas, keratomas.

1. Mash the red rowan berries into a pulp and apply overnight on the wart, fixing it with a band-aid. 8-10 procedures are enough for the warts to disappear. For this procedure, you can use not only fresh, but also dried rowan berries. When using dried fruits, they must first be poured with boiling water and wait until the berries swell. But this recipe is not recommended for dry and sensitive skin, as irritation may occur.

2. Once a day, apply a fresh mixture of melted pork lard with crushed garlic to the warts. Fasten with a bandage.

3. Lubricate the warts with fresh cabbage juice 4-5 times a day. Napkins from several layers of gauze or linen moistened with fresh cabbage juice and slightly wrung out can be applied to the area of ​​​​multiple warts. From above, the napkins are covered with compress paper or film and bandaged overnight. The procedure must be done daily.

4. Lubricate with castor oil, covering with a bandage.

5. Lubricate with vitamin A or E.

6. Lubricate with castor oil paste and baking soda(also for removing moles).

7. Rub the warts with cut raw potatoes.

8. Lubricate the wart with camphor alcohol.

9. Rub the warts with ammonia.

10. Lubricate warts with dandelion or milkweed juice.

11. Apply a gruel of onions mixed with a little salt.

12. It is necessary to stick a band-aid around the wart - in this way the skin will be protected from the vigorous therapeutic mixture. Prepare it like this: in one tablespoon, mix 3 drops of vinegar essence with ordinary flour to the consistency of a thick slurry. Will burn - be patient. After a couple of minutes, remove the adhesive plaster and sore the sore spot for several minutes in hot water. Do not be alarmed when you see a black dot in the hole that forms at the site of the wart - this is the root of the latter, which is already dead. I did 2-3 procedures for each wart for my son, after which they no longer grew. Ludmila Bashaeva. Moscow.

13. Soak the raw onion in vinegar essence or vinegar for 2 hours and tie it to the warts overnight. Repeat the procedure several times.

14. Brew 2-3 chopped garlic cloves with a glass of boiling water, leave for 40-60 minutes. Lubricate the wart with this infusion.

15. Every day rub the wart with the juice of sour apples.

16. Salt, crushed in horseradish juice, lubricate the warts.

17. Mashed fresh kalanchoe leaves(living tree) is applied as a bandage.

18. If there are warts on the arm. Regularly soar hands in milkweed infusion. To do this, cut 2 fresh milkweed plants and pour warm water put your hands in there.

19. Lubricate warts wood ash, diluted to the density of sour cream.

20. Grate raw potatoes, bandage the gruel overnight.

21. If the wart is on the sole. Steam your foot in hot water with baking soda and soap. Carefully scrape off the keratinized upper layer. Wipe dry. Put a small piece of raw meat on the wart, cover it with a piece of oilcloth and bandage it. Do not remove the bandage for 3-4 days and prevent moisture from getting there. After this period, remove the bandage and steam the leg again in a solution of soda and soap. A softened wart will easily come off. The procedure can be repeated if the wart is large.

22. Crush cornflower seeds into powder, sprinkle them with plenty of warts and bandage. Repeat the procedure once a day.

23. Rubbing warts with juice made a Russian younger.

24. Brew Bogorodskaya grass like tea, leave overnight. In the morning, strain the infusion and wash the warts with it.

25. Grass and roots of hare cabbage - chop, grind into gruel, put on warts and bandage.

26. Lubricate the wart with sundew juice.

27. Conspiracy from warts: Warts, get off! Go to Khvensia mountains, To a dry tree, Over mosses, Through swamps, From any pain, From any sorrow, From evil people From evil speeches, from a plan, from an impudent person!
When reading the spell, the wart is christened with a “Thursday” Easter egg.

28. Grind the peel of two lemons and pour 0.5 cups of it table vinegar. Infuse in a sealed container for 8 days, shaking occasionally. Then strain and apply a cotton swab dipped in infusion to the warts several times a day.

29. - Hello! This is Peter from Novorossiysk. I have a lot of papillomas. When it was a little, I went to the salon and they were cleaned there. But then it got bigger and bigger...

You slowly and persistently continue to remove them. And all this time daily lubricate the entire habitat of papillomas with acidified water.

Apple cider vinegar is best - a tablespoon in a glass of boiled water. Wet the entire area of ​​papillomas well without wiping. Do it diligently in the morning and evening. Moisten especially large papillomas with clean apple cider vinegar, gently wrapping cotton wool around a match so as not to burn.

If you regularly acidify your skin, papillomas will stop multiplying. And you can take them all out.

And there were velvety spots on the temples. They were removed, but they reappeared.

Judging by your description, these are keratomas. Same thing - moisten them with pure apple cider vinegar.

* Papilloma (warts) are spoken, and not physically bandaged with a thread
Alternatively, you can lubricate the papilloma with celandine juice for several days in a row, after which it dries up and disappears.

Conspiracy from papillomas

Take half a glass of fresh, freshly milked (still warm) cow's milk, say the following spell on it: In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. I'll save you, I'll pray, I'll cross myself, by the grace of God arm myself. Hey you, evil hanging ghouls, get away from the servant of God (name), quickly run from his white body, from eye to shoulder, from shoulder to boot, from boot to hummock, from hummock to twig, from branch to leaf. Wind Vetrovich, tear off that leaf, carry it into the field, to the river and across the bridge into a dark forest. There is an evil beast in that forest. He stomps with his foot, and you, hanging sores, are forever off with the servant of God (name). My case is tenacious, my word is stucco. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Moisten your right hand in the charmed milk (before that it should be perfectly clean) and, until the milk is completely glass, wipe the place where hanging moles grow, with each finger separately, but in this order: first with the little finger, then the ring finger, then the middle, index and big. You can then wash your hand, and let the treated area dry itself. The rite should be repeated three times with a gap of three days. You can not speak milk on the new moon and on major holidays.

Recipes that come in handy.

1. Warts will disappear in 2 days if they are smeared with celandine oil, which is now sold in a pharmacy.

2. Gently lubricate with vinegar essence, repeat after a week.

3. You can get rid of an unwanted mole if you cut a clean raw potato in half and rub one half over the mole, then the other.

After that, connect the potatoes and tie tightly with black thread. When the sun sets, then throw this potato through the window. Do not remember the mole anymore, it will pass by itself.

4. Apply warm chicken giblets for a few minutes to the warts, and then bury the giblets. Warts will go away on their own

5. Rub castor oil into moles, papillomas daily in the morning and evening. In a month, the skin will become clear.

Some folk beliefs tell us that a large number of moles on a person's skin is a sign of a happy fate. In addition, according to the same beliefs, each mole has its own meaning, and its location on the human body can tell about its future and present.

But do not forget that moles and warts are very dangerous for human health, if they are damaged, they can even cause a cancerous tumor.

That is why if the warts start to bother you, bleed or change color, you should immediately go to the doctor.

Rites from moles

If you want to cleanse your skin for aesthetic reasons, a special conspiracy will help you, which will cleanse your body of moles. Such magical rituals should be performed only during the waning moon, otherwise, the number of growths on the skin can only increase.

The waning moon symbolizes getting rid of something, so its power can be used in our case.

There are a large number of rituals, different in execution and principle of action. You need to choose a plot depending on each individual case, however, many experienced sorcerers say that you can subconsciously choose the ritual that suits you best. To do this, you just need to get acquainted with various rituals and apply the one that you like best. Trust your feelings and intuition.

Ritual with a dry blade of grass

You need to concentrate on your desire to get rid of moles or warts and go to the nearest field or forest. There we tear off a dry blade of grass or spikelet, which we will use in the ritual. Now we go home, touch a blade of grass to each mole or wart that you want to remove, and read the words of the conspiracy:

“As this blade of grass dries and dries up, so the mole on the body of the servant of God (name) itself melts.”

Next, you need to go outside, find a small bush of dried grass, dig a small hole next to it, put a used blade of grass in it, and cover it with earth. As soon as the straw rots in the ground, your moles or warts will disappear.

Rite with celandine

This ritual should be performed on the new moon or during the growing moon. We collect the juice of celandine grass and let it brew for at least one night. Then, after sunset, rub the moles or warts with the resulting juice and pronounce the words of the conspiracy:

“A young month, a month, you are my lord. You see everything, you hear everything, you remember everything, help me, month. Highlight moles (or warts) on my body, pour them out with clean dew, beyond distant seas, and beyond dark forests, where wild animals live, nasty reptiles, they will eat my moles (or warts) and never return them. Let it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Be careful with celandine juice, make sure that it does not get on the mucous membranes

This is a strong magical rite, which should work within a month after it is carried out.

Ritual with cow's milk

For the ceremony, you only need very fresh cow's milk (still warm). You need to hold a vessel with milk in your hands and slander the words on it:

“In the Name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, I will go, pray, cross myself with the cross, arm myself with the grace of God. Moles, you are moles, warts, evil, hanging ghouls, you go away from the servant of God (name), run away from his body as soon as possible, run away, but don’t get into anyone else’s eyes. From the body to the bumps, from the bumps to the twig, from the branch to the leaf. The wind will carry that leaf across a distant field, across deep seas, and into a dark forest. In the forest that evil beast lives, in the swamp he stamps with one foot. And you, my sores from the servant of God (name), go away forever. Let it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Now you need to slightly moisten your right hand in milk (it should be clean), and while the milk has not yet completely drained from your skin, wipe it with moles or warts that worry you. You need to wipe with each finger in turn, starting with the little finger, ending with the thumb. After this procedure, you can wash your hand, and do not wash the treated areas and do not wipe anything, the milk should dry on them. For greater effectiveness, this magical ritual can be performed every three days. It is carried out only on the waning moon, in addition, milk cannot be spoken for major Christian holidays.

cemetery ritual

This ceremony is performed during the waning moon. You need to go to the cemetery, find a grave there where a person with the same name as yours is buried (children's graves cannot be used). Now go around the selected grave clockwise and pronounce the words of the conspiracy:

“Let the one who lives in this house take away all my warts and moles. I don't buy from her, I don't sell, I don't trade. I give her all the trouble for nothing. As it is said, so it will come true. Amen. Amen. Amen".

General rules for reading a magical conspiracy

The strength of any conspiracy depends on many factors. But, first of all, it should be understood that magic can be used only in emergency cases, when it is not possible to solve the problem by any means. Any conspiracy is pronounced alone. And you can’t even tell anyone about the plans for the ceremony.

On what days should the ceremonies be held?

It is very important to know not only how to read conspiracies correctly, but also on what days magical rituals should be performed. In magic, days are divided into women's and men's. That is, a woman should read magic conspiracies on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, and a man should do it on Monday, Tuesday or Thursday. Sunday is not considered a suitable day for magical rites. But on the other hand, this day is optimal for preparing for the future ritual. It can be devoted to meditation and prayers.

Some types of rituals are especially effective on religious holidays. So effective are the effects aimed at healing, carried out on Easter. On the holiday of Ivan Kupala, rituals aimed at returning youth and beauty are popular. The strongest black rites are held on Halloween. But before reading such conspiracies, you should definitely weigh the pros and cons. After all, black magic always does more harm than good.

Setting the stage for a conspiracy

For the conspiracy to be effective, it is necessary to create right conditions in the room where the ceremony takes place. First of all, absolute silence should be created in the room in order to focus on the purpose of the ceremony as much as possible. It is equally important to exclude all possible extraneous factors that may be distracting during the magical action. It is very important to provide proper lighting, on which attention is always focused in the description of rites. As a rule, night rituals are performed by candlelight. And if a daytime ritual is performed, then to enhance its effectiveness, it is necessary to provide maximum sunlight.

The most effective are conspiracies spoken at night or at the time of sunrise. It has been proven that moonlight enhances magic words and this must be used. If it is recommended that the ceremony be performed in nature, then this should be done as far as possible from residential buildings. Conspiracies of any direction should be read in a positive and calm mood. Nervousness or irritation will make the impact ineffective.

Before you start reading the plot, you need to visualize the purpose of the ceremony. The importance of this can hardly be overestimated. If you can clearly imagine your goal, then this will increase the effectiveness of the rite. Begin pronouncing magic words after a calm breath. Phrases should be distributed in such a way that the last word was pronounced while exhaling. The effect of a conspiracy can be enhanced by repeatedly reading the text of the conspiracy. Conspiracies should not be spoken loudly, but each word must be pronounced clearly, without stammering.

Conspiracy example: A strong white ritual for a man's love

To attract the love of a man, it is necessary to conduct a magical rite in which a conspiracy to water is used. This ritual belongs to the means of white magic, therefore it cannot harm. As a rule, this rite is used by women who cannot meet a loved one in their life. It is necessary to speak water for washing in the late evening. Only spring water or water drawn from a well should be used in the ceremony. If this is not possible, then you can also use a cart from the tap, but you must first stand it in dark place in three days. Water should be poured into a wide bowl and say the following magic words:

“Water-voditsa - drink the blood of the Great Mother Earth, and you, Mother Earth - fill the water-vodka with blood. And I, the Servant of God ( given name) I appeal to the Lord Almighty, bless the natural water with your power. Let beauty come to me, but when a good fellow looks at me, he will become mine forever, and he will never look at others again. As said, so be it. Amen".

After that, you should take a bath with charmed water and immediately go to bed.

If you believe in success and magic, then any conspiracy, no matter what direction it is, will be effective. Do not believe those who claim that only professionals can use magic. The main thing when conducting independently is faith in own forces and no doubt in the soul about the correctness decision about the ritual.

A conspiracy to remove moles - we reveal all the secrets and secrets of the lapels to the site

A conspiracy from moles is considered by many people to be an effective tool that allows you to get rid of a potential danger to the skin. Let's see if this is so, and get acquainted with the most common types of conspiracies that are considered effective.

Types of conspiracies from moles

People who are terribly afraid of medical intervention or medical errors prefer to look for ways of healing in folk remedies.

In addition to herbal infusions, decoctions and rubbing, alternative medicine also practices conspiracies from diseases.

To speak a mole, you need to perform a ritual, during which you need to perform a series of specific actions, as well as cast a spell that will enhance the effect of the rite.

By type, such conspiracies can be divided into those that use:

  • plants and fruits;
  • animal products;
  • people.

The latter kind is considered sinful by many religions, because it causes harm to a person. The same violation of the divine commandments is the way in which the mole is transferred to dead people.

Moreover, many experts in the field of non-traditional methods of treatment are sure that by contacting the world of the dead, a living person establishes a dangerous connection with otherworldly forces. And along with the disease, after a while, the one who tries to speak a mole can go to the next world.

Note that in some conspiracies it is proposed to use church candles and holy water. Orthodoxy, Catholicism, as well as Protestantism, consider magical actions to be witchcraft.

For participation in such rituals, you can get excommunication from the church.

The choice of method remains on the conscience of those who want to get rid of darkening and growths on the skin. We will get acquainted with simple ways how to speak birthmark that do not require special efforts, specific items and knowledge.

Moon and conspiracies

The night light occupies important place in rituals. It is believed that words spoken in a certain phase of the moon have more power than usual. The same applies to actions.

Most of the ways to speak a mole are recommended to be performed on a new moon. Specialists in the field of occult knowledge believe that the growing moon gives the spell a special power. As the night star moves through the phases, a conspiracy action will be performed.

The spell creates a bond between the person and the moon. And as it grows in the night sky, the action of the conspiracy intensifies. With a decrease in the sickle, the disease also becomes smaller, weaker. And disappears from the human body, like Selena from the firmament in the last phase before the new moon.

Almost all rituals associated with spots and growths on the skin last a full lunar month.

Therefore, those who are going to use this method in order to speak a mole and get rid of it should not tune in to a quick solution to the problem.

The lunar month is different from the usual calendar month. It has 29.5 days, and the account is kept by the phases of the night star. They can be recognized in the usual calendar, which indicates the exact lunar day, the time of sunrise and sunset of the night star. As well as the zodiac constellation in which the satellite of the Earth is located at this moment.

Conspiracies for plants

by the most in a simple way to speak a mole is considered an action on a blade of grass.

To do this, you need to pluck a hollow blade of grass along with the root. It is called straw.

Before proceeding with the performance of magical actions, you need to dig a vertical hole in the ground along the length of a plucked blade of grass. After that, they touch the mole with a straw, saying at the same time: “As this grass dries out, so this mole dries out.” The phrase is repeated three times, after which the blade of grass is buried in the hole with its roots up.

Another way: on the new moon, it is proposed to cut a knotty willow branch, make an oblique cut at the end and rub the birthmark with it, asking the moon to pick it up. To enhance the effect of the spell, you should look at the nascent month.

And another action is related to moon phases. On the new moon, fresh celandine is collected, from which the juice is squeezed. It is poisonous, so drinking it is strictly prohibited. It is also dangerous to get this liquid in the eyes.

With a cotton swab, a drop of juice is applied to the mole, while requests are repeated to the moon to pick up this growth or stain. The juice is not washed, allowing it to dry. The procedure is carried out so that a person can see the night star. It lasts from new moon to last day lunar month.

Actions with fruits

A method similar to a rite with a straw, how to speak a mole, is done with a potato. It is cut into 12 parts, and each in turn rubs a birthmark, repeating the phrase that as soon as this potato rots, the mole will disappear. All parts are collected so that outwardly the potato seems to be whole, tied in a rag and buried in the ground.

In the same way, you can reduce the problem area to an apple. It is cut in half, one part is eaten, and a similar operation is performed with the other half. Then they bury it in the ground so that it rots, taking the mole with them.

Animal products

It is believed that cow meat can help get rid of growths and darkening on the skin that disturb a person.

For the first way, how to speak a mole, take a small piece of fresh beef and apply it to the right place on the body. Having rubbed the birthmark, the meat is buried in the ground under the threshold of their house. Note that this will be problematic if you live in high-rise building with concrete yard.

For another magical rite use lard and peas. They are boiled until a homogeneous mass is formed, which must be cooled before use. The mixture is smeared on the problem area on the skin, after which it is collected and thrown away with the words: "As this mixture leaves, so does the mole."

In conclusion of the review, we note that we do not undertake to give our readers guarantees that this or that method that we have described will work. In matters of petty everyday magic, one cannot be sure of anything, but only hope.

Moles can occur anywhere on the body. Most magicians and witches are inclined to believe that a huge number of moles on the skin is a sign of a person’s happy fate. But it is worth noting: in addition to lucky omens, brown spots lead to a number of dangerous diseases. Sometimes they begin to itch, bleed and cause painful symptoms. People try to solve a problem with folk recipes and medications. However, the presented methods do not always bring the expected result.

Magic and prayer will help get rid of unwanted moles

The power of magic will help get rid of moles. One of effective means cleansing skin is prayer. Consider the most effective conspiracies in the fight against hanging and ordinary moles.

Conspiracy on a dry spikelet

The ritual is performed on the day of the rising of the young moon. Waking up early in the morning, go to a clearing or forest. There, look for a dry blade of grass (spikelet). When tearing it off, think about the fulfillment of your desire. Then go home, entering the door, do not look back. Entering the room, go to the window, touch each mole or wart with a straw and say:

As this blade of grass dries and dries up, so the mole on the body of the servant of God (name) itself melts.

After that you will leave to the yard. Dig a small hole under the tree, using a shovel, bring in the charmed spikelet. Cover this ditch with soil. As soon as the blade of grass begins to rot, the spots on the body and face will begin to disappear!

A conspiracy for a spikelet is done on a young moon

Magic celandine

This rite, like the one presented above, is performed at the hour of the new moon. In the daytime, collect as many sprigs of celandine as possible. When you get home, prepare any glass container, squeeze out the juice. Put this nectar on the windowsill all night, so that it is saturated with lunar energy. The next day, after the sun sets, rub the affected areas of the body with celandine juice, saying a magical prayer for moles:

A young month, a month, you are my lord. You see everything, you hear everything, you remember everything, help me, month. Highlight moles (or warts) on my body, pour them out with clean dew, beyond distant seas, and beyond dark forests, where wild animals live, nasty reptiles, they will eat my moles (or warts) and never return them. Let it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen.

After 30 days, you will notice how your skin begins to clear from brown spots.

Conspiracy for potatoes

You can talk moles with the help of ordinary, fresh potatoes. This rite is quite simple, but famous for its effectiveness. There are two rituals that will quickly and permanently destroy any kind of spots that have arisen on the skin.

Potatoes have long been used for conspiracies from growths

Rite number 1

Usually the spell is read by parents or blood relatives. To fulfill the plot, purchase three raw potatoes. It is for so many days that a prayer will be read. How is the ritual carried out?

  • cut the vegetable into two parts;
  • use one half to rub problem areas of the body, when performing these actions, read the prayer "Our Father";
  • as soon as prayer speeches are read, go out into the courtyard;
  • find a secluded place where people hardly go;
  • dig a small hole and place the used half of the potato in it;
  • entering the house, take the second part of the potato;
  • throw it behind your back, saying:

    “You, potato, fly, and the servant of God (name) has a mole gone.”

The rite is carried out for three days in a row. As soon as the rotting of the vegetable (three parts) occurs, the moles on the body and face will begin to disappear. Read prayers at the hour of the waning month.

Rite number 2

This ritual will help to overcome not only small and large moles but also papillomas. To fulfill the plot, in addition to potatoes, purchase dry oak branches. To perform this rite, you must:

  • Cut potatoes in two.
  • Rub the damaged areas of the body with halves of the vegetable alternately.
  • Magic words are pronounced separately for each brown spot: “I take away from the flesh, I give it to the tree. The eternal oak will take to itself, it will take away from my flesh. I rub it white, I give it in draft.
  • After each mole is treated, two parts of the potato are tied with red silk thread.
  • Out on Fresh air, make a fire with prepared oak fires.
  • Throw the charmed potatoes into the fire. It should burn out completely.

Don't stand in front of the smoke. After seven days, unaesthetic spots will begin to gradually disappear. Within a month, the skin will shine with beauty, purity and health.

The growth should be rubbed with both halves of the potato alternately

Other folk methods of dealing with moles

If there is no desire to resort to the help of magic, there is an effective, folk method which has been tested by more than one generation of people. Purchase fresh meat (beef). At the hour of the waning moon, rub all the growths on the body with a fresh meat product. Go out into the yard under the threshold, dig a small hole, put the used food and cover it with soil. After a certain period of time, the moles will begin to disappear.

Peas and lard will help get rid of any skin defects. Swirl the presented products for at least half an hour. Once the boiled ingredients have cooled, apply the mixture to the affected skin layers. Take a shower after a few minutes. Moles will go into the sewer compartment along with boiled lard and peas.

Magic conspiracies can help every person. They are quite effective and are often used to eliminate unwanted and unaesthetic brown spots. With the help of the above prayers, surgery and laser therapy will not be needed!