Bumblebee bite what to do. Bumblebee bite - what to do if he has bitten and the consequences of this. Medicamentous and folk remedies for the treatment of bites - photo gallery

If you or a person next to you are bitten by a bumblebee, what to do in this situation? It is necessary to act according to the following scheme:

Bite Features

The bumblebee belongs to the genus Hymenoptera. There are three types of these insects: drones, queen and workers. But only working individuals and queens can bite from them. Despite its rather large size, the bumblebee is more peaceful than, for example, bees or wasps. They use their sting only when they are on the defensive.

A person receives some injected poison, which causes pain, itching and redness. Such a poison is a combination of proteins, therefore, after a person has been bitten by this insect, an allergic reaction may develop.

Body reaction

The sequence of what to do if a bumblebee has bitten a finger (for example) has been described above. But why do all people react to such bites in different ways? Some notice with horror that the hand is swollen, while others observe a slight redness. The state of a person after contact with this striped creature depends on the characteristics of the organism. In most cases, such situations do not pose any danger. Severe allergies can occur in only a minimal number of cases (one percent) and, as a rule, it develops with repeated cases of contact with the sting of this insect.

The usual local manifestation of a non-allergic reaction is accompanied by short-term pain and burning, then redness, swelling and itching of the skin in the area surrounding the damaged area. These signs usually disappear after three days. But when an insect has bitten into the eye or the area around it, the swelling can last for more than a week.

Situations requiring immediate hospitalization

In most cases, situations where a bumblebee has bitten are not dangerous. However, if the following symptoms occur, in addition to general medical first aid measures at home, you should immediately call an ambulance:

  • nausea, vomiting and upset stomach;
  • choking and difficulty breathing;
  • temperature rise;
  • a strong increase in heart rate;
  • hives;
  • chills and joint pain;
  • convulsions;
  • the stinger is stuck in the eye, in the head or in the throat.
  • loss of consciousness;
  • severe headaches;
  • with multiple contacts with insects (especially in a child and an elderly person);
  • if there is a pregnancy;
  • if a bumblebee has bitten a person taking beta-blockers;
  • if the victim has an allergy.

If it so happened that you or your friends were bitten by a bumblebee, you should clearly know what to do. In the absence of signs of a severe allergic reaction, it is enough just to carry out the first medical care after insect bites, which was described above. But with obvious manifestations of complications, the victim should be immediately hospitalized.

Bumblebees are very beautiful insects by nature, and at the sight of this “fluffy lump” you just want to touch it. They are hard workers and are engaged in pollination of plants, not paying any attention to people. But there are times when sudden movements or for inattention, as a result of which the rest of the worker is disturbed when a bumblebee bites. This behavior is typical only for females of this insect species. Despite similar features to honey bees, bumblebees do not die after being bitten, because they have smooth and even stings that do not remain in the skin. What to expect from a bite and what to do to avoid unpleasant consequences. This is the question that interests everyone faced with a similar problem.

What happens after a bumblebee bite

The reaction to a bite can be completely different:

  1. A toxic reaction is not the result of one bumblebee sting in a short time, but several at once. As a result, there may be a failure in the rhythm of the heartbeat and difficulty breathing.
  2. With a local reaction (non-allergic), the affected area swells. In this case, the bite site may turn red and itch. Such a reaction may not occur immediately, but after a few hours. Symptoms usually last from 2 hours to several days. Often, signs of a bite spread to surrounding tissues, occupying an area several times larger.
  3. Allergic reaction(general) often occurs only after a few bites. Only in 1% it occurs after a relapse. Its duration can be several minutes or half an hour. In turn, it is divided into several levels: red swellings are observed throughout the body; diarrhea, nausea, and subsequently vomiting are added to the previous symptoms; includes previous symptoms along with difficulty in breathing and choking; all of the above symptoms are combined with fainting, anaphylactic shock and palpitations.
  4. Hyperventilation occurs as a consequence of being bitten. May be accompanied by a level 4 allergic reaction.

Help for a victim of a bumblebee sting

In the event that a sting remains under the skin, it must be removed. For this, it is best to use disinfected tweezers. Squeezing the sting is not worth it, this can lead to the development of infection. The affected area must be wiped liberally with hydrogen peroxide, rubbing alcohol or concentrated vinegar. For greater effect, it is best to make a compress. Along with this, it is recommended to apply a cold compress to the bite. This helps to relieve swelling and pain, and at the same time stops the process of absorption of the poison. You can pull out the poison by applying moistened refined sugar after the procedures.

For people with an allergic predisposition, it is recommended to take an antihistamine and, of course, it is worth drinking plenty of fluids. Hot tea with sugar is best for these purposes. If the above measures did not have the desired effect, a visit to the doctor is simply necessary. In addition, you must contact a medical institution:

  • if received a large number of bites;
  • with mucosal damage;
  • if there are symptoms of chronic diseases;
  • if there are symptoms of infection;
  • if the bite fell on the throat or mouth;
  • with allergies.

If an allergic reaction of level 3 or 4 is observed, then first it is necessary to inject adrenaline intramuscularly to constrict blood vessels, stimulate the heart and facilitate breathing. A toxic reaction is also a reason to seek help from a medical facility.

25.08.2017 1

A bumblebee sting can be dangerous to humans, so you need to know what to do in case of an insect attack, how to provide first aid and what the consequences may be.

Everyone knows that this is a rather unpleasant procedure, but if a bumblebee has bitten, the consequences can be more serious and unpleasant. AT warm time years, people not only prefer open clothes, due to which they put themselves at risk of being bitten, but they are often in nature - it is here that the abundance of insects can pose a serious danger not only for a child, but also for adults, and even for a pet.

Bumblebees are hardworking insects, and in their characteristics are very similar to bees. It is they who pollinate many plants, granting them the right to exist, and that is why the bumblebee is so desperately defending its territory and stinging anyone who may be dangerous.

People who are interested in whether a bumblebee has a sting should know that only a female of this type of insect can bite a person - they are the defenders of the home.

Bite symptoms

If bitten by a bumblebee, it is necessary to recognize the symptoms in a timely manner and begin treatment, as some people may experience allergic reactions, which in some cases can be fatal. It should be understood that the bumblebee does not bite in the usual sense for people, but stings, releasing poison into the body of its victim. It is because of the ingress of poison that the stung place begins to itch, redness appears, which gives the person a lot of discomfort.

Note! Often small children suffer from an insect bite, the desire to touch an unfamiliar insect often leads to unpredictable consequences. At the same time, a bumblebee bite most often occurs in the arm, leg or finger - in those places that are often open in the summer.

Be careful, as a bumblebee bite is dangerous, first of all, for people prone to allergic reactions. If one of the symptoms worsens, and the bitten person feels worse, you should immediately consult a doctor.

The main symptoms that appear immediately after the insect stings are swelling, unpleasant itching and redness of the skin area where the bitten insect was located. In this case, everything depends on the number of individuals - as a rule, the question of what to do arises only in the case of a large number of bites.

People who are prone to allergic reactions should wonder whether bumblebee venom is dangerous or not. Such people will show the following unpleasant symptoms:

  • The manifestation and intensification of itching, swelling and redness, not only at the site of the bite, but throughout the body of the victim.
  • With an allergic reaction, the patient may experience nausea and vomiting.
  • The patient feels a lack of air and attacks of suffocation.
  • The general body temperature rises, the person's pulse becomes faster.
  • Often there is a loss of consciousness, accompanied by convulsions - the person looks as if he had a terrible dream.

If first aid for a bumblebee bite is not provided in a timely manner, in the presence of severe allergic reactions, serious pathologies may develop that will cause significant damage to health, and in some cases death is likely. That is why, when bitten by a bumblebee, every person should know what to do - so you can save not only yourself, but also those around you from possible danger.

First aid

At home, treating a bite, provided that the victim is not allergic to poison, will not be difficult. Medical intervention in this case is not at all necessary, it is enough to adhere to simple rules, which will help to minimize local symptoms with their own hands.

  1. In some cases, it happens that a sting remains in the body of the victim, which must be pulled out with tweezers. Do not do this with your fingers, as you can drive the sting even deeper, while infection can enter the wound. The tweezers are pre-treated with an antiseptic.
  2. The bite itself is treated with hydrogen peroxide or any other antiseptic. The treated area should not be contaminated, as this creates a risk of infection.
  3. If you did cold compress This means that the pain will subside after a short period of time.
  4. In the presence of allergic reactions, it is recommended to take an antihistamine and contact a healthcare professional.
  5. It is not recommended to do additional treatment with ointments with a bite. It is better to consume a large amount of liquid so that the poison dissolves faster in the body and does not have negative impact per person.

Note! If the bite fell on a sensitive area (neck, mouth, other parts of the face), it is recommended to immediately contact a medical specialist, since the development of serious pathologies, including difficulty breathing and asphyxia, is quite likely in this case.


It makes sense to treat a bumblebee bite if it causes significant discomfort to the victim. To do this, today there are dozens of ways that you can use at home.

  • A dandelion leaf compress will help get rid of stinging wounds - they must be applied to the sore spot, after which the discomfort will decrease.
  • A chopped onion head is applied to the diseased area and fixed with a tight bandage.
  • You can also rub the sore spot with the fruit of a banana, while the bitten area is pre-washed with a stream of cold water.
  • Can dissolve ordinary baking soda in water and apply to the bite site - this will also relieve unpleasant symptoms and facilitate recovery.

Video: what happens if a bumblebee bites?


Despite the fact that bumblebees bite very painfully, they rarely attack first. As a rule, in order to become a victim of a bumblebee, it is enough to get closer to his dwelling. The insect feels danger and seeks to get rid of its enemy, thereby causing trouble to a person. You can eliminate the bite by adhering to simple rules:

  1. Try not to get close to bumblebee nests, as females are more likely to defend their offspring.
  2. When going out into nature, make sure that your first aid kit contains antiseptics and allergy medications.
  3. Try to use closed clothing - this way the insect will be less likely to bite you.
  4. Keep a close eye on children and pets, as they are often the ones who get caught watching an interesting insect.

No matter how many times a person has been bitten by a female bumblebee, their interest in outdoor recreation will not be lost. That is why it is so important to take care of your own safety and the safety of your loved ones in advance. First aid should always be on hand for the victim, and if an allergic reaction occurs, you should call medical professionals as soon as possible.

Hardworking insects bring many benefits to the living world. Thanks to their hard work, hundreds of plants are pollinated and can delight us with attractive appearance and delicious fruits. Therefore, a person must take care of his own safety, exclude the possibility of any bite. Only this approach will allow you to enjoy your vacation in the warm season without the need to take emergency rescue measures.

It is difficult to insure against an aggressive sudden attack of a stinging insect in summer. Sometimes, an awkward movement is enough to feel the burning sting of a wasp (bee, bumblebee, hornet) on the body. What to do at home to relieve pain and prevent Negative consequences? Everyone should know these rules by heart, so as not to get confused at the right time and provide first aid to the victim.

Symptoms and consequences

A wasp or a bee, a hornet or a bumblebee cannot bite, they sting. But the sensations when a sting with insect venom penetrates the skin is comparable to a bite. For some, this turns into only slight redness and short-term discomfort. But don't rely on luck. Regardless of whether the bite is dangerous, help should be given to the stung person. If the victim becomes worse, the participation of doctors is required immediately.

A person instantly after piercing the skin with an insect sting feels characteristic symptoms:

There is a cutting and rapidly spreading pain;
swelling is growing rapidly;
the bite site begins to itch strongly;
there is a numbness of the cover in the stung place;
sweat is sharply released, the limbs become cold;
breathing worsens, heart beat accelerates;
heartburn, vomiting, fainting (rare).

How long the bite lasts is hard to say. For some, pain and itching subside after a few hours, while others will have to endure discomfort for several days.

If a person is prone to allergies, the reaction to a bite is the most unpredictable. Every second is precious, in some cases it is worth a life. Not timely assistance or late intake of an antihistamine can result in respiratory blockage, anaphylactic shock.

Bee stings and first aid

Folk healers and many physicians are convinced that treatment bee stings some diseases are much more effective than drug therapy. But an unconventional and unprofessional approach to treatment can be harmful. If a person is stung by 10-12 bees, especially in the throat and face, the consequences are deplorable.

The sting of the bee, released from the abdomen, is connected inside with many organs. The insect, at the moment of attack and injecting it into the skin of the victim, quickly breaks off and flies away. But at the moment of separation from the skin with a sting, part of the important organs breaks out of the body, without which the further existence of the insect is impossible. That is why the bee dies after being bitten.

The attack of bees (provided that it has bitten 1-2 individuals) is not dangerous for people who have never had an allergy. At the same moment, first aid for a bite is provided to everyone without exception. It is especially important not to hesitate if the site of penetration of the sting is near the mucosa or throat.

What assistance should be provided to the victim in case of a sting in the leg, arm, back or chest? The following actions must be learned by heart:

1. Pull out the sting with your hands. Grabbing the tip, gently twist and pull out. If it didn’t work out, a needle, tweezers will help (process before use).

2. After removing the wound, wipe it with alcohol, you can use peroxide.

3. Before removing the swelling and redness, be sure to take an antihistamine pill.

4. It is required to prevent the spread of edema. To do this, attach a towel with ice, lubricate the wound with a bite remedy. If there is nothing at hand, you can remove the swelling with a moistened sugar cube, dandelion or plantain leaf.

If a bee has bitten in the eye, tongue, larynx, you can not hesitate. It is necessary to call a brigade and deliver the insect victim to the hospital, even in cases where there is no serious allergy to a bee sting.

First steps if stung by a wasp

The wasp becomes especially aggressive on hot days. These individuals attack in order to defend themselves or in cases of overt manifestations of aggression in their direction. For example, by driving a wasp away from the face with a hand, destroying its house, located in a tree or under the roof of a house, an attack cannot be avoided. Does a wasp die after being stung? No, her sting is always ready for the next attack.

Due to the bite of one wasp, terrible consequences should not be expected. True, in the place where the wasp sting fell, a person will feel:

Burning growing pain, similar to the sensations of a burn;
rapid spreading of puffiness, thickening of the skin;
redness with fever in the affected area;
intolerable itching.

Don't waste time wondering if a wasp leaves a stinger when it stings. It will not be possible to find it in the wound; after the attack, the insect takes the tool with it. If a wasp has bitten, you should immediately help:

1. Treat the wound with any disinfectant.
2. Immediately take an allergy pill.
3. Get the victim drunk large quantity sweet tea, juice.
4. Apply any cold object, ice, to the wound.
5. Follow the nature of the edema. If it spreads to the throat, heart area, seek medical attention immediately.
6. Ointments will help relieve itching. Means than to smear a wasp sting can be bought at any pharmacy.

It is important not to take alcohol inside after a bite, which will only accelerate the spread wasp venom on the body.

Hornet attack

This insect on the fly at the time of the attack of the horse is capable of knocking down. What to say about a man! For people, a meeting with an attacking hornet can end in failure. It is especially dangerous if the hornet bite fell on the head, neck, heart area. The most dangerous poison spreads rapidly through the vessels, blockage of breathing occurs instantly. That is why it is important to quickly figure out what to do to help a stung person.

1. Try to suck out some of the poison.
2. Find something to treat the bite. You can neutralize the poison by treating the stung place with lemon, vinegar, soda or soapy water (the hornet's alkaline venom is destroyed by acids).
3. Decontaminate the wound.
4. Apply an ice bandage with moistened sugar to the place where the sting was pierced by a hornet. The cold will stop the swelling, and the sugar will help draw toxins out of the wound.
5. Drink a diuretic, antihistamine medicine. Give the victim plenty of sweet drink to drink.

If the swelling subsides, the allergy does not appear, lubricate the wound with any anesthetic cream from bites. In case of increased edema, inadequate heartbeat, suffocation, dizziness or partial loss of consciousness, go to the hospital. Hospitalization is inevitable.

Bumblebee bite and first aid

Know that a bumblebee will never attack unless you touch it. Remember that only the female has a sting. By killing this insect, you can incur the aggression of female bumblebees. They feel that a relative was attacked, and quickly fly to the rescue. It also happens that no one touched him, but a bumblebee bit him. For example, during its next dive, an insect, crashing into a human body, released a sting at the moment of fright. What to do if he stung and injected poison into the skin?

Immediately you need to calm down and remember how to remove the swelling and redness caused by insect venom injected into the skin. Allergics should be quickly transported to the hospital. In addition, you need to provide immediate assistance to the victim.

1. Inspect the site of the bumblebee attack. It may happen that after a bite, the sting remains in the skin. It must be carefully removed, and then disinfected the wound.
2. Apply cotton wool soaked in peroxide, manganese water.
3. Ice, wrapped in a flap, applied to the wound and bandaged.
4. Take suprastin or another antiallergic agent for the victim.

Swelling, pain and unbearable itching will be felt for several days. It is important for the victim to drink plenty of water so that the poison is excreted faster. It is absolutely impossible to scratch the bite, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous. If the condition worsens, heart palpitations are felt, limbs go numb, you constantly want to sleep, you should go to the hospital.

Stinging insect bites are dangerous. It doesn't matter if the victim is prone to allergies or has excellent health, the reaction of the body to the poison let in by the sting can be fatal. Apply folk remedies from a bite to anesthetize the wound, it is allowed only in cases where there is no allergy, and the swelling has begun to subside. It is important to remember that you can apply healing herbal leaves to the bites after thoroughly cleaning them.

Still, it is wiser not to meet with these insects. You can’t brush them off with your hands so as not to cause aggression, destroy nests, and in the summer, carefully look to see if the wasp has sat down on a sweet fruit to also feast on it. If the sting of the insect stuck, do not panic. Having completed all the steps correctly emergency care By contacting the hospital in time, unpleasant consequences can always be avoided.

During the bite of a bumblebee, poison is injected into the human body through a hollow sting. This causes itching, burning, pain in the affected area. Many people experience serious complications in the form of allergic or toxicological reactions. Therefore, first aid must be provided. What to do after a bite?

Classification of insects: which bumblebee can bite

The bumblebee is a profusely pubescent and large bee. In Europe, there are 53 species of insects that differ from each other in color and size. In addition, they are divided into 3 groups:

  1. Queens.
  2. Working insects.
  3. Drones.

Only a queen or a working bumblebee can sting. But these insects use the sting only for the sake of self-defense.

The most common types of European bumblebees are the following:

  1. Earthy. The largest bumblebee (up to 28 mm in length), dominated by yellow with cross stripes. The top of the abdomen is white.
  2. Purple carpenter bumblebee. The length reaches up to 30 mm, the body is black and blue. The head and breast have a metallic sheen.
  3. Stone. It reaches 27 mm in length, the body is covered with black hairs. The tip of the abdomen is red.
  4. Garden. Its length is from 16 to 24 mm. On the body alternating areas of white, black and yellow flowers.

Common Species: Purple Carpenter Bumblebee, Ground Bumblebee, Rock Bumblebee, Garden Bumblebee - photo gallery

The body of the stone bumblebee is covered with black hairs.
The garden bumblebee has patches of white, black and yellow on its body.
Earthen is the largest bumblebee
The purple carpenter bumblebee has a black and blue torso.

What are the dangers of bites, including during pregnancy

When bitten, poison is injected into the human body. In addition to itching, burning, swelling and redness, severe allergies or anaphylactic shock may occur, which in individual cases capable of leading to death.

Especially dangerous numerous bites that happened at the same time or in a short period of time. Accumulated in large volume poison, leads to disruption of the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

Bumblebee bites are especially dangerous for the fair sex during pregnancy and lactation. In the body of a woman carrying a child, some changes occur that increase susceptibility to the effects of various stimuli. Also, the bites of these insects can turn into unpleasant consequences for people taking certain medications (from the list of beta-blockers).

If a person stung by an insect already has certain kind allergies, the possibility of developing a negative reaction increases significantly. Very often children suffer from this, as their immune system is not yet strong enough.

Bite to the head, arm, leg, lips and other parts of the body

With bites in the cheeks, ear, neck, nose, eyes, as well as lips or tongue, the proper functioning of these organs is disrupted. There is a complication in the form of severe edema, perhaps even suffocation, in which it is often necessary to dissect the front wall of the throat.

The bite of the limbs is considered the most harmless if the poison has not entered the bloodstream.

Symptoms: pain, itching, swelling, skin rash and others

The local reaction manifests itself within the first minutes in the form of burning, itching and pain. Then there is swelling and redness of the skin begins.

Such bite symptoms do not require specific therapy and disappear within 2-4 days. An allergic reaction develops in a few minutes, but after a few hours it disappears. Depending on the intensity appear:

  1. Itching, swelling, redness of the whole body.
  2. Difficulty breathing, chills, increased heart rate.
  3. Eruptions on the skin.
  4. Temperature rise.

Joint pain and convulsions, as well as loss of consciousness, signal the onset of the development of anaphylactic shock, requiring urgent hospitalization.

Signs of toxic poisoning:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • dizziness;
  • violation of the heart rate;
  • weakness;
  • loose stool.

These symptoms appear only with multiple bites.

First aid: is it necessary to remove the sting, how to treat and how to anesthetize the bite site

To prevent serious complications, it is important to provide first aid to the victim. You need to do the following:

If conducted urgent measures did not improve the person's condition, then you should call a doctor.

If a child under 3 years old was injured, and the bite was in the face or throat, then swelling and difficulty breathing may occur. AT without fail only a specialist should provide assistance to the victim.

What can not be done with a bumblebee bite: the harm of alcoholic beverages, hot baths, sleeping pills

  • combing and rubbing the bite site, you can infect the wound and spread the poison throughout all tissues of the body;
  • drink alcohol to neutralize the poison, as well as take hot baths. These actions contribute to the expansion of blood vessels, which will significantly speed up the process of spreading the poison throughout the body;
  • cool the bite site with water from the reservoir, rub it with earth. So you can bring the infection;
  • take sleeping pills, which only increase the toxic effects of the poison.

How to treat insect bites: home and pharmacy remedies

In most cases, bumblebee stings can be safely treated on their own using traditional healers' recipes. Quickly help compresses from:

  1. Crushed fresh plantain leaves, which are applied to the problem area every 2 hours. Dandelion leaves will do as well.
  2. gruel onion or its juice.
  3. Vodka, lemon juice.
  4. Plates of raw potatoes, apples, tomatoes.
  5. Frozen milk cubes that can only be applied for 10 minutes.

You can use antiallergic ointments:

  1. Psilo Balm quickly eliminates redness, swelling and itchy skin.
  2. Vitaon relieves itching and pain, inflammation, it is also used for lotions.
  3. The golden star (ointment) is highly effective both for repelling insects and for treating their bites. Quickly relieves itching and eliminates inflammation.

It happens that even with competently rendered assistance, the next day there are unpleasant sensations, swelling, and health worsens. In this case, you must contact the medical facility.

Homeopathy to eliminate the effects of a bite

When treating bites, they resort to homeopathic remedies. Relieves discomfort Apis (Apis), which is designed to reduce the reaction to poison, eliminate blisters and sharp pains. It is taken orally, but bites can be treated with drops. Additionally, it is recommended to use the drug Urtica urens (Urtica urens). Ledum will help when the affected tissues turn pale and cold.

Medicamentous and folk remedies for the treatment of bites - photo gallery

Plantain is used to relieve itching
Grated potatoes relieve skin swelling and redness
Psilo-balm - antiallergic medicinal product for local use
Golden Star quickly relieves inflammation and itching
Vitaon - wound healing, analgesic (pain reliever), anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial agent

Medical assistance: when a person needs hospitalization

It is necessary to seek help from specialists in the following circumstances:

If the pain intensifies, chills and swelling do not go away, pus appears in the bite area, then this may indicate the presence of an infection in the body.

Hospitalization will be required for shortness of breath, chest pain, hoarseness, inability to speak and swallow, signs of infection. To determine the diagnosis, in addition to a visual examination, a study of the functioning will be carried out. respiratory system and myocardial function.

What to do with an insect bite - video

Precautionary measures

Bumblebees don't bite people for no reason. They are peaceful insects. They attack only when they are harmed, as well as protecting their nest. But for preventive purposes, it is desirable:

  • do not walk without shoes on the grass, so as not to step on a bumblebee;
  • do not use perfume in nature, its smell attracts insects;
  • do not leave the room without a hat;
  • when working in the garden, wear long-sleeved clothing and gloves;
  • put mosquito nets on the windows;
  • do not eat sweet fruits on the street near the flower beds.

It is impossible to drive away or catch bumblebees. This will only provoke them to attack. It is better to buy an insect repellant when going out into nature.

Everyone needs to know how to provide first aid for insect bites. If there are no signs of a severe allergic or toxicological reaction, then you can handle it yourself. But if complications occur, immediate hospitalization is needed.