Wasp venom when bitten is useful. How to externally determine who bitten and what to do. Wasps - protectors of weak insects

If you are stung by a wasp, it will be painful, the body may not react properly. The composition of wasp venom is almost the same as bee venom. After a long study of toxic substances, scientists have found that wasp venom is more allergenic and often causes dangerous allergic reactions in the body. As you already understood, we will talk about the effect of wasp venom on a person through a bite.

What are the benefits of wasp stings?

Is there any benefit from a wasp sting, is the poison able to influence favorably? Consider how a wasp sting is useful for a person.

It is impossible to answer unambiguously. Due to the fact that bee and wasp venoms are similar in composition, lovers of using bee products as medicines think that wasp stings are as useful as bee venoms, and their venom can help against diseases.

If we follow this hypothesis, then the only difficulty before the practical use of wasp toxic substances in medicine is that the raw materials are very difficult to obtain. Bees are bred on purpose and their venom can be obtained in large quantities in the apiary with a well-established technique, and for wasp venom you will need to climb into the found nest for poison. The second option: the organization of mass construction of nests is possible. They can be inhabited by wasps. But this method has been little studied, and problems may arise.

Scientists have studied the toxic substances of wasps and imagine how they behave with various organs and tissues. The action of the poison, its usefulness or damage directly depends on the reaction to the bite of the organism itself. In the end, even doctors and toxicologists did not make a final decision whether wasp stings are useful. The poison contains many stimulating and tonic components, substances that stimulate the metabolism, but their isolation is difficult and not reasonable, because now you can find safer analogues on the market.

The main benefit of wasps is their intensive pollination in the spring of plants together with bees. They are involved in the transfer of pollen from one flower to another, looking for nectar. Thanks to their significant contribution, the level of productivity increases.

In addition, thanks to wasps, there are fewer insects that eat fruits or plants. They exterminate pests, such as aphids, flies, fleas, caterpillars, bedbugs and others. One individual can destroy up to three dozen insect pests per day.

And yet, is wasp venom beneficial or not? For a person, a bite will not bring any utility. But wasp venom is officially used by doctors. It is used in the manufacture of special vaccines for those prone to allergies and in products that are designed to reduce sensitivity to poisons and bites.

Funds are withdrawn in the spring, when striped hymenoptera begin to attack. If a person is vaccinated, he will become immune to wasp venom. That is, the body will not react to the bite.

And in Europe, scientists are exploring wasp venom as a drug that can treat cancerous tumors. And there is hope that they will one day achieve a positive result.

Why are wasp stings harmful?

Wasp venom can harm more than bring benefits. It contains allergenic components that are unsafe for the human body. These substances can lead to:

  • to fever and slight malaise;
  • to difficulty breathing;
  • to urticaria;
  • to inflammation and swelling;
  • to a headache.

The damage from a wasp sting lies in the sensitization it can cause. This is an over-sensitivity to the following bites. In other words, when the first bite causes a serious reaction, subsequent ones will lead to severe complications and death. A large number of bites leads to subcutaneous hemorrhage, necrosis and damage to internal organs, and kidneys may fail.

Common in the question of whether a wasp dies after a bite, the opinion that it dies is erroneous. She has a smooth sting that comes out of the skin unhindered. So she can sting all she wants.

In the most severe cases, a wasp sting may be accompanied by confusion and angioedema. The bitten place will begin to swell rapidly, and if at first the size of the tumor is small, then later they increase, and the entire limb can swell.

The most terrible and main danger of a wasp sting is anaphylactic shock. This is how the organisms of people who are very sensitive to wasp venom react. A person can die due to anaphylactic shock. It develops at an incredible speed, most often the patient does not have time to be brought to the hospital.

Wasp venom is especially harmful to people who are highly sensitive to insect bites: even one bite can lead to death.

What to do to alleviate the consequences and not cause yourself even more harm?

  1. wash the bite site;
  2. gently pull out the sting;
  3. disinfect the wound;
  4. apply ice to the damaged area;
  5. take any antihistamine.

There is little benefit from a wasp sting, but it can do harm. How it will act and what consequences it will incur depends on how susceptible the body is to insect bites. In most cases, the bite will be accompanied by just unpleasant or painful sensations.

  • Is a wasp sting useful for a person, or is it more a delusion than the truth;
  • How a wasp sting can be harmful, especially for people prone to allergies;
  • The composition of wasp venom and the features of its effects on the human body.

So, how is a wasp sting useful and can the poison of this insect generally have a positive effect on the human body? Generally speaking, the answer to this question is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. And the “first look” here is this: due to the similarity of the compositions of wasp and bee venom, many fans of apitherapy (treatment of diseases using bee products - including bee venom) tend to believe that wasp stings are useful, and that their venom can be used in fight against various diseases.

According to this version, an obstacle to the widespread practical use of wasp venom is only the difficulty of extracting raw materials: if bee venom can be obtained in apiaries in practically unlimited quantities with an established method, then to obtain wasp venom, you will need to look for wild nests and catch the insects themselves. Or somehow organize the mass construction and settlement of nests by wasps - this technology has not been worked out and seems to be rather problematic.

But is a wasp sting really helpful? Despite the fact that the composition of the venom of this insect is quite well studied, and scientists know how it acts on different tissues and organs, the ultimate benefits and harms of a wasp sting for a person are almost always determined by the individual characteristics of the bitten organism - the response of his immune system.

Thus, for example, it is widely known that many people are highly sensitive to insect bites in general, and to hymenoptera bites in particular. Do you think a wasp sting would be harmful to them? Practice shows that for such people, even a single bite will not only be harmful, but may even turn out to be fatal.

An important feature of wasp venom is its high allergenicity, sometimes leading to life-threatening edema and anaphylactic shock in sensitized people.

The main components of wasp venom:

  • histamine, which contributes to the development of allergic reactions;
  • phospholipases - special enzymes that destroy the cell walls of various tissues, as well as blood cells, as a result of which a large amount of their contents is released into the blood (in particular, additional histamine is released from mast cells, which greatly increases allergies);
  • hyaluronidase, which also destroys cell membranes and leads to the development of inflammation at the site of the bite;
  • acetylcholine, which plays an important role in the conduction of nerve impulses;
  • hyperglycemic factor, leading to an increase in the amount of sugar in the blood.

It is worth noting that different wasps have their own specific composition of poison. For example, the venom of hornets - the largest wasps - contains special polypeptides mastoparana and crabrolin. These substances also cause the victim's mast cells to break down and release more histamine from them.

On a note

In some countries, such as Japan, China and the United States, hornet stings kill more people each year than venomous snake bites. And in the same Japan, hornets are the cause of more deaths, all the wild animals of this country combined.

According to unconfirmed reports, regular wasp stings (like bee stings) are useful in that they help increase the amount of hemoglobin in the blood and lower cholesterol levels, dilate blood vessels.

The action of small amounts of wasp venom on the human body often leads to some intensification of the victim's breathing, an increase in pulse and an increase in blood flow to the bitten organ. In more severe cases, severe swelling, subcutaneous hemorrhages, heart pain, shortness of breath, dizziness, confusion, vomiting are observed - there is no need to talk about any benefit from the bite.

Development of resistance to wasp and bee stings using wasp venom

A useful area of ​​​​application for wasp venom is the immunization of people against the bites of hymenoptera insects (such people, if they were not provided with competent assistance in time, could easily die even from a single wasp or hornet sting).

To do this, allergy sufferers who have an increased sensitivity to insect bites are injected into the blood in small doses of a drug based on purified and processed wasp venom, in which the concentration of allergens is reduced. After such a vaccination, a person temporarily increases the level of antibodies that neutralize toxins in the event of a bite.

“I read somewhere that a person can even die from a wasp sting. I don't even believe it. As a child, wasps and bees very often bit me, and nothing more serious than just a bump for a couple of days happened. Two years ago I worked as a driver and for the whole summer I drove several apiaries through the fields, and then the honey from them went to the shops. That's where the bees bit me a lot, and by the end of the summer I didn't notice their bites at all. Well, that is, if it bites, it hurts, but after that I pull out the sting and that's it. After a couple of minutes, I can’t even remember where she bit. And such protection remained. Just recently, a wasp stung on the balcony - the result is the same, there was not even a tumor.

Sergey, Zelenograd

It is important to note that wasp stings themselves should by no means be considered as a means of strengthening one's immunity. For sensitized people who react acutely to insect bites, such an independent natural "vaccination" can be deadly. All procedures for allergy sufferers are carried out only in clinics under the supervision of doctors.

Can wasp venom be used as a cancer treatment?

Indeed, the use of the beneficial properties of wasp venom was taken seriously in Spain. More recently, a group of scientists from the Barcelona Biomedical Research Institute published the results of experiments in which components of wasp venom were used to kill cancer cells.

The idea of ​​this use of wasp venom is well understood: if its components successfully destroy the walls of ordinary cells, as well as blood cells, then they can also destroy cancer cells. The task was only to force the toxins to selectively act on cells - to destroy cancer cells, but not to touch healthy ones.

During experiments in a test tube, scientists managed to "glue" the molecules of the individual components of wasp venom with a special protein that could only connect to the surface of a cancer cell. As a result, such a tandem safely passed by all healthy cells in the culture and immediately adhered to a cancer cell that came across it. This was followed by destruction of the shell of the cancer cell and its death.

All these encouraging results are just the beginning of a long journey. The next step is to test the drug from bee toxin and a special transport protein in mice.

Harm from a wasp sting

It is much easier to explain why a wasp sting is harmful than to find useful ones among its properties. So, for example, after a wasp sting:

  • edema and inflammation develop, soft tissue cells and walls of blood vessels are destroyed;
  • the victim is tormented by pain, then usually turning into itching at the site of the bite;
  • sometimes the body temperature rises, there is a slight malaise;
  • an allergic reaction may develop, the consequences of which will have different severity in different people - from hives and headaches to serious intoxication, Quincke's edema and even anaphylactic shock.

Wasp stings are also harmful because they often cause so-called sensitization - an increase in sensitivity to subsequent bites. This means that if the first wasp sting passed without serious complications, then subsequent ones can cause more and more severe allergic reactions, up to the almost instantaneous development of Quincke's edema, asphyxia, anaphylactic shock and death.

It is interesting

There is a popular belief among the people, according to which exactly nine is enough for the death of a person. Each of these bites - no matter how much time has passed between them - will have more and more serious consequences. And after the ninth, the person will die. Therefore, hornets are sometimes also called nines.

Of course, like all folk signs, this one is also quite arbitrary: on the contrary, many people develop immunity with frequent wasp stings, while others develop sensitization very slowly, so even more than a dozen bites with long intervals between them will not lead to dangerous consequences. But a large number of allergy sufferers, for whom wasp stings are extremely dangerous, indicates that, in general, such attacks are quite harmful.

It is also worth noting that multiple stings of wasps attacking in a swarm can lead to subcutaneous and internal hemorrhages, necrosis, damage to internal organs, sometimes to kidney failure - in such situations, even without any tendency to allergies, human life can be in jeopardy.

Different wasps - different bites

In total, there are more than 22,000 species of wasps in the world, and each of them has a poison with its own specific properties.

So, the sting of some road wasps is considered the second most painful among the stings of all insects in general(in the first place is the bite of a tropical bullet ant).

And the bites of giant hornets can cause extensive necrosis and internal hemorrhages. That is why, apart from specifying a specific species, it is impossible to unequivocally say how useful or harmful a wasp sting is.

It is interesting

The size of a wasp does not always directly correlate with the strength and harm from its poison. Huge scolia wasps bite hardly more than a mosquito, since their venom is not intended to scare away, but to paralyze prey. Conversely, some small German wasps, also called velvet ants, bite much more painfully than ordinary paper wasps.

So, in general, it is impossible to say that wasp stings are useful. In most cases, these stings cause unpleasant and painful sensations, which in many people threaten to turn into a far from harmless allergic reaction. And even if you personally feel some benefit from wasp stings, then it is hardly worth recommending such therapy to your friends and acquaintances uncontrollably: who knows how their body will react to the second, third ... or ninth bite ...

An interesting video about the high danger of wasp and hornet stings for human health

About the benefits of bee stings and apitherapy

It’s better not to find out what a human bite looks like from your own experience - not only can’t a person’s bite be called aesthetic by a person, it is just as dangerous as an animal bite. Doubt it! Read on to learn more about the symptoms, consequences, and how to properly treat a human bite.

Facts about human bites

  • Human bites can be quite severe or relatively harmless.
  • It is important to understand which bites need medical attention.
  • A human bite is an acute traumatic wound caused by contact with the teeth of another person. For example, if two children accidentally collide, and the tooth of one causes damage to the skin of the other, this is already classified as a human bite.

What causes a human bite

Human bites can be accidental or intentional.

The bite of a person is usually obvious, but sometimes the victim is not aware (for example, the bite occurred while drunk drunk) or in a state of passion (for example, an injury to the hand during a fight). Skin wounds on the knuckles should not be ignored if there is a possibility that they occurred in a fight, especially after blows to the mouth area. If there are symptoms of a human bite, it is important to understand whether there is a traumatic wound (violation of tissue integrity) and signs of infection.

Signs of a skin injury

Violation of the integrity of skin tissues increases the risk of infection, this is a reason to get vaccinated against tetanus if there has not been a vaccination for a long time. Damage to the integrity of the skin is often obvious, but in some cases the problem is difficult to assess. Any area of ​​the skin that looks like a torn off top layer should already be considered as a violation of the integrity of the skin. When in doubt, consult a healthcare professional. A "raw" appearance of the damaged area of ​​the skin or the release of a clear serous fluid is a sign of a traumatic skin wound.

Signs of infection after a human bite

Note that infection can occur even with properly treated human bites.

Human bite by human - when should you see a doctor?

Even what appears to be a minor bite should be taken to the doctor to assess whether a tetanus shot is required. After any traumatic skin wound, you should consult a doctor because there is a risk of infection. Any sign of infection, even if the affected person has already been seen by a doctor, is a reason to seek medical attention.

If there is a suspicion that a part of a tooth (foreign body) is in the wound after a human bite, you need to seek medical help, as the situation increases the risk of infection.

The emergency room of a hospital is the best place to seek medical attention if you have been bitten by a person. The emergency room is also suitable for the initial treatment of the wound. ER doctors tend to have a lot of experience with bites and other wounds. Therefore, feel free to call an ambulance to get a tetanus shot and a doctor's advice about the need for other treatment, such as antibiotics.

What are the dangers of different types of human bite

  • Back side of the brush: bites with a person's teeth over the joints are very serious. They are at high risk of infection. Once infected, these human bites can cause severe damage to important areas of the hand. In addition, a hard punch to the mouth area can lead to broken bones or cut tendons, which requires medical attention. An infected human bite on the back of the hand usually requires hospitalization for at least a day.
  • finger bite: Just like a traumatic fist wound, this bite from a person's teeth can lead to serious problems - damage to bones and tendons with the risk of infection, risk of infection of the bone and tendon.
  • Bites with tissue loss: if a significant part of the skin and muscle tissue is lost, the patient should seek medical help as soon as possible. A specialist (such as a surgeon) can often correct the loss of tissue from a human being bitten by a human.
  • Deep bites: any human bite that bleeds heavily or looks more than a scratch requires careful handling and examination.
  • Infection after a bite: bites that are infected often require the patient to stay in the hospital and receive antibiotics. The doctor will determine if oral antibiotics can be treated or if they need to be given intravenously in a hospital setting.
  • Head bites in children: Because the skin on a child's head is thinner than that of an adult, the risk of serious infection of any traumatic scalp injury (including the forehead) caused by teeth is increased and should be evaluated by a healthcare professional.

Human nose and ear bites are a particular problem due to the cartilage in those parts of the body. Due to reduced blood flow, cartilage infection can be difficult to treat, and trauma can cause chronic consequences and even permanent changes in the appearance of the ear or nose.

Bite diagnosis

The doctor will begin the assessment with a series of questions that include how and when the injury occurred, what first aid procedures were performed, and what symptoms of a human bite the patient has. The doctor will want to know the immunization data. A list of medical problems and medications taken will also help speed up the start of treatment.

  • Physical diagnosis after a bite: involves examining the wound itself and around it to understand how much damage has been done. In the case of small bites, a quick glance is often enough to see if the integrity of the skin is broken or not. For deeper bites, the doctor may numb the wound area to make it easier to inspect. Evaluation of nerve and tendon function (tactile sensation and limb movement) is usually part of the physical examination.
  • X-ray: most bites do not require this method of diagnosis, but it may be indicated if a bone fracture or tendon rupture is suspected. X-rays are often prescribed for fist injuries and hand bites.

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  • Blood tests: blood tests are not usually ordered for human bites. Even infected bites usually do not require a blood test to make a diagnosis. If the patient has to stay in the hospital, then some tests will most likely be done. If there is concern about the transmission of HIV or other diseases due to a bite, a doctor will likely order blood tests. These may include an HIV test (to determine the underlying condition) as well as tests to determine if the patient can tolerate various medications.

First aid after a human bite at home

First aid after a human bite usually involves rinsing the wound and applying ice to relieve pain. Bites usually don't bleed for a long time, but if they do, try applying a pressure bandage to the wound for 10 minutes, which should stop the bleeding. Elevating the injured area above the level of the heart can also help stop bleeding and prevent swelling after a bite.

Save all pieces of tissue: Make sure that the bitten off part of the skin or body is taken with the victim to the emergency room. If the doctor cannot "return" it to its owner, the hospital disposes of it itself. If it takes time to get medical attention, place the bitten body part in a plastic bag in ice water (not directly in ice!).

Washing the bite site: Direct a large amount of cool, clean water to the wound. It is possible to wash the wound with mild soap, but do not pour alcohol or hydrogen peroxide (hydrogen peroxide) on an open wound because this can damage the tissue. A good rule of thumb for cleansing is that anything that can cause pain or sting in a wound is likely to do more harm than good.

Do not use oil or home remedies. It is best to leave the wound open until a doctor examines it.

Ice to relieve pain after a bite: Wrap ice in a towel and apply to the affected area. This will relieve pain and help reduce swelling. Do not apply ice directly to the skin as this may cause a burn. Some doctors recommend about 15 minute rest intervals followed by about 15 minutes of ice compress. This sequence is repeated until the person improves or is seen by a healthcare professional.

According to the degree of damage after a human bite

Superficial Bites

If you are bitten by a person, take the following precautions:

  • Do not place the bite area in your mouth. This adds bacteria to the wound.
  • If the integrity of the skin around the wound is intact, wash the wound thoroughly. Use soap and water or an antiseptic such as hydrogen peroxide.
  • Apply antibiotic ointment to the wound area and cover with a sterile dressing.
  • Pay close attention to the bite site. Are there signs of damaged nerves or tendons? If your fingers are difficult to straighten or bend, or sensation is lost, seek medical attention.

deep wounds

  • If the integrity of the skin around the wound is broken, there is bleeding, apply direct pressure with a clean, dry cloth.
  • Raise the limb above the level of the heart.
  • Do not wash a wound that is actively bleeding.
  • Cover the wound with a clean bandage. To prevent complications after a deep bite, see a doctor within 24 hours.

How to treat a human bite

Medicines after a human bite

Antibiotics: The decision to use antibiotics also includes a number of factors related to the bite and the people involved in the incident. A doctor may prescribe amoxicillin/augmentin or ampicillin if you have been bitten by a person, as these antibiotics are usually effective against Eikenella corrodens, a type of bacteria often involved in post-bite infections.

The following are some general guidelines for using antibiotics for human bites.

  • Minor bites without superficial skin breaks: antibiotics are not needed.
  • Infected bites: antibiotics are given orally or intravenously, depending on the severity of the infection.
  • Traumatic wound of the back of the hand: after a human bite, antibiotics are usually needed. Oral antibiotics are often prescribed for initial treatment. If the wound is already infected, the bites are usually treated in the hospital with intravenous antibiotics.
  • Medicines to prevent HIV transmission: the patient and their doctor should discuss the risk of HIV transmission by biting and the possibility of prescribing drugs that reduce the risk of HIV transmission. The sooner PEP medications are started, the more effective they are.

Surveillance after a human bite

  • It is important to remember that the bite area can become infected even with the right treatment. Usually, the doctor will give the patient a list of warning signs of infection.
  • If the patient has signs of infection, do not wait for a fever to develop before contacting a doctor.
  • Be sure to complete the full course of treatment prescribed drugs
  • Use any other treatment recommended by your doctor to reduce the risk of infection after a bite.


The best way to ensure a good outcome in treating a human bite is to start it before an infection can develop. Infected bites, especially traumatic wounds on the back of the hand and other bites on the hand, can cause permanent damage and interfere with normal life activities. Cartilage infections of the ear and nose can be very difficult to treat. Fortunately, there are many powerful antibiotics available, so even infected human bites usually have a good prognosis.

All human bites that break the integrity of the skin down to blood should be evaluated for the risk of transmission of HIV, hepatitis, and the need for a tetanus shot.

Denial of responsibility : The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only. It cannot be a substitute for consultation with your health care provider.

On a note:

The bites themselves can cause various diseases and disorders, not to mention the fact that these little vampires can deprive you of proper sleep and rest!

In order to live and reproduce, bed bugs, like all living creatures, need good nutrition.
And as you know, domestic bugs feed mainly on human blood, and with their bites they can turn life into a real nightmare, and not only at night, depriving them of proper sleep and rest, but also in the daytime, since the bite sites often itch, itch, thereby causing tense nervous state.

Feedback from our readers:

“Like all newlyweds, having got married, we decided to live separately. My wife and I looked at the apartment and rented it. And not cheap! And there are bedbugs! The wife, out of inexperience, thought cockroaches. In general, we often did not get enough sleep, became nervous, irritable, broke down on each other over trifles, almost got divorced! As soon as we changed housing, our life got better))) It’s good that they didn’t bring this abomination to the new apartment with them, otherwise sit and guess where the bugs come from in the house ... "

Denis, Khabarovsk

On a note:

If you feel the bites of a bug, then this is most likely its larva, since it does not have enough of the enzyme that is responsible for painless bites.

Bed bug bite photo

The photo clearly shows how the bug bit. The thing is that one bug bites several times in one feeding, thereby leaving a peculiar line of bites on the skin. Having bitten once, the insect moves a short distance and bites again, and so on until it is satiated. This nature of the bites suggests that it was the bed bug that bit. On average, one bloodsucker is able to leave from 5 to 7 bites on the victim's body.

People who are prone to allergic reactions, such a neighborhood can threaten such consequences as: constantly itchy blisters, which, when healed, can leave ugly scars on the body. Also, if you scratch the bites, then a secondary infection can join the wounds, causing severe pustular inflammation on the skin, requiring special treatment in the future. This is especially true for young children who are simply not able to endure!

If a person has an increased individual sensitivity, then an allergic reaction can turn from a normal rash into a headache with nausea, fever and swollen lymph nodes.

In general, bed bugs significantly reduce the quality of life, bringing a lot of trouble and trouble with their presence, especially biting children!

What is the danger of bedbugs for children?

For children, the danger of bed bugs lies primarily in the fact that, due to the immaturity of the skin, itching is especially painful and unbearable, and if an allergic reaction also begins, it usually becomes protracted and difficult to treat. This is because the child's immune system is still being formed.

It is known that multiple bites over time can cause iron deficiency anemia in children. Therefore, if you suspect blood-sucking bedbugs at home, immediately start fighting them, especially since today there are many means for this!

Do bed bugs carry disease

In addition to all of the above, there is an assumption that bedbugs are capable of transmitting various infectious diseases. First of all, this concerns the immunodeficiency virus.

Scientists have conducted research on this subject and it has been experimentally proved that the bugs in the digestive tract can accumulate viral particles of this disease. However, the immunodeficiency virus itself does not multiply in the body of the bug and does not even linger for a long time and is excreted along with the feces of the insect.

In addition to the immunodeficiency virus, bedbugs are able to carry pathogens and many other infectious diseases in their bodies. First of all it is:

  • Tularemia
  • Leprosy
  • Typhus
  • Q fever
  • Relapsing fever
  • Filariasis
  • Leishmaniasis
  • Syphilis
  • Tuberculosis
  • Yellow fever
  • Hepatitis B

Being carriers of such serious diseases, for the entire period of research, scientists also have not identified a single case of infection transmission from one person to another when bitten by these insects.

It is interesting:

In the tropics, there are insects known as triatomine bugs that have the ability to transmit Chagas Disease, which is caused by a protozoan of the trypanosa species. In the early stages, the disease almost does not betray itself. Many do not even know that they are sick. And only in 30% of the population, the causative agent of this disease causes serious health problems. The bed bug can also carry this disease without being able to transmit the infection.

How bed bugs affect the psychological state of a person

The consequence of constant lack of sleep is not only the exhaustion of the nervous system: at the same time, the person becomes irritable and aggressive, but in addition to everything, the body's defenses are reduced, which provokes frequent diseases and even the development of a nervous tic.

Wasp stings are very painful and can cause a severe reaction of the body up to anaphylactic shock and Quincke's edema. There is an assumption that wasp venom, by analogy with bee venom, has a positive effect on human health. So can wasp venom benefit the human body? The answer to this question is not so simple, because not enough research has been carried out, thanks to which it would be possible to draw definitive conclusions.

The benefit of wasps is that in spring they, together with bees, take an active part in the pollination of plants, carrying pollen from flower to flower on their paws in search of nectar. Thus, they make a significant contribution to the overall yield of various crops. In addition, wasps exterminate insects that feed on fruits or plants with great appetite. These can be pests such as aphids, caterpillars, bed bugs, flies or other insects. One individual per day is able to eat several dozen pests.

Effects and composition of the poison

The composition of aspen poison has been studied quite well and scientists know how it acts on different organs and tissues. It all depends on the individual reaction of the body to the bite. For example, many people are hypersensitive to hymenoptera bites. That's why one bite is enough to kill a person. A distinctive feature of wasp venom is its high allergenicity, which can cause anaphylactic shock and Quincke's edema in sensitized people.

Unlike wasp venom, bee venom has been used since ancient times for medicinal purposes. People create apiaries not only to obtain natural honey, but also to purchase bee venom, the benefits of which are considered to be colossal. Thanks to the venom of bees in the human body, there is a sharp decrease in cholesterol. He affects the following physiological processes occurring in the body:

  • activates the work of the central nervous system;
  • thins the blood;
  • expands the vessels of the brain;
  • lowers blood pressure;
  • promotes the work of internal glands.

It has been observed that people who are treated with bee stings live significantly longer. But bee venom can also be allergenic for some people, but once again they don’t talk about it.

The main components of wasp venom are:

It should be noted that different wasps have their own specific composition of poison. For example, the venom of hornets, which are the largest wasps, contains crabrolin and special mastoparan polypeptides. Thanks to such substances, the destruction of human mast cells also occurs, which leads to the release of additional amounts of histamine. According to unconfirmed reports, wasp stings (like bees) can be useful in that they increase hemoglobin levels in the blood and lower cholesterol, as well as dilate blood vessels.

Exposure to small amounts of wasp venom is quite common leads to a slight intensification of human breathing, an increase in heart rate and increased blood flow to the bitten place. In more severe cases, there are subcutaneous hemorrhages, severe edema, shortness of breath, pain in the heart, confusion, dizziness, vomiting.

Wasp sting harm

The harm from a wasp sting is much more than good. For example, The following conditions may develop:

  • there is a pain syndrome, which later turns into itching;
  • an allergic reaction may develop, which after a while is manifested by urticaria, headaches, Quincke's edema and even anaphylactic shock;
  • inflammation and swelling appear, destruction of soft tissue cells and blood vessel walls occurs;
  • body temperature rises, slight malaise may be observed.

It is also harmful in that it can cause sensitization - increased sensitivity to bites that will be applied later. This means that if there were no serious complications at the first bite, then subsequent ones can cause more severe allergic reactions, up to death. It should also be noted that numerous wasp stings can lead to subcutaneous hemorrhages, damage to internal organs, necrosis, and sometimes kidney failure.

Protective Measures

Wasp sting is harmful primarily to those who have a special susceptibility to poison. In this case, it is recommended to carry out preventive vaccination, due to which histamine and toxins are introduced into the body in a small amount. Vaccination should be done in the second half of summer, when the insects become active.

With timely measures taken, you can avoid a strong reaction of the body, which appears very quickly. It should be noted that such vaccination is not very popular among the population, but allergy sufferers should pay attention to this. You should also protect a person from wasps to the maximum. Thanks to various means and devices, you can quickly get rid of insects both outdoors and indoors.

Thus, it is impossible to speak affirmatively about the benefits of wasp stings. Most often, they cause pain to a person, and for many people this threatens to turn into an allergic reaction, which can result not only in anaphylactic shock, but also in death.