In a dream, an evil person. Dream Interpretation - To be anywhere. Why dream evil - interpretation of sleep from dream books

Do you want to deal with problems in different life situations, evaluate your emotional condition? We suggest reading selected interpretations of dreams about Evil in the dream books of famous authors. Perhaps in these interpretations of dreams, there is an answer to your question.

Why dream Evil in a dream

Dream interpretation of G. Rasputin

Why dream Evil in a dream book:

Seeing an evil sorcerer is a financial loss.

Dream Interpretation of Adaskin

Why dream in a dream Evil:

I dreamed that in a dream you (or other people) feel anger or demonstrate it, then in reality you will become a witness or participant in some kind of conflict. A dream in which you experience uncontrollable anger towards other people suggests that in reality you are abusing the good attitude towards you from others. You are in danger of becoming a lonely and rejected person if you do not pacify your character. I dreamed that in a dream you yourself became a victim of malice, then among your true friends there lurked an insidious hypocrite who would very soon try to slander you.

I dreamed that in a dream you saw an evil clown, you will be disappointed in a person who was more than a friend to you.

A very angry, barking and attacking dog is an evil enemy. To flee in a dream from an angry or rabid dog - to intrigues behind your back, deceit or betrayal, which will hurt you and cause quite significant material damage.

Dream interpretation of A. Pushkin

See Evil in a dream:

Evil and dreams. The idea of ​​the existence of some kind of conscious demonic force has occupied the human imagination since prehistoric times. The belief that some evil and insidious beings are behind all natural disasters and other unpleasant aspects of human life is still common in some traditional societies, mainly in the cultures of Africa and Oceania. These creatures take the form of natural objects (usually animals or, for example, a phenomenon such as a tide) or ancestral spirits. Demons were thought to be the cause of unexplained natural disasters and disease, especially before scientific discoveries were made that offered more neutral explanations for unusual natural phenomena.

Given the prevalence of such beliefs, it seems only natural that frequent nightmare experiences are often explained by the intrusion of demonic forces. Indeed, such an interpretation is so common that it is not unusual for there to be special prayers and ceremonies designed to protect the sleeper from evil forces. AT medieval Europe when sex was considered evil, there was a belief that erotic dreams are called by special demons called incubus and succubus. Some churchmen have even gone so far as to declare that all dreams are the offspring of the devil.

Egyptian dream book

If you dream of Evil, what is it for:

Evil people - to the disease.

In a dream, a wide variety of pictures can appear to us. It can be both joyful and sad events. Why dream of strangers? Worth sorting out.

Why do strangers dream - the main interpretation

Dream Interpretations indicate that when interpreting such a dream It is very important to remember exactly what emotions overcame you during sleep. Was the stranger pleasant to you. It is also important to take into account other details of sleep:

Under what circumstances did you meet a stranger;

What did he say to you when you met?

· What emotions did you experience when you met him;

How many strangers were there in a dream.

If a stranger seems very unpleasant to you, his appearance seems repulsive to you - such a dream means that terrible changes await you in the future. Perhaps you yourself will push luck away from yourself and will not know how to return it back. The dream in which you see how someone unfamiliar gives you flowers is very auspicious.

You can in reality receive an unexpected gift, or unexpected news. The dream in which you see how a stranger gives you withered flowers speaks of the need to beware of knowingly false information.

Someone, under the guise of caring, benevolence, can deceive you, you can receive an offer for mutually beneficial cooperation and be disappointed in it. A dream in which you exchange compliments with someone you do not know promises you a rather unpleasant conversation. You will be upset and disappointed. At first it will seem to you that you are in control of situations, but later on you will realize that someone else is doing it for you.

A dream in which you see another man approaching your beloved speaks of your distrust of your soulmate and your intolerance. You do not tolerate even the smallest oversights and troubles from your beloved. You are too categorical towards her.

A dream in which you see a stranger standing at the doorstep means that soon you will have to worry about bad news. This dream will be a harbinger unpleasant conversations, but they will greatly affect the further course of your destiny.

The dream in which you shake hands with a stranger speaks of his good intentions. But you should not relax and give up. All acquaintances that will happen to you in the near future will be symbolic.

You will meet people who will greatly influence you in the future. The dream in which you will say goodbye to a stranger speaks of the urgent need to leave memories in the past, leave everything in the past and boldly move forward. A dream in which you will say goodbye to a stranger and experience grief and pity indicates that you will soon experience a feeling of compassion for your loved ones.

They may need your help and you will gladly provide it. A dream in which you will try to ask a stranger for directions means that you yourself will go astray and will look for opportunities to turn your life in the right direction.

A dream in which you turned around several times and each of these times saw stranger- says that an outsider had a huge influence on your past. He invaded your privacy without your knowledge.

A dream in which a stranger hands you money means that you will face financial difficulties and will not be able to pay off your debts for a long time. You can’t even directly answer how they accumulated. You will become more and more upset and worried about this. The dream interpretation advises not to get excited in this matter, and to think over further actions many times before committing them.

Why do strangers dream if they invite you to visit? Such a dream can mean trouble. But whether they will be pleasant or not pleasant - you can find out by interpreting the dream in its entirety.

Perhaps when strangers invited you to visit, you experienced joy and enthusiasm. If so, you will soon become one of the most happy people. Luck will smile on you and the long-awaited success will come.

If you experience discomfort and hostility when a stranger invites you to visit. Such a dream may mean that you will be very disappointed in all the events of life. Also, such a dream may mean that soon you will waste your strength on useless experiences. The dream book advises not to make such mistakes and continue to try to resolve all your issues more loyally.

If you dream about how a stranger offers to take you somewhere - such a dream may mean that your desire to change something in life will not be realized. Someone will actively try to interfere with your permission problem situations. Take a closer look, maybe you saw your ill-wisher in a dream.

Why do strangers dream of Freud's dream book

Freud's dream book says what strangers dream of. Such a dream promises you a lot of new acquaintances, but they are unlikely to be pleasant and enjoyable. you can get into new company and feel very uncomfortable. A dream in which you see someone unfamiliar watching you means that you will have a secret boyfriend who will give you a lot of trouble.

If you see in a dream how a stranger smiles at you - such a dream speaks of future favorable changes in your life. You will be happy to communicate with friends, loved ones. You will have practically no worries and worries in your life. If you see a stranger crying, such a dream speaks of possible hidden problems in your life. You suddenly learn about the troubles that should have overtaken them long ago.

If in a dream you wake up with a stranger in bed - such a dream suggests that you have long wanted to change your partner. You do not dream of betrayal, you dream of renewal in your personal life, of the situation when everything in your life will be your way. Most likely, the previous relationship weighed on you.

What do strangers dream of in the Esoteric dream book

AT Esoteric dream book it is said that strangers dream as a symbol of future troubles and troubles. It is important to remember if meeting strangers caused you some discomfort, feelings. If you did, it's time to prepare for major troubles. You most likely missed important point life, when something else could be changed.

A dream in which a child you do not know is crying indicates that you have long dreamed of children and are now waiting for your dreams to come true. You may not suffer from the absence of children in your life, but you do not let go of the thought of the need for procreation. The dream book advises not to torment yourself with vain experiences, but to try to restore justice, try to take advantage of even the smallest chance to have offspring.

A dream in which you happily pick up an unfamiliar child indicates that you will soon meet an old friend and will actively try to build a dialogue with him. You will need his help, his guidance. You have waited too long for this moment.

Why do strangers dream of other dream books

Miller's dream book says that a stranger in a dream can promise you a lot of trouble. Especially if he seems very unpleasant to you, not friendly. If you have a dream in which you and a stranger talk heart to heart - such a dream means that soon a lot of pleasant little things will happen in your life. You will be happy to meet all the changes.

The dream in which you run away from a stranger indicates that you will run away from problems and troubles. You will not want to solve problems, it will be easier for you to disappear from the field of visibility and forget about the promises made, forget about the hidden opportunities.

Grishina's dream book says that a stranger appears in a dream as a symbol of unforeseen circumstances and incidents. Try not to worry or panic. If in a dream you are talking to a stranger, remember what exactly your conversation was about. If he is quite friendly and even positive - you have nothing to fear and nothing to worry about. All problems will be resolved. If in a dream you quarrel with strangers- in reality you will encounter unforeseen troubles and worries. Try to avoid them. Do not provoke aggression in others by your actions. Now this is not in your favor, it will only spoil your plans.

A dream of evil always brings misfortune and trouble. To see something evil in a dream, but not to experience any strong emotions at the same time, means that your fears about a certain person are in vain. Being angry at a friend in a dream is a sign that a little contention awaits you in him. Being angry with your husband in a dream means that after a short quarrel, peace will come to your family again. Getting angry and intriguing others in a dream portends a worsening of your situation. If someone is angry with you, then expect new problems that will lay a heavy burden on you. See interpretation: anger.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - To be anywhere

Being in hell is a nuisance.

In the academy - news.

An actor is a joy.

Obstetrician - joy.

Apothecary - a nuisance.

Artel worker - a change in business.

Artilleryman - an obstacle in business.

In the archive - displeasure.

Archimandrite - joy.

Architect - news.

An astronomer is a nuisance.

Ataman - an obstacle in business.

In the booth - a change in business.

At the ball - joy.

In the bath - sadness.

In the gazebo - joy.

On the stock exchange - success in business.

In the swamp - a nuisance.

Sick - health.

The hospital is a disaster.

In a barrel - fun.

Armed o- surprise.

Being in the grave is gossip.

In the monastery - joy.

A monk is a surprise.

In the clouds - fun.

Dinner is joy.

Interpretation of dreams from

In order to feel anger in a dream, there must be a significant reason for this - feelings of dissatisfaction from the prevailing communication with people, or an alarming premonition. Why dream of such a rush of violent emotions as anger? What does it mean to feel such emotional outbursts in a dream?

Explanation of anger in Miller's dream book

I had a chance to face anger in night dreams, according to the interpreter, it means to anticipate an impending threat. Miller's dream book indicates when the anger of another person was dreamed, then due to some intrigues, your reputation in society will be violated. The anger of a person talking to you in a dream expresses illegal claims to the property values ​​of the sleeping person. To consider the rage of one of your friends means that they will not help you in materiality.

Source of hate

A large essence is assigned to the one who was specifically angry in a dream:

  • Sleeping - he will break down on his relatives due to a bad mood.
  • Wife - husband thinks about divorce, ready to commit adultery.
  • Stranger - you will betray yourself.
  • Unfamiliar man - get ready, soon an unexpected twist of fate awaits you.
  • The second half is a sign of a quarrel.

Do not keep emotions in the depths of your soul. Too much restraint can destroy you. Many dream books testify to this. Often, anger in a dream vision is manifested by outbreaks of aggression. So, according to Freud, dissatisfaction in sex in reality is the most common explanation of why one dreams of feeling angry in a dream. Did you dream like this? It means you want intimacy.

To try to overcome your aggression means, in essence, to be in a stressful state. According to the dream book new era, the desire to suppress the feeling of anger in yourself means that in reality you urgently need to determine the source of irritation and get rid of it.

Take care of health and safety

According to the interpretation of a dream vision, you need to be able to distinguish your temper from the reproaches of others. What does it mean to be the victim of a violent act of violence in a dream? Such a plot can be a sign of dirty harassment.

Some of the dream books note the relationship between anger and the release of bile. When a fit of rage is dreamed, this may be a sign of a disease of the liver or biliary system. This dream should be your reason to see a doctor.

Become a peacemaker

To see a friend burning with rage in night dreams is a sign of disappointment. It turned out to calm him down - in reality you will be able to maintain friendly relations.

Why dream of the anger of relatives or close people who, in a rage, rush at each other with reproaches and threats? Were you able to build a relationship between them? Essentially, you will have to reconcile someone.

If you left behind the conflict, did not interfere, this means beware of a treacherous attitude from your loved ones.

An explosion of emotions

As the dream book explains, the anger that you feel in a dream should be called a sign of weakness, wrong deeds in reality.

Feeling anger towards your loved ones - commit a rash act with a bad ending.

Dream books explain irritability by superiors as a sign of dishonest distribution official duties, low-paid work.

Did you dream of feeling angry towards a stranger? In reality, you are very overtired, and a dream only embodies an exacerbation of anxiety.

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A dream of evil always brings misfortune and trouble. To see something evil in a dream, but not to experience any strong emotions at the same time, means that your fears about a certain person are in vain. Being angry at a friend in a dream is a sign that a little contention awaits you in him. Being angry with your husband in a dream means that after a short quarrel, peace will come to your family again. Getting angry and intriguing others in a dream portends a worsening of your situation. If someone is angry with you, then expect new problems that will lay a heavy burden on you. See interpretation: anger.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Seeing your hair gray

Warning against unnecessary expenses.

To dream of a young woman without hair to hunger, poverty, illness.

To see a man without hair means abundance, wealth, health.

If you dreamed that your body was covered with hair from head to toe, this portends you some cowardly act, the inability to manage your fate.

To dream of an old woman without hair means poverty, illness, hunger, and a bald old man, on the contrary, is good luck.

If you dreamed that you could not comb your hair, and the comb broke, this portends trouble.

If you dream that you are shaving your head (or beard), the dream warns you of the danger of losing your fortune, or getting sick, or losing loved ones.

Seeing in a dream how your hair falls out is a hassle and loss of property.

Interpretation of dreams from