Wolfberry flowering. Wolf's bast is a beautiful shrub, but very dangerous. Recipes of folk remedies with a plant

Botanical characteristic

The common wolfberry, translated as Daphne mezereum, the plant also has a number of other names, for example, wolf bast, upland wolf pepper, wolf berries. Its height is not more than a meter, but sometimes it can reach 200 centimeters. This shrub is covered with yellow-gray bark, which is somewhat wrinkled.

The leaves are oblong-lanceolate, they are green above, and slightly bluish below, they are narrowed into a rather short petiole closer to the base, alternate, crowded at the ends of the branches. The flowers are pink in color, sessile, fragrant, their smell is a bit like hyacinth, nail-shaped corolla.

Three flowers are located in the axils of the leaves, which remained from last year. characteristic feature This shrub is considered the fact that it begins to bloom even before the appearance of the first leaves.

As for the fruits, they are light red berries that have an ovoid, somewhat elongated shape, which makes them recognizable, and this is important, since they are very poisonous, and in no case should you eat them!


The wolf's bast shrub is common in the European part of our country, in Siberia, in the Caucasus. He prefers to be localized in a shady area, and the soil should be fertile, well fertilized. You can see it on the forest edges.

Used part

For therapeutic purposes, flowering branches, as well as the bark, are used in the common wolfberry. These parts of the plant contain coumarins, moserein, glycosides, daphnin, gum, resins, dyes, and wax.

Collection and preparation

The bark is usually prepared in early spring before the start of the flowering of the wolf's bast. Since the plant is extremely poisonous, it is necessary to collect raw materials only with rubber gloves, and after work, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water so as not to accidentally bring toxic substances into the oral cavity.

The collected raw materials should be cut into smaller pieces and placed in an automated drying chamber, which maintains the optimal temperature regime, in this case it should not exceed fifty degrees.

When the raw material is completely dry, it should be packaged in cloth bags, which should be sewn from natural materials. They are recommended to be placed in a ventilated area. The shelf life should not exceed three years, since after this time the bark will exhaust its medicinal properties and become unusable.

Wolfberries - application:

Let me remind you once again, dear reader, that the plant is very poisonous! However, in the past poisonous berry wolf's bast was used as a laxative, poultices were prepared from its bark, which were used to treat abscesses and boils.

Wolf berry berries have found their application in homeopathy, of course, these drugs should be used on the recommendation of a doctor, for example, there is such a remedy as Mezereum, it is made from fresh wolfberry bark and is prescribed for dermatological diseases, for example, eczema, dermatitis, and trophic ulcers, with itchy rashes and herpes zoster.


If the juice of the plant in a concentrated form falls on skin, this can lead to severe burns, which can even cause tissue necrosis. Therefore, if a similar situation accidentally occurs, it is worth immediately washing the causal area with a 2% manganese solution.

The first signs of poisoning with berries will be expressed by the following symptoms, an unbearable burning sensation in the oral cavity, pain in the epigastric region, dyspeptic phenomena, which are manifested by nausea and subsequent vomiting, as well as possible violations from nervous systems s in the form of convulsions.

In this case, you should immediately call ambulance, and while she is driving, you need to repeatedly rinse the stomach, and drink about twenty tablets activated carbon and wait for the arrival of medical personnel. Remember, it is enough for a person to consume literally a couple of berries of a wolf's bast, and this can lead to death from cardiac arrest, so be very careful!


Decoction preparation. You will need twenty grams of bark, which must first be crushed and poured with boiling water. After that, the container should be put on the stove, and evaporated until exactly half of the liquid remains. It should be taken one drop three times a day, after dissolving it in in large numbers boiled water.

Preparation of tincture. Take one gram of bark for sixty milliliters of alcohol or vodka, and place the container in dark place for one week, the drug should be shaken daily, and then filtered, and taken drop by drop, diluted in water, three times a day.

Ointment preparation. You will need five milliliters of tincture, which must be mixed with ten grams butter. The resulting mixture can be used to treat joints with arthritis, as it will have a slight analgesic effect. Store the drug should only be in the refrigerator.


Remember poisonous plant wolfberry quite dangerous, so be extremely careful when collecting and using it, and it is advisable to consult a doctor in order to clarify the dose of drugs taken.

In fact, the name does not mean that wolf berries serve as food for wolves. Just a wolf - the embodiment of evil, meanness and death, so they began to call all poisonous plants that can kill with their berries.

At the same time, the appearance of plants and even the color of the berries do not say anything, some of them have red, black or even white color, some have a berry fruit, and someone has a drupe. There is only one thing in common: eating leads to poisoning or discomfort.

What does a wolfberry look like

In general, there are actually no wolfberries as a taxonomy or plant species.. The people call this name the following poisonous and not very plants:

  • (not poisonous);
  • belladonna ( medicinal plant and poison);
  • wolfberry (wolf bast) (poison);
  • raven eye(poison);
  • real honeysuckle (not poisonous);
  • brittle buckthorn (fruits cause vomiting);
  • snowberry (fruits cause weakness, dizziness and vomiting);
  • red elderberry (not edible - bitter);
  • and a number of other herbs and plants

Poisonous wolfberry plants in the photo

Wolfberry: photo of all plants under this name

(go to gallery by clicking on any picture)

Wolfberry - wolf bast

It should be noted that most often in Russia, under this name, a wolf's bast is hidden, the berries of which, like the whole plant, are extremely poisonous. I think we need to introduce you to him a little closer.

Wolf berries are a shrub no higher than 60-120 cm, blooming in early spring before the leaves bloom. Its upright branches are covered with foam of purple flowers even before the forest turns green. Flowers grow from axils last year's leaves, densely, covering the branches a little less than completely, melliferous and fragrant. They may be pinkish or even white.

Despite all the attractiveness of the plant, it is better to bypass it, it is poisonous all year round.

Later, dark green lanceolate leaves appear on the tops of the branches of this "tree" and along the entire length of the branches. The flowers fade, turning into drupes. By the end of July - beginning of August, the entire shrub is showered with bright red fruits the size of cherry pit.

The whole plant is very poisonous, and especially its fruits, containing burning juice. It is with them that wolf berries are dangerous. Symptoms of poisoning when consuming wolf bast berries inside appear almost immediately. At first it is a burning sensation in the mouth, then nausea, vomiting and even convulsions join. If the person survives, he will suffer from hemorrhagic enteritis for several days. Multiple liquid stool with an admixture of blood leads to dehydration, a serious violation of digestion. There are no specific antidotes.

Poisoning is most often received by children and obese lazy ladies who decide to look for goji berries in local forests and so do not spend money on a Chinese wolfberry. Fortunately, the wolf's bast is growing throughout Russia from the Arctic to Far East.

Sometimes inexperienced forest lovers confuse the wolfberry with the crow's eye, calling it the wolf's eye. Crow's eye berry is significantly different appearance, it's small herbaceous plant with a single black berry in the center of a rosette of leaves. However, this does not make the raven eye less poisonous, this plant must also be avoided.

Wolfberry also has useful properties, it is used in folk medicine and homeopathy, decorate it garden plots. But in medicine it is forbidden to use it.

Do you know why the wolfberry got the name wolf's bast? The bark of the shrub is incredibly flexible and durable. Women's hats are even woven from it ....

Lyko is shrub plant, in wild environment not exceeding a height of 1 m, but under favorable conditions, the bush can reach 2.5 m. In spring, bare branches form pink flowers that are found in the axils of the leaves. Most often, this plant can be found in shaded places on the edge of the forest.

What does a wolf's bast look like

The wolf's bast shrub is a low plant about 1 m high, in the autumn and spring, the shoots of the shrub are painted gray-brown, in some cases the color of the bark can be yellowish-gray. As a rule, young shoots are formed in the spring of the plant, which have a more grayish color of the bark and, in addition, many young shoots can be covered with brownish spots. But, at the same time, this plant is slightly branched and occupies a fairly compact area. The leaves are attached to the shoots with short petioles, elongated ovoid, sometimes they can be narrower, somewhat reminiscent of a lancet. When flowers are formed in the axils of the leaves (usually flowering in central Russia begins in April-May) in the southern regions of Russia, flowering may begin earlier. Flowers are collected in bunches and most often have a pinkish tint, less often white.

After flowering, fruits appear:

  • Oval shape;
  • reddish color;
  • Outwardly looking appetizing and juicy.

This plant can be found in floodplain forests near the banks of reservoirs, as well as on the edges of the forest. Prefers rich soils nutrients, this plant is distributed almost throughout Europe and Asia Minor.

The berries are usually close to each other and tightly wrap around the branch. But in no case should they be eaten, since they are poisonous, only 10–12 berries are enough to get fatal poisoning.

There are more than 50 species of this plant species, there are evergreen plants, there are semi-deciduous plants that grow mainly in warm regions not only in Russia, but also in warm regions of other countries. There are species that tolerate harsh climates well, such plants can grow in more northern regions, and in the mountains.

What color are the berries of the wolf's bast and what is the plant

Wolf's bast- This is a poisonous plant, but, nevertheless, very beautiful, especially in spring, when flowering begins. The peculiarity of the wolf's bark is that first they appear on it beautiful flowers(somewhat reminiscent of the colors of lilac), the shoots of this plant during the flowering period are covered with pinkish-white flowers.

With a sufficiently long stay near the plant, the smell from the flowers can provoke a headache.

The flowers of this plant are collected in bunches, which are somewhat reminiscent of nests (to see this, it is best to look at the pictures). At the same time, the flowers of some species of this plant exude a delicate aroma. But at the same time, you should come closer to enjoy its smell, like nice smell abruptly change to a less pleasant one.

The plant itself

  1. Represents a bush.
  2. In wild growing conditions, it rarely exceeds a height of 1-1.5 m.
  3. If the plant is grown for decorative purposes, then the height of the bushes with appropriate care can reach a height of up to 2 m.

The plant grows best in more acidic and damp soils rich in nutrients. In principle, they are grown on almost any soil, but sufficient moisture and fertilizing are important, and then the plants long years will delight a person with its beautiful flowers. To verify this, you can look at the data flowering plant how it looks, what color, and whether it is worth growing it in your area.

What is lyko

After the flowering period, narrow leaves appear at the wolfberry, which are attached to the main shoots with a short handle. Closer to autumn, berries appear that look very beautiful, bright, shiny red, but, despite their beauty, deadly poisonous.

It is important when caring for wolf cub to use protective equipment so as not to get burns from this plant, first of all, the skin.

Such plants, because of the beauty of the flowers, some people grow in their gardens and on summer cottages, but you should be careful when doing this, as it is poisonous. For example, it is worth applying the skin to the bark of a bush, as you can get irritation, and in some cases a burn. This plant has many other names, for example, wolfberry, daphne and others.

All parts of the plant are considered completely poisonous:

  • Berries;
  • And also the leaves;
  • Bark;
  • Flower;
  • And even root.

But, despite its toxicity, the components of this plant are widely used, primarily in folk medicine. Healing properties this plant has been known for a long time. In order for parts of this plant to be beneficial in the treatment of any ailments, it is necessary to take microdoses of preparations made on its basis, under the supervision of a specialist. Properly prepared plant parts are used as an analgesic, used in the treatment of rheumatism, neurological pain. In some cases, parts of this plant are used in the treatment of epilepsy and even oncology.

Is the wolf's bast plant poisonous

The use of plant parts as medicinal product allowed only after agreement with the doctor, since even a slight deviation or excess of the recommended dose, instead of improving health, can lead to a negative result. The use of drugs for the treatment of children is allowed, both inside and outside, but only after necessary analyzes and doctor's permission and under his control.

If you use a more powerful dose than recommended, you may experience:

  • Stomach ache;
  • convulsions;
  • Burning in the mouth;
  • Skin problems, etc.

The plant itself is completely poisonous, despite being outwardly pleasant and beautiful view, each part can cause problems with the skin, gastrointestinal tract, headaches, drowsiness, or vice versa, short excitement, fever, etc.

In addition to the medicinal properties of this plant, it also brings other benefits, since it blooms early enough, the very first bees begin collecting future honey from these flowers. When infused with bark and berries, in some cases the substances contained in them will allow the composition to be used as an external remedy, for example, for rheumatism.

Poisonous plant wolf bast: description (video)

Such a description of this type of plant will allow a person to protect himself from negative impact on your body. But, at the same time, with proper use, on the contrary, it can be beneficial. As for positive emotions, this plant allows you to enjoy beautiful flowers in early spring, moreover, even when the grass has not really grown, and there are no other flowers.

And plant science does not have such a thing as "wolf"; in fact, it is a collective name for a number of berries, which are distinguished by toxic properties. These include:
- belladonna,
- dereza,
- wolfberry,
- raven eye,
- brittle buckthorn,
- snowman.

The berries look like shrubs, up to 1.5 meters high with rare and round berries of a bright red hue, sometimes of blue color. In the toxicological departments of hospitals, you can often see photos of these plants, because they serve common cause poisoning.


This very poisonous plant is found quite often in forests. middle lane. All parts of it are poisonous, and the berries and leaves contain a high concentration of toxic substances.

Many also call the berries "wolf's bast."

Berries have a pronounced spicy taste, so even without knowing what it is dangerous berry, it is unlikely that a person will be able to eat it in large quantities. Although, on the other hand, even 10 pieces can cause death, it all depends on the human body.

Symptoms of poisoning appear quickly, they are as follows:
- vomit,
- burning sensation in the mouth,
- nausea,
- convulsions,
weakness and even loss of consciousness.

First aid for poisoning

A person who has eaten the fruits of the wolfberry must be given first aid. Gastric lavage is usually done, toxins are removed with the help of activated carbon or other sorbents. In stationary conditions, a course of therapy is carried out aimed at restoring the natural biochemical composition of the blood.

Skin lesions can be caused by contact with wolfberry leaves and bark. In this case, blisters, redness appear on the surface, peeling begins quickly.

It will be possible to wash the affected areas of the skin with a solution of potassium permanganate. Further treatment will be prescribed by a dermatologist.

Hazardous Ingredients

If we consider the composition of wolf berries, then the main substance there will be meserine. This substance is very toxic, causes irritation of the mucous membrane and skin. Other components of the wolfberry cause severe bleeding, so in the villages, healers gave a decoction of berries to women who wanted to terminate a pregnancy ... often at the cost own life.

Some medicines wolfberry is included as an assistant in the treatment of kidneys, immune and nervous systems. But it is worth remembering that for medicine it undergoes a series of treatments and loses its poisonous properties.

Wolfberry is known as one of the most poisonous plants, its photo and description can be found in any botanical reference book. But information about this plant is often limited to indicating that it is extremely poisonous, and you can not only eat the fruits, but even smell and touch them, and after contact with the leaves, be sure to wash your hands. But poison can also be medicine. Is this the case with wolfberry?

Wolfberry is not one, but several types of plants. They are united by a noticeable color of fruits (red, orange, white, black) and at the same time their complete inedibility. In botany, under the name wolfberry, a shrub up to 1.5 m high is known. The plant has long straight stems that almost do not branch, small green leaves and very beautiful tube-shaped flowers.

Wolfberry fruits are red berries resembling barberries. They are small, tightly pressed against the stem, grouping into a kind of clutch around it. There is a yellow variety of wolfberry - the fruits are also located, but unusual color may be misleading. The fruits can remain on the branches up to late autumn, over time losing toxic properties.

Where does it grow

Wolfberry is an extremely common plant. It prefers a temperate climate with snowy winters, easily survives frost and lack of sunlight. The area of ​​​​distribution in Russia is all regions with the exception of the Far North and deserts. Outside of our country, the shrub lives almost throughout Europe, Asia, the USA and Canada. Not found in the southern hemisphere.

The figure shows a photo and description of a wolfberry.

The plant is not demanding on soil, humidity and light - it can live both on dry stony soils and on fertile forest ones. It occurs in the mountains at an altitude of up to 2 km. Completely unsuitable for wolfberries are permafrost, salt marshes, desert soils and pebbly beaches.

Why is the berry poisonous

The plant contains poisonous substance meserein. It is found in absolutely all parts of the plant. The substance has a local irritating effect and high volatility, so the plant is extremely dangerous for humans.

The composition of the leaves, fruits of the plant

In addition to meserein, the plant contains other toxins:

  • daphnetoxin;
  • daphne;
  • daphnein.

These substances with similar names disrupt the metabolism of vitamin K and other anti-light components of the blood.

Their action is not as strong as that of meserein, but longer. They cause vascular fragility and increased bleeding, this effect can persist for several months after poisoning, especially if the victim does not take vitamin preparations. The poison is found in all parts of the plant.

Beneficial features

Despite all the danger to health, the wolfberry has and useful properties. Therapeutic effect exhibit the same substances that cause poisoning. In small doses, wolfberry poisons are used as a natural antiseptic, laxative, and local irritant. They are most often used externally.

You can use the wolfberry as ornamental plant, remedies for blood-sucking insects, and beekeepers value these berries as early honey plants. Honey is obtained from them completely harmless and very useful, sweet and fragrant. But, using medicinal properties, it is necessary to remember the precautionary measures - gloves and ventilation of the room.

Harm to the body

Wolfberry, the photo and description of which begins any reference book of poisonous plants, is extremely dangerous to health. Most poisonous part plants are berries. When ingested, they cause severe diarrhea with a risk of dehydration, convulsions, unconsciousness and death.

5 berries are considered a life-threatening dose. The stems and leaves of the plant, when ingested, produce a similar effect. Contact with the mucous membranes of the juice of the plant, the pulp of berries, bark or leaves, causes severe pain, burning sensation, inflammation.

If the substance enters the mouth, vomiting occurs. It is extremely difficult to cure the consequences of a chemical burn; mucosal injuries heal poorly. Contact with the skin causes poorly passing blisters, in the eyes - corneal wounds that do not heal for a long time.

Indications for admission

The tool is used as a folk remedy for pain in the joints and throat. Only external use is allowed, you need to work with raw materials with gloves, and when using, strictly observe the dosage.

Conditions that relieve wolfberry:

  • back pain with osteochondrosis and rheumatism;
  • joint pain in osteoarthritis, gout, rheumatoid arthritis and other pathologies;
  • sore throat with sore throat and colds;
  • constipation (by mouth, in a highly diluted form);
  • helminthic invasions (inside, in a highly diluted form);
  • insomnia (in the form of inhalation, diluted solution).


Wolfberry (photo and description given above) is an extremely poisonous agent, and poses a health hazard even in a highly diluted form. Therefore, when deciding on treatment with the help of such an exotic remedy, the patient must take precautions, even if there are no contraindications to its use as such.

Wolfberry cannot be used in the following situations:

  • pregnancy, breastfeeding, childhood and adolescence;
  • the presence of any skin diseases;
  • damage to the skin at the site of rubbing (scratches, cuts);
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • kidney and liver diseases;
  • ulcer, gastritis, intestinal diseases;
  • any kind of allergies.

What helps wolfberry

Traditionally, the wolfberry is used to treat diseases of the joints and spine. Least dangerous way- this is an external application in the form of ointments, rubbing, baths and wetting. It is undesirable to do compresses - heat enhances the absorption of wolfberry alkaloids, which can lead to poisoning.

  • with chronic pain in muscles and joints;
  • for treating the skin around scratches and bites (in no case applying to the damaged area);
  • as a local remedy for combating inflammatory processes in the throat - applying ointments with wolfberry gives an effect similar to mustard plasters.

Due to its antiseptic properties, the wolfberry is used to fight fungus and other infections on the skin (but not on the mucous membranes), and also treats helminthic invasions and constipation, if taken in a highly diluted form.

Recipes of folk remedies with a plant

Traditional medicine has large quantity medicines based on wolfberries. Precautions must be taken to avoid poisoning.

  1. Any parts of the plant should be taken only with gloves, in no case allowing contact with bare skin.
  2. Do not allow raw materials or products to get into the eyes, mouth, nose and genital mucosa at any stage.
  3. The room where raw materials are stored and medicines are prepared must be well ventilated.
  4. Children and pets should be kept away from raw materials and medicines.
  5. Pregnant women are also not allowed to work with the wolfberry and go into the room where the treatment takes place.
  6. Wolfberry honey is boiled before use - this is the only raw material from this plant that is easy to neutralize.

For rheumatism

Wolfberry is used to treat rheumatism. The description of the recipe, the photo and the method of using the resulting product require some experience in herbal treatment. Insufficiently experienced supporters traditional medicine It is better to buy a remedy from a trusted herbalist.

Used to relieve joint pain in rheumatism alcohol tincture from the bark of the wolfberry. The agent is applied to the skin with 1-2 short strokes. Due to the irritating effect, a rush of blood occurs, and the inflammatory process ends faster.

From pain in the heart, the limbs are rubbed with the remedy. To do this, a small amount of diluted tincture, without rubbing, is applied to the skin of the hands or feet. For safety, it is necessary to rub the tincture on each limb in turn once a day (i.e. on the first day of treatment, rub right leg, in the second - left, in the third - right hand etc.)

For toothache

In the treatment of toothache, the distracting effect of the wolfberry plays a role. Alcohol tincture or decoction is applied to the cheekbones or neck. The drug causes an outflow of blood from diseased teeth and alleviates the condition. You can not apply the product from the wolfberry on the forehead and scalp - a strong headache.

If the tincture is carefully diluted to the point where the bitter taste almost disappears, you can rinse your mouth with it. This should be done no more than 2 times a day. Tincture promotes the death of bacteria, reducing inflammation. In no case should you swallow even a diluted tincture - it is life-threatening and can lead to poisoning.

From worms

Wolfberry, the photo and description of which is easy to find on the net, is used internally for the treatment of helminthiasis. A decoction of it is considered a strong anthelmintic, which must be used with great care. Since the medicine also has a laxative effect, it is best to take it in the morning on a day off.

The roots of the plant are used to make a decoction.

This is the least poisonous (but far from safe) part of the wolfberry. The roots are crushed, boiled in boiling water, filtered and cooled. The resulting remedy is taken only in diluted form to avoid poisoning. Reception - once in the morning, it is fashionable to repeat the next day, but the duration of treatment cannot be increased by more than 2 days.

From the fungus

For antifungal treatment, an alcoholic decoction of the roots and a diluted alcoholic tincture of wolfberry are used. This substance is applied to the affected skin in a thin layer with a cotton pad or sponge. It is best to do this with gloves so as not to cause a pathological reaction on healthy skin.

The substance is applied within the affected area, left on the feet for 20-30 minutes. And wash away warm water. You can treat your feet with pumice to enhance the effect. Wolfberry toxins effectively destroy the fungus, but the procedure can be carried out no more than 2 times a day. Do not use wolfberry remedies for candidiasis of mucous or open wounds, lesions on the hands and face.

For gout

With gout, the patient suffers from severe pain in the joints, most often the legs suffer. To alleviate the condition, a wolfberry tincture is used, which increases blood circulation in the affected area. With severe pain, covering the entire foot or a significant part of it, you can make a foot bath with wolfberry.

Water should be warm, but not hot, the content of tincture in it is 1-2 tbsp. per litre. Baths stimulate blood flow, relieve pain, improve the patient's well-being.

After such a bath, the feet must be washed and treated with a moisturizer. The frequency of procedures is no more than once a day. If there are any discomfort on the skin, you should immediately stop such treatment.

From neuralgia

Neuralgia is a long-term painful condition caused by the pathology of the nerve, while there is no violation of its structure. Wolfberry in this case acts as a local irritant. An ointment based on a decoction of wolfberry leaves is applied to the affected area, in a thin layer, without rubbing.

The effect of the therapeutic agent is achieved due to the fact that toxins irritate the skin, there is an outflow of blood to the area of ​​irritation from the affected nerve. The pain decreases, mobility is restored, the patient's well-being improves.

If the dosage is observed correctly, adverse changes in the skin do not occur. In order for the treatment not to cause harm, wolfberry-based products should be accompanied by detailed instructions, and it is desirable to use them under the supervision of the attending physician.

Symptoms of wolfberry poisoning

Wolfberry, the photo and description of which are given in the article, is extremely poisonous. But its fruits, and especially the flowers, look very attractive, so a person who is unfamiliar with such a plant has a very high risk of poisoning.

Its symptoms:

  • when taken orally - abdominal pain, nausea and diarrhea;
  • in contact with the skin - blisters, burning, pain;
  • in contact with mucous membranes - burning, inflammatory reaction, ulceration;
  • in the eyes - blurred vision, lacrimation, eye pain, blindness;
  • when inhaled - dizziness, headache, nasal discharge;
  • in severe forms of poisoning - convulsions, inappropriate behavior, loss of consciousness, risk of death.

You need to be especially attentive to children - they can eat a berry or bring home beautiful flower out of curiosity, and as a result get serious poisoning.

First aid for poisoning

If the patient has eaten a wolfberry, it is necessary to protect the mucous membrane from irritating effects as soon as possible. The patient needs to drink plenty of fluids, preferably milk or water. You can take gastroprotectors (Almagel, Maalox) or antispasmodics (no-shpa).

Affected skin or mucous membranes should be washed running water, you can add to it baking soda. To relieve pain, ointments with dicaine or lidocaine are suitable. In case of contact with the eyes, rinse the face with water, drip drops into the eye that protect the cornea (Vizin, Artificial tear, solution for wearing lenses). If such funds are not at hand, then nothing needs to be done.

In any case, be sure to take the victim to the hospital - a small dose is enough to develop severe poisoning.

What not to do in case of poisoning:

  • induce vomiting - this will increase the irritating effect of toxins, cause dehydration;
  • take laxatives - for the same reason;
  • take food - it will increase vomiting and diarrhea;
  • treat the affected areas with potassium permanganate, iodine, alcohol solutions, peroxide - this will cause even more irritation;
  • trying to remove the lens from the affected eye - there is a risk of injuring the cornea;
  • refuse hospitalization.

The effectiveness of wolfberry treatment: when to expect results

Wolfberry as a remedy gives fairly quick results. Photo and description speak of pretty high efficiency. But do not forget about the risk when working with one of the most dangerous forest plants.

Video about wolfberry, its use and symptoms of poisoning

The most poisonous berries:

Symptoms of poisoning: