Drive wasps in the country. How to find a hornet's nest and get rid of wasps in the house and in the country? Poison free package

Wasps are very unpleasant creatures, the proximity to which can cause discomfort. Today we will talk about how to get rid of wasps quickly, efficiently and safely.

Popular places of settlement of the wasp family

If wasps are wound up in a house or on a plot, then first you need to figure out where they chose their habitat. These individuals need food, therefore they often settle in close proximity to dwellings, and sometimes even inside it.

Here is just an approximate list of places where insects can live:

  • under the roofs of sheds or residential buildings;
  • in attic rooms;
  • in various non-residential buildings;
  • in the walls of houses;
  • in dark corners of living rooms;
  • behind the window casings;
  • if the skin is loosely attached, then between it and the wall;
  • in hedges;
  • in a variety of old things and any rubbish.

If you find that wasps often appear in an apartment, house or plot, then it is worth exploring all possible places of their residence to make sure that there is no nest.

Important! If you searched the whole apartment and did not find a nest, and insects continue to annoy you with their presence, then place a bait in a conspicuous place: a piece of fish or meat. After that, move to a safe distance and see where more and more new individuals will come from in the apartment. When first detected, it is necessary to get rid of wasps in the house immediately in order to avoid their reproduction.

Types of wasps

Especially often people are annoyed by two types of these striped insects:

  • Domestic wasps are the most common individuals that build nests, live near humans and feed on nectar and fruits.
  • Earth wasps - unlike domestic ones, they are much more aggressive, they live underground, building complex catacombs. According to the type of food, representatives of this species are predators, therefore they eat small midges and insects. They also feed offspring.

Did you know? Only females have a sting, while males do not. Only fertilized individuals will survive the winter, which will hibernate, the rest die. Earthen rocks have a “reusable” sting.

Reasons for the appearance of wasps

Striped guests can come into view for a variety of reasons. We highlight the main ones among them:

  • Pests are attracted by a variety of food - meat, fruits, fish, sweets.
  • A cozy and convenient place to build a nest.
  • Nest for the winter. Most often, minke whales fly to private houses closer to autumn in order to calmly spend the winter, because in severe frosts both adult fertilized individuals and offspring die.
  • Accident. Don't be surprised, this happens to insects too. They fly into the room in search of food or water. And as it happens, after one individual visits you, a whole swarm will soon buzz.

It is necessary to study these reasons in order to subsequently create conditions for uninvited guests so that further residence is impossible.

How to eliminate wasps

No one enjoys the neighborhood with striped creatures. Bites provoke allergies, swelling, and in some cases even death. Therefore, it is necessary to study how the fight against wasps takes place, from which they will change their place of residence and will not come again. War can be waged with insecticides, aerosols, and many folk recipes.

Effective insecticidal preparations

When fighting pests, you can use a variety of modern insecticides. They are presented in a wide range in many garden supply stores, so there will definitely not be a problem with the choice. You can get rid of wasps in the country and in a private house with the help of such drugs:

  • Mosquitall. This wasp spray will help get rid of the lion's share of insects in just one treatment. It is supposed to be used only in non-residential buildings or parts of the house: sheds, garages, attics, closets, etc. Great for under roof spraying. After the procedure, an unpleasant odor spreads throughout the room, so spraying in residential buildings is not recommended.
  • Smelnet. This microencapsulated product does not have a pronounced odor. It has a destructive effect on, and wasps. With this drug, you need to process all the places where the creatures live. The effect will last about 9 months.
  • GET is the leader in the ranking of anti-wasp insecticides. It is produced in the form of a whitish emulsion with a subtle odor. Suitable for the destruction of almost all types of unwanted small pests. Spray an aerosol on a wasp nest and within 10 minutes the entire swarm will die.

poisoned baits

In order to exterminate the maximum number of enemies, you can drip poison on any delicacy, such as watermelon or melon peels, jam or sweetened beer. Poison:

  • Karbofos;
  • Delta Zone;
  • Lambda Zone, etc.

Keep the poison out of the reach of animals and children.

Folk recipes for getting rid of wasps

If the use of chemistry for one reason or another does not suit you, then we advise you to turn to the experience of the people.

Application of plastic bag

To get rid of minke whales as effectively as possible, you need to eliminate the nest of wasps.

Important! This elimination method is complex and not always safe.

In order to destroy wasps, follow this scheme:

  1. prepare a bag of high strength polyethylene;
  2. throw it on the nest so that it completely covers the insect dwelling;
  3. after that, it is in your interest to quickly tear off the nest and tie the bag;
  4. immediately burn the prey on a street fire.

A more reliable method is a package and dichlorvos. It is applied like this:

  1. quickly treat the nest with dichlorvos;
  2. immediately throw the bag and tie it tightly;
  3. leave it like this for a couple of hours;
  4. burn the contents of the package.

Important! The fact that a person using this method is in close proximity to the nest is dangerous to health. Protect yourself as much as possible. Put on wadded pants, a warm jacket and a jacket. Protect your face and head as well. Make sure that there is not a single open area left on the body.

Exposure to gasoline or kerosene

It is kerosene and gasoline that have such a pungent and unpleasant odor that will become unbearable for wasps. The recipe is simple:

  1. Collect a small amount of gasoline in any container with which you can later pour it or spray it.
  2. After that, quickly pour the liquid into the socket cavity.
  3. Move to a safe distance and wait for the pests to fly out of hiding.
  4. If they are in no hurry to fly out, repeat the treatment.
  5. After the inhabitants leave the shelter, burn its remains.
  6. If the nest is built on a wall or on the ground, then by pouring in kerosene, it can be immediately set on fire.

If you decide to set fire, prepare water and sand in advance. This is necessary so that the fire does not go to the outbuildings.

Important! You can try to use Whiteness, bleach or any household chemicals for cleaning plumbing.

Lure Efficiency

Many summer residents use homemade traps in the fight. This is a simple and effective wasp remedy that can be planted in a vineyard or any fruit tree. The principle of their creation:

  1. cut off the top third of a plastic bottle with a neck;
  2. sweet syrup or honey diluted with water is poured into the lower part;
  3. the lid is twisted from the top;
  4. the upper part is turned upside down and inserted into the lower.
  5. make sure that the bottom of the neck does not touch the bait.
  6. you can make small holes just above the bottom of the neck, so the aroma of the bait will spread stronger and faster.
  7. flying on the smell, the insect will fly into the trap, but will not be able to get back.

Important! If you are not sure that the bite will not cause an allergic reaction in you, then you cannot engage in “melee” on your own.

Fighting wasps is a difficult process that requires utmost attention. Using these methods, you will get rid of the unpleasant neighborhood for a long time.

Video: How to quickly and easily get rid of wasps

Wasps that have settled in your neighborhood can cause a whole lot of inconvenience, interfering with a calm and comfortable stay. They can carry dangerous pathogens, react aggressively to sudden movements and some smells, can behave unpredictably, and their bites very often cause severe allergic reactions. The favorite places in which these insects prefer to build their nests are the roofs of houses and cottages, nooks and crevices on the veranda. You will probably be interested to know how to get rid of wasp nests in your summer cottage.

At the initial stages of construction, while there is still free access to various places that can later be covered with panels and boxes, you can carry out the necessary processing to protect the building from various insect attacks and extend the life of wooden structures.

To get rid of wasps in the country, you need to find and destroy their house. If there are quite a lot of insects, you can try to reduce their number with the help of poisoned baits. To do this, take pieces of fragrant melon or watermelon, spray them a little with insecticide and put them in places where wasps are found. You can also make it from plastic bottles by cutting off the neck and pouring fermented jelly, sugar syrup or jam on the bottom, in which you also need to add an insecticide.

When you want to get rid of a hornet's nest in the country, it is recommended that all work be carried out at night, when all insects are in their house. Try not to use flashlights or other lighting devices, as the wasps will take them as a wake-up call and may attack you.

It is quite easy to destroy wasps with fire. To do this, you will need a large old aluminum or enamel bucket, a lighter, lighter fluid or kerosene, a nimble and nimble assistant. Your task will be to quickly knock down the wasp house so that it landed right in the bucket. Immediately pour kerosene over it, which almost instantly impregnates the walls of the house, penetrates inside, and then quickly set it on fire through the integument of the wasp's body, preventing it from breathing.

To remove and destroy the nest, you will need a strong and dense plastic bag, scissors, tape or pushpins and any insecticide in the form of an aerosol. Quickly throw the bag over the nest, secure it with small pieces of tape or buttons so that there are no gaps. Next, you need to cut off a small corner, inject the insecticide as abundantly as possible into the resulting small hole, so that more gets inside the nest. After that, seal the corner and leave the bag in this form for an hour, then carefully tear off the house, tightly tie the bag and destroy or burn it.

In the event that a hornet's nest in a summer cottage is located in the ground, just try to fill it with boiling water. Insects will die, and it will be possible to simply fill the entrance with earth. Try powdered insecticide to sprinkle on the air hole. The wasps, penetrating inside, will bring poison with them, so that in a couple of days the entire colony will die.

If the nest is in a hard-to-reach place, then ordinary polyurethane foam will come to your rescue, which should simply be injected into the flight hole.

After the destruction of the nest, the place where it was located must be treated with an insecticide or covered with a layer of paint or varnish, since wasps are very fond of building nests again in their original places.

If it is necessary to remove the wasps from the country house, treat all surfaces, windows and curtains with a weak solution of vinegar essence, the smell of which will help scare away the wasps, they will leave the premises very quickly.

One of the beneficial insects for garden plants are wasps. After all, they feed on the larvae of pests of vegetable and fruit crops. Without wasps, it would be difficult to pollinate plants. But if a wasp family settles in the house, then it is dangerous for human health. Insect bites can lead to allergies, to terrible consequences such as Quincke's edema, anaphylactic shock.

Wasps have long been side by side with humans. There are many varieties of insects. When these are separate single individuals, they do not cause concern. But family clans of wasps that grow during the summer become dangerous. Their nests built under the roof or in the walls of the house cannot be approached. Insects are aggressive towards humans as cold weather sets in. Next, consider how to get rid of wasps in a private house and what to do if they are bitten.

It is known that wasps like to arrange a dwelling next to private houses, summer cottages. After all, fruit trees grow on the site, flowers in the flower beds. And wasps need nectar, the sweet juice of the fruit, for nourishment. They find a nesting place in advance to survive the cold winter.

Most of all, social insects like to build nests where it is difficult to see them, to find them.

Only by climbing to the roof, you can see the spherical houses, as if made of newsprint. They can hang in the corner of the attic, hide under the slate. Even in the wall of the house, wasps can build their nest. There are varieties that settle in the ground, in basements, under the floor.

Insects choose such buildings, where the owners rarely go. Therefore, it is necessary to bypass such places more often in order to detect pests in time. To lure stinging insects in order to find their place of settlement, you can use a piece of meat or fish, which is placed on a table in the garden. It remains only to observe where the swarm came from. It is better to get rid of the wasp nest in the spring, when there are up to 5-6 individuals in it. By autumn, the family is growing, and then it will be more difficult to neutralize the stinging "ball".

Do not think that wasps are harmless. When one insect bites, it is not scary. The affected area will swell slightly, turn red, and after 2-3 days the pain will pass, and the skin will recover. But wasps can attack the whole family. And then it will lead to serious consequences.

In people with allergies, bites cause angioedema, which is fatal.

In addition, like all insects, wasps can carry pathogens on their paws. There have been cases of infection with intestinal infections after being bitten by wasps. Therefore, it is imperative to deal with the settlement of insects in the house.

Preparations against wasps, their action and use

The chemical industry produces effective products whose action is aimed at scaring away and destroying wasps.

Name of the drug Action Application
raptor Affects the gastrointestinal tract of insects, paralyzing the nervous system. The aerosol is sprayed into the nest. After the paralytic effect of the main substance on the wasps, the nest is removed and placed in a bag. It remains to burn the wasp house.
Smelnet Odorless microcapsules destroy insects. Lay out the tool in hard-to-reach places at home. The drug is valid for 8-9 months.
Karbofos It is toxic to wasps. Prepare the solution according to the instructions. They lower the nest into a container with liquid, trying to drown it together with the inhabitants.
geth Pale pink suspension contains the poisonous substance chlorpyrifos. It acts paralytically on the nervous system of wasps. The powder is mixed with sweet juices or sugar, honey. Put the dish out in the open.
Commander The drug is based on imidacloprid, a substance toxic to wasps. It has a high penetrating ability, destroying insects in nests, in the ground. Prepare the solution before starting treatment. The substance acts for a long time, for 2 weeks.

Choose a chemical preparation depending on where the hornet's nest is located.

How to drive wasps out of the attic can be found in the video:

Traps and baits for wasps

A more harmless and simple way is to create insect traps. Knowing that stinging insects love sweets, you can fill plastic bottles halfway with compote or syrup diluted in water. Suitable and beer, kvass. Climbing inside, the wasps will not be able to fly out of the bottle and die. This reduces the number of members of wasp families. You can mix poison into the dessert. Then the wasps will die faster.

Special baits are also used. Pieces of fish or meat are moistened with an odorless insecticide. Clouds of wasps flock to the delicacy and die. You can lay out strips of cardboard smeared with a thick layer of glue next to the bait.

Traps and baits will help to destroy the insects themselves, but not their homes.

The poisonous fly agaric mushroom is used to fight flies and wasps. A mixture of 3-4 mushroom caps and 100 grams of honey boiled in a liter of water is an excellent bait that leads insects to death.

They also use substances that repel insects from the house. Having hung the pods of bitter pepper in the attic, near the doors, they discourage wasps from flying into the house. They start looking for other places to build a nest.

Summer residents have come up with many ways to get rid of stinging insects that have settled in houses:

  • Water is often used. Immerse the nest of insects in a container of water, put a load on top so that it does not float. You can destroy the dwelling of insects in the ground with a strong jet of water.
  • Moisten a rag with gasoline or kerosene and plug the hole into the socket. Sometimes they set fire to houses, first dousing them with combustible substances. But this method cannot be used if there are flammable objects nearby.
  • Smoke can force wasps to leave the home. It remains to carefully remove the hive and destroy it. So that the wasps do not return, the place is lubricated with a liquid insecticide solution.
  • Dishwashing liquid is dissolved in water. Take half a glass of soapy liquid per liter. You can simply pour the mixture into the hole of the house or spray it through a spray bottle. The impenetrable film created inside the nest will lead to the death of stinging insects.

Although folk remedies help get rid of wasps, the use of chemical aerosols will be faster and more reliable.

It is more difficult to destroy the dwelling of wasps, which is located in a hard-to-reach place, under the floor. First of all, you need to determine where the entrance to the hive is located. By luring wasps with sweet nectar, you can do this. If insects regularly flock to the bait, then poisonous agents are added to it.

The population destroyed in this way will not annoy the owners of the house. And the nest is filled with water or sprayed with effective preparations. Then you can be sure that the wasps will not return to their original place.

Boric acid powder is used to repel insects.

It is mixed with sweet drinks, placing containers in the basement. To get rid of wasps under the floor, it is possible to use traditional, folk methods, as well as baits.

The hive in the attic can be destroyed in several ways:

  1. Often they simply fill the nest with water. You can, climbing the stairs, lower the house into a container of hot water. But here you have to be careful not to fall down the stairs.
  2. Baits made from honey, compote mixed with insecticides will free the hive from the inhabitants. It remains only to carefully remove the nest and burn it on the site.
  3. It is advised to vacuum the wasps inside the bag, and then pull it out and place it in a bucket of water. But there is a danger of insect bites that managed to stay free.
  4. If the nest is located at a low altitude, then Dichlorvos or Karbofos is sprayed inside the wasp dwelling. Then plug the hole with a rag soaked in poison. After half an hour, you can destroy the abode of wasps.

Each method is effective and will allow you to destroy the hive, save the inhabitants of a private house from the danger of insect bites.

Where only wasp nests are not built! It happens that a paper house is found inside a plaster or even a concrete wall. It is much more difficult to remove insects here. Lures come to the rescue, which are placed near the house.

Wasps will change their place of residence when a string of "decorations" from hot pepper hangs nearby.

If you find a hole in the wall, you can close it with a strong solution. Polyurethane foam will not work, since it costs nothing for insects to gnaw through the frozen mass.

Coating the hole with adhesive film is suitable. In concrete, the houses are poured with water, kerosene from the outside of the house.

Video on how to get rid of a hornet's nest:

Wasp breeding safety

Before proceeding with the procedure for getting rid of the wasp hive and its inhabitants, it is necessary to consider the safety rules:

  1. It is best to treat at night when the insects are not so active.
  2. To avoid an attack, wasps protect their hands with gloves, the body with tight clothing. It is better to wear a mask and goggles on your face. If the nest is lowered into a container of water, it is better to keep the bucket suspended. Be sure to have an assistant nearby who will hold the ladder, help you quickly go down when attacked by a wasp flock.
  3. Before removing the nest, a plastic bag is put on it, inside of which an insecticidal agent is sprayed. The package is tied at the base of the nest. It is necessary that the package is tight so that wasps do not bite through it.
  4. It is impossible to get close to the nest if an aerosol with toxic substances has been sprayed into it. Wasps at this moment are very aggressive and will cause great harm to humans. Children or pets should not be around.

People with allergic reactions should not deal with wasp nests. It is better to call specialists for this.

Such a dangerous procedure as getting rid of wasps does not pass without the bites of stinging insects. The damaged area is immediately washed with water. After removing the remnants of poison and dirt, wipe the wound with a cotton swab dipped in hydrogen peroxide, an alcohol solution.

To prevent swelling, it is necessary to apply a compress with ice to the bite site. It helps to quickly draw out the poison from the affected area with a piece of sugar attached to it.

For allergy sufferers, it is important to take antihistamines immediately.

Multiple wasp stings are dangerous to humans, as they can be fatal. Therefore, in this case, the patient is urgently hospitalized. First aid is to put warm heating pads on the patient, give a Suprastin tablet, 20 drops of Cordiamin. By following the safety rules while fighting wasps, you can avoid their attacks.

Wasps are aggressive insects that can sting a person for no apparent reason. Their venom can cause a severe allergic reaction. In addition, they love to feast on sweet fruits and berries growing in their summer cottage. Therefore, if you find a hornet's nest in your country house, then it must be destroyed.

Why is a hornet's nest dangerous?

One medium-sized nest (20-30 cm in diameter) can be the home of about two or three thousand individuals. The initiator of its construction is the uterus, and the worker wasps build it. Insects perceive the space around the nest as their territory, protecting it from the encroachments of strangers.

Wasps are known for their unreasonable aggression, and their stings are painful and can cause anaphylactic shock, in addition, these insects are spreaders of intestinal infections.

The main danger of being on the site of a hornet's nest is that at the time of the attack, the wasp secretes an enzyme that calls its fellows to help it. A person attacked by a single wasp may be attacked by a whole swarm, which increases the risk of damage to health.

Most of all, wasps like to arrange their nests on a wooden surface, since wood serves as a material for building their homes.

Methods for self-destruction of a hornet's nest

Before destroying a hornet's nest, you need to protect yourself from the consequences of a likely insect attack. For this, clothes made of thick fabric, closed shoes and gloves are suitable. The face must be protected with a mosquito net.

Such a mosquito net will reliably protect your head from the attack of a wasp swarm, it is inexpensive (about 150-200 rubles) and is sold in stores offering goods for anglers and hunters

The best time is twilight. Immediately after sunset, the insects are at their least active and prepare for sleep.

With smoke

If the nest of wasps is on a tree branch, then in this case you can smoke out insects with smoke. This method is safe for humans, since it does not require direct interaction with wasps.

Wasps do not like smoke very much and will try to leave the smoke zone as quickly as possible.

Under the tree, you need to build a fire from damp firewood and branches in such a way that the smoke falls directly on the hornet's nest. Soon the insects will leave their home and it will be possible to separate it from the branch and burn it along with the remaining larvae and pupae. However, this method will not get rid of the striped predators forever, the wasps will return and begin to build a new nest.

Some folk craftsmen practice burning wasp nests with a blowtorch. It must be admitted that the method is effective, but it requires knowledge and compliance with the rules for handling this tool and open fire.

One of the folk methods of destroying wasps is boiling water. They are filled with a nest located vertically, and then they wait until all the insects in the nest die.

To destroy the inhabitants of one nest, you will need at least three or four liters of boiling water

This method is effective, but quite dangerous. In the event that not all insects die, the remaining wasps can launch a massive attack on everyone who is nearby. So be sure to remove all households and animals from the affected area before the procedure. This method, despite its simplicity, is difficult to implement, because the nests are often located in such a way that pouring boiling water from above will not work.

With a washing vacuum cleaner

This method of getting rid of wasps is original, but its effectiveness is questionable. You will need a washing vacuum cleaner with high suction power (from 350 W).

The advantage of the method of killing wasps with a washing vacuum cleaner is that it does not require insecticides.

It is necessary to pour soapy water into the water tank and place the pipe without a brush in the middle of the nest. Turning on the vacuum cleaner, you need to capture all the insects flying out of your home. At the end of the event, tightly close the outlet of the pipe and wait two or three hours. Then it remains to throw out the water with dead insects.

The problem may arise as follows: during the procedure, part of the nest itself may clog the pipe, in which case the angry wasps will scatter.

Boric acid

The destruction of wasps with boric acid is a cheap and safe way for humans. But this will take at least 7-10 days.

Boric acid powder is odorless; as a drug, it is safe for humans

Two sachets of boric acid (each 10 g) must be diluted in sweet water (0.5 l). Pour the bait into a flat bowl with wide edges and place near the nest.

poisoned lure

An even more effective way to kill insects is to treat them with melon slices soaked in an insecticide solution.

Wasps love ripe melon pulp, they will definitely bring such a delicacy to their uterus

Inta-Vir, Sherpa, Get are well suited as a poison. They need to be dissolved in a liquid (the proportions are indicated in the instructions), and then slices of melon must be kept in the resulting solution for a day. Then the treat should be left in the immediate vicinity of the nest. The process of destroying its inhabitants will take 2-3 days. An empty nest must be burned.

Be sure to wear protective gloves when handling the insecticide solution.

Photo gallery: insecticides against wasps

As part of the Get anti-wasp agent, chlorpyrifos is enclosed in polymeric microcapsules that are in the aquatic environment, which makes it easier to work with the insecticide Insecticide "Intavir" destroys insects, having a detrimental effect on their nervous system The drug "Sherpa" contains an insecticide of natural origin cypermethrin, which is isolated from the flowers of perennial plants belonging to the Asteraceae family.

Aerosols for the destruction of wasps

The bag for placing a hornet's nest in it must be tight and without holes.

An insecticidal aerosol should be sprayed onto the wasp nest from a distance of 20–30 cm. Then put a plastic bag on the insects' dwelling and tie it tightly. After a day, separate the nest from the base and burn it without removing it from the bag.

If you chose this method of destroying a wasp nest, then be sure to protect your eyes and respiratory tract with an anti-aerosol respirator.

The 3M respirator is used to protect the respiratory system from various types of aerosols in the air

Photo gallery: effective insecticidal sprays

An important advantage of the "Dichlorvos against wasps" is its availability: aerosols are sold in every hardware store at a price of about 100 rubles Means Dr. Klaus contains the poisons cypermethrin and tetramethrin, which penetrate the wasp's chitinous shell and disrupt the conduction of nerve impulses. Mosquitall aerosol from wasp nests acts within a few minutes, as the active ingredients penetrate the body of insects by contact, through the respiratory system

Fire against earth nests

Wasps can equip their home not only on a tree or under the roof of a building, but also in the ground. Such nests can be destroyed with combustible materials. This method is effective, but quite dangerous and is suitable only if there are no wooden buildings and flammable objects in the summer cottage in the immediate vicinity of the wasp dwelling.

Wasps often occupy rodent burrows or look for abandoned anthills suitable for life.

The nest is generously filled with gasoline or kerosene (at least 1 liter) and carefully set on fire. After about half an hour, the fire can be extinguished with sand, clods of earth or fire extinguisher foam.

In no case do not fill burning gasoline or kerosene with water! This can lead to an increase in fire and loss of fire control.

How to prevent the appearance of a hornet's nest in the country

For this you need:

  • regularly ventilate all buildings on the site and spray walls and ceilings with a solution of detergent;
  • prevent the accumulation of rubbish and garbage in outbuildings and attics;
  • seal gaps between boards and in sheathing;
  • constantly inspect places attractive to wasps;
  • tightly close the organic waste bins located in the summer cottage;
  • pick fruits and berries in time, preventing them from rotting.

In the spring of this year, we found a large hornet's nest in our summer cottage. Insects settled in the barn, under the very roof. At first we ignored the appearance of yet another tenants, but at the beginning of the summer this neighborhood became very tense. Firstly, it is impossible to work normally on the site. Wasps fly incessantly, buzz, crawl over plants. Secondly, any food receives their close attention. There is no way to have a quiet breakfast on the open veranda or serenely drink coffee for an afternoon snack. Thirdly, striped parasites without a twinge of conscience eat the first berries that are not intended for them at all. Helped get rid of annoying insects "Dichlorvos against wasps". Once they processed the nest, and then separated it from the wall and burned it in a large tank.

A set of preventive measures will prevent the appearance of a hornet's nest at their summer cottage. But if, nevertheless, unpleasant neighbors settle in your dacha, then you should get rid of them in proven ways and in compliance with safety rules. Otherwise, there is a high risk of multiple injuries caused by angry wasps.

Wasps are insects that sting humans and pets. They often fly to suburban areas, attracted by sweet fruits in the garden, but are also found in the city. The problem becomes especially acute on hot summer days. To solve it, you need to know how to get rid of wasps using folk remedies.

Nest destruction

If a large number of wasps are constantly present on the site, accompanied by their buzzing, then most likely their hive is nearby. Roy constantly flies out of it in search of food, returning home in the evening. Therefore, if you do not get rid of the nest, then the effect of using all methods, except for the destruction of the insects' dwelling, will be hardly noticeable: others will fly in to replace some individuals. Before you start fighting wasps in the country with folk remedies, you need to carefully examine the site.

Deciding to destroy the hornet's nest, you should be aware of the following recommendations:

  • the clothing of a person approaching to process or remove the hive should be made of dense materials.
  • gloves should be put on the hands and the sleeves should be tucked into them, as well as the legs in the shoes.
  • to take care of protecting the neck, you can wrap a winter scarf around it;
  • the head is protected by a helmet with a mosquito net;
  • The best time to destroy a wasp nest is late evening and night.


If you can get close to the nest, then it can be drowned in water. Having estimated the approximate dimensions of the “house”, they select a suitable container: as a rule, a standard bucket of 10 liters is enough. It is filled with water and literally put on the bottom of a hornet's nest.

It is not recommended to use methods that involve working with the hive "at arm's length" when the nest is located far from the ground or floor. The fact is that the wasps, having noticed the threat to the hive, begin to aggressively attack the enemy. When using a ladder, a person can easily fall because of this and get injured.

Wasps build their dwellings in such a way that the entry-exit opening is at the bottom. Therefore, the individuals inside will not be able to leave it when flooded. It is enough to keep the bucket on the nest for several minutes for the insect to die. After this, the hive is removed and destroyed (it is desirable to burn it). The place of attachment is recommended to be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate.

Destruction with boiling water

Boiling water can also help. This method is similar to the previous one, only the wasp "house" is knocked down with a stick or a metal pipe so that it falls into a bucket of hot water. The work requires a certain dexterity and a “dead eye”, otherwise the event may end in failure and painful bites from angry insects.

It is necessary to take into account at what distance the hive is located: if it hangs at a high altitude, then it will be difficult to calculate the trajectory of its flight, and there is a high probability of error. So, it is better to consider other folk methods of dealing with wasps.

With cellophane bags

Removing a wasp hive with plastic bags will also require speed and skill. You will need large-volume packages that are threaded into each other according to the principle of folding nesting dolls.

Garbage bags are ideal - they are strong, dense and have a sufficient size.

The rest is a matter of technique: the bags are put on the hive, like a bucket of water, they quickly intercept the base and tear off the hive. For convenience, you can use a sharp knife. The cut point is treated with potassium permanganate, and the prey is immediately burned along with the packages.

With flammable liquids

Another technology for getting rid of wasp nests in open space is their treatment with gasoline, kerosene, and diesel fuel. Insects do not tolerate the substances that make up their composition. Therefore, it is possible to process the hive by spraying it from a conventional spray gun. When the insects fly out (this can be seen by watching their home), it will be much easier to remove and destroy the nest, because there is no more danger of attack.

Using flammable liquids is not the best idea in wood buildings. For fire safety purposes, it is better to refuse to use them so as not to provoke a fire.

If there are several nests, then to evaluate the effectiveness, it is recommended to try the technique on only one of them. Reviews of summer residents who have tried spraying with combustible materials say that the effect of spraying them is weak. Some attribute this to a decrease in the quality of gasoline and diesel fuel, which can be diluted at points of sale, while others attribute this to the development of wasp resistance to these substances. Therefore, in order not to waste time, effort and material in vain, a preliminary assessment is needed.

Insect repellent

If there are few wasps on the site, then you can scare them away with folk remedies against wasps. The principle of their action is based on the use of strong odors, neutral for humans, but extremely unpleasant for these stinging insects.

What are wasps afraid of? Folk remedies:
  1. Laundry soap, known for its characteristic, slightly pungent smell. A hole is made in a piece or half of it, a string is pulled through it and hung next to a nest. If possible, soap can simply be put down.
  2. Plants, which include strong-smelling essential oils: mint, geranium, basil, bitter wormwood. The latter has a powerful insecticidal effect against most insects. To combat wasps on the site, these plants can be planted on its territory: they have a decorative look, and basil and mint will come in handy in the kitchen. To scare wasps away from the premises, you can hang dried bundles in them.
  3. Pods of red hot pepper have a similar property. They can be placed on a shelf indoors or hung close to their nest.
  4. The smoke of conifers and their needles is used to fumigate the garden. Burning in buildings is dangerous due to the risk of fire. It is also an excellent folk remedy for wasps in nature. If these insects annoy you at a halt, fishing or barbecue, then it is enough to throw firewood, pine branches and Christmas trees into the fire or barbecue.

Folk remedies for repelling wasps are good if there are few individuals. It is problematic to drive them out of the nest when using such means.

Wasp traps

Another folk remedy for wasps is traps. These are special structures made in such a way that an insect, having climbed into them, can no longer fly back. To make it interested in the trap, pieces of fruit are placed inside and sweet liquids are poured that are attractive to wasps.

You can either buy a trap in a store or build it yourself. The simplest example used to reduce the number of individuals in the house is a saucer filled with honey, syrup or jam. The wasp, having decided to feast, will forever get bogged down in a sticky liquid.

To create a more complex and capacious product that is hung on the site, you will need a regular plastic bottle with a volume of 1.5 liters or 5 liters. It is desirable that it be transparent - so more guests will fall into the trap. Preparation method:

  1. Cut off the top of the bottle with a neck about 10 cm high.
  2. Place the bait at the base.
  3. The part with the neck (not closed with a lid) is turned over and inserted into the lower one so that the funnel is on top - this is the entrance way for attracted insects. To make the trap work better, you can lubricate the neck with a sweet composition.
  4. Holes are made in the walls for air circulation: this way the smell will spread more intensively.
  5. For hanging the trap, two holes are made through which a string or wire is passed.

As a bait, you can use syrup, sugar or jam diluted in water, fermented compote and even beer. The quality of work of such structures directly depends on their quantity and placement on the site.


There are preventive measures that indirectly reduce the risk of wasps on the site:

  1. With the onset of spring, it is necessary to inspect the site and all outbuildings, not forgetting to look under the roof. It is recommended to do this at least once every one and a half months. You need to be especially careful in the spring: if the nest did not appear before the onset of summer, then this is unlikely to happen this year. A small hive is easier to destroy than a large one with a large swarm.
  2. To prevent wasps from flying into the house, you need to treat window frames and doorways with a solution of table vinegar.
  3. In the house, buildings and on the site, fruits, especially spoiled ones, should not be freely available.
  4. All cracks and holes in the walls and in the attics of buildings must be repaired in a timely manner so that insects do not fly through them.
  5. In the summer, mosquito nets should be used to protect living quarters.
  6. You can also cover shrubs and fruit trees with gauze or nets during their fruiting period.

Folk remedies from wasps are fundamentally different from each other. The desired effect can be achieved by combining them with each other to hit "on all fronts." It is important not to forget about your own safety. If it is not possible to cope with such methods, then you should think about the advisability of using pesticides or contacting specialists.