Mosquito net fish dryer blueprint. How to make a dryer for fish with your own hands. The internal elements of the drying chamber consist of

Often, anglers get a big catch, which is measured not in pieces, but in kilograms. At the same time, there are difficulties in the preservation of fish.

To prevent spoilage, it can be dried in special dryers. They can be made independently or purchased in specialized stores.

Features of salting and drying fish using a dryer

When harvesting the resulting catch, it is necessary to remember the recommendations that allow you to properly dry and:

  • For a piquancy of taste, it is better to add a few dozen black peppercorns and crushed bay leaves to the salt;
  • For refinement of taste, some salt is mixed with sugar, the ratio should be 3:1;
  • So that the fish does not deteriorate, it is better to gut it before salting or drying;
  • Dried fish is very attractive to flies, in order to prevent their appearance, it is necessary to make special traps for insects.

Where to buy a fish dryer and at what price?

The fish dryer is required device for the fisherman. It can be purchased:

  • in a specialized fishing store;
  • hardware store;
  • in online stores;
  • in sports shops at the fishing department.

The device protects the fish from insects thanks to a special mesh that can be fastened with a sewn-in zipper. The dryer is made of durable materials High Quality.

There are several types of industrial dryers:

  • On stretch marks;
  • on the frame;
  • Rectangular;
  • single tier;
  • Multi-tiered.

The cost of fish dryers is different, it all depends on what material it is made of:

  • 300-600 rubles (the basis of such devices is a dense mosquito net, which is stretched over a frame made of light metals, quite convenient to use, you can easily take it with you on a fishing trip);
  • 700-1500 rubles (the device has several tiers and chains, contains a large number of catch);
  • From 1500 and above (the frame of the dryer is made of durable heavy metals, steel is mainly used, it is not mobile).

When choosing a dryer in a store, you need to weigh all the advantages of each model, and then choose the device for yourself.

What can you make a dryer for fish with your own hands?

In spite of big variety models of dryers for fish, each fisherman needs his own, which will fully satisfy the needs. Not all purchased devices are suitable for use in individual cases. Therefore, quite often, lovers of fishing make dryers on their own.

This takes into account:

  • Place for drying fish;
  • The materials from which the dryer is made;
  • Conditions in rooms where drying is planned.

Considering all the nuances, the angler decides for himself which device suits him. Most often, the dryer is made:

  • From wooden blocks;
  • From plastic panels or boxes.

The production technology of each type is different, includes its own characteristics.

wooden bars

The dryer, which is made of wooden bars, is considered the simplest design.

To make such a device, you need to prepare:

  • self-tapping screws;
  • Bars of wood;
  • Mosquito net.

After preparing all necessary materials, you can start assembling:

  1. It is better to make this type of dryer on legs, so first of all it is necessary to measure the height of the product, as well as the length of the supporting elements.
  2. Slice wooden bars according to the measurements taken, connect them together using self-tapping screws. The frame is ready.
  3. On the sides of the frame, you need to make two small blocks on which a string or clothesline will be placed.
  4. Cover the entire structure, starting from the top, with a mosquito net, attach it to the dryer using a stapler.
  5. To build a cover, for this purpose any available material that fits in size can be used.

Note! When making a device from wooden bars, the main thing is to choose the right tool that will allow you to get a high-quality and durable design.

Plastic panels and boxes

Dryers made of plastic have a rather poor throughput, therefore, in their manufacture, it is necessary to ensure the presence of an extract.

For the construction of the structure should be prepared:

  • plastic corners;
  • Glue base (you can use liquid nails);
  • bolts;
  • Screwdriver and jigsaw;
  • Hood;
  • Mosquito net.

Manufacturing plastic construction is carried out as follows:

  1. Take measurements of the height of the structure.
  2. Cut off required amount plastic slats.
  3. Cut out the necessary parts for the cover and inlet.
  4. Fasten the panel in the corner, connect the rest with each other using adhesive base or liquid nails.
  5. After making the frame, make a cover, attach it with a corner.
  6. Similarly, do all sides of the dryer.
  7. It is necessary that at the top of the dryer along the entire length there is a finishing bar.
  8. Make corners that will be the basis for the rods.
  9. Using a thick wire, make rods that are located on opposite sides.
  10. The first side of the rod must be attached to one side, making a 90-degree bend, the second end of the rod must be freely detached from the structure in order to string fish on it, then inserted into the hole in the corner without any problems.
  11. Make a hole anywhere on the side wall, insert the hood.

The design should only work when the hood is on and the lid is closed on top.

To make the fish tasty and fragrant, you need to listen to some drying tips:

  • If the fish is larger than 30 cm, it must be gutted, put in a cold place mixed with nettles for a couple of hours.
  • Before drying, the fish must be washed under running water. clean water remove all dirt.
  • It is important that the carcasses do not touch each other, and the abdomen is out, so no more than 10 pieces should be placed on one rod or rope.
  • Small fish are dried for 2 weeks, large ones for at least 6 weeks.
  • The most delicious fish is obtained in the spring, as it is cool and fresh outside, it is not recommended to dry the carcasses in the summer, as they will quickly deteriorate.
  • When drying under oppression, it is very important to apply one nuance, how long the fish lay under salt, the same amount of time it needs to be soaked in clean water and then place in the dryer.
  • I caught this pike with a bite activator. I have never caught these before, but now every time I bring trophy specimens from fishing! It's time for you to guarantee your catch!!!

Summer is a fertile time for picking berries, mushrooms, fishing and other enjoyable activities. Often, a successful angler faces the problem of preserving the catch for a long time. Currently, there are several most used methods. Among them we can highlight the drying of fish. With the qualitative performance of this operation, the catch can be saved for a year or more. To ensure the high quality of the process, we suggest you make a fish dryer using a minimum of material and tools.

Before starting work, we consider it necessary to point out some features of such a device. An obligatory element of a modern dryer is the mesh frame of the body. Its task is to prevent the penetration of flies, which tend to lay future offspring on a fresh product. In addition, strong cords are used to secure the fish, which can withstand the weight of the processed catch. Trays located at the bottom of the dryer will ensure the collection of brine released from the fish and moisture that is actively released in the first few days.

Assembling the fish drying box

We begin the manufacturing process of the device with the installation of the case. To make a dryer for fish with your own hands fit various materials. In the design we are describing, the body is made of wooden bars with a section of 30 × 30 millimeters. Wood for parts can be selected as hardwood and conifers. Focusing on the desired dimensions of the fixture, cut the required number of parts in accordance with the presented photo, using a carpentry hacksaw, electric circular saw or electric jigsaw.

After sawing, in order to avoid injury during the operation of the dryer, the bars must be planed to smoothness using a manual or electric planer. We recommend that you assemble the case using self-tapping screws, wrapping them with a screwdriver or a screwdriver. The ease of assembly allows you to quickly assemble the dryer during a multi-day fishing trip to remote areas of our country. At high summer air temperatures, drying can become the only way catch conservation.

Additional strength of the design of the dryer will help to provide additionally installed transverse bars. For achievement maximum quality assemblies recommend corner connections strengthen by installing additional metal parts. Steel corners also attach with self-tapping screws.

For ease of use, adding portions of fresh fish and removing finished products It is convenient to supplement the dryer with an opening door. It is made in the form of a frame with a transverse bar and is additionally reinforced with window corners. For hanging the door, you can use different kind hinges or piano hinges, fixing them to the body and door with small screws.

The next step in the installation of a do-it-yourself fish dryer is the installation of internal cables for hanging fish. This is conveniently done using eye screws, which are a steel ring attached to a threaded rod. You can use any screwdriver to install them. It is enough to insert the tool into the ring, press lightly at the beginning of screwing, and then turn the eye screw along its axis to screw it to the required depth. Tie any strong cord to the fastener rings.

Finishing the installation of the device is to install the bottom in its lower part, made of sheets of plywood or hardboard. Cover the walls of the dryer with a strong nylon net with minimum size cells. To do this, it is good to use the one found in hardware stores. window grid. Remember that its main function is to prevent flies from getting inside. It is convenient to fix the bottom and the net with the help of construction stapler. To avoid tearing the mesh material of the dryer, when attaching it, fold its edges several times or lay a strong plastic tape on top.

For ease of transport, for example when cleaning a room, secure with outside end walls two furniture or door handles, and install plastic or aluminum pallets on the bottom.

Homemade fish dryer from a plastic box

In addition to the described, you can find other options for dryers. Consider the features of some of them.

The first type of device is budget-friendly and simple. It is based on a plastic box for glass containers with installed transverse bars for hanging fish. Insect protection is provided by two removable mesh covers.

Hanging fish dryer

The next type of dryer is practically devoid of a body. It is represented by a large mesh bag, inside of which the same mesh shelves with a steel wire frame are fixed. With this method, the fish does not hang, as with all the others, but is located lying down.

The basis of the next design of the dryer is made of coarse steel construction mesh, additionally covered with fabric gauze. A clear disadvantage of this type is the fragility of the natural mesh, which will require additional costs after it has worn out.

Dryer from a metal profile

The last of the dryer organization options we describe today has the longest service life. This is achieved through the use of aluminum alloy parts as the basis for the design. Ensuring tightness between the body and the cover, the upper edge of the walls is additionally glued with a rubber seal.

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Dryers for fish of various variations, of course, are sold in the store. But to do something with your own hands is a pride for a real man, and even more so for a fisherman. It is possible to dry the catch without a special design, however, all the “old-fashioned” options (on clotheslines, on a balcony, attic) do not exclude the possibility of product contamination.

We make a dryer for fish on our own

First of all, you need to decide what kind of dryer you need, and what materials you have for its manufacture. The “insides” of the dryer are strings, hooks are not difficult to manufacture. They can be quickly built from:

  • wires;
  • clothesline;
  • strong threads twisted in several rows.

It is much more important to properly make the body of the dryer itself, which will prevent flies and wasps from getting inside.

From plastic boxes

For the manufacture of such a dryer, absolutely any plastic box, of any shape and size, will fit. Since this material does not allow air to pass through, this structure will need to be equipped with an exhaust hood. In addition, you will need:

  1. Corners (plastic or duralumin).
  2. Glue or liquid nails.
  3. Fasteners (bolts).

Of the tools enough:

  • jigsaw or clerical knife;
  • screwdriver.

The advantages of this design are that it is very easy both to operate and to assemble. In addition, it is easy to disassemble and wash.

From plastic panels and corners

The construction of such a dryer is similar in some respects to the installation of the model described above. The only difference is that in the first case we take a ready-made box, and in the second case we make it ourselves according to the dimensions we need.

For the design you will need:

  1. Plastic panels.
  2. Guides, corners, finishing strips.
  3. Liquid Nails.
  4. Wire for rods.
  5. Hood.
  6. Mesh for closing the inlet.

From wooden blocks

The simplest and most reliable is a fish dryer made of wood blocks. For its manufacture you will need:

  • bars;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • mosquito net or tulle.

Other options

List all possible options constructs make no sense. But to get you up to speed a little, let's just divide the dryers into categories:

  1. Framed and frameless.
  2. Foldable and one-piece construction.
  3. Mobile and stationary.

Practically any of them can be built with your own hands.

Dryer installation

Let us analyze in more detail the assembly of the dryer from plastic box:

Assembling the dryer plastic panels and corners requires the following actions:

  • we measure the height of our box on the plastic panel and cut off as many planks as we need. It is not difficult to count them: divide the estimated width and height of the box by the dimensions of the panel and round this number;
  • in the same way, cut out the details for the bottom and lid of the box;
  • assembly of plastic panels is very simple: the first panel is fixed in the corner of the required length, all the rest are glued to it in the area of ​​the grooves with liquid nails;
  • as soon as the side is assembled, we fix the top with a finishing bar, and the bottom and the second edge with a corner;
  • in the same way we assemble two more sides of the box, and then - the panels of the bottom of the structure;
  • then we complete the assembly of the last side. Remember that there should be a finishing bar everywhere on top;
  • we also glue the details of the lid together and ennoble the edges with planks;
  • then everything is according to the scheme, as in the installation of the first dryer: hood, rods.

Assembling a dryer from wooden bars involves the following steps:

Any dryer for fish can be made at home. The main thing is the availability of the necessary materials and tools. When choosing a model, be guided by how it will be used: on the balcony, in the garage, under open sky. It depends on this whether the dryer will have any additional structures: legs, suspension mounts, fan, etc.

Dad, how can you not understand, I do not like oily fish I like dry...

The task is clear, the goal is set, the tool is ready - we will make a dryer for drying fish.

I must say right away that I only bought a mosquito net, in the "hostess" store - 55r running meter, took 2.5 meters - it was enough for me.

Everything else was in the country in the garage, in abundance

So, to start, I took:

4 bars of 120 cm each - the legs of the future dryer

6 bars of 60cm - crossbars

8 bars of 40cm each - the crossbars on which I will install the rods on which the fish will be hung.

From all this disgrace, I assembled the frame, this is what happened:

Very crooked but with a soul! It does not affect the meaning of the product in any way - therefore, I did not bother with precision accuracy.

I drilled holes in short crossbars, not through ones. I found rebar in the garage - I cut it with a grinder to the length I needed - and put it in the drilled holes - two rebars per tier.

The corners of the structure were fixed with corners

Corners with reinforcing bars inserted into the crossbars - gave the structure rigidity.

I decided that there would be few inserted fittings - the rest were sawn, I just grabbed them with self-tapping screws. The main thing is that a hand should pass between the armatures - it will be more convenient to hang the product.

We turn it over, wrap it with a mosquito - we grab the mosquito with carnations. The main thing here is that the mesh should be a little bit with a margin, and in one of the corners it went in two layers - otherwise the flies are such that they will seep into any crack

Bottom. I didn’t make the bottom of the mosquito, because the flies manage to place their offspring right on the net covered with smelling slurry (and from freshly hung fish, they will inevitably dig up the brine).

Therefore, I decided to make it from ceiling plastic.

I twisted the two pieces together, adjusted them exactly to size. Here accuracy is important - so that there are no gaps left - flies will not forgive lye

I put it in place, walked around the perimeter with screws.

Then he took the same corner

And fixed the grid along the side faces of the structure

The remnants of the grid on top - turned out.

I made the lid, like the bottom, from ceiling plastic

We cover, press down with bricks - the finished structure:

After assembly, I found a jamb. When you put your hand in the dryer, you can't reach the bottom, so when hanging the fish - if it fell to the bottom - there will be a little problem with catching it - keep this in mind.

Now take a bowl

we open it, and there, after a three-week salting

quickly cut hooks with knitting wire pliers


But, just what I was talking about - crucian fell to the bottom.

you can’t get it with your hand - but there is a skewer - it’s easy for them

We put the dryer with fish in a ventilated, shady place, wait a week, another and delicious dried fish is ready to eat.

I don’t bite or hurt everyone. Thank you son for the challenge.

Dried and dried fish- one of the most popular snacks in our country, and it would be strange to pay money for it if you yourself like to fish, and even boast of abundant and regular catches. The simplest version of a do-it-yourself fish dryer can even be an ordinary clothesline with clothespins on which the prey will be attached. To protect against midges, the catch can be protected with a mosquito net thrown over the top, but with the “production” put on stream, this does not look serious.

Home-made drying for fish of a decent appearance and the same functionality can be done at home by placing a large number of slaves in a small space and providing good ventilation and protection from curious insects at the same time. In a rural area, such a solution is especially relevant, since not only fish, but also mushrooms, and even meat can be dried in a similar way. Two variants of this design can be distinguished. Let's consider each of them in more detail.

Demountable hanging cabinet

In private houses, in most cases, they resort to making a box, covered on all sides with a mosquito net to protect against insects. Depending on the size, such a structure can be hung on a wall or even be multi-tiered and stand on the ground - then up to several dozen fish can dry in it at the same time, but the likelihood of access by ground insects increases. The dimensions of the future box are determined only by you, based on your fishing abilities.

For good air access, the box should not have walls - in fact, we are talking just about a contour frame. For its manufacture, a bar is usually chosen or wooden slats, whose thickness should never be less than 2.5 cm. Moreover, in many cases it makes sense to take a thicker material if the structure has many tiers, or its volume allows you to hang several kilograms of fish at once. In order not to be mistaken with the amount of purchased material, you can draw up a drawing in advance.

Just keep in mind that any box of a relatively large size will not interfere with the presence of additional spacers for strength and stability. When purchasing a bar, it is worth taking it with a small margin - just in case.

For beauty, wood is often sanded and then painted, but it is more reasonable to do the first procedure before assembling the structure, and the second after assembly. The polished slats are cut so as to make two identical rectangles out of them, which will become opposite walls. You can connect them together either with several separate spacers, or with two more equal rectangles. After all this, one more rectangle needs to be made according to the size of one of the walls - it will serve as a door. For the perfect correctness of all angles, most masters advise using special metal corners small size, sold somewhere in the neighborhood with the same lumber.

When the frame is ready, if not painted, then at least varnished, because wood, and even outdoors, will last much longer.

Paint and varnish must be chosen wisely: they must protect the wood from water and salt deposits, but at the same time be environmentally friendly, because toxic fumes will surely soak the fish.

In the upper part of the box, as well as between the spacers of the lower tiers, you need to stretch a twine or wire on which the fish will be hung. The density of the rows and the vertical distance between the rows should be determined based on the size of the catch you can usually show off. Choosing among twine and different types wire, focus on the ability to withstand rain and withstand the expected weight of the catch, it is also reasonable to provide an easy option to replace sagging or torn pieces.

When this stage is also passed, you can start fitting the mosquito net - usually it is simply cut into fragments required size and simply nailed to the rails in a taut state. In this way, all sides of the box are trimmed, except for the one left for the door, and with the planned tight hanging on the wall opposite side can also be left without a grid. The door itself is also upholstered with a mesh, after which it is attached with hinges to the “doorway”. final touch there will be the creation of a “heck” of two or three nails, but here it is worth approaching the task as responsibly as possible so that not the slightest gap remains.

If it suddenly turned out crooked, and there are still cracks, you can paste them on the outside with a sealant.

Many, by the way, do not want to make the door on their own, but specifically adjust the dimensions of the box to the dimensions of the standard counter mosquito net on the window to use it as a door. The very lazy ones may not assemble any frame from a bar at all, simply by connecting several such grids together.

Some craftsmen do not like the fact that when the door is open (at the stage of hanging the fish or extracting part of the prey), insects can get inside, therefore, instead of doors, they sew a zipper into the mesh. This can make the inlet much smaller and easier to control, but this approach tends to degrade the mesh on that side more quickly.

Drying chamber with fan

This design is more intended for the city - at least, it not only can, but should be inside the building, since it requires electricity to operate.

Any box can be used as a frame, only now with integral walls and the possibility of tight closing. You can put it together with your own hands, but the use of large (at least 20 liters) is much more popular. plastic containers from anything.

The ventilation grill is usually built into the box cover located on top, but a small one is installed in one of the narrow side walls. exhaust fan window type, so that by its efforts the air flow passes through the entire box. Availability electric fan allows you to completely level the lack of draft due to the lack of free air circulation in the room, therefore even the dense walls of the plastic box will not interfere with the quick achievement of the result - in most cases, this design dries the fish faster than the classic one with a net and fresh outdoor air. In the upper part of the box, metal rods with a wrench thread are attached, which are fastened on the outer sides with the corresponding nuts - we will hang fish or other products on them.

On this simplest design home drying cabinet could be finished, but some craftsmen offer options to improve the design. So, it's no secret that for normal drying, you need not only constant inflow air, but also heat , which in winter time even indoors is not always achieved. good decision to increase the temperature inside the cabinet, it can be the use of an electric mat - such an item can be bought at a pet store, since it is necessary for the comfort of most pet reptiles. You can go the other way, providing a place inside the box for installing ordinary incandescent bulbs, which also heat up significantly during operation, but they will take up more space and may require numerous holes in the frame.

When installing any equipment for raising the temperature, it must be remembered that water flowing or evaporating from the dried products should not get on the heated surface, and even more so on electrical contacts.

Both design options are quite effective, tested over the years of operation and used by hundreds of thousands of our fellow citizens, as evidenced by positive reviews on various fishing forums. Another thing is that for beginners who decide for the first time to try to dry fish or mushrooms on their own, the first pancake comes out lumpy. Out of ignorance, such people often sin on an unsuccessful design, although the reason for the spoilage of products or their very specific taste lies not in the crooked hands of the master, but in the banal non-compliance with the technology for preparing the catch.

For example, it makes no sense to dry fresh fish - the finished product will turn out to be completely tasteless and few people will like it. Before being sent to the drying cabinet, the fish must be salted for at least 10-12 hours, and not any salt can be used for this - only coarse-grained is suitable, and iodized and "Extra" are considered completely unsuitable for these purposes.

Another common mistake is to thoroughly wash the fish before salting - although this may seem unhygienic, this should not be done. The fact is that the inhabitants of the depths are already an excellent breeding ground. various microorganisms, and the increased presence of water also contributes to this, at the same time slowing down the drying process.