Simple mosquito net. Learn how to make a mosquito net for a plastic window with your own hands. Reasons for installing a mosquito net

The need to protect housing from mosquitoes is present to varying degrees in all regions of Russia. This is especially true in the spring, when the need for heating has already disappeared, and it is still too early to turn on the air conditioners, and the window sashes are in the open position for most of the day.

The most effective and safest mosquito protection for residents is mechanical, that is, equipping window and, if necessary, doorways with devices with mesh sheets that prevent insects from entering the home from the street.

These devices are made various kinds, differing in design, functionality and, accordingly, price.

Meshed window openings

Given the simplicity technical execution budget-class protective devices, consider how to make a mosquito net yourself.

In addition to acting as a barrier to the passage of insects from the street to the dwelling, these protective devices must trap debris and, in part, dust. To effectively cope with these tasks, mechanical mosquito protection, commonly called mosquito nets, must have the following characteristics:

  • the functionality of the mesh canvas - providing a barrier to insects and debris while maintaining sufficient light and breathability, partial dust trapping (especially important for the lower floors);
  • environmental friendliness - no harmful emissions into the environment;
  • sufficient strength and resistance to weather conditions - wind, humidity, high temperature, ultraviolet rays;
  • operational safety;
  • ease of daily care;
  • aesthetics.

In some cases, this list can be supplemented with other properties, such as compactness, increased strength ("anti-cat", anti-penetration), etc.

Manufacturing of the simplest protective devices

One of the two main components of mosquito protection (in case of sash design) is the frame, which determines the geometry, dimensions and rigidity of the structure. The strength and durability of the protective device depends on the quality of the frame profile.

The second, no less important component of mosquito protection is a mesh fine-meshed canvas, from which the selection of materials begins, regardless of who makes the device - the owner of the home or an outside contractor.

Mesh canvas selection

Of the available tools with similar characteristics, one can name a gas cloth, gauze, old tulle curtains, fiberglass mesh (paint reinforcing) or fine-mesh building steel wire.

Fine mesh fiberglass and steel woven mesh

The most environmentally friendly, but the least durable of the listed materials is gauze (a fine-mesh fabric made from cotton threads), which quickly becomes dirty and stretched, has a low degree of transparency, decomposes under the influence of bacteria and is easily torn under random load. Gauze for equipping window openings can only be used as a temporary protection against mosquitoes somewhere in summer kitchen or country house.

Mosquito protection: on the left - from tulle, on the right - from gauze.

The rest of the materials at hand also have individual flaws, but are more suitable for mosquito protection devices. The construction fine-mesh steel mesh (woven) made of thin wire with an anti-corrosion coating has also proven itself well.

Mesh canvases, produced specifically for protection against mosquitoes, are made of fiberglass, polyester (kapron), polyester, nylon and steel thread.

The optimal choice of these materials is fiberglass - a mesh made of lightweight fiberglass coated with polyvinyl chloride (PVC), durable and non-flammable, with a high degree of transparency and resistance to all atmospheric factors.

Mosquito nets: fiberglass on the left, polyester on the right.

In second place in popularity after fiberglass is polyester - a strong, durable, but widely affordable material.

The mesh size of the produced mosquito net is in the range from 0.5 to 1.2 mm, and when choosing a mesh fabric, preference should be given to the material of the middle part of this range - 0.6-1.0 mm. There is also an anti-dust class canvas - a mesh fabric of special weaving with rectangular cells 0.25 mm wide, which trap the smallest particles suspended in the air, and therefore require regular washing.

Installation of frameless protection

Not all anti-mosquito devices without a frame base are structurally simple and easy to manufacture on your own. For example, in living conditions it is difficult to manufacture roller shutter (roll) devices or “pleated nets” of the required level of aesthetics and reliability, therefore protective accessories of such structures are produced in industrial conditions.

But anyone can equip a window block with a mesh on the simplest fasteners, moreover, such a design of a mosquito device is no less effective than any other device.

mosquito net on sticky tape

For such a protective structure, a flexible mesh fabric and fittings for fixing are required - burdock tape fasteners.

Important! In the manufacture of mosquito protection on a Velcro tape, it is better not to use metal mesh- in the working position, such a canvas is not aesthetically pleasing due to the inevitable irregularities in the plane of the canvas, and its prickly edges must be processed after cutting.

Materials for such a device can be purchased as a set by choosing a package with the desired size and color of the canvas, or purchased separately by measuring the window opening with a tape measure.

Frameless mosquito protection: on the left - a set, on the right - retail.

If the sashes of the window block open outward, then the mesh will be located on the inner surface of the binding. And vice versa - with a window opening inward, the protection is fixed from the outside.

The protective polyethylene tape and adhesive residues are removed from the window block. Stepping back from the inner edge of the window block box 5-15 mm outward, a line is drawn along the profile perimeter with a simple pencil using a ruler - the inner border of the mounting burr tape. The surface along the line is degreased to the width of the Velcro.

The burdock tape is produced with self-adhesive, including hot-melt, back surface and without it. Therefore, Velcro is glued around the perimeter of the window unit box, depending on the type of execution - in accordance with the instructions for use.

Important! hard lane self-adhesive tape fastened to the window block, and the soft half - to the grid.

Installation steps for frameless mosquito protection

In ready-made sets, the soft half of the adhesive tape is often already sewn to the mesh canvas around the perimeter, and to install the protection, it is only necessary to install the hard side of the Velcro on the window unit. If there is no regular fastening, then it is done independently - the tape is first glued to the grid, turning the edge of the canvas inward so that the edges do not split, and then stitched with a thread.

Regular finishing of the edge of the mesh canvas with mounting tape

It should be remembered that the frameless mosquito device is convenient to use with its internal location. The installation of such a grid outside is only allowed on the lower floors accessible for maintenance from a portable ladder, or on window blocks divided into several openings uprights from a profile, with several movable doors.

Internal and external arrangement of flexible protection

A do-it-yourself mosquito net can be installed even easier, even without a mounting tape. The perimeter of the opening in the box of the window block is measured along the sealing gum between it and the sash, and with a margin of 10% to this value, a twisted nylon cord with a diameter of 4 mm is purchased. A mesh canvas 5 cm larger than the opening in each direction is also selected and purchased.

The sealing gum is pryed off with a screwdriver with a narrow sting and removed from the mounting groove.

Starting from the middle of the upper side, the edge of the net is placed on the groove, over which the middle of the length of the cord is laid. The rope over the mesh in both directions (to the right and to the left) is pressed to the full depth into the groove, wedging and fixing the canvas in it. The installation of the mesh is carried out in tension so that there is no slack on the canvas. The two ends of the cord should meet in the middle bottom side opening, where they are joined in the groove under a drop of PVA glue.

Installing the mosquito net in the groove for the sealing gum

The excess web in the form of a strip along the cord is cut off with scissors flush with the edge of the groove.

To get a better understanding of the described operation, this video will help:

Production and installation of anti-mosquito frame doors from improvised materials

Self-assembly of a protective mesh sash from a regular profile (plastic or aluminum) does not promise significant savings, since the components will still have to be bought in the store. At the same time, it is likely that the quality of a device assembled by oneself will be lower than that of a professional one.

But making a frame of good quality from cheap fittings intended for other purposes will be of interest to many.

DIY assemble a decent frame mosquito net for plastic window it is possible from plastic channels for cable routing - material of various sizes, color versions and low price.

Samples of execution of plastic cable channels

Important! The walls of the cable channels have a thickness less than that of the standard leaf profile, so you should not attach plunger clamps to them - it is better to use DIY Z-brackets or corner limiters made of sheet steel with a thickness of 0.5-0.8 mm.

Scroll necessary materials and tool:

  • plastic cable channel 15x10 mm or 20x10 mm with a double lock in an amount equal to the perimeter of the light opening plus 10%;
  • 4 connecting elbows for external joining of frame elements;

Cable channel with connecting bracket

  • reinforcing corner plates made of steel, duralumin or durable plastic - to ensure the rigidity of the sash in the corners;
  • mesh canvas with a cell side of 0.6 -1.0 mm;

Reinforcing pads and mesh fabric

  • rivets exhaust action with a diameter of 3-5 mm with a key;
  • drill with a drill for rivets;

Riveter with rivets

  • hacksaw for metal;
  • miter box.

Hacksaw with blade for metal and miter box

Having taken the dimensions from the opening in the window block, they cut blanks from the channels with covers, cutting their joints with a hacksaw at an angle of 45 0 - using a miter box. After removing the covers from the cut elements, they are joined on a flat surface, reinforcing pads are laid inside and holes for rivets are marked. After drilling according to the marks, the linings are attached to the channels with rivets - caps outward.

Cutting the ends of cable channels and arranging them on a plane

To give greater rigidity to the design of the lining, it is better to choose according to the width of the channel base. If this fitting was not found ready for sale, you can make it yourself - cut it with a grinder from sheet steel with a thickness of 0.5-0.8 mm.

Reinforcing pads installed with hats outward - industrial and homemade

The finished frame without top covers is laid on a flat surface and covered with a net. This operation is best performed by three people - two hold the canvas tight, and the third sets it on the frame top covers by pressing on them until the lock profiles click.

The finished mosquito sash is applied to window block at the installation site and with a pencil circle its contour. Z-brackets or angle stops are then made independently from thin sheet steel. The second option is preferable, as it excludes accidental shift of the sash to the side.

Sketch of the location of the corner stops on the box of the window unit

With external installation of a sash from a cable channel, its durability depends on the quality of the polymer. Cheap channels from exposure to ultraviolet and high temperature after 2-3 years they are prone to cracking.


DIY conscientiously manufactured mosquito repellent the mesh for plastic windows in terms of performing the main function - creating a barrier for insects is not inferior to industrial production devices. As for the aesthetics of the device, this criterion depends on the skill of the performer. If to decorative design protection requirements are quite high, it is better to purchase an industrial-made accessory. For country houses however, do-it-yourself devices will be quite appropriate.

The main essence of the article

  1. Mechanical anti-mosquito devices are the safest way for humans to protect housing from insects.
  2. Of these industrially produced protective devices, many devices are technically simple and suitable for self-production.
  3. You can temporarily solve the problem of mosquito protection even without any costs - from used auxiliary materials.
  4. The relevance of using home-made protection against mosquitoes depends on the requirements for the aesthetics of housing, since the effectiveness of such devices is quite high.

An effective means of protection against mosquitoes and other small insects is a mosquito net. You can buy a ready-made design, or you can make it yourself. The use of modern materials makes it possible to make mosquito protection for a window made of mesh material, which will fit snugly against the window frame and have a neat appearance.

Types of protective mesh

Before starting production, you need to decide what type of mesh you need. They differ in various ways:

  • by type of fastening - on hooks, on Velcro, on pins, on Z-shaped brackets;
  • by type of opening: stationary, removable, sliding, roll;
  • by the presence of a frame: on a frame (frame), frameless;
  • at the place of attachment: internal or external.

Below it will be described how to make frameless ones - stationary and removable, as well as a mosquito protection option - a mesh on a cable channel frame.

How to make a budget version of a frameless mesh?

The easiest option frameless mesh handmade - stationary. The canvas is simply glued to the window frame. But since the canvas itself does not hold well, a strip of material with good adhesion must first be sewn along its perimeter. It can be any fabric tape. If you are installing on a wooden window, the canvas can be additionally fixed with buttons. The advantage of this method is maximum simplicity, the disadvantage is that the mesh cannot be opened or removed to be cleaned of contaminants. That is, after a while it will have to be dismantled and the whole procedure to be performed again.

The second option is Velcro mesh. In order to make it yourself, you will need the following materials:

  • anti-mosquito cloth;
  • Velcro tape (velcro, "burdock");
  • construction adhesive.

Part of the tape is attached with construction adhesive to the inner quarter. That is, to that part of the frame to which the window sash adjoins when closing. The second part is sewn along the perimeter of the mosquito net. Before applying the adhesive, the section of the frame on which the adhesive will be applied must be degreased and cleaned of dust. The advantages of this type of frameless mesh are “reusability”, if necessary, it can be slightly opened or completely removed. In terms of cost, it also refers to the budget option.

To attach the Velcro to the frame, it is better to choose a transparent rubber adhesive, such as Tytan, which is then easily removed without residue. This is especially important if the window is plastic - overwriting and repainting like a wooden one will not work here.

Do-it-yourself frame-type construction

To make a frame with your own hands, you will need the following elements.

  • cable channel rectangular section(15×10 mm). The length is determined based on the outer perimeter of the frame, where the frame will be attached.
  • Metal corners (10 mm) - 4 pcs.
  • Blind rivets - 16 pcs.

Of the tools you will need a saw for metal and a drill. First of all, the dimensions are taken - height and width. From the cable channel we cut 4 pieces at an angle of 45 degrees and fold in the form of a rectangle. Having put the corners on top, you need to drill holes in the profile so that they exactly match the holes in the corners. Then, with the help of rivets, the structure is connected - and the frame is ready. Please note that when riveting, the riveter must be located outside the cable channel.

After the frame is ready, you need to fix the canvas in it. It is superimposed over the frame and snaps into place with the cover of the cable channel. To fix it evenly, without sagging, you need to start fastening along one of the long sides. At the same time, you need to make sure that there is no distortion. Then the canvas is fixed on one of following parties frame.

It is better to fix the opposite sides with an assistant, as here you will need to provide a slight tension. At the same time, stretching the canvas, making sure that there is no skew and snapping the bar is inconvenient, so an extra pair of hands will come in handy here. Frame type mosquito net can be attached to the window different ways. The most common is plunger, using Z-brackets.

To avoid snapping the bar, it is better to additionally fix it with glue. To do this, when the design is completely ready, a small amount of glue must be applied to the gap between the cable channel and its cover (bar).

How to choose a canvas?

The main element in any such design is the canvas. It is sold in rolls and by the meter. There are about 30 meters per roll. If you need to make 1-2 designs with your own hands, then it is better to buy by the footage. When comparing prices, please note: they can be indicated both per square and per running meter. In terms of quality, the canvas differs in the following parameters:

  • cell size;
  • web thickness;
  • material;
  • strength.

The last indicator is important for the anti-cat grid. She withstands the "attack" of a pet, she is not afraid of cat's claws and teeth. Most good material for the manufacture of mosquito nets "antikoshka" - polyester with special impregnation.

If there is a cat in the house, then only a frame mosquito net can be installed. When installing, you need to take care of additional fasteners - the canvas to the frame and the frame to the window frame. This is necessary so that the animal does not fly out with the net.

The size of the cell is selected depending on the size of the insects in a particular area and what protection is needed from. The smallest cells have a cross section of 0.25x1 mm. They protect not only from mosquitoes, but also from small particles of sand and dust. A canvas with cells of this size will also become an obstacle to poplar fluff. To protect against raindrops, the cross section should not be larger than 1x1 mm.

The material from which the canvas is made has great importance. It is he who is responsible for color stability and service life. Most reliable option- polymer-coated fiberglass cloth.

Having picked up a high-quality canvas, you can make a good mosquito net of a frame or frameless type with your own hands. It will have an aesthetic appearance, as well as meet all functional tasks. With it, you can ventilate the rooms without fear that uninvited visitors will fly into them: it will protect the house from mosquitoes, midges, and annoying flies.

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How to make mosquito nets with your own hands on plastic windows: 3 simple ways for self-fulfillment

Greetings. Today I will tell you about the manufacture of mosquito nets for plastic windows.

Methods for manufacturing mosquito barriers for modern double-glazed windows are of considerable interest, since factory structures break down after a couple of years of constant operation. Of course, you can order a new mesh, but why resort to the services of professionals if you can cope with the task on your own, using available materials and a simple tool?

In this article, we will consider the technology of assembling an anti-mosquito barrage from a purchased kit. In addition, I will talk about how to make a barrier net from improvised materials.

Mesh types

What types of mosquito nets for plastic windows can be ordered and bought today? It turns out there is plenty to choose from!

According to the design differ the following types grids:

  • Frame - the most common option that comes with most windows as standard;

  • Velcro - an option for lovers of compact and easy-to-use things that, if necessary, can be easily folded for storage or simply washed;

  • Roll modifications are an expensive option, which are equipped with expensive modern double-glazed windows;
  • Sliding modification - is a mesh frame that shifts relative to each other in the guide grooves.

There are many more varieties of grids, but this article is not about that, but about what you can do with your own hands at home.

So, let's get down to reviewing what you can do yourself.

Method 1 - assembling the mesh from the purchased kit

The kit includes the following components:

  • 3 frame profiles 1.5 meters long;
  • Transverse profile impost 75 cm long;
  • 4 connecting corners;
  • 2 brackets for impost installation;
  • 2 handles;
  • Short and long brackets for fastening the finished structure to the window frame.
  • Mesh 1.6 m long and 80 cm wide;
  • Rubber cord 4.6 m long;
  • Self-tapping screws.

To work, you will need the following tools:

  • Mounting knife;
  • Electric drill;
  • Drill for metal with a diameter of 2.5 mm;
  • Hacksaw for metal;
  • Curly screwdriver or screwdriver with a curly bat;
  • Roulette.

The assembly instructions for the anti-mosquito structure are as follows:

  • We measure the light clearance of the frame in height and width;
  • We transfer the dimensions of the light gap to the profile (more details about the calculations can be found in the explanations to the instructions);
  • According to the applied markup, we cut short and long pieces of the profile;
  • In accordance with the measurements, we cut an intermediate profile - an impost;
  • Using the side corners, we assemble a rectangular frame;

We assemble the frame in such a way that the groove for fixing the grid is located around the entire perimeter on one side.

  • AT side ends we install the brackets under the impost so that they are located with notches in one direction;

  • We install the impost in the groove along the perimeter of the frame and align it in the center;
  • We unwind the mesh according to the assembled structure from the side of the groove on the frame;

  • On the one hand, starting from the corner, we press the sealing cord into the groove;

  • Immediately insert the handles into the groove and press with a sealant;
  • Having passed one side of the frame, we stretch the mesh and continue to insert the seal around the entire perimeter;

The seal must be inserted in such a way that the mesh is evenly stretched and does not form wrinkles. If there are folds, we pull the installed cord out of the groove, and then refill it so that the folds disappear.

  • Cut off the excess cord and cut off the excess mesh;
  • We apply brackets to the wrong side of the frame (short at the bottom and long at the top) and mark the holes for fastening with self-tapping screws;
  • According to the markup, we drill the profile to a depth of 3 mm;

  • We attach brackets to the holes and fix them with self-tapping screws;

The distance between the brackets installed from above or below must be equal to the width of the light gap or be 2 mm less. If you make the distance between the brackets greater than the width of the light opening, the brackets will not fit into the frame.

  • We push finished mesh into the frame opening, we hook the upper brackets to the profile, and then we hook the bottom brackets to the profile from below.

If the mesh is firmly in place seat, then the installation can be considered complete, if the assembled structure does not fit into the opening or dangles in it, you need to rearrange the brackets so as to compensate for this defect.

Explanations for the installation work

So you got general idea About, how to make mosquito nets for windows. Now let's take a closer look at how to correctly measure the dimensions so that the frame you made fits well into the frame opening.

It would seem that it could be easier, measured the opening and you're done. In fact, everything is a little more complicated.

In our case, the width of the light gap is 445 mm, and the height is 1250 mm. How to find out correct dimensions for a frame?

Calculations are carried out according to the following formula:

  • Height - minus 20 mm, it turns out 1230 mm
  • Width - minus 40 mm, it turns out 405 mm
  • The length of the impost is equal to the width of the light gap, minus 30 mm, which equals 415 mm.

The above formula is universal for any light gap, you just need to insert the actual dimensions.

Method 2 - we assemble a mosquito barrier from a cable channel

From the materials and tools you will need the following:

  • Cable channel 15×10 mm (length is selected in accordance with the perimeter of the frame opening);
  • Metal corners for assembling the frame and for making handles;
  • Plastic profile with a U-shaped cross section;
  • Mosquito net with a cell side of not more than 2 mm
  • Riveter - a tool for working with rivets and rivets with a head diameter of 7-10 mm
  • Miter box and hacksaw

Installation instructions are as follows:

  • We take measurements of the frame opening, and then add 40 mm to the length, and 20 mm to the width;
  • According to the measurements made, we make marks on the cable channel;

  • Using a miter box and a hacksaw, we saw 2 short and 2 long pieces with ends cut at 45 ° so that a rectangular frame can be assembled from them;
  • We remove the covers from the pieces of the cable channel;

Riveted joint - inside view

  • We connect the pieces of the cable channel with the help of corners and rivets into a rectangular frame;

Riveted joint - front view

  • Laying the frame on the floor open part up;
  • We spread the grid over the frame;
  • We align the mesh so that there are no wrinkles and forcefully snap the covers onto the cable channels;
  • We cut the mesh along the edge;
  • We cut the U-shaped profile into two pieces with a length along the width of the frame made;

  • We fasten the pieces of the profile at the top and bottom of the window, as shown in the figure, so that the frame with the grid enters the installed holders.

Finished construction provided correct assembly no less durable than products assembled from a purchased kit.

Method 3 - installing a mosquito net directly on the frame

So, we have learned how to make a frame fence against mosquitoes. But, despite the fact that the installation in both the first and second cases can be done by hand, the price of the necessary materials will be at least $ 10.

Is it possible to make an insect barrier for the price of a nylon mesh and nothing more? It turns out that there is such an opportunity if there is an unnecessary clothesline on the farm.

We will need the following materials and tools:

  • Polymer mesh, cut to the size of the sash plus 1 cm on each side;
  • Clothesline preferably synthetic with a diameter of 4 mm;
  • Acute segmental;
  • Measuring tool.

The rope or cord must have a diameter of 4 mm, no more and no less. If it is 3 mm, the cord will fall out of the groove, and if it is 5 mm, it simply will not fit into the groove.

Mesh installation instructions are as follows:

  • Open the sash and find the alignment of the edges sealing cord on the frame;

  • Carefully pull the cord out of the groove;

At this stage, the seal can be washed, wiped dry and hidden until the onset of the cold season.

  • We wipe the groove from contamination with a rag folded in half;
  • We cut the mesh so that on each side it protrudes beyond the groove by about 10 mm;

  • Starting from the top of the profile, we press the mesh into the groove with a cord, pressing it evenly;

  • Gradually stretching the mesh so that there are no wrinkles, we press the cord along the entire perimeter of the frame.

The finished result is good because such a mosquito barrier can be removed as unnecessary and the sealant can be installed back, and the folded mesh does not take up much space during storage, unlike a bulky frame structure.

Self-repair of the frame mesh

When carelessly pulling the frame out of the brackets or simply because of long-term all-weather operation, the corners break on the mosquito net. What to do in this case? Of course, do-it-yourself repairs, especially since it is easy to do.

The essence of the breakdown is that the profile from which it is made is aluminum, while the connecting corners are made of plastic, and therefore less durable.

If the plastic corner breaks, it will need to be replaced. You can buy corners in the organization that performed the installation of windows.

The repair instructions are as follows:

  • We turn the grid up with the side where the sealing cord is visible;

  • With a knife, carefully pry off the seal from the corner where the breakdown occurred and pull it along the entire side to the opposite corner;

  • On the entire side, freed from the seal, carefully remove the mesh from the groove;
  • From adjacent profiles we draw out a broken corner, and on the other hand a whole one;

  • We insert new corners into the profile on both sides, so that the groove for the sealant on the corners coincides with the groove on the profile;

Pulling a piece of the old corner from the profile will be very difficult. Therefore, in order not to waste time and effort, push the chip further inside the profile, and then insert a new corner.

  • We stretch the mesh on the groove and insert the seal;

  • We push the seal along the entire groove with a screwdriver or other thin object.

Actually, this repair can be considered completed, and I hope that this instruction was useful to you.


Now that you know how to make and repair mosquito nets yourself, you can protect your home from mosquitoes and other insects.

Remaining questions about assembly instructions? Ask your questions in the comments, I will be happy to answer them. And of course, do not forget to watch the video in this article.

September 27, 2016

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Nowadays, everything is technically improved, and the mosquito net is no exception. Modern mosquito nets are almost invisible, lightweight, durable, transmit light well and block the path of street dust. Their design is quite repeatable at home; do-it-yourself mosquito net can be made without experience and special tools in 2-3 hours. This means at least 2-3 times savings Money(multiply by the number of windows), but you need to know to which window of which type the grid better fit and how to make it so that it immediately falls into place and lasts longer. In what we will try to help readers.

Types of window grids

Manufacturers offer a wide selection of swing mosquito nets (pos. 1 in the figure below), sliding, pos. 2, pleated (accordion folding), pos. 3, and rolled screens, pos. 4. The last two types do not have to be removed for the winter and they practically do not take up space in the room. But they all have 3 features.

Firstly, the technical complexity: hinges, locks, mechanisms are needed, and for installation - resp. production skills and special tools. Secondly, the high cost. A turnkey swing mesh is cheaper than 1600 rubles/sq. m in the Russian Federation could not be found. Sliding pulls more by about 1900 rubles. per sq. m, and mesh-pleated and rolled for 4500 rubles. sq. m is fabulously cheap.

But most importantly, all "mechanical" nets do not adequately protect against mosquitoes. As you know, male mosquitoes do not suck blood, and mosquitoes need it for the maturation of eggs. Sensing warm-blooded ones in the room, the beautiful ladies of the mosquito family lurk nearby and patiently wait for the moment to invade. Mosquitoes need only 2-4 seconds to penetrate; movable grids open for a longer time. Let only one individual fly in, but its annoying itching will not allow you to get enough sleep. Which is not easy in the summer heat and stuffiness.

Note: a simple and inexpensive way to keep mosquitoes out of an openable meshed opening, window or door, see end.

A reliable and inexpensive do-it-yourself mosquito net on a window is made with a fixed frame (pos. 5) or frameless, pos. 6. Frame mosquito net can be external, internal or inserted into the window opening. Frameless grids are possible only internal. The cost of 1 sq. m of the factory frame mesh, without installation, is 700-1000 rubles / sq. m; the same amount will have to be paid for installation on any floor above the first. Factory parts kit for self-manufacturing frame mesh costs 300-500 rubles. without a cloth. A fully finished frameless mesh for 1 window will cost the same amount. An option is possible for 80-100 rubles / window, but a big question, see below.

What to do?

In general, the manufacture of a home-made mosquito net is carried out taking into account the following:

  • Window frame material - plastic, wood.
  • If the window is plastic, then the type of sashes to be opened is hinged, tilted, combined.
  • Type of homeownership - private house, high-rise building.
  • Floors of the building.
  • Window opening frequency.

These conditions are chosen:

  1. mesh cloth material - depending on local conditions and the presence of cats and small rodents in the house or nearby;
  2. mesh design - frame, frameless;
  3. if frame - its location in the opening: internal, external, plug-in;
  4. also for the frame mesh - frame design and materials for it;
  5. mounting method - both frame and frameless mosquito nets can be attached to the window in several ways;
  6. assembling a frame with a panel (if the mesh is frame) or sewing a frameless mesh panel;
  7. installation / installation of the grid on site.

Note: the mosquito net for plastic windows with tilting sashes is made exclusively as an external frame, unless the opening sash for the summer is completely removed.


The maximum allowable mesh size of the mosquito net is 3.7x3.7 mm; already crawl through the big mosquitoes. The minimum is limited by the conditions of air and light transmission. Nets with a mesh size of less than 2x2 mm are suitable as temporary or in conditions of good ventilation, e.g. on the balcony; see also below. Mosquito net in middle lane RF is usually taken with a mesh of 3x3 mm; in taiga places where small midges pester, with a mesh of 2x2 and even 1.5x1.5 mm. Grids with a mesh of 1x1 mm are used in very dusty places.

Mosquito nets made of fiberglass (fiberglass) coated with PVC (pos. 1 in the figure) are still in use due to their strength, but otherwise they are bad: light and air transmission is not important, because threads are thick. PVC under the influence of ultraviolet radiation and dust soon collapses, the mesh becomes a dust collector and itself begins to dust with the smallest glass needles. Practically in the southern regions of the Russian Federation, fiberglass panels need to be changed every season.

Modern mosquito nets are woven from polyester (polyester) fibers. A grid with a rectangular mesh (pos. 2) is cheaper, stronger and better reflects (does not accumulate in itself) street dust, but it does not let light and air through. In places where small bloodsuckers (midges, cobwebs) are common, and the Sun does not indulge in bright radiance even in summer, it is better to make a grid on the window from a material with 6-coal cells, pos. 3. A cloth with 6-angled meshes 1.5 mm in diameter gives the same resistance to light and air flows as a wicker cloth with rectangular meshes 2.7x2.7 mm.

The mesh size and type of weaving is not always known to sellers, especially on the Internet. Most often they offer a grid with rectangular cells of the Standard, Antidust and Antikoshka brands, pos. 4:

  • Standard - mesh 3x3 mm, material of normal strength.
  • Anti-dust - mesh 1x1 or 1.5x1.5 mm, material of increased wear resistance and strength. The weaving of the canvas is smooth: dust settles little on the mesh, but is mainly reflected back by small air turbulences. Designed for southern treeless areas with high insolation and dust content in the air. It can replace the "anti-nasal" mesh with a 6-coal fine mesh in the taiga and tundra, but the light transmission for high latitudes is at best satisfactory.
  • Antikoshka - a mesh of 2.5x3.5 mm or so, a material of increased strength. Light and air transmission is satisfactory for middle latitudes and to the south. Doesn't save from nastiness; the cell cannot be reduced, because otherwise the cat will break its claws.

About anticats

Plastic mosquito net - anti-cat withstands the antics of medium-sized and violent cats and small rodents; those, by the way, climb vertically no worse than their pursuers. It is advisable to place a plastic anti-cat on the first floors, but if you have a domestic cat, then you need to put a steel one with a rare mesh on top of the mosquito net from the inside, see Fig .; the same is done outside if there are many stray cats in the area.

Firstly, indoor cats are on average larger and stronger than street cats, and their claws are sharper, because wear out less. Secondly, the rule rather than the exception: a well-behaved domestic cat, having received a mosquito net at its disposal, throws its scratching post and begins to tear protection from mosquitoes for how much in vain. Often at the same time tearing off the claws.

What colour?

The clarity and contrast of the picture outside the window when viewed through a white mesh, even with a very rare large mesh, drop noticeably, but from the outside you can see through it well. The point here is the so-called. diffraction distortion of the light flux. Therefore, it is better to take a mosquito net in black, dark gray or dark brown. When viewed obliquely, the moiré pattern will be more noticeable on it, but the outward visibility will generally improve, and from the outside to the inside it will worsen even more.

Framed or not?

Well-designed frameless mosquito nets are either weakly held in place or do not allow for frequent removal, so their use is limited (see below for more details). There is another option "superbudgetary", up to 100 rubles. on the window, frameless mesh: the regular seals of the plastic window are removed, the panel is inserted into their grooves and fixed with a linen cord; see e.g. video:

Video: an example of making a frameless mosquito net

But, if PVC windows with a rubber seal are inexpensive, then, firstly, it turns out that it is impossible to pull out a seal that has stuck for 2-3 years without tearing it. Secondly, if the windows are new and the sealant is nevertheless removed, then after the same 2-3 seasons it stops sealing, it starts to blow and flow through the window. Window repair costs a lot. more expensive than materials for frame mesh, up to the need to replace the window frame. Therefore, next we will deal mainly with frame mosquito nets, and we will return to frameless ones when it comes to where they are appropriate.


When choosing a method of fastening and installing a frame mesh, please note: if the mesh is external, and the window is under warranty, then the latter “burns out”, unless the mesh is ordered on a turnkey basis from the window manufacturer. The reason is that fasteners will have to spoil the frame. It is possible to attach the frame mesh to the plastic window in 3 ways (see the figure on the right); to wooden - by them with some features, see below.

Fastening with plungers (spring-loaded rods with heads, on the left in the figure) is the easiest: the heads are retracted, the mesh is put in place, the heads are released, and the heels of the rods jam the mesh in the opening. On the rods, the mesh can be placed both from the inside and outside, however, fastening mosquito nets with plungers is not very common. reasons:

  • The mesh is weakly held - a strong wind squeezes it inward or, externally, generally blows it away.
  • Large concentrated loads fall on the heels of the plungers; the mesh is ruffled by the wind, and the heels of the rods are eaten away in the frame from any material of the hole, which is why the guarantee for the window disappears.
  • The holes for the rods weaken the frame, and from the same alternating wind loads, it breaks faster than a solid one.
  • Mosquito net plows are not cheap, and their installation requires special tools.

Frames of outdoor mosquito nets are usually attached to window frames with Z-profiles, in the center. Then the nets themselves turn out to be as compact as possible and take up a minimum of space during winter storage. But, firstly, fixing a mosquito net with Z-profiles on the upper floors with your own hands is simply life-threatening: you have to lean out halfway out the window to mark and install the fasteners. Secondly, drilling of the window frame is required, which will void the warranty on the window or, if it is made of wood, cause pockets of rot.

Fastening the mosquito net with staples, on the right in the figure, is similar to fastening with Z-profiles, but the staples are placed on the mesh frame, which can also be internal or external. The thickness of the mesh package with staples during winter storage swells by half or more; grids in storage must be shifted with cardboard so that they do not tear the panels to each other with staples, but the window frame is not damaged. Framed mosquito net with staples is the most preferred option for making your own hands, especially if the window is wooden and / or the frame of the net is made from improvised materials, see below.


Preparation for the manufacture or purchase of a frame mosquito net begins with measurements. If the window is wooden, then measure the width and height of the light opening in several places; take for actual smallest value. Suddenly you order a grid in a wooden window for self-installation, you need to find out exactly from the manufacturer what is there, where and how to measure, because. wooden window designs are varied.

For a mosquito net on Z-profiles into a plastic window, you also need to measure its light opening in 3-4 places in height and width (on the left in the figure) to make sure it didn’t lead? Then you need to measure the same width and height of the opening between the inner edges of the seals (in the center); if the opening led by more than 2 mm - in the very bottleneck. Finally, the masters will be grateful to you, and the grid will immediately fall exactly into place if you measure the width of the slopes O and the height of their sills P, on the right in Fig.

Measurements for braces

Left to track. rice. the names of the parts of the mounting bracket for the mosquito net are given; this will be of use to us in the future. And on the right it is shown how to calculate the dimensions of the profile from the measurements of the window frame and adjust the dimensions of the grid frame; the width of the bracket is taken from 12 mm. The light opening of the window is slightly reduced, but use U-brackets to make the mesh frame flush with the window frame on the inside, it is not necessary: ​​the fastener heads will spoil the window frame. The paws of the upper brackets are made longer than the lower ones (see below); the height of the bracket shelf should be equal to the height of the slope threshold with sealant.

How to put ready

Let's say you decide to save only on the installation of the grid. Self installation mosquito netting on a plastic window is possible in several ways. The most reliable - outside in the corners, pos. 1a next. rice: no wind will blow the mesh. However, mosquito nets can only be fixed in this way in private homes or if the supplier of new windows offers nets as a gift. The fact is that marking the holes for the mounting brackets with your own hands in this case possible only locally, because not to stray is necessary in 2 directions at once.

If the windows are not yet in the walls, then grids are placed on their frames, drilling is marked for fasteners, corners are placed, and only then windows are mounted in wall openings. It is impossible to do this on the already mounted windows of the upper floors without experience of working at height and climbing equipment, and from the first floors the grids can simply be stolen.

Note: factory mosquito nets for outdoor installation from thieves are often supplied with internal rotary latches. But, first, the tongue of the latch spoils the frame over time (do not forget, the wind ruffles the mesh). Secondly, the tongue of a simple latch is simply removed from the outside with a thin nail or wire inserted through the mesh, and latches with locks are expensive.

Fastening with Z-profiles is described above and is shown in pos. 1b fig. Outside, on the upper floors, it can be done, albeit at the risk of life, or with reliable insurance with a fitter's belt with a halyard. But a strong side wind can move the net, immediately turn it inside out and break it. Still, fastening with brackets is more reliable, pos. 2. The frame mosquito net on brackets, external and plug-in, differ not only in the size of the net frame, but also in the height of the mounting brackets. In the designations of typical profiles, it is given, in mm, by the last 2 digits; for typical plastic windows - acc. 13 and 7 mm. Therefore, before ordering the grid, you need to measure the height of the window slope threshold - all of a sudden it is not typical. Then you need to inform the masters to select the desired profile, otherwise the mesh will either hang out or not fall into place at all.

Note: the upper fastener of the frame mosquito net is placed 1.5 cm deeper than the lower one, pos. 3 in fig. Why - it is clear from pos. 4, which shows the process of installing the mesh into the mounts.

Homemade frames

Like real

The composition of the set of parts for self-assembly of the mosquito net is shown on the left in fig. Under an atypical window, the nearest larger standard size is taken and the racks with crossbars are cut to size. For installation on Z-profiles, the dimensions of the frame on the inside must be equal to the dimensions of the light opening; about installation of a grid on brackets see above. The width of the profiles, as a rule, is from 60 mm, so that it is enough for mounting on brackets. Additional cross beam- impost - and fastenings for it, are ordered optionally if the height of the grid is more than 1.3-1.5 m. In swing and sliding grids, imposts are placed every 60-80 cm in height.

The material of profiles and fasteners is of some importance. Steel corners (in the center in the figure) are a little cheaper, but rust over time - the PVC coating wears out. In addition, the metal rubs the plastic of the racks and cross members, causing the frame to become loose. The plastic corner connectors of the mosquito net frame (on the left in the picture) are good in every way. As for the actual frame profiles, they are made of PVC (cheaper) or propylene (more expensive). PVC is less durable and becomes brittle after 3-4 seasons from ultraviolet radiation. Propylene frames of mosquito nets serve for 10 years or more, you only need to change the canvas in a timely manner as needed.

The frame on steel corners is fastened with through bolts. frame on plastic corners fastened with either self-tapping screws or regular latches; You can also reinforce it with hardware to serve longer. For laying the mesh panel in the frame, see below.

From something

Plastic profiles for frames of mosquito nets are also sold in long lengths of 3 and 6 m. If the nets need to be put on several windows, then their purchase and connection into frames with improvised means is the best option in terms of reliability and minimum costs. In this case, you need to purchase a special elastic cord for laying the mesh in the grooves, pos. 7 in fig. The surface of the mesh cord is ribbed; when rolling it into the groove with a roller, the ribs grab the threads of the mesh longitudinal in this direction, ensuring its more uniform tension.

The frame of the mosquito net is completely “out of anything” and is obtained from boxes - plastic cable channels 10-60 mm wide. For the frame of the outer mesh in Z-profiles, you need to take boxes approximately square section(marked with red arrows in pos. 1), so the frame will be stronger and stiffer. For frames for landing on brackets, boxes are better suited, oblong in cross section (blue arrows).

The frame is assembled on ordinary flat steel corners, pos. 2 and 3. The frame of cable channels is bolted by removing the covers of the boxes. For a frame made of special profiles, you need to take corners with a thickness of 1.5 mm and fasten with metal screws - there is no cover, you can’t put a nut with a spring washer on a bolt. Impost, if necessary, is made from a piece of cable channel, gluing its cover with strong glue (Mount Moment, Titanium) and clogging the ends with wooden plugs. An impost is fixed to the frame with through wood screws.

Linen laying

The finished frame is laid horizontally with the groove or open gutter of the box up. A mesh cloth with an allowance of 3 cm (preferably 10-15 cm) is applied, straightened. If the allowance is large, the canvas will lie more evenly when the wings of the allowance, straightened, are pressed along the contour with small weights. Further, if the frame is made of a special profile, a cord is laid on the canvas above the groove and rolled with a roller until it is completely pressed. Excess mesh is cut with a knife, leaving approx. 1 cm above the groove.

If the frame is made of cable channels, then the covers of the narrow sides are first placed on the superimposed and straightened mesh. You need to press them until they snap into place immediately along the entire length, preferably in 4 hands. Then long lids are also applied and pressed down. If you act carefully and consistently, the mesh will be stretched as evenly as the branded one.


You can't put an outdoor mosquito net in place without handles. Their cheapest option is soft and thin plastic, on the left in pos. 4. These are placed in place before the mesh is applied and pressed into the grooves of the profiles along with it with a cord. Cheap, simple, but thin handles often break, and when replacing the cloth, you also have to change the cord - it flattens over the handle, and this section of it will not hold a new mesh. In addition, soft handles cannot be placed on a cable duct frame. Therefore, it is better to put stronger handles on the frame of the mosquito net, attached with self-tapping screws, to the right in pos. 4.

Note: do not put one furniture handle on the impost for the sake of penny savings - the frame will soon break.


Plastic brackets-holders of the outer mosquito net (pos. 6a and 6b) do not damage the window frame, but are rather fragile and strong wind often break; the mesh dangles in them. Steel spring clips (item 5) hold the mesh to the window more securely and tightly, but can scratch the window frame, even if covered with plastic: thin soft PVC wears out quickly. The best way make the spring clip for fastening the mosquito net completely reliable and safe - pull a piece of heat-shrinkable tube (HERE) onto it and warm it up household hair dryer at maximum or carefully turning over the gas flame. The bracket is tightly covered with a layer of durable elastic plastic with a thickness of approx. 1 mm. To install a mosquito net on brackets in a wooden window, this is the best option.

no frame

Frameless mosquito nets are fixed in place with either Velcro tape - burdock Velcro - or soft magnetic strips, the same as those inserted into refrigerator door seals. Each of these fastening systems has its own advantages and disadvantages and its own scope.


Velcro holds the mesh very tightly, but it is not so easy to peel it off. A half of Velcro tape with hooks is glued to the window frame from the inside. If the window is plastic, then the hooked half of the Velcro is glued along the slope inner contour from the seal. The fleecy half of the Velcro is sewn along the contour of the mesh panel. For winter storage, the cloth is rolled up; if a hooked half of Velcro were sewn to it, then the roll would seize tightly and in the spring it would be impossible to unfold it without damaging it.

In the use of Velcro mosquito nets, there are still unpleasant circumstances: they sit too tightly in place. Try to peel off the tongue of the Velcro shoe, where it is only 1-4 square meters. see. And if the adhesion area is somewhere 100 times larger? It is necessary to glue the "burdock" side to the window frame with a very strong glue, the remnants of which cannot be removed without damaging the window frame. And this does not guarantee that on the 2nd - 3rd mesh removal, the pasted half of the Velcro will not stretch along with it. Therefore, a mosquito net with Velcro is most often placed on balcony windows, in which the grid stands for the entire season. The thin mesh does not interfere with closing the window sash.

Note: not so long ago, a modification of burdock Velcro appeared on sale - burdock buttons. To install a frameless mosquito net on a balcony window, this is perhaps the most the best way, see next. video:

Video: installing a frameless mosquito net on burdock buttons


Tape magnetic holders are produced single-pole, for fastening to steel, and bipolar, for fastening to a non-magnetic base. Mosquito nets are made on a single-pole magnetic tape, for example, in car windows; at a picnic or in the country, it is better to leave them open so that the car does not turn into an oven. The magnetic tape is sheathed with a drawstring (a long narrow sleeve) made of thin, durable and non-rotting fabric: thin raincoat fabric, nylon calender, and sewn along the contour of the cloth, which remains only to be applied in place. The mesh is held on magnets rather weakly, but in a small opening it is quite reliable, and does not damage the base at all.

Bipolar magnetic holders adhere more strongly and are therefore suitable for windows and doors. For ready-made kits (which are more expensive), the polarity of the tapes is marked, and one of them is already pasted on Velcro tape. It is glued to a fat-free base, and the conjugated magnet is sewn in a sleeve along the edge of the panel, see above. Bipolar magnetic Velcro can be made from a pair of unipolar and double-sided adhesive tape. The polarity of the tapes must be marked so that when the panel is installed, they stick together and do not bounce off each other. If the error came out with the polarity, then, in general, it's okay: we turn the panel over, and it holds, only weaker. A mosquito net on magnetic holders is perhaps the best option for going to a country house or temporary residence, say, at a recreation center.

And at the door

Magnetic strip holders allow you to make the mosquito net on the balcony door impervious to mosquitoes, but easily passable for people. To do this, a pair of panels (see the figure on the right) at the top and on the sides are attached to the door frame with Velcro, and at the bottom and the seam is fastened with a bipolar magnetic tape. There is one trick here: along the seam, the magnet should be fastened in segments of 10-15 cm after 20-25 cm, pos. 2 in fig. The edges of the seam should overlap with the width of the magnetic tape. Then a person will simply pass through such a curtain, even if he carries something with both hands, but behind him it will collapse tightly faster than the most nimble mosquito has time to fly in.

Mosquito (more precisely, anti-mosquito) net on the window in the summer is an absolutely irreplaceable thing. Strong and light, almost imperceptible, such a mesh blocks the path of street dust, insects and poplar fluff, but it perfectly transmits natural light and air. It is not always possible to order it. But you can create this accessory with your own hands at home, and also decently saving. This will only take 2-3 hours (if we are talking about one window), even if you have never had to do anything like this before. You just need to know some nuances, how and from what it is better to make such a grid, which window is suitable for, etc. Let's try to figure it all out.

  • swing;
  • sliding;
  • pleated (gathering "accordion");
  • and rolled grids.

Pleated nets and roller blinds are the most compact and do not require removal for the winter.

Any of the above designs in industrial design is quite expensive, besides it is technically complicated. Loops are needed, special constipation and mechanisms will be required. You won’t even be able to mount them yourself; this requires skills, experience and a special tool.

It is easier and cheaper to make a mosquito net yourself. But it will be a fixed frame or frameless option, which, of course, will not open / close, but it is guaranteed not to let a single mosquito into the room, delay the penetration of fluff, dust and dirt.

The frame mesh can be external or internal, as well as plug-in. In a frameless version, such a design can only be internal.

What mesh to choose for making your own hands?

When choosing which mosquito net to make for your window, you should focus on the following points:

  • the material from which the window itself is made (is it wood or plastic);
  • type of wings, if the design is plastic (they are hinged, tilted or combined);
  • type of housing (private is a house or apartment in a high-rise building);
  • the number of storeys of the building, if we are talking about an apartment;
  • window opening mode (frequency);
  • the presence of pets.

Based on the given conditions, the following are already selected:

  • cloth material;
  • mesh design (it will be frame or frameless);
  • frame design and material for it (if this option is selected);
  • fastening method.

Important: On plastic windows with tilting sashes, only the outer frame mesh can be installed. Unless, of course, for the summer, the sashes from such windows are not removed at all.


The main thing for a mosquito net own production is to choose the right cloth. Maximum possible size its cells are 3.7 x 3.7 mm. If the cells are larger, insects (in particular, mosquitoes) will easily overcome this barrier. As for minimum dimensions, then they can be limited only by the conditions of air and light permeability for residential premises. On the balcony, for example, subject to the ventilation mode, grids with a mesh of 2 x 2 mm will work perfectly.

Where you have to escape exclusively from mosquitoes (say, in central Russia), a mosquito net with a mesh size of 3 x 3 mm will reliable protection. And in Siberia, where in the cities and villages people are pestered by midges, smaller barriers will be required - mosquitoes 2 x 2 mm and smaller. If we talk about specifically anti-dust "defense" of the home, then only a grid with a cell of 1 x 1 mm can help here.

Note!Some "in the old fashioned way" choose to create a mosquito net on a window with fiberglass (otherwise called fiberglass) with a PVC coating, but this is not the most The best decision because the material, although durable, exhibits very low light and breathability. In addition, its thick threads are destroyed quite quickly under the influence of ultraviolet light, coupled with dust. As a result, the mosquito net turns into a dust collector, which itself “dusts” with the smallest fiberglass needles. In fact, such a grid is subject to seasonal replacement, which is completely unprofitable.

It is better to choose a more modern, reliable and environmentally friendly polyester fiber to create a mosquito with your own hands. It comes with a cell various shapes and sizes - you can choose the right one for each specific case. So, for example, a material with rectangular cells is durable and cheap, perfectly repels street dust without accumulating it. Air and light, however, such a mesh does not transmit very well, so manufacturers offer a similar material, but with a hexagonal mesh (1.5 mm in diameter), which also resists air and light flows, like a braided fiber with a mesh size of 2.7 x 2.7 mm. That is, with this option, the house will have much more light and air, with high-quality protection of the room from dust and insects.

And yet, for self-manufacturing of mosquito nets for windows, consumers most often purchase polyester fiber with rectangular cells, choosing from the following options:

What color to choose for mosquito netting?

This is not only a matter of taste, but also of visual comfort. Diffraction distortions of the light flux should be taken into account. So, if a mosquito net is installed on the window white color, the picture outside the window blurs, loses clarity and contrast. But from the street, through such a grid, everything that happens indoors is perfectly visible.

That is why for the independent manufacture of mosquitoes, experts recommend choosing a cellular fabric dark shades: black, gray, brown. Then the visibility from the inside will improve significantly, and from the outside it will worsen.

Framed or not?

Do-it-yourself frameless anti-mosquito canvases do not hold very well on windows. They are also limited in use due to the impossibility of their frequent removal.

The most budgetary version of such a mesh (it will cost about 100 rubles) is when a tailored panel is put in place of a standard window seal (which is previously removed), where it is fixed with a regular linen cord. True, in this case, one may encounter a situation of “sticking” over time of the sealant to the grooves in PVC windows. But even if window structures new ones, after a season or two, there is a chance of encountering the problem of non-sealing windows, which means leaks and blowing. And then the repair will cost an amount that is many times more than what was saved on the mosquito net, undertaking to create it with your own frameless hands. That is why it is better to make a frame mosquito for residential premises.


It is not enough just to take measurements and cut the mesh, you need to think about its installation and fastening. So, for example, a frame mosquito can be attached to a plastic window in 3 ways:

  1. Using plungers - spring-loaded rods with heads. To do this is simple: you must first remove the heads, then position the grid as needed, and then lower the heads. At the same time, the heels of the rods of the mosquito in the openings, as it were, “wedged”.
    On plungers, a mosquito net can be fixed from the inside and outside, but such a mount has a number of disadvantages. It:
    • weakly holds a mosquito (the wind can push it in or take it out);
    • does not hold a natural load (the wind constantly and noticeably shakes the mesh, and because of this, the stock heels in any frame “drill holes”);
    • weakens the frame with holes for the rods;
    • is expensive due to the price of the plungers and the need to use a special tool.
  2. Z-profiles. Grids with such fasteners come out compact (and take up minimal space during winter storage). However self-assembly manufactured frame mosquito net on such a profile on the upper floors high-rise buildings extremely dangerous, since a person must lean out of the window almost halfway and at the same time try to install / fix something else. In addition, it will be necessary to drill the frame, which means that there is a high probability of losing the guarantee for a plastic window and making a center of negative biological activity in a wooden window with your own hands.
  3. On brackets. This fastening is similar to the Z-profile, but the thickness of the mesh package on the staples during winter storage is very large. In addition, the grids will have to be shifted with cardboard so that they do not tear each other's panels with staples. But remains intact window frame. So frame mesh on brackets - the best option for making protection against dust and insects on windows with your own hands. But only on wooden window structures and if the mesh frame is assembled from improvised materials.
  4. measurements

    Independent production of a mosquito begins, of course, with the necessary measurements.

    Under Z-profile

    If the window is wooden, measure the width and height of the light opening. They do this in several places, and the smallest indicator becomes relevant.

    If we are talking about a PVC structure, then for a mosquito net on Z-profiles, the width and height are also measured, but already in the center (and if the opening led more than 2 mm, then in the narrowest part of the light opening) between the inner edges of the seals .

    Under staples

    To make a mosquito for installation on brackets, you should make almost the same measurements as indicated above. But you will have to adjust the dimensions of the frame, taking into account the width of the brackets used (from 12 mm). Because of this, the light opening will slightly narrow, but for the sake of expanding it, you should not use U-shaped brackets, which allow you to make the frame flush on the inside of the window frame. The latter will be corrupted in this case.

    Important: The height of the bracket shelf should be equal to the height of the threshold window slope with seal. And the paws of the upper brackets should be longer than the lower ones.

    Homemade frames

    To assemble such a mosquito net, you will need the following set of parts:

  • 2 drains;
  • 2 crossbars;
  • impost (additional transverse beam);
  • impost connector;
  • metal or plastic corners, 4 sets;
  • detailed fasteners in the required quantity;
  • cord.

Imposts and fasteners for them are ordered optionally - one such element is placed every 60-80 cm of the frame in height.

What matters is the material from which the fasteners and profiles are made. For example, steel corners cheap, but subject to corrosion over time. Doesn't save them PVC coating which will wear out soon. It is better to put plastic - they are good in all respects.

As for the frame profiles, they can be made of PVC or propylene.. The former are cheaper and not as durable, the latter are more expensive, but they serve up to 10 years if the anti-mosquito inserts are changed in a timely manner.

Frames on steel corners are mounted on through bolts, and on plastic ones - on self-tapping screws or standard latches. Additionally, you can fix them with the help of hardware.

Plastic profiles for frames can also be bought in long lengths - 3 or 6 m each. If you need to put frame mosquitoes on several windows at once, this is the best option. A special elastic ribbed cord is also sold by the meter, which allows you to put the mesh panel in the grooves in the most reliable way, with even pressure.

An excellent frame for a mosquito net is obtained from cable plastic channels (boxes) with a width of 10 to 60 mm. The cross section of such boxes for outdoor mosquitoes in Z-profiles should be square, then the frame will turn out to be strong and rigid. If the frame is supposed to be mounted on brackets, channels with an oblong cross section will do. These frames are assembled on steel corners, and fastened to the bolts by removing the covers of the boxes.

The impost, if required, is made from the same cable channel (cut off the required length), clogging its cover with more powerful glue (say, Construction Moment or Titanium), and caulking the ends with corks made of wood. In the frame, such an impost is planted on through wood screws.

Linen laying

The finished frame is placed horizontally, with the open groove upwards. The selected cellular fabric is cut out with an allowance (from 3 cm, but it is better if 10-15 cm). Then the finished panel is placed on top of the frame. It straightens and presses down with weights along the contour.

If the frame is made of a special profile, a cord is placed over the groove along the canvas and rolled with a roller until it is completely pressed into the groove. Excess mesh is cut off, leaving about 1 cm (above the groove).

If the frame was created from cable channels, then the covers of the narrow sides are first placed on the grid spread over the frame. Then they are gently pressed down along the entire length until they snap into place. In the same way, long lids are superimposed and crushed.

Handles and staples

The outdoor mosquito can not be put in place without handles. You can use soft and thin, made of cheap plastic. They are placed on the frame even before the mesh and are pressed into the profile grooves along with the cord. The disadvantage of such handles is that they often tear, besides, the sections of the cord above them are flattened. And you can’t put such handles on a frame made of cable channels - you have to look for something stronger and fix it on self-tapping screws.

Also, for an external home-made mesh, brackets-holders will be required. Plastic ones do not damage the frame, but are fragile and can break at any time. Steel spring clips are more reliable, but, pressing the mesh tightly against the window, they can scratch the frame. The best option- a spring clip with a piece of heat-shrinkable tube stretched over it. You can fix such a tube on the spring by heating it with a hairdryer or over gas burner(very careful).

no frame

There are situations when it is possible to install only a frameless mosquito net of your own manufacture on the window. In place, such grids are attached using:

  • "burdock" adhesive tape (velcro);
  • or special magnetic strips.

Each of these fastening systems has its own advantages / disadvantages, as well as the scope.


Velcro tape holds mosquitoes very well.
One half of it (the one with hooks) is attached to a wooden frame, and the second (fleshy) is sewn onto a cellular fabric along the entire edge. On a plastic window, such a tape is placed along the contour of the slope (internal, as viewed from the seal). On the winter storage mosquito nets are removed rolled up, and if you sew a hooked half of Velcro to the cloth, in the spring such a roll will not unfold - the hooks will grab tightly together. Therefore, it is necessary to act strictly as recommended.

There are many disadvantages to using adhesive tape. And the most significant of them, no matter how strange it may look, is the reliability of fastening. The hooked part of the tape is glued to the frame with super-strong glue, so it is almost impossible to remove it without damaging the frame. Often, this half of the Velcro tape pulls when removing the second - fleecy, tearing it off the mosquito cloth. That is why Velcro mesh is most often placed on balcony frames, where it safely serves the whole season without removal.


A homemade frameless mosquito is well placed on magnetic holders:

  • single-pole for fastening steel;
  • and bipolar for attachment to a non-magnetic base.

Grids on single-pole magnets are installed on car windows. In such cases, the magnetic tape is hidden in a drawstring made of dense thin fabric and sewn along the edge of the cellular anti-mosquito cloth, cut to the desired size and shape. Finished structures are simply applied to the windows, where they fit quite tightly along the contour, absolutely without damaging the bases.

Bipolar holders stick together very tightly, so they are great for installing mosquito nets on windows and doors in rooms. Such magnets can be bought in kits ready for installation, where the polarity of the tapes is pre-marked, and one of them is already sitting on Velcro. It is she who is attached to the fat-free base, and the second is hidden in a fabric sleeve and sewn along the edge of the anti-mosquito fabric.

A bipolar holder can be made independently from a pair of unipolar magnets. Additionally, you only need double sided tape. You will first need to mark the polarity of the tapes so that they do not stick together and do not bounce off each other when installing a frameless mosquito.

Mosquito net on bipolar magnets is the best option for window decoration and doorways at dachas, in tourist seasonal boarding houses and in houses at recreation centers. Such magnetic holders are also suitable for attaching the bottom and middle of the mosquito to the balcony door in the apartment. Provided that at the top and on the sides this mesh is fixed on the frame of the balcony door with the help of "burdock" Velcro.