Shades of lavender in the interior of the apartment: materials, successful combinations and finishing methods. Lavender color and its influence on the interior Lavender living room

The interior of the bedroom will look most impressive in a lavender design. According to psychologists, it is the shades of this color that favor an even, calm and even spiritual mood. And warm combinations of lavender with other shades will successfully emphasize all the advantages of a bed.

But due to the complexity of the selected shades, not every inhabitant will decide to decorate his bedroom in this way. And right, very in vain. After all, this color has a huge emotional potential.

In such a bedroom, relaxation is easy after a hard day. Warm shades relieve eye strain. Nervous excitement gradually decreases and eventually disappears. And the general psychological state reaches the level of peace. This is conducive to a good night's rest.

And vice versa, in the morning, the lavender color, due to its natural freshness and purity, energizes, positively tunes in to solving problems and fulfilling the duties of the coming day.

Flower favorite

It is also worth noting that lavender has become a favorite color and hue for many interior designers in recent years. Including in the design of bedrooms.

Of course, it would be inappropriate to paint the walls of the men's bedroom in a rich lavender color. But for a children's room or a young girl's bedroom, this color is perfect. And a separate compromise between the masculine and feminine can be, for example, the design of a joint bedroom for the spouses.

If the male half of the family categorically does not accept walls or ceilings painted in lavender color, and the female half wants to see this particular color in their bedroom, then the design of the walls in pastel colors can be a safe way out.

But various accessories, textile coverings (plaid, a small rug by the bed, curtains, etc.), and even just bed linen can be chosen in lavender color.

The versatility of this color also lies in its beautiful, effective combination with other shades, but of a certain color spectrum.

  • Combination with white. According to the theory of spectral color gamut, white color refers to warm tones. And lavender with its origins goes into the blue spectrum. Therefore, the combination with white will bring a feeling of freshness and coolness to the bedroom. From a psychological point of view, it is very useful for healthy sleep. But if, at the same time, you want to add romance to the interior, then it is recommended to place various shabby chic accessories in the bedroom. Or fill it with various textile textures in vintage style.
  • Pastel combination. This combination is very similar to the combination with white. However, a bedroom decorated in lavender with splashes of beige, cream or light gray visually expands the space. But in the general geometry it will look somewhat "blurry". Therefore, designers are advised to focus on bright accessories of the opposite range or on accessories of the same lilac-purple theme, but with more monochrome.
  • Combination with bright colors. If the design of the bedroom was conceived in bright colors, then combinations of lavender with raspberry, purple, rich green, orange or lemon yellow can give dynamism to the interior. Such an interior will really look stylish, bright and with a “claim for originality”. However, with this design, the dosage of one or another shade should be very strictly observed, after all, the lavender color should play a dominant role. Otherwise, you can easily turn the “original interior” into just a “tasteless design”.

  • Combination with dark shades. Lavender shade in its color characteristics is able to visually narrow, reduce the space. If the bedroom is a fairly spacious room, then there should be no problems with the design. But if the bedroom is a small room, then caution, moderation and a “sense of style” should be exercised, combining a lavender shade with dark colors such as brown, terracotta, chocolate, black, emerald, purple, rich metallic or dark green. Of course, these colors have the right to exist in the interior of the "lavender bedroom", but only in moderation, and better in the design of any individual elements.
  • Combination with black. As a rule, it is used very rarely. This combination looks quite heavy, and psychologically gloomy and dreary, so it is not very suitable for decorating a bedroom. It is better to consider this option for the design of premises for some other purpose.
  • Combination with the "native" color group. Lavender belongs to the violet spectrum, so shades such as lilac, purple, pink, etc. are closer to it. such combinations will give the bedroom interior more warmth, warmth, comfort, a sense of security, tranquility, lightness and airiness at the same time.

Undoubtedly, all the considered combinations of colors and their shades can be safely applied to other colors. However, it is precisely such coloristic schemes as “basic tone + neutral”, “contrasting pair + color complement” or “monochrome group” that is as universal as possible, and most importantly, with an excellent and spectacular result, they are applied specifically to lavender color.

Bedroom furniture in lavender color

Many people think that lavender is only suitable for decorating a bedroom in a minimalist style or, in extreme cases, in a vintage style. However, this very common statement is erroneous. "Lavender bedroom" can be decorated, for example, in French Provence, you just have to choose the right furniture and accessories.

As a rule, preference is given to furniture made of wood, and it should not be some kind of "conveyor" veneer or laminate, but a real array of noble trees. Such furniture is ideal for a classic or vintage style, but a lot, of course, depends on the size of the bedroom and the dimensions of the furniture itself.

Youth style also does not deny the use of this color in the interior of the bedroom. It can be present on the surface of the table, bedside table or cabinet doors, but it must be glossy. Moreover, the furniture in this version should, on the contrary, be distinguished by lightness and mobility, a transforming bed or a transforming table is welcome.

In lavender shades, you can create a bedroom even in high-tech style. In this case, as in the previous example, glossy surfaces, metallized furniture and accessories, as well as a large number of mirror surfaces are needed.

Lavender bedroom textiles

When decorating a bedroom in lavender color, it is worth considering the quantity and availability of textile materials. It can be a bedspread, a blanket for an armchair, curtains for the window, a light, falling canopy at the head of the bed, small pillows or ottomans, and much more.

It is important to remember here that if the lavender color is dominant in the design of walls, ceilings or floors, then it is more expedient to choose all kinds of textile coatings from combinable color combinations - partners.

If, on the contrary, the lavender color is present in the design as an auxiliary, then the textile coatings should be chosen exactly in lavender, in extreme cases, purple or lilac.

Many psychologists note that lavender color is characterized by:

  • sensuality
  • originality,
  • complexity
  • and even magical energy.

Not in vain, in Old Slavonic times, lavender wreaths were thrown into the fire on Ivan's Day to appease the gods. And many of our ancestors constantly wore body bags (sachets) with dried flowers of this plant as amulets. And women used flowers in love magical rites.

But even if you do not rely on the "magical power" of this color, you can safely guarantee that in the bedroom, decorated in lavender shades, its inhabitants will be easy, comfortable, cozy. And most importantly, they will calmly fall asleep in the evening, the sleep will be strong, healthy and peaceful. And the awakening will be vigorous and positive.

A photo

Lavender always attracts the eye with its delicate purple hue, fills with the smell of summer and creates an aura of Provence. Since ancient times, this flower has been considered a symbol of love, beauty and sophistication. Isn't this a reason to add some lavender mood to your interior? We found Here are some inspiring ways to use lavender at home.

1. Bouquets

A fragrant lavender bouquet in the bedroom will bring you a calm and serene sleep. In the bathroom, a bunch of dried lavender will quickly eliminate all unpleasant odors and become a pleasant decoration. Lavender can be grown on your windowsill (if the window is located on the sunny side), on the balcony or in the garden. Blooming lavender or bouquets of dried flowers can be placed in a wicker basket or vintage bucket.

2. Sachet

Lavender is the most popular filling for aromatic sachets, which can not only be put in the closet to scent clothes, but also used as interior decor. If you wish, you can easily learn how to sew cute bags in the form of hearts with lavender, as in the photo below.

3. Candles

To give interior candles a pleasant aroma, you can decorate them with dry stems or lavender petals. If you drop a little lavender oil on the candle, the scent will be stronger. we found an original idea for decorating a candlestick.

4. Wreaths

A stylish interior decoration in the Provence style will be a lavender wreath that can be hung on a door or on a wall. It is quite easy to make a wreath with your own hands: for this, prepare a bouquet of dried lavender, wire and watch the master class.

5. Table setting

Lavender also looks harmonious on the table, because it is used in cooking: for example, it is added to sauces, desserts and meat dishes. Lavender tea is also very popular and has many health benefits. Therefore, do not forget to attach mini-bouquets of lavender to a napkin or cutlery during table setting.

6. Kitchen accessories

A kitchen with notes of lavender is so exquisite. And how wonderful the dishes and kitchen accessories in lavender flowers look! For example, at the Crafts Fair you can find wonderful painted lavender bread bins, tea houses, cutting boards, napkin holders and much more.

7. Textile

And don't forget the fabrics! Delicate lavender flowers look harmoniously on snow-white bedding or light-colored curtains. In the living room, lavender can sit comfortably on sofa cushions in the form of embroidery or appliqué.

8. Wall mural and posters

The most spectacular idea is photo wallpapers or posters with amazing views of lavender fields. You can look at such landscapes endlessly - incredible beauty!

9. Clock

Lavender Provence style clocks can be bought at an interior store or made by hand. If you are familiar with the decoupage technique, buy a ready-made dial, hands and clockwork at the needlework store. A suitable decoupage napkin with a bouquet of lavender is glued onto this base, varnished and, if desired, aged with sandpaper. These clocks are perfect for the kitchen or bedroom.

10. Furniture

And finally, I will tell you about my personal experience. I was so inspired by lavender that I decided to add it to my interior. It turned out that with the help of decoupage, you can very quickly update the square Ikeev table that has long been standing on my balcony as a coffee table: it is white, so I didn’t even have to tint it. I took a decoupage napkin, cut out four identical compositions with a lavender bouquet from it and glued it to each edge of the table with a transparent varnish. Then she completely covered the table with several more layers of transparent varnish - and voila, it literally changed before our eyes! How are you?


It's no secret that the color of a bedroom is a factor that determines its atmosphere and overall perception. For her, it is customary to choose pastel calm colors, but if you wish, you can implement non-standard interesting solutions.

Lavender color in the interior of the bedroom in combination with others will create an original look of the room. "Violet" tones require a special thoughtful approach when using them in residential areas, so some recommendations will be given in this article.

Violet hues include, among other things, lavender, which can be warm, light, bordering on lilac and lilac tones. Thus, the very concept of "lavender color" includes a lot of nuances, but for a "quiet" room, you should choose calm pastel colors.

It is designed in such a way that its atmosphere soothes and sets up for emotional and physical relaxation, conducive to deep healthy sleep.

Lavender background has a beneficial effect on the emotional state, it calms and relieves tension, has healing properties in the treatment of nervous disorders and depression.

This color looks good in combination with tones close to it - lilac, lilac, as well as white, mint, blue, beige and pastel gray shades.

The psychology of color

All shades of purple can be considered complex, strong, with a special energy and extraordinary sensuality. The blue and red tones that make up it symbolize desire and susceptibility, and not without reason, according to psychologists, it can be described as "the harmony of contradictions."

Interesting fact. This color is a symbol of royalty. He and his shades were loved by Cleopatra. This magical color surrounded many great people, as it was believed that it contributes to the mood for creativity, makes the surrounding space beautiful and majestic.

According to psychologists, this color has the following qualities:

  1. Relaxation and sleeping pills what is relevant for the room;
  2. Able to stimulate and develop creativity, so it is actively used in children's;
  3. Having a red, bright background in its composition irritates the nervous system and can be oppressive.

Depending on what shade the color has, it will be emotionally perceived, causing certain feelings. Saturated dark tones can suppress and cause various negative feelings - despondency, depression, sadness.

You can stimulate creativity with bright colors. And peace and joy will reign in a room decorated in faded, light lilac tones.

Important! The use of purple and its shades, which include lavender, requires a deliberate and careful approach. A photo with an interior you like can be taken as an analogue, but not as a basis and not completely copied. It is necessary to choose from the whole variety of tones the only one that is closest and most comfortable to perception.

We select lavender color in the bedroom

Violet tones are diverse from dark saturated to light, almost white. Before choosing any of them, you should understand their diversity.

The basic ones include:

  1. Light purple;
  2. Violet with medium intensity;
  3. violet;
  4. lavender;
  5. Lilac.

Light lavender and lilac tones are reminiscent of spring flowers, creating a cheerful and fresh atmosphere. With the help of them you can make a small room larger, visually lighter and cleaner.

Dark tones are cold, rich and aggressive. For the bedroom, they are selected dosed as accents in the form of photo frames, sofa cushions, decorative blankets, curtains.

The color in which the blue tone predominates is associated with the emotions of passion, rudeness and authority. You can radically change the perception of the room by adding light purple and lavender tones - the atmosphere will become calm and harmonious.

What colors can be combined with

Of the most successful combinations are a combination of purple and white, black, green, silver and gold:

Description Illustration
The combination with white color occupies a leading position. The sterile white finish is diluted with lavender accents in the form of decorative accessories and textiles.

If the walls are made in purple, then the floor, ceiling or textiles on the windows are made white. Emotionally, such a room is associated with peace, silence and sound sleep;

A competent combination with black is not an easy task, but solvable. The instruction is simple - so that the bedroom does not look gloomy and dreary, you need to choose a balanced amount of black details.

A room in which these two conflicting shades are matched in the correct proportion will look luxurious. With your own hands, only a professional and a person with a delicate taste can find the right combination.

The price of a mistake is an uncomfortable room, devoid of comfort and attractiveness. In such an interior, furniture with glossy surfaces and crystal chandeliers look good, which add a touch of chic and aristocracy;

Of the monochrome colors, in combination with lavender, gray, cream, beige, silver tones are used. You can avoid the incompleteness and blurring of the interior with the help of bright contrasting accents;
A harmonious and expressive design of the room will turn out with a combination of lavender and golden tones. This combination allows the use of both pale and more saturated tones.

Thanks to the golden palette, you can successfully complement the lavender and create the desired contrast;

An unusual solution is a combination of lilac and green tones. The appearance of the room acquires naturalness and naturalness, and the contrast creates a joyful summer atmosphere.

To get a stylish environment, use a combination of several lilac shades. With the help of smooth transitions from one tone to another, the elements in the room, consisting of furniture, walls, curtains and decor, are combined into a single composition. You can dilute them with gray, beige or white.

Purple bedroom design depending on the chosen style

This is a complex and specific color, but despite this, it is used to create different style solutions:

  1. Lavender shades are most often found in Provence (French country) style, characterized by airiness, freshness and simplicity. In this style, they are combined with white, beige and light gray tones. You can emphasize this style with vintage furniture (forged or wooden), painted white, textiles with ruffles and frills, transparent curtains, vintage decor;
  1. Various shades of purple are found in the Arabic style. And although they gravitate towards “hot” colors - red, orange, light lilac, lilac, lavender, violet tones are often chosen for the bedroom, which give it calmness and coolness. The magic of purple is reminiscent of oriental tales;
  1. Glamor, baroque and neo-baroque styles acquire sensuality and magic thanks to the purple color. Most purple and lilac shades are characterized by a harmonious combination with varnishing, gloss, mirror and crystal surfaces. Dark lilac, plum and eggplant tones create an atmosphere of luxury and aristocracy;
  1. A modern, elegant design is created by combining a purple hue with white, gray or green tones;
  2. A laconic high-tech style is created using rich palettes of purple tones. Interspersed with steel, white and black accentuate the clean lines and conservative spirit of the sleeping room;
  1. The classic style in the bedroom is possible by combining purple and brown shades, where the former is used for textiles, decor and accessories. Here, one of the main roles is played by massive, solid furniture made of high quality wood.

Ways to use lavender color in the interior

wall decoration

With the help of wallpaper, painting, decorative plaster and other wall decoration, the room acquires its general mood.

Important! When choosing the shade of the walls, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room and the level of light are taken into account.

Most often, wallpaper is used to decorate walls in living rooms.

There are several rules for choosing this finishing material, made in purple colors:

  1. The lavender background of the wallpaper should be decorated with contrasting patterns that have an elegant and light appearance;
  2. For a small room, you should not choose a colorful and bright finish;
  3. For a classic style, choose a geometric pattern or floral print;
  1. Golden ornament can only be used in combination with expensive exquisite furniture;
  2. Violet-white vertical stripes on the wallpaper will visually increase the height of the room;
  1. A stunning effect is obtained by combining matte tones, gloss and mother-of-pearl;
  2. Dark purple shades on the walls create a stylish interior if it uses a white bed with contrasting shades of pillows or dark wood furniture;
  1. A saturated color is recommended to be shaded with a material made in more delicate colors;
  2. Do not forget about purple photo wallpapers, which can depict landscapes, flowers, abstract or surreal drawings.

Important! When choosing photo wallpapers for finishing one of the walls, they take into account the overall composition in the interior and the arrangement of furniture.

Choosing furniture

To emphasize the lavender tone with its lightness and delicacy, you can use white, pearl, light beige, gray or transparent furniture. It should be borne in mind that the purple palette is not combined with woody tones with a red, red and yellow tint. Therefore, the color of wenge in the interior of the bedroom is not recommended.

For a lavender room, choose glossy furniture, elements with mirror and glass surfaces. Important criteria when choosing furniture are the style of the room, its layout and the quality of lighting.

We make out the window

For a large room oriented to the south or southeast, the only rule that is observed when decorating a window is that it must match the style of the room. If the windows are small, then it is necessary to abandon heavy dark curtains that can make the atmosphere soft and cozy, but in low light conditions the room will become too dark.

Choosing accessories

Since this color is difficult to perceive, it is introduced in the form of accent spots - panels, pillows, a carpet or a lampshade of a floor lamp. With the help of a warm, soft plaid of a delicate purple hue, you can create a comfortable, cozy atmosphere.

Decorative planters, flower vases and other details with purple ornaments and patterns are used as decorations. Decoration can be done using artistic painting in the form of bright violet or lilac flowers with juicy green leaves on a white background.

Light purple accent elements will give the interior airiness, spaciousness and elegance.

With a wide range of shades, this color allows you to create a cool and fresh, luxurious and rich, creative and sophisticated romantic, mysterious and mystical atmosphere. He has a strong energy, and therefore needs a deliberate handling of him.

The video in this article will tell you how to use lavender and red in the interior of the bedroom.

Each of us has our own color preferences. We buy clothes in our favorite colors, choose fabrics for furniture upholstery, the color of textiles, walls, also according to our tastes. Being in our native walls, the design of which is made in colors that are pleasant and suitable for our psyche, we will not feel discomfort and desire to run away from here.

There are many contradictions in the lavender color, its riddle is not so easy to solve.

Red, yellow, blue are pure colors used in small doses. Violet, green and orange are the colors of the additional spectrum, created from the main ones, by lightening or mixing. They have the same properties as the colors they are composed of.

I would like to focus your attention on the purple color, because it is one of the most popular lately, and to be more precise, it is lavender.

Lavender flowers actually come in several shades.

Lavender is a light shade of purple. With this new definition of color, we have recently encountered, as it came from Europe. There, vast fields are occupied by this beautiful flower, which has a delicate aroma. Perhaps that is why the shade of this flower evokes warm emotions in us, pleasant associations with nature and freshness.

In design, lavender shades add mystery and nostalgia to the room.

Lavender shades always look good with green, purple and brown accents.

If you like this color palette, you can apply it in the design of any room. Lavender colors in the interior of the house open up a world of endless possibilities, helping to realize the most daring ideas. This color is convenient because, depending on the hue and saturation, it can look great with others, creating a serious look and having a lighter, more casual look.

Thanks to this feature, not only women want to see the color of lavender in their interiors of living rooms and bedrooms, but men are in no hurry to refuse it, since this shade is universal.

Lavender visually increases the volume of the room, so it is often used to decorate small and low rooms.

Design styles: the presence of shades of lavender and lilac in them

  1. Provence. In this style, lavender takes the lead. It uses an extensive range of shades of lilac. The color palette on which the direction relies is taken from the nature of France. Lavender is flower fields, green is olive trees, blue and light yellow are lakes and coastal sand. Dusty, as if worn out by time, cool shades prevail, which give the interior airiness and freshness. Most often, lavender color is combined with milky, light gray, olive or mint. It is good, both in the decoration of walls, furniture, and in textiles.

    The most common shades of lavender are found in Provence style.

  2. Modern classic. As part of the style, lavender colors are used frequently. You can paint the walls in pale purple tones that are closer to a smoky gray hue. Combining shades that are identical in color spectrum, but different in tone, you can divide the space - highlight part of it with a brighter color, and soften and muffle everything else. To create additional depth and volume in a niche, you can paint the inside in a darker purple than the walls, and light slopes emphasize the contrast.

    In a classic bedroom, lavender shades are perfect for textiles and decorative elements, especially when combined with light brown tones.

  3. Minimalism. The style is characterized by the complete absence of unnecessary details and decorations. Simplicity and a small amount of furniture. The lavender color in this style can adequately replace the standard white and black combination. It is used as a light base shade for walls and ceilings, or as richer accents.

    Original interior in minimalist style - dark floors, sofas with lavender upholstery and gray walls

  4. High tech. The concept of the direction is strict lines, smooth surfaces, a lot of metal and glass. The walls are simple and smooth, painted in light shades, and the furniture contains elements of bright colors, such as violets. Spreading a dark lilac carpet would also be appropriate. It will definitely become the center of the composition.

    A rich palette of purple hues in high-tech style

  5. Retro style, vintage and others. Lavender color is used as an additional shade to the main ones, as it is appropriate everywhere.

    Unusual interior in industrial style

Lavender bedroom: Youth and family design option

Any designer will say that lavender in the interior looks most successful in the bedroom. The bedroom is an important room in the house, although we spend only a short time there. It is necessary to draw it up with special care, since here we rest and spend time before going to bed. The whole atmosphere should set you to sleep, and not excite the nervous system, so it is advisable to avoid bright colors in the decoration.

The atmosphere of the bedroom should soothe and tune in to physical and emotional relaxation.

Lavender goes well with shades close to it - lilac or purple.

The lavender color looks most impressive in the interior of the bedroom. Its different shades look unusual and give a feeling of peace, which is conducive to a good sleep, and in the morning they set you up for positive and give you a boost of vivacity.

In the case when the bedroom is made out for the spouses, then gray, white or ivory is perfect as a companion to the base lilac. The space of the room will be gentle and magical, and if you add golden hues, the bedroom will become more solemn.

Bedroom interior for a teenage girl

In the bedroom for a young man, a combination with gray shades is appropriate.

In the youth environment, lavender is also considered stylish. Saturated shades of purple in combination with black, chocolate or dark blue furniture upholstery, golden and turquoise pillows and textiles will suit both a girl and a young man. Bright, stylish and special - what else does a young creative person need? But when the room is small and dark, thick colors should be combined with caution, and best of all in separate elements of decor.

A harmonious combination of glossy floors, lavender walls and cream furniture

Light lilac and lavender shades are reminiscent of spring flowers and make the room cleaner and brighter.

Delicate and romantic shades of lilac are quite capable of replacing the rather boring pink, just in girls' rooms. By changing the color and diluting it with beige and cream, you will visually expand the boundaries of the bedroom. So that it does not look boring and blurry, add color accents - bright monochrome posters, colored graffiti on the walls, paintings in rich green, crimson, ocher shades.

Lucky Combinations

Purple and its lighter counterpart, lavender, are combined with many shades. As a rule, when decorating a room, it is considered correct to use 2-3 colors, but an exception can be made with lavender.

Muted gray bedroom interior with purple accents

Expressive decoration of the room in a combination of golden and lavender tones

Successful combination of tones:

  • Light lavender with pink, white, brown. This will give the room airiness and tenderness.
  • More vibrant lavender (closer to lilac). It will be successful to combine with sand, olive, raspberry and blue shades.
  • Dark lavender (purple raspberry). Royal and noble combination with gold, silver and gray tones.

The snow-white atmosphere is successfully diluted with lavender accents in the form of textiles and accessories.

Delicate shades of lavender blend perfectly with beige walls.

Deep rich tones create a cool color scheme

The role of furniture and textiles in a lavender bedroom

The classic bedroom furniture set includes a bed, bedside tables, wardrobe, mirror and dressing table for ladies. In the bedroom, made in the Provence style, lavender colors are held in high esteem and are widely used. If wallpaper with a floral pattern in this shade is pasted on the walls, then the furniture must be light and made of natural wood, preferably artificially aged, dusted with time. To the place there will be a carved semi-antique couch, with lavender-colored sheathing, pads to match the curtains.

In a large bright room, lavender color is suitable for decorating window openings.

In the event that you don’t dare or don’t want to make lavender walls, “dress” them in light neutral tones, and add a shade of lilac or lavender to the facades and upholstery of furniture, headboards, pillows, and lavender curtains and floor lamps are included with them.

All upholstered furniture looks great with lavender upholstery

Bright glossy facade will make the kitchen more fun

A carved sofa with lavender sheathing will add sophistication and luxury to the room.

When the interior of the room is made in a loft style, in which the walls are not finished, against the background of gray concrete walls or bricks, white glossy furniture looks contrasting and unusual. The color spot will be a crimson carpet on the floor or a bedspread on the bed, designed in the same color scheme.

The lavender living room is an undeniable trend, the bedroom is outer space or a sweet memory of nature. This color is truly many-sided and for everyone its own. Take a chance and you will find your shade of purple that suits you.

Video: lavender in the interior

Spectacular canvases create an atmosphere of calm and harmony, acting as an excellent alternative to rich and catchy colors. Coatings are successfully used in the Scandinavian or Provence style. They acquire a special depth in combination with pearl, silver, pink, black, sage green shades.

If you are attracted by dynamic design solutions, it is advisable to use trendy duets with yellow, orange, raspberry, light green. Expressive wallpaper with a lavender field is optimal for bringing to life the reception of an accent wall.

Lavender wallpaper in a romantic bedroom

Experts do not recommend pasting kitchens or dining rooms with lavender wallpaper: such materials are not the best option for eating. But if you still want to use this color, you should dilute it with cream or white. It is not recommended to experiment in an office with such a finish - it will not work to concentrate on important issues surrounded by lavender ...

How to buy wall coverings

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