Rapid contraceptives for 3 days. Contraception after sex: is it too late? Rules for the use of tablets

Pregnancy is the most joyful and wonderful life period for a woman. However, not for everyone. In some cases, conception comes as a surprise and forces the fairer sex to take emergency measures. In this article, we will talk about what kind of anti-pregnancy pills are after an unprotected act. You will learn how these drugs are used and whether they can be used regularly. It is also worth mentioning what the price of such drugs is and their name will be indicated below.

A bit of anatomy: how conception occurs

To begin with, it is worth finding out in what way conception is performed, as a result of which a child can be born. On average, once a month, the average woman undergoes hormonal changes in the body. The production of estrogen is replaced by progesterone, and an egg is released from the follicle. If sexual intercourse occurs at this point, pregnancy may occur. Also, conception can take place if the sperm enters the woman's body a few days before or after the rupture of the follicle.

Immediately after ovulation, under the influence of progesterone, active preparation of the endometrium begins. The layer thickens and becomes looser. In this way, the body prepares to accept the fertilized female gamete. If conception has taken place, then the fetal egg descends to the reproductive organ through the fallopian tube within a few days. Once in the uterus, the embryo is securely attached to the endometrial layer. This is where it will develop in the following months if the pregnancy persists.

How can you interrupt the conception that has taken place?

Currently, there are many ways to stop the development of the embryo. It is worth noting that in this case it is better not to engage in amateur activities. Otherwise, you can earn serious health problems.

One of the most popular ways to terminate a pregnancy is curettage or vacuum aspiration. During the procedure, the doctor removes the fetal egg and part of the endometrium from the uterus. Such manipulation is carried out up to 12 weeks of embryo development.

You can also use medication. In this case, a prerequisite is a delay in menstruation no more than forty days. After taking certain drugs, the endometrium with the fetal egg is rejected in a woman and menstruation begins.

There are also special emergency methods of contraception. In this case, the remedy is taken a few hours after unprotected intercourse. As a result of the action of drugs, a woman begins to restructure hormones, and menstrual bleeding occurs.

Emergency methods of contraception

There are several that allow you to terminate a pregnancy even before the fetal egg is fixed on the wall of the uterus. Pills against pregnancy after an unprotected intercourse have a different effect and method of use. Remember that you can not use these drugs as a permanent protection against unwanted conception. Anti-pregnancy pills should be used after an unprotected intercourse only in emergency cases. Otherwise, you can get serious health problems. Consider what drugs exist for emergency interruption of the development of the fetal egg.

The drug "Postinor"

This product contains a synthetic progestin. It is this component that has an effect on the peristalsis of the fallopian tubes and the state of the endometrium. Under the influence of a substance called levonorgestrel, the fallopian tubes reduce their mobility and slow down the activity of a fertilized egg. As a result, the fetal egg dies before it reaches the uterine cavity. If the set of gametes descended into the reproductive organ, then levonorgestrel changes the state of the endometrium. The egg is simply not able to attach to such a cavity.

Tablets "Postinor" should be taken two capsules every 12 hours. This is the duration of the above substance. The first pill must be drunk no later than 16 hours after intercourse. The course of drug use is three days. During this period, the woman should begin menstrual bleeding. Only then is emergency contraception considered successful.

Tablets "Postinor", the price of which is approximately 250 rubles, can be purchased at any pharmacy chain. It is worth noting that in one package of the drug there are only two capsules. This means that for the course you will need 6 packs. For Postinor tablets, the price in this case increases and amounts to about 1,500 rubles.

The drug "Escapel"

These tablets are also based on the action of a substance called levonorgestrel. However, here the dosage of the drug is somewhat different. A woman needs to take one tablet within a day after sexual intercourse. Next, repeat the procedure twice with a difference of 24 hours.

For tablets "Escapel" the price is in the range from 250 to 300 rubles. The pack contains one capsule. This means that for the full course you will need three packs of Escapel tablets. The price in this case will be approximately 1000 rubles. It is worth noting that this medicine is somewhat cheaper than the drug "Postinor".

The drug "Eskinor F"

This remedy has the same effect as the Escapel tablets. After taking the drug, the reverse transformation of the endometrium and a decrease in the activity of the fallopian tubes begin.

It is worth noting that this drug is less popular than the first two analogues. However, this does not mean that the effect of the drug will not be so effective.

Preparations containing mifetpriston

Anti-pregnancy pills after an unprotected intercourse may have a slightly different effect. Such drugs include the following: "Mifegin", "Zhenale", "Miropriston" and others. It is worth noting that these funds are most often used for The active substance of such drugs changes the transformation of the endometrium and enhances the contractions of the genital organ. Under such influence, the endometrium is rejected and the egg is released from the female body.

Unlike preparations containing levonorgestrel, mifepristone tablets are able to interrupt even after a missed period. Thus, the woman has time to make the right decision. These contraceptive pills after sexual intercourse are taken once. In this case, it is necessary to first obtain the approval of a doctor for such a correction. If the drug was not taken within the first three days after the sperm enters the woman's body, then the patient will need additional ones that block the production of progesterone.

These products containing mifepristone are slightly more expensive than previous medicines. So, one package can cost you from 1500 to 3000 rubles.

Alternative method of emergency interruption of egg development

In addition to the above, there are drugs (contraceptives) to prevent unwanted conception after intercourse. These include the most common. However, doctors strongly do not recommend using this method because of possible side effects and complications. These drugs include the following drugs: birth control pills "Yarina", "Logest", "Novinet" and others.

Use them only after carefully reading the instructions. Here you will need school knowledge in mathematics. It is necessary to calculate the amount of hormones contained in one tablet. After that, you should calculate how many capsules you need to drink at one time to achieve the desired dose (as in Postinor tablets and its analogues). The average woman needs two to five capsules. You need to drink them every 12 hours for three days.

How effective are pregnancy pills?

It is worth noting that drugs that interrupt the development of the embryo at the earliest stages have different effectiveness. A lot depends on when the medicine was taken. So, if you follow the instructions and drink the first dose immediately after intercourse, then the effectiveness of the drug will be more than 90 percent. In the case when at least a day has passed after sexual intercourse, the effect of the medicine will already be 70-80 percent effective. If the subsequent intake of the substance is disturbed or you are very late with the use of the first dose, then the probability of a successful outcome will be from 50 to 70 percent.

It is worth recalling that if abortion at the earliest possible time with the help of the above drugs failed, then doctors strongly recommend scraping. The thing is that these drugs affect not only the female body. The substances that make up the tablets have a detrimental effect on the condition of the fetal egg. If you want to leave the future baby, then be prepared for the fact that the child will be born sick or will have some deviations.

and prices

In order to avoid the need to use drugs for emergency contraception, it is necessary to take care of the methods of protection in advance. If you have a regular sexual partner, then it makes sense to start taking birth control pills. The price of such drugs can be different and range from 200 to 2000 rubles.

Absolutely all means that protect against pregnancy are divided into combined oral contraceptives and mini-pills. The latter contain a small dose of hormones and not all women are able to block ovulation. However, it is worth noting that such funds are the only pills allowed to be taken during breastfeeding. Mini-pill drugs include the following:

  • tablets "Charozetta" (they cost about 800 rubles);
  • the drug "Laktinet" (price about 600 rubles);
  • pills "Orgametril" (cost from 1000 rubles) and many others.

The action of combined oral contraceptives is somewhat different. Such drugs completely block the work of the ovaries, preventing ovulation. The active substance of the tablets thickens the cervical mucus, preventing spermatozoa from entering the uterine cavity and surviving there. In addition, hormonal drugs affect the state of the endometrium, transforming it so that the fertilized cell cannot attach to the wall of the uterus. All oral contraceptives are divided into monophasic, biphasic and triphasic.

Monophasic agents include the following:

  • tablets "Regulon" (cost from 300 rubles);
  • pills "Janine" (about 800 rubles);
  • contraceptive pills "35 Diana" (price from 1000 rubles) and others.

Biphasic contraceptives include Regvidon tablets (they cost from 200 rubles) and other drugs.

Triphasic birth control pills include the following:

  • pills "Three-Regol" (cost from 200 rubles);
  • capsules "Three-Merci" (price from 400 rubles).

Also, contraceptives may differ in the content of hormonal substances. So, tablets are microdosed and low-dose. There is also a group of high-dose drugs.

Microdosed include:

  • tablets "Novinet" (cost from 500 rubles);
  • the drug "Logest" (the price is about 900 rubles);
  • pills "Jess" (cost within 1000) and others.

Low dose drugs are:

  • birth control pills "Yarina" (price from 700 rubles);
  • drug "Diana 35" (cost from 1000 rubles);
  • means "Zhanin" (they cost within 1000 rubles) and others.

Such drugs are more often prescribed to women who have given birth or ladies after 30 years.

High-dose drugs have the following names:

  • tablets "Trikvilar" (price about 500 rubles);
  • the drug "Non-ovlon" (cost about 700 rubles) and so on.

Unplanned pregnancy today is an urgent problem not only for young girls, but also for women who have long reached adulthood. Most of the fair sex, in order to avoid the occurrence of such a problem, take care of a possible pregnancy in advance, resorting to the use of contraceptives. However, it is not uncommon for a lady to take emergency contraceptive pills.

When to Use Emergency Contraceptive Pills

The harm of such drugs is undeniable, but, despite the fact that most women are informed about this, they still remain quite popular in the modern world. Moreover, in certain cases - this is really the only way out of this situation. It is worth noting that in any case, before using them, it is necessary to consult with a professional gynecologist. It is worth considering the most common cases of emergency intervention:

  • sexual intercourse was performed without the use of protective equipment;
  • sexual intercourse was untimely interrupted;
  • during intercourse, the condom turned out to be defective and torn or slipped at the wrong time;
  • the girl was forced to have sexual intercourse without the use of contraceptives.

By the way, this problem is very relevant for mothers who have recently given birth to their baby and are still breastfeeding. In these situations, you can use emergency contraceptives, but only if you stop feeding for about a day. During this time, all substances of the drug that are dangerous to the health of the newborn must be removed from the blood.

Names of emergency contraceptive pills and other rapid contraceptives

It is worth taking a closer look at the most effective, affordable and popular means for instant protection of women from unwanted pregnancies.

  1. Escapelle. This is a fairly new drug that performs the role of emergency contraception. The effectiveness of its action is determined 96 hours after unprotected intercourse. The sooner you take the pill, the more likely it is to eradicate the problem at an early stage. One of the positive qualities of this drug is the high content of levonorgestrel, which makes it unnecessary to take the pill again.
  2. "Postinor". Until now, it has not lost its popularity, but today it is the drug with the largest number of side effects. As a rule, after unprotected sexual intercourse within 48 hours, it is necessary to drink the first tablet of the remedy, and after 12 hours - the second. Moreover, the effectiveness of the medicine directly depends on the timely adoption of the second pill.
  3. "Ginepriston" and "Zhenale". They are one of the most widely used and available drugs today. It is worth noting that they are used not only as a means of emergency contraception, but also as contraceptives, immediately before the onset of sexual intercourse. Professional specialists in the medical field consider them absolutely harmless.
  4. When observing pregnancy up to 6 weeks, after a woman has a delay in the menstrual cycle, Mifegin is used. It is worth considering that this drug can only be administered by a licensed gynecologist.
  5. Finally, after the first 5 days after unprotected intercourse, it is quite effective to insert an intrauterine device into the woman's vagina. In no case should a spiral be inserted if the girl was forcibly forced to have sex, as the risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases increases.

For many ladies, the question is relevant: will emergency contraceptive pills (urgent) affect the formation of the baby's fetus, in the event that it was not possible to terminate the pregnancy with their help? Most professional doctors agree that these drugs do not have any effect on the health of the unborn child, and there is no need for an abortion. True, if the pills are taken when the fetal cell division has entered the active phase, there is a high probability of a miscarriage.

It is worth noting that if the name of emergency contraceptive pills is unfamiliar, in any case, you should not take them without consulting your doctor - a gynecologist - this can seriously affect the health of a woman's body. Emergency contraceptives and pills are by no means recommended for use in the following situations:

  • in severe and chronic diseases of the liver, kidneys, and biliary tract;
  • after suffering jaundice;
  • at the moment when the pregnancy has already occurred (there is a high probability of a miscarriage);
  • in case of allergies to certain components of the drug.

When a woman takes rapid birth control pills, she can often experience side effects. It is worth highlighting the most common of them:

  • violation of the menstrual cycle for approximately one week;
  • bleeding from the vagina;
  • feeling of tension in the mammary glands;
  • severe headaches accompanied by dizziness;
  • nausea and vomiting, and sometimes diarrhea;
  • unpleasant pain in the abdomen (in the lower part).

Even when taking medications such as instant contraceptive pills on your own, without consulting a doctor, you should not be shy or afraid to come to a gynecologist for an examination. The fact is that pregnancy, as such, cannot be called a disaster. A serious problem will be if the girl is also infected with some kind of venereal disease.

That is why, after unprotected intercourse, you should donate your blood for analysis, so that professional medical workers carefully check it and give an appropriate conclusion. However, in any case, it is necessary to protect yourself from pregnancy in advance, if this phenomenon is undesirable for a woman, so that later you do not take emergency contraceptive pills and do not harm your body.

In the work brought to your attention, we will consider pills against pregnancy after an unprotected act. Let's start with the fact that unwanted pregnancy is a fairly common phenomenon in our country. At the same time, the position of the girl in society does not matter at all.

Sociologists noted that half of the pregnancies in Russia are unplanned. And a quarter of all cases are perceived by future parents as highly undesirable. Very often, women resort to artificial interruption (medical or surgical). In order not to resort to the help of a gynecologist, it is necessary to properly protect yourself. If this is not taken into account, then there are pills against pregnancy after an unprotected act, the names of which we will consider in the article.

What drugs can be used?

Anything can happen in our life, but, unfortunately, few people remember about safe sex. Pay attention to the fact that it is simply necessary to protect yourself with non-permanent partners. This will protect you not only from unwanted pregnancy, but also from the mass of infections that can be transmitted from a partner. In this case, we are talking about condoms, which are a barrier to infection from both a woman and a man.

Birth control pills after an unprotected intercourse will only prevent an unplanned pregnancy. This method of contraception can only be used with a regular sexual partner that you are sure of. A woman who is not protected during sex and does not plan to have a baby in the near future is simply obliged to always have drugs with her that can prevent pregnancy, since this event is not currently desired.

What birth control pills to take after an unprotected intercourse, we will consider a little later. Now it is worth noting that any medication, if used incorrectly or for a long time, can be harmful to health. Be sure to read the instructions before use (duration and regularity of use, dosage and side effects, composition of the drug - to exclude the appearance of allergies).

Use oral contraceptives with great caution. To exclude side effects and the occurrence of health problems, you should contact a specialist so that he selects the drug that is the least dangerous and most suitable for you.

Pills against pregnancy after an unprotected intercourse is an emergency measure to prevent an undesirable phenomenon. To avoid pregnancy, it is necessary to take a special drug in the near future. Please note that these drugs should not be taken continuously. Be sure to monitor your menstrual cycle: there are days that are unfavorable for conception, during these periods you can avoid taking the drug. We are talking about days: from the 5th to the 7th and from the 16th to the 28th. This example is given for a menstrual cycle of twenty-eight days, provided that it is constant. If your menstrual cycle is unstable, then this method of contraception will not work for you. With this problem, you should definitely contact a gynecologist to find out the cause of this phenomenon.

When choosing an emergency contraceptive, pay attention to the following points:

  • contraindications;
  • application scheme;
  • duration of use;
  • regularity;
  • compound.

All this will help you avoid unpleasant consequences after application. Please note that this method is effective only in the very early stages. That is, the earlier you take the pill, the less likely you are to get pregnant. For example, if you drank the drug within a few hours after intercourse, then the chance of pregnancy is 5%, but by the third day this figure increases to 45%.

If you take a pill during the day?

Pills after an unprotected act of pregnancy, the names of which will be presented in this section of the article, help if they are used within a day after sex on fertile days. Pay attention to the fact that there are drugs that need to be taken once, but there are also those that should be taken according to the scheme for several days. For this reason, be sure to pay attention to the method of application and dosage. If you take a birth control pill after an unprotected intercourse, then the probability of preventing an adverse pregnancy is more than ninety percent.

Now we will present to your attention a number of drugs recommended by gynecologists throughout Russia. These medicines include:

  • Ovidon.
  • "Non-Ovlon".
  • Ministison.
  • "Rigividon".
  • Marvelon.

Be sure to pay attention to the number of tablets that you should take. For the first two drugs above, the dosage is two tablets, for the next two, three tablets, and for Marvelon, the dosage is four tablets. Taking more than the prescribed norm is highly discouraged to prevent unpleasant consequences.

There are also some anti-pregnancy pills after unprotected intercourse that are worth taking within twenty-four hours. These include drugs based on levonorgestrel or mifepristone. For emergency use, drugs can be used:

  • Eskinor F.
  • "Postinor".
  • Escapelle.
  • "Mifetin".
  • "Mytholian".
  • "Ginepriston".
  • "Genele".

Tablets against pregnancy after an unprotected act "Postinor", "Eskinor F" and "Escapel" contain levonorgestrel as the main component. Now we will consider the effect of drugs. It is based on the fact that the efficiency of the uterus decreases, which produces fewer hormones than is necessary for fertilization. As a result, the fertilized egg cannot reach the uterus and dies. If she nevertheless reached it, then the drug affects the state of the endometrium, as a result of which the fixation of the egg in the uterine cavity becomes impossible.

In the next three drugs from our list, the main component is mifepristone. This substance can cause uterine contractions and changes in the endometrium. These are new generation drugs, if you take one pill, then the egg will not be able to gain a foothold in the uterine cavity and will come out.

In any case, you can not use these drugs often, so as not to harm your health and not harm the functions of the ovaries, which can later lead to infertility.

Combined oral contraceptives (COCs)

What other anti-pregnancy pills exist after an unprotected intercourse? In this section, you will learn about combined oral contraceptives, which are called COCs for short. These drugs contain a very large dosage of the hormone progestogen and estrogen. When taking these drugs, it is necessary to strictly observe the dosage and the scheme of application. Long-term and uncontrolled use of hormonal drugs brings with it a whole list of serious problems that will affect reproductive function.

They act as follows: the rejection of the endometrium occurs, so the fertilized egg will not be able to gain a foothold in the uterine cavity. Be sure to take COCs very responsibly, because their action can cause bleeding.

  • Ovidon.
  • "Non-Ovlon".
  • "Silest".
  • "Rigevidon".

Tablets after an unprotected act of pregnancy, the names of which are presented above, belong to the COC group. Note that there are several contraindications to taking these drugs. If you have found at least one of them, then you should stop taking COCs. Contraindications include:

  • thrombosis or a high probability of occurrence of this disease;
  • congenital thrombophilia;
  • stroke;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • atrial fibrillation;
  • septic endocarditis;
  • age more than thirty years (there is a possibility of occurrence of cardiovascular diseases);
  • smoking;
  • diabetes;
  • hypertension;
  • the presence of viral hepatitis;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • liver tumor;
  • migraine;
  • diabetes mellitus that lasts more than twenty years;
  • breast cancer (this includes cases where the diagnosis is confirmed or only suspected);
  • lactation period;
  • pregnancy.

In all of the above cases, the use of COC preparations is strictly prohibited.

We have discussed how to prevent pregnancy after an unprotected intercourse with a COC tablet, now we will talk a little about the return of the proper functioning of the ovaries and the return of reproductive capacity.

In 90% of cases, women were able to become pregnant within a year after stopping taking contraceptives. Do not worry that taking drugs can somehow affect your future reproductive life. If you follow the instructions, then the possibility of becoming pregnant after discontinuing the medication is very high and the intake will not affect the development of pregnancy in any way.

The erroneous use of the COC drug during pregnancy should not cause anxiety, this is not the reason for the appointment for an abortion. Nevertheless, it is simply necessary to refuse to take COCs so that pregnancy and fetal development take place correctly.

Action COC

This section will discuss the mechanism of action of contraceptive pills after unprotected intercourse (COCs). These drugs are able to suppress the process of ovulation, thicken the cervical mucus so that the movement of spermatozoa is much more complicated, change the endometrium, which is an obstacle to the implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterine cavity.

This action provides a component that is part of the drug - progestogen. Also in the composition you can find ethinyl estradiol, which provides a normal menstrual cycle, that is, there should be no intermediate bleeding. The menstrual cycle should not go astray. In addition, it is worth knowing that when taking COCs, estradiol is not produced in the ovaries, which is responsible for the growth of the follicle. The substance ethinylestradiol replaces it.

Emergency contraception regimen

The most popular contraceptive pills after an unprotected act, the names of which are:

  • "Postinor".
  • "Ginepriston".
  • Ovidon.

Now we propose to get acquainted with the scheme of their use. Let's start with Postinor. This drug is available in one tablet per pack. For the least chance of getting pregnant, you should purchase four packs. It is worth taking according to this scheme:

  • two tablets once within twelve hours after sexual intercourse;
  • one tablet twelve hours after the first dose;
  • one tablet twelve hours after the second dose.

Within 72 hours after an unprotected intercourse, Ginepristone anti-pregnancy pills will prevent unwanted conception. It is very important to know that this drug is taken once. Re-admission is not required.

The drug "Ovidon", which we mentioned earlier in this section, should be taken in a course:

  • first you need to take two tablets at a time (note that this must be done in the first 24 hours);
  • repeat the reception after 12 hours.


Pills against pregnancy after an unprotected act, the names of which were presented to your attention in the article, have a list of indications and contraindications. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the indications for use in this section. These include:

  • spontaneous sex;
  • skipping oral contraceptives;
  • frequent change of sexual partner;
  • torn condom during sex;
  • sexual intercourse while intoxicated;
  • untimely interruption of contact if a condom is not used;
  • negative attitude towards contraceptives;
  • sexual abuse.

These drugs contain a large amount of hormones. With frequent use, serious health problems can occur. Gynecologists recommend using emergency protection against unwanted pregnancy no more than three times a year. Before use, you must carefully read the instructions, familiarize yourself with the contraindications and dosages. One of these questions will be considered right now.


Before you get acquainted with the contraindications for use, it is worth clarifying one fact: the more time has passed after sex, the greater the likelihood of pregnancy. The likelihood that pregnancy pills will help after an unprotected intercourse a week later is very small. It is recommended to take emergency contraceptive measures during the first three days.

Contraindications to their use include:

  • liver disease;
  • over thirty-five years of age;
  • thromboembolism;
  • migraine;
  • age less than sixteen years;
  • lactation;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • instability of the menstrual cycle;
  • pregnancy;
  • kidney disease;
  • anemia;
  • smoking (especially long experience).

This issue should be taken with the utmost responsibility, because the drugs are hormonal. They can be very harmful to health. Be sure to carefully read the instructions that come with the medicine before use.

Side effects

Any woman is obliged to read the instructions for the use of these drugs. This should be approached with great responsibility, because hormonal drugs can lead to a whole list of serious diseases and consequences. Some of them are incurable. Side effects after using emergency contraception include:

  • infertility;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • thrombosis;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • violations in the menstrual cycle;
  • stomachache;
  • nausea;
  • hormonal disruptions;
  • severe fatigue;
  • allergic reaction;
  • emotional stress and so on.

Many women are interested in - what anti-pregnancy pills will help after an unprotected act in a month? Such miraculous drugs do not exist, since the period is already very long. In this case, you have to resort to the help of gynecologists to terminate the pregnancy with the help of special drugs. Tablets for this procedure are not sold in pharmacies, they can only be obtained from a doctor and drunk under his supervision. We propose to discuss this issue in the next section.

How is a medical abortion procedure performed?

We note right away that even this type of abortion has its own specific terms of usefulness and safety. It can be carried out until the tenth obstetric week. A woman herself can easily calculate the last day of the opportunity to terminate a pregnancy with a medical abortion (sixty-three days from the first day of the last menstruation). Going beyond these limits is highly discouraged, it is not only useless, but also very dangerous.

  • familiarization (a woman signs papers stating that she is familiar with the rules and possible complications);
  • taking the drug (this drug completely blocks the production of progesterone);
  • taking a prostaglandin preparation (the stage is not mandatory, since in 99% of cases the fetal egg comes out on its own and stimulation of this process is not required);
  • ultrasound procedure.

It is important to clarify what drugs are used in this method of abortion. As a rule, they are based on mifepristone. These include:

  • "Mifegin".
  • Mifeprex.
  • "Mifepristone".
  • "Mifolian" and others.

Cost and reviews

In this section, we will briefly review the reviews and price of anti-pregnancy pills after an unprotected intercourse. Reviews of women are numerous and varied. In 90% of cases, with proper intake and compliance with the terms, women did not experience any discomfort and could get rid of an unwanted pregnancy.

Prices in Russia are shown in the table.

When buying any drug, read the instructions, dosage, indications, contraindications and composition.

It happens that during sexual intercourse the condom breaks, so the seminal fluid penetrates the female body. Also, unwanted penetration of spermatozoa can occur during rape. How to be a woman in order to avoid a deeply unwanted conception, is it really possible to resort to such an unsafe method as abortion. There is a way out, and not so dangerous. There are emergency birth control pills that are designed to prevent unwanted conception and prevent the consequences of unprotected sex. But you can take these drugs only in really emergency cases, since frequent use is fraught with dangerous complications for a woman.

In the process of intimacy, anything can happen - a condom has moved out, COCs have been allowed, or partners simply forgot about protection. What should a woman do in a similar situation in order to still avoid pregnancy.

  • A woman needs to immediately get out of bed so that the seminal fluid flows out of the vagina without reaching the female cell. But you cannot completely rely on such a method, because it does not guarantee 100% reliability.
  • Immediately after sexual contact, you must take a bath and wash thoroughly with soap and water. This should be done in the first 10 minutes after sex. Such an action will help reduce the likelihood of conception by 10%. You can also douche with something acidic, for example, a lemon or acetic aqueous solution. Such funds lead to the creation of aggressive conditions for spermatozoa in the vagina, but such douching must be done with extreme caution to avoid burn damage to the mucous tissues.
  • If a lady regularly drinks any contraceptive drug, then you need to carefully study its instructions, usually there is an algorithm of actions when you skip taking a pill.
  • If sex was with an unreliable partner, then the woman needs to treat her genitals and vagina in the very next few minutes with agents that prevent the development of STDs. Miramistin is referred to such drugs, but the possibility of its use should be discussed with a gynecologist.

When do emergency contraceptives help?

Any means and categories of such contraception cannot be called completely safe and useful for the female body, and therefore they resort to them only in extreme situations, when coitus has already happened, or the woman has been raped, etc. In general, each emergency contraceptive is intended more for women living intimate life is quite rare, and also indispensable in unforeseen situations when sex occurred without protection.

They call such medications postcoital, since they are used after the fact that sperm enters the vaginal environment. If sexual intercourse happened before the onset of the ovulatory period, then a high dose of hormonal substances will prevent its onset and this woman's cycle will be anovulatory. If fertilization occurs, then emergency contraception will prevent the embryo from gaining a foothold. Such medicines contain a very high dose of hormonal substances, so such high-dose hormone-containing drugs should be taken as rarely as possible.

How emergency contraception works

The medicinal effect of emergency contraception is reduced to such effects as suppressing the maturation of the female cell, preventing the cell from meeting with sperm and preventing it from implanting into the uterine wall. Therefore, after taking the drug in the female body, the cervical secretion thickens, which does not allow sperm to enter the uterus. Also along the way, high dosages of hormonal components prevent ovulation, so the cell does not come out and the spermatozoa die safely.

If the sperm still penetrated the uterus, reached the cell and fertilized it, then under the influence of the hormonal components of the drug, hypotrophy of the endometrial layer occurs, which does not allow the zygote to gain a foothold on it, therefore, further development of pregnancy does not occur, and the embryo leaves the uterus during the next menstruation along with bleeding. The effectiveness of emergency contraceptives reaches quite high rates, amounting to about 97-99%. But there are also pitfalls here. A high contraceptive effect is achieved due to the high content of hormonal substances that do not have the best effect on the female body.

Varieties of contraception

Experts distinguish several categories of emergency contraceptives.

How to take emergency contraceptives

To get the proper effect from taking emergency contraception, you need to follow the rules for its use. When taking drugs with levonorgestrel as an active ingredient (Postinor, etc.), you need to take into account that they should be drunk no later than 72 hours after unprotected proximity. The first pill must be taken immediately, and the sooner, the higher the contraceptive effect. The second pill is drunk after 12-16 hours. If a woman vomited, then you need to drink another Postinor tablet. If we talk about other drugs with levonorgestrel, for example, Eskinor F or Escapel, then they are taken once, one pill at a time, also within a 72-hour period. The effectiveness of such drugs depends on how quickly the drug was taken after sex. Reception in a day or less provides a contraceptive effect by 95%, after 25-48 hours - by 85%, and after 2-3 days - by only 58%.

Preparations with progestogen and estrogen are taken according to the Yuspe scheme. This technique involves taking COCs, but at higher dosages. The first time take 2-4 pills no later than the third day after intimacy. The second dose of the same number of tablets is made after 12 hours. Usually, combined oral agents such as Ovidon or Rigevidon, Silest and Non-ovlon are used as fire contraception. The effectiveness of this method reaches 75-85 percent.

Pills with mifepristone like Mifolian and Agest, Ginepristone or Genale are recommended to drink during the first 3 days. They only take one pill. An important condition is an empty stomach, so you can’t eat a couple of hours before and after taking the pill.

Adverse reactions

Emergency contraception due to a large dose of hormonal substances causes many side effects, which include nausea and vomiting reactions and intermenstrual bleeding, breast tenderness and migraine symptoms. If the patient already has varicose veins, then taking fire contraception can provoke thrombosis. Also among the adverse reactions are often menstrual failures and dizziness. Taking high-dose hormonal drugs often leads to menstrual disorders, when the patient's periods begin to go longer or more abundantly.

Also, in response to taking fire contraception, allergic reactions, pain in the uterus and genital tract can develop. But adverse reactions occur only in a fifth of the patients, the rest of the ladies tolerate the effect of this category of drugs more easily. If you follow the instructions, emergency contraceptives will help to avoid unwanted motherhood.

Best emergency contraceptives

Doctors identify several popular fire contraception drugs that are most often used to prevent unwanted conception:

Contraindications for admission

But such high-dose hormonal contraception has a number of specific contraindications, which include a long history of nicotine addiction and a mature age after 35, the presence of a hereditary tendency to thromboembolism. In addition, patients suffering from pronounced migraine pains, a predisposition to uterine bleeding, or advanced hepatic and biliary pathologies will have to abandon the use of emergency contraceptives. Also, the use of such contraception is not recommended for young girls (under 16), pregnant women, and lactating patients.

If completely unformed pubertal girls take such contraceptives, then they will experience serious cycle disorders, and in some cases irreversible infertility may develop. Also, fire contraception is not recommended for lactose intolerance, Crohn's disease, unstable and irregular menstrual cycles, for hormone-dependent reproductive tumor processes, as well as for women who have had cases of ectopic pregnancy in the past.

Emergency contraception is a fairly serious category of drugs that are not safe to take on their own, so a gynecological appointment and strict adherence to the rules of admission are necessary, then unwanted conception and further abortion can be avoided.

It is usually customary to protect yourself before sexual intercourse, but different situations happen in life ... The condom burst ... Turned my head, and forgot about everything ... Interrupted intercourse did not work out ... There are doubts about the contraceptive used ...

For all these situations, there are emergency methods of protection called postcoital.

Such tablets can be taken within three days after intercourse. The performance will be the higher, the less time passes after the act.

Table of the effectiveness of contraceptives

To ensure that conception is prevented after unprotected intercourse, a large concentration of hormonal substances is required, so this option of contraceptives cannot be taken constantly. They are only for SOS cases. According to medical data and WHO recommendations, during the year, a woman can resort to emergency measures no more than three times.

When do women seek emergency help?

It is worth using postcoital contraception in every case when pregnancy is undesirable.

This is necessary even with a regular partner if contact has taken place, but at the moment you or he is taking certain drugs that can cause abnormalities in the development of the fetus. These include:

  • Antibiotics, especially tetracyclines.
  • Contraceptives less than six months ago.
  • Valproic acid and drugs based on it for the treatment of epilepsy.
  • Steroids.
  • Beta blockers.
  • Antiviral.
  • Antihelminthic.

Certain diseases, such as tuberculosis, hepatitis, syphilis, rubella, serious disorders of the thyroid gland or kidneys, can also become indications. There is a chance of conception if you are taking oral contraceptives but missed a few doses. "Casual" one-night stands or violence that you don't want to have a baby after are also good reasons for emergency protection.

Unplanned pregnancy is a very common event. Of all the cases of conception in the world, 66% are unplanned. Therefore, if you are sure that in any case you will interrupt the gestation, it is better to take pills. Preventing conception is much more humane for a possible baby and safer for a woman than abortion..


Like any hormonal drugs, contraceptives after intercourse introduce an imbalance in the woman's body. In this case, there may be a deterioration in well-being.

  • Nausea.
  • Weakness, dizziness.
  • Bleeding.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Stomach upset.
  • Dryness in the vagina.
  • Eruptions on the skin.
  • Puffiness.
  • Severe headaches.
  • Violations in the blood circulation system, up to a heart attack.

In the future, you can observe changes in the monthly cycle, failures in menstruation. The consequences are especially pronounced after 35 years and in those women who smoke. If you use drugs too often, then over time there is a threat of ectopic pregnancy or miscarriages.

The body will take time to recover and return to a balanced state. The optimal interval between tablets is three to six months..

Contraindications to emergency contraception are:

  • Problems with blood clotting and a tendency to bleed.
  • Young age - up to sixteen years.
  • Lactation.
  • Low hemoglobin.
  • Serious liver and kidney disease.

Mechanism of action

You should know that contraceptives after sex have two mechanisms of action and the choice can make a fundamental difference on the moral side.

  1. First group- prevents ovulation, that is, it does not allow the egg to ripen and come out, so conception does not occur in principle.
  2. Second group- does not allow an already fertilized egg to attach to the uterus, which for opponents of abortion and believers is equivalent to murder.

The first group includes drugs with a progestogen effect. They are similar to the female hormones produced by the corpus luteum and adrenal glands during pregnancy. Substances prevent the pituitary gland from producing elements that provoke the maturation of the egg. It is for this reason that women do not have periods during gestation. They also make the vaginal mucus thick and difficult for sperm to move through. These pills are effective during the first half of the cycle up to three days before ovulation. If the egg has already left the ovary, progestin contraceptives become useless.

The second group includes substances with an antiprogestogenic effect. They act in two ways. On the one hand, like the previous group, they inhibit the maturation of the egg, on the other hand, they block the hormones that make the uterus a suitable place for the maturation of the fetus. In order for the egg to merge with the endometrium, a number of changes occur in the mucosa, which stop antigestagens. In parallel, they increase muscle contraction, pushing the zygote out of the organ cavity.

This group also includes intrauterine devices with copper. Their installation should take place no later than 120 hours after sex. 99% protection efficiency. The spiral prevents the egg from attaching, and also changes the environment in and around the uterus, making it unsuitable for sperm. The method is not recommended for nulliparous. Also, not all women tolerate implantation well, the spiral causes uterine bleeding (24%), severe inflammation (4%) and uterine perforation (0.5%).

Let's take a closer look at the pills from each group and determine which ones are most suitable after unprotected intercourse.

Birth control pills after intercourse within 72 hours

Drugs that delay the release of the egg are released on the basis of levonorgestrel. Trade names may vary:

  • Eskinor F.
  • Escapelle.
  • Gravistat.
  • Microlute.
  • Postinor.

Substances that protect the uterus from the fetal egg are made using mefipristone.

  • Genale.
  • Miropriston.
  • Mifegin.

Another group is combined drugs with levonorgestrel and estradiol.. They are allowed to be taken as permanent oral contraceptives. Due to the presence of estradiol, they regulate the monthly cycle and lead to the onset of menstruation before the maturation of the egg - rejection of the endometrium. When used as an emergency, the dosage must be strictly observed so as not to cause uterine bleeding. These include:

  • Triziston.
  • Triquilar.
  • Trinordiol.
  • Gravistat 125.
  • Klimonorm.
  • Microgynon.
  • Minisistron.
  • Miranova.
  • Anteovin.
  • Silest.
  • Non-Ovlon.

Despite the use of the same active substance, different drugs are tolerated differently. It depends on the auxiliary components, the degree of purification, the concentration of the active component. Consider the most effective in the opinion of women and physicians.

Good and effective birth control pills after the act: a list with names


It is considered the best drug in terms of efficacy and tolerability by the body. Contains synthetic levonorgestrel, an analogue of the natural hormone. Helps to avoid unwanted pregnancy by slowing down ovulation. Good for women with regular cycles.

It is not used as a permanent contraceptive because it contains a higher dose of progestogen than conventional medicines for every day. However, less than in some drugs of similar action.

It is best to take the pill in the first two days after contact. Drink the remedy twice. The first tablet during the first or second day and another one twelve hours after the first. If vomiting occurs, and two hours have not passed after using the contraceptive, the dose is repeated. Due to the low concentration of the active substance, this combination is allowed twice a month.

Do not prescribe the drug to women with cholecystitis and liver disease. Treatment with antibiotics (tetracyclines and ampicillins) reduces the effectiveness of protection. After using Postinor, nausea is observed, there is a lack of menstruation for some time, as well as spotting between menstruation. The cost of a package containing two tablets of the product is about 350 rubles.


Two pills include a high concentration of the active ingredient - levonorgestrel (1.5 mg). Take them simultaneously or sequentially with an interval of 12 hours. In this case, the efficiency will be different. If you drink two tablets at once within three days, then the probability of becoming pregnant will be 16%. When taken at intervals, it all depends on the timing of the start of treatment. By the last third day, the probability of protecting yourself from an unplanned pregnancy is only 58%.

It should be understood that the severity of side effects with a double dose is much higher. They consist of migraine and loss of consciousness, weakness, pain in the lower abdomen and nausea, bleeding in 10% of cases and more often.

There is evidence of a decrease in the effectiveness of treatment in obesity. Do not use Escapel if there is severe liver failure. The drug does not affect the development of the child, if you did not know about the pregnancy that had already begun, the medicine will not affect the baby. Three hundred rubles costs one pack of 2 pieces of 0, 75 or one piece of 1.5 mg.


Includes 10 milligrams of mifepristone. According to studies, this is the optimal dose, increasing the concentration does not increase the effectiveness of the drug. Pills work by blocking the receptors for progesterone, the hormone of pregnancy. As a result, the body does not undergo the changes necessary to start the development of the baby. Starts to work very quickly. The maximum concentration in the blood is observed after an hour and a half.

Do not use for inflammation of the genital organs, anemia, bronchial asthma and renal failure. The action is opposite to glucocorticosteroids (inhalations for asthma, drugs for the treatment of joints), therefore, Ginepristone is not used during therapy with these drugs. Also, after a course of contraception, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (analgin, ibufen) are not prescribed for two weeks.

To get the maximum effect, you should not eat for two hours before and after taking the Ginepristone tablet. One tablet costs 180 rubles.


Mifepristone concentrated preparation - 10 or 200 mg in each pill. It is used not only for protection, but also for medical abortion, up to 1.5 months of pregnancy, as well as stimulation of childbirth. The active substance does not allow the egg to be fixed, delays ovulation, significantly increases the contractile activity of the uterus. In combination with prostaglandin, the strength of the muscles increases. The drug is used in the treatment of certain cancers and uterine nodes, by blocking progesterone receptors.

For protection use 10 mg once. May lead to exacerbation of inflammatory processes in the genital organs, vomiting, diarrhea. It is considered a strong drug in a pharmacy released by prescription.

Combined birth control pills after sex


Combined agent based on ethinylestradiol (0.05) and levonorgistrel (0.25). Causes changes in the fallopian tubes, cervical canal, endometrium, ovaries. The latter are at rest, and the endometrium temporarily atrophies. It works as efficiently as possible - 100% obstacle to pregnancy.

However, there is a large list of contraindications, including:

  • Feeding a child.
  • Pathology of the heart.
  • Diabetes.
  • Hypertension.
  • Thrombosis.
  • anemia.
  • Diseases of the gallbladder.

For permanent oral contraception, one tablet is used, and for urgent, up to 4 tablets at once, for example, 2 tablets with a break of 12 hours.

Consequences of taking postcoital contraceptive pills

You should carefully approach the choice of partners and monitor your safety. Unprotected intercourse is dangerous for a woman with its consequences, both in the case of an abortion and in emergency care. The use of postcoital contraception can permanently unsettle and damage health. Many women experience:

  • Severe paroxysmal migraine headaches.
  • Violations of the cycle with delays up to a week or more.
  • Bleeding after taking and in between periods.
  • Problems with bearing up to infertility.
  • Thrombus formation.
  • risk of ectopic pregnancy.

Therefore, whenever possible, the use of these drugs should be reduced or completely eliminated. If the reception cannot be avoided, then you should carefully study the contraindications and accurately calculate the dose, not exceeding it.