How to put a grid on plastic. Installing mosquito nets: step by step instructions. Is it possible to install a ready-made mosquito net on a wooden window

With the onset of the warm season, a desire immediately appears to open the windows of the apartment wide open in order to ensure the flow fresh air throughout the day. However, the flow of life-giving coolness is overshadowed by annoying insects that, under the cover of night, go on the "warpath". And, as luck would have it, they choose a person as a victim.

In order not to become an object of attack, it is necessary and then install it on the window. However, what about those people who have never seen how it is mounted? Calling a specialist because of such a trifle and paying him money is somehow out of hand. There is only one entrance - read this article to the end in order to remember once and for all how to install a mosquito net on plastic window.

Functional purpose.

The design of a typical mosquito net includes aluminum profile covered with plastic white color with a fine-grained gray mesh, which in itself is quite fragile, because it is also made of aluminum.

The mosquito cloth is designed to perform several functions at once, it:

  1. Protects the room from various insects trying to get into it from the street;
  2. Gets in the way of small particles of plant origin, which can serve as a source for the manifestation of allergies. It also protects the room from the ingress of street dust and dirt.
  3. Serves as a protective barrier for pets, insuring them from falling out.

It doesn't take much work. It is enough to wipe them once a year with a damp cloth. Dismantling is also effortless.

Removing the mesh must be carried out at least twice a year - once for wiping, the other when cold weather sets in. Please note that the aluminum sheet that the mosquito net is equipped with is not designed for operation at low temperatures - it can simply disperse.

The installation of the mesh itself does not require the possession of special skills and tools. Even the hostess can handle it without any help.

If such a mosquito net is supplied with new PVC windows, then during installation by specialists window construction, ask them to show how the mosquito net is installed. Its removal will occur in reverse order.

If there are already plastic windows in the apartment, then when buying a mesh, you need to check its completeness - it must include fasteners, which are two pairs of fasteners - upper and lower. Install them correctly - with a wide bar to the top.

Installation process.

  • The lower fastener is installed in such a way that the position of the mosquito net relative to the window opening is 1.5 cm lower than it.
  • The upper components of the fasteners are fixed on the window frame at a distance that includes the height of the grid plus 1 cm.
  • The mesh frame is installed in the following sequence: the product is completely taken out into the street, its upper part is inserted into the upper groove of the fastener, and the lower part, respectively, into the lower one.

To properly install the mosquito net yourself, you should use one of the attachment methods. Consider each of them in more detail.

Internal fasteners.

The product is taken by the side handles, hooked on top of the window influx and the mesh rises up to the end. Then the lower hooks are wound up behind the influx of the frame from the bottom, and the product is placed on the fastener from below. After that, the installed structure is aligned in the window opening.

External fasteners.

This method is the most dangerous, however, and the most proven. It involves protruding outside the window to fix the corners with screws. If desired this work You can entrust the specialists of the company for the installation of window structures.

The installation of the mosquito net occurs in the following sequence:

  • At a distance of 5 centimeters from each edge, the upper fasteners are screwed with screws, the size of which should be limited to 2 cm due to the likelihood of them getting into the window frame when tightened.
  • Having finished working with the upper ones, you need to continue installing the mosquito net with your own hands, using the lower mounts.

They can be fixed in two ways:

  1. This way best for access window profile outside and based on markup. Assumes two employees. One holds the product, the other outlines the distance at which the fixing elements will be attached.
  2. Second way. After fixing the upper holders, measure the length of the mosquito net and add 2.7 cm to the obtained value. Measure the desired length from the end of the upper fastener. Mark with a pencil. Screw the lower fastening element at the intended risk.

With the onset of the long-awaited warm days, mosquitoes and midges come to life. It is very difficult to hide from them. They penetrate into the slightest gap, strive to get to the person as soon as possible. Only a mosquito can stop them. It will also become an obstacle for poplar fluff, dust, etc. Let's figure out how to install it on a plastic window yourself.

Selection and installation of a mosquito net

The best remedy to protect the house from annoying guests - a mosquito. It completely covers the frame, preventing the penetration of insects inside.

Types of mosquito nets

  • Framework. This is a frame assembled from metal-plastic, on which a mesh fabric is stretched. The finished structure is attached with outside windows on plungers or Z-brackets. This is an economical and quite convenient option.
  • Roll. The protection is made as an analogue, only instead of a fabric a plastic mesh is placed. The roll is attached to the top of the frame. If necessary, the edge is lowered and fixed. Easy to use, the price is higher than analogues.
  • Swing. It looks like a frame, but the frame is reinforced. One side of it is placed on hinges, after which the frame can swing open and close by snapping onto a magnet. The design is more often chosen for doors on.
  • Sliding. Constituent element sliding systems. This is a frame moving along the guides, on which the mesh panel is fixed. Its dimensions correspond to the sash. When one of them opens, the canvas moves and closes it.

Despite such a variety of anti-mosquito elements, frame products are most often chosen.

Take measurements

  1. Fully open the sash.
  2. We measure the width of the opening from one seal to another.
  3. Similarly, we measure the height of the opening.

In order not to be mistaken with the sizes, we must measure in several places. There may be slight discrepancies. The obtained values ​​are recorded with an accuracy of millimeters.

Choose mounting method

Important point: Select a mount. Plungers are placed on the frames, they are also rods or brackets. The latter option is much more common. In this case, the mosquito is placed with outer side window. It is inserted into brackets shaped like the letter Z. A significant drawback is that the product can be easily removed from the street. Therefore, such fasteners are placed above the first or second floor. On the lower ones, grids are installed on the plungers. They are also attached from the outside, but the rods that fix the product in place are located on the side of the room. Thus, it is impossible to remove the protection from the outside.

The difficulty lies in the fact that the frame must exactly repeat the light opening. It is almost impossible to do this, there are always small gaps. They can be used by insects. Therefore, a special brush is attached around the perimeter of the frame.

Made according to the specified dimensions, it is issued to the customer along with the fasteners that he will install on his own. Let's analyze two possible options.

Sequence of work for a staple in the form of the letter Z

The kit comes with four brackets. Two of them with a shelf side of 25 mm, two with a side of 40 mm. Those that are larger are placed on top. To work, you will need a drill, a 2 mm drill, a screwdriver or just a screwdriver, two self-tapping screws with a screw for each bracket.

  1. We open the sash. Outside, on the bottom of the plastic frame, lay 30 mm down, draw a line. We will install brackets on it.
  2. From it we set aside the height of the mosquito, add 18 mm, draw a line. If it is possible to work outside, the easiest way is to attach the part to the intended bottom line, mark the top edge. Add an allowance, draw a second line.
  3. We outline the areas where we will mount the brackets. We retreat 10 cm from the edge of the light opening to the left and right. We make marks.
  4. We apply fasteners to the intended point so that the edge of the shelf is on the line. Mark where the holes should be. We do the same with each bracket.
  5. We drill holes. We put the brackets, fasten them with self-tapping screws.

It remains to put anti-mosquito cloth. He is taken by the handles, slightly turned to the side, taken out of the sash. Then lead into the upper brackets, align. Raise, insert into the lower mounts, lower a little.

The sequence of work for the corners

Installing a mosquito net on a plastic one is also done on the corners. Like staples, they are attached on the outside window frame. Install fasteners on top bigger size, below the smaller one. The elements are fixed with self-tapping screws. The marking and installation process is very similar to that described above. There is only one difference. The clamps "hold" the mosquito by the corners, so it is required precise marking.

The lower and upper bounds are outlined in a similar way. Then determine the middle of the opening. From it to the right and to the left lay half the width of the mesh part. The distance between the inner centers of the corners will be equal to the width of the mosquito plus 0.2 or 0.3 cm for free fixation. Installation of the frame in the corner mounts is carried out in the same way as in the brackets.

We figured out how to attach a mosquito net to a plastic one. It is not difficult at all, especially if you order the product according to your dimensions from a company specializing in production and installation. window systems. It remains only to put up protection that will block the path of annoying insects.

As soon as hot days come on the street, one wants to open wide all the windows in the house so that fresh air displaces the stagnant stuffiness. But here's the problem: along with fresh air, annoying insects happily fly into the home to spoil our mood with their bites and buzzing.

The best way to keep them out of your territory is with a mosquito net. We will talk about the rules for installing it on a plastic window in this article.

Mosquito net: how it works, types

This simple device will not only act as a protection against annoying insects, so you do not have to spend money on fumigators and other not-so-useful chemicals. The mosquito net will not let street dust, poplar fluff and plant pollen into the house, which is very important for allergy sufferers. In addition, you can not worry about the safety of your pets - cats, dogs and birds when the window is open.

Note! There are many cases when cats and dogs, trying to jump out of an open plastic window, got stuck between the frames and died from asphyxia. By installing a mosquito net, you can save your pet not only health, but also life.

Structurally, such a grid consists of the following parts:

  • profiles: frame, transom and corner;
  • connecting corners;
  • fastening cord;
  • 4 holders (z-mounts) made of metal or plastic.

Using a mosquito net, you will be convinced of the mass of its advantages. The first is convenience. AT right time you can easily remove this design, and if necessary, insert it back without much hassle. The mosquito net does not require careful maintenance, as it is rubbed with a sponge and washed with soap and water.

The second is the discreet appearance of the grid, its aesthetics. Small holes in the material make it translucent, so the view from the window is not obstructed, enough water enters the room sunlight and fresh air. Rainwater from the street through such holes will not leak.

And the third - the design of the mosquito net consists of aluminum and fiberglass. This means that it is highly durable, resistant to mechanical influences(tearing, stretching, bending tension) and does not fade in the sun. But nevertheless, the net is flexible and compact enough that you can roll it up and put it in a closet for a while.

The most common types of fastening mosquito nets

Taking into account the features of installation and use, mosquito nets are divided into several types. Let's consider them in more detail.

  1. Frame mesh - the most simple design, affordable, and therefore the most common. It is presented in two versions: removable and sliding. This is your option if you are not going to open the grid often. Window mesh too big size often reinforced in the center with a bar. There is another type frame mesh- plunger. It is mounted in the window opening, and not attached to the corners.

    Frame mosquito net - the easiest and most affordable option

  2. Velcro construction (sometimes tape) is very easy to use. It is mounted on inside window sashes, and can be easily removed when needed.

    In order for such a mesh to stick well to the window, you must first clean the surface of dust and load.

  3. The roll mosquito net is a relatively new invention. It consists of the mesh itself, rolled up and attached to a guide profile with a transverse bar equipped with handles. The principle of operation of the device is the same as that of roller shutters: when you open the grid, it goes inside the box located above the door. This type of grid is very well suited for large windows.

    Rolled mosquito net, or rollet

  4. The pleated mesh resembles a rolled mesh by the principle of operation, it only gathers into an accordion, moving in a horizontal direction. These meshes are so good in appearance that modern designers they are often offered to customers not only as protection, but also as an interior element. This design can be made in any color and decorated with drawings or other decorative elements.

    Pleated mosquito net can be a decoration for your window

  5. "Antikoshka" - this design is useful to you if there are pets in the house. The net is made of very strong threads that are resistant to any damage and is equipped with an additional fastening for increased safety. No cat can hurt her. And it is not necessary to remove this mesh for the winter - it will perfectly withstand snow and frost.

    Mosquito net "Antikoshka" will withstand the pressure of your pet

Types of fastening on plastic windows

This design is usually attached to PVC windows with one of four type species fasteners.

  1. Plunger mount - experts position it as the most reliable, but at the same time it is more expensive than other options. Plungers can be mounted in windows of any type, they are most resistant to wind. The plunger is a metal pin with a spring-closer, adjustable in length. A mosquito net with such a mount is easy to install and remove.
  2. Plastic corners - popular type mounts. They are installed from the outside so imperceptibly that they do not catch the eye, which means they do not spoil the design of the windows. The mesh can be easily removed and will not interfere with closing the window.
  3. Corners made of metal, z-mounts are not as reliable as plungers. They should be tightly fitted to the frame and fixed on it additionally from the inside.
  4. Mounting "Flag", unfortunately, is not reliable compared to previous options, but cheaper. Fasteners are plastic hooks small size fixing the grid. The disadvantage of such an attachment is its low resistance to external influences: it can easily be torn off by a strong gust of wind.

Mosquito net mounts: plungers, flags, corners and z-mounts

Installation Instructions

To independently install the mosquito net, prepare the tools:

  • screwdriver or drill;
  • thin drills;
  • riveting tool;
  • screwdrivers;
  • ruler, tape measure.

Fasteners are supplied with the assembly. But you need to be sure to specify this when ordering and check before purchasing products.

Installation on metal brackets from the inside

This method of attaching the mesh to PVC double-glazed windows is considered the simplest and safest. With the help of aluminum rivets, the hooks are baited onto long strips.

  1. Hold the product by the side handle and wind the top bracket over the window sill.
  2. Raise the mesh all the way up, hook the lower hooks on the frame ledge.
  3. Seat the mosquito sheet down to the very end and align with the window opening.

Install the mesh and fasten it to the brackets

Fastening the canvas from the outside

This method is reliable, moreover, with such a mount you will not damage rubber seals. But do not forget to follow the safety rules, because you will have to lean out of the window outside to screw the corners.

Video: how to install a mosquito net on the corners

Mounting on plunger mounts

If mounting on conventional brackets is not possible, this method is used. As a rule, a protective grille can interfere. Or there is not enough space on the frame to place the brackets. Since the plunger mesh should be placed inside the opening of your window, and not overlapping, measurements are taken in strict accordance with the perimeter of the frame.

Roll mesh (roller)

Most effective method protection from insects and dust from the street. The system is fixed above the window.

  1. Free up the attachment point: remove the plastic or aluminum frame from the mesh.
  2. Having attached the net to the window, mark the place where you will fasten it, and fix it.
  3. Open the covers on the slats to get to the fasteners.
  4. Along the entire length of the perimeter of the window frame, mark the installation locations and mount the strips as evenly as possible. Tuck the mesh under them, then fasten the covers of the slats back.

The installation of the rolled mesh begins with the installation of the box on top frame window

Video: how roll mosquito nets are attached

What about timber framed windows?

So far, not all apartments and houses are equipped with PVC double-glazed windows. How to protect yourself from the invasion of insects if you have windows with wooden frames? We offer you several options.

They made mosquito nets for me, according to my sizes (about how to measure correctly). It remains only to install mosquito nets on my windows. There is nothing complicated here, but there is small nuances which are worth considering, read more below ...

I want to warn you right away, mosquito nets are attached outside the window and therefore if you have a high floor you need to be very careful not to fall out of the window!

Well, let's not pull, I give step-by-step instructions.

1) What do we need. The mosquito itself, fasteners (I bought them from the manufacturer for 40 rubles a set, 4 pieces), self-tapping screws 3 * 2 mm, a tape measure and a pencil.

2) We pretend a “mosquito” on the window, if you measured everything correctly (), then your mesh should go with plastic edges on the window, and the mesh itself should be in open space, look.

3) Precisely for plastic edges and will hold our mosquito net, as a rule, they are 2 cm in size.

4) Now we need to set aside 2 cm at the bottom, but rather take it with a margin of about 3 cm.

5) After marking, you need to horizontally fix the lower fasteners, take and fasten according to the marks, everything is done with a screwdriver in seconds, with a screwdriver it doesn’t take long either!

6) After you have fixed the lower mounts, put the net, look, nothing should interfere

7) It remains to fix side mounts, they are mounted vertically, I personally mount them just below the corner of the window, so it is convenient to insert the grid later. We also set aside 3 cm on the sides (with a margin) and install the fasteners.

The design of a mosquito net usually includes:

  • frame profile;
  • impost profile;
  • special connecting corners;
  • fastening cord;
  • corner profile;
  • 4 plastic or metal holders (z-mounts).

After attaching the mosquito net to balcony door, a window in a room or on a balcony, you can completely forget about annoying insects. This will help you avoid using fumigators and other health hazards. chemicals for insect control. In addition, the device protects against dirt, dust, penetration into the house of allergens - plant particles, poplar fluff. It also guarantees the safety of pets when the window is open.

Among the main advantages of this design:

  1. Ease of use. How to remove a mosquito net from a window? - you will not have such a question, since the grids are easy to install and just as easy to remove if necessary - for washing, for example.
  2. You can wash the mesh with ordinary soap and a sponge.
  3. Aesthetics and attractive appearance - the installed grid will not spoil even the artsy design of the room.
  4. The mesh has tiny holes that can protect not only from insects, but also from raindrops. At the same time, the material does not block the view from the window in any way, does not interfere with the access of fresh air.
  5. The design is durable, because it includes metal (aluminum) frame elements and fiberglass.
  6. The material is incredibly resistant to stretching, tearing, bending tension, and in addition, does not fade in the sun.
  7. Due to its small thickness, the mesh is compact, which means it can be stored anywhere.

Types of mosquito nets

When deciding how to install a mosquito net on plastic windows, it is worth determining what type of construction you will use. The main varieties here are:

  1. Framework considered the simplest and most affordable in terms of cost. It can be made removable and sliding. This type is ideal when there is no need to constantly open the grid. If the mesh is made large, then an additional reinforcing bar is installed in the middle.

  2. One of the varieties of the frame mesh is considered to be plunger - it is not attached to special corners, but is mounted directly into the window opening.

  3. Velcro design or scotch tape is also elemental. It is mounted on the inside casement and can be easily removed if needed.

  4. Attaching a mosquito net to a balcony door can be done type standard door . It is hinged and opens inward or outward, just like a regular door. AT closed position the mesh is held by special magnets, and a handle is provided for easy opening.

  5. rolled considered one of the newest inventions. It includes a guide profile, a mesh in a roll and a special cross bar with handles. The principle of using the product resembles roller shutters - when open, the mesh is hidden in a box above the door. it perfect solution for big window openings and glazed balconies.
  6. Pleated similar to roll structure, but moves horizontally, gathering at the same time into an accordion. Such a grid is able to decorate the interior with its original appearance. Designers often decorate pleats with drawings and other decorative elements, experiment with colors.

More information about various types you will find mosquito nets for windows in our article. You will also learn about proper care for such structures.

We talked about the features of nets for balcony doors on making a net for a door with our own hands.

And about that, read here. AT warm time years, this thing can be very useful, especially if your windows are on the sunny side.

Mosquito net attachment features

Attaching a mosquito net to plastic windows or a door can perform 4 basic types fasteners:

  1. The plunger mount is considered the most expensive, but also the most reliable, wind-resistant. The plunger is a special metal part with length adjustment. It uses springs. The mesh with such a mount is easy to remove and put on. By the way, the plunger is suitable for windows of any type.
  2. The most unreliable mount is the “flag” - fastening with small plastic hooks. However, it can break off with a strong gust of wind.
  3. Metal corners (z-shaped fasteners) also make the fastening secure. However, such corners must be tightly fitted to the frame, and also additionally fixed to it from the inside of the room.
  4. A popular type of fastening are considered and plastic corners. They are located on the outside, without changing the design of the windows. The mesh can be easily removed if needed. In addition, this design will not interfere with the normal closing of the window.

How to install a mesh on a balcony door

Start work on installing a mosquito net on a balcony door with correct measurements- at open door from the outside and be sure to close. After that, the method of fastening the structure is determined - it depends on the design features of the door and the location of the mesh.

Then they prepare the tools and components necessary for work - these are self-tapping screws, a screwdriver, hinges and a clamping mechanism, magnets. Before installing the mosquito net, the attachment points of the loops are marked, after which the loops are fixed to door profile self-tapping screws. After the loops are inserted into the mosquito net, a clamping mechanism is installed. At the final stage, clamping magnets are installed, which are also fixed with self-tapping screws.

Installing a mosquito net on a window

Do-it-yourself installation of a mosquito net on plastic windows begins with the assembly of the structure.

Tip: Before you start installing and assembling the grid with your own hands, you need to take the correct measurements.

As a rule, the size of the anti-mosquito structure practically corresponds to the dimensions of the window sash. This must be checked - the window sash opens and is measured along the light opening, after which 20-30 mm is added to the height and width.

The plastic frame profile is cut in strict accordance with the window opening. An additional crossbar can also be mounted here - it is designed to increase the rigidity of the structure, which is necessary with a large height-to-width ratio.

At the top and bottom, the frame profile is reinforced with an impost - usually made of aluminum. This guarantees the strength of the entire product.

After the profile is ready for assembly, it is connected with corners. These corners are made of highly durable PVC (1-2 mm thicker than the profile) - therefore, the design becomes resistant to deformation.

The mesh is stretched over the fixing cord, and then this cord is mounted from the inside into the frame profile, as a result of which the fabric is reliably stretched and completely fixed.

After that, the metal elements of the corner profile are mounted on the frame, which are needed to fix the structure in the window.

Lastly, 2 handles-holders are attached to the mosquito net - thereby ensuring ease of installation. Then the fully assembled mosquito net is installed on the window.

If you are going to install a mosquito net on a window, and you will have it already assembled, then keep in mind that the width of the finished product must exceed the size of the window opening by 2 cm, and the height - 3 cm. special fasteners in the amount of 4 pcs. (Two pairs). Each pair has an upper and lower element, with the upper being wider than the lower.

These fasteners are placed on the frame and screwed - the main thing is not to confuse the sequence. So, first the lower elements are attached - so that the edge of the installed grid is displaced 1.5 cm below the window opening. And in order to determine the place of attachment top element, add 1 cm to the height of the grid and measure this distance from the mounts from below. The mesh is inserted simply into the grooves, being attracted to the frame and falling down.

As a result of simple manipulations, you will get an effective barrier to insects and reliably protect your home from blood-sucking, flies, wasps and moths. In addition, mesh cells allow you to capture even small particles of dust and large debris - which means that even the air in your room will become cleaner.

Installing a mosquito net on a plastic window video

And here you can watch a video that demonstrates the installation of a mosquito net on a PVC window on plastic fasteners.