Testing natural mosquito repellents: the top five. What is the most effective mosquito repellant? Which mosquito repellent to choose

Many people like to spend the weekend in the country or in nature. It would seem that nothing can spoil late-night conversations with friends, fresh air and songs with a guitar. However, buzzing mosquitoes and bites naturally bring only negative memories and skin discomfort. Bites become inflamed, redden and itchy, and they do not go away right away. Therefore, before any country trip or fishing, you need to stock up on all kinds of mosquito repellents. And which of them are the most effective you will learn from our article below.


Mosquito repellents are divided into 2 groups:

  • Individual. Such a tool protects against mosquitoes of the person who uses this product. These include various products applied to human skin and clothing - sprays, ointments, aerosols. Such products only repel mosquitoes, and do not destroy, so it is logical to use this remedy not indoors, but outdoors.
  • General (joint). This type of product is aimed at combating not only mosquitoes, but all kinds of insects that are indoors. Such tools work great in houses, apartments, cottages and even in open street spaces.

Rating TOP 7 best mosquito repellents

Considering the offered range, we can make a mistake with the choice, not knowing all the characteristics of the product. Many products can harm the human body, as a rule, these are unknown brands of products. We studied the possible means and identified 7 brands from them, distinguished from analogues by quality and high demand. This TOP includes the following products:

  • Spray OZZ.
  • Kontra gel.
  • Aerosol "Atas" 150 ml.
  • off spray.
  • MY SUNNY Cream.
  • OFF KIDS Cream.

Let's take a closer look at the offered range below.

Spray O.Z.Z.

The presented mosquito repellent is a fairly popular product, suitable for use in open street spaces. Perfectly repels insects, including ticks. Before use, carefully read the instructions, since it can be applied to the skin only by adults, another drug is intended for children. Ideally protects against insects for several hours, evenly distributed over the surface of the skin, guarantees complete protection. You should be careful not to get the drug in the eyes and on the mucous membranes, so it should be applied to the face with a palm moistened with the product.

Price tag: from 149 to 180 rubles.

Mosquito repellent Spray OZZ

  • repels insects for 2 hours;
  • protects against any kind of insects, including ticks;
  • even distribution.
  • should not be applied to children.

A quality tool, we use the whole family every vacation. It saves a lot during fishing and barbecue in the country. Repels for about 2-3 hours, does not burn the skin and does not cause irritation. Rinses off with soapy water and leaves no stickiness. I recommend, thanks.

Kontra gel

The tool belongs to the general group of drugs and is suitable for country rest. It is perfectly distributed over the entire skin without causing discomfort. The product is suitable for adults and is prohibited for use on children's skin. The tube is quite tightly screwed, without the possibility of leakage. You can carry it with you and add it as needed. The product is ideal for people with delicate and sensitive skin. Prevents drying of the skin, can be applied to the face, avoiding the eyes and mucous membranes.

Cost: from 30 to 60 rubles.

mosquito repellent Kontra gel

  • easy distribution;
  • does not cause drying of the skin;
  • Suitable for delicate and sensitive skin.
  • cannot be used in childhood.

A very good and inexpensive product. After its application, you can fish for another 3 hours without buzzing and biting. Not equipped with a pungent odor, does not cause redness and irritation of the skin. Better than many expensive products. Thank you for such a drug, I advise!

Aerosol "Atas" 150 ml

The drug of increased resistance. Can protect you from insects for 6 hours. Suitable for areas where mosquitoes are especially aggressive and in large quantities. Most often used for fishing and recreation near the river. Before use, shake and spread over the palms of the hands, and then distribute over all exposed areas of the body. Made on an alcohol basis, so after removing the product from the skin, a nourishing cream is required, as the product dries a lot skin covering. Not suitable for children.

Price: from 150 to 180 rubles.

atas mosquito repellent

  • suitable for repelling very aggressive mosquitoes;
  • action time - up to 6 hours;
  • repels a large number of insects.
  • strongly dries the skin (alcohol base);
  • not suitable for children.

The product really protects against mosquitoes. Last Sunday I went fishing with a friend, there were a lot of mosquitoes. It was only necessary to use this tool, the insects evaporated. True, the smell of alcohol is still felt, and the skin is very dry, but the fishing was not spoiled. Thank you!

off spray

This product belongs to the joint group and is suitable for country and river recreation. The agent is distributed as quickly as possible over the skin, does not cause allergy attacks (only in rare cases) and effectively protects against any kind of insects. Valid for 4 hours. Before use, you must first spray the spray on your hands, then apply to exposed surfaces of the skin, clothes, and hair. It has a slight specific smell, however, it is practically inaudible for all 4 hours of action. Provides reliable protection. Designed for adults.

mosquito repellent off spray

  • rapid distribution over the skin (within 30 seconds);
  • protection from any kind of insects;
  • valid for 4 hours;
  • there is practically no smell.
  • not suitable for children.

The product is of high quality, we have been using it only for 3 years. Protects against mosquitoes for 4 hours, thereby prolonging our family vacation in nature. It does not cause skin irritation, there is practically no smell (but it is still felt a little), it helps perfectly during spring holidays and weekends. Thank you!


The presented product is intended for the delicate and sensitive baby skin of the baby. Approved for use from 2 years. Belongs to a joint group, and helps the baby with evening walks or sound sleep in your bed. This spray has special application that all parents need to consider. The product is applied not to the skin of the child, but to the gauze canopy covering his stroller or crib. Both the child and parents are provided with a calm and quiet night, because the smell of the spray will scare away insects, and the gauze will not allow annoying midges and mosquitoes to reach the baby.

Cost: from 223 to 280 rubles.

mosquito repellent GARDEX - SPRAY

  • prohibited for children under 2 years of age.

Great tool, a real lifesaver that saves my baby. Already now there are a lot of mosquitoes in our house, they fly even through window grid. The child does not sleep well, in the morning he is all bitten, combs the wounds and then has a temperature. With the use of the presented tool, everything passed. The gauze canopy with the smell of Gardeks reliably repels both midges and mosquitoes. Thanks to the producers, we are satisfied.


This tool has softness and belongs to the individual protection group. Is absolutely safe means for the health of babies from the age of 1 year. After application, instant absorption occurs, so the product does not leave marks on clothes. Protection from insects occurs within 2-3 hours, which is quite enough time for a walk on fresh air. This product belongs to the group of hypoallergenic products. Moisturizes the skin of the child, has a light, non-toxic aroma.

Cost: from 97 to 120 rubles.

mosquito repellent MY SUNNY Cream

  • hypoallergenic agent;
  • suitable for children over 1 year of age;
  • instantly absorbed into the skin;
  • does not leave marks on clothes.
  • not found.

Great product, I even use it sometimes. It is not suitable for long walks, however, its action will not be enough for country rest, and mosquitoes in nature are more aggressive than in the park. Under its action, the child sleeps soundly, without waking up from bites and itching. Recommend.


This drug is equipped with excellent indicators for the duration of action. Belongs to the individual protection group. The product has wide application and helps against mosquitoes, mosquitoes, horseflies, midges and wasps. It is absorbed into the skin within one minute, does not leave greasy marks on the clothes and skin of the child. Provides protection against insects up to 5 hours. Sometimes causes skin irritation. This factor depends on the individual tolerance of the components. If your child still has an allergy to the composition of the product, then you can use it for your own purposes, an adult is not afraid of irritation.

mosquito repellent OFF KIDS Cream

  • has a wide range of protection (mosquitoes, mosquitoes, horseflies, midges and wasps);
  • fast absorption (1 minute);
  • does not leave marks on clothes;
  • suitable for adults.
  • sometimes causes an allergic reaction;
  • not suitable for children under 3 years old.

We use this product all the time, it helps a lot. Protects against all insects, including flies. There is no nasty smell, everything in moderation, does not irritate the mucous membrane. A friend's child turned out to be allergic to the composition, however, this problem did not affect us. Good cream, I advise.

Comparative table of presented funds

In order to compare the presented products, we suggest taking a look at the table with their characteristics.

Means Validity (in hours) Application age Terms of Use Type Price, rub.)
Spray O.Z.Z. 2 adult avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes joint from 149 to 180
Kontra gel 3 adult avoid contact with eyes joint from 30 to 60
Aerosol "Atas" 150 ml 6 adult distribute into palms and apply to open areas body avoiding the eye area joint from 150 to 180
off spray 4 adult spray the spray on your hands and apply to the necessary areas of the body, avoiding mucous membranes joint from 186 to 230
GARDEX - SPRAY 5 days children (from 2 years old) apply to the gauze curtain covering the baby's stroller joint from 223 to 280
MY SUNNY Cream 2-3 children (from 1 year old) individual from 97 to 120
OFF KIDS Cream 5 children (from 3 years old) apply to exposed skin individual from 144 to 177

Lists of the best

Below are products that have special features and functions, in addition to the main rating. This TOP includes:

  • Cream.
  • Spray can.
  • For kids.

Let's take a closer look at the presented range.

ARGUS - cream

The presented preparation is also a sedative, as it is smeared with recent bites so that they do not irritate, do not itch and pass quickly. The product contains d-panthenol, allantoin, plant extracts and essential oils. Protects for 4 hours from different types insects. Included in the individual protection group.

Price tag: from 88 to 100 rubles.

mosquito repellent ARGUS

Picnic - aerosol

Domestic brand of spray, which is quite popular today. The product has a pleasant aroma that does not cause allergies and effective protection, lasting 4 hours. Soothes the skin, relieves itching after bites committed by mosquitoes and other insects earlier. Also on sale are children's version aerosol.

mosquito repellent picnic

Spray Mosquitall "Gentle protection" - for children

The presented tool is completely hypoallergenic. Suitable for children from 3 years old and adults suffering from allergic reactions. Before use, the product must be sprayed on the palms of the hands, then applied to open areas of the body, avoiding contact of the product with the eyes and mucous membranes. It spreads quickly on the skin without stickiness and other discomfort.

Cost: from 185 to 228 rubles.

mosquito repellent Spray Mosquitall

What to look for when choosing

  • The number of family members. If the group of people is large, then it is wiser to use fumigators for home furnishings and sprays and aerosols for countryside recreation.
  • Age restrictions. Take Special attention this paragraph, especially if you choose a remedy for a child. Even children's drugs are equipped with age limits.
  • Spray location. Some drugs have quite effective protection, but high toxicity, which is why they are prohibited for use at home and in close quarters.
  • Compound. Examine the constituent components in order to make sure that the purchased product is completely hypoallergenic.
  • Brand. The more popular the brand of the product, the better it will be. Beware of fakes from unknown manufacturers.

The best mosquito repellent in nature and in the apartment

The joy of the warm season is often overshadowed by the troubles associated with insect bites. Various remedies for mosquitoes, midges, horseflies on the skin and clothes help to avoid them. The main thing is to choose the most effective and safe drug both for children and adults.

Types of effective mosquito repellents

There are two types of insecticides:

  • fumigants;
  • repellents.

Fumigants are designed to kill bloodsuckers, and repellents are only to scare away. Fumigants are used indoors and outdoors, while repellents are mainly used outdoors. An aerosol from mosquitoes, midges, horseflies can scare them away for several hours.

Repellent means of protection against all bloodsuckers are available in different forms: sprays, aerosols, creams, lotions, pencils. Insect sprays are the most popular. They can be applied both to the skin and to clothing, especially since there are mosquito and tick repellents on clothing that can last for several days.

Most sprays today are made with DEET.. The protective properties of repellents depend on the concentration of this substance in their composition. The most effective is such a tool that contains approximately 30% DEET. But mosquito repellents for children aged 2 to 12 should contain no more than 15% DEET. If the child is less than two years old, then it is better to use repellents based on natural essential oils.

The principle of action of creams and gels from mosquitoes is the same as that of sprays, but the difference is that they are not sprayed, but rubbed on the skin. Their active ingredient in most cases is also DEET. The lesser popularity of these products is due to the fact that their application to the skin takes more time than spraying an aerosol. But it is recommended to use mosquito cream and milk for children and adults when it is necessary to protect the skin not only from insect bites, but also from sunlight.

The nuances of choosing a mosquito repellent for children up to a year and adults

Experience shows that it is better to buy that mosquito bite remedy for children from 1 year old and adults, which is in high demand and has many positive reviews on various forums. If the product sells out quickly, then it is really the best and can effectively protect the skin from insect bites. But when buying it, be sure to study the composition, and especially if you need a cream or spray-balm for mosquito bites for children from 1 year old.

The label must indicate the type of active substance and its concentration. How the repellent is applied depends on this: on the skin, on clothes, or on the body and clothes. When applied to clothing, the toxic effect of any repellent is minimized, therefore, in most cases, mosquito spray for children from 2 years old is applied exclusively to clothing.

It should also be borne in mind that insect repellents on water based allow the skin to breathe, but their protective functions end quickly enough. The best mosquito repellents made in oil based, last long enough. They are much harder to wash off with water, so they are not afraid of any rain.

The review includes products from the following brands:

  • Gardex- under this brand, insect protection products for all family members are produced. The Gardex team of specialists from year to year develops innovative products, improving the composition and expanding the range of its products;
  • Data- repellents under this brand have been produced in our country since 1969, so more than one generation has managed to verify their effectiveness. The modern range of DEET offers a variety of products adapted to different categories of people and situations;
  • S.C. Johnson- a family-owned American company, which today is the world leader in the production of funds household chemicals. For more than a hundred years, it has been producing wonderful products that make our lives much easier and make our homes cleaner and safer;
  • Mosquitallgreat experience production, application of own innovative chemical and biological developments and world scientific experience made this brand a real professional in insect control. The variety of its range allows you to choose an effective remedy for protecting against insects, both for an adult and a child;
  • My Sunshine- releases safe natural remedies for kids. The products of this brand contain a complex of natural extracts and fully take into account the age characteristics of small citizens;
  • Reftamid- this brand is different high quality and is in great demand in our country. It is produced by the Novosibirsk Association "Sibiar". This company has been successfully operating for more than 40 years and is the largest manufacturer of household chemicals in Russia.

The best remedies for mosquitoes, midges, horseflies and ticks for people

Aerosol from mosquitoes, midges, horseflies Gardex Extreme

Aerosol repellent Gardex Extreme provides protection against bites from mosquitoes, horseflies, ixodid ticks, midges and mosquitoes for quite a long time, so it's great for those who like leisure Outdoors. The aerosol can be applied to both skin and clothing. When applied to the skin, protection against insect bites will last at least 7-8 hours, and when applied to clothing - up to five days.

Repellent can be applied to the skin no more than once a day. To avoid getting the aerosol into the respiratory tract or eyes, it is recommended to spray it first into the palm of your hand, and then apply it to open areas of the body. It should be sprayed on clothes from a distance of 10-20 cm. Before applying the insect repellent, clothes should be removed, carefully processed, dried, and then put on.

The spray can also be applied to equipment made from natural fabrics and shoes. Contact with the treated surface paralyzes the insect, and it stops biting. Price - from 280 rubles for a bottle of 80 ml.


  • long period of validity;
  • protection not only from mosquitoes, but also from other insects;
  • the possibility of applying to clothing.


  • some users note that the duration of the product is much less than stated by the manufacturer.

Deta insect repellent

Data provides reliable protection against mosquitoes, horseflies, midges and ticks for six hours. This product is available in a convenient spray bottle, so it is very easy to apply both on the skin and on clothes. It is made on a water basis. Due to the absence of alcohol in the composition, Deta aerosol does not dry the skin after application and does not leave stains on clothes.

The effective action of the aerosol Deta provides the presence in its composition of a natural repellent - fir oil, the smell of which blood-sucking insects do not tolerate. The effect of this repellent is exclusively repellent. Mosquitoes, midges and other insects belonging to the category of midges will fly nearby, but will not sit on the skin.

To provide effective protection against ticks, Deta spray should be applied to clothing. Items of clothing should be processed until lightly moistened, paying special attention to those areas that are adjacent directly to the wrists, ankles and neck. Price - from 180 rubles per bottle of 100 ml.


  • lack of alcohol in the composition;
  • low cost.

Mosquito repellent SC Johnson Off! Family

SC Johnson Off! Family guarantees reliable protection for a person from the bites of mosquitoes, mosquitoes, midges, midges, fleas, horseflies and other blood-sucking insects.

When applied to the skin, the spray protects against insects for three hours, and on clothes - up to ten days. In addition to skin and clothes, they can process nets and curtains on windows, curtains, tents and other equipment made of fabric.

The repellent is made on the basis of DEET (diethyltoluamide) - chemical, which is toxic to insects. In addition to DEET, it also contains alcohol, an emollient, and essential oils. Carefully selected formula SC Johnson Off! Family effectively repels flying insects that feed on human blood.


  • good protection against various types of blood-sucking insects;
  • the possibility of applying both to the skin and to clothes;
  • attractive price.

Remedy for mosquito bites to prevent itching

Balm after insect bites Gardex Baby for children from 1 year

Very often, redness, swelling, itching, burning, and even allergic reactions appear on the skin after insect bites. All these symptoms are quite unpleasant, especially for children, whose skin is much softer and more susceptible to irritants.

Eliminate the unpleasant consequences of bites various insects Gardex Baby balm will help. This is the product has a cooling effect and very effectively eliminates various skin irritations.

The composition of the balm includes extracts of string, chamomile and mint, due to which irritation and itching pass very quickly. In addition, these extracts stimulate the renewal of skin cells, so wounds heal much faster. The tannins of the string have a bactericidal effect, and the essential oil of mint has a cooling effect on the affected skin. Balm Gardex Baby can also be used after contact with jellyfish, nettles or when sunburn. Price - from 220 rubles for a package of 7 ml.


  • instantly cools, relieves itching and irritation;
  • stimulates the renewal of epidermal cells, which contributes to the rapid healing of wounds;
  • the presence of natural components in the composition of the product.

Among the minuses can be noted the high cost.

Spray-balm Mosquitall Ambulance after mosquito bites

Mosquitall Ambulance after the bites spray-balm designed to relieve the effects of insect bites. It soothes the skin, quickly and gently relieves irritation and inflammation. The composition of this remedy includes allantoin, which has an anti-inflammatory effect, and it also anesthetizes well and helps to restore the skin.

The structure of skin cells is restored by provitamin B5 (d-panthenol) which still perfectly moisturizes and nourishes the skin. Due to the content of silver ions, Mosquitall spray-balm has a pronounced bactericidal effect. This remedy can also be used after contact with jellyfish, nettles, sunburn and other thermal burns. Price - from 180 rubles per bottle of 50 ml.


  • thanks to the cooling effect, instantly soothes the skin;
  • quickly eliminates itching and irritation;
  • promotes the disappearance of redness;
  • has a regenerating effect;
  • effective for sunburn, as well as after contact with jellyfish or nettles.

Mosquito repellents for children under 1 year and older

Spray from mosquitoes for children My Sun

Mosquito bites cause unpleasant redness, itching and burning on the skin of the child, which can create great discomfort.

Mosquito repellent spray Moe Sunny is designed specifically for children aged 1 to 12 years.. Its balanced composition helps to protect the baby's skin from the bites of mosquitoes, mosquitoes, midges. Horseflies and other flying insects.

The cream has a soft, pleasant aroma. It is based on IR 3535 biorepellant, which is very effective in controlling insects, but is completely safe for children and can be used even for babies of one year of age. Spray provides protection for two hours. After this time, it can be reapplied, but no more than twice a day. Price - from 160 rubles for a bottle of 100 ml.


  • hypoallergenicity;
  • efficiency;
  • security;
  • Can be applied to both skin and clothes.

Spray from mosquitoes Gardex for children from two years

Spray off Mosquito Gardex for children is made taking into account the characteristics of delicate children's skin and provides reliable protection against various flying blood-sucking insects. It contains two active ingredients - DEET and alphacypermethrin., which provide maximum protection against insects, and thanks to extracts of calendula and chamomile, the skin of the child will always be well hydrated and well-groomed.

Spray Gardex can be applied to the child's skin or clothes, as well as to mosquito net, curtains and other fabric products. The drug, when applied to the skin, provides protection against insects for two hours, and on clothes - up to five days. On clothing, the product should be sprayed on outdoors and from a distance of 20-30 cm. To protect the exposed areas of the child's body, the mother must first apply the spray to her palm, and then to the baby's skin. Price - from 220 rubles for a 100 ml can.


  • hypoallergenicity;
  • contains plant extracts that care for the skin;
  • security;
  • Applicable to clothing and skin.

Mosquitall mosquito milk Gentle protection for children

Milk Mosquitall Gentle protection for children has a repellent effect against mosquitoes, mosquitoes, midges and midges, therefore, it is able to reliably protect the child from the bites of blood-sucking flying insects while walking outdoors.

This milk contains plant extracts that provide not only protection for delicate and sensitive baby skin, but also excellent care.

The ecological basis of this milk makes it absolutely safe for the child's body.. At the same time, it has a pleasant smell, does not create a sticky feeling on the skin and does not leave greasy marks on clothes. Mosquitall Mosquito Milk Gentle Protection lasts for two hours. After this period, it can be applied again, but not more than twice a day. Price - from 120 rubles per bottle of 100 ml.


  • contains plant extracts that provide the skin with not only protection, but also care;
  • light, pleasant aroma;
  • does not contain parabens;
  • attractive price.

Effective Mosquito Tick Remedies

Aerosol against mosquitoes and ticks NATURIN N002

Aerosol-repellent NATURIN N002 is designed to protect people from blood-sucking flying insects (mosquitoes, mosquitoes, midges), as well as from fleas, forest and taiga ticks, which are carriers of pathogens of many dangerous diseases. The formula of this spray consists of an active ingredient and natural essential oils of geranium and juniper - natural "repellers" of insects that are very effective in dealing with annoying, and sometimes dangerous insects.

The aerosol is applied by spraying onto clothing. Before use, the spray can should be shaken well and directed at the product from a distance of 20-30 cm.

To protect against fleas and ticks, especially carefully treat areas of clothing located near the ankles of the legs, hands and neck. After treatment, clothing should be kept for two hours and worn only over underwear. Price - from 170 rubles for a bottle of 100 ml.


  • long period of validity. Aerosol provides protection against mosquitoes for 5 days, and against ticks - up to 15 days;
  • protection not only from mosquitoes, but also from other blood-sucking insects;
  • attractive price.

Mosquito and tick repellent Reftamid Maximum 3 in 1

Reftamid Maximum 3 in 1 is a highly effective, universal spray to protect people from the bites of mosquitoes, midges, ticks and other blood-sucking insects. Can be applied to skin, clothing, mosquito nets, curtains and other fabrics. When applied to the skin, Reftamid Maximum provides protection against insects for four hours, and on clothes for up to 5 days.

Before use, shake the balloon and spray the aerosol first into the palm of your hand, and then apply, without rubbing, onto the skin of exposed parts of the body. Clothing should be processed until lightly moistened, after removing it. Reprocessing clothing is allowed no earlier than 3-5 days. The product can be applied to the skin no more than once a day. Price - from 150 rubles for a 147 ml can.


  • the possibility of applying both to the skin and to clothes;
  • effective protection against blood-sucking insects of different types;
  • attractive price.

An overview of mosquito and blood-sucking insect repellents is shown in the video:

I would never have thought that I would write about mosquitoes. But life made me. A few years ago, I settled in the Dmitrovsky district of the Moscow region, which is famous for its mosquitoes - the area is a marshy one. On the suburban area I was met by hordes of squeaking bloodsuckers - that's when it turned out that I, a city dweller, was allergic to their bites. Since then, my country everyday life has been in a relentless struggle not only with weeds, but also with mosquitoes.

Behind last years I managed to try out a lot of repellents and realized that I absolutely do not want to constantly splash with chemicals. So, natural remedies began to appear in my anti-mosquito arsenal. I was the first to learn about the repellent property of the Asterisk balm, then I got acquainted with essential oils and other folk recipes. And then my friends, knowing about my trouble, began to advise new means. Therefore, I decided to conduct impromptu testing over the weekend and choose from the whole variety the most effective ways mosquito protection. For more interest, I added a few popular recipes from the Internet. I share with you the results of my extreme experience.

The first remedy is a mixture of "Baby Cream" and vanillin. I had the most common cream, vanillin too - but the effect of this mixture was a pleasant surprise. But first things first.

Initially, this method seemed to me one of the most controversial: it didn’t fit in my head that vanillin could scare away mosquitoes. It turned out that it can! I squeezed half the tube into a prepared container and poured out a bag of vanillin, mixed everything.

Mosquitoes did not even try to sit on my hands, which I smeared with the mixture - either really because of the smell of vanillin, or because of the viscous consistency of the cream. By the way, the latter in my understanding was a big minus. I was sticky all day, all kinds of garbage stuck to my hands. The feeling is not pleasant. But it really repelled mosquitoes. So in general I can say that the tool works. As an alternative, you can try diluting vanillin in water (0.33 ml bottle sachet). This liquid should be sprayed onto exposed areas of the body and clothing. The method also turned out to be effective, but the smell of vanillin quickly disappears, and mosquitoes begin to bite. The cream works longer.

Shampoo, vinegar and vegetable oil

To prepare this remedy, you need to mix shampoo in equal parts, vegetable oil and table vinegar (not essence). You can read about other areas of application of vinegar in the article.

positive feedback I found a lot on the net, but I didn’t like this mixture at all. Pros: easy to prepare, easy to apply, non-sticky and absorbs quickly. Cons: the first mosquito bite fell exactly on the leg that was smeared with this remedy, the subsequent ones too. And five minutes later I retreated from the strawberry beds, as I risked being eaten to death. And this mixture is not very pleasant to apply on the face: acetic fumes sting the eyes in the first moments.

I don’t know: maybe the shampoo was not the same or the mosquitoes were somehow special, but this repellent mixture did not cause admiration for me. By the way, I used the first shampoo that came to hand, but if you are puzzled, you can find a natural-based shampoo.

Naturonic Zooglea

This remedy with a very unusual name was brought to me by a friend who loves everything organic. Since its composition did not cause any complaints to me, I decided to include it in my list of natural mosquito repellents. And it consists, judging by the instructions in the box, from various extracts of plants - lavender, wheatgrass, leaves walnut, tomato, basil and two dozen more items. It also contains resin and royal jelly. And also - an extract of dragonfly larvae. How exactly this extract affects mosquitoes, I don’t know, but apparently it repels very effectively, since the dragonfly is depicted on the bottle with the product.

Cream-spray "Naturonic Zooglea" I was very pleasantly surprised

This is a product with a pleasant unobtrusive (which is important for me) coniferous-herbaceous aroma, the consistency is similar to body lotion. Not sticky, absorbs quickly. And most importantly: my mosquito friends did not like it. They left me for about an hour and a half. Then she splashed once more, rubbed herself off and again calmly went to work in the beds.

I tried it already on the second day of testing, so I immediately noticed a pleasant additional effect: old bites on my legs began to itch less. For me, this is a huge plus - since usually I can remove allergic itching only with antihistamines. And here everything is so simple! And by the evening, I generally became an ardent fan of Zoogley - the bruises and "stars" from the vessels that always remain in my bite sites began to brighten. I didn't even believe my eyes.

Balm "Asterisk"

Next on the list we have the Zvezdochka balm - a jar of bright red color with a trinuclear smell familiar to everyone since childhood. It is usually used for the treatment of colds, rubbing joints, prevention muscle pain. But few people know that it is also a repellent. The balm consists mainly of (clove, cinnamon, mint and eucalyptus). It also contains camphor, which is popularly used to repel mosquitoes. By the way, I read a lot about the miraculous effect of camphor and was going to include it in the list of tested products, but I could not buy it anywhere.

But back to the balm: I have been using it as a mosquito repellent for more than a year. True, I see both pluses and minuses in it, which I will tell you about now. Of the minuses in the first place is the smell. They can breathe for an hour or two, but then the mint-eucalyptus aroma becomes suffocating. For example, it gives me a headache. The second minus: if you accidentally rub your eyes with your hand, there will be a fire! The third disadvantage: a short action. One application is enough for me for about 15-20 minutes, after which the mosquitoes begin to actively take an interest in my person. Fourth: the jar cannot be opened! Well, it's just unrealistic. Plus, perhaps the only one, but important - the tool really helps.

As I wrote above, I have been using the balm for more than one year, but not in the country, but when I go to the forest for mushrooms and berries. I rub with an asterisk not large plots skin (arms, neck, ankles) that clothing does not protect. Since the application area is small, the concentration of the smell is quite tolerable - you can survive a couple of hours. I also solved the problem with a vile non-opening jar - now I buy a liquid balm. The lid is unscrewed with a slight movement of the hand.

Essential oils

It is quite logical after the Asterisk balm to talk about essential oils. In the country, I tested three: tea tree, clove and eucalyptus. Please note that the last two are in the composition of the balm. I must say right away that I do not recommend rubbing with oils. AT in large numbers they can cause an allergic reaction. And for small children, it is better not to use them at all. By the way, the same applies to the "Asterisk" balm - for children under three years old it is banned.

Some summer residents are advised to drop a little oil on a T-shirt or pants. This is the first thing I tried. Unfortunately, this method did not justify itself. Mosquitoes carefully flew around the “marked” places and joyfully dug into all other parts of the body. For myself, I found the only one good option use of essential oils - aroma lamp. Of course, in this case already underway not about protecting yourself in the greenhouse or in the beds, but about salvation in country house or gazebo (which is also very important). I note that the tool works best indoors. You need to light a candle in an aroma lamp, pour a teaspoon of water on the bottom and drip oil (5-10 drops is enough). You can use only one type of essential oil or make a mixture by choosing different aromas. If there are a lot of mosquitoes in the room, try not to add water - then the evaporation will be more concentrated, and the insects will leave the occupied territories much faster.

Lemon and cloves

To the aroma lamp trick it is worth adding at least effective method with lemon. You will need . Cut the lemon in half, cut off the tails of the halves so that they stand exactly on the table, and stick dry buds into the juicy pulp. I liked the mixture of lemon and clove aromas, although the smell is not intense. Or it seemed so to me because before that I had already tried essential oils in another room.

It is convenient to put such a mosquito repeller next to the bed at night - unlike an aromatic lamp, it does not smell very much and will not irritate you in a dream. And you don’t have to be afraid that you accidentally burn down the house - there is no fire here. This tool also helps well, despite the ease of manufacture. But again, with the caveat that the room should be small and closed. And because of the heat, my lemon got windy pretty quickly, and the smell became weaker - this is a minus.

Wormwood and tansy

Further, my testing moved to the apartment - the weekend was coming to an end, and it was time to return home. Wormwood and tansy are also on the list. folk remedies against mosquitoes. Use both the plants themselves and the essential oil from them.

Very often on the Internet there are tips for repelling insects with wormwood oil. But I could not evaluate the effectiveness of this repellent, as it turned out to be difficult to find. In pharmacies where all other essential oils were bought, it is not sold.

For the experiment, I used ordinary wormwood and tansy from a nearby field. She kneaded the leaves and stems a little to intensify the aroma emanating from them, and put them in a vase by the window. Zero result! It was a failure. Mosquitoes flew out the window and continued to fly - only a little slower, probably looking at the bouquet displayed in the opening. I think this advice from the Internet is useless.

tomato leaves

And the last resort: tomato leaves. When you enter a greenhouse with tomatoes, you always feel the characteristic smell of their foliage, especially if you inadvertently touch it. By the way, I really like this fragrance - it is from those distant times when, as a girl, I made my way to my grandfather's greenhouse to see if the first tomatoes were ripe.

The first way with tomato leaves: they need to be crushed a little and put on the windowsill. I confirm this effective measure not only against mosquitoes, but also against other flying insects, which usually fly into the light in the evening and crowd into rooms. The question is where in the right amount harvest tomato leaves. Do not pluck all the plants in the greenhouse!

The second way: grind the leaves and spread the juice on clothes and skin. He immediately puzzled me. As I understand it, the person who advised this only saw tomatoes in the store and had no more contact with them. If it were otherwise, then he probably would have known that the juice from the leaves of a tomato causes irritation on the skin, and leaves stains on clothes. But for the sake of the experiment, I still tried to apply the juice on my hand. It took a couple of minutes to confirm my innocence. Burning, itching, slight redness - I just didn’t wait longer, I went rather to wash the bug from my hand.

Results of my testing

First place: Undoubtedly, "Naturonic Zoogley" from the manufacturer "Sashera-Med". He won my heart, healed bites and repelled mosquitoes.
Second place: vanilla cream. If it weren't sticky, then he would be in first place with Naturonic.
Third place: Vietnamese balm "Asterisk", which can be bought at any pharmacy. This is my favorite and proven tool for hiking in the woods. I won't give up on him. Well done Vietnamese!
Fourth place: essential oils. They help well to disperse mosquitoes in a country house or gazebo.
Fifth place: lemon with cloves / tomato leaves. Very simple and amazing effective techniques. Lemon with cloves is ideal for a city apartment: it looks beautiful and repels mosquitoes well.

What natural mosquito repellent do you use? Let's share our experience.

Suddenly, a small mosquito flies from somewhere!

How to choose the best insect repellent?

The modern pharmacopoeia offers different forms protection: gels, lotions, creams, aerosols of individual or general action, special sticks, tablets, evaporating liquids.

Understanding the sea of ​​\u200b\u200bdemand, remember: not every mosquito repellent is suitable for everyone. When buying this or that drug, carefully read the instructions. And remember what sick members of your family.

A competent, responsible choice of a particular drug will drive away mosquitoes without harming a person.

Below we will consider 2 groups of drugs: for personal protection adults and to protect children. Therefore, there will be no single rating, there will be two different ones, and you can choose the best drugs in each of the categories.

In prioritizing, we took user reviews and recommendations from pharmacists as a basis. Try, decide, choose.

Best Mosquito Repellents for Adults

Aerosols OZZ from mosquitoes

Champion in his category - OZZ extreme

Photo: www.velen.ru

Not the cheapest of the products (250 ml cost about $6), but very effective. Duration of action - 5-6 hours, protection - 100%. Can be applied to skin and clothing. Allergic reactions does not give. It is especially good for people with a fast metabolism, on whom other remedies quickly cease to work.

Spray O.Z.Z.

Photo: rybzabor.by

Please note that it can be applied to the skin ONLY by adults, for children - another drug. Perfectly protects for several hours, evenly distributed over the surface of the skin, guarantees complete protection. You should be careful not to get it in the eyes and on the mucous membranes, so it is applied to the face with a moistened palm.

Repellent creams OZZ

Cream OZZ 10

Photo: beloris.ru

For short term protection. One application to the skin is enough for two to three hours. Ideal for delicate, sensitive skin prone to allergic reactions, for people with a reduced metabolism.

Cream OZZ 18

Photo: giz.by

More powerful, recommended for use in areas of large concentrations of blood-sucking insects. Applied to the body, when applied to areas of the face adjacent to the mucous membranes and eyes, caution is required. Ideal for those with a high metabolism. Does not give allergic reactions. More than 3 times a day is not recommended.

Lotions of the OZZ group

Lotion OZZ

Photo: bbh.by

Spray lotion OZZ

It is convenient for the duration of the working condition, it lasts for 6-8 hours, you can apply it and go on a long hike or smear yourself - and sleep all night on outdoor terrace, in the gazebo, in the garden. It penetrates into the deep layers of the skin, which explains the duration of its effect.

Photo: bbh.by

The strength of the action is not inferior to other drugs. The peculiarity is that the plant components included in its composition simultaneously moisturize and nourish the skin. Very good for people with sensitive, burnt, inflammation-prone skin.

ATTENTION! Lotion and spray lotion are two similar but different preparations. Spray lotion can be applied not only to the body, but also to clothing.


Repellent lotions, gels and creams "Contra"

In terms of effectiveness, they are almost as good as the OZZ group, but they are much more convenient to apply to the skin and do not have a pronounced pungent odor, do not stain clothes. The whole group is APPROVED AND CERTIFIED.

Kontra gel

Photo: bbh.by

Cheap (the cost of a tube is about $ 0.5) and convenient mosquito repellent.

The tube (50 ml) is tightly screwed on, it can be carried with you and added as needed. The combination of great action and inexpensive prices makes it attractive to the consumer. Good for people with delicate skin. Prevents drying of the skin.

Contra repellent cream

Photo: bbh.by

Available in tubes of 100 ml. Can be used both during the day and at night. Applied to the skin, it protects and softens it. Valid for 3-4 hours. Does not give allergic reactions. Designed for the skin of a teenager or an adult.

Lotion Spray Contra

Photo: bbh.by

Apply evenly to the skin. Gently affects without causing tingling. If the skin is sensitive, it can be applied to clothing, leaves no residue. 4-6 hours is a very long exposure. There are many consumer reviews about this mosquito repellent - and not a single negative one.

Mosquito repellent "Atas"

Aerosol "Atas" 150 ml

Photo: export.by

Designed for areas where mosquitoes are particularly aggressive. It is shaken, sprayed on the palms of the hands, and then spread over all open surfaces of the body. Made on an alcohol basis, so the next morning after a shower, you need a nourishing cream. It helps perfectly, gives the opportunity to go for a long walk or have a good night's sleep.

Spray lotion "Atas" 100 ml

Photo: www.by.all.biz

Drives away insects for five to six hours. It is shaken and from a distance of 20-25 cm is applied directly to the skin of the body, and on the face - with palms moistened with the preparation. Do not treat the skin around the eyes and lips. Is different pleasant smell, with a hint of carnation. Does not dry the skin.

Mosquito repellents Off

Off mosquito spray

Photo: hozmag-pmr.com

Valid for 4 hours. It can be applied both on the skin (it is pre-sprayed on hands and applied to open surfaces, clothes, and hair. It has a slight specific smell, but it protects very reliably.

off family

Photo: e5img.ru

If you treat clothes with this product and hide for 12 hours in plastic bag, protective properties creams will act uniquely long - up to thirty-six hours! The spray applied to the body will make it possible to walk in open clothes, protecting for three to four hours. It is not recommended to apply more than twice a day.


Bugs Lock mosquito bracelet

Photo: tops.com.ua

An original development based on oils of natural anti-repellents - lemon verbena, lavender, citronella (those plants whose smell repels mosquitoes). Can be worn on the arm and leg, designed for the most different sizes. Convenient when going for a walk, to a disco, to visit. Validity - from 10 to 15 days. When entering the water, the bracelet must be removed. When not in use, place in a plastic bag.

The best protection for children from mosquito bites and other insects

Important - do not use drugs that are not specifically indicated "for babies", "for children's skin", "for early age» . What serves as protection for adults can be poison for younger ones.

Gardex - spray, foam, milk, balm against mosquito bites

Photo: fs102.jpe.ru

All these drugs have been tested and have a certificate of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

milk even babies can be processed, it is very gentle in consistency. Be sure to do a preliminary allergy test, because everything is so individual for children. Apply a little foam on the leg under the knee. If within 30 minutes the child does not get worried and the skin does not turn red, you can use it.

Spray is applied not on the baby's body, but on the gauze canopy covering his stroller or crib. Provided for both child and parents good night: the smell of the spray will scare away mosquitoes, and the gauze will not allow the most stubborn midges to reach the baby.

Penka lasts longer than milk. The baby may be frightened by hissing and blisters, and for a child older than a year, you can show yourself how it looks and create an arrangement for the drug. It is applied, carefully spreading over the skin in an even layer, and quickly, because it is instantly absorbed. Usually kids love the foam lubrication procedure, but if they are capricious, replace the foam with a spray.

Balm applied to the bite site. It quickly relieves itching and burning, soothes the child and gives him the opportunity to calmly continue to play or relax. Make sure that the child does not touch the smeared area with his hands for several minutes: if he then rubs his eyes with a pen or puts his fist in his mouth, unpleasant sensations and violently expressed emotions cannot be avoided.

My sun is a good baby mosquito cream

Photo: irmag.ru

Firm Avanta released a whole series of products for children, including mosquito repellent cream. At the same time protects against midges, mosquitoes, wasps, flies. Certified. Safe for the health of a baby from the age of 1 year. Leaves no marks on clothes. Term effective protection- 2-3 hours is enough time for a walk or daytime nap in the fresh air. Allergy tested, hypoallergenic. Easily absorbed, moisturizes the skin.

Argus - mosquito repellent cream for babies from 1.5 years

Photo: avantigroup.ru

This cream does not need to be rubbed. It is applied with dotted strokes to open areas of the body and evenly distributed over the surface. Convenient effect duration: up to 5 hours. Use is limited to two applications per day. Make sure that the product does not get into the eyes of the baby, in case of contact, rinse with plenty of water. After returning with a child from a walk, bathe him with soap or foam. If the cream was applied before night, it is absorbed without residue, and bathing is not necessary. Certified, reliable.

Off kids - effective cream against mosquitoes and midges

Photo: www.velen.ru

The main plus of Off kids mosquito cream is a wide range of protection: against mosquitoes, mosquitoes, horseflies, midges, wasps. Important indicator also - rapid absorption and duration of exposure - up to 5 hours. In rare cases, it can cause skin irritation, so a preliminary test is necessary: ​​apply a little cream on the skin under the knee. If everything is in order within 30 minutes, you can use it. If not, use it for yourself, adults are not afraid of irritation. Be sure to wash your hands with soap and water after applying cream to your baby. After a walk, the child should be bathed with soap or foam.

Stickers are the best protection against mosquitoes for the little ones

Photo: bugsstore.ru

Harmless to babies from the age of 2 months. They do not need to be glued on the child's body. You can attach a sticker to a hat, diaper, stroller visor. This mosquito patch consists of cloth soaked in clove and citronella oils. These essential oils, slowly evaporating, block the perception of the smell of children's skin by the smell of mosquitoes and midges. It is absolutely harmless for a child. Depending on the specific company, the action time varies from 3 to 5 hours. Can be stuck on clothes and older children, especially mobile, and therefore sweating. Letting the hustler go for a walk, stick a sticker on his T-shirt - it will protect your baby.

What is the best mosquito repellent?

When using mosquito repellents, remember:

According to pharmacologists, the higher the concentration of the drug, the more dangerous the remedy for health. Therefore, avoid using insect repellents all the time. (The same applies to fumigators, they also evaporate harmful substances that accumulate indoors. In no case do not plug the fumigator into an outlet next to the bed!).

The concentration of the drug is indicated on the packaging of the product. If it is above 40%, the remedy can harm a person. Concentration 20-30% - for protection products only for adults, designed for 2-3 hours. For funds with a concentration active ingredients 10-15% - low protection, but only they can be used by allergy sufferers, babies under 3 years old, pregnant and lactating women. Try to apply potent agents not on the skin, but on clothes.

Take care of your health, walk in the evenings, and with the right remedy, mosquitoes will not bite!

In addition to itchy bites, mosquitoes and midges can be more dangerous. A mosquito can bring on its proboscis various diseases blood, and intoxication with the poison of midges disrupts the work of the heart, up to its stop. Insects choose their victims by smell. They are attracted to carbon dioxide, which is released during respiration. The smells of sweat, liquor, perfume, cosmetics, act as a lure. They are especially active in the morning and evening hours, when it is not hot and there is no bright sun. During the day they hide in the grass.

When bitten, a mosquito injects a special enzyme into the bloodstream, which temporarily anesthetizes the tissues around it, and also prevents blood clotting. In addition to itchy marks, a meeting with mosquitoes threatens with more unpleasant consequences:

  • kulicidosis - even from one bite, a strong edema develops, a rash develops, the temperature rises, breathing becomes difficult;
  • at numerous bites signs of poisoning appear - nausea, vomiting, Quincke's edema, which may be accompanied by asphyxia - death from suffocation is possible.

However incubation period some diseases are extended for several months. It will take a long time until it manifests itself, and when diagnosing a rare disease, doctors face difficulties. In addition, against protozoa, viruses, helminths, which are carried by mosquitoes, antibiotics are useless.

Midges, unlike mosquitoes, do not pierce the skin, but incise it. At the same time, an anesthetic-anticoagulant is also injected, and their poison has a hemolytic property. The itching from their bites is very painful and gets worse over time. If there are many bites, some have symptoms of poisoning:

  • heat;
  • hyperemia;
  • the appearance of papules on the surface of the skin;
  • the occurrence of tachycardia;
  • violation of the adequacy of reactions and coordination of movements.

How to deal with bloodsuckers

Insects lay their larvae in the water and hide in the grass. Therefore, the first thing to do on vacation is to free the containers from water, and stay away from high thickets. The easiest way is to stock up on aerosols and other insect repellents and treat clothing or skin periodically. And if the city forgot about it, but on vacation or in the country there is no access to the store? Proven funds will come to the rescue.

Vanillin cream

To prepare it, you need to take any cream, the cheapest "Children's" will do. Squeeze the contents of the tube into a container, pour out a bag of vanillin and mix.

Insects do not even try to sit on the parts of the body that are smeared with the mixture. This merit is not only the aroma of vanillin. The viscous consistency of the cream makes it difficult for them to capture the smell of the skin. Some people will not like oily and sticky skin. But it's better than being bitten.

You can dilute a bag of vanillin in 300 ml of water and periodically spray yourself with this solution. But you will have to do this very often, because. liquid quickly evaporates from clothing and skin.


In addition to the analgesic and vasodilating effect, the drug is an excellent repellant. The composition contains essential odorous essential oils: clove, cinnamon, mint, eucalyptus and camphor. This complex repels insects well. However, the tool has many disadvantages:

  • thermonuclear smell that "suffocates";
  • possible accidental introduction to the mucous membranes and their burning;
  • should not be used by children under three years of age and people who are intolerant to any of the oils;
  • short action due to the volatile composition.


The tool is best used during outdoor recreation, otherwise the head will ache very quickly from its smell. When working in a summer cottage, it should be applied little by little to the wrists and ankles. This is enough for 2-3 hours so that insects do not bite.

If the balm does not fit or it was not at hand, you can use an aroma lamp with some odorous essential oil. The concentration of the aroma will be less, but the cloud of insects will partially still scare away.

Lemon with cloves

Another trick to mask human body odor. We cut the lemon into two halves, cutting them a little so that they stand evenly, and stick dry clove buds into the pulp. The smell is not intense, but repels insects.

The remedy is effective until the lemon dries. Therefore, citrus will have to stock up. In addition, it will save from insects only indoors, for example, at night in the country or in a tent in nature.

If bitten

Traditionally, the simplest and very effective remedy for itchy bites is water solution baking soda. It is prepared at the rate of 1-2 tablespoons per glass warm water. Wipe the bites every few hours. For large areas, you can apply a compress by dipping gauze into the solution.

In case of hyperreaction, you can take an antihistamine drug, observing the recommended dosage. If symptoms of intoxication develop rapidly, you should contact the nearest medical facility.

When choosing a repellent, study the conditions for its use and contraindications. What works well outdoors can lead to poisoning indoors. Bite protection creams are the most effective because they can eliminate main reason attacks of bloodsuckers - body odor.