Active ingredient against cockroaches. Rating of the best cockroach repellents. What are the symptoms of poisoning

Insects in the house are a fairly common problem, for which there are many different drugs, both cheap and expensive. In this rating, based on real customer reviews, we have collected the best cockroach repellents that will help get rid of them quickly, safely and effectively. Having learned about the pros and cons of these drugs, it will be easier for you to decide on a specific option, and you can begin the fight literally fully armed.

  • Rhone-Poulenc Agrosimi is a French company located in Lyon and which has become famous in the CIS, in particular, thanks to the release of the effective insect repellent Regent.
  • Dohlox– this brand creates traps and gels intended for use both in restaurants and at home. They have the best price-quality ratio.
  • Get– the company produces preparations for getting rid of pests in the apartment. All of them are certified and successfully tested in practice. One of the advantages of these products is that they do not leave marks on furniture and walls, and there is a long residual effect (on average, up to six months).
  • Clean house– this brand offers a series of products to combat insects in the home. A special place Its line includes aerosols that are easy to use and show good results.
  • Agrovit- this company operates in Russia, it is known mainly as the manufacturer of the popular inexpensive pencil for eliminating insects “Mashenka”.

Rating of the best cockroach repellents

We have selected here only the best and most reliable drugs that have a large number positive feedback buyers. The basis for their inclusion was the following parameters:

  • Safety of use for both animals and people;
  • Convenience of disinfestation;
  • Is the effect of the drugs strong?
  • Speed ​​of action and shelf life of the results obtained;
  • Versatility – is it suitable for killing bedbugs, ants, etc.;
  • Type – for use by professionals or at home;
  • Country of origin;
  • Release form for cockroach repellent;
  • Price;
  • Availability;
  • Method of application – spraying, lubrication, etc.

Best chalk

Chalk "Mashenka" from the Agrovit brand is one of the most affordable of those designed to combat cockroaches in small private houses or apartments. It is easy to use and, due to its safety for humans and animals, as well as the absence of a pungent odor, does not require isolation when exterminating annoying insects. It just needs to be applied to the floor and walls, following the paths of pests.

The pencil is very cheap and at the same time effective and economical; one piece of 20 g is enough for 30 square meters. m. That is why it deserves the right to be called the best inexpensive remedy for cockroaches.


  • Economical consumption;
  • Ease of use;
  • Availability;
  • Health safety;
  • Speed ​​of action.


  • Crumbling;
  • You need to smear it in certain places.

In reviews, buyers say that Mashenka chalk helps only in small areas, but if the insect infestation is large, it does not cope very well.

The best microencapsulated cockroach repellent

Get is an effective poison not only for cockroaches, but also for bedbugs, fleas, and ants, so when using it you must wear a respirator. It is made using encapsulation technology, which ensures a prolonged effect. The insecticide has a pungent odor, but it dissipates quickly.

The drug does not leave marks on the treated surface. At the same time, it needs to be diluted with water, which is not very convenient, although this is what allows one bottle of concentrate to be “stretched” by 100 square meters. m. The main disadvantage of this option is the need to move out of the house for the duration of the remedy, and this, after all, is 1-2 days. Moreover, after this you need to do a thorough cleaning.


  • Release form;
  • Large volume;
  • Convenient packaging;
  • Almost 100% effect;
  • The best recommendations from experts.


  • Not instant action;
  • Strong bad smell;
  • Synthetic base.

The drug Get is considered professional; according to the recommendations of the SES, it is often used to remove cockroaches in factories.

The best spray for insect control

Aerosol super universal « Clean house"– this Chinese drug was included in the rating because of its versatility. According to customer reviews, it removes almost all types of cockroaches and other insects - bedbugs, ants, etc.

The product is very convenient to use, as it comes in a can; you just need to spray it on the surface. After this, it is enough to ventilate the room; there is no need to leave the house. One package is enough to process 80 square meters. m., the spray is very economical in consumption, so its price does not seem high.


  • Virtually odorless;
  • Leaves no traces;
  • Weathers quickly;
  • Lasts a long time;
  • Versatility;
  • Quite powerful;
  • Prolonged effect;
  • The presence of a tube on the bottle for hard-to-reach places.


  • Non-detailed instructions for use;
  • Often the drug should be sprayed again.

Buyers in the reviews warn that when sprayed, insects become aggressive before being destroyed, since the “Clean House” super aerosol is very powerful. That is why it is recommended to somehow limit the area of ​​action of the product.

The best sticky traps

Dohlox– this remedy for cockroaches can be called the best if the goal is not to instantly get rid of pests. It will be just right for fighting against insects if there are pets in the apartment, since it is completely safe for both them and humans. The effect from them is approximately the same as from the gel, only you don’t need to process anything, you just need to place the traps in the corners and collect them the next morning. True, it can take up to two weeks to destroy a large family.


  • Easy to use;
  • Safety for animals and people;
  • Number of traps in one package (6 pcs.);
  • Can be glued anywhere on the walls.


  • Slow results;
  • The effect does not apply to all pests;
  • You need to collect insects regularly.

The most reliable cockroach granules

- this is probably the only drug in this TOP for exterminating the most cockroaches different types, which can not just reduce their population, but permanently, or at least get rid of them at home for a very long time. Of course, the instructions for use are not simple; it is necessary to change the proportions of powder and water, depending on the number of pests, but this can be sorted out one way or another. This tool is a poison and, accordingly, you need to work with it wearing a mask and gloves.


  • Divorces very quickly;
  • Almost complete absence of odor;
  • Low price;
  • Effective, helps well;
  • Prevents the breeding of new cockroaches.


  • Must be dissolved in water;
  • You need to buy a sprayer separately.

The inclusion of Regent powder in this TOP was facilitated by the fact that in reviews customers write about quick results; insects can be collected the very next morning. To achieve this effect, you need to dilute 3 sachets in a glass of water.

Which product is better to buy?

Here's what we can recommend:

  • If you need to eliminate not only these insects, but also, for example, bedbugs, optimal choice There will be a drug from the Get brand.
  • If available in the house large quantity“Regent” helps “uninvited guests” well.
  • If there are children and pets in the apartment, then it is best to buy Dohloks traps.
  • For the total treatment of large rooms, the “Clean House” aerosol is ideal.
  • If you need to quickly kill insects without spending a lot of money, you should choose the Mashenka chalk.

All of the options in this rating of the best cockroach repellents are worthy of buyers’ attention, and each of them wins in certain aspects. But in terms of effectiveness, they are all approximately the same, and since they are inexpensive, they can be tested by you without any problems.

2 3

In desperate attempts to escape from the dominance of cockroaches, one must not forget about one’s own safety and thoughtlessly use the first available or most advertised remedy. They all contain strong chemicals that can cause irreparable harm to health and even threaten the lives of household members, so even the best and effective drug requires strict adherence to instructions. We will provide you with a list of insecticides that were used in offices, houses and apartments and, according to reviews, led to the complete or partial destruction of insects. We also suggest that you familiarize yourself with several models of ultrasonic repellers, which are also used in the fight against cockroaches.

There are contraindications. Consult your doctor.

The best crayons for cockroaches

Crayons are historically the first new invention to combat annoying insects. This form and method of application were chosen because they represent something familiar that does not require much effort. But for the sake of economy and ease of use, the main drawback of crayons is their low, compared to other types of means (in the vast majority of cases), effectiveness.

3 Brownie

Versatility. Economical consumption
Country: Russia
Average price: 17 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.4

The product is intended to fight against different types of insects, not just cockroaches. Deltamethrin, which is part of it, has a detrimental effect on mosquitoes, flies, as well as most agricultural pests. Unfortunately, it is just as toxic to humans, as well as bees, fish and many animals (which again confirms the need for careful handling of such drugs).

Safe for bees and pets
Country: Russia
Average price: 25 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

The chalk has the shape of a hollow cylinder, is packaged in a waterproof foil bag and is practically odorless. Application is standard: apply a wide line, up to 4 cm, with a pencil in places where cockroaches enter an apartment or house, regularly repeating the treatment for 4-5 weeks. Many users complain about the excessive hardness of the lead and the difficulty of applying the product to smooth surfaces. They also confirm that the drug is effective, especially with an integrated approach.

Cockroach repellents are divided into several types. Each of them has certain unique features and characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. Which? We find out the answer from the comparison table.




The finely dispersed structure allows the substance to penetrate into hard-to-reach places


Instant effect on insects

Easily removed from surfaces

Reasonable price

Spray speed

– The suspension remains in the air for a long time – it can penetrate the respiratory tract

– Some sprays have an unpleasant odor

– Does not affect eggs laid by insects

Gel (paste)

Convenient packaging with the ability to accurately dose the composition

Long exposure time

Does not pose a danger to people or pets

Odorless and leaves no marks on surfaces


– Acts gradually (does not give immediate results)

– Larvae are not destroyed



Low cost

Duration of saving properties

Able to penetrate hard-to-reach places

Ease of use

– Typically highly toxic

– The smallest particles settle for a long time and spread throughout the room

– Difficult to remove during cleaning

Ultrasonic repeller

No toxic substances


Continuous action

Minimum energy consumption

Completely silent

‒ Unproven effectiveness

‒ Frequent falsification

‒ Negative effects on some pets

‒ Limited impact area



Possibility of sterilization of individuals caught in the trap (if there is a reproduction regulator)

Absolutely harmless to humans

– Low efficiency of certain types of traps

– High cost


Have a deterrent effect

When absorbed they cause imminent death individuals

Easy to use

– Toxic, can cause poisoning or an allergic reaction

– High cost


Wide availability

Low cost

Complete safety for humans and pets when used

– In fact: low impact on pests

1 Mashenka

High degree of efficiency
Country: Russia
Average price: 20 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Under the affectionate name, which does not foretell violence against any form of life, lies a very effective insecticide contact action. Contains deltamethrin and zetacypermethrin - very toxic substances for pests and relatively harmless to humans and animals. The chalk is applied in a generous layer along the route and places where pests are concentrated so that the latter are guaranteed to be on the trail. From now on, the removal of cockroaches is a matter of time. Usually the death of the insect occurs within 24 hours, but in case the dose was insufficient, “Mashenka” retains its destructive properties for seven to nine days.


  • does not pose a danger to people and animals;
  • easy to apply to surfaces;
  • has no smell;
  • can be purchased at any hardware store.


  • decrease in the degree of action with a large number of insects.

The best gels and pastes for cockroaches

Gels and pastes are among the most effective substances in the fight against cockroaches. It is in this form that combines maximum harmlessness to humans and a high degree of impact on unwanted individuals. Not the fastest action is compensated by the complete destruction of the brood (with the exception of larvae) after a short period of time. This is the case when obvious shortcomings are completely absent.

3 Gel Attack

The best operating principle. Ease of use
Country: Russia
Average price: 60 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.5

Gel “Attack” acts on insects in a very unique and, as practice shows, effective way. At first, it attracts cockroaches with a tasty aroma, and then, when the product gets inside or onto the surface of the body, it causes poisoning and death. The remedy is considered one of the most effective, since the infected pest manages to transfer the poison to the habitats of its relatives and thereby start a chain reaction.

Due to thick consistency and packaging in syringe tubes, the drug is quite convenient to use. To facilitate subsequent cleaning, drops of it can be applied to sheets of paper and film. To achieve the result, it is important to treat all habitats and movements of insects - baseboards, crevices, cracks, niches under the sink and behind the refrigerator, etc. Many descriptions state that the product is safe for pets, but the manufacturer recommends protecting children and pets from any contacts with gel.

2 Dohlox

Optimal price
Country: Russia
Average price: 50 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

A common insecticide, the main active ingredient in which is fipronil (at a concentration of 0.05%). It is not dangerous to humans and domestic animals, but has a paralytic effect on the nervous system of cockroaches. Death occurs already within the eighth hour after treatment of the apartment. Users note the convenient packaging of the substance - it comes in a syringe with a thin nozzle to prevent overuse when applied to surfaces. The manufacturer recommends applying the product in a dotted line in the place where cockroaches usually stay, but it is much more effective to apply it more chaotically. The result of the effect is noticeable already in the sixth hour of application, and the maximum effect appears on the second or third day.


  • easy to apply (successful packaging);
  • fast-acting (death occurs in the eighth hour of use);
  • safe for people and animals.


  • with repeated use it loses its effectiveness.

Safety precautions when treating apartments with insecticides:

  • do not use substances with an unknown composition, intended for industrial premises, that have expired;
  • Before baiting cockroaches, the room must be prepared - remove food and drinks, close cabinets with food supplies, cover the aquarium, remove cages with animals;
  • Before spraying aerosols and applying pastes, wear gloves, safety glasses, and protect with work clothes open areas bodies;
  • during processing you must not eat, drink or touch food;
  • do not allow children to be processed, keep funds in upper shelves, spray and scatter only where they cannot reach;
  • if the drug gets on the skin or mucous tissues (eyes, nose, mouth), it should be immediately washed off with running water;
  • After treating the room with the spray, it should be closed for several hours, then ventilated and only then used.

If repeated treatments do not lead to long-term results, we advise you to contact a company that professionally exterminates insects.

1 Globol

Best lethality
Country: Germany
Average price: 250 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The most effective remedy to combat the dominance of cockroaches on at the moment. The Germans came up with a very effective composition based on chlorpyrifos (at a concentration of up to 0.5%) - a substance that affects the nervous system of pests. Within an hour after the cockroaches eat the paste, a decrease in the activity of the individuals is observed, and after two or three - complete incapacity (due to damage to the nervous system) and inevitable death. The effect of completely getting rid of domestic insects is achieved within a few weeks - this was stated by the manufacturer, and this is also confirmed by many users.


  • does not cause gradual adaptation (can be used continuously);
  • As a rule, one application can get rid of the dominance of cockroaches;
  • the desired effect is achieved in a few hours (complete relief, taking into account the period of prophylaxis, takes a few weeks);
  • optimal cost.


  • not identified.

The best powders against cockroaches

Powder products require very careful use, as in the wrong hands they can lead to health problems. With rare exceptions, their composition is not gentle on both cockroaches and humans. They are easy to apply, but cleaning can be a problem. Therefore, if you are willing to spend a little time to achieve a brilliant result, powders are exactly what you need.

3 Ecokiller powder

Natural insecticide. Effective against bedbugs
Country: Russia
Average price: 500 rub./500 ml
Rating (2019): 4.6

The powder has no effect on people or pets. The only inconvenience is related to the method of application: “Ecokiller” should be sprayed throughout the apartment - under the bathroom, behind the battery, in kitchen cabinets and in the washing area. You can make bait from edible products and powder scattered around. The drug acts only upon direct contact and does not affect the eggs, so the room should be treated until the adult eggs are completely destroyed. You can fight bed bugs and garden ants in the same way.

2 Boric acid

The best folk remedy
Average price: 36 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

The use of folk remedies becomes the only possible option in cases where the use of even low-toxic substances is impossible (due to intolerance or the presence of small children). In such a situation, boric acid, a strong paralytic drug, is used to combat cockroaches. To prepare the bait, just mix the yolk of a boiled egg with concentrated boric acid powder (the more, the better), roll into small balls and place them where pests appear. The product acts for a long time and contributes to the painful death of insects, but it is addictive and loses effectiveness after several uses.


  • ease of manufacture at home;
  • high efficiency of first applications;
  • harmlessness to others.


  • It becomes addictive already after the second or third use.

1 Clean house

Favorable price-quality ratio
Country: Russia
Average price: 24 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Very often, the effectiveness of products is due to their high toxicity. An example of such a combination is “Clean House” powder. The mixture of tetramethrin, cypermethrin and piperonyl butoxide is so poisonous that it requires the use of personal protection(in the form of respirators, gloves and glasses) when processing premises. Naturally, there can be no question of a standard mode of life in the cultivated area. Fortunately, the toxicity is compensated by a very strong effect and the impossibility of addiction on the part of cockroaches - the death of a large brood occurs after 24 hours.


  • very practical in terms of application;
  • “mad” performance – capable of mowing down a brood in one day;
  • low cost;
  • “exhausts” very slowly – retains its properties for several weeks.


  • high degree of toxicity;
  • after several days, a thorough cleaning and sterilization of the room is required to thoroughly remove possible residues of the substance.

The best ultrasonic repellers

The action of ultrasonic repellers is aimed at creating an uncomfortable environment in order to force cockroaches to leave the room. The ultrasound emitted by the device is not detected by humans and is therefore completely safe. It is important to remember that the device is more effective if there are no soft elements(curtains, carpets, furniture) that dissipate sound. Apartment owners should also not be deluded by the range of action indicated in the technical specifications - ultrasonic waves do not penetrate walls, partitions and furniture, so even the best repeller can only work within one room.

3 Weitech WK-0600

An effective industrial repeller. 9 operating modes
Country: Belgium (manufactured in China)
Average price: 5,990 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.4

It is even more difficult than in an apartment to destroy cockroaches or any other pests in an enterprise environment, be it an office, a workshop or a food warehouse. The Belgian-made ultrasonic repeller effectively operates on an area of ​​325 square meters. m., has two powerful emitters and is preferable for use in non-residential premises. It is not necessary that they be heated - the operating temperature range of the device lies from -10° to +55°.

The next advantage is the adjustment of sound vibration levels, etc. "drawings" of sound. After setting up, the unit begins to vibrate and sound in a mode aimed at a specific group of pests: squirrels, rats, mice, spiders, cockroaches, etc. The likelihood of them adapting to noise stimuli is excluded, since the device is programmed to send signals randomly. As a result of its influence, pests leave their chosen premises after about 2-3 weeks.

2 Typhoon LS-500

Improved design
Country: Russia
Average price: 1,400 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.5

The first “Typhoons” to scare off the Prussians appeared more than 10 years ago and have since undergone a lot of improvements. The distinctive characteristics of the updated device are: increased to 80 sq. m. area of ​​influence (which allows the possibility of use in storage facilities, stables, gyms), absence of noise discomfort for all apartment residents and animals, efficient operation.

To turn on the device, you need to insert its plug into a 220 V socket. In the first few seconds, a specific sound may be felt, after which the LED on the front panel will light up, signaling the transition to the radiation mode. From the reviews we can conclude that the device is extremely sensitive to the installation location, for example, it cannot be hidden behind soft sofa or a curtain. It is also important to consider the degree of infestation of the room - if there are too many pests, in addition to the ultrasonic repeller, additional sanitation with an insecticide is recommended.

1 "EcoSniper" AR-130

Best design. Complex impact
Country: China
Average price: 1,800 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The stationary repeller, installed in a 220 V power outlet, operates in two modes, magnetic resonance and ultrasonic, in turn or simultaneously. Both technologies complement each other: EM waves (low frequency) propagate through the intra-house cable network in areas inaccessible to ultrasonic waves, and vice versa, ultrasonic radiation will be effective where there is no electrical wiring. Thus, the coverage area increases significantly compared to conventional ultrasonic repellers and amounts to 100 square meters. m.

The result of the device, judging by the reviews, becomes noticeable already in the first week of continuous use: insects become disoriented, inactive, and lose their instinct of self-preservation. Rodent pests react in a similar way, so owners guinea pigs It is better not to use the device on decorative hamsters. To completely get rid of cockroaches, spiders and ants you will need about 3‒4 weeks.

The best traps against cockroaches

The most diverse and at the same time the most “unpredictable” type of devices to counter the dominance of cockroaches. According to the type of impact, all traps are divided into insecticidal, adhesive, electric and ultrasonic. But of the four above, only the first type shows decent results - thanks to the poisonous effect, insects not only become infected themselves, but also spread the infection to their relatives. Of course, glue and electric “traps” are also good, but they require constant cleaning, and are not able to rid the house of eggs and small larvae, which over time turn into annoying adults.

3 Argus Trap

Longest effect of 1 package
Country: Russia (manufactured in China)
Average price: 25 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.5

There is not a single toxic substance in the Argus house trap - the destruction of the "mustachioed rogues" occurs due to their adhesion to the adhesive layer and the complete inability to free themselves. Remember Velcro tapes - the same principle of operation is here. To hide the bodies of dead insects from the eyes of impressionable household members, the trap is shaped like a house with a paper padlock. The adhesive layer does not dry long enough - 1 package can function properly from 1.5 to 3 months.

In general, using such traps is very convenient and, most importantly, safe. However, there were some nuances. Firstly, to combat a large concentration of insects in a 3-room apartment, more than 10 packages are required. You will have to change them often, especially at first. Secondly, when purchasing, it is important to take traps with up-to-date dates - according to reviews, they last much longer and are more effective. Finally, it will most likely not be possible to completely get rid of the invasion, but reducing the number of individuals to a minimum is quite possible.

2 Combat SuperBait

Best poison effect
Country: Korea
Average price: 270 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

In essence, all traps are the same thing, only the action of each is based on miscellaneous substance. In Combat SuperBait, this role is played by hydramethylnon. After successfully exiting the trap, the cockroach carries the remains of the substance to its relatives, simultaneously infecting them and dooming them to certain death. According to the manufacturer, small broods completely disappear after just two weeks of using the traps, but users give different numbers. Based on the comments, it can be understood that the different number of traps, the choice of their location and the number of pests greatly influence the time frame for eliminating the latter from apartments and houses.


  • ease of use;
  • do not harm people and pets;
  • no specific odor.


  • To ensure a better result, you need to spend money on purchasing additional traps - a small number of them is ineffective against a large brood.

1 Raid Max

Optimal equipment (4 traps + 1 sterilizer)
Country: USA
Average price: 211 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

A narrow-focus device designed to eliminate small “flocks” of pests. They are good because they are absolutely harmless, contrary to many products that require spraying or application to the surface. However, complexity begins where the advantage of harmlessness ends - if we talk about effectiveness, then traps are much inferior to the same chemistry. Purchase required large number devices to catch all the cockroaches if the brood is large. But such a measure hits hard on your pocket.


  • Completely harmless to both people and pets;
  • have no chemical smell;
  • extremely easy to install (just place baits in places where pests pass);
  • have a sterilizing effect and have a detrimental effect on the larvae.


  • low efficiency with large concentrations of cockroaches;
  • high cost per package.

The best aerosols against cockroaches

Perhaps the most common type of means to combat the “mustachioed mafia.” They have an instant destructive effect due to the “hellish” mixture of several potent drugs. They do not pose a huge danger to people, but it is still not recommended to stay in the treated room for too long. Despite their relatively low cost and efficiency, they have one significant drawback - after some time, the compositions become addictive and no longer have the desired effect on insects.

3 Aerosol Delicia

This aerosol is a real bestseller. No matter where you look, it is sold everywhere and receives the most positive reviews. It is produced by the German company Frunol Delicia, which has been producing products for household control against rodents and insects since 1984. The active components of the aerosol are natural and synthetic insecticides, as well as synergistic substances that dramatically increase their effectiveness. All of them are moderately dangerous for people, dogs and cats, so after treating the apartment it is recommended to leave it for 15 minutes.

The spray has an almost instantaneous and at the same time prolonged effect of up to 5 weeks. There is no need to wash it off from surfaces; it does not leave stains on clothes, wallpaper, or home textiles. To deal with cockroaches, you need to spray the aerosol from a distance of up to 1 m directly on them, in the joints and crevices where they can live. It also acts on ants, moths, woodlice, and other crawling and flying insects. One cylinder (400 ml) is designed for a room with a volume of up to 50 cubic meters. m.

2 Dichlorvos

Best degree of efficiency
Country: Russia
Average price: 70 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The progenitor of all currently known sprays, the famous and terrible “Dichlorvos” is still one of the best in the fight against cockroaches. Unlike the old versions of the composition, which had a sharp, unpleasant odor, the new ones are practically not felt, but have a higher degree of toxicity. Contains six types of poisons to maximum complicate the adaptation of cockroaches...however, after several full-fledged applications, they still become immune to its effects - this option has not changed at all over time.


  • time-tested classics;
  • causes almost instantaneous death of an individual when the composition gets on it;
  • acts as a repellent (if it does not kill, then it repels cockroaches and other insects).


  • cockroaches adapt to exposure;
  • toxic - capable of causing poisoning.

1 Raptor

Instant removal of insects
Country: Russia
Average price: 247 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

In terms of getting rid of insects, almost all aerosols have good indicator. However, "Raptor" is able to outshine even its direct competitor in terms of rating - the legendary "Dichlorvos". The repellent not only scares away hidden pests, but also instantly kills the “lucky” ones caught under the spray. It has a pronounced, but rather pleasant smell, and is also practically safe for humans. Users who actually tested the product were satisfied with the result, but noted that after a period of time (albeit a very long one), the cockroaches began to get used to its action.


  • strong repellent;
  • instant disposal of cockroaches and larvae;
  • high quality (virtually harmless to people and pets).


  • insects gradually get used to the action of the product (treated by increasing the concentration).

The appearance of cockroaches in a person’s home is not uncommon, especially since sometimes the residents themselves are to blame for this. The fight against cockroaches is a fairly pressing topic, considering that these insects are quite tenacious and prolific. Recently, there has been a tendency to reduce the number of these pests, due to the development of modern technologies. Despite this, many families, and sometimes entire multi-storey buildings, suffer from such a neighborhood.

Cockroaches are attracted to human homes by several factors. For example:

  • Free access to food and water.
  • Availability suitable places where you can hide.
  • Suitable temperature conditions.

In some apartments, although cockroaches appear from time to time, they do not stay there. Most likely, these are cockroaches - scouts who are looking for comfortable living conditions for their relatives.

Cockroaches can settle in an apartment if:

  • There are a lot of old, unnecessary things in the apartment, which allows insects to find shelter for themselves.
  • Garbage is not removed from the trash can in a timely manner.
  • After a meal, leftover food remains on the dining table.
  • In places where bulk food is stored, you can find something to profit from.
  • You can see a layer of fat near the stove or stove.
  • There are no mosquito nets on the windows, baseboards, floors, trims, window sills are dry and there are many cracks, and holes are visible next to the pipes of the water supply and sewerage systems, etc.
  • The housewife leaves a dirty, wet rag on the sink.
  • Family members practice eating not only in the kitchen, but also in other rooms.
  • IN multi-storey building There is an apartment where cockroaches feel comfortable and actively reproduce.
  • Leaks in water supply and sewer systems allow insects to have free access to moisture.
  • Ventilation systems are not equipped with fine mesh grilles.

Important to know! You will never be able to completely get rid of cockroaches if you ignore the factors that attract insects to a person’s home. In this case, even the most toxic drugs will not help: after some time after the drug has taken effect, they will appear in the home again.

How do chemicals affect cockroaches?

Many owners use insecticides to control cockroaches. Today, this “good” makes people dizzy and confused, since different products are designed for different conditions of use. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right product so as not to harm yourself and to destroy insects.

To combat cockroaches in an apartment, the following types of insecticides are suitable:

  • Contact action. Insects die when they come into contact with a toxic substance, which then penetrates the chitinous layer of the pests, which leads to their death.
  • Contact-intestinal action. These types of drugs have a complex effect. They not only penetrate the chitinous layer, but also have a detrimental effect if cockroaches suddenly try the bait with this substance.

Pros and cons

Toxic substances against cockroaches have proven their effectiveness for centuries, and especially recently, when you can purchase products in any form, convenient for use.

The advantages include:

  • Rapid destruction of insects.
  • Residual effect.
  • Mass destruction of pests.
  • Can be used in hard to reach places.
  • The result is obvious regardless of the number of cockroaches.
  • The product does not repel insects, but has a detrimental effect on them.

The disadvantages include the following factors:

  • Most drugs are highly toxic to humans.
  • When working with toxic substances, it is necessary to use personal protective equipment.
  • When using aerosols, toxic components are present in the air.
  • The use of such means requires the evacuation of apartment residents.

Types of effective cockroach repellents

There are several promising forms of insecticide release. For example:


These types of toxic substances are distinguished by the fact that they do not have toxic fumes, which makes them less toxic to humans. The gel is applied to the surface, after which the cockroaches begin to try it, as the product has an attractive smell. Popular brands: Fas, Dohlox, Sturm, Globol.


Such forms of insecticide release are distinguished by the fact that they are convenient to use, which is why they are very popular. Aerosols penetrate inside the insect both through the respiratory system and through the legs, which leads to death. Their use requires protection of the human respiratory tract. Popular brands: Dichlorvos - Neo, Combat, Raptor, Raid, Get.


This form of release of toxic substances is also convenient and easy to use. In addition, with the help of toxic crayons it is possible to get rid of insects quite quickly. Another advantage of crayons is that they can be applied to any, sometimes even the most complex, surfaces. Popular drugs: Mashenka, Clean House.


In the process of manufacturing such substances, the most modern technologies. Thanks to this technology, it was possible to create a toxic substance in the shell. When insects come into contact with the substance, they destroy the microcapsules, after which they receive their dose of the substance. The product is effective for 3 or 4 months without emitting toxic fumes. Effective compositions: Lambda Zone, Forsyth.


As a rule, traps are made of cardboard and have, when assembled, a box with several entrances. Inside this box there is a poisonous bait. Cockroaches visit this box and taste the poison. In addition, cockroaches carry food for their relatives who are in the nest. As a result, it is possible to get rid of the entire colony of longhorned beetles. Traps can have other methods of action: adhesive, electric, ultrasonic. In addition, it is not difficult to make a trap for cockroaches with your own hands from improvised, sometimes unnecessary materials. Popular brands: Combat, Raptor, Forsyth, Raid, Taiga, Clean House.

How to act

The fight against cockroaches requires a certain approach from the owners. That's why:

  • First of all, it is necessary to assess how large a colony of insects has settled in the apartment.
  • After this, you will have to decide on the toxic substance.
  • Then you need to start preparing the room.
  • Study the instructions for use of the drug, specifying the working concentration of the product.
  • Proceed with the evacuation of residents, having decided on temporary housing. At the same time, we should not forget about pets. If you have an aquarium, you will also have to take it out.
  • Wear protective clothing, not forgetting to protect your hands, respiratory system and eyes.
  • You can return home only after the time specified in the instructions. In this case, first of all you should ventilate the room and start cleaning.
  • Take preventive measures to prevent cockroaches from appearing again.

Interesting to know! If you fight cockroaches with the help of traps, then you do not need to prepare and, especially, leave the apartment for a certain time. It is enough to place traps in places where insects appear. At the same time, you need to think about how to ensure that children and pets cannot get to the traps.

Cockroach traps

The best option is to combat such insects using toxic traps. They are more practical because they do not require the evacuation of residents and pets, as they are practically safe for people. Such methods of control are not fast compared to chemical means, but this makes them no less effective.

At specialized retail outlets (hardware stores), ready-made, factory-made traps are sold at prices ranging from 120 to 160 rubles. The package contains from 6 to 14 special boxes that will catch and destroy cockroaches for almost six months.

Factory-made traps for cockroaches

Effective devices include:

  • Raid. The basis of the trap is the active substance abamentin, which has negative influence for the reproduction of insects. The insecticide acts on different generations of cockroaches. The box has a transparent lid, which allows you to see how many insects are inside the trap. After about 4 months, it is possible to get rid of the entire colony of cockroaches. A set of traps (6 pieces) costs about 150 rubles.
  • Raptor. The bait contains the toxic substance chlorpyrifos. Insects react to an attractive smell, after which they crawl into the trap and try the bait. After this, they can infect other members of the colony. After about a couple of weeks, we manage to get rid of all the cockroaches. The trap can be installed anywhere. A set of traps consisting of six boxes with an active substance costs about 140 rubles.
  • Forsyth. Manufacturer - Russia. The trap has an adhesive effect. Such a tool is located in a trap. The substance does not emit toxic components and belongs to toxicity class 4. Cardboard houses assemble on their own. When cockroaches get into the trap to try the bait, they simply stick to the adhesive surface. A set of traps costs only 70 rubles. The kit includes 5 glue boxes that you will have to assemble yourself.

DIY traps

Despite the fact that cockroach traps are not particularly complex, their effectiveness is quite high. The advantage of this method is that it is easy to make a trap yourself, literally in about 15 minutes. Boric acid or ammonia can be used as the active ingredient.

A simple trap for catching cockroaches can be made from an ordinary liter jar by placing a piece of toasted bread with honey at the bottom. The aroma of the edible substance will definitely attract insects that will crawl into the jar. They will not be able to get out of it if the walls of the jar are lubricated from the inside. vegetable oil. If you install several of these traps, they will quickly reduce the number of cockroaches.

The owners can only look into the container from time to time to destroy the pests.

The appearance of cockroaches in a person’s home is an emergency that immediately mobilizes household members to fight them. The main thing here is to choose the right control tactics to get rid of insects once and for all. Many methods and means of control are suitable for these purposes. Insecticides are considered the most effective, but you need to be quite careful with them. In addition, they cannot always be used, since small children, expectant mothers, elderly, infirm people prone to allergies may live in the apartment. In any case, you need to remember that you can get rid of insects if you act comprehensively, knowing how insects get into your home and what attracts them. Often it is enough to deprive them of attractive factors, and they will never be interested in an apartment. Therefore, carrying out regular cosmetic repairs should become the norm. This allows you to maintain your home in proper technical condition, blocking the barbels’ path to enter the apartment and depriving them of liquid, which is more important to them than food. Otherwise, even with the help of traps, you will have to catch them for years, wondering why the barbels did not leave the apartment. It is believed that cockroaches represent unsanitary conditions. This is 90% true, so keeping the apartment in order and the absence of excess garbage and rubbish will not allow cockroaches to find a comfortable shelter for themselves.

Everyone knows what cockroaches are. However, these insects, unpleasant and dangerous to human health, choose a certain environment for their habitat. They feel most comfortable in damp, dusty, warm rooms. Even though cockroaches are omnivores, they prefer places where they can find leftover food, household waste and water.

Fortunately, as experience shows, even the largest population of cockroaches can be gotten rid of if you use time-tested and high-quality preparations. The ranking of the best cockroach repellents presents effective toxic substances, varying in degree of toxicity, speed and cost.

Globol - the best paste against cockroaches


In the photo - Globol cockroach paste. Average price in the Russian Federation: 300 rubles (75 g).

Today, the German Globol paste is one of the most popular and potent remedies for the fight against cockroaches. The active ingredient of the paste - chlorpyrifos (at a concentration of 0.5%) has class IV toxicity and, according to the manufacturer, is completely safe for people and pets (however, it is better to avoid contact with it). The paste is applied in small peas in insect habitats. Cockroaches, eating the paste and carrying its particles on their paws to their relatives, begin to die within a few hours. The maximum effect is achieved after two weeks.


  • An effective remedy that can remove a large population of insects.
  • Fast and long-lasting action.
  • Insects do not get used to it.

Flaws: not found.

From reviews of Globol:

“For several years we were plagued by cockroaches. We tried everything: traps, sprays, crayons... At first these reptiles became fewer in number, but then they multiplied again. A friend gave me Globol, and in just a couple of weeks the problem was solved! They only managed to sweep them away. They haven’t bothered me for a year now.”

“Surprisingly, only the German Globol paste saved our house from the Russian scourge - the ubiquitous, rustling and nasty red cockroaches. We almost despaired of fighting them; it seemed that there were more and more of them every day. One tube of paste was distributed around the perimeter of the apartment, and they forgot that they even existed. The best remedy for cockroaches is that the Germans know how to make quality things!”

Regent - effective against both cockroaches and the Colorado potato beetle


In the photo - insecticide Regent. Average price in the Russian Federation: 30 rubles (3 capsules).

The contact-intestinal insecticide Regent is designed to destroy the Colorado potato beetle, but has also proven itself in the fight against cockroaches. Regent is available in ampoules, capsules and powder; the concentration of the drug depends on the size of the insect population. If there are a lot of pests, then one packet of powder or one or two capsules should be diluted in 250 ml of water and the resulting solution should be applied to the surfaces with which cockroaches come into contact most often. The active ingredient of the drug is fipronil, in high concentration it has class II toxicity. It is recommended to carry out the treatment with rubber gloves and a respirator, then leave the room for two hours, and after one or two days, rinse thoroughly and ventilate.


  • Chain effect.
  • The action begins within a few hours.
  • It is odorless and leaves no traces.


  • Toxic.
  • Short action.

From reviews of Regent:

“The most effective remedy - I would never have thought that the problem of cockroaches could be solved so quickly! I bought one sachet of Regent, diluted it in a glass of water, sprayed it in hard-to-reach places with a syringe, and after a few days I swept away the dead insects. Three months later I noticed a couple of individuals again, repeated the procedure, and are still not visible.”

“For a long time I hesitated to use such a strong insecticide as Regent - it’s poison after all, but when I realized that this was my last hope for getting rid of the vile Prussians, I made up my mind. The family was taken to the dacha, and I treated the apartment with one sachet of the product, diluted in a spray bottle with 0.2 liters of water. Two days later, she gathered all the victims of the “massacre” and washed saline solution floor, and a new life began - without cockroaches!

Get - the best microencapsulated cockroach repellent


In the photo - Get insecticidal concentrated cockroach repellent. Average price in the Russian Federation: 700 rubles (100 ml).

Get is an analogue of the highly effective and popular Gett tool, which present moment removed from sale. Get is a broad-spectrum contact insecticidal preparation (destroys cockroaches, bedbugs, ants and other insects), which also works as a barrier method, i.e. it prevents insects from entering the house. The active ingredient, chlorpyrifos, is safe for humans and pets. The product is diluted in water (at a concentration of 1:10 - one bottle per liter of water), after which it is sprayed over those surfaces where insects crawl. Within a month, absolutely all individuals die. Get can also be used to prepare baits, which will significantly speed up the removal of pests.


  • There is no need to wait for the insects to eat the product, they just need to walk over it.
  • The solution is odorless and leaves no traces.
  • Non-toxic.
  • Remains active for six months or more.

Flaws: high cost.

From reviews of Get:

“Once upon a time I used Gett - in a spray bottle, the effect was simply lightning fast, and cockroaches did not appear for about 10 years. Recently they came again, I bought an analogue of that product - Get. It also worked great - within a day I started collecting dead insects, and after a week they were completely gone. The best remedy for cockroaches is worth the money you pay for it!”

“For six months I struggled with cockroaches at my new place of residence - nothing saved me. On the advice of friends, I purchased Get, diluted it according to the instructions, poured it into a spray bottle, and sprinkled it around the apartment. Most of all - in the kitchen and bathroom. It worked amazingly simply! I’ve been sweeping out cockroaches for a week, and not a single creature has shown its nose in my apartment for a year now.”

Dohlox - the best gel for cockroaches


In the photo - Dohlox cockroach gel. Average price in the Russian Federation: 45 rubles (20 ml).

Dohlox-gel belongs to the group of insecticidal preparations, the active substance is fipronil (concentration - 0.05%). The drug has low toxicity for humans and animals (toxicity class IV). It affects the insect's nervous system, resulting in paralysis and death within 8 hours. The gel is produced in a syringe with a thin tip and is applied with a dotted line in insect habitats. Signs of the drug's action are noticeable after 6 hours, the maximum effect is achieved on the third day.


  • Fast action.
  • Affordable price.
  • Low toxicity (however, the manufacturer strongly recommends protecting people and animals from contact with the substance).

Flaws: insects get used to it, and the drug loses its effectiveness. The solution is to alternate Dohlox with other means.

From reviews of Dohlox-gel:

“Dohlox is the best remedy for cockroaches! Only he helped us get rid of the mustachioed scourge! We tried traps, sprays... They acted very sluggishly. And after we walked through Dohlox, the very next day they began collecting the corpses of cockroaches. And after two weeks, not a single living person was seen at all. They haven’t appeared for six months now.”

“Super remedy! The best from cockroaches! It was fast, like a hurricane swept away all the red creatures! It was applied mainly in places such as ventilation grilles, pipes, behind the stove - so that the cat would not be poisoned. It worked! One syringe was enough to kill most of them. They finished off those who were already sluggish, using traps from other companies, since the last of the survivors seemed to be accustomed to Dohlox.”

Combat - the best “traps” for cockroaches


In the photo - discs for cockroachesCombat. Average price in the Russian Federation: 310 rubles (6 pieces).

An effective, safe and easy-to-use remedy for cockroaches is discs, or so-called Kombat cockroach traps. Inside the disc there is a bait that contains the active ingredient hydramethylnon. After eating the bait, the insect infects other individuals. According to the manufacturer, two weeks after starting to use the discs, the cockroaches will disappear. The product is valid for up to three months.


  • Absolutely non-toxic and do not cause allergies.
  • Easy to use, leaves no marks and has no odor.
  • The active substance is not addictive.

Flaws: effective with a small number of insects, or it is necessary to install more disks, which is quite expensive.

From reviews of Kombat traps:

“We have been suffering from cockroaches for a long time, we tried to fight with folk remedies - it did not help. Chemicals cannot be used - here small child and a cat. The store recommended Kombat traps. They placed it in the kitchen and hallway. We didn’t even notice how the cockroaches disappeared, it seems like about two weeks passed.”

“I don’t know how many cockroaches there should be for traps to not help... We had enough. We bought two packs of Kombat (12 pieces), glued them all over our two-room apartment, after a week it was less, after two it was completely gone.”

Mashenka is the best chalk for cockroaches


In the photo - chalk from cockroaches Mashenka. Average price in the Russian Federation: 40 rubles (20 g).

Chalk Mashenka - insecticide against contact cockroaches. It can be safely called the most popular and best chalk against cockroaches. Active substances: deltamethrin - 0.05% and zetacypermethrin - 0.1% have toxicity class IV, i.e. low toxicity for humans and animals. Places where insects accumulate and pass through are treated with chalk, by drawing thick continuous lines that cockroaches cannot bypass. Pests eat the product and die within 24 hours. The effect of the applied substance lasts 7-9 days, with reappearance insects repeat the procedure.


  • The product is safe for humans and animals.
  • Convenient to use, odorless.


From reviews of Mashenka:

“I can’t say that there were many cockroaches in our apartment, but we regularly saw one or two. Not scary, but not pleasant either. We bought Mashenka chalk and used it to draw the perimeter of the apartment under the ceiling, ventilation, and doorways (we were afraid to smear the baseboards - we have a cat). I haven’t seen a single lost cockroach for three months now.”

“We were unlucky with our neighbors - an unscrupulous, drinking family. They have cockroaches a dime a dozen, and they periodically visited us. Mashenka was recommended to us. We drew skirting boards, doors, balconies, and ventilation grilles for her. It seems that the cockroaches have disappeared. We repeat now every two to three months, just in case.”

Dichlorvos - the best spray against cockroaches


In the photo - insect repellent spray Dichlorvos. Average price in the Russian Federation: 70 rubles (200 ml).

As practice shows, among sprays against cockroaches and other crawling and flying insects, Dichlorvos remains the most effective. Modern versions have virtually no odor, but are nevertheless toxic to humans and animals (toxicity class III). Contains the following poisons as active ingredients: permethrin, cypermethrin, piperonyl butoxide, tetramethrin, diethyltoluamide, dimethyl sulfoxide. The spray is sprayed directly on the individuals themselves and their larvae or in their habitats.


  • If it comes into direct contact with an individual or larva, the product kills them almost instantly.
  • Suitable for repelling insects.


  • Toxicity. The classic version has an unpleasant smell.
  • Cockroaches get used to it.

From reviews of Dichlorvos spray:

“When fighting cockroaches, there is no better and most reliable remedy than good old Dichlorvos. There is only one downside to the product: after treating the room, it’s better not to show your nose there for a couple of days, so as not to get poisoned along with the creeping reptiles.”

“Under our apartment there is a cafe with a suspicious reputation. And from there cockroaches are running towards us in droves. We save ourselves with Dichlorvos - we spray it in places where they accumulate, mainly hard-to-reach ones, and we also spray them on individuals who have come to the “light”. Fortunately, the new Dichlorvos is odorless, but is inferior in effectiveness to the old version.”

Boric acid is the best folk remedy for cockroaches


In cases where the application chemicals impossible (allergies, small children and animals in the house), many are saved by folk remedies. The most famous and best folk remedy for cockroaches is boric acid, which, when entering the body of insects, guarantees them painful death. To prepare the bait, you need to take a raw or boiled egg yolk, pour one packet of boric acid into it, roll into balls and place them in insect habitats. You can also prepare sweet baits with borax powder.
Dry boric acid powder can be sprinkled where cockroaches travel (for example, under the sink where they go to drink water). Cockroaches catch the powder on their paws and then lick it off when they clean themselves. But this method is less effective - baits work better.


  • Safe for people and animals.
  • Inexpensive.


  • The method is effective if there are few cockroaches and the apartment is kept clean. Otherwise, some insects may go to feed, for example, in a trash can, and will not try the bait.
  • The balls need to be renewed regularly until the insects disappear completely.

From reviews of boric acid:

“They recommended boric acid for cockroaches. Of course, I didn’t believe that it could really help me, but I still decided to try it. I bought a packet of acid, boiled an egg and mixed 1/3 of the yolk with acid. I made balls and laid them out in the evening "

“Whatever recipe you use: with potatoes, a raw egg or a boiled one, you need to understand that cockroaches run towards the food and eat it along with the acid, because boric acid has neither taste nor smell, they cannot identify it immediately and it corrodes them from the inside and they leave this apartment forever, they periodically send messengers there, so it’s better for the messengers not to remove the balls from under the cabinets.”

What is the best cockroach repellent?

As a rule, the success of using any means in the fight against cockroaches depends on the size of their population and the time they live in the apartment. If cockroaches have appeared relatively recently and there are not too many of them, then you can get by with such means as traps, crayons, gel, or even try to remove them using folk methods. In this case, it is necessary to block insects’ access to water. Since cockroaches do not like the cold, “freezing” is considered an effective method - in winter, you need to leave the windows open for several hours or even days. In order to repel cockroaches, ammonia is used - it is added to the water used to wash the floor (one tablespoon or more per bucket). Also, these insects do not like the smell. bay leaf, however, it will not be able to destroy cockroaches. And, one of the most effective ways to fight cockroaches is to maintain cleanliness and an optimal level of humidity in the room.

If the population of cockroaches has reached an impressive size, you will have to use “heavy artillery” - Globol paste, microcapsule preparations, powder insecticides, which must be used to treat most of the room. Sprays are good for repelling single individuals and carrying out preventive treatments. As research and practice have shown, ultrasonic repellers have no effect on cockroaches at all.

If no means help, you should apply for disinfestation to the SES or a private company. The cost of such a service for a two-room apartment will be about 2,000 rubles.

Good afternoon

Young people today, before getting married, check how they can get along in an apartment. These were our tenants. Now they have moved out and decided to get married and buy their own home.

And what we inherited from them were cockroaches. Either they came running from neighbors, or they were brought in some other way. We did not lose heart and carried out an active cleanup; we need to prepare comfortable conditions for the next residents. Today I’ll tell you about the best remedies for cockroaches in the apartment.

How to get rid of cockroaches

People have long been concerned about effective control of cockroaches, which are unpleasant neighbors in the house. Besides what they can carry various diseases, the mere appearance of this insect terrifies some people.

The fight against domestic cockroaches has been going on for a long time. They coexist with people from a biological point of view; cockroaches in the apartment are our symbionts that bring certain benefits.

If cockroaches appear in your home, you should quickly make an effort to remove them. harmful insects. Mistakes in attempts to breed these insects often only lead to fewer of them, and then they multiply rapidly.

If you have taken everyone out (which rarely happens), they can still come running again from unscrupulous neighbors. Those owners who participate in this “war” begin to kill cockroaches in their dreams.

How to fight cockroaches - methods of fighting cockroaches

If you decide to destroy cockroaches yourself, we advise you to approach this problem seriously, we will try to help you and answer the following questions: how to get rid of cockroaches forever using an effective remedy, and in general, are there methods, services that provide a guarantee for the destruction of cockroaches?

The fact is that today there is no universal remedy, using which you can forget about unpleasant roommates. Treating the premises against cockroaches can lead to a fairly quick recovery.

It is worth noting that if you use one product with which the premises were treated for too long, then the cockroaches become accustomed to this chemical preparation.

Destruction of cockroaches - fighting cockroaches in the apartment

Many people know how tenacious these insects are, and that effective way fighting cockroaches is chemicals, and sometimes quite strong ones. Before removing cockroaches from an apartment, owners have a number of questions:

  1. what is the best remedy for cockroaches to buy - chalk, gel, aerosol, trap;
  2. where to buy poison for cockroaches;
  3. Effective control of cockroaches requires certain knowledge.
  4. which drugs will give the longest lasting results;
  5. what effective means of controlling cockroaches to choose that will not harm children or pets.

To remove black cockroaches from an apartment, while simultaneously forgetting about red cockroaches, fleas, bedbugs, flies, mosquitoes and other unwanted “roommates”, there are special chemicals, aerosols, gels, traps and proven folk remedies.

How to poison cockroaches?

You can poison cockroaches in different ways, but this does not mean that you need to try a bunch of means in order to find the best option. Today, you can select and buy the best cockroach repellent in almost all markets or in specialized stores.


Before you buy, you can consult with your loved ones and acquaintances; reviews on various forums with the topics “how to get rid of cockroaches forever” will also help you choose a remedy for cockroaches. You can rely on the experience of specialists and use the drugs presented.

Before purchasing in a store, ask for advice from a salesperson who will help you choose the right solution. The most affordable effective remedies for cockroaches (cockroach poison):

Aerosol - spray against cockroaches:

  • "Raid"
  • "Combat"
  • "Aerosol Raptor"
  • "Aerosol Clean House"

Cockroach traps:

  1. "Combat Superbyte"
  2. "Raptor Traps"
  3. "Trap Clean House"

Cockroach gels:

  • "Gel Raptor"
  • "Gel Clean House"

Other means to control cockroaches:

  1. "Brownie"
  2. "dohlox"
  3. "LS 500"
  4. "Clean House"

All drugs can be purchased in specialized stores.



One of the few products that combines effectiveness and safety.

The principle of action is a versatile effect on the insect. At the same time, against the background of dehydration of the insect, contact and intestinal poisoning occurs.

The main advantages are the absence of odor, toxic substances and, of course, high efficiency.

Combat superbyte against cockroaches

Combat is a good and long-known effective remedy against cockroaches. The trap was developed taking into account the latest technology in the field of insecticides. The “domino principle” works: a cockroach enters a trap, eats the bait, which contains hydramethylnon, returns and infects its relatives, who then infect others.

This is quite a strong poison for nasty insects. You can buy traps at any insecticide store or markets. If you are interested in reading in more detail how the anti-cockroach battalion works, you can find reviews about the product on any forum in a topic dedicated to the fight against domestic insects.

Raptor for cockroaches

Raptor is an old and probably the most famous and popular means of protection against insects: spiders, fleas, bedbugs and other “creeping” things. Available in three types: traps, aerosol and gel for destruction.

Global (Globol) from cockroaches

Global (Globol) is the most famous brand of insecticides, all products are made in Germany, the company has more than 30 types of products.

The drug is popular on the Russian market and is sold in plastic tubes, does not have an unpleasant, pungent odor, and allows you to get rid of unpleasant neighbors for a really long time. Provides 100% destruction of cockroaches in the apartment.

The insecticide is effective, like Raptor, for a month. You can buy global in specialized stores that sell insecticides.

GET (Get) from cockroaches

This product is a microencapsulated suspension, the liquid is also used to kill bedbugs, ants, fleas and other insects. To use the Get cockroach repellent, you don’t have to call a professional because it’s easy to use yourself.

The drug is diluted 1:5-1:10 with water and the room can be treated using the barrier method. After treatment, the room is ventilated for 2 to 4 hours. This product has an active substance (chlorpyrifos), which is contained inside a microcapsule.

The advantages of this drug include:

  • absolutely safe for people and animals;
  • has no smell;
  • does not cause allergic reactions;
  • valid from 6 to 16 months;
  • does not leave stains;

Clean house from cockroaches

A proven and effective remedy for cockroaches and other insects. Strips of the gel should be applied to cardboard sheets and placed near a cluster of cockroaches.

For the best effect, it is advisable to prevent moisture and dust from getting on the gel. The composition of the drug remains effective for 1 month, therefore reprocessing It is recommended to carry out after at least 3 weeks.

Folk remedies for cockroaches

Of course, you can put a lot of effort and try to get rid of cockroaches yourself using folk remedies, for example, using boric acid. It often happens that there are cockroaches in the apartment and the owners do not want to resort to drastic measures, for example, the use of strong chemicals.

Young families with children have probably wondered what good remedy for cockroaches will not harm either the child or the pet. Without risking the health of other apartment residents, choose folk remedies to fight cockroaches; one of the most effective is boric acid.

How to poison cockroaches with boric acid

Boric acid is a poison for cockroaches; this good home remedy is absolutely safe for people and animals. Sprinkle powder on all sources of water (toilet, sinks, bathroom) - this will block the insects' access to water, which cockroaches constantly need.

There is a second way to make poison for cockroaches using boric acid. Raw egg yolk is mixed with boric acid to form a slurry, then balls are molded from this and laid out in all visible (to the cockroach) places in the apartment.

Therefore, if you want to get rid of cockroaches, boric acid will become effective solution. This is perhaps the best “homemade” remedy.

The destruction of cockroaches with boric acid works on the “gone and never returned” principle: from the acid, the insect begins to experience terrible itching and leaves the infected area. This type of apartment treatment for cockroaches works quite effectively. You can buy boric acid at any pharmacy.

Cockroach extermination services

Destruction of cockroaches takes a huge amount of time and effort, which a modern, business person does not have at all. But there is the most optimal way - disinfestation of cockroaches and disinfection of an apartment from cockroaches, this is the professional destruction of cockroaches, as well as pathogens, viruses, bacteria, fungi and cockroaches.

The complex of works will help remove other evil spirits that are not visible to the naked eye. Many companies are engaged in the destruction of cockroaches in Moscow, many of which are large companies that guarantee results. A cockroach extermination company has many modern means of exterminating cockroaches in its arsenal.

In addition, the cockroach extermination service always has various types equipment, which significantly increases the chances of a favorable outcome of the “war”.

Don’t forget about specially trained personnel - specialists who know perfectly how to kill cockroaches and not scare them away. The cockroach control service is the most effective fight today.

If you have not found the answer to your question, leave it in the comments and we will definitely answer it. Let's fight together.


8 best cockroach repellents

Everyone knows what cockroaches are. However, these insects, unpleasant and dangerous to human health, choose a certain environment for their habitat. They feel most comfortable in damp, dusty, warm rooms. Even though cockroaches are omnivores, they prefer places where they can find leftover food, household waste and water.

Fortunately, as experience shows, even the largest population of cockroaches can be gotten rid of if you use time-tested and high-quality preparations. The ranking of the best cockroach repellents presents effective toxic substances that vary in degree of toxicity, speed of action and cost.

Globol - the best paste against cockroaches

Today, the German Globol paste is one of the most popular and potent remedies for the fight against cockroaches. The active ingredient of the paste - chlorpyrifos (at a concentration of 0.5%) has class IV toxicity and, according to the manufacturer, is completely safe for people and pets (however, it is better to avoid contact with it).

The paste is applied in small peas in insect habitats. Cockroaches, eating the paste and carrying its particles on their paws to their relatives, begin to die within a few hours. The maximum effect is achieved after two weeks.


  1. An effective remedy that can remove a large population of insects.
  2. Fast and long-lasting action.
  3. Insects do not get used to it.

Disadvantages: none found.

From reviews of Globol:

“For several years we were plagued by cockroaches. We tried everything: traps, sprays, crayons... At first these reptiles became fewer in number, but then they multiplied again. A friend gave me Globol, and in just a couple of weeks the problem was solved! They only managed to sweep them away. They haven’t bothered me for a year now.”

“Surprisingly, only the German Globol paste saved our house from the Russian scourge - the ubiquitous, rustling and nasty red cockroaches. We almost despaired of fighting them; it seemed that there were more and more of them every day. One tube of paste was distributed around the perimeter of the apartment, and they forgot that they even existed. The best remedy for cockroaches is that the Germans know how to make quality things!”

Regent – ​​effective against both cockroaches and the Colorado potato beetle

The contact-intestinal insecticide Regent is designed to destroy the Colorado potato beetle, but has also proven itself in the fight against cockroaches. Regent is available in ampoules, capsules and powder; the concentration of the drug depends on the size of the insect population.

If there are a lot of pests, then one packet of powder or one or two capsules should be diluted in 250 ml of water and the resulting solution should be applied to the surfaces with which cockroaches come into contact most often.

The active ingredient of the drug is fipronil, in high concentration it has class II toxicity. It is recommended to carry out the treatment with rubber gloves and a respirator, then leave the room for two hours, and after one or two days, rinse thoroughly and ventilate.


  • Chain effect.
  • The action begins within a few hours.
  • It is odorless and leaves no traces.


  1. Toxic.
  2. Short action.

From reviews of Regent:

“The most effective remedy - I would never have thought that the problem of cockroaches could be solved so quickly! I bought one sachet of Regent, diluted it in a glass of water, sprayed it in hard-to-reach places with a syringe, and after a few days I swept away the dead insects. Three months later I noticed a couple of individuals again, repeated the procedure, and are still not visible.”

“For a long time I hesitated to use such a strong insecticide as Regent - it’s poison after all, but when I realized that this was my last hope for getting rid of the vile Prussians, I made up my mind. The family was taken to the dacha, and I treated the apartment with one sachet of the product, diluted in a spray bottle with 0.2 liters of water. Two days later, I gathered all the victims of the “massacre”, washed the floor with saline solution, and a new life began - without cockroaches!”

Get – the best microencapsulated cockroach repellent

Get is an analogue of the highly effective and popular Gett product, which has currently been taken off the market. Get is a broad-spectrum contact insecticidal preparation (destroys cockroaches, bedbugs, ants and other insects), which also works as a barrier method, i.e., prevents insects from entering the house.

The active ingredient, chlorpyrifos, is safe for humans and pets. The product is diluted in water (at a concentration of 1:10 - one bottle per liter of water), and then sprayed over those surfaces where insects crawl.

Within a month, absolutely all individuals die. Get can also be used to prepare baits, which will significantly speed up the removal of pests.


  • There is no need to wait for the insects to eat the product, they just need to walk over it.
  • The solution is odorless and leaves no traces.
  • Non-toxic.
  • Remains active for six months or more.

Disadvantages: high cost.

From reviews of Get:

“Once upon a time I used Gett - in a spray bottle, the effect was simply lightning fast, and cockroaches did not appear for about 10 years. Recently they came again, I bought an analogue of that product - Get. It also worked great - within a day I started collecting dead insects, and after a week they were completely gone. The best remedy for cockroaches is worth the money you pay for it!”

“For six months I struggled with cockroaches at my new place of residence - nothing helped. On the advice of friends, I purchased Get, diluted it according to the instructions, poured it into a spray bottle, and sprinkled it around the apartment. Most of all - in the kitchen and bathroom. It worked amazingly simply! I’ve been sweeping out cockroaches for a week, and not a single creature has shown its nose in my apartment for a year now.”

Dohlox - the best gel for cockroaches

Dohlox-gel belongs to the group of insecticidal preparations, the active ingredient is fipronil (concentration - 0.05%). The drug has low toxicity for humans and animals (toxicity class IV).

It affects the insect's nervous system, resulting in paralysis and death within 8 hours. The gel is produced in a syringe with a thin tip and is applied with a dotted line in insect habitats. Signs of the drug's action are noticeable after 6 hours, the maximum effect is achieved on the third day.


  1. Fast action.
  2. Affordable price.
  3. Low toxicity (however, the manufacturer strongly recommends protecting people and animals from contact with the substance).


Disadvantages: insects get used to it, and the drug loses its effectiveness. The solution is to alternate Dohlox with other means.

From reviews of Dohlox-gel:

“Dohlox is the best remedy for cockroaches! Only he helped us get rid of the mustachioed scourge! We tried traps, sprays... They acted very sluggishly. And after we walked through Dohlox, the very next day they began collecting the corpses of cockroaches. And after two weeks, not a single living person was seen at all. They haven’t appeared for six months now.”

“Super remedy! The best from cockroaches! Fast - as if a hurricane swept away all the red creatures! It was applied mainly in places such as ventilation grilles, pipes, behind the stove - so that the cat would not be poisoned. It worked! One syringe was enough to kill most of them. They finished off those who were already sluggish, using traps from other companies, since the last of the survivors seemed to be accustomed to Dohlox.”

Combat - the best “traps” for cockroaches

An effective, safe and easy-to-use remedy for cockroaches is discs, or so-called Kombat cockroach traps. Inside the disc there is a bait that contains the active ingredient hydramethylnon. After eating the bait, the insect infects other individuals.

According to the manufacturer, two weeks after starting to use the discs, the cockroaches will disappear. The product is valid for up to three months.


  • Absolutely non-toxic and do not cause allergies.
  • Easy to use, leaves no marks and has no odor.
  • The active substance is not addictive.

Disadvantages: effective for small numbers of insects, or it is necessary to install more disks, which is quite expensive.

From reviews of Kombat traps:

“We have been suffering from cockroaches for a long time, we tried to fight with folk remedies - it did not help. You can't use chemicals - we have a small child and a cat. The store recommended Kombat traps. They placed it in the kitchen and hallway. We didn’t even notice how the cockroaches disappeared, it seems like about two weeks passed.”

“I don’t know how many cockroaches there should be for traps to not help... We had enough. We bought two packs of Kombat (12 pieces), glued them all over our two-room apartment, after a week it was less, after two it was completely gone.”

Mashenka is the best chalk for cockroaches

Chalk Mashenka is an insecticidal agent for contact action against cockroaches. It can be safely called the most popular and best chalk against cockroaches.

Active substances: deltamethrin - 0.05% and zetacypermethrin - 0.1% have toxicity class IV, i.e. low toxicity for humans and animals. Places where insects accumulate and pass through are treated with chalk, by drawing thick continuous lines that cockroaches cannot bypass.

Pests eat the product and die within 24 hours. The effect of the applied substance lasts 7–9 days; if insects reappear, the procedure is repeated.


  1. The product is safe for humans and animals.
  2. Convenient to use, odorless.


  • Quickly loses effectiveness.
  • Does not cope with large numbers of insects.

From reviews of Mashenka:

“I can’t say that there were many cockroaches in our apartment, but we regularly saw one or two. Not scary, but not pleasant either. We bought Mashenka chalk and used it to draw the perimeter of the apartment under the ceiling, ventilation, and doorways (we were afraid to smear the baseboards - we have a cat). I haven’t seen a single lost cockroach for three months now.”

“We were unlucky with our neighbors - an unclean, drinking family. They have cockroaches a dime a dozen, and they periodically visited us. Mashenka was recommended to us. We drew skirting boards, doors, balconies, and ventilation grilles for her. It seems that the cockroaches have disappeared. We repeat now every two to three months, just in case.”

Dichlorvos is the best spray against cockroaches

As practice shows, among sprays against cockroaches and other crawling and flying insects, Dichlorvos remains the most effective. Modern versions have virtually no odor, but are nevertheless toxic to humans and animals (toxicity class III).

Contains the following poisons as active ingredients: permethrin, cypermethrin, piperonyl butoxide, tetramethrin, diethyltoluamide, dimethyl sulfoxide. The spray is sprayed directly on the individuals themselves and their larvae or in their habitats.


  1. If it comes into direct contact with an individual or larva, the product kills them almost instantly.
  2. Suitable for repelling insects.


  • Toxicity. The classic version has an unpleasant smell.
  • Cockroaches get used to it.

From reviews of Dichlorvos spray:

“When fighting cockroaches, there is no better and most reliable remedy than good old Dichlorvos. There is only one downside to the product: after treating the room, it’s better not to show your nose there for a couple of days, so as not to get poisoned along with the creeping reptiles.”

“Under our apartment there is a cafe with a suspicious reputation. And from there cockroaches are running towards us in droves. We save ourselves with Dichlorvos - we spray it in places where they accumulate, mainly hard-to-reach ones, and we also spray them on individuals who have come to the “light”. Fortunately, the new Dichlorvos is odorless, but is inferior in effectiveness to the old version.”

Boric acid is the best folk remedy for cockroaches

In cases where the use of chemicals is impossible (allergies, small children and animals in the house), many people resort to folk remedies. The most famous and best folk remedy for cockroaches is boric acid, which, when ingested by insects, guarantees them a painful death.

To prepare the bait, you need to take a raw or boiled egg yolk, pour one packet of boric acid into it, roll into balls and place them in insect habitats. You can also prepare sweet baits with borax powder.

Dry boric acid powder can be sprinkled where cockroaches travel (for example, under the sink where they go to drink water). Cockroaches catch the powder on their paws and then lick it off when they clean themselves. But this method is less effective - baits work better.


  1. Safe for people and animals.
  2. Inexpensive.

The method is effective if there are few cockroaches and the apartment is kept clean. Otherwise, some insects may go to feed, for example, in a trash can, and will not try the bait. The balls need to be renewed regularly until the insects disappear completely.

From reviews of boric acid:

“We recommended boric acid for cockroaches. Of course, I didn’t believe that she could really help me, but I still decided to try. I bought a packet of acid, boiled an egg and mixed 1/3 of the yolk with the acid. I made balls, placed them around the kitchen in the evening and couldn’t sleep for a long time, because... I was worried that the balls, on the contrary, would attract even more cockroaches. I had no reason to be afraid! It’s been a week now since there are no “roommates” in the house! My opinion is that boric acid is the best remedy for cockroaches!”

“Whatever recipe you use: with potatoes, raw or boiled eggs, you need to understand that cockroaches run towards the food and eat it along with the acid, because boric acid has neither taste nor smell, they cannot identify it immediately and it corrodes them from the inside and they leave this apartment forever, periodically they send messengers there, so it is better for the messengers not to remove the balls from under the cabinets.”

What is the best cockroach repellent?

As a rule, the success of using any means in the fight against cockroaches depends on the size of their population and the time they live in the apartment. If cockroaches have appeared relatively recently and there are not too many of them, then you can get by with such means as traps, crayons, gel, or even try to remove them using folk methods.

In this case, it is necessary to block insects’ access to water. Since cockroaches do not like the cold, “freezing” is considered an effective method - in winter, you need to leave the windows open for several hours or even days. In order to repel cockroaches, ammonia is used - it is added to the water used to wash the floor (one tablespoon or more per bucket).

Also, these insects do not like the smell of bay leaves, but it will not be able to destroy cockroaches. And, one of the most effective ways to fight cockroaches is to maintain cleanliness and an optimal level of humidity in the room.

If the population of cockroaches has reached an impressive size, you will have to use “heavy artillery” - Globol paste, microcapsule preparations, powder insecticides, which must be used to treat most of the room.

Sprays are good for repelling single individuals and carrying out preventive treatments. As research and practice have shown, ultrasonic repellers have no effect on cockroaches at all.

If no means help, you should apply for disinfestation to the SES or a private company. The cost of such a service for a two-room apartment will be about 2,000 rubles.


Remedy for cockroaches - Myths and reality

Cockroaches are one of the most difficult insects to eradicate. People have been fighting them for centuries, the most in various ways and means, but victory is still far away. Although you can create a small paradise without cockroaches in a separate apartment or even an entrance for quite a long period of time, if you approach this matter with the proper amount of professionalism.

But we are seeing a strange paradox: people spend hundreds of thousands of rubles on apartment renovations, thousands on monthly utility bills, but they regret spending a few hundred rubles on their health and comfort in their home by buying a good remedy for cockroaches.

But these insects are carriers of serious diseases, not to mention the moral discomfort from their presence on your territory.

A common misconception is that you can get rid of cockroaches forever by treating your apartment once with some, even the most expensive, product. IN apartment building it's almost impossible!

Having gotten rid of cockroaches, you inevitably make your apartment an object of desire for “foreign” cockroaches, who will want to populate the vacated areas and will make unrelenting attempts to carry out their vile plans - through air ducts, water supply and sewer risers, garbage chutes, even through the balcony and the front door.

And often they end up in an apartment with things brought from premises or hotels infested with cockroaches. Our main task is to get rid of cockroaches as quickly as possible. long term- in the case of Master250 (analogous to Gett) this is at least 3 months, in most cases the remedy for cockroaches provides protection for 6-12 months, quite often there is an absence of cockroaches for several years.

The question is - how long is the period of blissful absence of cockroaches when using cheaper alternative control methods? Let's look at the most famous of them.

In cases with aerosols, this is about 1-2 days, the best option is 2 weeks. Chemical compounds, included in the aerosols are so unstable that they often decompose within a couple of hours after application and do not cause any harm to those individuals who are not immediately exposed to the product.

Those. you sprayed your kitchen and left it with a feeling of accomplishment and moral satisfaction as a winner. A few hours later, “our little friends” came out of their secluded corners for their nightly exercise and discovered that the product with which you so carefully watered your kitchen had already evaporated.

Only those who inhale the fumes of this potion will die. The rest will have a pleasant time with a slight high and leave for their place of permanent residence. You lost! And let's not forget about the problem of resistance - the resistance (addiction) of cockroaches to a certain type of chemical compounds.

Most aerosol manufacturers use the same 2-3 chemical ingredients (active substances); the only difference is in the “promotion” of the brand.

Therefore, if you treated the apartment with aerosol “A”, and the cockroaches remained, you decided to buy aerosol “B”, but in essence, it could be the same thing, and then the bugs will become even more resistant to this type of compound.

Lately, so many chemicals have been spilled in apartments and offices that now getting rid of the “redhead” with a regular cockroach repellent is an extremely difficult task.


But if you are lucky and your “local cockroaches” turn out to be susceptible to the aerosol, then a situation may arise when they all rush at once from their homes - like in the last battle.

And you will have a terrifying picture of cockroaches falling from the ceiling and walls, and not all of them die. This is a shock state for cockroaches and they run anywhere. This effect is called "provocative". It allows you to assess how contaminated your apartment is. You need to have strong nerves so as not to go into shock.

Aerosols, especially cheap ones, often use deodorized kerosene (as a solvent), which can leave greasy spots on the wallpaper, because Kerosene is a refined product. And the question arises, what is better - to use an aerosol or change the wallpaper?

Bait discs are one of the quite popular and widely advertised remedies for cockroaches at the time. They no longer have any smell or stains. But these means also have one, but significant drawback - the cockroach must be lured into a bait trap or to the gel.

Special additives - attractants - are designed to solve this problem; how well they cope with the task can be judged by the number of dead and living individuals in your kitchen.

But, if there is an alternative source of food in the house - a fallen bread crust, or any other food debris that is out of reach of the owner's eye - you lose again, the cockroach will not go into the bait trap.

He's fine in the nook too. And if you accidentally purchased a fake that does not contain any attractant or poison, then insects may even settle in such a house. What kind of fight against cockroaches is there?

Now about the notorious “domino effect” of such discs - when one cockroach “infects” up to 40-50 other individuals. Firstly, this figure is very much exaggerated, and secondly, this only happens when cockroaches eat a dead relative, receiving the poison that killed the fellow and is only inside the dead cockroach.

But will they be soiled by necrophagy if they can snack on fresh crumbs, beer spilled somewhere and other “delicacies”. Insecticidal gels, very popular recently, benefit from some consumer properties in aerosols.

But in gels, food paste (chocolate, condensed milk) is used as an attractant, and an insecticide and sometimes a bitter flavor are added to avoid the gel being eaten by pets and small children (but not all manufacturers do this conscientiously and there is a risk of eating pets still eat gel).

Do you want to smear your apartment with poisoned chocolate? And where is the guarantee that the smell of chocolate will not attract cockroaches from neighboring apartments?

Cockroach chalks are the most primitive methods of fighting cockroaches, which became widespread in the 90s of the last century only due to their price.

But judge for yourself, is it possible to get something of high quality for 15 rubles. The crayons just soak into weak solution insecticide and act as pressed powders, a cockroach can run on them until it gets covered in this chalk. The aftereffect period of such crayons is quite short - a few days.

Sticky "houses". In fact, this is not a means of fighting insects at all, but a method for determining whether you have cockroaches or not. This is a natural trap.

And again it all depends on the quality of the attractant (bait) and glue. There are very good traps, but there are bad ones. But they are not able to rid you of cockroaches - that’s a fact.

Dust from cockroaches. Now let's go back to " Stone Age» insect control - let's talk about dusts or powders in various packages (by the way, this is almost the whole difference between them - it's in the packaging).

Often, powders act in a semi-mechanical way - clogging the insect's spiracles with a fine grinding fraction. In other words, you can successfully use regular talc - some cockroaches will simply suffocate.

Along with low biological effectiveness, powders have the most significant drawback - they generate dust, form a suspension in the air, and are inhaled by humans and animals, causing attacks of allergies or asthma, and some powders containing thiuram, a strong carcinogen, are simply very dangerous to health.

The worst situation is for cats and dogs, because... they breathe air in close proximity to the floor, where the powder is scattered, it remains on their paws and fur. And cats lick their fur and the poison goes straight into their stomach. Yes, and it’s ugly - it’s very dirty.

By turning to the services of processors, you are not guaranteed against troubles and disappointments. Firstly, there is a risk of becoming a client of a fly-by-night company with a meager price for its services, which, having received money from you, can simply imitate the treatment - by treating your apartment, at best, with water!

Pay attention to when the website of such a company was created - it’s easy! Follow the link, enter the name of the site, and look at the created line, if the site is less than three years old, then there is nothing more to say...

But the worst thing is that recently a stream of cheap agricultural products has poured into the market for household insecticides, which are being used not only by fly-by-night companies, but also by “old” companies.

Therefore, if you decide to call pest control experts to your home, in addition to checking the license, do not be lazy to find out what means they are going to treat your home with.

Agricultural products have already begun to be sold in small packages under fictitious names, for example, “Executioner.” On their websites, these “sellers” write that they have direct supplies from the manufacturer! And the respected German company Bayer is indicated as the manufacturer.

So, I personally contacted the relevant Bayer department (you can call there too) - Bayer does not produce any “Executioner” and has never produced it! This is the executioner clean water counterfeit! Here is a link to the official source. And there are quite a few such drugs! Be careful!


Buy the most effective remedy for cockroaches in the apartment

Cockroaches are one of the most resilient domestic insects. In addition, they are present everywhere - in country houses, and in new buildings, and in cluttered rooms, and in clean ones. After all, they can migrate along sewer pipes and ventilation shafts.

If at least one representative of this family appears in your house, you need to immediately decide how to get rid of cockroaches at home once and for all.

And contacting companies or services involved in pest control (getting rid of cockroaches and other insects), such as SES, is not at all mandatory - in most cases they use products that can be used by residents themselves with the same effectiveness. We will look into what these means are in this article.

Harm and danger from the presence of cockroaches

Without a doubt, the fight against black and red cockroaches (Prussians), as well as American cockroaches, must be carried out until complete victory. After all, these insects not only make your life uncomfortable, but also spread a number of dangerous diseases, including:

  • cholera (an acute intestinal infectious disease that, when developed to varying degrees, can be fatal),
  • dysentery ( infectious disease striking gastrointestinal tract),
  • hepatitis (inflammatory liver disease).

In addition, they can significantly damage your food supplies, books, leather goods and even plants. Choosing effective methods in the fight against domestic cockroaches, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of their life processes - for example, they can feed on both food crumbs and various materials that are inedible from a human point of view.

How to get rid of cockroaches in an apartment at home, basic methods

Not knowing how to quickly and effectively get rid of large black and domestic red cockroaches does not mean that you will tolerate them. It is unlikely that a truly adequate person will take seriously advice that has long since become obsolete or recommendations to sprinkle the floor with a powder of unknown origin.

It is obvious that the fight against cockroaches at home must be effective, but at the same time minimal costs time and money.

If you think about what the best and most effective way to get rid of cockroaches should be, you can get the following picture:

  1. the insecticide used must be intended for treatment of residential premises,
  2. the product should not have a strong odor,
  3. One (maximum two) treatments should be enough to completely get rid of insects,
  4. cockroach treatment must completely target the entire insect population,
  5. safety of the product for humans is mandatory,
  6. speed and efficiency, as well as protection against repeated “intrusion”.

Now we can consider the main methods for getting rid of cockroaches, comparing them with the latest drugs.

You should definitely understand that you need to effectively fight black and red cockroaches with a drug that can destroy the entire population.


After all, even if 5% of the original number of pests remains alive, then after some time the cockroach colony will be able to grow by 20%. Fortunately, you can decide how to get rid of cockroaches in an apartment using more than one option.

Modern insect repellents contain one or more active ingredients. They are responsible for the complete destruction of cockroaches. Modern medications today mainly contain the following active ingredients:

  • chlorpyrifos,
  • deltamethrin,
  • temephos,
  • imidaclopyride,
  • cypermethrin,
  • tetramethrin,
  • piperonyl butoxide,
  • lambda-cygolotrin.

As a rule, all cockroach remedies have different shapes packaging and packaging, and the concentration of the active substance is different. In this regard, all these funds are divided into:

  1. household,
  2. professional.

All household products intended for use in domestic conditions. And the concentration of the active substance (AI) in them ranges from 0.5 to 1%%.

The concentration of active ingredients in professional products varies from 5 to 25%. And some have two or more DVs.

Many such drugs, in order to get rid of cockroaches, can be used not only by special services, but also by ordinary users. That is, they can also be used in everyday life. The difference between these means is only in the strength of action. For professionals it is 10 times higher.

Recommended and most effective household products

At the moment, there are several, according to manufacturers, “the most effective” remedies against cockroaches. Moreover, there are many effective ways to get rid of cockroaches in an apartment. You just need to separate what is important and what is not, and use only those recommendations that will help you achieve the desired result.

Types of household products:

  1. Gels are a fairly effective and pain-free way to get rid of cockroaches. It becomes clear that effectively removing cockroaches using gels is quite simple. The effect of using the gels will be visible on the third day. Verified by professional means are the products brands Globol (Germany) and Kaput. Such toxic agents are sold completely ready for use (they are a paste-like mixture of toxic and attractive substances with an active ingredient concentration of up to 1%) and are packaged in sealed syringes and tubes. You will know that the product has started to work in a couple of hours by the first dead insects. By the way, gels are a proven method for getting rid of cockroaches in a private house and high-rise building;
  2. Traps - they come with an adhesive base, mechanical, with poisoned bait (DV bait concentration - up to 1%) and electric. All types of baits are effective, but with different timing and principles of action;
  3. Crayons - these drugs were one of the very first on the market, about 20 years ago, and still have good success;
  4. Smoke bombs are designed to remove cockroaches in both technical and residential areas.
  5. Aerosols have a quick effect on cockroaches and create conditions for their rapid death. If you are deciding how to kill and control black cockroaches at home, you can use sprays.
  6. Powders and dusts - dusts are the same as powdered preparations. As practice has shown, they are used without complications and have a certain period of residual action. We recommend poisoning cockroaches with dust powders only in technical premises;
  7. Tablets are placed in areas infested with insects and infect pests when eaten.
    All these types of drugs are interchangeable and their composition contains no more than 1%. Only your personal preference decides which one will kill the insects.

One recommendation is to use crystalline white powder - boric acid. This is a very dangerous poison, belonging to the group of intercellular poisons, and dangerous both for insects and for the human body as well.

How to get rid of cockroaches in an apartment using professional means, what are their advantages

Cockroaches are insect pests that simply terrify almost all housewives with their mere appearance. And only the most desperate begin to take any measures against them. Finding the most effective remedy for cockroaches is not so easy, even with current technologies and the abundance of manufacturers and drugs in stores.

And all this for one simple reason. Cockroaches have a very good immune system, developed over many years, which is capable of neutralizing the poison to the next generation of insects. And if the cockroach has access to water, then you will get away with a slight fright.

Therefore, professional insect repellents are aimed at their complete destruction. In order to next generation pests have not bred with innate immunity to a specific disinfectant, it is necessary to destroy them completely. Then there will be no one to produce the next generation.

Professional methods of exterminating and controlling cockroaches are the appropriate means, which are quite commercially available and do not require special knowledge or equipment for their use. We offer several proven ways to destroy cockroaches in an apartment forever:

  • liquid concentrates - microencapsulated suspensions diluted for application with water (such as Get and Dobrokhim) will always come to the rescue. They contain the insecticide chlorpyrifos, which serves as both a poisonous and luring substance;
  • sprays - unlike concentrated liquid products, they are ready for use, that is, they do not need to be diluted with anything.

These are effective disinfectants with which you can completely get rid of insects. A new, modern remedy for cockroaches, GET, is presented in our online store, which you can buy at an affordable price.

Its by far its most powerful weapon against cockroaches lies in its long-lasting effect. In addition to everything, it acts on cockroaches in such a way that the infected individual returns to its nest and brings active microcapsules, carrying a substance fatal to cockroaches, on its body and infects its fellow tribesmen.

Thus, by infecting one, we get rid of the entire colony forever! This is a professional product that any housewife can use in her kitchen, because its use does not take much time.

Buy the most strong remedy against cockroaches, which are professional products, will not pose any problems, they are constantly in the assortment of our store.

Preventive measures to combat insect pests

Prophylactic agents are used in two cases:

  1. Immediately after the destruction of cockroaches, in order to avoid cases of their return,
  2. From transit insect scouts, they determine new places for the colony to settle.
    • Ultrasonic repellers do not kill insects at all, but have the effect of scaring them away from your apartment, so cockroaches do not adapt to the action of the device and do not return. If you have eradicated insects, but are afraid that your neighbors have them and expect them to appear every day, turn on the repeller. And your fears will end. Insects will no longer move to you;
    • Mechanical traps in the form of special sticky “houses” or baited bait - with their help you can fight large black cockroaches in the kitchen in the refrigerator or microwave. This method is suitable for large areas. But it is effective for preventing the appearance of insect pests. After all, if at least one pest appears, it will fall into the trap and you will know that pests have appeared in the house. Such events will not take you by surprise, because you will have time to destroy the enemy at the very beginning of his appearance;
    • Glue against cockroaches and other insects. You can use it to make your own glue trap. Take pieces of cardboard and apply glue on one side. So the trap is ready for prevention purposes.

Once the cockroaches leave your home, you will have to comply with the following additional preventive measures:

  • cover the ventilation grilles with mesh,
  • do not leave food crumbs on the table or floor,
  • Try to remove as much moisture as possible, especially from the kitchen sink.

You shouldn’t stop at all kinds of options to use folk remedies to fight cockroaches, which have completely lost their leadership. Cockroaches have long developed an antidote to them in their rapidly progressing body. Therefore, use professional drugs, which at this time, without a doubt, have occupied the top point of leadership.

In what cases is it necessary to use comprehensive measures?

Keep in mind that removing cockroaches in a dorm is a priori more difficult than fighting cockroaches in an apartment. After all, they can easily travel from one apartment to another.

However, this difficulty may also affect residents multi-storey buildings who are wondering what they can do to get sewer cockroaches out of their home.

You can continue ineffective actions - for example, pour various drugs into the drain hole, or you can convince your neighbors to start “expelling” pests at the same time. Moreover, it is advisable to carry out such events in the house using complex means and at the same time.

After all, a couple of traps placed near the garbage disposal will not save the entire house from a large number of insects. Therefore, poison them with professional means. Destroy them all at once. This is the only way to rid the entire house of their invasion.