Wardrobe in the bedroom project. Wardrobe built into the bedroom - ideas and recommendations for choosing Built-in wardrobe in the bedroom - the best choice

Professional designers almost unanimously argue that the closet in the bedroom is as full and important as the bed. However, bulkiness in modern interiors is inappropriate. You can create a stylish interior and not deprive yourself of the opportunity to store the necessary things in the bedroom if you use a wardrobe.

The main advantages of wardrobes

Thanks to the wardrobe with sliding doors, you will be able to use the space of the room rationally and with maximum comfort. In addition, this furniture is aesthetically attractive, reliable and has a lot of options - both in terms of internal content and facade design.

Stylish wardrobe in the bedroom

With the help of a properly selected closet, you will perfectly hide everything superfluous, leaving only an attractive facade on display at all times.

Mirror facade with beautiful patterns

Deep shelves and spacious sections, various hangers and drawers will fit here - you can think over the accessories in such a way that the wardrobe will become a compact dressing room. Moreover, it can even be decorated with a huge mirror.

Types of wardrobe designs

There are two main designs of wardrobes:

Free standing wardrobe

Also wardrobes can be direct or corner. The latter are not very common due to the specificity of manufacturing, but they are able to solve the problem of lack of free space in a compact bedroom.

Corner wardrobe

Sliding wardrobes for the bedroom can be purchased ready-made or ordered according to your dimensions. Individual production always requires large financial costs, but in this case you get furniture that perfectly matches your needs - in terms of dimensions, colors, shapes, design and internal content.

The nuances of choosing a material

Solid wood is rarely used for the manufacture of wardrobes - in this case, it is considered too impractical and bulky material. Preference is given to its "artificial counterparts" - MDF and chipboard.

Popular facade colors

The most common laminated chipboard is quite durable, easy to use and at the same time cheap material, presented, moreover, in a variety of decorative colors. MDF is also characterized by reliability and durability, but this material is traditionally more expensive than chipboard.

Most often wardrobes are made of laminated chipboard.

For the manufacture of wardrobes in the bedroom are also actively used mirrors from which doors are made. This allows you to get truly beautiful and multifunctional furniture that will help visually expand the space. There is no need to be afraid of using mirrors - special materials are used for furniture, with an upper protective film that protects against splitting upon impact.

Cabinet door - functional full-length mirror

From what material it is better to choose, read in a separate review.

What can be the decor of the facade?

The most important part of the wardrobe (in terms of design, of course) is its facade. Sliding doors are decorated with all kinds of inserts made of glass, plastic, bamboo, mirrors, rattan.

The most budgetary decoration option is considered to be the use of polymers - acrylic or camelite, and more expensive - glass decorations (this can be laser engraving or even multi-colored stained glass).

Patterned glass facade

For bedrooms in a classic style, wardrobes are decorated with columns and frescoes, borders and mosaics from different types of wood (veneer is used for door lining). And in the bedrooms of a modern style, facades with photo printing or laconic patterns on mirrors will be appropriate.

Frosted glass facade

As for the oriental theme, she welcomes the decoration with natural materials - bamboo or rattan. And in minimalist styles, the facade of the closet should be smooth and not pretentious.

Photo: wardrobes in different styles

Oriental style

With the abundance of diverse furniture that has formed, it is quite easy for an ordinary person to get confused. I will tell you what the built-in wardrobes for the bedroom are, how to choose the right layout for the wardrobe and how to correctly fit it into the room.

What is commonly called a built-in wardrobe and why they love it so much

It may seem strange to some, but many people have a rather vague idea of ​​​​what a built-in closet really is. From my own experience, I can assure you that due to this misunderstanding, problems often arise with the choice and purchase.

What can be called a built-in wardrobe

There are 2 main differences between such furniture and all other similar structures, and both of these differences are visible in the title:

  1. Let's start with the first word in the concept - built-in closet. Since the word built-in is at the beginning, it means that this design is made for a specific place and then it is built in there. Therefore, it is impossible to move, and even more so to transport this cabinet somewhere without dismantling, to some extent such furniture can be considered exclusive;
  2. Everything is clear with the closet, but the compartment prefix means that the doors in these designs can only be sliding, not hinged or folding, but sliding.

The compartment door was invented by American industrialist John Pullman. In the middle of the 19th century, this man invented and began installing sliding doors in the compartments of railway cars. After about 100 years, this innovation was adopted by furniture makers, but the name was not changed.

When you meet assembled free-standing wardrobes with sliding doors in furniture stores, these are also sliding wardrobes, but they already belong to the direction of cabinet furniture, but in this case we are talking about built-in structures.

What is the secret of popularity

In our country, a built-in closet appeared in the mid-90s, before that there were separate attempts by innovative craftsmen to do something similar with their own hands, but due to the lack of fittings, nothing sensible came of it.

The general fashion for this furniture began after 2000, it was then that our people realized that if you install a built-in wardrobe in your bedroom, you can immediately get rid of a lot of inconvenience, and appreciated all the advantages of the built-in one.

The uniqueness of this furniture is considered to be almost the main advantage, no one has a second cabinet exactly like this, because this thing is made to order, which means you can choose:

  1. Material from which the furniture will be made;
  2. Internal filling, that is, the location, number and size of drawers, shelves, niches and other mandatory attributes of such furniture;

  1. outdoor design. This includes the number and size of doors, as well as the color and decoration of the facade, plus the presence or absence of mirrors;
  2. Hardware selection. It is also a rather important point, depending on the size of the budget, you can choose the manufacturer, and hence the quality level of various kinds of retractable mechanisms, suspensions, fixtures and other things, and it is these little things that most depend on the durability, reliability and ease of use of furniture.

  • Functionality. By installing a closet in the bedroom, it will be possible to “unload” most of the things there, from outerwear to ladies' jewelry;
  • Space saving. Modern wardrobes in the bedroom, in addition to traditional functions, can be combined with a built-in ironing board, various kinds of lights, a table and even a pull-out bed. You essentially get a compact transformer equipped at your discretion;

  • Flexible pricing. It is generally accepted that the price of built-in furniture is higher than cabinet furniture, I fundamentally disagree with this, since you can choose absolutely everything, then there is an opportunity to both save money and “stuff” your closet with the most expensive trinkets.

Details of selection details

What are the cabinets

The general configuration of such bedroom furniture does not shine with much variety, since most of our rooms are rectangular, cabinets can only be of two types - rectangular and corner, all other options are based on these two types.

  1. Rectangular structures include everything that is built between three walls, two side and back. Often this option is chosen by the owners of small bedrooms and rooms that have uncomfortable niches in the walls;

There are also rectangular partition cabinets, in addition to their intended purpose, they serve as a wall, but they are rare: it is usually easier to buy a cabinet and move this partition as you like.

  1. Corner structures are ordered more often, therefore, the range here is much wider. The reason is simple: the corner built-in wardrobe is equally well suited for both large and small bedrooms.

  • L-shaped layout provides for installation along adjacent walls of two sections, which are connected in a corner. Often these are multifunctional transformers with a built-in bed, table, and so on;
  • Triangle. For small bedrooms, a triangular design is relevant, this is when one of the corners is cut off by a straight facade panel. Triangles are relatively easy to install and not expensive;

  • Trapezoidal cabinet this is a rather bulky design that requires a lot of space. Those who put such built-in wardrobes in the bedroom, as a rule, make small dressing rooms out of them;

  • Radius structures look great in large bedrooms, they give the room a special gloss and originality. But be prepared for the fact that both convex and concave radius bezels will cost you a pretty penny.

What are wardrobes made of?

natural wood. Naturally, it is valued above all other materials, the cost of such cabinets is several orders of magnitude higher, so they are not ordered so often.

There is one trick here: instead of a natural board, you can order a cabinet made of furniture boards. Such boards are a glued board covered with veneer.

You can do it even easier, order veneered MDF or chipboard.

chipboard. Laminated particle board is the most affordable option, you will not find cheaper. Now the quality of this material is quite decent. In the overwhelming majority of cases, the inner frame of the cabinets is made from such plates, this is reasonable, since in any case nothing is visible behind the front panel.

Although on the facade of the chipboard it looks no worse. If the budget is limited, then this will be the best option for you, only these panels need to be taken from a good manufacturer, otherwise the smell of chemistry will disappear for more than one month.

I have to warn you here.

MDF. Plates are not much more expensive than laminated chipboard, but they are considered completely environmentally friendly and safe, and their appearance will be more impressive.

Tempered glass. Relatively inexpensive and at the same time a very original material for the manufacture of facades. The price here depends on the level of processing of the material, it is one thing to matte the panel with a sandblaster and quite another to make or apply an original pattern.

The most popular of course are mirrors, transparent facades are not the best option, but frosted or painted glass looks great.

Glass is rarely used for internal filling, and such cabinets are quite expensive. I don't see the point of making the internal structures glass, and if you need an eco-friendly material, it's easier and cheaper to use MDF.

Module layout and dimensions

In the internal layout, there are several mandatory blocks that are present in most wardrobes. Their distribution is already a personal matter, for convenience, I have placed several common options in the article, you can choose any of them or come up with your own.

  • Block designed for outerwear. Typically, the width of such a block fluctuates around 1m. The height, of course, depends on the average height of the residents of the apartment, but, as a rule, it is made about one and a half meters;
  • A block for shirts, blouses and other similar things that are hung on a trempel or, as the people say, coat hangers. Often there are quite a lot of such things in the family, so it would be wise to make the block either wider or make it as high as the outerwear department, but mount 2 intermediate crossbars (hanger);

  • If this is a wardrobe in the bedroom, then we can not do without a block with shelves for bed linen. Often several drawers are installed in the same block, but this is not necessarily a package of drawers, if it is needed at all, it can also be mounted as a separate module;

  • Above, in the ceiling area, a shelf is made for hats or rarely used items;
  • The lower sector is traditionally reserved for storing shoes that are not currently used or for household appliances, such as a vacuum cleaner.

As for the dimensions, the built-in furniture can be any width, it all depends on the size and configuration of the room. In ordinary apartments and houses, such cabinets are made to the ceiling.

In rooms with high ceilings, making a cabinet higher than 2.5–2.7 m simply does not make sense. Although I have seen cabinets 4 m high, ingenious and very expensive lifts were installed there.

The depth of the modules themselves ranges from 40 to 60 cm, and about 10 cm for the sliding door mechanism should be added to this size, for a total of 70 cm.

These sizes are optimal, believe me, you should not do more or less. Even in trapezoidal and radius cabinets that extend into the room up to one and a half meters, shelves and modules are made according to the above standards.

It is very convenient to make internal shelves, especially the upper and lower ones, from a metal lattice (honeycomb shelves), firstly, they are transparent and you can clearly see the things that are there, and secondly, dust does not settle on the lattice shelves.

Sliding wardrobe doors

In theory, it is believed that a door for a built-in closet should be no wider than 1m, but in practice, such wide doors are very inconvenient to use, plus a heavy door can lead to a quick breakdown of the opening mechanism. I recommend making doors no more than 70, maximum 80 cm.

Ideally, each section in the closet should have its own door, but even if you have 2 wide sections mounted, it is better to install a system of 3 doors on the facade. Believe me, two-door designs are extremely inconvenient to use. You can install more than 3 shutters, less is undesirable.

But the most important thing in such doors is the quality of the sliding mechanism. Such mechanisms are roller and monorail.

  • roller mechanism. The cost is cheaper. The point is that wheels (rollers) are installed on the sash, which move inside a special groove in metal guides;

  • Monorail. It is a more reliable and secure system. This design is protected by a special casing and when moving, the sash cannot pop out, and most importantly, the monorail breaks much less often.

But it’s not enough to choose the type of sliding door mechanism, you also need to ask what wheels are installed in these mechanisms and what the guides are made of:

  • Wheels come in three types, metal, plastic and plastic with a metal rim. Metal rollers are considered the best, followed by wheels with a rim, and plastic rollers serve on average no more than 3 - 4 years;
  • Guides are made of steel and aluminum. Steel rods are good and I always recommend them, but they make more noise and don't look as elegant. Aluminum looks nice and costs more, but now there are too many fakes from the so-called silumin, plus it wears out faster.

It is equally important to correctly fit the closet into the bedroom, because in case of a mistake, this expensive thing will look in your bedroom like an elephant in a china shop.

Dark tones tend to visually absorb space, which will be fatal for small rooms. If you still decide to take such a step, then the walls need to be made light.

The most win-win option is a light, pastel range. Light green, light beige, light green and similar tones are neutral and do not strain the human psyche.

Bright red and its derivative burgundy are considered aggressive, exciting colors in the bedroom and, moreover, on such large areas as the front of the closet, they should not be placed. Do not forget, this room is designed for relaxation, it is better to leave creativity for the living room or office.

If you're concerned about your weight, then warm colors like orange or yellow won't suit you either, with this bedroom you're doomed to constantly hunt the refrigerator. A good solution would be cool shades of blue or pink.

The built-in closet is a large and important part of the interior of the room, and it must be in harmony with the rest of the items, as well as with the walls and ceiling. The best option is when the color of the cabinet facade echoes the color of the floor or walls.

If this does not work out, then the color of the facade should match the color, and ideally the material of the headboard and bedside tables. So you get a single headset. In extreme cases, textiles, that is, curtains and bedspreads on the bed, can save the situation.

It is highly undesirable that the built-in closet be the same color as the ceiling. Any novice designer will tell you that this is a sign of not very good taste.

A few words about issuing an order and assembly

For the owners, there are 2 most important stages - this is the issuance of an order and acceptance. Even if you have a clear layout of your future cabinet, be sure to talk to the measurer, if he is really an expert, he will help you adapt your scheme to specific conditions.

No matter how you praise plastic, but all retractable drawer guides, as well as various kinds of pantographs or pull-out trouser hangers, must be metal.

All conditions, materials and dimensions must be clearly stated in the contract. In addition, a reputable company, confident in the quality of its product, will not ask for 100% prepayment, initially only the cost of the material is paid, everything else is after the fact.


I am sure that now you will be able to correctly choose a good wardrobe in the bedroom. The photo and video in this article contains additional useful information on this topic. If after studying you still have questions, write in the comments, we will talk.

In many cases, the issue of acquiring furniture comes after the renovation of the rooms. Thanks to furniture, living becomes more comfortable and cozy, plus everything is bought for many years. Naturally, it must be the most suitable and very carefully chosen.

For the decor of the bedroom, you will need to pay more attention than for other areas of your home, because it is in it that most people spend almost a third of their entire lives. A sliding wardrobe in the bedroom or another type of closet plays an important role for this room, which can be compared with a bed. Therefore, the choice should be made very carefully.

Now there is no exact information regarding the origin of the cabinet in this world, but it is the chest that is its main prototype. After many years, chests were completely replaced, as they were used as tables and chairs, cabinets, and even beds. Today it is even difficult to imagine what we would do without wardrobes, where we put clothes, shoes, and other items / accessories. Although choosing a closet is not an easy task, we will try to help you in this matter by providing a photo of the closet in the bedroom for review.

Before buying a cabinet, you need to think about how the doors will open, will it have to be moved or will it stand in this position for a long time, as it was originally?

Choice of wardrobe design in the bedroom

First you need to understand what types of cabinets exist, as well as which one is suitable in a particular case.

Firstly, they are built-in completely, partially, freestanding. The advantage of the latter type is that it is easy to rearrange it in the bedroom if desired / necessary. But built-in wardrobe options are unchanged interior parts.

Regarding existing forms, cabinets can be linear and angular. The second option is more suitable for bedrooms. This is especially true for small rooms, or you need to hide the pipes of ventilation and other systems.

In addition to those already listed, cabinets also differ in the way they open the doors. In the last century, we and our ancestors knew only options for standard swing cabinets. But, already from the beginning of the year 2000, sliding wardrobes began to gain incredible popularity, in which the doors move apart. Such furniture is quite practical, and is perfect for most modern people and modern living conditions. So, to open the swing doors, you need free space in the room. As for wardrobes, this issue is not even discussed here, which is why they are more practical and convenient. In addition, they are quite roomy, functional, and the beauty of modern cabinets is simply mesmerizing. Today it is already very difficult to imagine a bedroom without such furniture.

In addition, not only the shape and the way of opening differ in cabinets. After all, the options you choose may or may not fit into the interior style.

It is important to remember that when choosing a cabinet, you should give preference to natural materials for its manufacture.

Beautiful design of wardrobes in the bedroom in a different style

Whichever style you choose for the interior, the room should be organized in accordance with general concepts. So, if a classic interior is chosen, wooden furniture is characteristic, which has strict lines, right angles, elegant style, decorative design. Seeing it in the store, you will immediately understand that the wardrobe is classic. Among them, the most popular are models with three or four doors.

If you are decorating a bedroom in a country style, a wardrobe will be completely out of place here. The most suitable here is a chiffonier, reflecting the simplicity of rustic design, along with comfort and coziness.

As for Art Nouveau, there should be modern furniture. A closet would be very appropriate here. Ideally, if you choose a model with iron doors, and the surface is mirrored, there are many drawers, convex and concave lines. We offer you to view a photo of the corner wardrobe for the bedroom, in which you will see that it should have smoothed corners. By the way, in accordance with Feng Shui, such an environment is the most favorable in a living space, creating comfort and coziness.

Today, you can contact almost any company that sells built-in wardrobes in bedrooms and other options according to the individual preference of each client, where they accept orders not only for standard furniture options, but also make it in accordance with your wishes.

And, remember. Regardless of the chosen interior style, as well as the materials used, cabinets must be functional and incredibly comfortable to use.

Photos of the best ideas for combining wardrobes in the bedroom interior

What wardrobe would you like for your bedroom? Built-in or corner? Have you decided on a price? 110 bedroom wardrobe design photos will help you choose.

The bedroom is a special place in the house where you want to rest, relax, hide from everyday problems and worries of the outside world, where you can be alone with yourself or a loved one. In the bedroom we spend our best time - the time of rest, so nothing here should distract us from a full sound sleep and a pleasant pastime. There should be no unnecessary things that clutter up the area of ​​​​the room, bulky furniture and irrationally used space. Properly selected furniture will help create comfort and convenience, so pay special attention to its choice.

Built-in wardrobe in the bedroom

It is believed that the bedroom begins with a bed, but an equally important element of furniture is a closet, which allows you to hide everything that is superfluous and save up to 20 percent of free space. Today, built-in wardrobes have gained immense popularity, which have become an excellent alternative to classic cabinet furniture and bulky wardrobes.

The individual execution of the built-in wardrobe will help to optimally use every centimeter of the room area, from wall to wall and from floor to ceiling, while using places that would be considered inappropriate and non-functional with a conventional wardrobe, for example, niches or openings in the wall.

In addition to undeniable functionality, there are several reasons to install a wardrobe:

  1. They are equally well suited for both spacious and small spaces, since their doors open and move along the facade, which does not require the release of excess free space in the room.
  2. You can design the interior of the cabinet yourself, which will make it very roomy and convenient to use. Choose the number, size, location of shelves, decide on the need for drawers and sections for storing accessories, add open shelving for storing books or decorative items. You can even design a built-in TV panel if your bedroom doesn't allow for a TV stand.
  3. Thanks to new technologies and materials, you can order a wardrobe of the most expressive and intricate design, thereby perfectly emphasizing the individuality of your bedroom. Manufacturers will offer you a frame made of natural wood or metal, with a matte or glossy finish, and doors made of colored glass, mirrored or lacquered panels. Optionally, LED lighting can be installed.

And, of course, a custom-made wardrobe is a wide choice of sizes and shapes from a standard rectangular wardrobe to compact and roomy corner furniture.

Corner wardrobe in the bedroom

Corner cabinets have practically no drawbacks. They are ideal for storing things in a small room. They allow you to profitably use a niche in rooms with a non-standard layout.

The only room for which a corner wardrobe is not suitable is a narrow long room. In all other cases, a corner furniture set will free up space, and if you use mirrored doors, it will also expand it visually.

Despite the seeming compactness and small size, the corner cabinet is very spacious and can accommodate a full-fledged vertical storage, and drawers for shoes, and a mezzanine.

Built-in corner cabinets tend to be cheaper because they don't require side or back walls, which means fewer materials are used to make them.

And one moment. Since we are talking about the setting of a small bedroom, it is best to choose furniture in light colors. Dark objects attract the eye more, thereby visually narrowing the space. So you risk turning your room into a gloomy and inhospitable one.

Photos of filling the internal space of the wardrobe

The ability to independently design the internal filling of the closet and adjust it to your requirements is another of its indisputable advantages. How to properly distribute the interior space?

First, decide on the purpose of the cabinet, i.e. with what exactly you will store there. To do this, we can conditionally divide it into three zones:

  • Bottom part for storing shoes and travel bags;
  • The middle or main part, divided into zones (one for small shelves for storing everyday items, the other for storing outerwear);
  • Mezzanines - for rarely used wardrobe items.

Decide on the small details you need:

  • Baskets and shelves for linen and socks;
  • Hangers for coat hangers and hooks for wrinkle-resistant clothes;
  • Iron attachments and the ability to install a built-in ironing board;
  • Shelves for shoes, etc.

Closet doors can also be used to store ties, belts, cufflinks and other small items.

Decide on the dimensions for each compartment. For example, the height of the section for storing outerwear should be at least 140-150 cm, and its width should be at least 80 cm. It may be advisable to use a pantograph to store it, which allows you to use the under-ceiling part of the cabinet. The dimensions of the upper section should not exceed 40 cm. The height of standard shelves also varies between 40-60 cm.

And further. Consider options for a 2-door, 3-door or multi-section cabinet. It may be more convenient for you if the compartment with outerwear or shoes opens separately from the part with casual clothes. The issue of storing outerwear and shoes can also be solved with the help of.

You can find more information about filling the closet compartment here:

Photos of decoration and design

You can also think over the design of your wardrobe yourself. There are a lot of options for finishing the facade, from a classic mirror to an expensive elite finish with genuine leather, so you will select them for the overall interior of the room and depending on your financial capabilities.

The most common option for finishing panels is a mirror. This is also a small interior trick, since the mirror surface will visually expand the space.

You can make a completely mirror facade, or you can use a small mirror on only one door. If someone doubts the aesthetics of this type of finish, and it seems boring to him, then frosted sandblasted glass or sandblasted glass in art deco style will be an excellent solution (for more details, see the section “Wardrobe in the bedroom with a pattern”).

Do not be afraid to put a mirror cabinet in the children's room. Even with severe damage, the glass will not shatter in different directions, but will be held by a special film coating on the surface. As for modern sandblasting, it is also very environmentally friendly and safe for your child. If you still have doubts, you can choose other finishes.

By purchasing a closet in the nursery, you, first of all, free up more space for the games and development of your child. A compact wardrobe will allow you to wisely place clothes, children's toys, books and other things so that the child can move freely around his own room.

Invite him to participate in the design of the closet himself, help him create the room of his dreams. Today, manufacturers offer a huge selection of children's furniture, with a bright unique design that will appeal to any child. You can choose children's wardrobes with fun photo printing and stained glass, images of your favorite cartoon characters. This design will certainly cause a storm of delight in your baby!

And, of course, do not forget about the main thing - about safety. This applies not only to the risk of injury, but also to the environmental safety of the materials used to make furniture. The cabinet frame must be made of high quality natural wood or MDF, and the facade finish must be non-toxic, durable and resistant to mechanical damage (if we are talking about the mirror surface of the facade). Even more options.

Patterned design

The drawing in this case involves the application of sandblasting - this is a special technology for processing the surface of glass. A stencil of the future pattern is superimposed on the mirror, the surface is treated with an air jet with quartz sand under pressure. As a result of processing, the area not covered by the stencil becomes matte, and the closed area becomes glossy.

There are a lot of options for stencil drawing. It could be:

  • japanese Calligraphy,
  • abstraction;
  • image of flowers;
  • thematic image;
  • drawing for the children's room.

How to buy a wardrobe to order

Once you have decided on the design (by the way, it is not necessary to do this on your own, you can consult with a designer who will suggest several ready-made options or develop a special project for you), it is time to take measurements and calculate the cost of a furniture set.

Cabinet measurements

We have developed a table of optimal dimensions for the length, width and depth of the wardrobe for the bedroom. These are only recommended values, from the boundaries of which you should start. Of course, when developing the layout of the future cabinet, you will also rely on the parameters of the place where it will be installed. So,

Parameters that determine the cost of the project

The cost of a wardrobe, of course, will depend on the materials, dimensions, internal content and the number of sliding doors. The most expensive sliding wardrobes are made of natural wood, PVC and MDF frame will cost less.

Do not save on sliding doors - this is the face of your wardrobe and its most mobile part. Therefore, the profiles must be aluminum, they are more durable and do not deform over time. This means that your wardrobe will last a long time and retain its original appearance.

In many ways, the price also depends on the internal content - shelves, hanging systems, drawers and drawers. Quality accessories are not cheap. If your budget is still limited, it is better to save on the number of accessories, but not on their quality and not on the quality of their mounts.

Do-it-yourself wardrobe assembly

Someone, in order to save money, decides to install a wardrobe with their own hands, so you can save up to 10% of the wardrobe, but is this risk justified?

We recommend that you save yourself from further problems in operation and turn to professionals for the installation of a sliding wardrobe. Still, the experienced hands of the master will assemble it better than the inept ones. This means that unjustified savings will not lead to a breakdown and the need to reinstall or replace the cabinet in the future.

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Filling the bedroom with furniture and at the same time observing the principle of reasonable sufficiency is a difficult task, especially when it comes to Khrushchev. Built-in closet, though large, but, in fact, you get a personal wardrobe with a lot of useful features. Let's see how realistic it is to create a reliable design, choose the right content and find your own design style.

Wardrobe design or what is it

There is more than enough variety of furniture now, so people often get confused in the names. First, let's define the terminology. Regardless of which room the structure is mounted in, the built-in closet has 2 cardinal differences and both of these differences are displayed in the title:

  1. The word "built-in" means that the structure is built into a specific place, that is, it is not brought from somewhere and installed, but rather integrated into a niche or part of the room. It cannot be moved or rearranged in order to move the cabinet, it must be completely disassembled, in part such furniture can be considered exclusive.
  2. The prefix "coupe" refers to the design of the doors. The sashes here can only be sliding. Swing, folding and roller shutter options already belong to other types of cabinets.

It is believed that the idea of ​​​​coupe doors belongs to the American John Pullman. At the end of the 19th century, he patented a sliding door and began to install it in railway cars. Over time, this design was chosen by furniture makers, but they decided not to change the name.

There are now ready-made wardrobes with sliding doors on sale and they are also called sliding wardrobes, but this variety refers to cabinet furniture, but we are talking about the built-in version.

What determines the choice of wardrobe in the bedroom

On the one hand, built-in furniture opens up wide scope for the flight of design ideas, and on the other hand, people who are far from the intricacies of planning often make gross mistakes, thereby spoiling the interior and buying themselves a wardrobe that is inconvenient to use.

Material for the wardrobe: which is better to choose

Built-in wardrobes consist of 2 parts - a facade and a "cage" with internal filling, that is, drawers, shelves, bars and other fittings. Let's take a look at the facade first.

Illustrations Recommendations


Until recently, laminated chipboard accounted for more than half of the furniture market. The material looks good, plus it is practical and not expensive.

In Europe, chipboard was banned, since formaldehyde is present in the composition. Domestic furniture makers managed to prove that the laminating coating blocks harmful fumes.


There are no harmful inclusions in the composition of fiberboards. The material is made from wood dust, which, at high temperature and pressure, releases natural lignin glue. In other words, wood glues itself together.

MDF has now greatly supplanted chipboard, but this material is a little more expensive. The latest squeak among MDF facades is the use of textured 3D finishes.


Facades made of natural boards are rare. For such purposes, a furniture board is used, it is recruited from planks and pasted over with natural wood veneer.

Visually and formally, a cabinet made of furniture board is wooden, but it costs an order of magnitude cheaper than a natural array.


High-quality glass facades are made of tempered glass. Thick and durable sheets are created using the same technology as automotive glass.

Handicraft workshops use ordinary glass, and so that when broken, the owners are not crippled by fragments, the sheets are pasted over with a transparent or decorative PVC film (self-adhesive).

In addition to the above, facades made of chipboard and MDF have 4 more finishes:

  1. laminated coating- there are 2 options here, either the sheet is pasted over with thin plastic, or a multi-layer coating with melamine resins is performed. The laminate can be decorated in different ways, the most common wood decor, but the imitation is visible.
  2. Veneer pasting- the plate is pasted over with a thin, up to 3 mm, cut of natural wood. Veneered sheets from a trusted manufacturer cannot be distinguished from a natural wooden facade.
  3. Coloring- in the budget version, ordinary paint is used, which quickly fades and loses its appearance. Luxury furniture is painted with automotive enamels, as a result, the owners get a durable shining gloss, however, all fingerprints on such a facade will be visible.

  1. Laminated sheets- behind the tricky name hide inexpensive sheets pasted over with decorative paper. Their operational qualities are low, so now the laminated sheet for furniture facades is used extremely rarely.

As for the material for assembling the inner cage, here the chipboard and the laminated MDF sheet share the palm. It makes no sense to spend money on a furniture panel inside the cabinet, and glass shelves are not practical.

Internal wardrobe design: options for the bedroom

The internal filling of the cabinet is a purely individual matter, but when planning, you need to try to enter several functional blocks, without which it will be inconvenient to use the furniture.

  • Section with a bar under outerwear. It is made at least a meter wide in width, the bar itself is mounted at a height of one and a half meters, but this parameter largely depends on the average height of the residents of the apartment. If the room has high ceilings, it makes sense to install a ramp with an elevator that will raise the barbell to the upper level.
  • The section for blouses and shirts is also supplied with a bar, but it is placed somewhere in the central part, since these things are often used.

In cabinets, a niche for a TV is often planned, this option is good only if the furniture is located in the opposite corner of the room from the bed, from the side of the legs. If the furniture is to the right or left of the bed, then it is better to refuse such a niche by hanging the TV on a free opposite wall.

  • In the wardrobe for the bedroom there are always shelves for bed linen, they are placed at their own discretion, but not lower than half a meter from the floor.

  • The upper sector is reserved for such things as warm blankets, pillows, hats and suitcases.
  • The line near the floor is given for shoes, here you can place drawers for small things and a niche for a vacuum cleaner.

The minimum depth of the structure is 40 cm, but as practice shows, shelves with a depth of 60 cm are most convenient. Add another 10 cm to the thickness of the facade to this size.

bedroom wardrobe colors

The choice of color for a wardrobe in the bedroom has its own laws, and if you do not want to suffer from insomnia or provoke constant scandals in the family, these laws are best taken into account.

Illustrations Recommendations

dark facade.

It is believed that the dark facade symbolizes sedateness and confidence. This is true, but only for a wide living room, a dark closet will make a small bedroom in Khrushchev even smaller, plus it will create an oppressive atmosphere.

Light neutral façade.

White, light green, light green and other similar tones are great for the bedroom. They will make the room wider, plus they will have a calming effect on the psyche of the household.


Red excites and is considered the color of aggression, so it is better to refuse it in the bedroom.

Bright warm colors.

Yellow and orange are suitable for rooms on the west and north sides, but be aware that these colors stimulate the appetite. In the bedroom for a teenager, they are appropriate, and for people prone to weight gain, it is advisable to refuse these facades.

cold colors.

Blue and blue facades are appropriate for the south and east sides, they will bring a piece of coolness into the room.

There is another law of furniture layout common to all rooms - the color of the furniture should echo the interior items (curtains, walls, headboard, etc.).

Types and designs of wardrobes

The range of built-in structures is wide, but all this diversity can be divided into 3 main areas - straight, L-shaped and radial cabinets.

Straight wardrobe

Rectilinear designs are considered classics and fit into any bedroom interior. On the one hand, it is convenient, but on the other hand, you can only experiment with the color or material of the facade upholstery, which seriously reduces the possibilities of a creative approach.

L-shaped wardrobe

An L-shaped or, more simply, a corner cabinet already gives more room for creativity. For example, one of the sections is mounted with sliding doors, and the adjacent one is equipped with swing doors or an open facade with drawers and shelves for cute trinkets is generally equipped.

Radial wardrobe

Radial facades appeared relatively recently and, despite the high cost, quickly conquered the market. They became a fresh trend in the design of sliding wardrobes and people immediately liked them.

In fact, the radius design is an interpretation of the corner cabinet, only here there are disproportionately more design options. In addition to convex and concave facades of the correct form, there are also a lot of combined models with a complex configuration.

Structural solutions

The story would not be complete if we did not discuss an alternative to built-in structures. The standard layout of urban housing does not mean the same standard and monotonous approach to the selection of furniture.

Built-in wardrobe in the bedroom: pros and cons

  • The built-in design allows you to make the most of the usable space of the room from floor to ceiling.
  • Built-in furniture has no restrictions on the shape and size of the facade. With it, you can cut off a small corner, drape a niche, or even divide the room in half.
  • There is no design for which it would be impossible to choose a built-in wardrobe.

Such designs have the only real disadvantage, which was already mentioned above - this cabinet is exclusive and is assembled for a specific place, so it can neither be transported without dismantling, nor even moved.

Cabinet wardrobe

The internal filling and the system of sliding doors in cabinet and built-in wardrobes are exactly the same, but these designs have their pros and cons.

  • In particular, the cabinet cabinet has clearly fixed dimensions, which can be convenient when planning a room.
  • The thing can be moved to another room, moved to another wall or transported to another apartment.
  • You immediately get a finished facade and filling on which a whole team of professionals worked.

There are more disadvantages to cabinet furniture than built-in furniture:

  • These cabinets are much more expensive.
  • Even if the design fits perfectly into the niche intended for it, compared to the built-in cabinet, the capacity of the cabinet will be lower.
  • This cabinet is heavier.
  • If you do not take into account the models developed and made to order, then you should not expect any originality from the cabinet cabinet - this is a serial model that is produced in large numbers.

Facade finishing options

Illustrations Recommendations


In the elite sector, cabinet facades are fragmentarily trimmed with natural leather of exotic animals. But besides them, door lining with artificial eco-leather is now widely used, which is much cheaper.


These are monochromatic lacquered facades with a matt finish.


Combined glass facades, painted or pasted over from the inside with a colored film.


One of the varieties of glass facades, which has a mirror finish. Shatterproof acrylic mirrors are new to the market.

Photo printing.

Real photo printing is applied on special equipment with special paints, but such a pleasure costs serious money, so self-adhesive PVC film with photo printing is more often used. The beauty of this option is also that it is possible to re-glue the picture.


Sandblasting is carried out using a sandblaster and provides for full or partial glass matting. This is how matte patterns on glass facades are arranged.

Wardrobe in the bedroom with stylish decor

Illustrations Recommendations

Sliding wardrobe in a classic bedroom.

Cabinets in a classic interior should not take too much attention. It is believed that the best option for the classics would be a natural wood finish or plain coloring without frills.

Sliding wardrobe in baroque.

Ornate gilded ornaments of the Baroque style look luxurious, but here you need to know the measure, because there is only one step from chic to bad taste.

Wardrobe in Provence.

The hallmark of Provence are white, beige and turquoise facades. Also, the decoupage technique (artificial aging) fits perfectly into this direction.

Sliding wardrobe in modern interiors.

Modern styles are characterized by an abundance of glass and gloss. Most of these styles are focused on ascetic minimalism, but there are exceptions.

How to choose a wardrobe

Built-in furniture is made to order or assembled by hand, so first you need to calculate the design. There are calculators on the net, but it's better to measure everything yourself. When placing an order, please note the following points:

Illustrations Recommendations

Door mechanism.

There are many types of mechanics. A steel upper suspension on the same metal rollers is considered more reliable.

In the public sector, the support goes to the lower rollers, but here you need to look at the name of the manufacturer.


Forget about plastic rollers immediately. There are 2 options - these are all steel rollers and plastic rollers with Teflon coating.

Sash width.

For sliding systems, a width of 50 - 70 cm is considered optimal. An increase of up to 120 cm is allowed, but then there will be a large load on the mechanics.


Modern fittings greatly facilitate the operation of furniture, but its quality directly depends on the manufacturer. If funds are not enough, it is better to order ordinary shelves.


In sliding wardrobes, backlighting is a mandatory function, but since the design is considered a fire hazard, it is advisable to mount a system with low-voltage lamps.


The choice of a wardrobe for a bedroom and the layout of its basic components is a delicate matter, I tried to reveal the most important points in this responsible process. The video in this article shows some practical nuances. If you have any questions, write in the comments, I will try to help.