Best pet for a child: hamster or guinea pig? A guinea pig is the best pet for a child. Can children have a guinea pig?

Kavya or a guinea pig at home is not only the pleasure and joy of communicating with a furry pet, but also responsibility for the life and health of the animal. The choice of an animal should also be taken very seriously - it is important to take into account many nuances, choose a cage and food. Before you decide to buy, you should think carefully about the pros and cons of owning a guinea pig.

Whether it is worth getting a guinea pig is an individual question. Many people do not think about the fact that an animal requires time and money, and as a result, they face difficulties. The animal begins to get bored, acquires bad habits, becomes aggressive or constantly gets sick. Another problem is that not all novice breeders understand that plant foods should predominate in the diet of cavy, and this is another expense item. Saving on food leads not only to illness, but also to the death of the animal.

Therefore, if a person is not ready to devote part of his daily time and a certain part of his salary to maintaining a pet, then it is better not to get a guinea pig.

If you nevertheless decide to purchase an animal, then it is worth remembering some very important points.

Kavya is not aggressive, but an animal that finds itself in a new home needs peace and time to get used to and understand the new environment. It is not recommended to immediately embrace the animal and force your communication on it. You should not expect a guinea pig to display the intellectual abilities of a dog or cat. They are smart, get used to their owner, respond to their name, but will not be able to follow commands or actively play with children. All guinea pigs are very active creatures. Therefore, you need to be prepared for pieces of food, sawdust, hay and fur to be scattered around the cage. Some animals are also active at night - they can start playing, fighting, gnawing food or arranging the cage at their own discretion.

The behavior of guinea pigs during the day can also be very noisy, which means it is better not to install a cage with a pet in a bedroom or children's room.

Buying a Guinea Pig

Before getting a guinea pig, you should familiarize yourself with the breeds of animals, their descriptions, characteristics, requirements and features of keeping. You can buy an animal at a pet store or nursery. Buying an animal at a pet store has a number of disadvantages:

  • Inability to purchase a guaranteed purebred pig,
  • Inability to choose the desired color,
  • The inability to trace the pedigree of the animal and observe its character,
  • Impossibility to buy a guaranteed healthy individual.

Most people prefer to go to guinea pig nurseries.

Breeders not only willingly share advice on care and maintenance, but also provide all the information about the animal’s pedigree and help with the desired color and age of the animal.

Male or female

The character of guinea pigs is almost independent of gender. Boy or girl - the choice is purely individual. Both females and males are friendly and sociable, do not show aggression and become good friends for all family members. The main thing to remember is that guinea pigs are very social and sociable animals and get bored when alone. Loneliness often causes stress and various diseases, so it is recommended to buy a pair. If you do not plan to breed animals, it is not necessary to take a pair of opposite sexes. Two males or two females get along well with each other.

Animal age

If you plan to buy an animal at a pet store, you need to know how to determine the age of a guinea pig. Some try to determine the age of an animal by size. This method does not always work, since the animal may suffer from malnutrition, have poor heredity, various diseases in childhood, or simply be of a medium-sized breed. The surest way is to look at your teeth. In young animals they are less sharpened, white, even and should have the correct bite. But it is better to try to find out the exact date of birth from the seller. In nurseries there is no problem of determining age. All breeders keep records of the birth of piglets.

It is better to choose a young guinea pig, four to five weeks old, for purchase.

At this age, they quickly and easily adapt to new conditions. Buying an older animal is advisable if we are talking about a rare breed or color. It is better to leave a younger individual to be raised by the breeder - she still needs mother's milk and moving may be too stressful.

Which breed to choose

All modern animal breeds are divided into long-haired and short-haired. And if you have no experience in keeping pigs, then it is better to give preference to short-haired animals that do not require complex daily coat care.

What are the short-haired breeds?

  • Self,
  • Satin,
  • Two-color,
  • Tricolor,
  • Dalmatian,
  • Himalayan,
  • Agouti,
  • American and English Crested,
  • Rex,
  • Ridgeback,
  • Dutch,
  • Argentinean,
  • Teddy,
  • Abyssinian.

Long-haired breeds:

  • Peruvian,
  • Sheltie,
  • Coronet,
  • Alpaca,
  • Merino,
  • Texel.

There are also rare breeds of guinea pigs:

  • Rainbow,
  • Blue Himalayan,
  • Galaway,
  • Havana,
  • Bonnett,
  • Panda,
  • Curley,
  • Lunkaria,
  • Mini yak,
  • Skinny,
  • Baldwin,
  • Somalia.

Each breed has its own characteristics and before making a purchase, it is better to get detailed advice from the breeder.

Buying a show guinea pig

A guinea pig show is an interesting event and most people learn about new breeds there. However, to participate in the exhibition you must have a purebred animal that meets all standards. Such a pig will cost an order of magnitude more than an ordinary animal.

Before choosing a guinea pig for an exhibition, you should become familiar with the concept of “breeding quality”. There are show-class, pet-class and breeding-class gilts.

Show class animals have the correct structure, exterior, quality of wool and clear breed characteristics. Most often they are the ones who take part in exhibitions. You can buy a show-class pig only in a nursery. Breed-class animals are also allowed to participate in exhibitions, although they may have minor defects in appearance. They will not become champions, but they are used for breeding and often produce good offspring. Pet-class pigs - may have breed characteristics, but have large discrepancies with the breed standard. Therefore, they are not allowed to enter exhibitions. For exhibitions, not only the exterior is important, but also the pedigree of the animal, its appearance, and character.

Participation in the exhibition is unacceptable if the owner is not a member of one of the guinea pig breeding clubs. And preparing for participation takes a lot of effort and time. Exhibitions are held at the club, regional, regional and international levels; there are single-breed, specialized and general exhibitions for all rodents. Most often, admission to exhibitions at regional and higher levels is based on the results of local events.

Cost of guinea pigs

The cost of a guinea pig depends on many factors. This is the breed, and pedigree, and color, and age, and breeding purpose, and character, and region, and origin. An ordinary mongrel animal in a pet store can cost from 500 rubles. If we are talking about a purebred animal, then you should be prepared to pay about 1500 - 2000 rubles or more if the color is rare. Imported animals always cost an order of magnitude more. To own an animal of a rare breed, you will have to pay 5,000 rubles or more. The price for an animal not only of a rare breed, but also of a rare color can reach tens of thousands of rubles.

Guinea pigs and other animals

Cavias get along well with all pets. A guinea pig and a cat or dog, rabbit or chinchilla can become good friends over time. Those who already have a pet can limit themselves to purchasing one guinea pig instead of a pair. However, you should not introduce animals on the first day and expect them to show friendliness. Animals need time to get used to each other. This is especially true for seals, who often start hunting pigs like mice.

Another important point is that a guinea pig and a rabbit or any other rodent cannot be kept in the same cage. This is a common mistake of novice breeders, which often leads to the death of the pig. The main reason is the difference in diets and the possibility of infectious diseases. Often before buying, people begin to think about who is better, a guinea pig or a rabbit. The animals have a certain similarity; some breeds of rabbits are no larger than guinea pigs. Even decorative rabbits are less adapted to apartment living conditions. They are less clean, males tend to mark their territory with a very odorous liquid and often have a bad temperament.

If your goal is to purchase a pet for a child, then it is better to get a guinea pig. Also, when choosing a rabbit or guinea pig, it is worth remembering that pigs carry fewer diseases and take up less space.

Many parents are often interested in what kind of pet is best to buy for their beloved child? Especially if the child is small, then the choice of pet is even more important. The questions that people most often ask when buying an animal usually sound like this: will the pet behave aggressively, will it inadvertently injure someone in the household, will it be possible to play with it without fear that it will bite, and others . If you want your pet to always please your family and not cause too much trouble when caring for it, then your choice is a guinea pig.

Why a guinea pig, which is a rodent, and not a cat or a dog, for example?

Firstly, the dog needs to be walked several times a day, and not everyone has time for this, especially if the person works a lot. You will also have to tinker with cats, training them to use the toilet. Guinea pigs do not need walks outside; they can stay in their cage or in a plastic box just fine. From time to time, you can let them run around the apartment so that they can frolic in the open space and stretch their paws. Unlike hamsters, there is no need to catch guinea pigs; they themselves respond to their owner’s call. If desired, these animals can be taken with you to nature, picnics and other family events. Since guinea pigs are very shy, they will not run away anywhere, but will sit nearby on the grass.

Pigs are very calm and affectionate animals; they will never bite you or your child. Cats, as you know, are often aggressive and can scratch. Dogs are also quite unpredictable animals. Unfortunately, there are many cases of dog attacks on young children. Guinea pigs are such peaceful rodents that children can play with them for hours without fear of being bitten. These animals can only lightly hit with their upper teeth, but this happens extremely rarely and indicates that the pig is scared, irritated or not feeling well.

Compared to other rodents (hamsters, rats), pigs are very friendly, they become attached to their owner and even respond to their nickname. They, of course, are not as smart and quick-witted as rats, but they are not at all aggressive. Due to their good nature, guinea pigs are also suitable as pets for elderly and lonely people.

Guinea pig and hamster are active, interesting and inquisitive furry animals that can bring joy and fun to small children. The first representatives of land animals are well suited for children from 3 years old, the second ones will become good friends for older ages. Which is better: a hamster or a guinea pig for a child? The material below will help you decide which rodent to get and make the right choice.

Pigs are easy to tame and do not require much care. With good care from the owner, the animal can live on average 5 years.

The period of activity in guinea pigs occurs during the day, decreasing in the evening. Unlike hamsters, they will sleep peacefully at night without disturbing the owner with their vital activities.

Character and training

Guinea pigs are distinguished by their friendliness, sociability, and calm nature. They can easily live next to cats and dogs, spending time in the same company without quarrels or discontent. They love to be pampered in the hands of their owner, to whom they feel great affection, exposing their fur coat for scratching. Noticing the presence of the owner, these animals begin to whistle loudly, expressing their good feelings and joy.

Pigs are completely devoid of aggression: they will never attack or even defend themselves, preferring to quietly retreat. If desired, the animals can be trained to perform a variety of tricks, since they train easily and successfully, which attracts the attention of children. A trained pig can follow its owner everywhere, stand on its hind legs or roll a small ball with its muzzle. When answering the question of which rodent is smarter, the advantage remains with the pig.


A 6-year-old child can take care of an animal every day, but if you get an animal for a preschooler, an adult will need to take care of the creature. You will also have to monitor the baby so that, out of ignorance, he does not harm the pet, otherwise the injured pig may lose confidence in the owner.


A guinea pig needs a spacious cage in which it can lead an active lifestyle, moving freely inside the apartment. This condition is mandatory, since inactivity will lead to obesity and will not allow the animal’s legs to become strong.

The cage is located in a quiet place, protected from drafts and coolness, so that the pig does not catch a cold. There should be no wires nearby, since the nature of the rodent will certainly manifest itself in the ability to chew through hard objects. It is important to provide the cage with a special house where the pig can sleep or hide.

Essential plaid accessories

It is better to use regular sawdust as bedding, because pigs are big fans of burrowing, and the material should be harmless. You need to clean the cage periodically, as the sawdust will smell unpleasant. It is necessary that the cage has a drinking bowl with clean water and a feeder filled with food, fresh grass or hay. To help your pig grind down its teeth and claws, offer it a mineral stone or a hard piece of tree bark.

A running wheel should become a mandatory attribute of the cage, giving way to a mirror and ladders. Every day, the guinea pig must be let out for walks around the house, remembering to keep an eye on the animal, as it can end up in a hard-to-reach place and get stuck.


Guinea pigs are not picky eaters. They enjoy eating various grains, herbs, vegetables and fruits with pleasure. For herbs, they prefer lettuce leaves, parsley and dill, fresh dandelion leaves and spinach. Among fruits and vegetables, they can be fed fresh cucumbers, sweet peppers and carrots, apples, peaches and strawberries. Unlike hamsters, pigs cannot be fed meat, potatoes and cheese.

A distinctive feature of a pig is that it eats its own feces, which contains a vitamin that is beneficial for its body. If an animal begins to eat uncleaned excrement in a timely manner, a very young child can follow the animal’s lead, planning to independently evaluate the pig’s “delicacy.”

Pros of a guinea pig

About the benefits of a guinea pig:

  • they are easy to care for;
  • you can do training;
  • complete absence of aggression;
  • they love to be held;
  • get along with other pets.

Another compelling argument for getting pigs is the opportunity to buy a hairless animal of the “Skinny” breed if the child is allergic to wool. When choosing a guinea pig as a pet, you need to remember to regularly clean the cage to avoid unpleasant odors in the house.

What you need to know about hamsters

Unlike pigs, hamsters are creatures with a finicky character. B, otherwise the instincts of rodents, which tend to defend their territory, will lead to fights. It is not advisable to let hamsters out for walks around the house, since the rodent is able to crawl into even the smallest hole, from which it will be difficult to rescue it.


They are distinguished by a degree of aggressiveness and pugnacity, which can manifest itself unexpectedly for the owner. If you touch a sleeping rodent, it may become frightened and, waking up urgently, bite its owner painfully. By following the basic rules of care and communication with the animal, unpleasant moments can be easily avoided, receiving only positive emotions from the hamster.


The moment of activity in animals occurs at night; all day they rest quietly and sleep soundly. Towards evening, the hamsters begin to rustle, rustle and in every possible way remind of their existence. Sometimes they disturb their owners' sleep at night. For this reason, it is better to move the cage away from the sleeping area so that the animal cannot be heard.


Communication with a hamster will be of a specific nature: he does not like long sittings in your arms, preferring unobtrusive attention in the form of short strokes on the fur. If a child is not inclined to constantly communicate with an animal, it is better to get a hamster than a guinea pig.


The animal's cage should be located in a quiet place, avoiding the proximity of heating devices, open sun and drafts. can be medium in size with a special house. Like a guinea pig, a hamster needs shelter and a private place to sleep. By the way, the house needs to be cleaned regularly, since the hamster tends to stockpile food.

Necessary accessories in the cage

It is necessary to install a running wheel on the territory of the cage so that the animal has the opportunity to lead an active life. The water in the drinking bowl needs to be changed regularly, the feeders should be filled with grain food, periodically feeding the pet with fruit and vegetable desserts, and sometimes meat. A special kind of bedding or sawdust is suitable, but wood will not protect the house from the smell.

Hamsters tend to identify the bathroom in the cage, so after cleaning, you need to provide him with several paper napkins so that he can build one. If you decide to get a hamster, you will need to clean the sanitary area every 3 days, and do general cleaning once a week.


Since the rodent sleeps during the day, it needs to be fed in the evening. during the day, strictly observing that there are always grains in the feeder. Every day the animal should be treated to lettuce leaves, carrots or banana slices. requires attention, since there are products that will not benefit the health of the rodent. When in doubt, it is better to make sure that the treat is acceptable in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.

It is important that the cage contains fresh branches of fruit trees such as apple, pear or rowan so that the hamster can grind down its teeth and claws. Before offering cut branches to the rodent, they must be thoroughly washed and dried. When caring for a hamster, you should regularly inspect its possessions for supplies. Hidden food often spoils, exposing the animal to food poisoning.

Pros of a hamster

About the benefits of hamsters:

  • do not require much attention;
  • do not take up much space;
  • ease of care;
  • low cost.

A hamster will be good company for a calm schoolchild who will not impose his communication on the animal, content with observing the life of a funny rodent. Despite the hamster's isolation, you can always try teaching him to sit on his master's shoulder.

Making a choice

Land animals are almost identical in the basic rules of care and nutrition. The difference is found only in character and abilities. The guinea pig is a fairly intelligent rodent that is easy to train. With a hamster it will be more difficult in this regard. Another important point in how a hamster differs from a guinea pig is that the pig lives longer. With good care, she can live up to 6 years, while hamsters begin to age at the age of 1 year, and at the turn of 2-3 years the animal dies.

All children tend to want to have a pet with whom they can play or watch the animal's antics, having fun in its company. If your baby likes to cuddle animals, the guinea pig will be very happy to have an affectionate owner. Hamsters prefer peace and freedom, so school-age children will be an ideal owner for them.

Best pet for a child: hamster or guinea pig?

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Reading time: 5 min

Before buying a pet, you need to think through and take into account many small but extremely important points. Features of the breed, age, gender, state of health of the animal - all this should be thought out in advance so that its maintenance in the future will bring only joy and pleasure.

Your pig needs to be groomed daily.

Where is the best place to buy

No matter how cute a fluffy you accidentally see in a store may seem, no matter how your child begs you, try to avoid a spontaneous purchase with all your might. The main conditions for getting a new pet:

  • consent of all family members;
  • Are you ready for daily pig care and cage cleaning?
  • you have funds for the necessary food, care items, and veterinary services;
  • you have someone to leave the animal with in case of departure or vacation.

IMPORTANT: Before buying an animal on the market, you need to collect as much information as possible about the seller and, if possible, find reviews and recommendations about him.

Buying a guinea pig from an ad on the Internet is a preferable option. As a rule, such sellers are the owners of an opposite-sex pair of pigs who sell their numerous offspring. When you buy an animal from them, you immediately see the living conditions of the animals and you can be almost sure that the pigs were kept in comfort. Ask the owners in more detail about the parents of the future pet. It is better not to buy a baby born from inbreeding, since the risk of genetic abnormalities in this case increases greatly.

At the pet store

When buying a guinea pig at a pet store, you need to pay attention to the assortment of the establishment and the conditions for keeping the animals there. It is very good if the store specializes in selling animals - this is evidenced by the wide selection of animals, the variety of breeds presented and competent sellers. In such a store you can safely purchase a pet. But there are few such stores.

In the nursery

In addition, only in a nursery you can get a purebred animal if you plan to participate in exhibitions.

Signs of a reliable breeder:

  • Regular participation in exhibitions.
  • Numerous good reviews on the Internet.
  • Animals have a good pedigree and documents confirming it.
  • The animals are kept in good conditions: the cages are spacious, males and females are kept separately, keeping parents and older children in the same cage is excluded.
  • The breeder is ready to provide you with all recommendations on nutrition, veterinary care, and animal care.
  • High price of animals compared to the market and pet store.

Ideal purchase age: 4-5 weeks

What to look for when purchasing

When choosing a pet, it is important to resist the temptation to immediately grab the cutest and cutest animal. It’s not easy, but with prudence, you can get the long-lived animal that best suits you.

Girl or boy

Girl pigs are more affectionate and calm, while boys are usually much more active, but can be cocky. Otherwise, choosing the gender of your pet is not too important and you can rely on your personal preferences.

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Ideal age is 4-5 weeks. Babies under three weeks are not yet ready for independent living, and adults have a more difficult time getting used to new housing.


It’s good if before purchasing you have enough time to chat with your future pet and play with it. Then you will be able to better appreciate her character.

IMPORTANT: During the daytime your pig may be a little sleepy, this is normal. Try to visit her again in the evening, when the animal has rested.

Health status

When purchasing from a trusted breeder, you will receive all the necessary information about the pet’s health, but even in this case, examine the animal carefully. If the animal is purchased at a pet store or at the market, almost everything depends on your attentiveness. Signs of possible health problems:

  • excessive salivation;
  • the animal's breathing is uneven and hoarse;
  • the animal is overexcited or, on the contrary, lies like a rag;
  • signs of diarrhea;
  • the animal drinks continuously;
  • the coat looks tangled, dirty, there are bald spots;
  • dirty ears;
  • watery eyes;
  • shiver.

Everything necessary for keeping a guinea pig must be purchased before purchasing it. Consider the future size and number of pets when choosing a cage.

IMPORTANT: Guinea pigs are sociable animals, so it is preferable to keep them in pairs. If you do not plan to have offspring, it is best to have two girls or a castrated male and female. Keeping several uncastrated males together with one female should be avoided - competition for her favor will provoke fights.

What you will need:

  • Cell. Give preference to a high-quality, easy-to-clean, spacious cage at least 60 cm in length.
  • A carrier, preferably plastic, small and light. It will be needed to transport the animal to exhibitions or to the veterinarian.
  • The ideal volume of the drinking bowl is 250 ml.
  • Absorbent bedding material suitable for rodents.
  • Medium-sized or large sawdust is placed on the filler.
  • Hay that will be used both as feed and bedding.
  • Food recommended by the breeder.
  • A bowl for food, preferably ceramic.

There are several breeds to choose from

Which breed of guinea pig to choose

As your first pet, it is best to choose a smooth-haired animal of a common breed. Long-haired animals are very beautiful, but require more careful and daily care.

American guinea pig

Very easy to maintain, you can buy it almost anywhere. Smooth-haired, unpretentious, has many different colors.

American Teddy

Pigs of this breed look like cute teddy bears due to their thick, short hair. They have a color from light sand to dark brown. They need daily cleaning of their fur to remove debris.


They are similar in appearance to American ones, but have a peculiar crest on their head that resembles a crown. A popular variety that does not require special care.

Peruvian guinea pig

Very long-haired animals that require careful care for their luxurious, straight coat. Some owners even prefer to trim their pets' fur.


They have long, smooth, combed-back fur. Needs daily brushing.


These animals have an exotic appearance and are a success at exhibitions. The reason for this is curly, thick hair over the entire surface of the body. The fur gets tangled easily, so the animals need daily, thorough brushing.

At what age should a child have guinea pigs?

A responsible child will be able to properly care for a short-haired guinea pig from the age of seven, but parental assistance should be available daily at first. After ten years, the child will be able to take full responsibility for the pet and parents will only have to exercise general control and take on visits to the veterinarian and visits to exhibitions.

Where to buy a guinea pig - video


A well-chosen guinea pig can become a family pet for many years. All you need is simple care and attentive attitude towards the pet, which in return will delight you with affection and fun games.

In Russia they say “you meet people by their clothes.” This proverb is relevant not only for people, but also for animals, because when choosing a pet, we first of all pay attention to its appearance. And this is correct, since this way you can determine how healthy the animal is, and even, in some way, find out its character.

When choosing a guinea pig, do not rush to pick it up right away - first look around. The conditions in which the animal is kept can explain a lot. For example, if an animal is restless or, conversely, apathetic, this does not necessarily mean that it is restless, boring or sick. Perhaps he is simply uncomfortable in a noisy store or because of his proximity to other animals.

If he is not very neat, do not rush to attribute dirty fur to illness; maybe the sellers simply do not care about the hygiene of their clients. By the way, as a buyer, you have every right to point out certain shortcomings to the service personnel, as well as leave a corresponding entry in the book of complaints and suggestions.

Moreover, humane treatment of animals even requires such actions from the buyer. If each of the store's visitors remains silent, then the animals will continue to be forced to suffer in unsanitary conditions.

Before choosing, inspect all the guinea pigs that are in the store. Walk along the cages and take a closer look at each pet. When you particularly like someone, pay attention to their behavior.

Remember that a healthy guinea pig is active, mobile, and busily fidgets around in its cage. If an animal sits with its muzzle buried in a corner, this is not a good sign, because rodents usually take this position when they feel unwell. However, this may also be a sign of stress due to unsuitable conditions.

You need to pick up the animal you like. Just don’t go into the cage yourself - let the seller get it. Gently grab the pig with your hand from the back, just under the shoulder blades, and hold it for a few seconds, lifting it slightly above the level of your face. Fluffy should not break out and squeal. A healthy pig behaves calmly.

In the meantime, pay attention to her face: her eyes should be clean and shiny, like beads, her nose should be dry, her mouth should close normally. The fur on the face and belly should be dry and clean, without bald spots. It may only be slightly dusty due to the sawdust of the litter.

Then place your other hand under the back of the animal and slightly turn it towards you to see the anus and hind legs. And again, pay attention to the fur - there should be no bald patches, adhering dirt or discharge, especially around the anus. Dirty matted hair in this place indicates diarrhea, and this is a sure sign of intestinal diseases or digestive disorders.

If the initial inspection was successful, place the pig on the counter and observe its behavior. An animal that does not suffer from disease or stress usually behaves confidently and can run back and forth. If the animal freezes and curls up into a ball, then it is most likely frightened - this is not a defect and not a reason to abandon the animal; at home it will calm down and relax.

And one last thing. Having finally chosen your pet, be sure to ask the seller what he was fed before and buy a pack of the same food. At first, the pig will have to live in unfamiliar conditions, get used to your home and new cage, so it is advisable to give it the food to which it is accustomed. Subsequently, you can gradually transfer it to another.