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The ancient Taoist teaching of Feng Shui advises: harmonize your life by harmonizing the surrounding space. Simply put, everything that is in our home should help us live, and not interfere. Of course, this applies to paintings, photographs and any images with which we decorate the walls of our house. Even if you treat Chinese philosophy with some irony, you should still not neglect some quite reasonable advice and prevent the life-giving energy of qi from moving in your personal universe.

Absolute taboo

The founders of the Feng Shui teachings believe that human thoughts are material. If you think about the bad all the time, everything will be bad. And if you cultivate positive thoughts in yourself, then life will improve.
That is why it is not recommended to hang any images in your home that evoke associations with decay, destruction, decay and poverty.
For example:
Ruins. Even a castle, even a once luxurious one. Ruins - this is the ruins, it is a symbol of death. An excellent example is the painting by Vasily Maksimov “Everything is in the past”. In the foreground is an old lady who dreams of memories of past luxury, and in the background is a crumbling house with columns and a dried-up garden. Look, breathe, be glad that you still have everything ahead, and move on.

Photo: painting by Vasily Maksimov “Everything is in the past”
Broken dishes. Are comments needed here at all? Broken cups, vases, plates - the most common symbol of quarrels, squabbles, spoiled life, mistakes.
Broken or withered trees, withered flowers. If you constantly look at what life has left, you will not become an optimist. The constant reminder that everything is perishable, drives into depression.
Poverty in any form. Rags, humiliating poses - is this what you dream of? Firs Zhuravlev's painting "Beggars Children" is a true work of art, but it belongs in a museum.
Photo: Firs Zhuravlev’s painting “Beggars Children”
Image of standing water. Feng Shui categorically does not accept ponds and swamps. The word "stagnation" has never had a positive connotation. In stagnant waters, the life-giving energy of qi does not circulate.
Pictures of any vices. All these "absinthe drinkers" usually end badly. For example, they cut off their own ears, paint their self-portraits with a bandaged head... And then their paintings are posthumously sold at auctions for big money, and the late author did not have enough bread during his lifetime... In a word, drunkenness, prostitution, drug addiction and other decadence should not flicker before through the eyes of a person who strives for purity, physical and moral.

Photo: painting by Pablo Picasso “The Absinthe Drinker”
Incomprehensible signs, letters, meaningless images. Firstly, the inscription may have a bad meaning. Secondly, the constant feeling that you do not understand something will bring discord into the soul.
Pictures you just don't like. The subject of the painting can be the work of a famous and recognized artist, it can be beautifully designed, executed with impeccable taste, but at the same time say absolutely nothing to you. You are either bored, or anxious, or just not at all. So this image cannot harmonize your universe and inspire you. Why would you want to live someone else's life? Let at least a rug with swans on the wall, let it be any kind of kitsch, but only you, your soul sang it at the sight.

For prosperity

Photo: painting by Eugene Petit “Bouquet of peonies”

The Chinese philosophy of Feng Shui offers a lot of options for images that bring prosperity and development to a person’s life. For example, a plot with a road going into the distance. Or snow-capped mountain peaks illuminated by the sun. According to the theory of Feng Shui, the mountain is a symbol of constancy, solidity. Or an elephant - a beautiful, strong animal, a symbol of wealth and stability.

The Chinese philosophy of harmonizing the world attaches special importance to plants, in particular flowers. The feng shui guru's favorite flower is the peony. The words "blooms and smells" literally bring to mind the sight and aroma of this plant. Images of peonies, Feng Shui theorists are advised to place anywhere and everywhere, especially in the bedroom: this will inevitably entail the fall of the shackles of celibacy, passionate love, the awakening of sexuality in experienced spouses and, in general, a continuous firework of feelings.

Now let's go through the rooms.

What paintings to hang in the living room

Photo: painting by Isaac Levitan “Spring in Italy”

In this room you meet guests, reflect, communicate with family members. Images symbolizing movement are asked to the living room: dancing people, running horses, flying birds, ships sailing on the sea, and so on. It will refresh your life and attract new energy.

If you have a common goal, a dream, hang a picture in the living room that will encourage you in striving for your goal. Thoughts are things, remember?

Plan to build Vacation home– choose an image of your dream mansion and place it in the most visible place

Image hearth, who just wants to warm up, is also suitable. Reproductions depicting fluttering butterflies promise profit - by fluttering the wings of a butterfly, they have a good effect on the movement of qi energy.

Forest landscapes (without lead clouds and broken trees) are also an option for the living room. Your favorite paintings should be hung in well-lit places.

If the family is religious, spiritual subjects will be appropriate in the living room.

How to decorate a bedroom

Relaxation - that's what the picture in the bedroom should bring you. No aggressive, battle scenes. And no volcanoes and waterfalls in frames. The waterfall is not lulling, it is the martial state of the water. Ponds and swamps kill sexual energy, we do not need stagnant water here.

If you have already decorated the wall in the bedroom with loving peonies, you can add some romantic motifs to them on the canvases: couples in love, cooing lovebirds, a hot beach with two walking figures.

What images to place in the kitchen

Juicy fruits and berries, all kinds of appetizing still lifes, beautiful landscapes, the structure of a tree in painting motifs - this is what will attract well-being to places where food is prepared and eaten. Special attention should be given to green and other "vegetative" shades. Red is also shown for kitchen illustrations - it symbolizes the color of fire.

Children are joy

Photo: painting by Vincent van Gogh "Sunflowers"

delicate shades, flowering plants, cute playing little animals - let all this reign on the walls in the child's room. The Chinese advise decorating the nursery with images of sunflowers, solar flower, symbolizing health, aspiration upwards. It will also motivate teenagers to develop. They also say that the sunflower drives away evil spirits.

What to hang in the hallway

Photo: painting by Arkhip Kuindzhi “Birch Grove”

This room is the first to receive hosts and guests, so images are needed here that regulate the “good” energy flow and nullify the “bad” energy flow.

Landscapes will be good in the hallway, but depicting nature and the city are not at sunset. Beautiful, non-aggressive animals (preferably in pairs), children playing - that's what you need. For the influx of monetary energy, a waterfall is suitable, but with an average force of falling water.

Mascot horse

In Feng Shui, the horse is considered one of the most successful symbols. The horse, from the point of view of Feng Shui, symbolizes courage, good reputation, fame, speed, endurance and perseverance.

The horse is a majestic noble animal. And according to Feng Shui, the figure of a horse in the form of a talisman or amulet is one of the most effective ways bring good luck into your life. It can contribute to success in business, career, help create an image successful person.

Types of horses and their feng shui meaning

In the teachings of Feng Shui, there are several types of horses: festive, victorious and gift.

Where to place the talisman?

Mascot "monkey on a horse"

According to Feng Shui, horse talismans are especially effective in the Career zone. It is desirable that they be sufficiently well and brightly lit. According to Feng Shui, any kind of horse is recommended to be placed in the southwest or south direction of any room to enhance good luck in socially significant activities.

According to Feng Shui, the figure of a horse should not be located towards a window or door. Also, you can not have a horse talisman in the bedroom.

If you often face difficult situations in life or at work, as well as high competition, place the horse symbol on your desktop. This is a good way to attract good luck and success. A sculpture of a horse or a picture of a horse can also be placed next to desk. The pair statuette of horses contributes to the strengthening of already existing or just emerging partnerships both in business and in personal life.

Do not place a rearing horse figure directly in front of or behind you, as this can lead to physical injury and accidents.

The combination of a horse with other animals in feng shui

Talisman "gift horse"

Feng Shui horses work well with other animal talismans. So, a monkey sitting on a horse symbolizes fast career. Such a talisman is especially favorable for politicians, military personnel, workers large companies. The Chinese unicorn is a combination of a horse figure with a dragon head. It symbolizes success and prosperity, longevity, and also brings good luck to everyone living in the house.

Use the horse talisman, and, according to the teachings of Feng Shui, changes for the better will occur in your life.

Surely, many people saw souvenir gifts in the form of a horse in esoteric shops specializing in Feng Shui symbols. According to Buddhist teachings, this noble beautiful animal personifies such positive traits like courage, speed and endurance.

Horse in feng shui symbolizes dynamics, advancement

Light and graceful, but at the same time very strong and rather independent, the horse is one of the most successful and significant mascots. Together with the horse, luck and material well-being will come to your home. Like a swift wind of change, the symbol of the horse promotes positive changes in life and charges even recognized skeptics with optimism.

If you want to create an image of a successful person with an excellent reputation, be sure to use the opportunity to buy a talisman depicting a horse - a fast and noble animal. After a while, things will definitely get a speed boost and go uphill - and, consequently, the size of your wallet will soon increase pleasantly.

Horse placement

This element has a very effective effect on rapid career growth, so it does not hurt to put a small figurine on the desktop. You can also set up the horse on the floor, or on a low stand in your personal Traveling Horse area. Deciding to place at home or in the office of your office this amulet, remember that the horse must be bareback.

There are several types of feng shui talismans that use the image of a horse to attract success and universal recognition. For example, a victorious horse symbolizes the triumph over opponents and the achievement of high career heights. It is performed in motion - galloping at high speed, with a mane developing at a gallop. But the task of a gift horse is to strengthen your financial situation and increase social status. She is depicted as loaded with jewels - as if she brings wealth into the house and attracts prosperity.

The Feng Shui talisman, symbolizing the noble horse, goes well with other Feng Shui symbols. The main thing is not to use animal figurines in aggressive and threatening poses.

If you put two figures of galloping or standing horses next to each other, this will help strengthen partnerships in business, or even more unite the marital union, depending on where the figurines will stand. A symbolic horse may well bring "order" in both work and personal relationships. best room to place this talisman - a living room or any other place where the family usually prefers to gather. But the bedroom will not be the best location, because the horses contain a strong active energy of Yang, and in a place to sleep, according to the basic principles of Feng Shui, Yin energy should dominate.

Paintings, photographs and sculptures in the house are part of the interior. Painting decorates not only everyday life, but also our life. Paintings occupy special place in feng shui, so from correct location masterpiece will depend on the outgoing energy of the image and its impact on events in our lives.

Today, the online magazine Korolevnam.ru will tell you how to hang a picture according to Feng Shui so that luck, love and happiness settle in the house.

How to choose a feng shui painting

Have you ever wondered if the paintings in your house are arranged correctly? But your personal life, happiness, health, in the end, depends on the right location on the wall in a particular room. Let's find out where to hang pictures according to Feng Shui in order to avoid mistakes in the future.

Choosing a picture for the bedroom

The bedroom is favorite place for the rest of the whole family, where we can calm down, put our feelings and emotions in order after a hard day's work. When choosing a picture in, focus on calm and peaceful images:

  • Will look great beautiful scenery with birches against the backdrop of a calm river or a crystal clear lake with unusual lilies. Such images will not only give you a rest, but also increase your wallet.
  • A great choice for a bedroom panel with flowers, especially peonies. Such a decision will give family relationships new strength.

To stop stress and everyday problems from bothering you, do not buy paintings with a waterfall and other aggressive images for the bedroom. You should not hang a panel over the bed, otherwise you will get problems in family life.

As for the number of paintings, it is not necessary to decorate all the walls with paintings. In this way, you will mix the energy of the canvases, and you will not get the desired effect from the image.

The perfect picture for a nursery

A picture for a children's room according to Feng Shui should have bright images. It would be better if the child chooses it himself.

When choosing a canvas for a nursery, you should pay attention to the temperament and character of the child.

If the child prefers yellow shades, then let it be a picture of the sun, and if blue - then with water.

Choosing a painting for the living room

The choice of a picture in the living room or hall according to Feng Shui is a rather responsible process. The main point is the selection of not the image itself, but the color of the canvas. To determine which color suits you best, you need to pass a kind of test.

Hang on the wall a small piece of fabric, the size of the future canvas, certain color. If you feel comfortable with this, then this is your color. You can safely go to buy a painting of this color.

Choosing a picture for the kitchen

A picture for a Feng Shui kitchen should contain “edible” images, still lifes of vegetables and fruits. Panels depicting trees or fields will also look beautiful. It is advisable to decorate the kitchen with red or green canvases in order to attract financial flow to the house.

Don't forget to hang the picture on right place, the image should catch the eyes of the guests and hang on the wall where the stove is installed.

Picture for the office

When choosing a picture for an office according to Feng Shui, one should be careful, because the pictures in the office have not only aesthetic value, but are also a source of good luck in business. You do not want to get problems in business, reduce the efficiency of employees and worsen relationships with partners? So, hang in the office such canvases that will positively affect the well-being of the company.
An excellent choice for the office would be images of landscapes, seas, rivers and mountains.

Pictures with scenes of harvest or harvest symbolize success in business. If you want to move forward career ladder then hang a picture of a bridge or tall buildings. Avoid panels depicting waterfalls, desert places and dull landscapes.

We select a picture for the hallway

The arrangement of the hallway is not the last place in attracting financial flows and good luck at home. the main task hallway - the accumulation and distribution of energy around the house or apartment.

If you choose and hang pictures in the hallway correctly, then the images will add color to the mood and protect the owners of the home from negativity. The best choice paintings for the corridor or hallway will be neutral images of landscapes, still lifes or animals.

Feng Shui Painting Meanings

As you know, paintings not only decorate and complement the interior, but also activate a certain area, strengthening or weakening the impact on the life of the owners of the home.

Before buying a painting, be sure to decipher the Feng Shui meaning of the image in order to bring a favorable atmosphere into the house, attract finance and build relationships. Let's look at the meaning of paintings that will positively influence your life and relationships.

Pictures of fish to attract happiness

The picture of happiness contains images of fish in the water.

These can be carps, which symbolize energy, or goldfish, which symbolize well-being in the house.

Pictures for good luck

Paintings with horses, birds and flowers are capable of short time bring good luck to life.

Paintings to attract love (peonies)

Panels with flowers, especially peonies, are considered paintings. If you are looking for a life partner, you should definitely hang a picture with peonies in the bedroom in front of the door.

Images of these colors are not allowed to buy married women, otherwise, from an overabundance of love, the husband can commit adultery.

Pictures to attract wealth

To attract wealth to the house according to Feng Shui, you should purchase paintings that depict nature: a forest, a park or green meadows strewn with flowers.

The image of the mill on the canvas will increase the cash flow.

Painting with poppies

Feng Shui poppies are a symbol of love and pleasure.

A picture with poppies for a single girl will help to meet a soul mate, and for a married couple - to breathe new strength into a relationship.

Exotic animals in paintings

Feng Shui is closely related to nature, so the images of animals have a special power.

elephant painting bring stability and prosperity to the house, tiger- bravery and courage, and swans- romance and love.

When choosing a picture for any room in the apartment, remember that you must definitely like the image and evoke only positive emotions. Do not buy canvases with abstractions and aggressive images. Listen to your inner voice and it will tell you the right decision!

According to Feng Shui, the horse is a symbol of courage, glory, good reputation, speed, perseverance and endurance. The horse is a beautiful noble animal. Feng Shui horse painting is considered one of the most effective methods bring good luck into your life. It contributes to success in a career, business and helps to create the image of a successful person.

The meaning of horses

In the Chinese philosophy of Feng Shui, there are several varieties of talismans with the figure of a horse: dedicatory, victorious, festive.

The festive figure of a horse is depicted as a rearing animal, such a symbol brings victory and recognition to its owner.

The winning symbol is depicted as a fast galloping bareback stallion. This symbol represents achievement and victory over opponents. A picture or figurine of a galloping, freedom-loving horse is a good talisman for business, career and victory in competitions.

A gift horse contributes to the enrichment of material wealth, attracting good luck and increasing importance in society. Such a symbol appears in the form of a horse loaded with jewels. She, like the victorious one, should be depicted without a saddle. This feng shui symbol should be placed towards the inside of the house, as if she is bringing jewelry into your apartment. The most favorable color for this talisman is white. Feng Shui experts offer to enhance the effect with the help of a money napkin on which you need to put a horse.

Horse mascot location

This feng shui symbol will work most effectively in the career zone. It is preferable that the talisman be well and brightly lit. In accordance with the Feng Shui tradition, any kind of horse is recommended to be placed in the south or southwest direction of any room to activate good luck in social activities.

It is important that the picture or statue of the horse is not located towards the door or window. You do not need to place this symbol in the bedroom.

If at work or in life you often encounter difficult life situations or you have to withstand high competition, the symbol of a horse or a picture of it can be placed in your office. Among other things, this is an excellent method of attracting success and good luck into your life. A paired statuette of horses helps to establish partnerships with new people and maintain old ties, both in business and in personal life.

A rearing horse figure should not be placed directly behind or in front of you, as this can lead to an accident or physical injury.

The combination of a horse and other animals in feng shui

In the philosophy of Feng Shui, the combination of horses with mascots of other animals is considered positive. For example, one of the popular mascots in China is a monkey riding a horse, which symbolizes rapid career growth. It will be especially favorable for people employed in the field of politics, military personnel and employees of large corporations. It is also believed that this talisman is able to protect its owner from bad luck. This amulet will create a positive force field around a person, adding wisdom and foresight to overcome difficult situations. Assistance in making quick and right decisions also comes from this talisman.

There is another interesting talisman - the Chinese unicorn, depicted as a horse with a dragon's head. This symbol brings prosperity, longevity and success, as well as good luck to all households.

Use the horse talisman in accordance with the rules of Feng Shui to harmonize space and attract good luck.

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