What plants can be grown on a balcony. What flowers can be grown on a sunny and shaded balcony. Also suitable varieties

Not every city dweller has a dacha, but if you have a loggia, you can arrange a green corner on it. With the right approach, this will not be difficult to do.

What flowers to plant on the balcony? There are many suitable varieties, but when choosing a particular variety, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the culture, such as frost resistance and the ability to grow in the shade or in the sun. In other words, first of all, you need to focus on the degree of illumination of the loggia and the climatic conditions of the area.

For reference. Balconies facing south, southwest and southeast are considered sunny. They are illuminated for more than 12 hours a day. Penumbral loggias are located on the northwestern and northeastern sides, their rays of the sun illuminate less than 10-12 hours. And, finally, the sides located in the north are considered shady, where the sun penetrates no more than 6 hours a day.

Flowers for balconies: name, description and photo

Flowers for balconies should be unpretentious and suitable for growing in urban areas. Below are the most common varieties.

Begonia - plant for partial shade

Many people want to plant such plants on the balcony so that they bloom all summer. In this case, the best choice would be undersized begonia varieties. The flowering period of this culture lasts from May to October, and the range of shades is striking in variety. Petals can be painted in white, yellow, salmon, raspberry and bright red. Flowers simple, double or semi-double.

It is better to place pots with begonias in the northwest or northeast, and in winter, remove the tubers in a cool room and store until early March in sand or peat chips at a temperature of 8-12 degrees.

Bougainvillea - light-loving plant for the balcony

This climbing plant with purple flowers will be a real decoration of a balcony or terrace. Graceful shoots wrapping around the railing, placed on specially installed gratings, will look simply luxurious.

The culture prefers to grow in lighted places with normal humidity, so for its location it is better to choose loggias located in the south, southwest or southeast.

Verbena - a medicinal plant with a long flowering period

In the people, this plant is called "pigeon grass" or "Juno's tears." Culture is valued not only for its decorative qualities, but also for its medicinal properties. Since ancient times, it has been used to prepare medicinal decoctions and tinctures.

You can grow verbena both in pots on the balcony and in flower beds. The flowering period of the culture is long, and lasts from June to November. Lighting for verbena needs moderate, and it is better to place this flower on the east or west side.

Heather - beautiful balcony in winter time

To keep the balcony beautiful in winter, it is worth planting heather. This is a frost-resistant shrub, the flowering period of which lasts from January to April. Even in severe frosts, the culture does not lose its decorative effect.

Such a plant needs moderate lighting, and it will feel best on a loggia located on the east or west side.

Bindweed - ease of care and unpretentiousness

Often on city balconies you can see one or another type of bindweed. This is due to the fact that such plants are undemanding to the composition of the soil and do not need abundant watering. In addition, bindweed has a high "tenacity" and is able to braid any support.

Despite resistance to drought, in very dry soils, the culture loses its decorative effect, its leaves and flowers become smaller. Therefore, the sunny side is not the best place to place bindweed. But in cases where there is nowhere else to put the pots, you will need to ensure that the earth in the containers does not dry out, and also regularly spray the plant with water. The main thing is not to do this at the moment when the sun "looks" at the balcony, and to perform manipulations in the early morning or in the evening.

Geranium (Pelargonium) - a flower that needs a lot of sun

When placing such a plant on a balcony located on the south side, you should not be afraid that the leaves will get sunburn. Under the influence of ultraviolet light, pelargonium only grows better and enhances flowering, which lasts quite a long time.

To keep the geranium from dying, it needs abundant daily watering, as it quickly draws moisture from the soil.

Godetia - a cold-resistant annual for a sunny or penumbra balcony

This beautiful plant with large silky inflorescences of white, pink or red colors can be grown both in flower beds and in pots. If the dried buds are cut off in time, the bush will bloom again and this process will last until the frost.

Godetia is resistant to cold, but demanding on watering, which will need to be done regularly. The best place to place this culture will be the south, southwest and southeast side. However, with proper care, the flower will feel great in the northeast and northwest.

Ipomoea - a bindweed that loves shade

This lush liana with beautiful bright flowers is a great option for landscaping a balcony. The main thing is to make sure that the shoots have something to cling to. To do this, you need to install a grid or pull the ropes.

In general, such a culture is unpretentious, but it is better to protect it from direct sunlight. Therefore, the northwest or north side will be the best place to place it.

Calistegia - perennial bindweed for a sunny or semi-shaded balcony

This is a beautiful climbing plant with bright green leaves and luxurious pale pink flowers. Their shape is most often bell-shaped, but there are varieties with a terry type of petals.

Calistegia is not capricious and easy to care for, it takes root well in any type of soil, it feels best on the south or east side.

Clematis - light-loving flower for the south or east side

This plant with small herbaceous emerald leaves and flowers ranging in color from white-lilac to deep purple is perfect for growing on a sunny balcony. The main thing is to choose a frost-resistant variety of culture, and then there will be no problems.

Owners of dimly lit loggias facing the north side, it is better to opt for another plant. Clematis in conditions of lack of sun will grow poorly and quickly die.

Daisy - unpretentious culture with a long flowering period

Daisies, depending on the variety, have rounded or elongated, "needle" leaves of a dark green color, and the shade of the flowers can be very diverse.

They are unpretentious and undemanding to the composition of the soil and watering. However, it should be borne in mind that a large amount of sunlight does not affect the plant too well, so shaded balconies are best for it.

Nasturtiums - annuals for the southern balcony

This is an unpretentious culture that even a novice gardener can grow from seeds.

The abundance of varieties that are completely different from each other allows you to create original compositions from nasturtium, which can be:

  • bushy;
  • ampelous;
  • curly.

The flowering period of the culture begins in July and lasts until the end of September. Since this plant is photophilous, it should be placed on the loggia, located on the south side.

Primroses - a kaleidoscope of colors in early spring

Most often, early flowering plants are found in city flower beds and front gardens of household plots, planted in open ground. But they can also be grown on the balcony, in separate containers or in a common pot, into which other flowers will then be “settled”.

Such crops bloom early, and this period does not last long, but if you combine them with plants with later bud formation, the loggia will look attractive throughout the warm season.

Petunia - ampelous annual with abundant flowering

If there is not enough space on the loggia to arrange containers with flowers, you should pay attention to the petunia. This is an ampelous plant suitable for growing in "hanging" pots.

Such a culture reaches 25 cm in height and is characterized by a compact form of a bush and abundant, bright flowering, lasting until the November cold.

On the south or southeast balcony, you can grow any variety of petunia, and if the loggia is on the north side, only frost-resistant hybrids will survive here.

Ivy - a thick "veil" for any loggia

Ivy, densely wrapping around the balcony, will reliably protect the room from the penetration of bright sunlight better than any blinds. It is not at all difficult to care for such a culture, it does not need frequent watering and is able to grow on loggias located anywhere: both in the sun and in the shade.

However, in order for the foliage to remain thick and not lose color saturation, you will need to regularly spray the ivy with water, and, if possible, pour it over with a hose.

Polyanthus roses - light-loving long-flowering culture

The “Queen of Flowers” ​​can be called a win-win option for a flower bed or balcony; this lush plant with dark green leaves and light pink medium-sized flowers will become a real decoration of the loggia. The flowering period of the culture is long and lasts throughout the summer.

Rose polyanthus will need watering as needed and regular top dressing, as well as an abundance of sunlight. Therefore, it is better to place pots on balconies located on the south side.

Zinnia is an annual that is heat and drought tolerant

This beautiful plant with dense green leaves and large, bright flowers is able to survive and remain decorative even in the hottest and driest summers. The main thing is to ensure regular watering of the crop during a prolonged drought, and act carefully so that moisture does not get on the leaves.

It is best to place pots with such flowers on balconies located on the south, southeast or southwest side.

In full review.

Rules for growing flowers on the balcony

To turn your loggia into a real flowering corner, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules for growing plants on the balcony.

You should pay attention to the following criteria:

In this video, the specialist tells which flowers are best grown on the balcony.

Who does not dream of their own flower garden, but not everyone has their own dacha. There is an exit! An incomparable flower garden and even an amazing miniature garden can be planted without leaving your home, right on the balcony. And thus allow the sun, summer and a piece of wildlife to always be there.

Flowers are living organisms that require certain conditions - appropriate humidity, temperature, lighting. In many ways, the choice of plants determines the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. A small balcony is landscaped in a completely different way than a spacious loggia (not to mention a terrace), and the arrangement of an “oasis” on a glazed heated one is fundamentally different from the spring-summer gardening of its open version.

Which flowers to choose for growing on the balcony depends not only on our preferences. In this matter, an important role is played by which side the balcony faces. As you know, there are four cardinal directions. From the standpoint of floriculture, only three are good - east, west and south. They allow, with sufficient nutrition and watering and the necessary amount of heat, to grow any decorative flowering and climbing plant.

Annual flowers for the balcony

On the balcony, it is easiest to plant annual plants - they are easier to plant, and there is no need for complex agricultural technology. They go through the entire development cycle in one season. In autumn, you can collect seeds from plants to sow the next year.
If annuals are sown in May, then in July they will begin to bloom. Usually the peak of flowering of the vast majority of annuals occurs around July - August. But depending on what flowers are planted and the method of planting, you can “make” them bloom much earlier, so that already in June you will have the opportunity to admire the wonderful view of flowering plants on the balcony.

Planting of plants in this case is carried out by seedlings. This method is great for plants with a long growing season, that is, quite a long time passes between their shoots and flowering, like, say, asters and lobelia.

At the same time, there are also such annuals, for example, marigolds, in which the growing season takes only a month, but they take root and bloom perfectly, even if they are planted quite early in the spring. That is, if every year in April marigold seeds are planted in small pots, then in May seedlings with flower buds that have already formed can be planted in the ground. Marigolds, therefore, begin to bloom in a period when there is practically no greenery yet, and continue to bloom until late autumn.
Or, for example, aster, it can also be grown through seedlings. Aster is sown a little later, around mid-April. Grown in this way, they bloom in three months, in mid-June, and continue to bloom until October.

So, the seedling method of plant propagation allows you to achieve flowering much earlier and makes it possible to enjoy flowering plants not only throughout the summer, but even in the autumn months.

In this group of plants - the most unpretentious. They are undemanding to the soil and care, some cope well even with a lack of light. At the same time, they are ways to create an amazing decorative effect in a short time - ampelous.


Balconies with a beautiful cascade of colorful leaves and flowers immediately attract attention. These plants (they are called ampelous) with long falling shoots, completely strewn with flowers, are grown in hanging vases, baskets, planters, containers. By the way, the German word "ampel" is translated as a hanging vase.

Exceptionally good for planting on balconies in a hanging container and lobelia. This amazingly beautiful perennial plant is grown as an annual. Its shoots with small dark green leaves and flowers of blue, pink, purple and white colors up to 15 mm in diameter, hanging from hanging containers or baskets, form, as it were, a living waterfall. Lobelia can be sown for seedlings in early spring, March-April, and planted in May, then it will bloom in June.

Among the most popular ampelous flowers, it is worth noting petunia, pelargonium, surfinia, fuchsia, nasturtium and verbena. These flowers can be planted both individually and in combination - picking up plants of various lengths and various colors.

There is only one thing to pay attention to - plants can need moisture in different ways. Therefore, it is better to choose less demanding watering.

Ampelous flowers have a number of other advantages. Their location can be easily changed. It is enough, say, to move the pot from one corner to another, as the balcony will take on a new look. It is worth noting that the ampelous flower can also hide some of the flaws in the finish.

The best varieties

Flowers for a glazed balcony are chosen not only according to your taste, but also taking into account the microclimate of their content, sun exposure during the day, the degree of protection from wind and sunlight, and more.

We note several types of plants that are often used in landscaping balconies.


Modern varieties of nasturtium are striking in their diversity. Among them are compact plants (height 15-20 cm), and middle plants, and giants, whose length exceeds 2.5 m. They differ not only in their size, but also in their shape - bushy, climbing or climbing.

Nasturtium loves warmth and sun, although it can be satisfied with light partial shade. Its curly varieties are most often used for vertical gardening, creeping ones look better in boxes. As for dwarf varieties, they are grown in pots, and when planted in boxes, they are combined with companion plants.


This light-loving and heat-loving plant is unlike any other annual plant. It is impossible to confuse its graceful funnel-shaped flowers with any other flower. Petunia can have almost any color, and hybrid petunia flowers are also striped.

It is grown as an ampelous or creeping plant, pointing down, up or collected in one dense flowering bunch. Petunia seeds are quite small, so when planting they are simply poured onto moist soil and the flower pot is covered with glass until germination.

Brachycoma iberisoloista

Although the flowers of this plant are small, but due to their large number and beautiful color, white, pink, blue, blue and purple, they look great against the background of pinnately dissected leaves. Brachikoma shoots up to 30 cm long form a kind of cascade of flowers, gracefully hanging from the edges of a basket or container both on a small balcony and a wide loggia.

Brachycoma is very sensitive to the frequency of watering. It hardly tolerates both dry soil and excessive moisture. Its condition is easily determined by the leaves and stems - their sharp yellowing indicates a violation of the normal moisture balance in the soil. Planters help to decorate flowers in an original way.


The flower stalks of the daisy are long and straight. They carry up baskets of reed and tubular flowers of white, pale pink, or carmine red. Daisy begins to grow in spring and blooms profusely in early summer. Many of its varieties differ in the shape of baskets, their size and color. Daisies are an unpretentious plant that develops well both in the sun and in partial shade.

Ampel tomatoes

This variety was bred relatively recently. Hanging tomatoes are ideal for hanging baskets. For dwarf tomatoes, special care is not required: watering and top dressing - if necessary. In order not to inadvertently “fill in” the plant, holes and a drainage layer must be provided in the container.

When choosing flowers for a balcony, you need to consider that partial shade and diffused light are more suitable for most flowering plants.

lovers house acrispy cucumbers, juicy tomatoes and fragrant greens are constantly looking for new ways togrow them without extra effort and expense. And the true admirers of fresh vegetables went even further and, having neither a garden nor a dacha, learned to grow them right at home - on the balcony. Now you do not need to look for grandmothers with a home harvest in the market. By simply stepping out onto the balcony, you can harvest your own, grown without chemicals. And what kind of aroma awaits such a "gardener" during the flowering period of plants!

What can be grown on a balcony?

The choice of plants that will be happy to grow on the usual balcony of an apartment building is very large. Having thought well and selecting the right ones, the balcony can be made not a chaos of the plant world, but a beautiful and useful greenhouse. What to choose in order not to waste time and space in vain? What can be grown at home?

There are a lot of ideas:

1. Flowers. What could be more beautiful than flowers? Just a wide variety of colors. You can sow them immediately in boxes or large pots. It is worth paying attention to the period of growth and flowering of selected plants. Thus, it is possible to ensure that some flowers will re-bloom, while others will only begin to bloom.

2. Vegetables. Almost any vegetable can be grown on a balcony. This includes peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants and even potatoes. You just need to water, feed them and harvest them on time. Of course, the family will not feed only on vegetables from the balcony, but in winter it is pleasant to eat a fragrant fresh product in any case.

3. Spices and herbs. This type of plant was one of the first to be settled on the balcony by enterprising housewives, because in winter their prices are high, and you really want to please your relatives with something tasty. Greens are used in almost all dishes, so it makes sense to grow it on the balcony.

4. Berries. Both strawberries and wild strawberries are grown on the balconies. Many berry lovers arrange entire fragrant plantations. An excellent solution for those who have babies who need only natural products.

Why and why?

Why do it? What is the difference between grown on the balcony and purchased? After all, doing this on such a small area, it is impossible to feed a family. Here are some reasons why many people think about what can be grown at home:

1. All year round you can pamper your loved ones with something tasty, fragrant and fresh. Vegetables and berries in the winter, bought in a store, cannot boast of this.

2. In order to save money. After all, fresh vegetables, herbs and berries are quite expensive in winter. Yes, and running constantly in search of a bunch of fresh greens is not always possible.

3. This activity is constructive. A person receives from him positive emotions and a boost of energy.

4. There is a category of avid gardeners who cannot sit still even in winter. Thus, the summer season will not stop even when there is snow and a blizzard outside the window.

5. This activity is perfect for those who have children. They will be able to see how the plants actually grow and bear fruit.

6. Just as an interesting hobby for those who have nothing to do with their free time.

Where to begin?

Those who have not previously been involved in growing vegetables and herbs on the balcony do not know where to start and what to buy. Most beginners have no idea what can be grown at home.

If there is no experience at all, then it is better not to buy dozens of seeds and seedlings. You need to think carefully and choose several types. You can take one representative from vegetables, berries, herbs and fruits. It is better to choose unpretentious varieties with minimal requirements. Ideally, these are early maturing varieties bred specifically for such conditions.

It is worth studying the requirements of the plant for the amount of sun. If there is not enough light on the balcony, then you will have to highlight the lamps.

The next step is the choice of containers for future plants. After reviewing the technical requirements, it will be easy to choose the right one. Do not forget about the pallets into which excess water will drain after watering.

Another main element is a variety of top dressing. They are different for every plant.

Finally, you need to prepare the soil for planting seeds.

homemade mint

Mint is a well-known and beloved plant. It is often grown for human consumption. It is used in cooking, brewed instead of tea, and also for decoration. Fragrant greens can be grown in the cold season. How to grow mint at home to please yourself and loved ones with a pleasant fresh aroma?

It is grown in pots, boxes and trays. It all depends on how much mint you need to grow. There are two landing methods:

  • Planting cuttings.
  • Sowing seeds.

The first way is faster. If there is nowhere to take cuttings, then sowing seeds is perfect. Loose humus soils with an acidity of 5-7 are best suited for the plant.pHand peat soils.

For mint, a comfortable ambient temperature is 20-25 degrees.

How to grow mint at home and what should you pay attention to? She does not like an excess of moisture, especially in winter, you should not water it often. It is better to sprinkle water on the leaves. Drafts should also be excluded.

But even if the soil is too dry, the plant may die. It is also important to ensure that pests do not appear. If drugs have been used to combat them, it is worth carefully considering the timing of the collection.

Also, the plant does not like direct sunlight. For him, a well-lit, but shaded place is more comfortable.


Bulgarian pepper is a juicy tasty vegetable loved by many, quite unpretentious and feels great on the balcony. This fruit will decorate any table, but costs a littlewait, as the first fruits can be tasted only after 5-6 monthsafter sowing seeds.

How to grow pepper at home and what is needed for this? For balconies choose early ripe and self-pollinated varieties. Here are the most common ones:

  • Many gardeners appreciated the variety of pepper Patio Ivo. It is planted both in open ground and on a balcony. Its bright yellow fruits will bring joy and a sunny mood to the house.
  • California miracle- An excellent variety of thick-walled pepper. The plant reaches up to 75 cm in height. Fruits with a ribbed surface, bright red color.
  • Jupiter F1 - a variety of pepper that has large fruits that change color as a result of ripening from dark green to red.
  • Oh yeah- purple pepper, undersized, fruits are juicy and sweet.

It is also worth remembering the mid-early varieties that delight with the harvest: Swallow, Winnie the Pooh, Gift of Moldova, Novoshary, Bulgarian-79.

How to grow pepper at home and what should you pay attention to? There are some conditions, without which it is impossible to harvest:

  • Pepper loves the sun, so you need to place it in the sunniest place. If there is not enough natural light, it must be illuminated with a lamp.
  • Eliminate all drafts, otherwise the pepper may die.
  • Comfort temperature - 20-26 degrees, at night - 18-20 degrees.
  • The soil must be constantly loosened.
  • Pepper is very sensitive and prone to pest damage.
  • Do not forget that the fruits are quite heavy for such a miniature plant, so it must be tied to a trellis.

There are lovers of hot peppers who will not refuse to enjoy always freshly picked peppers. With seeds, soil and a suitable container available, after three months you can get the first fruits. Bright pepper will delight not only taste buds, but also the eye. What varieties to choose? Here are the main ones that the "balcony gardeners" have already managed to evaluate:

  • Peak lady.
  • Curiosity.
  • Astrakhan 147.
  • Carmen.
  • Elephant trunk.
  • Sweeties.
  • Ukrainian bitter.
  • Twinkle.
  • SuperchileF1.
  • Indian summer.

Under what conditions does hot pepper feel more comfortable? To create them, you need to fulfill a few simple conditions:

  • Prepare good soil.
  • Place the plant on the sunniest side of the house.
  • Timely replenish the need for moisture.
  • No need to stepson, then the plant will be lush and beautiful.
  • During the ripening period, do not forget about fertilizer.

Mushrooms at home

Now, in order to collect mushrooms, you do not need to go to the forest. They can be grown right on the balcony. How to grow mushrooms at home without specially equipped premises?

Everything is very simple! If there is a glazed balcony, it remains to put together a cabinet with shelves and get drawers about 20 cm deep. You need to build a ventilation pipe on top of the cabinet, and place an electric kettle at the bottom. It will work as both a heater and a humidifier.

Mycelium (peculiar mushroom seeds) can be purchased at any specialized online store. Different mushrooms may require different substrates. Some grow well on straw, others are better suited to sawdust. Some add bird droppings, others add wheat. All the necessary information is on the instructions for planting mycelium.

So how do you grow mushrooms at home so you don't have to shop for fresh produce? In the prepared substrate in sow the mycelium evenly over the entire area. From above, it is sprinkled with a layer of the same substrate.

The most favorable conditions for the growth of mushrooms:

  • Temperature 22-27 degrees.
  • Air humidity 80-90%.

In order to create ideal conditions for mushrooms, you just need to periodically turn on the kettle and monitor the temperature and humidity.

After 10 days, the overgrown mycelium is covered with a special substrate. It is prepared from peat and chalk (10:1). After four days, the temperature can not be raised to more than 17 degrees, but constantly sprayed from the sprayer, avoiding flooding the substrate. Be sure to periodically ventilate the balcony.

Harvested every other day for two months.

balcony cucumbers

To grow cucumbers on the balcony, you need to choose varieties that were created specifically for these purposes. The most famous:

  • Cucaracha.
  • Sail.
  • Barnaul.
  • Gribovsky.
  • Stresa.
  • Matrix.
  • Courage.
  • Biryusa.
  • Dubrovsky.

How to grow cucumbers at home? To do this, plant the seeds in disposable cups. Next, the sprouts are transplanted into pots or boxes to a permanent place of growth. Seeds need to be germinated before planting. For these purposes, a universal primer is suitable.

So, how to grow cucumbers at home, because they are weaving and they need to create conditions for this? To do this, the ropes are pulled in a vertical position. Cucumbers grow and gradually begin to braid them.

How to grow cucumbers at home in the heat? They must be shaded and watered in a timely manner. Do not flood the plants or water during the peak of the heat. It is better to do it early in the morning or in the evening.

Bow on the balcony

The easiest and most familiar to everyone since childhood is to get greens in winter - sprouting onions on a feather. Some did such experiments as part of the school curriculum, while others watched how their mother did it. How to grow onions at home and enjoy the genuine taste and aroma of the plant? There are two ways:

  • Landing in the ground.
  • Hydroponics.

In the first method, a little suitable soil is poured and the bottom of the bulb is inserted into it. In the second, a little water is poured into small containers and the bulbs are inserted in such a way that only the roots are in contact with the water. How to grow onions at home is better not to read, but to try and plant.

The garden on the balcony is not only useful, interesting, but also incredibly beautiful. Any gardener rejoices at each new leaf, flower and fruit, as his achievement. All guests without fail visit the balcony and admire the harvest.

Juicy salad

You can also grow lettuce on the balcony. It is rather unpretentious, but very useful. How to grow lettuce at home on a windowsill? Yes, it's easier than ever! To do this, you need a container with a depth of 20 cm, it is better to take wide boxes so that moisture is retained in the soil longer. Be sure to pay attention to drainage so that the roots do not rot. Light, water-retaining soil is perfect for the plant. Grooves are made in it, and lettuce is sown. Then the seeds need to be watered with warm water, every day you need to irrigate the soil. When shoots appear, the box must be installed in a bright place for a permanent stay there.

How to grow lettuce at home on the windowsill and care for it? The plant is unpretentious, it just needs to be watered at least every other day and not placed in direct sunlight.

The first harvest can be harvested after 3 weeks. To please relatives with a juicy salad all the time, then each next sowing should be done 10 days from the previous one.

Such a garden on the balcony will help you eat healthy vitamin food all year round.

Tomatoes on the balcony

Most often, tomatoes are grown at home either in winter or due to lack of land. Seeds sown in September can give the first harvest to the New Year's table. So, how to grow tomatoes at home on the windowsill?

Caring for tomatoes is not too different from caring for any indoor plants, you just need to take into account some features. There are many early-ripening self-pollinating varieties that can give a pretty good crop of tomatoes. These include: Florida Petit, Oak, Pinocchio, Button, Balcony Miracle, Micron, Bull's Heart, De Barao, Carlson.

How to grow seedlings at home? For this, universal soil for vegetables is suitable. You can sow the seeds in disposable cups, before that they need to be soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 15 minutes. When true 2-3 leaves appear on the seedlings, it can be transplanted into pots.

Warm water is used for irrigation. Water the plants in the evening without falling on the leaves. Tomatoes are very fond of the sun, they can be turned every 2-3 days so that all the leaves get enough light. Tomatoes are fed every two weeks with vegetable fertilizer. Almost all varieties need tying.

In fact, growing vegetables at home is not so difficult. All you need is desire and a little time. From the balcony garden, they are chemical-free and always fresh. This option is perfect for young parents who are worried about what their child eats.

If suddenly you have a question about which plant to grow at home, maybe you should try growing greens or vegetables instead of the usual violets and cacti? It's beautiful, and useful, and entertaining.

fresh parsley

Parsley is not only tasty, but also healthy herbs. It is used in the preparation of broths, meat, fish and cereals. Of course, you can live without it, but is it worth giving up such a familiar taste? In order not to run every time to the store or to the market for a fresh portion or not to use a product that is not the first freshness, it can be planted on the balcony. How to grow parsley at home and what is needed for this?

In order to grow greens, you need to have a container and soil, and you should also decide on the method of planting. The first way is planting root crops. It gives a harvest literally 2 weeks after planting. The second way is sowing seeds in the ground.

For growing parsley, almost any container is suitable, the depth of which is at least 20 cm. Parsley loves fertile soil from peat, humus, turf and sand. You can easily buy it in a specialized store.

You need to water the plant often, but without much fanaticism. Parsley loves the sun, but direct sunlight can turn the leaves yellow. With the help of phytolamps, she needs to arrange a 12-hour daylight hours. The main enemy of the plant is aphids, therefore, before planting, the soil must be thoroughly disinfected so that one day you will not find insects on the leaves.

What can be grown at home and how, we hope, is already clear.It is important to take a little time and think carefully about what is best to plant on the existing balcony, as far as there is enough lighting. If it is also insulated and there are phytolamps, then you can pamper yourself with vegetables, herbs and berries all year round.

The balcony is that part of the apartment that is located on the street, and therefore it is often used by many residents only as a storage room - for storing unnecessary and old things that, most likely, will never be useful in everyday life. But with the onset of spring, the balcony can be turned into a wonderful flower garden, the most romantic and bright part of your home. And if leeks and pepper seedlings are the only vegetation you decorate your balcony with, then it's time to fix it.

Flowers help in the design of the apartment, emphasize its features and bring a note of romance, fabulousness and cheerfulness to the life of its inhabitants. The choice of specific varieties of the future flower garden depends on the location of your apartment relative to the sun (shady or sunny side), and on which floor your apartment is located. But the most important, of course, criterion is your likes and dislikes.

Territory preparation

Of course, for the future winter garden need to prepare a place, to carry out at least cosmetic repairs. Think in advance which varieties of flowers will make up the balcony composition in order to choose the right paint for the railings and the floor, which will harmoniously combine with the bouquet. Flowers should not merge with the background of the walls.

Decide which part of the balcony you are ready to give for landscaping, maybe it will be only one box, or maybe most of your loggia. If you want passers-by from the street to admire your flower garden, prepare and strengthen the railing, calculate the weight of pots and boxes with earth so as not to overload them. Be especially careful if you are the owner of an old balcony, don't overload it, remember that a harmonious and elegant composition can be made with a small amount of balcony flowers.

Depending on the size of the balcony itself

Choose for a flower garden appropriate size containers so that their volume allows the root system to develop freely. It can be planters, wooden boxes, pots made of both plastic and clay.

Lightweight plastic boxes and pots are ideal for planting flowers on the outside of a balcony. Such compositions look especially beautiful in one long box. If there is a possibility that the structure may not withstand and break, then in this case several light meter pots are used. To decorate the outside of the balcony, buy boxes immediately with pallets, because in their absence, excess liquid will drain through the holes in the bottom right onto the heads of passers-by.

Clay pots are more comfortable for flowers, because the moisture stays in them longer and the soil is better saturated with oxygen. But due to their impressive weight, it is better to put such pots inside the balcony and grow larger and more whimsical plants in them.

For small and medium sized balconies perfect fit pots- they are suspended from the ceiling and can create complex multi-stage compositions by adjusting their height - after all, you yourself decide at what distance from the ceiling to fix the pots.

Be careful with the choice of soil, purchase it only in large, specialized stores, or do it yourself using good black soil with sand and humus. Before you start filling the pot with earth, lay a special dishcloth on the bottom of the pot, it will serve as an excellent layer in order to absorb water, maintaining moisture in the soil. Next, lay out the drainage layer - coarse sand, on top of which humus is laid out and on it - black soil.

Choice of colors

Flowers may vary in lifespan.


Such flowers live only one season, but many southern varieties in their native countries can live several seasons. Therefore, if your balcony is glazed, insulated and the flowers themselves receive proper care, such varieties and in the conditions of your loggia can please you for several years in a row. When caring for such plants, do not forget to cut the faded heads in time, then the rapid flowering will delight you for a long time.

In order for your little garden to bloom as early as possible, most annuals grown seedlings.

Not so popular for breeding on the balcony. The fact is that in the first year these plants develop only their stems and leaves and remain in a green state, and flowers are given only in the second year. In addition, biennial varieties are much smaller than the rest, and with improper care, such flowers can live not for 2 years, but for only a few months.

If you want to see your favorite biennial plant in a flower ensemble, plant it in a pot in the first year and keep in the apartment. And in the second year, transplant into a common box with the rest of the flowers, forming the desired balcony composition.

The most popular balcony biennials are forget-me-not, viola, and, of course, daisy.

Also not so popular among flower growers. Main problem associated with their breeding is that in winter it is difficult to preserve the root system of flowers and prevent them from freezing. For this reason, you have to look for a warm place where you can move the boxes with plants "for the winter". Of course, the exceptions are those perennial flowers that are grown in separate pots and are simply brought into the apartment for the winter.

But, despite these difficulties, many people like to decorate their balconies with perennial flowers, preferring grapes, creepers, climbing roses, which are easily cut and wrapped up for the winter.

One of the varieties of perennials are bulbous flowers, the cultivation of which is not difficult. Planted in boxes in the fall, it is the bulbous ones that are the first to open the spring season on the loggias, delighting their owners with bright, rich colors and aromas. Daffodils, tulips, hyacinths are especially favorite varieties of bulbous flowers.

Flowers for the sunny side

The choice of flowers and their varieties largely depends on the location of the balcony and degree of illumination. Most of them are very thermophilic and it will not be difficult to arrange a flower arrangement on the southern balcony. For loggias located on the sunny side, asters, petunias, purslane, asters, nasturtiums are ideal. Choose any southern flowers.

Flowers on the balcony

Decorating a balcony or loggia in an apartment with flowers is a great opportunity to make a beautiful green corner for relaxing in the city. Here you can also put a small wooden table with chairs and enjoy evening tea and sunset. Not all garden flowers can grow on a balcony.

In this article, you will learn which flowers are best to grow on the balcony in boxes.

1. Marigolds

Heat-loving yellow heads of marigolds are an integral feature of summer containers, garden flowerpots and balcony boxes. They are easy to grow from seeds or purchase seedlings, they are unpretentious, bloom from early summer until frost. Removing faded inflorescences prolongs flowering.

In addition, if you are thinking about what flowers to plant on the sunny side, then these are marigolds. They love sunny places. The only thing is that in a drought you need to water regularly, do not overdry the soil.

The most popular marigold varieties are rejected hybrids. Varieties are bushy, in this case you will need only a couple - three plants for a balcony box. To make these yellow flowers on the balcony look beautiful, choose low 15 - 30 cm species. Terry or semi-double inflorescences, up to 5 cm in diameter, are perfect for a balcony box.

2. Calendula, marigolds

A flower undemanding to the soil. These are flowers for the balcony on the sunny side or light partial shade. Completely unpretentious, can be affected by powdery mildew and aphids. Refers to plants that bloom all summer. Flowering time from June to September. For long flowering, faded inflorescences must be removed.

The initial view is medicinal calendula, for balconies and loggias you need to choose a short variety Fiesta Gitana - 30 cm, which have a different color. It is very easy to grow at home from seed. For early flowering, calendula seedlings can be planted in the second half of February.

When creating an unusual balcony design, it is better to plant calendula along with other flowers - pansies, bulbous (daffodils, tulips), ampelous petunias, ornamental cabbage, ornamental and spicy herbs.

3. Nasturtium

Annual nasturtiums are flowers for the southern balcony. Blooms from July to September. Sow seeds immediately in a permanent place. These flowers for balconies are unpretentious, almost always grow from seeds. A unique garden plant, flowers of different varieties are completely different from each other:

There are creepers for wall drapery, that is, you can pick up varieties and grow climbing flowers for the balcony;

Ampelous flowers for the balcony and window boxes - foreign nasturtium peregrinum, the length of the vines reaches 3 m;

Bushy dwarf varieties for flower beds.

foreign nasturtium

curly nasturtium

4. Petunia

The most popular flowers for growing on a balcony in boxes are petunias. Due to the variety of colors, long flowering, variety of varieties and species, they create a unique design on the balcony.

What flowers to plant on the balcony of petunias:

Ampel varieties of petunias are planted in large garden flowerpots or hanging planters for balconies, loggias and summer verandas (these varieties should be sown for seedlings earlier than bush ones - in early - mid-February);

Bushy multi-flowered species.

Beware of purchasing single-stem flower seeds; they are completely unsuitable for balconies and loggias. In this case, 1 stem will grow from a pot with several flowers on top

The scheme of planting petunias in a balcony box 15 by 15 cm. Single-row and double-row planting of petunias in a box on the balcony is possible.

How to create flowers on the balcony design:

For single row planting, plant 3 pink and 2 purple petunias, alternating in color;

When planting in a two-row box, place upright flowers in the background, and ampelous varieties in the front.

5. Pelargonium

Most often, geranium is called pelargonium, which is grown in pots as a houseplant. Pelargonium is one of the unpretentious plants in the care, it grows quickly, blooms well and profusely. By the way, with proper care, pelargonium can bloom all year round. It has a pleasant spicy aroma, which is exuded not by flowers, but by leaves. An excellent plant for a balcony in a warm period of time.

In addition, with pelargonium, you can create wonderful flower arrangements, complementing them with other flowers. Here is one of the schemes of what to plant on a balcony of flowers:

pelargonium white and red;


6. Nemesia

Nemesia flowers are one-, two- and three-color. It blooms early, in hot summers flowering may be short-lived. A second wave of flowering is possible, closer to autumn. To do this, cut the stems after the first wave of flowering. If you want to achieve autumn flowering, then plant nemesia seeds for seedlings in early June, then your balcony will look great in November.

Nemesia seeds are small, so you need to sow on top, without sprinkling with earth. Then spray well with water and cover with glass. As the glass fogs up, it is necessary to slightly open it, remove it after the appearance of green sprouts.

When transplanting into flowerpots and pots, the distance between flowers is 20 cm. When planting flower seedlings, pinch the stems.

The decoration of the balcony with nemesia flowers turns out to be very delicate, due to the fact that the flowers are small, low, about 20 cm and bushy.

7. Undersized varieties of snapdragon

Usually snapdragons are grown in the garden, but if you take the smallest variety of Rainbow, you can grow flowers in a wide variety of colors and shades. Of the pluses, it is worth noting the smell of snapdragons, it exudes such a fragrance! And you need only 5-6 bushes for this.

In autumn, when frosts come, this plant freezes, the flowers do not change color and it looks great. Flowers, as if alive, stand all winter. Therefore, if you choose which flowers can be planted on the balcony, be sure to make your list of dwarf varieties of snapdragon. They bloom in the second half of summer, from July to October.

8. Ever flowering begonia and tuberous begonia.

Both types of begonias can be grown in containers and are north facing balcony flowers that grow well in partial shade. They have rounded fleshy leaves with a color ranging from pale green to chocolate brown. Blooms from June to September. It is considered a perennial, but most often this plant is grown as an annual. Grows well in humus-rich soil and in partial shade. Therefore, when planting, you need to make compost.

9. Fuchsia ampelous

There are 3 main groups of fuchsias. What flowers are better to plant on the balcony? So these are gentle thermophilic ampelous fuchsias with weak falling stems in hanging baskets. The name of the ampel fuchsia variety is Swingtime. Stems grow up to 50 cm with red - white flowers.

Fuchsias are great blooming flowers for a north balcony. They only need a small amount of light for flowering and growth. Be sure to water regularly and abundantly. Make sure that the earth ball does not dry out. After a drought, fuchsia will die and will not recover.

10. Pansies or Vitrok violet

There are many Vitrok violet hybrids 15 - 25 cm high. These flowers on the loggia are of two types:

Winter-flowering (November - May) varieties that are grown as a biennial are dominated by the Universal series;

Summer flowering (June - October), which are grown as annuals.

Viola can be grown on a balcony, but needs to be planted in a spot with the right lighting. The sunny side is best with shading in the midday hours. On the southern balcony, it will quickly lose its decorative effect. Already in July, it will burn out, and will look dried up and unattractive.

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