A mole flies what to do. How to quickly get rid of moths with food and household folk remedies forever: ways to fight and preventive measures. Types and main habitats of moths

Every housewife is afraid of moths. The appearance of these little moths inevitably portends that you will soon have to say goodbye to your favorite silk blouse, favorite woolen pullover or precious fur. If such a problem arose, the question arises of how to get rid of moths in the house forever with folk remedies, as well as what means of insect control the chemical industry offers us. Let's look at them in more detail, among a wide variety of ways, everyone can choose the right one for themselves.

If flying and crawling larvae are seen in the closet, this does not mean that there is a bad mistress in the house. This insect can appear even in the most well-groomed apartment. Where does it come from? It's simple - perhaps the neighbors had the same problem, and they fought with it, the pests were removed through the window, the ventilation shaft and the stairwell, after which they found shelter in the next apartment. But not only this can be the cause of the appearance of these insects.

What does the larva and adult butterfly look like?

Before you start the fight, you need to know the enemy in person. This is what an adult butterfly looks like.

The insect can live up to 300 days. Flying butterflies, which are commonly seen, are the least dangerous to us, although they do lay eggs. It is the larvae that cause the greatest harm, which often go unnoticed. Therefore, if you destroyed a flying insect, this does not mean that the problem is solved. Somewhere, the larvae are probably sitting and spoiling things. In addition, soon they will turn into adults and multiply even more.

It looks like a larva that damages clothes.

It is very important to start the fight as soon as we see at least one butterfly (a beige winged insect about 9 mm long). To expel an insect forever, it is necessary to destroy it at all stages of development - an adult butterfly, a larva and eggs, which are almost invisible. The female lays about 200 eggs, which then become larvae. And the larvae already spoil things. The duration of the development of the larva depends on the larval environment and the nutritional properties of the material on which it feeds and can last from 35 days to 2.5 years. In good conditions, 4 generations of insects will hatch during the year. If we do not fight the intruders, then during this time our favorite sweater or fur coat will disappear before our eyes.

Folk remedies

Usually these insects feed on products made of wool, fur, feathers, and leather. However, with the progress of civilization, they also enriched their menu with fabrics made from blends of synthetic fibers with natural ones. Today, almost no fabric is protected from this insect. The insect is especially dangerous for fur products, which it can damage very quickly, so they should be stored in tight plastic bags.

Fortunately, we know effective ways to deal with these voracious insects!

There are several simple ways and methods to control insects at home. First of all, you need to thoroughly clean all cabinets, dry all things and do not forget to do this regularly.

The aroma of lavender effectively repels this harmful butterfly. Pendants, dried flowers or sprays with the aroma of this essential oil plant will be useful not only for prevention, but also in the fight against insects. Sprigs of lavender should be where we keep clothes - usually in closets.

Lemongrass, lemon peel, or lemon-scented pendants are effective. Also, an effective repellent will be the peel of an orange, the smell of which is not liked by a voracious pest. These insects cannot tolerate citrus aromas. At the bottom of the boxes you can place bags of citrus zest. Therefore, after eating fruits, do not throw away the peel, it must be dried and put into linen bags. The zest will also keep cats out of closets if they have a habit of climbing in there. Not everyone likes this behavior of pets, so orange peels will help solve two problems at once.

Not everyone knows that some spices will help in the fight against this insect. For this purpose, we will need:

  • Bay leaf;
  • mint;
  • thyme;
  • carnation.

Probably many, when they were children, picked chestnuts in the park, but not everyone knows that these fruits are effective folk remedies. Just put them in a closet.

How to deal with moths in the closet? Empty your closet first. Then boil a glass of vinegar mixed with water in a small saucepan. The floating liquid should be placed on a stand in a cabinet in which the pest has wound up and close the door tightly. You can add bay leaf and pepper to the pan, which this insect also does not like. After 10-15 minutes, you need to get the pan and ventilate the cabinet well. To consolidate the effect, the procedure is repeated 2-3 times.

Low and high temperature

Clothes that show traces of eggs or larvae should be placed in a plastic bag and then put in the freezer for 3-4 hours. If the furniture is not painted, the places where the larvae accumulate after they are removed can be treated with hot air from a hair dryer. Washed clothes should be ironed with a hot iron after drying. Temperatures above 40°C destroy the eggs.


Another proven method is to line shelves and drawers with newspapers, as insects cannot stand the smell of printing ink.


In addition, bars of soap can be placed in cabinets and chests of drawers, preferably with a lavender scent, but regular soap, even household soap, will do. It is better to cut the soap into small pieces and sprinkle the shelves with it.

Another well-known repellant is wild rosemary, also called wild rosemary. It emits a clear, pleasant aroma for us, which the insect does not tolerate. The plant grows in swamps, peat bogs and other wetlands and reaches a height of 1.5 m. In cabinets, rosemary is used in dried form.


A proven way to deal with this insect is to place pieces of fresh resin from the forest, fresh needles or strong-smelling cones in the corners of the cabinet. When doing this, be careful not to stain cabinets and clothes with tar.

Ready products (naphthalene, aerosols, baits, essential oils)

You can also purchase some ready-made products on sale. It can be:

  1. Naphthalene, which is also known to our grandmothers as an effective remedy. It is often used but not always effective, and it is also toxic to humans and pets. The smell of mothballs is difficult to get rid of even when washing clothes. Therefore, if you still decide to use this tool, after removing it from the closet, in the place where it lay, you need to place bags of baking soda, which neutralizes the smell of mothballs.
  2. Aroma sticks and stripes that are hung in the closet or balls with a smell.
  3. Aerosols, which should be regularly sprayed with shelves in cabinets and chests of drawers.
  4. Synthetic essential oils that repel insects.
  5. Pheromone tiles and baits(odorless) are inexpensive and non-toxic moth control products in food, their function is to attract males with pheromones and trap them, thereby stopping the reproduction of insects. Products of this type are offered by Bros and Raid and have proven to be extremely effective, do not contain biocides and therefore can be placed near food. The preparations work within 4 - 6 weeks.

What else needs to be done?

  1. Nest search and thorough cleaning. First of all, you need to find out where she made her nest. To do this, it is desirable to carefully remove everything, the larvae usually live in warm and dark corners. That is why it is necessary to thoroughly clean and rinse all cabinets. First, wash the cabinets with detergent, and then wipe them with vinegar and water.
  2. Drying clothes. All clothing, carpets and curtains should also be shaken. If it is the middle of summer, then it is best to leave things in the sun, if it is winter, leave them for a few hours in the cold. Both very high and very low temperatures are a good way to get rid of larvae and eggs. In addition, there is no need to overcrowd cabinets. It is better to hang things as freely as possible.

How to get rid of food moths in the kitchen, in cereals?

Food moth in the kitchen, in cereals is a big problem for every housewife. Often it starts in products, especially in cereals, pasta, flour. These are insects that nest primarily in kitchen cabinets. Most often they can be found where grain products are stored. When fighting them, the most important thing is to act very effectively and accurately. Half measures, of course, will not work here. If at least one insect is noticed in the kitchen, it is necessary to respond immediately. This may be a sign that a large nest is hiding in the closet drawers.

You can bring an insect into the house along with products, such as flour or cereals. It is better to sift such products immediately after returning home from the store. As a result, the risk can be eliminated to a large extent. But, rarely anyone resorts to such events. It is better to store flour or cereals in an airtight glass container.

It's pretty hard to get it out. First, you will have to throw away all the products in which it appeared, and then wipe the shelves with a solution of water and vinegar (in a 1: 1 ratio), with a drop of citrus oil or cloves. You can also place a bay leaf or several clove inflorescences in each locker. Also cabinets can be vacuumed.

For prevention, products should be stored in glass food containers with tight-fitting lids. Plastic jars, as is often the case, are not protected because the larvae eat microscopic holes in them.

Store cereals, rice, pasta, flour in glass jars. This solution has not only aesthetic value, but also practical, as it facilitates cleaning in the kitchen. But, of course, the most important thing is that other pests will not start in a closed glass container.

Newly purchased grain products such as rice, flour can be placed in the freezer for several days - if they contain larvae - they will die from the low temperature.

Insects do not like high temperatures. Therefore, to effectively expel them, it is worth using a hair dryer and drying all cabinets. It is best to set it to the highest possible temperature. Thanks to this, all larvae and eggs can be removed.

You can also buy special patches for moths in stores. They are not very aggressive and relatively cheap, while demonstrating high efficiency. The patches will help lure all the insects to one spot and effectively get rid of them. Although they do not look too aesthetically pleasing, they help well.

Additional protection will be mesh in the vents and mosquito nets on the windows. Preventive measures include keeping the kitchen clean, vacuuming regularly, and cleaning cupboards.

But is it possible to solve the question of how to destroy a mole in an apartment the first time? The approach should be comprehensive, and it all depends on how many pests are in your apartment. It may also be that the first time it will not be possible to kill all the individuals, so it will be necessary to re-process.

Moth loves places where there are a lot of woolen and fur things, as well as a sufficient amount of food.

Types of moths in living quarters

Depending on where the moth settled and what the moth eats, the following types are distinguished:

  • Fur coat (woolen) moth. This pest prefers fur coats, hats, covers and other products made from natural fur. In addition, she is able to eat books, pillow feathers, felt and woolen things.
  • Furniture. This species most often settles in upholstered furniture and eats the upholstery of a sofa and armchairs. Rarely can ruin furs and wool.
  • Clothes. Most often lives in dark closets with clothes. Eats all tissues indiscriminately.
  • Food (grain, fruit). Prefers tea, flour, nuts, sugar, cereals, legumes. Then he leaves there the products of his life, the husks of caterpillars. This food is no longer fit for consumption.

Important: an adult moth cannot harm, since it does not have a mouth, and it is not able to eat and digest food. The pest simply lays eggs, from which voracious caterpillars emerge.

What to do when moths appear in the apartment

To answer the question - how to destroy a mole in an apartment at home forever, you need to know a few useful recommendations that will help in solving the problem.

  • When you see a moth, inspect the entire room. She rarely appears in the house alone. You also need to review all products if an insect is found in the kitchen. Don't forget to go through cabinets and textiles just in case.
  • If a nest with larvae is found, it must be immediately eliminated with a vacuum cleaner, and then washed with a chlorine-containing detergent.

But how to get rid of moths in an apartment if the larvae are not found?

  • Put large wool sweaters in the freezer, this procedure will not allow a single larvae to survive. Also try to wash all things and linen with powder. Outerwear should be brushed, paying special attention to the folds, pockets and lining. Heavy jackets, fur coats and coats can be treated with a steam generator, if one is available in the house.
  • Be sure to carry out general cleaning in the living room. Launder all curtains, carpets, throws and blankets. Those things that cannot be washed should be taken outside, preferably in sunny weather, and kept in direct sunlight.
  • The kitchen also needs cleaning. Throw out all grains, nuts and dried fruits. Wipe all cabinets, containers, hard-to-reach places with a solution of chlorine and vinegar.

When adult flying insects appear, the housewives already understand that the matter is serious and it is necessary to decide how to deal with moths in the apartment. As a rule, fears are supported by facts. Eaten holes are visible on favorite woolen things.

However, in the summer, urban residents may be disturbed by another type of moth - the moth. There is a lot of it where there are poplars. Poplar moth flies in your apartment, how to get rid of it is a question of concern to many.

Unfortunately, many residents themselves are to blame for creating suitable conditions for the development of these harmful insects. Therefore, it is important to know how to remove moths in an apartment at home on your own.

How to get rid of domestic household moths in an apartment

Before you start using any means of moths, you need to clean and ventilate the living space.

Folk methods

When a moth started up in an apartment or house, many people remember the means that our ancestors used. This is especially important for homes with children or people prone to allergies.

The best recipes include:

  • Fir or lavender oil. Woolly moth does not tolerate the smell of these plants. To combat the pest, you need to spread cotton wool soaked in such oil in wardrobes.
  • Lavender flowers. A tool proven by more than one generation. To scare away moths, you need to collect flowers, dry them and put them in gauze.
  • After that, the bouquets are placed in places where the pest can settle.
  • Orange peel. The peels of oranges or tangerines are dried and laid out in wardrobes.
  • Garlic. Moth does not like this smell. Spread garlic cloves in a wardrobe - this will scare away the insect.
  • Tansy. This plant has long been used to repel moths.
  • Geranium. The leaves of this ornamental plant emit odorous vapors that many insects, including moths, do not like.
  • Cloves and allspice. The moth does not tolerate the spicy smell of these spices. Spread them in bags throughout the house, and the moth will leave it for a long time.
  • Laundry soap. Any moth cannot stand alkali, so wash things with it, and also put soap in the closet to better repel the pest.
  • Naphthalene or empty perfume bottles. These tools are great help in the fight against moths.
  • Frost and sun rays. The insect is afraid of too high or low temperatures. Therefore, take out fur coats in winter for ventilation. Also dry all clothing, including pillows and blankets, in direct sunlight during the summer.
  • Newspapers. Moths don't like the smell of printing ink. Therefore, if you put newspapers in fur boots, then it will never get into them.

professional methods

There are household chemicals that will quickly and reliably help you deal with the problem - how to get rid of moths in a house where there are a lot of moths from nowhere.


These funds are sold in special cans. Since they are pesticides, a number of factors must be taken into account when using them:

  • the degree of toxicity of the main substance;
  • processing area;
  • Do you have allergies or small children in the house?

The most popular drugs:

  • Raptor. Expensive, but effective.
  • Clean house. It is used to process clothes. Showed good results.
  • Armol. It is considered non-toxic, so it can be used even in the kitchen.

Terms of use:

  1. Study the instructions.
  2. Use protective equipment.
  3. Open air vents.
  4. Treat the entire area, not just the infected areas.
  5. Furniture must be closed for the best effect of the product.

Then the room is ventilated, at the end of processing, all things are laid out in their places.


They are used to kill mosquitoes. But according to some reports, plates and liquid will help in the fight against moths. They can also be used to remove poplar moth. Although this insect does not cause much harm, but its large number in the house causes discomfort.

The fumigator is less toxic than an aerosol, so it is safer for humans.

Principle of operation:

  • Install the plate or pour the liquid into the container provided for this.
  • Connect to an outlet.
  • Do not turn off until the substance has taken effect.

The most popular fumigators:

  • raid;
  • mosquitole;

The advantage of their use is the fact that by destroying mosquitoes, moth prevention is carried out.

Pheromone traps

Traps are considered one of the most effective ways to get rid of annoying flies. If you still don’t know how to remove moths in an apartment, then you should try this method.

The trap is a small piece of cardboard that has been treated with a special substance that resembles the pheromones of a female moth.

The male flies at him, sticks to it and dies. Since there is no one to create offspring, the life cycle of the moth ends here.


These are special containers where there is a substance that repels insects, which lasts 2-3 months.

Most popular brands:

  • raptor;
  • mosquitole;


Many people know the famous smell of naphthalene, which is not tolerated by moths. Some manufacturers use it to make special moth tablets. They are placed in a closet with clothes or placed inside upholstered furniture. They protect things from moths for 2 years.

But do not open the tablet just like that and do not leave its contents unattended. Make sure that children do not get close to her. The composition of such tablets is toxic.

How to get rid of food moths in the apartment

Such a moth is called barn, fruit or grain. It spoils various products - cereals, nuts, dried fruits and others. All food that the mole has visited must be disposed of. After all, if at least one larva remains there, then it can cause serious illness and intoxication of the body.

To combat food moths, it is better not to use chemicals. After all, it is about food and the kitchen where food is prepared. Therefore, the most correct option would be folk methods:

  • Throw away all contaminated food. Place flour and clean cereals in jars with tightly screwed lids.
  • Spray all kitchen cabinets with a baking soda solution.
  • Make sure that there is no water in the sink and that all sewer pipes are dry. The adult lives on water.
  • Rinse all cracks in the kitchen furniture with a 9% vinegar solution. This is where the food moth likes to lay its larvae.
  • Put black allspice peas in the cabinets.
  • Glue a mesh with very small holes on the vent in the bathroom and in the kitchen.

Prevention measures

Moth in the apartment - what to do? In order to ask this question less often or forget about the pest forever, it is imperative to follow a number of rules that will help protect the house from the invasion of this voracious insect.

  • When buying things, they need to be carefully examined, especially the seams, pockets, lining. This is especially true for things made of fur and wool.
  • It is advisable to hang out all new clothes in frosty or sunny weather for several hours on the balcony or on the street.
  • Store bulk products in containers with lids. Before putting them in the closet, inspect them carefully. Do not try to buy for the future, because with long storage, the likelihood that moths will start in cereals or flour increases.
  • Periodically, in the wardrobe, you need to sort out all things and wipe the shelves with soapy water.
  • Use folk remedies as a preventive measure. Arrange the orange peels on the cabinets, or arrange the bottles with the finished perfume.
  • Ventilate the room regularly and use air fresheners.


Understanding how to deal with moths in an apartment at home is not always easy if you do not know the reasons for its appearance. Therefore, the primary task is to answer the question of why this insect appeared. Although its size is negligible, but the damage is incredibly large.

Therefore, if you see a mole in the house, immediately destroy it, and then start revising food and inspecting everything else.

But most importantly, you need to remember that if there is no moth in the apartment, this does not mean that it will never be. Be sure to take preventive measures. Because pest control can be very difficult, taking a lot of strength and energy.

There are more than 30 types of moths that live in residential areas. The most common varieties are:

  1. Fur coat. Moth loves to settle in wardrobes. It has a gray-yellow color, the wings are covered with black dots. The insect has the ability to gnaw through plastic bags, which are usually used to close fur things. In addition to wool, it eats felt, books, and starts up in feather pillows.
  2. Furniture. The pest starts up in the upholstery of upholstered furniture and begins to spoil the fabric. The size of the butterfly is 10 mm, a distinctive feature is yellow wings with a golden tint. Compared to other types of moths, this one is the most dangerous, since in addition to fabric it feeds on carpets and fur. A gap in wood is a favorite place for laying eggs, as well as in the back and bottom of furniture. When the larvae eat the internal filler, they begin to grind tunnels in a wooden case.
  3. Clothes. The insect lives in wardrobes, eats all woolen clothes. The size of the butterfly reaches 22 mm, has yellow wings with a purple-brown tint. Females lay their eggs on the inside of their clothes. The hatched larvae hide in the folds of tissues, then gnaw through them.
  4. food. The small butterfly belongs to the firefly family. Its wings are striped, brown in color or dotted gray. She eats not only cereals, but also other products - tea, nuts, sugar. The food where the moth enters becomes unfit for consumption, as it contains excrement, the remnants of the skin of the insect, and the husk of the larvae. If you eat such foods, you can get poisoned.

A flying butterfly can infect things by entering the house through ventilation holes, with library books, clothes, and through pets. Often, moth pupae are found in store products - cereals, sugar, flour, dried fruits. Moth invasion begins when such products enter the house.

A mole appeared, what to do

So that flying butterflies do not breed and spoil all food stocks, they must be removed immediately after detection. First steps:

Sometimes the removal of nests and general cleaning of the premises does not help. The pest population can reproduce if even one larva is missed.

PayAttention! Dirtythings,shelvesmaybecomesourcebreedingmoth.That's whyalldirtyclothesshouldrewash,ashelvesregularlyhandlesolutionon thebasisvinegar.

Folk remedies

If a mole is wound up in the kitchen, you cannot use chemical agents to destroy it. Foods treated with insecticides are dangerous to consume. Folk methods will help get rid of flying insects:

  1. Lavender. Moths do not tolerate the smell of lavender, so packed lavender sprigs are laid out in a fabric bag on the shelves of a kitchen or wardrobe. Instead of twigs, you can use lavender essential oil. It is dripped onto tampons, then laid out on the shelves.
  2. Soap. Strong scented fragrances found in toilet soaps are effective against moths. Soap should not be placed next to the products, but it can be wrapped in clothes or put in the pockets of outerwear.
  3. Herbs. You can scare away moths with dried aromatic herbs: eucalyptus, tansy, geranium, chestnut, mint. So that they do not crumble and do not become moldy, they are placed in cloth bags, then laid out in cabinets.
  4. Citrus. Citrus peels have a pungent odor that repels moths. The remaining zest from a tangerine or orange is laid out on the shelves. Compared to soap, it can be placed next to food. As it dries, the zest is replaced with fresh. If the insects are already wound up, getting rid of it in this way will not work. Using orange and other citrus peels will only repel insects, not kill them.
  5. Garlic. So that voracious larvae do not start in the products, it is enough to put a few cloves of garlic in cereals or flour.
  6. Tobacco. In the old days, tobacco products were used against insects. Tobacco repels moths well if it is spread out among things.
  7. walnut leaves. Fresh walnut leaves are laid out in cabinets and bedside tables. When the leaves dry, they should be replaced with new ones.

PayAttention! Toeliminatemolenecessaryapplyspecialchemicaldrugsanti-mothactions,because theeggsandlarvaewingedinsectkillvegetablemeansimpossible.They areonlyablescare awayadultinsect.

Lavender Moth Remedy

Chemical means of anti-moth action

On sale there are many universal means to help destroy any type of moth. They are divided into groups:

  • aerosols and spray sprays;
  • plates in the form of small cardboard boxes;
  • fumigators;
  • traps and sticky tapes;
  • funds in the form of tablets and balls;
  • moth sections.

With a large-scale defeat, several types of funds should be purchased at once. All things are sprayed, sticky traps are laid out around. Tablets are used to support the action of chemicals.

Advice! If aexternalsigns,pointingon thehabitationinsectsnotnoticeably,thennotcostsspraycabinetsandfurnituresprays.

Aerosols and sprays

Aerosols, sprays allow you to quickly get rid of pests. It is convenient to use an insecticide if you spray it, so this form of release is the most popular. Cylinders contain a high concentration of substances. Types of aerosols:

  1. Dichlorvos. This is a generic drug. The substances included in its composition destroy not only flying insects, but also larvae. Dichlorvos is toxic, can adversely affect human health, so it is used when other means have not helped. To destroy butterflies in the wardrobe, the drug is sprayed for 2 seconds. After 15 minutes, it starts to work.
  2. raptor. The drug does not leave stains after use, it is intended for fabrics, fur and leather items. It has a sharp lemon smell, not like natural, so the room it has treated must be left immediately. The protective effect is valid for 1 year.
  3. Mosquitol. Use for processing any clothes, furniture, carpets. It contains permethrin. Aerosol kills moths, larvae, skin beetles. Despite the small volume of the bottle, the drug lasts for a long time. The action of the aerosol lasts six months.
  4. Armol. The composition of the aerosol includes one active substance - permethrin. Armol is suitable for processing any type of fabric, has a pleasant lavender smell. An economical tool. Does not leave stains, streaks after application. The effect of the substance lasts 6 months.

Important! Atapplicationaerosolsandspraysnecessaryuseglovesandmask.Componentsdrugmaycallallergythat's whybeforehowput onprocessedclothes,hernecessarywash.Premisesperiodicallyventilateon thefor 3-Xdaysafterprocessing.


The plates are small cardboard boxes, similar in appearance to fumigator plates, impregnated with a chemical. Compared to other drugs, they are the cheapest and harmless. The plates destroy moth larvae, so that adult insects do not reproduce. Types of plates:

  1. Armol- the plates exude a strong lavender smell, which evaporates, spreading from top to bottom. They are laid out at the top of the furniture. The drug is intended for the destruction of insects that bred in fur, woolen clothes. One package contains 10 plates. For 15 m³ you will need 2 packs. Since the radius of action of the drug is small, more than two packages will be needed to destroy a large number of larvae.
  2. Dr. Klaus- the plates are produced in two forms, odorless and with the smell of lavender. Due to their compactness, they are suitable for any furniture, they do not imprint on things. Quickly destroy moth larvae, keeping the effect up to 6 months. The package contains 10 plates.
  3. Raid Pendants. The drug has a sharp floral aroma that protects clothes for 3 months. The plates are equipped with holes, through which they are fixed on hangers between jackets and fur coats.

The use of fumigators

The action of fumigators lasts longer than aerosols. It will take 2 to 14 days to completely exterminate insects, so they are used less often. The device works according to a simple principle: a plate with an insecticide or a bottle with a special liquid is inserted into the fumigator and connected to a power outlet. Then heating occurs, the toxic substance gradually evaporates. The insecticide does not affect a person in any way, since it releases a small dose of the substance, but the insects die. The duration of the device should not exceed 8 hours a day, while the window in the room should be constantly open. Types of fumigators:

  1. DiK-3. The compact device was originally designed against midges, mosquitoes. Refilled with plates or a bottle of liquid. Thanks to the universal repellent, which is part of the preparation, it copes well with the destruction of moths. The device is connected to a standard network, consumes up to 4.5 watts. Kills clothes, food butterfly. Use the device in the kitchen with care. Poisonous substances must not be allowed to accumulate in cabinets with food.
  2. Mosquitall. The device is analogous to DiK-3. Able to exterminate insects in a house whose area is about 30 m³.
  3. Raid. The principle of operation of the device, the external design are identical to DiK-3. Due to the popularity of the brand, the fumigator is more expensive than other devices.

Pay Attention! Sohowdeviceworksfromnetworksinpremiseswithoutelectricityhisusenotit is forbidden,whatisdisadvantage.Atapplicationincabinetsnecessaryuseextension cords.

sticky traps

Sticky tapes are good traps for small butterflies. The tapes are equipped with an adhesive, flying up to which, the butterfly immediately sticks. Traps can be attached to any surface. Such a moth remedy is not toxic to humans. The composition of the adhesive substance of the tape "Ferocap" includes pheromones that attract males. They are designed to exterminate food insects.

Tablets and balls

This is a fairly popular form of repellant and is easy to apply. It is enough to lay out the drug on the shelves of the cabinet or pockets of outerwear. It has several smells: lemon, eucalyptus, lavender. Most popular forms:

  1. Balloons naphthalene. An effective, inexpensive tool used in preventive work. Solid carbon, which is part of the ball, does not have any destructive effect on the larvae, the adult individual. The drug can be produced in briquettes, sections.
  2. Balloons " Clean house". The insecticide is designed to protect things made from natural fibers, it is used in the same way as other drugs from this series. The balls are taken out of the bag, laid out between things. For each shelf or drawer you will need 2-3 pieces. After 6 months, the balls are replaced with new ones. The drug has a strong naphthalene smell, so not everyone likes to use it.
  3. Tablets Greenfield. The tablets are filled with lavender oil and synthetic substances that do not absorb into clothes. They are laid out in 1-2 pieces. on the shelves between things. The action of the insecticide lasts six months.

Sections from the moth

Sections are insecticide plates closed with a plastic case. The case is equipped with adhesive tape or hook, allowing you to attach them to the wall. During use, things practically do not come into contact with the repellent, which is an advantage of the drug. The evaporation concentration is high, therefore, no more than two containers are used per 15 m³.

It is a small butterfly that lives exclusively indoors. This is one of the main household pests that can ruin clothes made from fur or natural wool. It is worth noting that adults do not spoil things and products. They lay larvae on clothes, which are engaged in eating fibers.

When an insect grows wings, it stops eating altogether and continues to live only at the expense of its own reserves. If there is not enough fresh air in the room, then it will live there permanently.

In some cases, it is not clear where it came from, therefore, in order to determine the source, you will have to do a general cleaning in each room and dismantle the cabinets.

There may be several reasons for the appearance:

    1. The moth simply loves mustiness and dampness - its larvae develop perfectly there. If there is natural tissue in that place, then it is difficult to think of a better place for the development of moths.
    2. It develops beautifully in natural fur, Therefore, it will be quite problematic to protect such things from being eaten.
    3. A person can bring the larvae on himself. For example, if at work he changes into a change of clothes, while his usual clothes hang in a closet where they have not been cleaned for a long time. In such dirt, moisture and lack of ventilation, the insect usually develops well.
    4. Over time, old things will accumulate moisture, and furniture will gradually collect a large amount of dust. The wood itself rots somewhat, so larvae can start there.

Methods and means of getting rid of the pest

It is most effective to fight moths with the help of just such means. The principle of their action is as follows: after spraying, the poison is inside the body of pests, penetrating there through the skin or with air. It acts almost instantly, and harmful insects die.

Before the direct use of the aerosol, an audit is made in the closet, carefully sorting through all the clothes. After that, with the help of an insecticidal aerosol, fur and fabric items, furniture corners, as well as all other areas where such insects can be found, are treated.

When all this is done, the room is left for several hours, after which the entire room is wet cleaned. It will take a lot of time and effort for such a process, but the effect will be noticeable immediately.

The most popular aerosols of this type are the following:

  1. Fox.
  2. Raptor.
  3. Antimol.
  4. Armol.
  5. Mosquitol.
  6. Extramit.
  7. Dezmol and some others.

Fumigators are special electrical devices where an insecticidal preparation is placed. When the fumigator is plugged into the outlet, the insecticide soaked plate begins to heat up and the drug gradually evaporates.

As the manufacturers say, the mole literally leaves forever in a couple of days. The poison has a detrimental effect on both butterflies and larvae, however, it is completely harmless to human health.

It should be noted that this tool has some disadvantages:

  1. There are quite poisonous drugs - on their packaging, the manufacturer says that it is permissible to turn on such drugs for only 2 hours a day.
  2. It requires electricity to function.
  3. Cabinets will have to be opened during the operation of such products, otherwise the concentration there will be low and will not have a serious effect on the mole.


This tool is convenient and easy to use. They often have a faint scent of chamomile, mandarin, or lavender. They are attached to the inner wall of the cabinet with a special sticker. A similar section operates up to six months, affecting half a cubic meter of air.

Despite the fact that moth sections are sold today that can protect children's things from these pests, you need to remember that most of these products are toxic.

It is strictly forbidden to use more than 2 sections in one room.

Sticky tapes and traps

Such means are used only to fight adults, as a result of which the reproduction chain of the species is interrupted. It is worth noting that they can function normally not only in cabinets, but also in other rooms, for example, in the kitchen.

It is most effective to use traps from Swiss manufacturers. They are quite expensive, however, they allow you to completely remove the pest from the apartment.

Folk remedies

In addition to various chemicals, many of which are carcinogens and allergens, there are various kinds of folk remedies. They are absolutely safe and harmless to all the inhabitants of the house.

For example, in the closet you can lay out aromatic moth repellents, for example, bags of dry lavender or cotton wool soaked in fir oil.

It is worth noting that the moth does not tolerate the smell of tobacco, pepper, citrus fruits, and so on. She is also wary of the scent of geranium or coleus. Fresh leaves of these plants are placed in a cupboard where moths live, and in just a couple of days it will not be there.

There are a number of other ways:

  1. Moth is afraid of high and low temperatures. You can shake out the clothes and warm them up in the sun. If the temperature outside is below 5 degrees, things with moths can be pulled out into the street.
  2. Clothes can be washed at high temperatures.
  3. The moth is afraid of tobacco, however, an ordinary cigarette will not work, it is better to put shag or snuff in the closet.

Overview of effective products on the market

  1. Armol (aerosol type agent) is a widespread agent. This aerosol has a pleasant smell of lavender, after its use on clothes and furniture there is not the slightest trace left. It is perfect for processing carpets, bed linen, curtains. With it, you can get rid of. One bottle costs around 60-70 rubles.
  2. Aerosol Raptor "Moth Protection" exudes a pleasant aroma of lavender when used. This tool quite effectively copes with insects that are in the active stage of development. Most effective in the fight against clothes. The drug is widely distributed but it costs a little more - about 90-100 rubles.
  3. Aerosol Mosquitall "Moth Protection" also has a pleasant smell of lavender. It can be used for all kinds of fabrics and clothes. The characteristics are almost identical to the first two means. One bottle costs around 100 rubles, that is, it is quite acceptable.
  4. Aerosol "Clean House" is very actively fighting the fur coat variety of the insect. It is quite effective, since one cylinder is spent on processing two large cabinets. It has a barely perceptible herbal smell, and it costs quite acceptable - 60 rubles.
  5. Aerosol Extramit is very effective in the fight against fur coat moths. It is absolutely harmless to humans, however, it is not very common. Its cost reaches 70 rubles.
  6. The DiK-3 fumigator is a small-sized device that can operate both with the help of a liquid and with a plate. Such a fumigator consumes very little electricity. It can be filled with tablets with any chemical composition. Its cost is 30 rubles, and has served for several years. He perfectly fights with clothes and, however, it is undesirable to use it in the kitchen.
  7. The Mosquitall fumigator is capable of exterminating the pest in an area of ​​up to 30 square meters. It costs more, about 70 rubles, however, its efficiency is very high.
  8. The Raid fumigator is a fairly well-known brand, so its cost is quite high and can reach 130-150 rubles.
  9. The Raptor section is by far one of the most common tools. It can be purchased at most hardware stores. Two sections will have to be hung in one cabinet, and it will work for the next four months. It is not cheap - 120 rubles for two sections, but it is very effective.
  10. Mosquitall sections is available in the form of a small plate that can be hung on a hanger right between clothes, or in the form of a plate attached to the wall. Such sections can even be bought in the form of a bag of dry perfume.


To prevent the appearance of moths in food or clothing, there are a number of effective preventive measures:

  1. To prevent the appearance of moths on clothes, it is better to take it outside, shake it out, ventilate it thoroughly and dry it in the sun.
  2. The insect cannot tolerate bright light and clean air.
  3. Fragrant herbs are laid out in the closet or special sections are hung for the sake of prevention.
  4. Before putting away things that you do not plan to wear in the closet, it is better to put them in a bag and treat them with insecticidal agents.
  5. During cleaning, all cabinet shelves are wiped with ammonia.
  6. Before hanging clothes for long-term storage, they must be washed thoroughly.
  7. New clothes are carefully washed and ironed so that there are no moth eggs.
  8. The room is regularly cleaned and ventilated.

moth species

  1. Fur coat. This is a small insect with a maximum wingspan of 15-16 mm, painted in clay yellow. There may be small dark dots in front of the central part of the wings. Such a moth usually eats only clothes made from natural materials. Its larvae are white, outwardly similar to worms with almost no hairs. They have eight short legs located on the abdomen. The skin is whitish, but almost transparent. Through it you can see the stomach itself and even its contents, the head is brown. The larvae usually feed on fur, live in a portable case, and gnaw all the hair along the way, regardless of whether it will absorb them or not.
  2. Clothes. It is larger when compared with a fur coat - wingspan reaches 22-24 mm. The forewings near the base are purple-brown in color, in the middle they change color to light yellow, and near the top there is a purple-brown speck. The head is covered with light fluff. The larva of such a moth is similar to a fur coat. Cloth moth larvae live in folds or in the depths of cloth or drape matter. Outside, the space that the larvae eat through almost imperceptibly, however, the outer layer of tissue becomes very, very thin. As a result, it breaks through in just a few days.
  3. Furniture is a butterfly of light yellow color, and its wings are shiny. The head is rusty yellow. Near the base, the forewings are slightly brownish. The larvae of such a moth first eat away the hair stuffing of furniture. They try to move in the direction of the patterns of matter. When they are about to pupate, they go outside where they gather on the underside of chairs or sofas. In winter, the development of larvae takes about 5 months, in summer it happens much faster - in just 2 months. Butterflies fly for 3 months - March, April and May, another generation comes out in July and August.
  4. Grain is a silver-white insect. On the front wings there is a brown changeable pattern, the abdomen has a gray color. The span of the hind wings can be 15 mm. Butterflies fly twice a year - in mid-spring and towards the end of summer. Each female lays up to a hundred eggs on grains of bread, with 1-2 eggs for each grain. The larva collects several grains in a common bundle, braids them with cobwebs and feeds on them. It pupates right there. It can eat dried fruits and various kinds of seeds.

The clothes moth has a great taste: in any season, it prefers expensive cashmere, natural silk, pure wool, feathers, furs and cotton. Food moths have simpler requests: everything that is in the kitchen will suit it. If you care about your wardrobe, you should take steps to protect it without waiting for the first holes. And if the moth has already begun to feast in your kitchen cabinet, then it's time for decisive action.

How to get rid of clothes moth

Andy Reago & Chrissy McClarren/flickr.com

1. Do a spring cleaning

The moth likes to hide in secluded warm corners, so the first step is to remove everything from the wardrobe, vacuum every shelf and drawer, and then wipe all internal surfaces with a cloth dipped in any detergent.

It also helps to vacuum carpets and hard-to-reach places where dust usually accumulates: behind furniture, in the corners of chest of drawers, behind radiators. Finally, wash all your clothes, as well as curtains, bedspreads, throws, and upholstery.

2. Freeze clothes

In winter, you can take your clothes out to the balcony, and the rest of the time, use the freezer. Moth larvae die at sub-zero temperatures, so put your clothes in bags and put everything that fits into the freezer.

3. Get your clothes out in the sun

Bright sunlight affects moth larvae in the same way as frost. For the insects to die, it is enough to hold the clothes in the sun for a couple of hours.

4. Wash your clothes often

Moths love particles of dried sweat, so do not put anything in a freshly disinfected closet that needs to be washed first, especially if it is knitted items.

5. Store woolen clothes in cases

With the onset of warm weather, put your favorite winter sweaters, dresses, and scarves in covers or zippered bags and put moth repellant in each. About what best repels moths, Lifehacker will tell you a little lower.

6. Quarantine for antiquity

Vintage wardrobe items inherited from a great-grandmother or bought at a flea market must first and only then be hung in a closet. Even if at first glance things do not arouse suspicion, moth larvae can easily live in the seams.

7. Buy cedar hangers

The moth cannot stand the smell of cedar, so hangers made of this tree will reliably protect your clothes from voracious pests.

8. Stay vigilant

Review your clothes from time to time, and air your rooms and closets regularly. Do not store things that you do not wear: either throw them away or give them away. Moths most often start up on clothes that have not been taken out of the closet for a long time, and almost never on what they wear all the time.

9. Use natural repellents to repel moths

The most effective natural remedy for moths is lavender. Carnation also does a good job (not a flower, but a seasoning), but it has a rather strong smell, which will inevitably be absorbed into clothes, and not everyone likes it.

10. Use aerosols to kill moths

If you are determined to eradicate the moth using chemicals, the most radical and effective way is to treat infected items and storage areas with aerosols with powerful insecticides. In addition to the usual dichlorvos, products based on permethrin, pyrethrins and pyrethroids are produced.

However, do not forget that many of them are very toxic, which means that they are not applicable in all situations and can cause a severe allergic reaction. Before spraying the aerosol, carefully read the instructions on the package, especially the part about precautions.

How to get rid of food moth

1. Throw away all contaminated food

Check all cans and bags of cereals, pet food, dried fruit, seeds, tea, and other bulk products. This also applies to unopened packages. In contaminated products, moth eggs can be found that look like sticky semolina, larvae and characteristic cobwebs. If you see any of these, throw away the entire pack.

Moths can live not only inside kitchen cabinets, but also on them, as well as behind them. Sometimes it is found even behind the edges of the wallpaper, under the base of the chandelier or behind the ceiling plinth.

Vacuum and rinse cabinets and other moth habitats. When washing, it is recommended to add laundry soap to the water, and then wipe the surfaces with a solution of vinegar. Don't forget to let the cupboards dry before putting supplies back into them.

The containers in which the products were stored should also be thoroughly washed and dried, and also kept in the freezer for a day.

3. Process the remaining products

Cereals can be sorted out and kept in the freezer for 4–5 days, or calcined in the oven for at least half an hour at a temperature of 60 degrees. Then pour the cereal into containers with tight lids.

4. Use pheromone traps to trap male moths

By themselves, males are harmless, since they do not even have mouthparts. However, they fertilize females that lay eggs.

5. Use bay leaf and lavender

You can lay out sprigs of lavender, dried cloves and bay leaves on the shelves of the closet - this will scare away the moths. Some housewives put bay leaves directly in containers with cereals, but this method is only suitable for those who have nothing against the faint aroma of this spice in cereals and side dishes.

6. Go without inventory

Try not to buy cereals for the future and they last longer than a couple of months. And if you already decide to stock up, then hold the purchased products for several days in the cold.

7. Don't forget to ventilate

This applies not only to the kitchen itself, but also to kitchen cabinets. Moth does not like fresh air.

Do you know a proven remedy for moths? Tell us about it in the comments.