Insect repellents in the house - an overview of the best preparations. Best Insect Repellent Home Insect Control

  • cockroaches
  • bedbugs
  • mosquitoes
  • Clothes moth
  • food moth
  • Fleas
  • Woodlice
  • bark beetles
  • Kozheedy
  • herbivorous mites

Get the bugs out of the apartment

To combat beetles can be used:

The only 100% guaranteed way to remove beetles from an apartment is professional processing, provided that it is carried out by specialists from an experienced SES certified by Rospotrebnadzor. For more than 12 years, Dez Group has been helping apartment owners and tenants, legal entities, individual entrepreneurs and government agencies to get rid of any insects indoors and outdoors, as well as to carry out preventive treatments.

  • Processing an apartment is done in 1 day and takes from 30 minutes to several hours, depending on the area.
  • Only modern, high-quality and safe drugs are used that are officially approved for use in residential premises.
  • Insecticides have a prolonged effect, therefore, they destroy newly hatched pests for another 40-60 days after treatment.
  • For each procedure, you receive an official guarantee, the period of which depends on the method of processing.
  • All work is carried out only under the contract, your copy remains in your hands.
  • Ordering treatment at the SES is the fastest way to solve the problem, which can be very important if you are faced with blood-sucking pests or there are a lot of insects in the house.
  • raptor
  • Delicia
  • Clean house
  • Cobra
  • Combat
  • Hector
  • Gardex
  • Bona Forte
  • monitor lizard
  • Dr Klaus

You can choose how to poison beetles in an apartment not only from the list presented above. Use whatever you can find in the grocery store or online, but don't go for the cheapest options if possible. They have the same effectiveness as other drugs, but can be more hazardous to health than modern drugs from well-known manufacturers.

Domestic pests - cockroaches, flies, ants and bedbugs can - not only create discomfort in the apartment, but also pose a danger to the health of residents, as they can carry various infections. How to prevent the spread of insects at home and get rid of breeding pests, read the instructions from RIAMO.

- Seal all cracks in the main habitats of cockroaches: in the kitchen, in the bathroom and toilet, where insects get the necessary water, food and warmth.

- Keep the kitchen clean and tidy, pay special attention to the absence of moisture on the sink and kitchen surfaces: water is much more important for cockroaches than food, so you need to limit its availability as much as possible.

- To protect yourself from neighboring cockroaches, tighten the ventilation grilles with a special mesh or gauze.

- Install a tight-fitting lid on the trash can to completely prevent cockroaches from getting inside.

Folk ways:

- Boric acid powder is an effective poison that slowly poisons cockroaches, while remaining harmless to humans and animals. Sprinkle boric acid along the baseboards, sinks, walls in the kitchen and bathroom, cutting off the cockroaches from the water.

- Food bait with boric acid. Mix one raw yolk with 3-4 sachets of boric acid and 2 tablespoons of sugar, you can add water or flour. Form the mixture into small balls and wait for it to dry, then place them in the cockroach habitats. Cockroaches should be completely gone about a month after you start using it.

- Wash the floors with the addition of ammonia to the water as a preventive measure - cockroaches cannot stand the pungent smell of ammonia.


- Crayons ("Mashenka", "Clean House") are applied to the floor in dense closed stripes, which must be updated every two days. Cons: work locally.

- Traps ("Raptor", "Combat"): a cockroach eats a poisonous bait and infects its relatives. Cons: not effective enough due to the low content of insecticides.

- Gels ("Blockbuster", "Global", "Insectogel", "Raptor", "FAS", "Fumitoks", "Storm") are applied throughout the apartment on skirting boards, walls, back walls of furniture also in closed strips. Re-treatment is carried out in a month. Gels are not as toxic to humans as aerosols and do not have a strong odor.

- Aerosols from crawling insects ("Dichlorvos", "Combat", "Raid"). Processing is carried out in protective gloves and a respirator. Before processing, remove all food, take out pets, and thoroughly ventilate the room two hours after spraying. The main advantage of aerosols is the speed of action, insects die within a few hours.

- Emulsions and suspensions ("Karbofos", "Microfos", "Get", "Cucaracha"): drugs cause paralysis in insects and are relatively harmless to humans (hazard class III). Diluted with water in the proportions indicated on the package, and sprayed with all precautions: in a respirator and protective clothing. The most effective of all the presented means.

How to get rid of flies

- Take out the trash can.

- Keep kitchen surfaces clean, do not leave fruits and vegetables, crumbs, traces of juice, tea or coffee on the table.

- Install mosquito nets on windows.

Folk ways:

- Mix ground black pepper in sweet water and arrange on the windowsills.

- Containers of vinegar or saucers of finely chopped garlic on windowsills will keep flies away from your windows.

- Mix saccharin with water and honey and arrange in rooms: honey attracts flies, and saccharin is a strong poison for them.

- Flies cannot stand the smell of cloves, geraniums, lavender, tansy and wormwood: bunches of these herbs can be hung in rooms and in the kitchen. Essential oils can be used instead of herbs.


- Sticky tapes (Raptor, Fumitoks) contain substances that attract flies and an adhesive base to which insects stick.

- Plates for an electric fumigator with a vaporizer, when heated, effectively destroy flies within the room.

- Sprays ("Dichlorvos", "Chlorophos", "Raptor", "Raid") are quite effective, but they are recommended to be used only when the above methods do not work, and the flies are very active and multiply rapidly. Cons: strong smell, high toxicity.

How to get rid of bed bugs

Folk ways:

- Dilute essential oils of lavender, eucalyptus or rosemary with water and spray in the habitats of bedbugs: on upholstered furniture, mattresses, curtains, gaps behind wallpaper, old books, baseboards, any folds and cracks.

- Hang fresh or dry herbs around the rooms (ledum, wormwood, tansy).

- Treat upholstered furniture with a mixture of naphthalene and denatured alcohol: combine 5 tablespoons of denatured alcohol with 5 grams of naphthalene. Instead of denatured alcohol, you can use kerosene or turpentine.

- Spray medical alcohol from a spray bottle in the places where bedbugs nest, wipe upholstered furniture with a cloth or brush soaked in alcohol.

- Treatment with a steam generator: when treated with hot steam (60-70 degrees), the bugs and their eggs die, such treatment must be carried out regularly for several weeks.


- Some means against cockroaches ("Get", "Karbofos"), as well as special sprays against bedbugs, for example, "Executioner" based on fenthion, are suitable for fighting bedbugs.

- "Pyrethrum" (chamomile flower extract in powder form) - a natural remedy that allows you to get rid of blood-sucking insects.

Did you know that there are over 1 million species of insects in the world? We can say that we live on the planet of insects. And all this buzzing, flying, crawling and jumping army is a threat to our health. We're not even talking about bites. We are talking about the fact that insects are dangerous carriers of diseases, no worse than rats. Despite their small size, cockroaches, flies, mosquitoes and ants can carry dysentery, cholera, diarrhea and typhoid fever. Worst of all, they don't even have to touch you to infect you with something. It is enough to run over the dishes or touch the food.

How to get rid of insects in a house or apartment

1. You can use special poisons sold in stores. However, their effectiveness is short-lived. In addition, these chemicals put your health and the health of your loved ones at risk. You are simply poisoning yourself with the insects, not dying instantly just because you are much larger than them, and the dose you receive is not enough to kill you.

2. It is necessary to regularly do a thorough cleaning of the room, not forgetting pantries, shelves, cabinets, balconies and other places where many items are usually stored. Insects like these nooks and crannies because it is easy to hide in them and lay their eggs. The best option is to remove everything unnecessary from the apartment, without accumulating things that you will never use.

3. Store food in tightly closed jars and vessels that even the smallest insect could not climb into.


- Vegetable oil: 1/2 cup

- Mild Shampoo: 1/2 cup

- Vinegar: 1/2 cup


1. Mix all ingredients in a spray bottle.

2. Spray all the nooks and crannies where insects usually hide with this mixture.

Watch the video and find out more ways to get rid of annoying insects in the house.

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We all want our house to have no uninvited guests - insects, but it’s just not worth it to treat an apartment with harmful chemicals. If this chemistry kills insects, then it is definitely not 100% safe for us and our pets. Therefore, we suggest that you get rid of insects with more natural means.

website is ready to make your life better and easier by telling you some effective ways to deal with insects.

1. Cockroaches

Cockroaches, in addition to being unpleasant, can be carriers of various diseases. Stores sell a lot of remedies against them, but the composition of most is very toxic. Our method of getting rid of cockroaches is cheap and simple, but at the same time, what is important, it is effective and safe for health.

Recipe: finely chop the onion and add 1 tbsp. l. soda. Sprinkle the resulting mixture in the corners of the apartment. Repeat this daily - and soon all cockroaches will disappear from your home.

2. Ticks

Ticks come in many colors and sizes, but all types are very dangerous. Therefore, it is so important to protect the family and animals from the appearance of these insects in the house. If you are not ready to apply chemicals to your skin, then here are some natural and safe recipes.

  • Repellant for people

Mix 20 drops of geranium essential oil, 10 drops of fragrant bison oil, 5 drops of lavender oil, 5 drops of lemon oil and 1 tbsp. l. medical alcohol. Dilute this mixture with 100 ml of water or vinegar and pour into a spray bottle. Shake well before use and apply to clothing before going outside.

  • Repellent for dogs

Dogs can pick up a tick at any time, so check your pet after every walk, especially after time spent in the park.

To make a repellant, mix 20 drops each of geranium oil and peppermint oil with 2 tbsp. l. almond oil. Apply the mixture to the animals at the withers before the walk.

Do not use on a pregnant animal.

3. Garden pests

Aphids, spider mites and other pests can destroy your garden in no time. Of course, you can use pesticides, but they often affect both the taste and health benefits of the fruits and vegetables you grow.

Recipe: mix half a cup of hot pepper with the same amount of garlic or onion, beat everything to a smooth paste. Then add half a liter of warm water. Leave the mixture for 24 hours, strain. Spray the plants with the resulting solution.

4. Spiders

Even if poisonous spiders do not live in your area, you are unlikely to like the fact that you have them in your house at all. Because even small spiders are sometimes very scary.

A natural repellent will not kill spiders, but it will repel them with its scent.

Recipe: mix 5-10 drops of peppermint oil, 200 ml of water and 1 tsp. liquid detergent. Shake the mixture well and spray on the corners where there are spiders once a week. This will force the spiders to leave their homes. By the way, you can replace mint oil in the recipe with eucalyptus, cinnamon, lavender or tea tree oil.

5. Ants

Ants are very annoying and can appear out of nowhere. If they have infiltrated your kitchen, there is an easy way to make it less attractive to insects and get the whole colony to leave.

Recipe: Ants absolutely hate the smell of cinnamon. Sprinkle cinnamon powder wherever you think these insects are entering your home. It will be even more effective if you add cinnamon essential oil to the cinnamon powder. In addition, this tool will spread a pleasant smell of spices around your home.

6. Dust mites

The mites are so small that we can't even see them with the naked eye. But, unfortunately, they love to live in warm and dusty places and dine on skin epithelium. Therefore, most likely, they can freely settle right in your bed!

Although ticks do not bite, doctors believe they can cause allergic reactions and skin irritation. Therefore, it is still not worth sharing a bed with them, but it is better to get rid of dust mites.

Recipe: mix 6 tbsp. l. eucalyptus oils with liquid laundry detergent in a bucket of water. Wash the floor and all objects in the house that can be washed with water with this solution, and then wipe dry.

If something cannot be washed, simply spray the solution on the object and walk over the surface with a clean cloth. By the way, instead of eucalyptus oil, you can take tea tree oil if you like its smell more.

Which of these methods do you think is really effective? Do you have your own natural pest control products? Tell us in the comments!

Inconspicuous small brown insects with a flattened body, leading a hidden lifestyle during the day. At night, when people sleep, bed bugs get out of their shelters in order to quench their thirst for blood.

domestic fleas

Getting into a dwelling with people, fleas do not get lost, but almost immediately begin to bite a person. Characteristic indications of the presence of fleas in the apartment are multiple bites of the legs in the lower part.

Fleas are even smaller in size than bed bugs, while they have a dark brown or black color. Fleas do not hide in shelters, but bite a person or pet at any time. These small insects move around the apartment by jumping for impressive distances.

Despite their tiny size, fleas, like bedbugs, pose a serious threat to human peace and health. Flea bites much more painful than bed bug bites, while they are also potential carriers of dangerous infections: bubonic plague, typhus, hepatitis and encephalitis, pulicosis other. Destruction of fleas in the apartment achieved by one treatment with special preparations, since insects are very sensitive to poisons, and in view of the fact that they actively move along the floor surface, they must fall on the surface treated with poison.

Formally, the home for head lice is not our home, but the person himself, or rather his hairline, where lice live and reproduce safely, while feeding on blood. Body lice prefer to live on the villi of clothes and in the folds. From clothes, body lice easily fall on the human body and begin to bite.

Although the lice themselves cannot be found in the apartment, they themselves and their nits (eggs) on a person’s personal items are easy, for example, on combs or bathrobes, so lice spread among the inhabitants of an apartment or house.

Lice bites are also quite painful, they provoke constant scratching on the head. Human infestation with lice is called pediculosis. It is quite difficult to remove lice, often the treatment is accompanied by a complete cutting of the hair on the head.

Lice are also potential vectors typhus.

Domestic insect pests

Pests include insects that do not directly touch a person, but actively feed on his products, clothing and furniture. The most famous representatives of domestic pests are cockroaches, moth, ants, woodlice, termites, etc.

Domestic cockroaches

Domestic cockroaches are a clear sign of slovenliness and unsanitary conditions in the apartment. Cockroaches multiply quickly and take over the apartment, starting from the kitchen and common areas. Cockroaches feed on food and waste in garbage bags and buckets. Cockroaches are carriers of bacteria and infectious diseases, so the neighborhood with such pests is unacceptable in a self-respecting family. Destruction of cockroaches in the apartment perhaps after one treatment of the apartment.

Everyone saw the domestic moth; along with cockroaches, it is well known, especially to the older generation. In almost any apartment you can find moths that feed on fur or fabric, hence the names coat moth or clothes moth. The fur coat moth feeds on fur and lays eggs, but the clothes moth is not as harmful as its caterpillars, which make holes in clothes, upholstery of upholstered furniture, as well as stocks of cereals and flour.

These are one of the most difficult insect pests that live in an apartment or house. Domestic red ants are also known by the name "pharaoh ants", since the scientist who gave the name mistakenly believed that they came from Egypt, but in fact these ants came to us from India.

All ants are social insects and live by strict laws. Having settled with a person, they form a colony, which can consist of several nests located in different places, which complicates ant extermination.

Domestic ants are omnivores, so with the same pleasure they eat everything that gets in their way. And the paths of ants can run from a sugar bowl, a basket of sweets and a bread box towards a waste bin and back, therefore, like cockroaches, house ants can spread various harmful germs, bacteria and infections.

Other domestic insects

This group includes all other insects that live in our houses and apartments. These are spiders, midges, centipedes and so on. Also here can be attributed insect-guests who do not live in the apartment, but got into it by accident through windows, doors, on the clothes of a person from the street - flies, wasps, ladybugs, and so on.

house fly

House flies and midges are real flying irritants. Flying in to us through open windows and vents, they successfully settle in and annoy people with their buzzing and presence in general.

Insect disinfection in the apartment

The destruction of domestic insects can be done in two ways:

  • independently with the help of folk methods and means or with the use of drugs;
  • call a disinfectant for cleaning.

For the first method, there are many instructions and tips that are freely available on the Internet. The effectiveness of using a folk method or drug will depend only on you, and the main thing here is not to overdo it. When using strong disinfectants, one should strictly adhere to the instructions attached to the disinfectant, otherwise the persecution of domestic insects can have serious consequences for the health of the person himself.

Professional extermination of insects

In St. Petersburg, Leningrad region and Moscow you can safely contact our insect disinfection service. We guarantee the complete destruction of bedbugs, fleas, cockroaches, mosquitoes and other insects in an apartment, house, premises for any purpose. Feel free to seek professional help for insect problems at home. We will help you quickly and efficiently deal with this delicate problem. We give a guarantee! Health and comfort in your home is the most important thing!