Testing natural mosquito repellents: the top five. Best Mosquito Repellent Effective Mosquito Repellent

Mosquitoes, midges and other flying insects often cause discomfort. They appear mainly in warm time years, and live both in nature and in apartments. Mosquitoes irritate with their characteristic sound and deliver unpleasant sensations when biting. In their places, irritation, itching and swelling appear in the future. Now there are many different means for the protection and destruction of insects. Among them are creams and ointments, aerosols, fumigators, plates, spirals, bracelets, as well as various electronic and ultrasonic devices. Their use prevents the occurrence of bites of blood-sucking insects and makes staying in nature or in an apartment comfortable. All of them have different principle action, efficiency, external signs. Not a single family can do without such funds now. Due to the large assortment, it is very easy to get confused during the purchase. To choose better protection from mosquitoes, you need to familiarize yourself with their main differences:

  1. Age. Which category this or that remedy belongs to is usually indicated on the packaging. But you yourself can determine this by examining the composition. If it contains only oils and extracts, then it can be used from birth. Children's products are designed for more sensitive and delicate skin and are most often presented in a small format compared to adults.
  2. Release form. First of all, the ease of use depends on it. It takes more time to apply a cream than an aerosol or spray. Many prefer not means personal protection, and repellers - spirals, plates that are enough to light or insert into a special device.
  3. Brand. The most popular mosquito repellent companies are Mosquitall, Gardex, Raptor and Off!. They are considered quite effective.
  4. Price should be optimal and correspond to the quality of the product.
  • customer reviews;
  • efficiency;
  • value for money.

There are contraindications. Check with your doctor.

The Best Mosquito Repellent Creams

Cream is a very common type of mosquito repellent. It is effective and has long lasting results. On average, creams save from insects for 4-5 hours. One application is enough to spend an evening in nature in peace. They are produced in a small format, this allows you to carry the ointment always with you. The only drawback is that they are absorbed longer than sprays or aerosols. Most often they do not have very pleasant smell, because designed to repel insects. Baby products are fragrance-free so as not to disturb the baby. Below are the best mosquito repellent creams.

4 Komaroff

Best price
Country Russia
average price: 50 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

Cream "Komaroff" due to its unique formula is a highly effective means of protecting against mosquitoes. It is produced on water based and contains peppermint oil, glycerin and other special substances. Approved for use by children from 5 years. Works within 2 hours after application. It has a pleasant unobtrusive aroma. The texture is quite liquid, not greasy. When applied, it is quickly absorbed and spreads easily. Judging by the reviews, the Komaroff cream does not leave any unpleasant sensations on the skin (film, tightness).

Due to the safe composition, the product is allowed to be applied to the delicate skin of the face. The packaging is presented in two volumes: 50 and 100 ml. You can use the cream for 36 months. When buying this repellent, it should be borne in mind that it is contraindicated for sensitive skin. Consumption is average - one package is enough for a month of constant use. Advantages: great price, no unpleasant smell, easy application, optimal texture.

3 Argus Family

Good reviews, long lasting effect
Country Russia
Average price: 50 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

A very budget cream from the Argus brand was created to protect not only mosquitoes, but also midges and horseflies. It is great for outdoor recreation, because. provides protection against the most common insects for 4.5 hours. Contains only a few ingredients: a natural cream base, diethyl-m-toluamide and aloe extract. The latter has a calming effect. After application on the skin, there is no allergic reaction and other unpleasant sensations.

One tube contains 50 ml of the product. It is practically odorless and has a medium consistency. The manufacturer recommends applying the cream in a thin layer, without rubbing. Buyers in the reviews indicate high efficiency. Even in the forest, mosquitoes do not fly closer than 5 cm. One package is enough for several seasons, the shelf life is 3 years. Advantages: excellent reviews, effect lasts 4.5 hours, budget tool, good results, slow consumption.

2 Gardex Naturin

The safest composition
Country Russia
Average price: 90 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The next place in the ranking is confidently occupied by a tool with decent quality and high efficiency. Gardex Naturin will reliably protect the skin from insect bites in nature. Its action lasts for three hours. It has a completely safe composition, so it can be used for children from 3 years old. The cream is ideal for adults with sensitive skin. The composition contains the active substance in a small amount and is supplemented with verbena and lavender extracts.

It is recommended to apply a very thin layer without rubbing. The product is quickly absorbed and spreads easily. The consistency is more like a gel. The tube has a narrow neck for slow flow. A 75 ml tube is enough for an average of a month of regular use. Pros: safe formula, convenient gel consistency, easy distribution, one package lasts for a long time, pleasant smell, herbal extracts in the composition.

1 MOSQUITALL "Universal Protection"

Excellent value for money and quality
Country Russia
Average price: 75 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The cream from the popular brand MOSQUITALL provides reliable protection against blood-sucking insects and has a pleasant lemon scent. The active substance here is DEET at a concentration of 10%. The minimum age allowed is 5 years. On average, protection is provided for up to 3 hours. The cream really copes with the task and perfectly repels insects on outdoors. An important difference between a tool is its cost.

Available in a 75 ml tube. It is enough for long term, because it takes very little to apply. The consistency is perfect - not too runny and not too thick. The citrus scent is pleasant on application. The ointment is quickly absorbed and does not leave a film on the skin. Pros: good quality at a low price great helper in nature, high efficiency for 3 hours, pleasant aroma, best reviews, economical spending.

Best Mosquito Repellent Aerosols

Many buyers prefer aerosols. Such tools are recognized as the most convenient to use. They are applied to the entire body within a few seconds, and protect for 5 hours (on average). Are issued in tin cylinders. Modern manufacturers They try to produce products without a strong odor. Judging by the reviews, aerosols of popular brands reliably protect against bloodsucking bites and are consumed very slowly. The cost of such funds is slightly higher than similar ones in other forms of release. The rating includes the best products.

2 Off! Family

good efficiency
Country: Poland
Average price: 250 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Flying Insect Bite Aerosol Off! Family is intended for spraying both on the body and clothing. In the first case, it is effective for 3 hours, the last - 3 days. It has a pleasant aroma and spreads quickly on the skin. Contains 15% diethyltoluamide. It is recommended to use no more than three times a day. Unobtrusive light aroma does not cause asthmatic cough. Perfect for outdoor use.

A 100 ml bottle is enough for a week of daily use. After application, no greasy marks or film remain on the skin. Judging by the reviews, the aerosol really protects against mosquitoes and other insects. Most buyers recommend taking it with you on vacation. Due to the fact that the agent is under pressure, safety precautions must be observed when spraying. Main advantages: proven effectiveness, fast application, pleasant smell, high quality, optimal price.

1 Gardex Extreme

longest action
Country Russia
Average price: 350 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The popular Gardex Extreme spray is the best insect repellent in nature. It protects against them for as long as 8 hours! And if you apply the product on clothes, the effect lasts for 5 days. The composition contains DEET at a concentration of 50%. It is contraindicated in pregnant women and children. Designed for the most intense fight against blood-sucking insects. It is recommended to apply in several stages: spray on the palm, distribute over open areas of the body, without rubbing.

For maximum protection, reapply Gardex Extreme every 4 hours. The bottle is equipped with a convenient locking cap that prevents accidental spraying. The volume is 80 ml. Consumption is optimal - on average, one bottle will last for two weeks. Main advantages: the longest protection, easy application, best reviews, high quality.

Best Baby Mosquito Repellents

Protective products for children have the mildest effect, they do not cause allergies on the skin, they consist of safe ingredients and have a pleasant smell. The range includes sprays, gels, creams. Parents themselves choose in what form it is more convenient for them to use the tool. You can find it on store shelves big choice similar products designed for children different ages. The safest are approved for use from birth. Below are only proven products from reliable manufacturers.

4 Data Baby

The optimum ratio of price and quality
Country Russia
Average price: 100 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

Cream "Deta Baby" is intended for children from two years. It reliably protects against mosquito bites for 2 hours. The composition is enriched with aloe juice, which soothes and moisturizes the delicate skin of babies. It is recommended to distribute over open areas of the body with light pats, it is forbidden to rub it strongly. Ideal for a relaxing holiday in nature. The cream is neutral and does not cause irritation. It does not have a strong odor and does not tighten the skin upon application.

The volume is small - only 50 ml, one tube is enough for several weeks. It has a compact package size, so it is convenient to take it with you for a walk or on the road. Parents note that after using the "Deta Baby" ointment, mosquitoes and other insects do not fly up to the child for 1-2 hours. Pros: low cost, optimal quality, small size packaging. Cons: contains fragrance, fast consumption.

3 Argus Baby

Best price, comfortable fit
Country Russia
Average price: 90 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Mosquito and midge bite remedy Argus Baby is presented in the form of a spray. It is easily distributed over the body and does not harm the delicate baby skin. Approved for use by children over two years old. A maximum of two applications per day are possible. The texture is quite liquid, closer to creamy. It must be applied in a thin layer without rubbing. Important feature means - its price. At the same time, it has good efficiency.

Produced in a plastic bottle of 75 ml. Due to the special spray dispenser, the cream consumption is minimal. One package is enough for the whole season. The spray works for two hours after application. The shelf life is 3 years. Main advantages: excellent price, very convenient dispenser, minimal consumption, does not cause allergies, many positive reviews, pleasant aroma.

2 My sunshine

Most convenient application, great reviews
Country Russia
Average price: 190 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The next place in the ranking of the best is confidently occupied by the spray of domestic production "My Sunshine". The unique formula protects against all types of flying insects and is completely safe for children over 1 year old. Recommended method of application: Apply to the palms of your hands and spread evenly over the skin without rubbing into it. Another advantage of the product is hypoallergenicity. The spray has a soft unobtrusive aroma and creamy texture.

After use, there are no marks on clothes or film on the skin. Formula approved by dermatologists. The bottle is equipped with a convenient dispenser that allows you to use the product sparingly. Volume 100 ml. Main advantages: convenient application, reliable protection of babies from a year old, long-lasting effect, can be sprayed on clothes, pleasant smell, slow consumption, many positive reviews.


The best remedy for children from 6 months
Country: Israel
Average price: 900 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

MOSQUIITUSH spray from the Israeli brand Mommy Care is considered the safest and is approved for use from 6 months of age. It consists exclusively of natural ingredients and does not contain aggressive chemical substances. The unique formula of vegetable oils of geranium, clove, lemongrass, citronella and cedar provides a long-lasting deterrent effect. Does not cause irritation and allergies.

After applying the spray, the babies are under reliable protection. The bottle is equipped with a special sprayer, with which you can quickly distribute the product over the skin. Manufacturer recommends spraying every 1.5 hours unlimited quantity once. The volume is 50 ml. Advantages: natural composition, can be used from 6 months, does not cause irritation, best reviews. Disadvantages: high cost.

The best fumigators for mosquito protection

Fumigators are a special type of product designed for use in apartments, cottages or country houses. They are a plastic device that plugs into a power outlet and requires the use of special plates or liquid in it. Evaporating or burning, they release unique substances that repel and destroy insects. In a room with a fumigator, a person is protected from mosquito and midge bites. There are some of the most popular companies that produce fumigators. These include the Raptor and MOSQUITALL. You can purchase both individual devices and kits with plates and liquid.


The most popular
Country Russia
Average price: 80 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The MOSQUITALL electric fumigator is a bright green plastic construction with heating element powered by electricity. Most often, the manufacturer offers a fumigator complete with a liquid that contains an insecticide. Evaporating, it affects insects, scaring them away. After turning on the device, mosquitoes completely disappear after half an hour. One vial of liquid is enough for as much as 45 days. Customers can also purchase plates from MOSQUITALL, which should be replaced every day.

Their effectiveness is the same as that of a liquid. The company's fumigator can last long years, because very wear resistant. Its body is made of high quality, it does not heat up during use. It should be used in well-ventilated areas for no more than 8 consecutive hours. Advantages: popular product, high quality, optimal price, efficiency, wear resistance, ease of use.

1 Raptor

High efficiency
Country Russia
Average price: 250 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Fumigator "Raptor" more expensive device, but also very efficient device compared to analogues, with better quality. It is made of durable plastic, which, thanks to a well-thought-out design, is not subject to heat. A special element inside causes insecticides in the form of liquids or plates to evaporate particles into the air, thereby effectively repel flying insects. The fumigator was created specifically for the apartment and is not used outdoors.

The result of repelling mosquitoes is noticeable within 30 minutes after plugging into the network. The Raptor fumigator is rarely found separately, most often it is sold complete with liquid. This set is enough for at least a month of daily use. It should be noted right away that the operation of the device negatively affects the condition of poultry and fish. Pros: Efficiency, durability, great customer reviews. Cons: above average price, harm to pets.

The best insect repellers

Compared to personal protective equipment, mosquito repellents are devices whose range extends over a large area. Their principle of operation is based on the emission of ultrasound, smoke, smell or noise. All this makes the insects leave the place of action of the repeller. Some of them are intended only for the apartment, while others are for the open air. The most common are spirals, plates, bracelets and ultrasonic devices. Below are the best of them.

5 Tornado OK.01

Range 50 sq. m
Country Russia
Average price: 1500 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.5

One of best appliances for repelling insects "Tornado OK.01" occupies the next position in the rating. It refers to ultrasonic devices, the principle of which is based on the reproduction special noise, which does not catch the human ear. The device emits a sound characteristic of a male mosquito, which scares off females (they are bloodsucking). An important difference between such a device is that it does not harm humans or pets. Another feature is considered to be a large radius of action - as much as 50 sq.m.

The weight of Tornado OK.01 is only 250 g. The dimensions are also quite compact: 45 x 75 x 105 mm. It works from batteries or through a network connection (including from the car's cigarette lighter). Buyers leave conflicting reviews. Some point to high efficiency, others to no result. Advantages: long range, compact dimensions and a light weight, convenient use. Disadvantages: network adapter not included, conflicting reviews, high price.


best price
Country Russia
Average price: 40 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

Fumigator plates from MOSQUITALL are in great demand among other repellers. They are designed for indoor use. Their action is based on the release of special substances of the latest generation, which repel insects and do not harm humans. The only condition is compliance with the rules of operation. Complete disposal of mosquitoes occurs within 30 minutes after the start of use. Such a bite remedy is considered very popular because of its cheapness and effectiveness.

The kit includes 10 plates at once, each of which is designed to be used for 10 hours. An important feature - they have no smell. The manufacturer recommends using the product only in ventilated areas. Most often, the fumigator is left on at night, which ensures a restful sleep. Advantages: the best cost, long-term effect, economical consumption, excellent customer reviews.

3 Mosquito - keychain Light MR-430

The most compact dimensions
Country: China
Average price: 1300 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Another ultrasonic device rating is presented in the form of a small keychain. It is easily attached to clothing and repels mosquitoes in an area of ​​up to 10 square meters. meters. The size is comparable to a finger-type battery, from which, by the way, it works. The keychain is effective by scaring away female mosquitoes, which bite people. They experience discomfort and fly away from the site of the device. Its weight is only 85 grams. The ergonomic shape with a special thread allows you to comfortably hold the keychain in your hand for a long time.

The sound comes at a frequency of 5.5 kilohertz, does not harm animals and humans. Approved for use near small children, tk. absolutely harmless to health. The main argument in favor of buying this device is durability. You will save on the purchase of ointments and other products with a quick consumption. Advantages: small size, operation from one battery, attached to clothing with a clip, range up to 10 sq.m.

2 Gardex Baby Bracelet

High efficiency, suitable for children
The country:
Average price: 400 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Mosquito bracelets for children are unique modern repellers. The most popular of these is the Gardex Baby bracelet, which remains effective for three weeks. And with a regular change of the cartridge - its validity is not limited. It is made of high quality and durable silicone combined with metal inserts. The cartridge is impregnated with essential oils of geranium, citronella, lavender and mint. This smell is designed to repel not only mosquitoes, but also midges.

The bracelet is intended for children over two years old. Its formula is safe for baby when worn for no more than 6 consecutive hours. Outwardly, Gardex Baby is very beautiful, in the middle there is a brand logo in the form of a bird. There are three colors to choose from: green, yellow and orange. The scent of the oils is quite strong. Advantages: effective, allowed for children from 2 years old, convenient use, wear resistance. Cons: expensive.

1 raptor spiral

Long lasting
The country: Russia (Produced in Malaysia)
Average price: 150 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Flying insect coils are a great choice for outdoor activities. They do not require a mains connection and are densely compressed wood flour. It is set on fire at the tip so that smoke begins to stand out, which serves as a repeller. The principle of operation of the spiral is based on the release of a special substance - d-allethrin. To use, you only need a stand, which the Raptor has already underway included.

When burned, no unpleasant odor is emitted. If you follow the instructions, the spiral is absolutely safe for both people and pets. The scaring effect becomes noticeable after 15 minutes. Protection is provided within 7 hours after the start of use. There are 10 spirals in one package. The range is 3 meters. Advantages: long-term effect, one package lasts for a long time, ease of use, safety.

The best electric mosquito traps

An electric trap is a modern device designed to kill blood-sucking insects. It works by imitating human breathing, which attracts mosquitoes. When they fly close enough to the device, the trap itself is triggered - the so-called fan, sucking the victim inside. A special built-in lamp is responsible for the simulation. Some of them use special substances that exude the smell of human skin, additionally attracting mosquitoes. The range of traps is quite wide, only the best of them are included in the rating.

3 Boyscout Help 80401

Convenient portable lamp
The country: Russia (produced in China)
Average price: 400 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The next line of the rating is confidently occupied by the budget device for killing mosquitoes Boyscout Help 80401. It differs from similar ones in its size, as well as battery operation. The latter allows you to take it with you to nature. Its principle of action is based on ultraviolet radiation, which attracts insects. Then they fall into a special trap, which is energized. The device is made in the form of a portable lamp. It does not affect people and animals.

From discharge electric current almost all insects that are in the area of ​​​​action of the device die. Buyers leave extremely positive feedback about the work of Boyscout Help 80401. It is especially relevant when going into the forest, because. The device does not require electricity to operate. Advantages: portability, small size, good results, excellent value, optimal quality.

2 Weitech WK 8202 Inzzektor

Optimal size, convenient use
Country: Belgium
Average price: 1500 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Another Weitech mosquito bite device deserves our attention. It is produced in Belgium and designed specifically for the destruction of bloodsucking on the territory of 20 square meters. m. It is a device of compact dimensions, consisting of a plastic case, LED lamps and a grid with voltage. Works from a network. The main and most important difference between Weitech WK 8202 is its dimensions. The plastic case fits comfortably in the hand and looks a bit like a fumigator.

Periodically it is required to clean the device from dead insects. The power of 1 watt saves a lot of energy consumption. The device is very convenient to use and transport. It is often included in cottages, country houses, apartments. Does not cause allergies and others unpleasant symptoms. Pros: excellent size, easy transportation, easy connection to the network, many positive reviews.

1 EcoSniper GC1-16

Destroys insects on the area of ​​50 sq.m. meters
The country: Russia (produced in China)
Average price: 1600 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The unique EcoSniper device provides complete protection against blood-sucking insects over a vast area. It is used both indoors and on terraces, plots, etc. The device is equipped with two powerful ultraviolet lamps, which, when heated, imitate the smell of human skin and attract mosquitoes. After the insect flies up to the device and gets into a special metal mesh to which current is applied. One discharge instantly kills mosquitoes and midges. It is absolutely safe for humans and pets.

By the way, the energized grid is behind a protective screen. EcoSniper operates from the network, while its electricity consumption is minimal. Regularly you need to clean the special compartment in which dead insects are stored. The device weighs about two kg. Pros: good range, high degree of protection, excellent reviews, safety. Cons: big weight and size.

Natural remedies:


The first on the list is the already well-known citronella, advertised in every possible way, but in general it is not very effective. In any store you will be shown several packages of this widely advertised product. But personally, I don’t see the point in this tool, money wasted in vain. And if this remedy somehow helps against mosquitoes, then mosquitoes completely ignore it. This applies to both candles and tablets, as well as live plants.

Other uses:

  • dried crushed citronella - seasoning for meat and vegetables;
  • leaves smelling of lemon - an additive to tea;
  • leaf decoction - antiseptic helps with colds.

Rating 5 points out of 10

Lemon catnip

Lemon catnip, which is often called catnip, looks like lemon balm. Cats really love this grass and react to its aroma with a loud purr. Mosquitoes have a different opinion about this plant.

Kotovnik repels mosquitoes better than DEET. At the same time, grass, unlike repellents, does not cause any complaints from environmentalists.

Other properties:

  • has a calming effect on a person;
  • used in the training of cats;
  • improves digestion.

Rating 4 points out of 10


Two in one! Seasoning and mosquito repellent. Basil has many varieties that differ in shape and color, so you can also decorate a window sill or garden bed with unusual combinations. The plant is annual and easy to grow.

Other properties:

  • excellent seasoning for many dishes;
  • during the flowering period attracts pollinating insects to the garden;
  • used to treat SARS.

Rating 3 points out of 10


A beautiful plant with a soothing fragrance that is best grown in pots (or helped to survive cold winter). What is not flavored with lavender! But mosquitoes don't like it essential oils.

Other uses:

  • dried flowers - seasoning for baking and confectionery;
  • used as an antiseptic;
  • sachets with lavender are used to protect things from moths.
Note The smell of lavender strongly repels mosquitoes and other insects. But with a high concentration, it can cause poor health. In principle, this applies to any other chemicals from insects.

Rating 6 points out of 10


Mosquitoes hate the smell of peppermint. And not just mosquitoes. The essential oil of this plant is one of the best spider repellents (which are almost impossible to find special means). And if a mosquito bites you, rub the juice of the plant into the bite to relieve itching.

Additional properties:

  • seasoning for various dishes, an ingredient in drinks and cocktails;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • helps with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Rating 5 points out of 10


Ways to use rosemary are usually concentrated in cookbooks. But in the flower bed, the plant behaves as well as pennyroyal: repels mosquitoes and attracts butterflies.

Other properties:

  • rosemary oil is a good preservative;
  • decoctions and infusions improve the condition of oily skin;
  • helps improve memory.

Rating 4 points out of 10

Technological means of struggle.

All the numerous means for fighting mosquitoes are divided into 2 large groups:

  1. fumigants;
  2. repellents.

The purpose of fumigants is the destruction of bloodsucking, repellents are only designed to scare away insects.

Fumigants are also used indoors, and in the fresh air: these are well-known fumigators with plates or liquid, spirals, all kinds of trap lamps, and so on.

Repellents are commonly used in nature when you need to scare away mosquitoes for several hours: these are sprays, pencils and various emulsions. Popular today and bracelets against mosquitoes.

Insecticide coils.

Can be used to repel mosquitoes and mosquitoes in open space - in nature, in the forest, in the garden, by the water, with care - on the terrace, in the gazebos. They are an insecticide compressed into a spiral. In order for this remedy to begin to act, it is necessary to set fire to the edge of the spiral - it will begin to smolder and exude smoke, which scares off annoying bloodsuckers, and thanks to the fumigation active substance, it inflicts “its deadly blow” on mosquitoes that still fall into its field of action.

But to protect children from mosquitoes spirals must be used very carefully. And for children under 5 years old, pregnant and lactating women, it is better not to use it at all.

Rating 6 points out of 10


They act on the same principle, but they have increased concentration active substance, so one stick is equivalent to 4 spirals. In the presence of children from 5 to 10 years old, you can (not too often) use low-smoke, odorless coils. It is necessary to take the precautions that are described in the instructions, control the child (so that he does not come close to the spiral and does not touch it) and observe his reaction (if tears and snot flow, he sneezes, shortness of breath appears, then it is impossible to use spirals in the presence of a child) .

By and large, this is a compact heating device operating on a 220 V network. plates ( cardboard soaked in insecticide) or liquid ( a vial filled with the same drug into which a special rod is lowered ). A quarter of an hour after turning on the device (this time is needed to warm up to operating temperature) begin to evenly evaporate highly volatile active substances. They also kill annoying insects. One plate at constant use will protect a room with an area of ​​15-20 m 2 for a period of 10-12 hours (one night). Liquids are more convenient than plates - one jar is enough for 30 - 90 nights continuous work(no need for daily replacement).

It should be borne in mind that plates and liquids come with different aromas, i.e. in the process of work, they not only kill mosquitoes, but also fill the room with various pleasant aromas of tea, freshness, herbs and citrus fruits, etc. There are also odorless plates.


The electric fumigator should be chosen only by well-known brands.

All drugs and devices must be certified .

Due to non-certified devices, short circuits often occur, in addition, such devices can melt from overheatingand even self-ignite.

Do not use plates and liquids with an expired shelf life.

Before use, you must carefully read the instructions for use.

It is also necessary to know that in more than 10% of people any insecticides cause allergic reaction . So, if you decide to use a fumigator for the first time, attentively take care of your health. In the event of a headache, unexpected skin rashes, nasal congestion or sore throat, it is better to abandon the device.

Rating 9 points out of 10

mosquito lamp

If somewhere these lamps and other similar traps operate, then it is not in Greece. Local blood-sucking "monsters" completely ignore any type of lamp. At least all 3 of my attempts to purchase lamps ended with the fact that after a few days or weeks I returned this "miracle of technology" back. Almost the same effect in terms of efficiency is exerted by other technological ultrasonic mosquito repeller. The most useless in this capacity are programs for mobile phones.

Rating 1 point out of 10

Repellents: creams, milks, emulsions

For hiking in the forest and fishing, the best option for dealing with insects is repellents.

They are different types: solid (pencils), liquid (milk, cream and emulsion) and aerosol sprays.

Pencil is the most affordable and at the same time hypoallergenic remedy..

It dries for a long time, so it lasts for several hours, it is very economical.

Mosquito Pencil is easy to use: when applied, the palms remain clean, and, unlike aerosols and emulsions, it does not need to be reapplied to the skin every hour and a half.

Milk and Liquid Repellent Cream mosquitoes are effective for only an hour and a half, then they need to be updated.

However, they smell nice and are usually suitable for children from 1 year old. Mosquito spray lasts 2-3 hours, but it is evenly applied and can be sprayed directly on clothing.

Rating 8 points out of 10

Mosquito bracelets

These funds are very popular today.

Such bracelets are impregnated with natural citronella essential oil - it is worth putting them on your hand, and protection from blood-sucking insects is provided for several hours.

These mosquito repellents are hypoallergenic, natural and suitable for small children. It is worn on the wrist or on the leg, or can be hung from the crib or stroller to protect the child at night or while walking. If you are outdoors, just put the strap next to you on the table or attach it to the leg of a chair, and when hiking, to a backpack, there are many ways to use bracelets. The width of the bracelets is 10 mm, the radius is 50 mm. The weight of the bracelet is only 5 grams. The repellent effect spreads over a distance of approx. 40-60 cm around bracelet.

Soft and elastic polymer base bracelet is impregnated with a natural hypoallergenic herbal composition (lemon and eucalyptus oil or natural essence of citronella oil), repelling mosquitoes without harm to the baby.

The repellent action of the bracelet lasts from 140 to 240 hours (depending on the manufacturer) from the moment the package is opened. The bracelet will last much longer (for several months), justifying its price if you wear it only for a walk, and immediately put it in a hermetically sealed container upon arrival (usually included in the kit).

Reviews about these bracelets are rather contradictory, but everyone agrees on one thing: the main thing is to buy branded products, and not the cheapest ones.

Greek pharmacies also sell other versions of bracelets, with a sharp chemical smell. based on benzene mixtures.

The only drawback is that their action is usually enough for only a day (5-6 hours), although the instructions promise 5-10 days.

Rating 6 points out of 10

Aroma candles can also be attributed to repellents.

The main component of their composition is essential oil. citronella. A burning candle with its scent scares away insects. Candles are produced in different types: in candlesticks, in sleeves, in tin cans, in pots that can be reused for household purposes after the contents have been burned. Candles are used both at home (their radius of action is 1-2 m) and on the street.

I would like to draw attention to the means of mosquitoes (yes, in general, and another household chemicals) sold in some Greek retail chains, such as Jumbo, or Regina. I don’t know where they get the goods from, but all the products purchased in these stores almost never worked.

Other Greek stores also sin like this, but much less. At least the number of fakes in normal chain supermarkets in Greece such as A-B Vasilopoulos is an order of magnitude smaller.

Despite the harsh and bad smell, the tool is absolutely useless.

Getting rid of mosquitoes and mosquitoes is a troublesome task, but quite real, given the variety of means against blood-sucking insects.

It is important to choose a remedy depending on the situation: for the house - a fumigator, for giving - spirals and an exterminator, for trips to the sea or into the forest - an aerosol or cream. In this case, mosquitoes will not cause much trouble.

Rating 4 points out of 10

Finally, about one original mosquito trap from a plastic bottle

  • To get started, take any plastic bottle, of course, its size should not be 0.5. It is better to take two liter, or even two and a half. It will need to be cut. And it should be cut so that later the neck, which we will insert into the main part already filled with water, does not reach the level of this water by about a centimeter or half a centimeter. Look, this place is indicated in the picture. When you cut the bottle, you will have two components. Its upper part will be a kind of funnel, and the lower part will be the main container for our homemade trap.
  • After we are almost done with the technical part, let's prepare the bait, on which the mosquitoes will fly. It is made from warm water(which we pour into our homemade container), some sugar, and plus some yeast. Hot water should not be taken, its temperature should not exceed 40 degrees. If the temperature of the water you poured is higher, then the yeast fermentation will simply stop, and if you pour water at a temperature of more than 50 degrees, the yeast will die altogether.
  • And so, we poured water (200 ml), now we stir the granulated sugar in it well. It will be quite enough 50 gr. And the last component that we add to this sweet water- baker's yeast. It will take only one gram of such yeast, one bag or, if measured with a teaspoon, then a quarter of it.
  • When we mix these simple components, then all this will begin to ferment. During this fermentation, carbon dioxide will be released. Namely, it is this insect that attracts to the trap. Mosquitoes are very willing to fly to this smell, get inside the bottle and already they can’t get out.
  • Next, install the trap as shown in the figure, that is, turn the upper part (“funnel”) upside down and then simply insert it into the main container. Everything, the trap is almost ready. For best efficiency, using dark paper or any dark fabric, the entire structure should be darkened. It is the darkness with carbon dioxide and are attractive to mosquitoes. You will see for yourself when you remove the blackout in a week. We do this exactly in a week to replace the entire contents of the bottle. In the future, the interval for changing the bait will be the same.
  • In addition to carbon dioxide, which attracts mosquitoes, during fermentation, sugar slowly turns into alcohol, and heat is also released here, which is also very attractive to mosquitoes.
  • Sometimes it happens that yeast gives foam during fermentation. If this is what happened to you, then do not forget to clean it periodically. Indeed, if you do not remove such foam, it will simply block the neck, which will reduce the effectiveness of your trap, because access to the inside for insects will be blocked.
  • If we compare such makeshift trap with electrical or mechanical, then it wins with them by the absence of any noise. But, she also has a drawback, because when yeast ferments, not everyone likes this smell (if at all someone likes it).
  • Another point to use such a trap. Here you can change this bait for a simple sugar syrup or for the remains of jam. Then other unwanted guests, the same flies or wasps, can already reach for these “sweets”.

If you do not understand something from the description, you can watch this video. Everything is shown very well here.

One of the most simple methods treatment for mosquito bites, mosquitoes and bees, is the usual vinegar. It is enough to attach a cotton swab or a napkin moistened with vinegar to the bite site, and the itching will subside and pass in a few minutes. The affected area can be lubricated or can be lubricated with alcohol or a specially sold "pencil" with ammonium Bites Reliever.

Itching from a mosquito bite can also be removed with a solution drinking soda(0.5 teaspoon per glass of water), ammonia (half with water) or a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate. Places of bites can be smeared with kefir or yogurt.

Well relieve pain and itching from a bite, slightly crushed fresh leaves of bird cherry, plantain, parsley or mint. And don't forget the good old Asterisk balm. By the way, it also repels mosquitoes very well. In Greece, this balm is sold in Russian stores and pharmacies.


Mosquito repellent in nature is a necessary thing. With the onset of the warm season, we try to get out into nature more and more often in order to breathe fresh air and enjoy the rest. However, sometimes the rest turns into sheer horror when a mosquito and midges appear around. A relaxing picnic gradually turns into active games “kill a mosquito”, which spoils the whole picture of the rest. In order to protect yourself from "attacks", you need to choose high-quality protection. What should be an effective remedy for mosquitoes in nature - we will consider in our article.

Characteristics of a quality repellent

Protective equipment against mosquitoes on the street is represented by different types:

  • the pencils;
  • cream;
  • lotions;
  • gels;
  • aerosols;
  • emulsions;
  • bracelets.

There are also devices (fumigators, traps, etc.) with which you can rid yourself of annoying bloodsuckers. However, their use requires recharge from the mains, which is not suitable for country picnics in nature. For these purposes, repellents are best suited - products that have a specific smell that repels mosquitoes.

VIDEO: How to scare away a mosquito?

Among all repellents, experts distinguish the following:


Effective remedy from mosquitoes, which is characterized by ease of use. They handle everything open areas body, which avoids mosquito "attacks".


As with the previous sample, aerosols are effective mosquito repellents. However, their method of application makes it somewhat difficult to process, for example, the arms and legs of a child, since the sprayed preparation has poisonous properties. True, in such cases, you can pre-treat the baby's clothes, which will provide the same "barrier" from bloodsuckers.

Lotions, emulsions, gels

They work in a similar way to creams. They differ in more delicate care for the skin.


A good mosquito repellent with a short duration of action.

I would like to note that not all repellents are highly effective. To determine which is the most effective mosquito repellent, it is important to carefully read its composition. Quality products of this product line should contain the following substances:

  • diethyltoluamide (DETA) - the most effective, but at the same time the most toxic pesticide;
  • remebid;
  • oxamate;
  • carboxides;
  • ethylbutylacetylaminopropionate (IR3535);
  • benzoylliperadin.

What is an effective remedy?

If you choose a mosquito repellent for children, then the concentration of DEET should not exceed the 10% mark. The presence of IR3535 in the chemical composition of the agent indicates that it can act as protective agent not only from mosquitoes, but also from bedbugs, midges and ticks. At the same time, such repellents are much less toxic than formulations with the inclusion of DEET.

In addition, when choosing an effective mosquito repellent, weather conditions must also be taken into account. Some formulations are water-based, which is quickly washed off during rain. As a result, the effect of the drug ends there. Therefore, it is recommended to give preference to products on oil based, which are marked with the sign "Waterproof".

A quality product has a prolonged action. Optimal Performance- five hours. That is how long the composition will protect you from mosquito "attacks". And so that the purchased product retains its operational properties, he needs to ensure proper storage conditions:

  • storage temperature - 15-23°C;
  • the place should be dry and dark.

In order to exclude an allergic reaction, it must be tested before applying the drug. To do this, apply a large number of on the wrist and observe the reaction: if after 30-60 minutes the skin does not turn red and does not start to itch, then you can safely use this repellent. Otherwise, you need to choose a different composition.

VIDEO: Who gets bitten by mosquitoes more often?

Popular Mosquito Repellents

There are a lot of funds that are actively fighting small blood-sucking flyers. However, as practice shows, most of them are not able to provide an adequate level of protection against such insects. Therefore, we bring to your attention several common drugs that, according to experts, best cope with their "duties".


"Gardex Family"

This sample is based on a natural aromatic composition. Doesn't leave sticky traces after application and does not cause allergic reactions.

"Extreme Gardex"

Actively fights insects (midges, mosquitoes, ticks) in places of their critical accumulation. Protects for 4 hours, while on clothes lasts up to five days.

Among the shortcomings is the high cost (350 rubles), it is dangerous for allergy sufferers and is contraindicated for children.

"Gardex Naturin"

Aerosol on a natural basis (lemongrass and eucalyptus), providing protection against bloodsuckers for up to 3 hours.

The cost is 190 rubles.


Such a repellent costs about 700 rubles.

"Gardex Baby"

It is applied to clothes, protecting the baby from insects for two weeks. It is used for children from two years.

There is a can of Gardex Baby about 180 rubles.

Creams, gels, lotions

These products are primarily intended for child use. Some of the most effective mosquito repellents include:

"Mosquitall (2 in 1)"

The cream base is recommended for use by children from 12 months. Protects baby's skin from all kinds of harmful insects for two hours. But at the same time, the cream can be used no more than twice a day, and after 2 hours it must be washed off and reapplied.

The cost of such a drug ranges from 65-80 rubles.

Suitable for children (from three years), as well as for people with sensitive skin.

Validity - 3 hours. Price - 70 rubles.

"OFF! Kids"

"UltraThon" with applicator

This lotion protects against many flying insects for up to 12 hours. The average price is 575 rubles.

Bracelets and stickers

As a rule, bracelets are used as additional protection from harmful insects. Among this category of goods there are several models that have proven themselves from the best side:

  • Repellent bracelet Camping Protect S - not suitable for use by children (valid for 4-6 weeks, price - 70 rubles)
  • BugsLock mosquito bracelet - it is allowed to use both adults and children (protection duration - up to 240 hours, cost - 150 rubles);
  • stickers for babies Moskitogreen - provide reliable protection against blood-sucking insects for up to 70 hours (a blister with 6 stickers costs 42 rubles);
  • Kysh Komar stickers - work up to 72 hours (price for 30 pieces - 200 rubles).

Stickers for clothes from mosquitoes Kysh Komar 30 pcs

From the above products from mosquitoes in nature, you can definitely choose for yourself the remedy that best protects against annoying insects.

VIDEO: How to choose a mosquito repellent

Mosquito repellents in nature are produced in the form of sprays, aerosols, creams, fumigators, small devices, and have a different mechanism of action. Active substances are insecticides, pyrethrum, essential oils, ultrasound. They differ in duration, range of action. The use of each of them requires compliance with certain rules.

Means for processing clothes, fabric surface

Protection against mosquitoes in the open air, nature is not complete without sprays. Sold in small spray cans. The main components are insecticides, in most cases the substance DEET. At correct application in nature, the product does not cause side effects, it is allowed to use children, people prone to allergies.

Application instructions:

  • shake the can;
  • spray the product onto the surface to be treated until it is moistened from a distance of 20 cm;
  • leave to dry;
  • put on clothes or use bags, backpacks, a tent for its intended purpose.

On a note!

In nature, mosquito repellents in the form act from 4 to 8 hours, depending on the concentration of the active substance. After this time is allowed reprocessing but no more than 2 times a day.


  • ease of use;
  • relative safety;
  • availability;
  • efficiency;
  • no side effects;
  • a wide range of activities.

Active components penetrate the body by contact, air. They cause paralysis and death. Starts to act immediately. Auxiliary components - fragrances, fragrances. The product has a pleasant smell, does not leave marks on clothes, and is completely neutralized during washing.

The best mosquito repellent in nature:

  • Comarex.

Products have age restrictions, information is indicated on the can. Issued separately. The average price of a spray is 250 rubles.

Preparations for the body in nature

How to protect yourself from mosquito attacks on a warm evening - use products in the form of an aerosol, lotion, gel, cream. Active ingredients - insecticide DEET, pyrethrum, : geranium, lavender, eucalyptus, peppermint, lemongrass.

Means are intended for the treatment of open areas of the skin. Before active use, a sensitivity test should be performed, especially for children.

Application instructions:

  • spread the aerosol on the skin, leave to dry;
  • apply cream, gel, lotion thinly, do not rub.

The action lasts a maximum of 4 hours, preparations based on natural ingredients protect against mosquitoes for no more than 2 hours. It is allowed to use drugs again after the specified time, no more than 2 times per day.


  • availability;
  • ease of use;
  • wide range of;
  • security;
  • efficiency;
  • no side effects.

Well-known brands produce a line of mosquito repellent products different shapes. Most effective:

  • Picnic;
  • Neotox Extreme;
  • Data;
  • Anti-mosquito;
  • Mosquitol;

Checkers, spirals

An effective tool for large-scale mosquito control in nature. It is used in the forest, near water bodies. It is recommended to use 5 days before the planned active rest. Active ingredients insecticides act. - a tin can, inside which is pressed wood impregnated with an insecticidal substance. During combustion, poison is released into the air, which spreads over a distance of 3-15 m. The maximum protection lasts 3 days, the residual effect lasts about a month.

Instructions for use in nature:

  • install on a non-flammable surface 3-5 m from the intended resting place in the direction of the wind;
  • set fire to the wick, leave to burn;
  • at the end of the action time, remove the jar.

The flask burns for about 2 hours. It rises up above the ground by 3-15 m, depending on the strength of the wind, settles on leaves, grass.


  • fast action;
  • ease of use;
  • large radius of influence;
  • long lasting effect.

Among the shortcomings are the destruction of other insects, not only mosquitoes, the possibility of poisoning with incorrect actions, and an unpleasant odor.

Effective checkers from mosquitoes in the forest:

  • . The radius of action is up to 5 meters, you can notice the result after 10 minutes of burning. The cost is about 480 rubles.
  • Scout. Repels mosquitoes, wasps, horseflies, midges. The action extends to 3 m. The price is about 200 rubles.
  • Mukhoyar. The effect is noticeable after 5 minutes of burning within a radius of 5 m. The cost is 250 rubles.

On a note!

A smoke bomb allows you to escape not only from mosquitoes, but also midges, horseflies, flies, ticks, wasps. It is actively used for cleaning the area near the house, around ponds, yards.

How to get rid of mosquitoes in a tent

Rest with an overnight stay gives a lot of positive emotions, energizes, gives a lot of emotions. But all this can be spoiled by small blood-sucking insects. To get rid of them, you need to take care of protection in advance. There are several ways.

  • Spray the tent thoroughly. The tool will work for 2-3 days.
  • Light a spiral in the tent, make a fire a little further outside.
  • folk remedies for mosquitoes and midges in nature.

Many people like to spend the weekend in the country or in nature. It would seem that nothing can spoil late-night conversations with friends, fresh air and songs with a guitar. However, buzzing mosquitoes and bites naturally bring only negative memories and skin discomfort. Bites become inflamed, redden and itchy, and they do not go away right away. Therefore, before any country trip or fishing, you need to stock up on all kinds of mosquito repellents. And which of them are the most effective you will learn from our article below.


Mosquito repellents are divided into 2 groups:

  • Individual. Such a tool protects against mosquitoes of the person who uses this product. These include various products applied to human skin and clothing - sprays, ointments, aerosols. Such products only repel mosquitoes, and do not destroy, so it is logical to use this remedy not indoors, but outdoors.
  • General (joint). This type of product is aimed at combating not only mosquitoes, but all kinds of insects that are indoors. Such tools work great in houses, apartments, cottages and even in open street spaces.

Rating TOP 7 best mosquito repellents

Considering the offered range, we can make a mistake with the choice, not knowing all the characteristics of the product. Many products can harm the human body, as a rule, these are unknown brands of products. We studied the possible means and identified 7 brands from them, distinguished from analogues by quality and high demand. This TOP includes the following products:

  • Spray OZZ.
  • Kontra gel.
  • Aerosol "Atas" 150 ml.
  • off spray.
  • MY SUNNY Cream.
  • OFF KIDS Cream.

Let's take a closer look at the offered range below.

Spray O.Z.Z.

The presented mosquito repellent is a fairly popular product, suitable for use in open street spaces. Perfectly repels insects, including ticks. Before use, carefully read the instructions, since it can be applied to the skin only by adults, another drug is intended for children. Ideally protects against insects for several hours, evenly distributed over the surface of the skin, guarantees complete protection. You should be careful not to get the drug in the eyes and on the mucous membranes, so it should be applied to the face with a palm moistened with the product.

Price tag: from 149 to 180 rubles.

Mosquito repellent Spray OZZ

  • repels insects for 2 hours;
  • protects against any kind of insects, including ticks;
  • even distribution.
  • should not be applied to children.

A quality tool, we use the whole family every vacation. It saves a lot during fishing and barbecue in the country. Repels for about 2-3 hours, does not burn the skin and does not cause irritation. Rinses off with soapy water and leaves no stickiness. I recommend, thanks.

Kontra gel

The tool belongs to the general group of drugs and is suitable for country rest. It is perfectly distributed over the entire skin without causing discomfort. The product is suitable for adults and is prohibited for use on children's skin. The tube is quite tightly screwed, without the possibility of leakage. You can carry it with you and add it as needed. The product is ideal for people with delicate and sensitive skin. Prevents drying of the skin, can be applied to the face, avoiding the eyes and mucous membranes.

Cost: from 30 to 60 rubles.

mosquito repellent Kontra gel

  • easy distribution;
  • does not cause drying of the skin;
  • Suitable for delicate and sensitive skin.
  • cannot be used in childhood.

A very good and inexpensive product. After its application, you can fish for another 3 hours without buzzing and biting. Not equipped with a pungent odor, does not cause redness and irritation of the skin. Better than many expensive products. Thank you for such a drug, I advise!

Aerosol "Atas" 150 ml

The drug of increased resistance. Can protect you from insects for 6 hours. Suitable for areas where mosquitoes are especially aggressive and in large quantities. Most often used for fishing and recreation near the river. Before use, shake and spread over the palms of the hands, and then distribute over all exposed areas of the body. It is made on an alcohol basis, therefore, after removing the product from the skin, a nourishing cream is required, since the product dries the skin very much. Not suitable for children.

Price: from 150 to 180 rubles.

atas mosquito repellent

  • suitable for repelling very aggressive mosquitoes;
  • action time - up to 6 hours;
  • repels a large number of insects.
  • strongly dries the skin (alcohol base);
  • not suitable for children.

The product really protects against mosquitoes. Last Sunday I went fishing with a friend, there were a lot of mosquitoes. It was only necessary to use this tool, the insects evaporated. True, the smell of alcohol is still felt, and the skin is very dry, but the fishing was not spoiled. Thank you!

off spray

This product belongs to the joint group and is suitable for country and river recreation. The agent is distributed as quickly as possible over the skin, does not cause allergy attacks (only in rare cases) and effectively protects against any kind of insects. Valid for 4 hours. Before use, you must first spray the spray on your hands, then apply to exposed surfaces of the skin, clothes, and hair. It has a slight specific smell, however, it is practically inaudible for all 4 hours of action. Provides reliable protection. Designed for adults.

mosquito repellent off spray

  • rapid distribution over the skin (within 30 seconds);
  • protection from any kind of insects;
  • valid for 4 hours;
  • there is practically no smell.
  • not suitable for children.

The product is of high quality, we have been using it only for 3 years. Protects against mosquitoes for 4 hours, thereby prolonging our family vacation in nature. It does not cause skin irritation, there is practically no smell (but it is still felt a little), it helps perfectly during spring holidays and weekends. Thank you!


The presented product is intended for the delicate and sensitive baby skin of the baby. Approved for use from 2 years. Belongs to a joint group, and helps the baby during evening walks or sound sleep in his crib. This spray has special application that all parents need to consider. The product is applied not to the skin of the child, but to the gauze canopy covering his stroller or crib. Both the child and parents are provided with a calm and quiet night, because the smell of the spray will scare away insects, and the gauze will not allow annoying midges and mosquitoes to reach the baby.

Cost: from 223 to 280 rubles.

mosquito repellent GARDEX - SPRAY

  • provides a restful sleep for the baby;
  • long term (up to 5 days);
  • instantly repels insects.
  • prohibited for children under 2 years of age.

Great tool, a real lifesaver that saves my baby. Already now there are a lot of mosquitoes in our house, they fly even through window grid. The child does not sleep well, in the morning he is all bitten, combs the wounds and then has a temperature. With the use of the presented tool, everything passed. The gauze canopy with the smell of Gardeks reliably repels both midges and mosquitoes. Thanks to the producers, we are satisfied.


This tool has softness and belongs to the individual protection group. Is absolutely safe means for the health of babies from the age of 1 year. After application, instant absorption occurs, so the product does not leave marks on clothes. Protection from insects occurs within 2-3 hours, which is quite enough time for a walk in the fresh air. This product belongs to the group of hypoallergenic products. Moisturizes the skin of the child, has a light, non-toxic aroma.

Cost: from 97 to 120 rubles.

mosquito repellent MY SUNNY Cream

  • hypoallergenic agent;
  • suitable for children over 1 year of age;
  • instantly absorbed into the skin;
  • does not leave marks on clothes.
  • not found.

Great product, I even use it sometimes. It is not suitable for long walks, however, its action will not be enough for country rest, and mosquitoes in nature are more aggressive than in the park. Under its action, the child sleeps soundly, without waking up from bites and itching. Recommend.


This drug is equipped with excellent indicators for the duration of action. Belongs to the individual protection group. The product has wide application and helps against mosquitoes, mosquitoes, horseflies, midges and wasps. It is absorbed into the skin within one minute, does not leave greasy marks on the clothes and skin of the child. Provides protection against insects up to 5 hours. Sometimes causes skin irritation. This factor depends on the individual tolerance of the components. If your child is still allergic to the composition of the product, then you can use it for your own purposes, an adult is not afraid of irritation.

mosquito repellent OFF KIDS Cream

  • has a wide range of protection (mosquitoes, mosquitoes, horseflies, midges and wasps);
  • fast absorption (1 minute);
  • does not leave marks on clothes;
  • suitable for adults.
  • sometimes causes an allergic reaction;
  • not suitable for children under 3 years old.

We use this product all the time, it helps a lot. Protects against all insects, including flies. There is no nasty smell, everything in moderation, does not irritate the mucous membrane. A friend's child turned out to be allergic to the composition, however, this problem did not affect us. Good cream, I advise.

Comparative table of presented funds

In order to compare the presented products, we suggest taking a look at the table with their characteristics.

Means Validity (in hours) Application age Terms of Use Type Price, rub.)
Spray O.Z.Z. 2 adult avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes joint from 149 to 180
Kontra gel 3 adult avoid contact with eyes joint from 30 to 60
Aerosol "Atas" 150 ml 6 adult Spread over the palms and apply to open areas of the body avoiding the eye area. joint from 150 to 180
off spray 4 adult spray the spray on your hands and apply to the necessary areas of the body, avoiding mucous membranes joint from 186 to 230
GARDEX - SPRAY 5 days children (from 2 years old) apply to the gauze curtain covering the baby's stroller joint from 223 to 280
MY SUNNY Cream 2-3 children (from 1 year old) individual from 97 to 120
OFF KIDS Cream 5 children (from 3 years old) apply to exposed skin individual from 144 to 177

Lists of the best

Below are products that have special features and functions, in addition to the main rating. This TOP includes:

  • Cream.
  • Spray can.
  • For kids.

Let's take a closer look at the presented range.

ARGUS - cream

The presented drug is also a sedative, as they are smeared with recent bites so that they do not irritate, do not itch and quickly pass. The product contains d-panthenol, allantoin, plant extracts and essential oils. Protects for 4 hours from different types insects. Included in the individual protection group.

Price tag: from 88 to 100 rubles.

mosquito repellent ARGUS

Picnic - aerosol

Domestic brand of spray, which is quite popular today. The product has a pleasant aroma that does not cause allergies and effective protection, lasting 4 hours. Soothes the skin, relieves itching after bites committed by mosquitoes and other insects earlier. Also on sale are children's version aerosol.

mosquito repellent picnic

Spray Mosquitall "Gentle protection" - for children

The presented tool is completely hypoallergenic. Suitable for children from 3 years old and adults suffering from allergic reactions. Before use, the product must be sprayed on the palms of the hands, then applied to open areas of the body, avoiding contact of the product with the eyes and mucous membranes. It spreads quickly on the skin without stickiness and other discomfort.

Cost: from 185 to 228 rubles.

mosquito repellent Spray Mosquitall

What to look for when choosing

  • The number of family members. If the group of people is large, then it is wiser to use fumigators for home furnishings and sprays and aerosols for countryside recreation.
  • Age restrictions. Pay special attention to this item, especially if you choose a remedy for a child. Even children's drugs are equipped with age limits.
  • Spray location. Some drugs are quite effective protection, but high toxicity, which is why they are prohibited for use at home and in close quarters.
  • Compound. Examine the constituent components in order to make sure that the purchased product is completely hypoallergenic.
  • Brand. The more popular the brand of the product, the better it will be. Beware of fakes from unknown manufacturers.