The air conditioner works when the window is open. Why can't you open the windows when the air conditioner is running? How harmless is it to use air conditioning in a child's room?

Greetings to all visitors to the Air Conditioner website! Many users ask the question: is it possible to open windows when the air conditioner is on? Today I will tell you how the room is cooled, and why open windows lead to breakdowns of “splits”.

Air conditioner operating principle is a common household refrigerator , which also has two heat exchangers - one inside, the other outside. The power of the refrigerator compressor is designed for the volume of its refrigeration chamber. The door of this household assistant always closed, so a constant temperature is maintained inside. At the same time, the refrigerator engine operates in normal mode for a long time and properly.

Now we understand the principle of cooling, but how does it maintain the desired temperature in the room? It's simple! In indoor unit temperature sensor installed. As soon as the electronics of the “conder” realize that the temperature has been reached, the compressor turns off (the freon stops moving through the tubes). When the temperature in the room rises, the compressor turns on again. Maintaining the desired temperature, the motor turns on and off.

Now let's return to the topic of our article. If the windows are open, then cold air He constantly leaves the room and goes outside! And since the electronics “understands” that the required temperature has not been reached, then compressor does not turn off AT ALL! Because of this electricity consumption increases. We can also include the disadvantages of such operation increased filter clogging"split".

If installed air conditioner designed for only one room, but additionally cools neighboring rooms, the “heart” of the air conditioner is loaded. Although this gives small effect in the form of lowering the temperature in the rooms. But cooling the street is a completely pointless exercise! If the compressor continues to grind without stopping, sooner or later this will lead to overheating and breakdown.

Try to ventilate the room with the air conditioner turned off! Or adjust the ventilation so that cold loss is minimal. But keep in mind that if you are near a window, then a cold stream can easily “pass through” you. Leave comments, and if the article was useful to you, then share with your friends using the social buttons!

Often, if an air conditioning system is installed in a room, controversial issue, is it possible to open the windows when the air conditioner is running? Some open the window vents to supposedly quickly ventilate the room, others say that this should never be done. So what should you do in such a situation: open or not open the windows?

What is a comfortable temperature for a person?

For the human body, comfortable temperature ranges are from 18 to 25 degrees above zero. If the air is cooler, we begin to shiver and freeze; if it is higher, the person quickly overheats, performance decreases, and if high rates and in a poorly ventilated area, even heat stroke is possible.

In hot weather, to avoid uncomfortable conditions, using an air conditioner is an excellent solution to the problem.

Operating principle of the air conditioner

IN living conditions Three types of air conditioners operating on different principles can be used.

  1. Supply type air conditioners operate using air from outside the room.
  2. The recirculation type uses air masses only inside the building for its operation.
  3. Recuperative types of air conditioners can operate on both the first and second principles.

But all three types of devices work on the principle of cooling the air passing through the system with a cooler, which is freon gas.

This is where the answer to the question of whether to open a window or not when the air conditioning system is running comes from.

Several reasons why you should not turn on the air conditioner with the window open

  • A sharp increase in air volumes

When the windows are open, the amount of air in the room increases sharply and in significant volumes. An air conditioner operating on the recirculation principle for cooling has temperature sensors, and the arrival of more heated air forces it to work harder to cool the increased volume of air masses. For this it is spent more energy and resource of the device, and the cooled air will go out through the open windows, and the lighter heated air will enter the room. This will have a very negative impact on the operation of the air conditioner, since the device will constantly increase its operating power. And of course, the electricity consumption for increased operation of the air conditioning system will increase significantly.

In this case, the air temperature in the room may not change at all.

Supply and recovery types of air conditioners will also increase their operating power when the windows are open.

  • Device filters are dirty

If a window with street air is open, dust will also enter the room. The busier the place near the house, the more dust there is in the air masses. Operating the air conditioner with the windows open will involve filtering more polluted street air, and as a result, this will lead to accelerated clogging of the device filters.

To avoid damage to the air conditioner, the filters need to be cleaned, and ignoring this issue will lead to a decrease in service life.

  • Risk of colds

When the air conditioner is running, a flow of colder air is created in the building, simply a draft, and certain time under such a flow a person can easily get a cold. Manufacturers of air conditioning systems take this into account, so the operation of the device is based on a thermostat.

When the room temperature reaches the set temperature, the cooling operation slows down. The air conditioner picks up speed again when the sensor detects an increase in the indicator. That is, the device does not blow constantly. If you open the windows, constant influx hot air masses are forced to constantly cool the air, and the device will constantly create streams of cold air. As a result, a cold is guaranteed. To avoid this, you need to close the windows when the air conditioner is running.

Can an air conditioner break if the window is open?

Most often, the main reason for the breakdown of air conditioning units is water hammer. It can occur for several reasons, but two relate directly to the issue.

  1. Low temperatures. The air conditioning system may break down at sub-zero room temperatures. It is clear that no one opens the windows in winter so much that the air cools to below zero, but it is worth knowing.
  2. As mentioned above, this is filter clogging due to the ingress of polluted air.

And finally, if there is an indoor air cooling system, then why open the windows? After all, it is the hot street air that causes the temperature in the room to rise; the building itself, with the windows and doors closed and tightly curtained, heats up very slowly and it will take more than one day to reach the street temperature. If you turn on the air conditioner in the room, then closed windows the room temperature will quickly drop and will remain so for a very long time even when the device is turned off.

If the room is equipped with an air conditioning system, a controversial question often arises: is it possible to turn on the air conditioner when open window? Some open the window and say that this can be done, others, on the contrary, close all the windows and doors and insist - under no circumstances should this be done! So who to believe? Information about the operation of the air conditioner and an objective judgment will help you understand the issue.


What temperature is considered comfortable for the average person?

During cold weather, a person begins to chill and freeze, and during hot weather, he begins to sweat and overheat. At the same time, working capacity decreases, and during overheating, heat stroke may occur. To prevent this from happening, you need to maintain a comfortable human body temperature range from 18 to 25 degrees Celsius.

If in winter time help warm the living space heating devices, then in warm seasons the air conditioner copes with this task.

How does air conditioning work?

Air conditioning systems can be divided into three types according to their operating principle:

  1. The supply type of air conditioning uses air that is not in the room (or outside).
  2. Recirculation type - uses indoor air only.
  3. Recuperation type - can use air both outside and inside the room.

All types of air conditioning systems share a common operating mechanism - for cooling, air passes through the system with a cooler. Freon gas is used as a coolant.

Note! The main reason why you want to open a window when the air conditioner is running is the flow fresh air into the room. Simple air conditioners this is not provided, but this is feasible with air conditioning systems with supply and exhaust ventilation. Supply system provides the supply of fresh air to the room, and the exhaust - removes polluted air from it. But these solutions have an appropriate price.

Open the windows with the air conditioner on. Causes and consequences

Modeling this situation will lead to the following conditions:

Important! It is important to observe the temperature regime in the case of refrigerators as well. An explanation of this is given by the article: “Is it possible to put hot food in the refrigerator?”

Will the air conditioner break down if the window is on?

The main cause of air conditioner failure is water hammer. It can appear for several reasons, some of which are quite common:

  1. Low temperatures. When in the room minus temperature, the air conditioning system can quickly fail. Of course, few people will open the windows so much that the temperature in the room becomes sub-zero, but this must be remembered.
  2. Clogged filters. Basic and satisfied common reason, which was mentioned above. Polluted, “dusty” air from a window can quickly “break” the air conditioner.

    Advice! Dust causes windows to become dirty. Find out how to properly clean windows without streaks.

  3. Prolonged operation of the air conditioner with the window open can lead to rapid wear of the compressor and fan.

Advice! If you need to bring fresh air into the room, briefly open the window for ventilation and turn off the air conditioner. Then close the window and turn on the cooling device again.

In conclusion, I want to say: you are the master of your equipment and only you can decide how to manage it. Air conditioning system engineers advise not to open windows while operating this equipment, so as not to void the warranty, reduce service life, or break the air conditioner.

It's no secret that in the summer indoors - be it city ​​apartment or a private house in nature - the temperature often rises above comfortable. It gets hot, open windows don’t help, or even vice versa - they let hot air in from the street, you don’t want to do anything and many people dream of coolness.

It is necessary to immediately make a reservation that the concept of “comfortable temperature” is a relative concept. There are people who are quite satisfied with warming to 30-32°C and, moreover, if this does not happen, then the summer, so to speak, has passed in vain. The differences are especially noticeable in office premises- when, with the start of the summer season, irreconcilable wars begin between those who are STUFFY and those who are BLIND.

What is a comfortable indoor temperature in summer?

In this material we will talk about generally accepted temperature conditions. Currently, the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation has developed optimal (recommended) standards for air temperature in residential premises (SanPiN According to these standards optimal temperature for living room in warm time year should be in the range from 22 to 25°C, and the maximum permissible is 20 - 28°C.

The traditional solution to maintaining a comfortable indoor climate is to use an air conditioner. However, this is also one of the common causes of colds. Moreover, if there is a child in the house - the topic safe use air conditioning equipment is particularly acute.

How to avoid catching a cold while in an air-conditioned room?

To avoid catching a cold from the air conditioner, you should follow these rules:

  • the difference between the temperature outside and the temperature set on the air conditioner should not exceed 7 degrees (ideally, the air conditioner temperature should not be lower than 23-24°C)
  • The air flow should not be directed towards a person. To regulate the direction of flow, use the “blinds” built into the air conditioner - vertical partitions that can redirect the air flow to the left or right. In addition, it is worth directing the flow of cold air to the ceiling - this way it will be distributed more evenly throughout the room.
  • set the lowest air flow rate - the room will cool more slowly (but it will still cool down in 15 minutes), but no one will be blown away.
  • install directly under the air conditioner protective screen- this way the air flow will be further dispersed.
  • close the curtains or blinds - do not let the sun heat the room - this will cool the air without resorting to extreme air conditioning temperatures.
  • close the windows and doors in the refrigerated room (below we will explain how this will help avoid colds).
  • Clean the air conditioner filters regularly (bacteria accumulate and multiply on them, and if the filter is heavily soiled, this dirt begins to forcefully spread throughout the room with air currents. This is especially true when the device is started for the first time in a season).

Let's take a closer look at some issues.

What room temperature should the air conditioner maintain?

Modern models of air conditioners (even the simplest ones) provide the ability to create a temperature of +18°C even with increased outside temperature up to +40°С. But few people know that sudden changes surrounding a person temperatures of more than 7°C lead to acute respiratory diseases (ARI, ARVI), in other words, to a cold, and then to pneumonia. The way out of this situation is to bring the temperature in the treated rooms closer to the temperature environment or eliminate frequent changes in ambient temperature.

With a difference of 7°C, colds do not occur, but the feeling of comfort in the room remains. It follows from this that if the temperature outside is +30°C, then the temperature in the room needs to be set to +23°C - +24°C. Comfort for people staying and re-entering the premises will remain the same, and the risk of disease will be reduced. In the case when a person is constantly in a room for a long time and there is no sudden change in temperature (there are no movements “street - room - street”), then the temperature in the room can be set below + 23°C.

Why can't you turn on the air conditioner with the window open?

We remind you that doors, windows, vents must be closed when the air conditioner is on! Why? While cooling the room, the air conditioner does not always supply a strong flow of cold air - having cooled the room to the set temperature, it subsides and picks up speed again only when the temperature begins to rise again. In fact, this means that in an effectively cooled room a person does not always sit under a stream of cold air - at the moment when the air is cooled, the air conditioner practically does not blow.

It should also be noted that from open door and the windows there is a constant influx of hot air and the air conditioner actually works to cool the street. This, firstly, does not allow the device to effectively maintain the desired temperature in the room, and secondly, it makes it work for wear (it tries to lower the temperature, but it does not decrease, that is, it will blow incessantly), which significantly reduces its service life. services. Since a person still needs an influx of fresh air, it is permissible to open a window for ventilation (that is, literally just a crack!).

Why is it important to ventilate the room even if there is air conditioning?

You need to know that the usual wall mounted air conditioner has nothing to do with ventilation of the room. That is, the air conditioner cools and circulates the same air inside the room. The functions of the block hanging outside the window include removing excess heat from the room to the street, but no AIR EXCHANGE occurs. Therefore, it is necessary to ventilate the room regularly and repeatedly throughout the day. To do this, you need to turn off the air conditioner, open the window, at the same time you can open the door (then ventilation will be more effective) and allow the air in the room to refresh for 5-10 minutes. It is highly advisable to carry out ventilation at a time when there are no children in the room (and newborns should absolutely not be exposed to a draft) - that is, to ventilate the room when the child is on a walk, has lunch or is in another room.

How to make staying in an air-conditioned room more comfortable?

A running air conditioner not only cools the air in the room, but also dehumidifies it. And even if you are not sitting under a stream of cold air, and the room temperature is maintained within the recommended limits, you can still get a runny nose and sore throat. This is caused by the fact that the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx can become very dry and irritated - hence the stuffy nose and soreness. Not everyone's body reacts to air conditioning in this way, but if you know that you are prone to such a reaction, take measures to maintain normal humidity in the room. Humidity between 40 and 60% is considered normal; the humidity level can be checked using a hygrometer.

An ideal assistant in maintaining optimal humidity There is an ultrasonic air humidifier at home, and it will be useful not only when paired with an air conditioner. Usage ultrasonic humidifier air relieves cough and runny nose when a cold has already begun.

If you don’t have the opportunity or desire to use a humidifier, you can simply drop Aquamaris or regular saline solution into your nose as needed - this will protect the mucous membrane from drying out and maintain a feeling of comfort in a room with dry air. Saline solution is much cheaper than Aquamaris; it can be purchased at a pharmacy or.

Is air conditioning a breeding ground for germs and diseases?

Indeed, the air conditioner has special filters installed that are designed to trap small particles of dust and debris that get inside the device. If you do not clean the filters, pathogenic bacteria begin to accumulate and multiply in them, so they must be washed regularly. Depending on the dustiness of the premises, the period between filter cleaning can vary from once a month to a year.

The effect of a running air conditioner on a child.

Of course, the fragile bodies of children are most sensitive to temperature changes, drafts and, as a result, respiratory diseases that threaten them. Of course, if possible, the child should not be in a refrigerated room. As a last resort, the device can be set to the lowest setting and under no circumstances allow the baby to be under a stream of cooled air.

2013-09-04 11:04:09

We have been thinking about buying an air conditioner for a long time, but we recently had a baby and we are afraid that he will catch a cold. After reading this article, I think we will finally buy an air conditioner, because now we will know how to handle it correctly, what temperature to set, etc. .p, thank you!

When using an air conditioner, you can hear that the windows must be closed. Some people continue to open the windows, claiming that this way they can ventilate and cool the room faster. It is worth understanding the problem and understanding whether it is worth turning on the air conditioner with the windows wide open?

Increasing air volume

Experts say that when windows are open, the volume of air in the room increases significantly. The air conditioner, which cools the air in the room to a certain temperature at this time, is forced to spend more energy and time on cooling the ever-increasing volume of air mass. In this case, the already cooled air will exit out the open window, and the warm air, in turn, will again enter the room. Such air exchange negatively affects the operation of the air conditioner, which constantly increases its power in order to maintain the set temperature. You should also not ignore the unjustified energy consumption spent on increased operation of the air conditioner, since, in turn, this will lead to unjustified financial expenses.

Filters get clogged quickly

Another reason why it is not recommended to use the air conditioner with the windows open. Air conditioners have filters that tend to get clogged from time to time. Manufacturers recommend cleaning filters from time to time to avoid problems and interruptions in the operation of the cooling device. An air conditioner running with the windows open risks clogging the filters much faster. Which can lead to damage to the device.

The risk of catching a cold doubles

Almost everyone knows that you can easily catch a cold under an air conditioner, which is why they try to stay away from the device while it is operating. Also, when the windows are open, they try not to sit in a draft, as this can cause harm to health unnoticed. When the windows are open and the air conditioner is turned on at the same time, the risk of catching a cold from drafts doubles, so those who practice simultaneous ventilation and cooling often suffer from colds and complications caused by respiratory diseases. Experts recommend cooling the room using air conditioners only when necessary, since, in addition to colds, you can also develop allergic complications.