How to make a wasp trap from a plastic bottle. Traps for wasp control Homemade wasp traps

Having settled in a house, in an attic, under a roof or in an earthen hole in suburban area, wasps can cause a lot of trouble for their owners. In addition to the fact that they constantly threaten a person, causing an allergic reaction, they also reduce the fruit yield on the site.

Used to control wasps various methods. Firstly, this is the use of various chemical aerosols and solutions. However, such means are effective only for cases of destroying wasps directly in their nests. In addition, when using chemicals the ecological cleanliness of the suburban area is violated. Therefore, wasp traps (salt traps), which use bait made from natural products, are more often used.

Industrial production traps

Available for sale large number wasp traps They have different principles actions and different costs.

The simplest traps are some containers with holes, inside of which the so-called bait is placed. Sensing the bait, the wasps climb into this container, but they can no longer get out and die there. Can be used as bait sweet water or syrup, as well as leftover food containing protein or carbohydrates, such as sausage, ham, meat, honey. Such traps are produced as domestic producers, and foreign.

An example of a domestic trap is the Wt-202 type trap manufactured by Remiling or the ArgusGarden trap bag. There are quite a lot of imported companies producing simple wasp traps in our market. These include

  • Swiss company SWISSINNO Solitions (traps with WaspTrap bait),
  • Czech company TESCOMA (Handy trap),
  • Dutch company EsschertDesign (trap type W2021),
  • Chinese manufacturers (wasp trap from the Ecosniper series with index BS1201104).
The cost of such traps ranges from 100 to 800 rubles.

More complex traps industrial production represent a whole complex for attracting and destroying these insects. For example, Chinese companies in the Ecosniper product series produce several devices for killing flying insects. These include traps such as GC1-16 and GC1-40.

These devices use radiation from two ultraviolet lamps power of 8 or 20 kilowatts. The wasps attracted by this lighting fall onto the mesh to which the high voltage one and a half kilovolts, and they die. Depending on the power of the lamps, such a device will be able to attract insects from an area of ​​50 or 100 square meters. The cost of such devices is 2,500 and 3,500 rubles, respectively.

When choosing a trap, you first need to decide where and how this trap will be used. Some traps are used indoors, while others are designed for outdoor use. Sometimes a trap used indoors can carry a cultural load.

For example, EG15 from EsschertDesign is a designer product - a bottle made of figured glass in a stand made of cast iron with an ornament. Such a trap can well be considered an object that creates a certain interior of the room. Accordingly, its price reaches two and a half thousand rubles. In addition, it must be taken into account that traps from Western manufacturers that are identical in functionality are usually much more expensive than traps from domestic or Chinese manufacturers.

How to make a salting jar with your own hands

If it is necessary to combat wasps in a suburban area, you can purchase industrial wasp traps. However, to properly protect the area you will need several pieces. Therefore, the cost of purchasing such devices in some cases will be quite large. On the other hand, there is always the possibility of making a trap.

There are several designs of homemade traps. Most of them involve the use plastic bottle volume of one and a half to two liters.

In the simplest case, the neck of the bottle is cut off and bait is poured into it, representing yourself aqueous solution jam, or kvass, or beer. The wasps fly into the bottle, feed and drown in the liquid bait. Another way to use a plastic bottle is to poke holes in the sides of the bottle and create channels in those holes using a plastic bag and a small stick. Bait is poured into the bottle. The wasps climb into the bottle through the channels following the smell of the bait. But they can’t get back out and die there.

Classic trap design made of plastic bottle next. The bottle is cut off with a knife or scissors top part. A small container for bait is attached to the bottom of the bottle. Several holes are made in the top of the bottle so that the smell comes out and attracts wasps. The cut part of the bottle is inserted into the main part with the cone inward, the edges are secured with tape or a stapler. Bait is placed in the container, and water is poured inside the trap, to which soap is added. Using a rope, the structure is strengthened in places where there is a large concentration of wasps. Sensing the bait, the wasps make their way through the hole in the cone of the bottle into the trap and fall into the water. Soapy water has almost no surface tension, so the wasp will not be able to take off and will drown.

Towards prevention tick-borne encephalitis include specific and nonspecific methods. Detailed information You can find information about the disease at this link.

For bait in the spring, when wasps build nests and lay eggs, you need to use meat, which has a lot of protein. And in summer and autumn it is easier to take various sweet syrups. In order not to trap beneficial bees, it is also desirable as bait use meat, since bees are not interested in it.

Sometimes a homemade wasp trap is used, which takes into account the insects' instinct to fly towards the light. For this purpose it is taken can, the bottom of which is cut off, and a grate is inserted in its place. On the other side, a cone with a hole of 2–3 cm is inserted into the jar. metal mesh. The trap is placed on stands, and a container with bait is placed under it. Under the influence of the smell of the bait, the wasp flies up to the container. Having eaten, she rushes upward towards the light. Through the cone she falls into a trap.

To combat wasps, it is not necessary to purchase expensive drugs. There are many ways to create with my own hands traps that will help in as soon as possible eliminate these pests.

Practice has shown that a wasp trap is the easiest way to get rid of these creatures on the site or while relaxing on fresh air. Materials that are always at hand are quite suitable for its preparation. This primarily means that there is no need to expend too significant material resources.

To prepare the trap you will need:

  • empty plastic bottle;
  • scissors;
  • scotch;
  • wire.

The manufacturing process is quite short-term. Experienced specialists will create a trap within just a few minutes. At the same time, this device sometimes works much more efficiently for a variety of products and drugs that present moment easy to purchase in special retail outlets. Many consumers have already become convinced of this.

Trap for OS production

To make such a trap, you will need to take a two-liter plastic bottle, using scissors to get rid of its upper third along with the neck. If you don’t have scissors at hand, then it’s quite suitable for this task. regular knife. The lower part of the bait should be filled with a substance that will attract the attention of wasps. Often this is some kind of liquid sweetness.

Then you need to twist the lid that remains on the top of the container. The next step is to place the cut portion of the bottle into the remaining half of the bottle. The neck should point downwards. In order for the aroma of the bait to spread much faster, you need to make small holes above the substance, but this is not at all necessary. The most important thing is that the insects subsequently cannot free themselves from the trap with the help of these holes.

Quite often, such a product is finished on tree branches. For this you will need wire. It serves as a fixing agent. First you need to make two holes in the upper part of the trap and insert the wire there. This results in a reliable and comfortable handle. If necessary, larger containers can be used. The fact is that an effective wasp trap can attract enormous attention from the presented pests in one day. In addition to wasps, larger hornets can also respond to bait. Because of this, a 5-liter container can serve as the basis for preparing a trap.

Features of work

The traps described above are today used not only in open areas. Summer residents often use small baits inside their living quarters. The fact is that wasps react to odors that indicate cooking. First of all, this concerns the aromas that fish emit. In fact, the products are quite easy to attach to the table. To secure the bait, ordinary wide tape is quite suitable.

Simplicity of manufacture and the absence of serious material costs make it possible to produce many similar traps. They can then be easily positioned in different parts at home and also on site personal plot. On a positive note is the fact that the fight against annoying insects occurs absolutely without the use of toxic chemicals.

A wasp trap made from a plastic bottle will help get rid of garden plot from unwanted "guests". These striped insects can annoy any summer resident or beekeeper. Adult wasps are vegetarians who need carbohydrates, which is why there are so many of them in gardens during the ripening of berries and fruits. But insects fly into apiaries not only in search of sweets. They (especially hornets) hunt bees, which they feed the larvae with.

Gardeners who have experienced the effects of a wasp sting can tell you how painful the consequences of such a sting are. In addition, a wasp can sting several times. In some cases, a bite can cause a severe allergic reaction. In addition, relatives located near an aggressive individual can support it by attacking a stung person.

How to make a trap?

The best way to protect an area from wasps is to destroy the nests, but it is not always possible to do such an operation. All that remains is to make wasp traps with your own hands, especially since ordinary plastic bottles are used to make these devices. It is best to make traps from containers with a capacity of at least 1.5 liters.

Quickly done effective traps it is possible, armed only with:

  • a stationery or construction knife;
  • an awl or drill;
  • wire;
  • with tape.

The conical part of the bottle is cut off with a knife. The cap is screwed off the neck, and the inverted cone is inserted into the cylindrical part of the container. In the last one, you need to make holes with an awl to secure the wire with which the bottle will be suspended on a tree, bush or vineyard.

There is no need to tie the cone to the walls of the trap. In this case, the structure will be easier to open if necessary. Tape (or wire) can be used to secure the trap to the trunk, which will make it resistant to strong winds.

Wasps crawl into the funnel, but the vast majority of insects cannot get out of the bottle. They will try to escape from the trap by climbing its walls or flying up, but they will always bump into an inverted cone.

Insect bait

Of course, wasps can only get into an empty bottle by accident. It is necessary that the container contains an “offer” that the insects would not be able to refuse. Wasps have a sweet tooth, but they do not shy away from alcohol, so you can use the following as bait for them:

  • mash;
  • beer;
  • jam that has begun to ferment.

It is not advisable to pour diluted honey, sugar syrup or compote into a bottle, since bees may flock to such bait, but they do not react to alcohol. In addition, the bait should not be filled to the very neck.

The efficiency of the trap will increase significantly if insecticides are present in the bait. Then even the individuals that escape from the trap will die, and it will be safer to empty it.

Can be used as a poisonous additive to bait boric acid or borax. The additive must be mixed with liquid. Designed and special drug to fight wasps - “Otos”. It already contains poisonous components and fragrances that attract wasps. Bees do not respond to this bait. Before use, Otos must be dissolved in warm water.

Trap with meat bait

Not only sweets can be a bait for wasps. Insects will also flock to fresh meat, liver or fish to provide food for the larvae.

The design of a trap with meat bait is somewhat different. At the bottom of the plastic bottle, a cylindrical container like plastic container for photographic film. The lidded container can be placed on glue. A container without a lid can be glued by heating its edges over a flame and pressing it to the bottom of the bottle.

Several small holes need to be made in the trap body to ensure air circulation. Soapy water is poured into the bottle. Its level should be 3-4 cm below the top of the cylinder. To prepare the solution, it is better to use laundry soap because it has no odor. It is much easier for a wasp to drown in soapy water than in undiluted water, since the surface with a lower surface tension coefficient cannot support the mass of the insect.

The bait is placed on a cylinder, but only fresh pieces of meat or fish should be placed on it; wasps will not react to rotten ones. The insect will try to “bite off” as large a piece as possible, so after taking off from the cylinder with a heavy load, the wasp falls into the water.

Other manufacturing methods

The trap is made differently. It is made from 2 plastic bottles. A cross-shaped cut is made in the body of one of the containers, into which the conical part from the second bottle is inserted with the neck. A wasp trapped through a funnel-shaped entrance is unable to get out.

The cover on top of this structure must be screwed on. After removing it, you can pour bait into the container. The trap can be equipped with 2 tap holes. In this case, the smell of the bait will spread more intensely. Side funnel traps use sweetened compounds to attract wasps.

If there are few wasps in the area, you can do a simple trap by drilling several holes with a cross-section of no more than 8 mm in a closed plastic bottle. In most cases, insects that get inside cannot get out. Of course, the effectiveness of the trap needs to be increased by adding poisoned bait to it.

What should you consider when making a trap?

Simple devices, which are plastic bottles, can solve the problem of protection garden plots from os. However, the effectiveness of traps depends not only on correctly selected bait.

Designs for catching insects should be made only from transparent bottles (entrances can also be cut from dark plastic).

In a transparent container, the wasp is completely disoriented. In addition, insects swarming in such a bottle attract other wasps to the trap.

Wasps are controversial insects. On the one hand, they bring clear benefits by destroying pests in the garden plot. On the other hand, this is not the best neighborhood for a person. Aggressive, they bite painfully and have a very toxic venom. There are many ways to protect yourself from meeting them. One of the most effective and safest is a wasp trap made from a plastic bottle. It is easy to make it yourself, thereby protecting your yard from uninvited guests.

The principle of operation of the trap and the manufacturing procedure

Traps are made to divert the attention of wasps from a person or fruit and berry plantings. They destroy and damage the latter, causing irreparable damage to the crop. They are simply dangerous for people: bites cause complications including allergic reaction. Moreover, any movement can provoke their aggression.

The principle of operation of traps is based on the fact that:

  1. Wasps are attracted to strong fruity smells. For life, they need carbohydrates, and when feeding their offspring, they need proteins.
  2. Once in a confined space, wasps become disoriented and, due to this feature, cannot get out of it.

There are offers on the market for purchasing finished products. However, given the ease of implementing an analogue with your own hands, you don’t have to spend money on them. Making a trap at home will require very little free time and almost no financial costs– improvised means will be used:

  1. A knife (construction/stationery) or sharp scissors that can cut through the thick walls of a plastic bottle.
  2. An awl, knitting needle or drill - you will need them to make holes.
  3. String, rope or wire - for hanging the finished trap.
  4. Transparent plastic bottle (1.5-2 liters). A smaller volume will fill too quickly.
  5. Attractant - bait.

To make a trap you need:

  1. Cut off the top of a plastic bottle. You need to focus on the place where it begins to narrow.
  2. Unscrew the lid - it will not be useful in the design.
  3. Pour bait onto the bottom. 150-200 ml of pre-prepared liquid is enough.
  4. Turn the cut cone over and insert it into the bottle so that the neck faces the bottom.
  5. Make holes on the upper edges of the structure. They should be located diametrically.
  6. Thread wire, lace or rope into the holes.
  7. Hang around the perimeter of the area you want to protect from wasps.

It is better to take a transparent bottle. Wasps will react not only to the bait, but also to relatives swarming inside the trap. Plus, it's easier to control when it's time to dispose of the contents.

When using a trap, it is important to remember: the wasp may still bite for some time after death. Therefore, you must first make sure that the insects no longer pose a threat and only then dispose of them and replace the bait with a new one.

In order for the wasps to quickly flock to the smell of the attractant, additional holes are made with a hot knitting needle or awl over the entire surface of the bottle above the bait level.

Bait preparation

When preparing bait, you need to remember: adult insects need sugars. Cut watermelons or juicy melons are proof of this. Wasps fly to berries and fruits. They invariably end up where the sweets are. But that's not all. They need protein to feed their offspring. Meat or fish work just as well as fruity aromas.

The following are suitable for preparing wasp bait:

  1. Compote or jam. Preferably fermented. If there are none, it is recommended to either leave them to ferment naturally, or speed up the process with artificial fermentation. To do this, add a pinch of dry yeast or wet yeast at the tip of a knife. In this case, the jam must be diluted with water. The wasps should drown in the bait.
  2. Beer or wine. This is one of the most best options. The drinks disappear quickly, but work flawlessly.
  3. Meat or fish. There are specifics to placing the bait in the trap. To begin with, place a stack or plastic cylinder 5-6 cm high and 2-3 cm in diameter in it. Soapy water is poured into the bottom of the trap, not reaching the edge of the stack or cylinder, on top of which a piece of meat or fish is placed. Make sure they are fresh.

Honey is not recommended as a bait for wasps. It can also attract and kill bees. Simple sugar syrup will not help - it has no smell, and a strong aroma is the main condition for the effectiveness of the bait. If you have jam, compote, beer and wine on hand at the same time, you can mix them in arbitrary proportions. The bait will only benefit from this.

In order not to worry about your own safety when cleaning the trap from wasps, it can be strengthened. It is recommended to mix an insecticide into the bait. When choosing, you need to pay attention so that the poison does not have a strong odor that will overwhelm the aroma of the attractants.

Other manufacturing methods

The main idea when constructing a wasp trap with your own hands is based on the presence of a container with bait. Based on this, countless numbers of own options, perhaps more advanced than the original one. At the same time, not a single craftsman has escaped the universal functionality of a plastic bottle.

Among the common options:

  1. A trap with several “entrances”. The main bottle is not cut during production. They do it in it round hole along the diameter of the neck and screw a cut cone from another bottle into it. Or several. Bait is poured onto the bottom. Hang them by the neck of the bottle, or by threading the wire into pre-prepared holes.
  2. A simple trap. The plastic bottle is not cut, but holes with a diameter of 1 cm are made for the wasps. In this case, 3-5 cm are left from the level of the bait. For piercing, it is better to take a hot knife. Hang the trap by the neck. In this case, the plug must not be removed.

When using any type of trap, it is important to place them away from children and pets. Curiosity can play a bad joke on them, and this is very dangerous for their health.

When placing a bottle prepared in this way outside, be prepared that not only wasps will fall into it. The wasp trap is universal and will help make the area quieter and calmer, eliminating annoying insects. Flies, flies, midges, and mosquitoes will also not refuse the bait.

The wasp trap is a temporary measure. They swarm at a distance of about 500 m from the nest. By the time you catch the entire swarm, a new generation will grow up there. You need to pay attention to this and, in order to protect your home from their invasion, perhaps take more serious steps.