Do-it-yourself equipment for drilling wells under water. How to dig a well on a suburban area with your own hands. Well debit for water

For normal life support in the house or in the country should be constantly running water. Most often, the sources are a well or a well. Preferably a well. Firstly, because, as a rule, rather deep-lying aquifers with cleaner water are achieved. Second, they last longer. Thirdly, their debit (replenishment rate) is much higher. It is also important that it is possible to drill water wells with your own hands. There are several technologies, you just have to choose.

Water near the house is always good

Methods for self-drilling water wells

Wells for water are drilled or clogged - different technologies involve different methods. Do-it-yourself drilling of wells for water is not possible by all methods, but some can really be used.

Auger drilling

With this technology, a well is made using a special drill - auger. This is a steel pipe, with blades welded in a spiral. When rotating, the projectile plunges into the ground. After it goes to its entire depth, it is taken out, the soil remaining on the blades is poured out. The auger is lowered into the well again, having grown the pipe from above, excavation continues. So, over and over again, taking out the projectile and shaking off the soil, they drill a well. Pipes at the ends can be threaded or connected with studs.

The disadvantage of this method is that it is not suitable for all types of soils. Normally soft or medium hard rocks are drilled. If there is a rocky or rocky layer, the work will be inefficient - the auger is powerless here. Blockages will be observed in loose soils, which is also problematic.

Quite powerful installations work according to this technology, but there are even hand-held auger drills. They work very hard, but possible. There is a simple device that makes auger drilling of water wells with your own hands easier - this is a tripod with a collar and a block fixed at the top. With the help of a cable, a winch and a block, it is easier to get a drilling tool, and this must be done often.

Motorized drilling rigs are more convenient, and not necessarily purchased ones. There are some interesting crafts. In any case, this is a frame with a movably fixed motor that drives the drill. An example of such a setup is in the next video. The auger drill is not used for water wells, but the essence of the installation itself and the principle of operation do not change from this.

With small sizes of the auger and rods, which increase the length (up to 1.5 m), this method of drilling water wells can also be used inside the house, cottage, bath. The main thing is that the soils are suitable.

Hydrodrilling (using a pump or a pump)

As the name implies, this method uses water to drill wells. When used independently, most often water is pumped into the pipe. It exits through special holes at the bottom of the drill, flows by gravity through the gap between the outer wall of the pipe and the walls of the well.

In addition to a drill and threaded pipes, this method also requires a pump. Before starting work, two pits are dug near the future well. In the first, the main amount of soil settles, in the second, water enters, devoid of most of the impurities. Little water is needed for the process - it constantly circulates. From the first pit, sediments are periodically removed, usually with a shovel. If necessary, if the water has become too dirty, it can be replaced. It is pumped out using the same pump, only it is not fed into the well, but is drained somewhere to the site. Bay a new batch of water can continue drilling.

After the well has reached the required depth, a casing pipe with a filter at the end is inserted into it. Recently, HDPE or PVC pipe is most often used. It is easier to work with HDPE - it bends well. The filter is holes drilled at the end of the casing. The length of such a filter is about a meter. Then you can wind a stainless steel wire on top, and a fine mesh of the same stainless steel on top.

Shock rope method

One of the easiest to implement ways to make a well on your own is shock-rope. But it is also the slowest, in the absence of mechanization, it requires significant physical effort. On the other hand, it can be considered as a simulator. Moreover, it is very effective - almost all the muscles of the body work.

Do-it-yourself shock-rope drilling of water wells is a universal method that can be used on any type of soil. Only the projectile changes, but the technology and installation remains the same:

The wireline drilling rig can be implemented in different ways. The most common type is a tripod, in the center of which a block is fixed. But the block can also be attached to an L-shaped structure; an electric motor with a gearbox can also be used to facilitate labor.

Tripod - the most common type of installation

The technology of shock-rope drilling itself is very simple: the projectile is lifted, released into free fall. This is repeated many times. With each blow, the well becomes a little deeper. When a section of 50 cm has been passed, the projectile is removed, freed from the ground. And everything repeats again.

To drill faster, you need a heavy projectile. If the pipe walls are thick, the mass can be significant anyway. If necessary, you can make it heavier - fill the upper part of the pipe with lead. Also, to speed up the passage, the lower edge can be sharpened, but this must be done so that the bevel is directed inward. One more thing: pay attention to the slots in the drilling shells. They make it easier to remove the rock. This is especially important when passing dense, viscous clay layers.

A cable for a percussion-rope drilling rig is needed with a diameter of 10-12 mm. If you work by hand, gloves are required. When passing the upper layers, it is easier to use a hand drill, and for easier passage of the upper layers in dry times, you can pour water into the drilled well.

Casing pipe and filter

All the technologies described above for self-drilling water wells have common features. After the well has entered the aquifer (water will appear in large quantities in the rock), they continue to drill for some time, going deep into the aquifer by 1-2 meters. Then the entire drill string is dismantled, and a casing pipe is installed inside the well.

The piping needs to be dealt with. Select the diameter depending on the size of the well you drilled and the type of pump you plan to use. We must carefully consider the choice of material. For some time, asbestos pipes were used for the casing. But they are very harmful - the strongest carcinogen. Do not use galvanized pipes either - zinc is not excreted from the body, it accumulates. And poisoning them has very bad consequences.

There is not so much choice left - pipes made of steel and stainless steel, as well as plastic pipes - HDPE and PVC. Stainless steel is almost ideal, except for the price and complexity of welding. In order for the seam not to rust, welding in an argon environment is necessary, and this is not easy. Although, to some extent, special stainless steels can help.

In recent years, plastic pipes have become increasingly popular. PVC and HDPE are cheap and cheerful, but for their installation, the well must be perfectly level. Another point - plastic does not tolerate loads very well. Therefore, they can be used at a shallow depth - up to 15 meters. In any case, it is not worth installing sewer pipes for a well, it is still better to find water pipes, although they are more expensive: the walls in them are of different thickness, so investments will be justified.

Steel pipes will definitely not collapse and stand for a long time, but they also have a significant drawback: they rust. Nevertheless, of the options described above, it is the metal that is optimal if there are no funds for stainless steel.

In order for water to enter the casing pipe, a filter is made in its lower part, which is immersed in the aquifer. Holes are made in the pipe. There are two options. The first - with a large diameter drill, in four rows in a checkerboard pattern. The second - longitudinal slots are cut with a grinder (size 1.5-2.5 mm).

A wire (3-4 mm in diameter) is wound on top of the pipe, and a mesh with a very small cell is attached on top of it. It is best to use stainless steel. In this case, it will be possible to wash the sediment filter with washing solutions, and the wire and mesh can be welded to the pipe.

If you use any other metal, after a while the filter will fail. Ferrous metal rusts, the rest are destroyed due to electrolytic corrosion.

Abyssinian well or well-needle

This is a type of manual drilling of wells for water and cannot be called drilling - a special rod with a cast cone-shaped tip is driven into the ground, increasing as needed with pipes-rods (one 1-2 meters long), which are connected by thread. This type of wells is called differently, driven, Abyssinian, needle. All this about one method.

The difference from all other methods is that these pipes remain in the ground, it is through them that water will flow. That is, this is a well without casing. It is pierced with the help of these pipes, and then they are used. Therefore, as the rods with which the needle is built up, water pipes with a thick wall are used. Diameter from 25 -32 mm. Since the pipes are clogged forever, their connection must be airtight. Traditionally, to increase reliability, a winding (usually linen) is used, it can be coated with a sealant.

The first element of the Abyssinian well is called the needle. But the tip-peak is far from the only difference between this piece and others. Holes are drilled in almost the entire length of the pipe. This is a water filter. Water will flow through them. So that they are not clogged with rock, a wire is wound in a spiral over the pipe, and a fine mesh is attached to it. In order for the well to serve for a long time, not to clog, it was possible to flush, the wire and mesh must be made of stainless steel. Only in this embodiment, the filter will serve for a long time and without problems. The use of other metals, albeit stainless ones, greatly reduces the life of the well - metals are destroyed due to electrolytic corrosion. Therefore, brass, copper or any other wire or mesh on a steel pipe is not suitable.

The first element of the Abyssinian well is a needle with a spike tip and a filter

One more moment. So that when clogging the mesh and winding is not torn off, they are welded to the pipe. The next point: the diameter of the wide part of the cone should be wider than the diameter of the pipe. When clogging, the cone leaves a hole of a greater width than the winding pipe following them, therefore it will not be torn off.

The technical process of driving a well-needle is extremely simple: they hit the pipe, driving it into the ground. But if you knock something heavy on the top of the pipe, it will deform. Therefore, they make a special device - a headstock and a cone that is screwed onto the top of the pipe. Inside the headstock, the impact surface also has the shape of a cone. The existing cavities inside are filled with lead - to increase the weight. The more the projectile weighs, the faster the pipe will clog, but keep in mind that you need to lift it with your hands and a lot of times.

The woman herself is much larger in diameter than the pipe that will be hammered. So that during its movement there is no play at the bottom, a washer of a suitable diameter is installed (slightly larger than the outer diameter of the pipe). As a result, the headstock moves freely up / down, but without any backlash. The height of the projectile is determined by its size - it is necessary that it does not fly off the clogged pipe. The appearance of the headstock for driving the Abyssinian well and its drawing are located below.

This is not the only device with which wells are clogged. They make a powerful clamp on the pipe, which is fixed according to the clamp principle. Instead of a headstock, a heavy metal ring with two handles is used. How to work with them - see the video.

As you can see, it is possible to break a well for water inside the house or even at the bottom of an old well. Not much space is needed.

How to equip a punched well

Punching/drilling a well is not enough. We still need to raise the water, and this is a completely different story. If you want to make the water supply constant, with normal pressure, so that you can connect household appliances, you will need.

For seasonal water supply in the country, you can get by with a more modest set:

  • vibration pump;
  • check valve, which is installed in front of the pump;
  • water container;
  • watering hose;
  • taps, etc.

Please note that the check valve is installed in front of the pump, and not at the end of the hose submerged into the well. Just like that, this very hose will not break during frosts. Another plus of such a device is that it is easier to dismantle for the winter.

Another tip: the well must be closed with something. In permanent residences, a caisson is made - a concrete or plastic bunker, which is located below the freezing depth. It contains all the equipment. When using water only periodically, the caisson is too expensive. But something needs to close the well. Firstly, some kind of living creature may fall into it, which will not please you in any way. Secondly, "good" neighbors can drop something. A more budgetary way out is to build. An even cheaper option is to dig a pit, beat it with a board, and make a wooden cover. Key point: all this should be locked.

The first thing the owner of a suburban area should do, whether it is a rural courtyard or just a garden, is to provide water supply. It is good if a centralized water supply was built, but, alas, it is not present in every locality. In such a situation, one thing remains - to extract water from underground. Contrary to popular belief, this event is not always extremely costly, because the technology of drilling a well under water can well be mastered by a self-taught person who is used to doing everything on his own.

12 to 50 m

The middle depths are the realm of water-bearing sand. The water here is quite clean, but getting to it with just a shovel or a pointed pipe will not work. Nevertheless, the desire to build a well on the sand on your own is quite feasible. You will need special equipment and deeper knowledge of the technology of drilling water wells with your own hands. It is about sand wells that will be discussed further.

About drilling methods

Before you drill a water well with your own hands, you must select the type of drilling rig (there are three of them).

Shock rope

A heavy load, called a cartridge, as well as a special tool - a bailer - is suspended from the frame with a cable. From below, several strong triangular teeth are welded onto a cartridge weighing about 80 kg. Raising it and dropping it, loosen the soil, which is then removed with a bailer.

Before starting work, it is necessary to make a shallow well with a garden drill. The cartridge can also be lifted manually, but it is better to use a rotary motor for this.

This method is used when working on light or clay soil.


The working body of such an installation is similar to a garden drill, only very powerful. It is made from a 100 mm pipe, on which a couple of turns of a screw with a diameter of 200 mm are welded. For the manufacture of one turn, a round sheet blank is used with a hole cut in its center with a diameter of just over 100 mm. A cut is made along the workpiece radius, then the edges in the place of this cut are parted in two opposite directions perpendicular to the workpiece plane.

As the drill sinks, the bar on which it is fixed increases. The tool is rotated manually using a long handle made from a pipe. Every 50 - 70 cm, the drill will have to be removed, and since it will have more and more weight as it goes deeper, for this it will be necessary to install a tripod with a winch.


For all its complexity this option is the most efficient and versatile. Soil development is carried out by means of a drill bit fixed on a constantly growing pipe - a drill rod or a column. Drill bits can have a different design, the choice of which depends on the type of soil being overcome at the moment.

Rotary drilling combines rotational and percussive action on the rock. In addition, the design of the drill column allows you to pump water or mud into the well, which erode the soil and significantly accelerate the advance of the tool.

Where to drill

Before starting any work, the hydrogeological situation should be clarified. The best source of information is owners of surrounding areas, especially if they already have wells or have once tried to build them.

The second way is how to make a well for water, or rather, choose a place for it - search for hydrogeological maps in your area, which may be kept by design organizations or relevant departments.

If it was not possible to obtain a clear idea of ​​the presence and nature of aquifers, you will have to take the most costly step - to order exploration drilling. However, before that, you can try one of the traditional methods, for example, dowsing (dowsing), which, according to some evidence, can indicate the presence or absence of water underground with acceptable accuracy.

When choosing a place for a well, you should beware of the neighborhood in the form of septic tanks, cesspools, landfills or livestock complexes. If they are still nearby, then they should be at a distance of no closer than 30 m. Of course, the well should be located closer to the house. The optimal distance is 3 m.


To drill a well on the site with your own hands, you need to prepare the following elements:

Read about what characteristics and advantages it has in our separate article.

Comparison of wells and wells is a site. All for and against these sources of water intake.

Let's start drilling

Here are general instructions on how to equip a well in the country with your own hands:

  1. A square excavation is made in the ground with dimensions in terms of 1.5x1.5 m and a depth of 1 to 2 m - the so-called pit. It is necessary in order to prevent shedding of loose surface soil into the well. Inside, the pit is sheathed with plywood or boards, and a boardwalk is laid on top of it for the convenience of installation work.
  2. After installation of the installation, two coaxial holes are cut out in the upper and lower floors of the pit, after which drilling is started.
  3. The drill rod is rotated by means of a gear motor or manually. At the same time, a bodice is put on the bar, on which one of the workers strikes with a hammer. Alternative option: the drill is winched up and dropped in the same way as it is done with percussion drilling. If necessary, water or drilling fluid is supplied to the rod.
  4. In parallel with drilling, a casing pipe with a special shoe installed from below is installed in the well. Like a drill rod, it builds up gradually.
  5. After the quicksand (soil with high humidity), drilling accelerates (the aquifer has begun), and then slows down again. This means that a water-resistant layer has been reached and drilling can be stopped.
  6. A filter column is lowered into the well, after which it is washed with a strong pressure of water.
  7. A submersible pump is lowered into the well, with which they begin to pump out water until it becomes absolutely clean.

At the final stage of do-it-yourself well equipment in the country, all cavities are covered with a sand-gravel mixture, and a pipeline is laid to the house in a trench.

Common Mistakes

The lack of experience of self-taught drillers most often manifests itself in the following:

  1. The drill is lowered too deep, as a result of which the casing pipe crosses the aquifer. Solution: raise the casing or insert a new, shorter one into it, after which the previously installed pipe should be removed.
  2. The casing pipe did not reach the required depth, as a result of which the soil below collapsed and the well productivity dropped sharply. Solution: remove the soil with a bailer, then immerse the pipe to the required depth.
  3. The pump was set too low, causing the well to become clogged with sand.

In the latter case, remove the pump and, having selected the sand with a bailer, install it correctly. The correct position is determined as follows: the operating pump is gradually lowered until sand is found in the pumped water. After that, the pump is slightly raised until the water supplied by it becomes clean. (usually the correct position of the pump is 1-2 m from the bottom).

How to drill a well under water with your own hands and what equipment you can use to watch the video.

In high-rise buildings and houses within the metropolis, water supply is installed everywhere, so there is no need for its separate installation. Owners of private country houses have to approach this issue more inventively.

Residents of suburban areas are trying by any means to equip a centralized water supply, since water is an extremely important resource. But this is a rather laborious process that will require considerable costs.

For this reason, drilling your own well is an urgent solution to the problem of water supply to this day. To, do not require large cash costs. The process of digging it out will take less time, but will require some effort. The main thing is to correctly organize all the upcoming work.

An individual well is capable of constantly supplying water to a site of any size, residents will never need a centralized water supply after its arrangement. At the same time, the owner will not need to pay utility bills and calculate water consumption for a certain period.

Digging a well is a long and expensive process that will require professional knowledge. would be the best solution, but before starting work, you will need to understand a little drilling technology and well digging methods. Below are the main nuances of organizing the drilling process, which will help in the issue of self-arranging a well for water supply.

Identifying Problems in an Existing Well

If there is already a well on the territory of a suburban area, but the quality of water has deteriorated greatly in the source, there is no need to rush to overhaul it. There is a possibility that the problem can be fixed in other ways that do not involve extra costs.

So, the source of water inside the well is suitable for consumption in the following cases:

  • 30 cm water column at the upper level has the property of transparency;
  • the content of nitrates in water is not more than 10 mg/l;
  • no more than 10 Escherichia coli per liter of water;
  • the smell and taste of water should have a score of more than 6 points on a 10-point scale.

All these indicators are measured by a qualified specialist invited from the nearest sanitary and epidemiological station. Only on the basis of his conclusions can conclusions be drawn about the quality of the water source in the well.

Well drilling process

With a theoretical consideration of this procedure, the forthcoming work will look like this: first of all, it is necessary to dig a pit, the depth of which will be at least 2 m, and the diameter (hole width) - 1.5 m. This will help to secure shedding of earth and clay from the upper edges of the recess.

The sides of the pit are securely equipped with boards. Well drilling is carried out using a drill column and elevation. Elevation will be required in order to hang the drill column right in the middle of the recess made.

The drill column is a certain number of crossbars that increase in size during drilling operations. This is done using shift clutches. The column tip is a drill head, which is installed separately during the assembly process.

Elevation can be built using various means. For example, on the basis of wooden beams or by welding iron pipes and corners. The design should look like a tripod with a winch placed in the center.

Drilling work can be carried out without installing an elevation. To do this, you need to make sure that groundwater is close enough to the surface of the earth. In this case, special crossbars of small size (1.5 m) are usually used. If you still had to use an elevation, the length of the crossbars should be at least 3 m. All equipment should be made of carbon steel. Before starting work, you will need to investigate the type of soil in this area. Based on its variety, equipment and drilling method are selected.

Each drilling method requires different types of drill heads:

  1. A spiral drill is used in the case of arranging a well in a clay area. The tip of the head has a size of 50-90 mm, the size of the blade is 250-300 mm.
  2. A chisel drill is used for impact digging. Its design assumes a cruciform or flat shape.
  3. Spoon drill is an iron cylinder with an elongated or spiral head. Such a drill is used in conditions of wet sand and clay. He can make a recess 30-40 cm high in 1 cycle. The size of the head is approximately 70 cm, and the width is 7-20 cm.
  4. The bailer drill is used to extract loosened earth by the impact method. Such a drill head can be either piston or simple. The second has the form of a pipe, the length of which reaches 3 m. The width from the inside is 20-100 mm, the width from the outside is 100-250 mm, and the weight reaches 225 kg.

Drilling operations are a cyclical procedure during which it is necessary to periodically clean the drill head. To do this, you will need to remove the entire installation from the well. This process can be complicated by crossbars having a length of more than 3 m.

Independent well drilling

For drilling work, you will need a spiral drill head, which is also called a coil or auger. Most experienced drillers recommend using a simple fishing ice drill. This method of drilling involves minimal cash costs.

Tools, materials and accessories that will be needed for self-arrangement of the well:

  • metal screw (standard spiral can be reinforced by welding additional cutters);
  • steel pipes 2.5 cm wide, which are used to increase knees;
  • accessories and transport for the extraction and export of land;
  • pump and hose used to build up the recess;
  • scaffolding or any other device so that you can stand on them;
  • construction sieve for sifting gravel, which will fill the well.

Before starting drilling work, it will be necessary to prepare pipes for casing. It is necessary to drill special openings in the walls. They must be at least 50 cm from the bottom of the pipe. Drilling inside the pipe should be at least 1.5-2 m. The width of the openings is 5-7 mm.

At the same time, it will be necessary to prepare support profiles from bars that are fixed on the pipe. They are used to centralize the pipe within the recess and also to create an even gap between the recess and the pipe. Then fine gravel can be covered in an even layer.

Drilling with a metal auger

First of all, you need to process the area where drilling will be carried out. Then you will need to dig a small hole 50-70 cm deep. After that, you can start drilling a well.

The top layer of the earth consists of soft soil, so even 1 person can drill the first 5 m. Once this threshold is reached, additional labor will be required. Drilling will be much more difficult, since the lower layers of the soil have a solid structure. To simplify your task, you need to pour more liquid into the recess. This will soften hard ground.

After 5-10 cycles of full rotation, the drilling rig must be removed and the clay removed from it. It is recommended to remove the soil from the work area immediately, as it will interfere. In the drilling process, the spiral should be immersed up to the handle. As soon as the depth of the well ceases to allow it to be immersed to such an extent, it is necessary to lengthen the structure with an additional pipe. It is at this time that forests are used, since it is impossible to continue work from the surface of the earth. You can simplify the rotation of the installation with a gas key.

Extending the drill, you need to continue working until groundwater appears. They are easily detected, as the ground will immediately be moistened. Drilling will become easier again, but the clay will be much more difficult to remove. It is recommended to do this in small portions.

The ingress of groundwater into the well is highly undesirable, so its depth will need to be increased by 1 layer. Before immersing the pipe into the well, it is necessary to lower and remove the crossbars of the drilling rig several times, this will clear the recess. Having placed the pipe in a recess, the well must be covered with previously obtained gravel.

Well swaying methods

In order to competently swing an existing well, it is recommended to use a centrifugal pump type with a good power reserve.

A vibration pump can also be used for this procedure, but it should be borne in mind that rocking work will take a long time.

To speed up the process, you need to remove the pump and shake the water inside the well. This will prevent soil from settling to the bottom of the well, and the pump will function more efficiently. During the rocking period, the fine gravel will gradually settle, so from time to time you will need to add the right amount.

Often, rocking is a long process that involves a huge amount of water to pump out. Therefore, it is recommended to drain it into a nearby ditch.

Upon completion of the work, a pump for water supply must be installed in the well.

An equipped water well is an autonomous and reliable source of water supply for a summer house or a private house.

The organization of individual water supply is not always caused by the lack of a centralized water supply, the reason may be the poor quality of water in the main, interruptions in supply, the deterioration of the water canal network, the high cost of water, its shortage, and other factors.

Almost all owners of dachas or country cottages have an autonomous source of water. Another thing is that their choice may differ. Someone prefers a well, someone likes a well.

By the way, it will be useful to familiarize yourself with the comparative characteristics -.

This article is for those who opted for a well.

It should be noted that wells are divided into two types depending on the depth of drilling.

Types of wells for water

Since do-it-yourself drilling is supposed, we will consider in more detail the arrangement of wells for sand, as the most affordable in terms of independent implementation.

Drilling a well for water - step by step instructions

1. Depth determination

  • shallow (up to 3 m) well breaks through if the aquifer is close to the ground surface, and the water is supposed to be used only for technical needs or irrigation. To drill such a well, a drill, a casing pipe and a hand pump are sufficient;
  • medium deep (up to 7 m) well provide water suitable for human consumption. In order to drill a well on your own, in addition to the drill, you will need a shovel and time to build a pit. A pit (pit) with dimensions of 1.5x1.5x1.5 is designed to facilitate drilling to great depths. For convenience, it can be reinforced with plywood or boards. After completion of work, the pit falls asleep. Water is supplied by a pump;
  • deep (more than 7 m) well, will completely close the need for water for all residents of a private house or cottage. At the same time, there will be enough water not only for individual consumption, but also for technical needs, sanitary requirements, irrigation, maintenance of a pool or pond (reservoir).

In general, the choice of the type of water intake is determined after a geological study of the location of the well organization. We propose to consider the last option - the device of a deep well with your own hands, as the most difficult of those presented.

2. Well drilling methods

The listed types of wells (this does not apply to artesian or lime wells) can be drilled using the following methods (technologies):

Auger drilling using an auger drill.

Core drilling (an annular drill is used). Percussion drilling. In this case, a drill bit is used, which is driven into the soil without excavation. The soil is simply compacted away from the axis of the bit. The chisel is hammered using a tripod with a winch. Percussion rotary drilling. The work of the drill is supplemented by washing out the soil with water. The method is laborious for individual use. Rotary drilling (provided by a mobile drilling rig).

The photo shows a small-sized drilling rig MGB50P-02S with a movable hydraulic rotator manufactured by Horizontal.

3. Water well drilling project

In the event that the depth of the aquifer is known exactly, it can be drilled directly with the size of the drill for the casing. If not, you will first need to find out at what depth the aquifer lies.

Thus, any well is an individual project, which is influenced by the following parameters:

  • geological structure of the soil;
  • selected drilling method;
  • requirements that are put forward to the quantity and quality of water;
  • the requirement to maintain the necessary distances to the places of pollution (arrangement of the "sanitary zone");
  • depth of the aquifer. Moreover, this does not mean the first vein to which the drill has reached, but the one that will meet the conditions of use in terms of ensuring the debit of the well.

4. Water well drilling tools

Since the shock-rope method of manual drilling is described, its advantages should be noted:

  • preservation of most of the useful soil layer in its original state. Those. heavy equipment will not damage the plantings on the site;
  • no restrictions on the place of drilling. A hand drill can be drilled in almost any part of the site;
  • simplicity of equipment and minimum requirements for the qualification of the driller.

For work you will need:

  • shovel;
  • drill with a reinforced cutting part. Tip: you can strengthen the drill by welding cutters onto the screw, the role of which can be played by file elements or a metal shank. In addition, cutters can be sharpened using a grinder;
  • trolley for the removal of excavated soil;
  • pump type "baby" with a hose;
  • container with water.

Suitable for furnishing:

  • crushed stone or gravel for a pillow;
  • steel wire for the filter;
  • pipes;
  • wire for arranging a bottom filter.

5. Choice of location and arrangement of the pit

With the help of hired specialists or folk methods (dowsing, barometric method, using silica gel, by the amount of dew, exploratory drilling, etc.), we determine the place where the aquifer is closest to the surface.

Next, we dig a hole. This is the development of soil of a certain depth, the purpose of which is to facilitate the process of drilling a well.

The arrangement of the pit is an important stage for two reasons.

Firstly, the depth of drilling with a drill is reduced.

Secondly, the possibility of soil collapse around the well is excluded.

The dimensions of the pit are determined by the driller, but usually they are 1.5x1.5 and 1.5-2.5m. in depth. So that the soil does not sprinkle, the pit is reinforced with plywood, boards or metal.

6. First method: tripod - drilling rig

A tripod is a percussion-cable mechanism for drilling water wells. The support structure will be needed in order to facilitate the drilling process through the use of a drill glass.

The tripod can be made of wood (knots are excluded) or a metal pipe (or profile). The length of the beam or pipe should be 4-5 m. How to make a tripod for drilling can be seen in the diagram. Further, a mechanical winch with a cable is attached to the tripod, on which the drill glass is fixed.

Such a drilling rig is compact and has a significant margin of safety. The principle of operation of the installation is simple: a glass falling into the ground absorbs the soil. Depending on the composition of the soil in one stroke, you can select from 20 cm to 1 m of soil. To facilitate the work, you can fill the drilling site with water. From time to time, the drill glass must be cleaned of soil stuffed into it.

Attention: The cable on which the drill is attached must be longer than the depth of the well. Otherwise, it will break off, and the drill will remain at the bottom.

The casing pipe can be installed simultaneously with the advance to the depth or after all the work has been completed.

7. The second method - casing and drill

During the drilling process, you can immediately install the casing. Then its diameter must be greater than the diameter of the drill, so that the drill can move freely in the pipe.

When performing work, you need to constantly monitor the moisture content of the soil being removed so as not to miss the aquifer (otherwise it can be closed with a pipe). The main features are below.

Material prepared for the site site

After an aquifer is discovered, dirty water must be pumped out in order to understand whether there are enough water reserves in this vein. For this, a submersible or hand pump is used.

If, after pumping out 2-3 buckets of muddy water, clean still has not appeared, drilling should be continued to a more capacious layer.

Important: the pump is not designed for such operating conditions, so after water treatment it may break. It is recommended to use only a high-quality pump.

8. Well casing

Steel or plastic pipes can be used for casing (service life up to 50 years). But the use of galvanized pipes is not recommended, due to the risk of water contamination with zinc impurities.

The meaning of the upset is as follows:

  • prevention of shedding of the walls of the well;
  • prevention of well silting;
  • elimination of the possibility for perched water to enter the well (water from the upper layers, melt or rain water);
  • eliminating the risk of clogging the well.

The installation of the casing pipe is carried out immediately after the completion of work or directly during the drilling process.

Tip: if the pipes go "creaking" you need to attach a sledgehammer to them.

9. Flushing the well with water after drilling

The installation of a casing pipe does not end there. Now you need to flush the well. To do this, a pipe is lowered into it, through which water is supplied under pressure. Thanks to the pressure of water, a layer of clay and sand will be washed out of the well, which must be pumped out. After the appearance of clean water, it must be handed over for analysis. Requirements for the quality of water from a well are regulated by SanPiN (Russia) or DSanPіN 2.2.4-171-10 (Ukraine). If the water quality is satisfactory, work can continue.

10. Bottom filter for sand well

The purpose of the filter is to protect the pipe from silting.

How to make a filter for a well?

You can make a slotted filter with your own hands, for this you need to make notches (cuts) with a grinder at the end of the pipe.

Tip: for notches, you need to use a thin disk (0.8mm). Pay attention - many notches will weaken the pipe.

Alternatively, you can drill holes in the pipe. Next, the place of notches / drilling must be wrapped with wire or mesh. Lay the filter obtained in this way on a crushed stone pillow, the filling of which will prevent the filter from silting up. Tip: the diameter of the filter pipe should be smaller than the diameter of the main pipes in order to be able to dive into the well without problems.

The easiest option is to purchase a ready-made filter.

Important: without a filter, the well will not work for long. Its absence is justified only in deep water wells (more than 40 m)

11. Well debit for water

To get a complete picture of the capacity of the well for sand, you need to wait a day, and then check the level of incoming water. If the incoming water is sufficient for the needs of users, the distance between the soil and the casing can be filled. The pit is also buried.

12. The buildup of a well for water after drilling

This is a required step. To perform buildup or simply final cleaning of the well, you need to install a high-power centrifugal pump and periodically pump out water for 1.5-2 weeks.

Tip: You should decide in advance where the pumped water will be redirected.

13. Drilling a water well with your own hands - video

Manual technology using the shock-rope method of hole punching.

14. Installing a pump for a well for water

Please note that surface-type pumps are not intended for installation in a well. Due to the depth limitation of 8 m. For these purposes, only a submersible pump is suitable - centrifugal or vibration. Each of the subspecies has its own advantages, and the final choice can be made by analyzing the influence of such factors as:

  • well depth;
  • water level in the well;
  • casing diameter;
  • well debit;
  • water pressure in the well;
  • well pump cost.

15. Putting the well into operation

If drilling a well under water was not carried out independently, but with the involvement of a third-party organization, then before accepting work, you need to require the following documents:

  • hydrogeological conclusion on the possibility of implementing a water well project;
  • well passport;
  • permission of the sanitary and epidemiological station (checks the quality of water and the compliance of the sanitary zone with the requirements);
  • certificate of completion.

If all the work will be carried out independently, then the main thing is not to rush, but to withstand the technology and observe all the key points in the process of drilling a well for water. At the same time, do not forget that only the use of high-quality materials (in particular, pipes and a pump) will be the key to long-term operation of the well.

The depth of the well is not an idle question and depends on many factors. First of all, you need to decide what life-giving moisture is for. It is one thing if the water is intended to be used only for household needs, such as watering a garden on a personal plot, for construction needs, for seasonal needs, and so on. Water for this is taken from upper-water formations with a shallow depth of occurrence. For such situations, a permit for a well is not required, you can drill yourself.

However, before starting work, you need to make sure that there is water in the area, and the depth of its occurrence allows you to drill a well on reliable conditions. Even the presence of a full-flowing well in a neighboring dacha does not guarantee the presence of life-giving moisture in the chosen place.

Such an indicator can even be the main one in determining the tactics of finding water. With a small volume of water consumption and mainly its economic consumption, it is enough to go to the upper layer with a flow rate of 0.5 m 3 / hour to a depth of 2 to 5 meters. Such a well will cost a minimum amount, especially if you drill it yourself. It does not require registration, since the law does not include the upper water layer in the composition of minerals. But there is a risk of being left without water during a drought, because in the hot, rainless season, a well or well can dry up.

To obtain a permit for drilling wells, you need to spend an amount of 70 to 300 thousand rubles only for paperwork, then - to drill and equip a water intake. A small station for iron removal, biological and chemical water treatment will definitely cost less, but already with its guaranteed quality.