What to consider when remodeling a kitchen How to make a kitchen renovation with your own hands: step by step instructions, design options. How to put your own hands and not miscalculate with the repair

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How to make a kitchen renovation with your own hands: step by step instructions, design options

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Sooner or later, any person comes to the conclusion that a kitchen renovation is necessary. To be satisfied with the quality of the work done, you need to think carefully about everything before you start acting. For example, you can see a photo of a kitchen renovation with your own hands on the net, ask experienced relatives, seek help from specialists, or read this article.

The most important points in the repair can be identified the choice of material, costs, the possibility of independent work. And, of course, the main plus of self-repair is its budget.


Where to begin?

Arranging a kitchen space is not an easy task. Probably, when the thought of reorganizing the premises arises, many questions pour in. For example, how to properly make repairs in the kitchen, how to make beautiful repairs in the kitchen, etc. No need to headlong buy building materials and demolish walls. You need to start with a detailed plan. We will talk about this in more detail in the next paragraph.

The procedure for performing work during the overhaul

Let's make a consistent plan. It can be taken as the basis for a budget do-it-yourself kitchen renovation. To achieve the main goal, you will have to complete several small ones. Here is a possible course of action:

  1. We make the most of the space. The more furniture you carry out, the easier it is to take measurements.
  2. We assess the condition of walls, communications, windows, doors, floors and ceilings.
  3. We take accurate measurements.
  4. The next step is to plan where large household appliances will be placed.
  5. The primary choice of furniture for the kitchen: size, functionality, installation location.
  6. Thorough cleaning of the room, cleaning all surfaces from dirt, dust, mold treatment (if necessary).
  7. Repair the base floor surface (refresh).
  8. Similar to the previous paragraph, only now the ceiling needs to be repaired.
  9. Repair of old or installation of new communications.
  10. Checking ventilation.
  11. Replacement or restoration of windows, doors.
  12. Finishing the room "from top to bottom": starting from the ceiling and ending with the floor and installing the plinth.
  13. Installation of equipment, installation of a headset, lighting fixtures.
  14. Connecting all systems and checking their performance.

We examined where to start do-it-yourself kitchen renovation and its sequence. Now let's look at each point in more detail.

Floor replacement

Old flooring needs to be replaced. They dismantle the floor, take out construction debris and carefully inspect the surface. Often you have to beat off an ancient screed to get to good floor slabs. The dismantled floor does not have a flat surface, so you need to immediately deal with its screed. After this manipulation, further work with the floor can be carried out after about a week if ordinary concrete was used, or earlier if special mixtures were used.

Water pipes are laid to the installation site of the sink. Now they are usually built into the walls, leaving only water outlets and branch pipes outside. Mounted lines are installed in the cavities (strobes) made in the wall. There is also a sewer pipe leading to the kitchen sink. It is important to observe a special slope so that the water flows into the riser.

Under no circumstances should gas pipes be hidden in the wall. The maximum that can be done is to cover it with some decorative element (for example, a retractable apron). The main thing is that the controllers can have access to any section of the pipe.

Much attention should be paid to the laying of electrical communications. Aluminum wiring of old Khrushchev houses is unlikely to cope with a large number of household appliances that a modern kitchen is equipped with. Therefore, we change it to good quality copper wires. In addition, you will need to wire several lines, since each device must have its own connection point, depending on its power.


Leveling walls and ceilings

First of all, we level the ceiling. Repairs begin immediately after the repair of the floor. It is cleaned, removing all irregularities on the surface. Very often, during work, one has to deal with cracks, joints between floor slabs, cracks in the corner of the ceiling and wall. All these shortcomings must be repaired with a spatula. Material for this: cement, primer, latex elastic putty, compacted polyethylene foam rollers, plaster.

Replacing doors and finishing doorways

Before proceeding with the finishing work, you should either finish the doorway or install the door. Let's consider the first option. First, it's inexpensive. Secondly, it's convenient. Slopes can be decorated with various means: plastic, MDF or natural wood panels, plaster. Remember to level the surface first before decorating with drywall.

Now let's talk about the door. Oddly enough, the choice here is quite large: swing doors, compartments, accordions, double doors, folding, swinging. Choosing the type of door follows the features of the layout and personal preferences. If you are not sure about the ability to install the door - contact the manufacturer.


The stages of cosmetic repairs are similar to the last steps of a classic overhaul. In the same way, all work is carried out "from top to bottom", that is, first of all, the ceiling is finished, then the walls are plastered and then the flooring is installed. At the end, the walls are decorated with wallpaper and furniture and decor items are installed.

If, after removing the old finish, large surface defects are found, they are corrected with a cement-sand mixture. Further leveling is carried out with gypsum plaster.

After leveling the walls, before finishing, cover them with a special primer. It will play the role of adhesion to the material and eliminate the mycotic component, thereby preventing the development of mold.

The choice of finishing materials

The kitchen is characterized by high humidity and temperature changes. For this reason, materials must be chosen to be moisture and heat resistant. Equally important is the hygiene of the room - it is desirable that all work surfaces are easy to clean. It is best to trim them with tiles or plastic panels. Then the kitchen apron can be pasted over with wallpaper, provided that it is protected by glass.

Wallpaper for the kitchen should be well washed. Suitable:

  • acrylic;
  • vinyl;
  • cullet;
  • silkscreen.

For flooring, a wear-resistant laminate, linoleum, rough tile would be a good option. In no case should the color of the floor merge with the furniture. You can choose 3D coverage. The main thing is that the drawing should not be too bright, otherwise it will get bored over time.


We draw up an approximate lighting plan even before the start of the repair, so as not to be mistaken in the number of outlets.

As an option, 2-3 ceiling lights and spotlights in each functional area (for cooking, dining). You should not choose one lamp, because when performing some action in different parts of the kitchen, you can stand with your back to it. You can hang the following lamps on the ceiling:

  • halogen;
  • suspended;
  • invoices;
  • LED (they have low power consumption, deliver light in only one direction, so they are used as point).

It is even better to put lamps with a rheostat so that it is possible to adjust the degree of illumination. For the main light on the ceiling, make some switches. During family meals, the light can be kept to a minimum to create a more inviting atmosphere.

Selection of furniture and equipment

Come up with several variations of furniture arrangement. It does not have to be furniture in one line. At the moment, kitchen sets of P- (along 2 walls) or L-shaped (along 3 walls) are more in demand.

To make the design of the kitchen as harmonious as possible, use built-in appliances. In addition, it looks more aesthetically pleasing, neater, because dirt does not accumulate between furniture.

The size of the countertop should be at least 50 cm. Even if you don’t really like to cook, this is a necessary minimum. The material of the countertop is strong, durable (special plastic, stone). If you have small children, the absence of sharp corners will make life much easier.

Hanging cabinets are hung to a height depending on the height of a person:

  • ~175cm - for people of average height;
  • ~190cm - for tall people.

Facades with a glossy surface look very impressive. If you are not embarrassed by fingerprints that quickly appear when used, then feel free to choose this type of facade. If the prospect of wiping down your cabinets every day doesn't make you happy, it's best to choose materials such as stone, tile, or a plastic panel.

Drawers in the kitchen are more convenient, because you can find the right dishes much faster in them. It is worth noting that they are very attractive when they are empty in the store. But having filled them with things, it becomes not very handy to put forward.

Arrangement of kitchen appliances

It is necessary to think over the arrangement of all household kitchen appliances (even small ones) to the smallest detail. Microwave, kettle, toaster, bread maker, coffee maker and other frequently used household appliances should not be placed too high. Technique for regular use needs to find a place at eye level or slightly lower. Rarely used electrical appliances can be placed on the lower shelves. Do-it-yourself budget kitchen renovation involves acquiring the most necessary devices and abstaining from additional ones.

The location of the refrigerator is especially important. It should not be near heating objects: radiators, stoves, ovens, because it can fail in a very short time. The optimal distance is from 15 cm. Their same beliefs do not install the refrigerator in direct sunlight.

The subtleties of repairing a small kitchen

How to make repairs in the kitchen with your own hands without spending almost the entire family budget? Probably, you can save on materials or household appliances. But this is not necessary if you are the owner of a small area kitchen. At the stages of repair, this will not affect in any way, everything is done using the same technology. There are design restrictions here. To be more precise, it is not allowed to use decorative elements and color schemes that will physically or visually narrow the room. These include laying walls and ceilings with plasterboard. In this case, there is a real decrease in the room by several centimeters.

Stretch ceilings will visually expand the space due to the mirror reflection of surrounding objects. A good addition to stretch ceilings is spotlights.

To save on materials, use the interior zoning method. Folding furniture, an abundance of vertical cabinets on the walls will help save space. For visual expansion, illuminate the room as intensely as possible, and decorate the interior in light pastel colors.

Now you know how to make inexpensive repairs in the kitchen, photos and videos on this topic can be found on our website. Self-confidence and careful planning of the process will be the basis for creating the kitchen of your dreams.

Video: repair options for a small kitchen

The kitchen itself will not become cozy, modern and beautiful if you do not equip it to your liking. How to renovate the kitchen when you have no idea where to start?

Indeed, now building and facing materials are expensive, and you also need to hire craftsmen. However, this is not at all necessary. I will tell you where to start arranging the kitchen, and what important points to consider.

You can make a good repair with your own hands. To do this, you need to know exactly what the room should be like in the end and move towards the goal according to the drafted project and plan.

How to design a kitchen?

In order to visualize the arrangement of furniture and kitchen equipment, you will first need to make a detailed drawing.

Planning and measurements

Draw on the plan everything that will be in the renovated room, indicating the dimensions of each piece of furniture:

  1. At the first stage, measure kitchen furniture, sink, hob.
  2. Then provide a location pipes, heating radiator, sockets, ventilation duct and hood.
  3. After that, start measuring. household appliances. For example, microwave oven, refrigerator, TV, food processor, dishwasher and washing machine, etc.

I advise you to take measurements of the equipment with open doors. At least for the refrigerator and microwave, this must be done.

  1. Now you will need to think about the location of the measured furniture. and equipment. If you want to install a new kitchen set, dock it on the plan with a sink, hob and built-in equipment.
  2. Determine the size and number of drawers on the working surface of the furniture, as well as the location of the handles on them. Do not forget to plan the lighting, the number and location of open shelves, cornices, glass doors.

  1. Choose the size of the apron and determine facing material for it. The best option for an apron is ceramic tiles.

We select materials and calculate how many are needed

Think about how to make repairs with your own hands cheaply and beautifully:

  1. Choose the design and color scheme of the kitchen. If it is small, then the best option is light colors in the decoration and furniture, which will make the room wider and higher.

  1. Then make a list of the necessary building and facing materials.. They need a lot:
  • plaster and putty for leveling the ceiling and walls in the kitchen, as well as a screed for the floor if it is uneven;
  • adhesive for wallpaper and tiles;
  • drywall and profiles for the ceiling and possibly walls;
  • paint, tile, linoleum and other finishes for all surfaces.

  1. You will also need to buy new electrical outlets., wire, as well as pipes for water supply, sewerage and ventilation. If there is a need to change the window, add it to the list.

Having calculated the number of materials needed, find out their cost and draw up a rough estimate. So you decide on the financial expenses that you are facing. If the cost is beyond your power, try replacing one or another material with a cheaper option.

The beginning of the repair - get rid of the excess and change the eyeliner

Before you start repairing, you will need to clear and prepare the space.

We take out and break, everything that is possible

  1. First of all, remove all kitchen equipment from the room. Then take out the furniture, leaving only the built-in. If the repair is supposed to be major, disassemble it as well.
  2. After that, free the walls, floor and ceiling from the old cladding. Knock down tiles and floor tiles, remove paint, wallpaper, linoleum, remove skirting boards.

Whitewash and water-based paint can be easily removed if they are pre-wetted with warm water. You can get rid of the old wall and ceiling finishes of a different type (oil, latex, acrylic paint) with a special wash.

  1. If the kitchen is going to be remodeled, demolish the old partitions and remove the door. If you plan to change the window, dismantle it along with the box.

After cleaning, you can start renovating the kitchen with your own hands.

Laying engineering communications

Start the installation of utilities with electrical wiring. Arrange outlet points so that it is convenient to use kitchen equipment.

You will need electrical outlets at the work area: for a refrigerator, microwave, hood, hob, TV, etc. Provide an outlet for local lighting.

Next, take care of the ventilation system. Replace her old duct with new pipes. For ventilation to be effective, that is, forced, you will need an electric hood with a fan. Install it at a height of 60 cm above the hob.

Plumbing and sewer system it is better to assemble from metal-plastic and polypropylene pipes. They are light, but strong, durable, not afraid of temperature changes and easy to install.

Installation of engineering communications is a responsible matter and requires certain skills. If you do not have them, then entrust the repair of this stage to professionals.

Ceiling, wall and floor decoration

Having completed the preparatory stages of the repair, you can begin facing work.

Start from the ceiling. It can be done:

  • hinged from plastic panels or drywall sheets;
  • tension from polymer or fabric panels;
  • a very inexpensive option is also possible - just paint the surface.
  1. If you stop at painting then choose a moisture resistant paint. For example, water-dispersion acrylic, latex or silicone composition.
  2. Before staining level the surface of the ceiling with gypsum plaster and smooth with putty.
  3. If you have chosen a stretch ceiling, note - it must be mounted after wall cladding.

  1. Budget option for wall cladding is to cover them with wallpaper. It is best if they are washable, as water will splash on them, grease and soot will accumulate. A good solution would be wallpaper for painting. They are practical and beautiful.
  2. Section of walls in the working area in most cases tiled. However, you can tile all the walls in the kitchen. Such a solution would be very practical.
  1. If the floor is concrete. A screed for it can be made from a ready-made self-leveling mixture or a home-made cement-sand mortar.

  1. When the floors are wooden. Check for strength and replace the floorboards as needed, then level them with plywood.
  2. If you want to install underfloor heating system. First, level the base with a screed. Then lay the heating wires or pipes. Do it as the manufacturer's instructions recommend. Next, fill the warm floors with another layer of screed.

After leveling the base, lay the selected floor covering: linoleum, tile, laminate, etc.

How to install a skirting board

Doing repairs in the kitchen, do not forget about floor plinths. Metal or plastic slats are best suited for the kitchen. Wooden skirting boards are impractical, because without a protective coating they are afraid of water and cleaning products.

Regular length of plastic skirting boards- 2.5 m. To calculate how many you need, measure the perimeter of the kitchen, add 2 m of stock to the resulting figure and divide the number by 2.5. According to the number of internal and external corners, buy corner elements as well.

It is convenient to cut plastic skirting boards with a metal saw. You need to install them, starting from one of the corners or the door. The straps are fastened with plastic dowels.

In addition to floor plinths, there are also ceiling analogues (baguette). They close the gaps between the ceiling cladding and the walls, emphasize the junctions between these surfaces and make the design of the room more aesthetic.

Ceiling baguette can be plaster or plastic. The last option is installed after facing the walls and ceiling.

The final stage of repair - we put furniture and kitchen equipment

  1. If you decide to update everything during the renovation in the apartment, you will have to change the kitchen door. It can be made from MDF, wood. Also, it can be completely glass or with glass inserts.

However, such a door needs constant care. The laminated MDF counterpart is more practical and no less beautiful. In addition to an ordinary swing door, you can install sliding doors. Such a canvas will save a lot of space in the kitchen.

  1. Next, put the kitchen set according to the original plan.
  2. Then you need to install the sink. The best option is if it is made of stainless steel.
    As a template for cutting the sink into the countertop, use its cardboard packaging. Before you make a hole, outline its outline on the cardboard. Then cut out the seat with an electric jigsaw. When mounting the sink, secure it with self-tapping screws. Next, install the mixer.

  1. The final touch of the renovation - the installation of kitchen equipment. With a microwave, refrigerator and dishwasher, you will not have any difficulties. They just need to be put in place and connected to outlets.
    If a washing machine is installed in the working area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe kitchen, you will have to connect it to the sewer and water supply. Connect the hob to the gas pipe with a special hose.


Do-it-yourself kitchen renovation and design is not so difficult. The main thing here is to plan everything correctly, acquire a sufficient amount of materials and do everything carefully, slowly. The video in this article will help you understand how to update the kitchen in your home. Ask questions in the comments if you have any.

The kitchen is the center of the house, the corner of the hearth where the whole family gathers. Renovating a kitchen is an interesting process, and if you do it yourself, it’s also profitable.

Thinking about the repair, the first thing to start with is to think over the design of the kitchen of your dreams, taking into account financial possibilities.

Project selection and planning

Repair in the kitchen, as well as repair in any room, it is necessary to start with the measurement and revision of the condition of the room:

  • measure the kitchen: length, height and width;
  • measure window and door openings, and their distance from walls, ceiling and floor;
  • locate outlets;
  • places of water supply, sewerage, ventilation and gas riser (if any).

If the kitchen is small, then measurements must be taken most accurately, otherwise any error may lead to the door not closing or other troubles.

After the measurements, you should decide on the design, colors and draw up a plan for the location of furniture and appliances, in accordance with communications and sockets. Furniture must be selected in advance and know exactly its dimensions. The layout of the premises is carried out in the following order:

  • communications;
  • equipment;
  • furniture.

Pay special attention to the location of the stove and ventilation. An improperly located hood can lead to a violation of ventilation not only for you, but also for your neighbors.

A prerequisite for the presence of gas equipment is that the stove and the gas boiler should be at a distance of 80 cm from each other, and the stove from the refrigerator at 60 cm. It is better to hang a microwave in a small kitchen on the wall, under the cabinet.

Selection of the necessary, inexpensive material

When choosing a material, it is worth starting not only from the price, but also from the quality, so that in a year you do not have to redo the repair. Today, the building materials market is huge, you can choose a budget and high-quality goods.

Suitable for the ceiling: plastic panels, wallpaper, paint, drywall and putty.

On the floor you can lay:

  • linoleum - easy to clean and moisture resistant;
  • ceramic tiles - it is durable and moisture resistant;
  • Laminate is low maintenance, affordable and easy to install.

The material for the walls will need a variety, because you need to allocate a working area. The most durable and relatively inexpensive will be the finishing of the working area with ceramic tiles. It looks good and is easy to clean, which is very important, since this area of ​​​​the kitchen is most prone to contamination. Finishing with special panels is possible; designers usually resort to them when installing a kitchen set.

The amount of material required must be calculated in advance for the entire repair, having thought through all the details. Firstly, you will be able to edit and adjust the cost of the material to the budget allocated for the repair. In addition, if something is missing during the repair process and you have to interrupt, then not only will the repair be delayed, you can simply not find just such a material.

Required tool

When starting repairs, stock up on tools that may be required in the process. The list of tools depends on the planned types of repair work.

Be sure at the very beginning you will need a tape measure to measure the room. The main tools for any repair are:

  • building level and plumb - necessary to control surfaces;
  • a screwdriver, pliers, crowbar, chisel, hammer, nail puller - will be required for dismantling and removing the old finish;
  • scissors or a knife - to cut wallpaper, a glass cutter - for glass, a clerical knife - for drywall, and for ceramic tiles - a tile cutter;
  • you can not do without a trowel, a spatula when applying plaster;
  • brush (round, flat), roller - to apply wallpaper paste or for coloring.

To facilitate the work, you can use power tools: electric drill, puncher, grinder, electric planer, electric jigsaw.

In addition to these tools, you may need special ones designed for certain types of work. Usually, these are works related to the floor or ceiling.

In addition, rags, buckets, brushes and garbage bags should always be available.

Preparatory stage

Having purchased all the materials and picking up the tool, you should start preparing the room. Preparatory work includes:

  • in the release of the premises from furniture and household appliances;
  • in de-energizing the kitchen - a prerequisite for ensuring safety, lighting and connecting appliances to carry out using an extension cord;
  • in the dismantling of doors, windows and old finishes (floor, walls and ceiling).

In an old kitchen, everything is saturated with greasy fumes, so cleaning should be done in three stages: peeling off the old finish, washing and impregnating. Before stripping, you must first soften the surface. Plaster and water-based paint with water, oily surfaces using a special composition.

Then be sure to wash the surface with water and detergent, adding 5% table vinegar.

The final stage is impregnation with a primer, for deep penetration. This procedure should be done twice a day.

Electrical wiring and installation of sockets

When laying wiring and determining the number of sockets and their location, one should proceed from the electrical appliances that are planned in the kitchen. Sockets must be accessible to all appliances. It is better to install one or two outlets more.

If there is a need to lay new wiring, then you should contact a specialist in order to avoid trouble in the future.

Communication replacement

Plumbing is an important part for the proper functioning of the kitchen. If it is worn out, it is better to replace it.

Take polypropylene pipes, they are affordable, corrosion resistant and easy to install.

Metal-plastic pipes are also resistant to corrosion, but installation is quite complicated.

The most durable are copper, they are resistant to temperature changes and deformation, but are expensive.

Pipes are recommended to be installed closer to the wall or hidden under the wall sheathing, so they will not spoil the overall interior of the kitchen. Replace outdated cast-iron batteries with modern aluminum structures, they will fit well into the new design.

Windows and doors

If the window is wooden and its replacement was not planned, then the work is simplified. You can only clean the frame from the old paint and cover it with fresh.

If you need to change the window, you should decide on the material:

  • wooden - environmentally friendly, but are much more expensive;
  • plastic - durable, resistant to temperature changes, airtight and affordable.

When installing a new window, be sure to consider a ventilation option that is convenient for you.

In accordance with the intended design, a door to the kitchen is installed or an arch is made. Doors can also be:

  • wooden - natural, eco-friendly. They are expensive, but they look great;
  • plastic ones are practical, have high sound insulation and are much cheaper than wooden ones.

The arch can be made of wood or drywall, it all depends on the chosen design. The main thing is that it fits into the overall interior of the room.

If you do not have the skills to install windows and doors, then it is better to invite specialists.

Finishing work

After completing all the work on cleaning the room from the old finish and taking out the garbage, you can start the finishing process. As with repairs in any room, you need to start finishing the kitchen from the ceiling.


The ceiling in the kitchen must meet the following requirements:

  • be resistant to temperature changes;
  • do not let the children through so that microbes do not spread in the interceiling ceilings;
  • easy to wash;
  • preferably, the possibility of partial repair.

Currently, there are many options for finishing the ceiling, it all depends on your decision and design:

  • Painted - paint can be applied to brick, concrete and plaster, it dries quickly and is not expensive, but the service life is not great. It is better to take waterproof paint.
  • Wallpaper is also not an expensive option, it can be plain or painted. Washable looks good, besides they are resistant to steam and soot.
  • Suspended - a more modern option, it is possible to manufacture multi-level structures (if the height allows). It happens from drywall - it is easy to install, fire resistant, hides irregularities, suitable for embedding lighting. The downside is that it reduces the height of the ceiling. Rack suspended ceiling also has all of the above qualities, but it is more difficult to install.
  • From polystyrene foam tiles - a budget option. It is easy to install, does not reduce the height of the ceiling, is resistant to moisture and has a long service life, but is not considered environmentally friendly. When sticking it, it is necessary to make the correct markings, the central tile is exactly in the center of the ceiling.
  • Stretch - the most fashionable option. Hides all the errors of the ceiling, protects against flooding from above, easy to clean. The disadvantage is that it is relatively expensive and cannot be done with your own hands; certain skills and special equipment are required.

For the ceiling, it is better to use light colors, this will give height.


There is no limit to fantasy in wall decoration. But you need to start with their alignment. A simple and cheap option is puttying the walls. If the kitchen is large, then drywall is ideal, it will hide all the errors. Plasterboard walls are made in several stages:

  • a metal frame is mounted;
  • drywall is attached with self-tapping screws;
  • joints are glued with reinforced tape;
  • drywall plastered and sonnet 12 hours;
  • primer treatment is done;
  • now you can paint, wallpaper, etc.

The easiest way, but with many possibilities - painting. The color can be different, depending on your interior, monophonic or a combination of several scales. Glossy paint is easier to clean, but if there are imperfections on the surface, it highlights them. Therefore, designers advise matte or semi-gloss paint.

The second option is wallpaper and it is better if they are vinyl or non-woven. Their advantage is that they are well washed and durable, and non-woven ones are still environmentally friendly. Also, designers are often advised to use glass wallpaper for the kitchen. In addition to all the qualities mentioned above, they are fire resistant.

Ceramic tiles - common for walls in the kitchen and its great variety. It is easy to clean and durable, however, styling will take a long time. It is recommended to lay tiles only in the working area.

The most expensive way is plastering. Plaster is structural and textured. With it, you can create different patterns and ornaments, and give the kitchen a special personality.

It is possible to use several ways to finish the walls in one kitchen for different areas.


The floor is the final stage of the renovation. Regardless of the chosen type of floor, if you want a perfectly flat one, you should start with leveling. In the process of preparatory work, the old floor must already be dismantled and now it is necessary to set the beacon using a level. Then, the floor is poured with cement mortar. When dry, dust and debris are removed with a vacuum cleaner. Now you can lay the flooring material:

  • Laminate - easy to install, inexpensive, unpretentious in care. You need to choose high-quality, moisture resistant. Installed on a substrate.
  • Parquet is expensive and demanding to maintain. It can be damaged by grease and heat, so it is not recommended for the kitchen. It is also laid on the substrate.
  • Linoleum is an inexpensive option. Moisture resistant, durable and easy to care for. Linoleum lays down on glue.
  • Tiles are the best option for the kitchen. Easy to clean, durable, moisture resistant. The tile lays down on glue. It is recommended to connect a warm floor under the tile.
  • Cork is an environmentally friendly, warm material that is not afraid of dust and moisture. It looks very impressive, but can swell from spilled liquid.
  • The floorboard is a good, eco-friendly option, but it is a fire hazard, like parquet and laminate. Fits on the legs.
  • Marmoleum is a modern, decorative material. It is bactericidal, easy to clean, does not burn, with a long service life. Its main plus is that laying does not require special surface preparation.

After laying the floor, skirting boards are made. Skirting boards in the kitchen are more practical than decorative, they protect the grooves from dirt. Experts recommend using liquid nails or silicone glue when installing them.

Budget Kitchen Style Options

You need to select the design of the kitchen based on your desires, but it is worth considering a number of points:

  • square;
  • how many people will use it;
  • How often do you cook?
  • How much time are you willing to spend cleaning?

When choosing a budget style, options such as baroque, avant-garde, expressionism will not work. But it’s inexpensive and easy to make an interior with your own hands in styles:

  • minimalism - light shades, a large amount of free space and not pretentiousness of objects;
  • provence - with delicate, small patterns, the presence of wood and decorative elements;
  • country - where wood predominates and there are no frills;
  • loft - brickwork and elements of ease.

All these options will look great in small kitchens and the implementation of such ideas will not require large cash costs. In addition, the modern style does not allow variegation, it is better to play in contrast.

Furniture selection

When choosing furniture, you need to proceed from your desires, functionality and size of the kitchen. It is important to properly organize the room.

Basic moments:

  • do not overload;
  • use functional furniture;
  • the presence of built-in equipment;
  • wall cabinets and shelves;
  • a single countertop for sink, hob and work surface;
  • preference for light colors.

If the area is small, you should not try to install a full-fledged set, you can build wooden racks for arranging containers (in the Provence style), it will look original.

Today, the furniture market has a large selection in terms of models and colors. You can buy a ready-made headset or make to order. The set can be either on one wall or corner. Household appliances should be selected according to your needs.

Preference in furniture should be given to simple, rectangular shapes. Glossy options look elegant, they create a feeling of lightness. Designers often ditch the handles on the headset, and open by pressing. In addition, replacing the dining table with a bar counter makes the interior more modern.

With a large kitchen, it can be divided into zones: cooking and dining. For a dining room, a table and a seating area will look good.

Selection of furniture must be done during planning, before starting repair work.

Real projects- a photo

Possible ideas for design and creation of a cozy interior in the kitchen are presented in the photo.During the repair, there may be moments when not everything was taken into account or something was forgotten. Don't panic - this is normal. After all, renovation is a creative process. Imagine, consider the options in creating the perfect and comfortable kitchen for yourself.


Before you get started, you need to think through the design and ideas for renovating your kitchen. Repairing a small kitchen will be different from repairing a kitchen in a private house or apartment with a large area. First, make a list of what you need to do. Decide whether you will be redecorating the kitchen, or if you need a major overhaul. Choose photos of the kitchen that you like.

When you have decided on the choice of building materials, the finishing of the kitchen should be carried out in a certain sequence, excluding a return to the previous stages and alteration of any identified shortcomings.

Kitchen renovation sequence:

  1. Initially, the kitchen is freed from all furniture and old communications, including electrical wiring.
  1. Draft work is being done to level and finish the ceiling, walls and floor. If necessary, the old floor covering is removed.
  2. At the same stage, all windows and doors are replaced, if necessary.
  3. New communications are being laid.
  4. Installation of the ceiling, wall decoration, flooring is being carried out.

How to start a kitchen remodel:

  1. Wiring new pipes, installing water meters (if necessary), connecting the heating system.
  2. In place of old metal pipes, polypropylene or metal-plastic counterparts are installed. These modern materials are convenient not only because they do not clog with deposits, but also because they allow you to do the installation yourself.

Attention! It is forbidden to transfer gas communications on your own!

  1. In walls and ceilings install new wiring by selecting the appropriate cable section. Consider the supply of electricity to several places in the room, including the kitchen apron.
  2. The ceiling frame is mounted or it is leveled by plastering.

The walls are also subject to leveling plaster mixtures.

After the plaster has hardened, the surfaces are cleaned. To level the walls, you can use drywall, through which even very significant irregularities are eliminated. You can install it on a prepared frame or on glue. Plasterboard surfaces are plastered and sanded.

  1. If there is a concrete screed on the floor, then it is leveled to perfect condition. If there are boards on the floor, they are strengthened. Often the boards are covered with fiberboard sheets on top to insulate and eliminate cracks.

Until the final finishing of the premises is completed, it is recommended to replace windows and doors. It is desirable to prefer plastic windows, although some people prefer modern wooden structures. Changing windows with your own hands is difficult if you are not a master in this field, so take care of calling the measurer in advance. Please note that the windows will be made in about two weeks.

The door to the kitchen can be made of any material. This is wood, chipboard, and plastic. Your choice should correspond to the general idea for the interior design of the kitchen. The design of the door can also be different. This is a traditional hinged door, and a sliding wardrobe-type model, and a folding accordion door.

Exterior finish

At this stage, the final finishing of the premises is carried out. Work starts from the ceiling. There, on the frame or without it, the selected material is attached (plastic, polystyrene foam tiles), or specialists install a stretch ceiling. The walls are primed, painted, whitewashed, decorative plaster applied. Or wallpapering is done. One of the selected materials is finished with a kitchen apron.

Lastly, the floor covering is laid. If laying is carried out on a concrete screed, then it is necessary to provide for the presence of waterproofing and insulation from the bottom of the floor covering.

There are several options for designing a kitchen apron:

  • Ceramic tile. It is durable, not afraid of pollution, easy to clean. Mounted on the wall with your own hands. For a small kitchen, small tiles should be preferred. For example, 10 x 10 cm;
  • Glass. This is the most advanced choice. Glass is quickly washed, allows you to create a unique backlight. On such an apron, you can place a drawing or a photograph. The glass used is tempered. Available with frosted or tinted glass. The absence of seams makes it easy to care for the apron. The disadvantage is fragility, which may appear during installation or operation;
  • MDF. Easily cleaned from dirt. The color of the apron can be chosen based on the color of the rest of the furniture. Modern MDF panels are able to imitate many building materials, such as brick, marble, tile, stone. But there is one limitation. Since the stove is wood, it is undesirable to use it in the presence of a gas stove.

Arranging a kitchen space is not an easy task. Probably, when the thought of reorganizing the premises arises, many questions pour in. For example, how to properly make repairs in the kitchen, how to make beautiful repairs in the kitchen, etc. No need to headlong buy building materials and demolish walls. You need to start with a detailed plan. We will talk about this in more detail in the next paragraph.

Do you have an idea and have your own kitchen design project already in your head? Before putting it into practice, think again whether it fits a particular room:

  • draw up a detailed plan-scheme of the room, indicating not only the locations of windows, doors, furniture and plumbing, but also communication systems; mark on it also all the architectural features: ledges, niches and arches;
  • carefully measure the distance between each of the elements of future furniture and household appliances; keep in mind that for comfortable movement, the width of the aisles between the furniture should be from 90 cm; distance between the facades of the U-shaped kitchen set - 120 cm;
  • check the availability of outlets near electrical appliances, add a few more outlets if necessary; do not forget that they will be needed not only for the refrigerator, washing machine and dishwasher, but also for small kitchen appliances;

The subtleties of repairing a small kitchen

How to make repairs in the kitchen with your own hands without spending almost the entire family budget? Probably, you can save on materials or household appliances. But this is not necessary if you are the owner of a small area kitchen. At the stages of repair, this will not affect in any way, everything is done using the same technology.

There are design restrictions here. To be more precise, it is not allowed to use decorative elements and color schemes that will physically or visually narrow the room. These include laying walls and ceilings with plasterboard. In this case, there is a real decrease in the room by several centimeters.

Stretch ceilings will visually expand the space due to the mirror reflection of surrounding objects. A good addition to stretch ceilings is spotlights.

To save on materials, use the interior zoning method. Folding furniture, an abundance of vertical cabinets on the walls will help save space. For visual expansion, illuminate the room as intensely as possible, and decorate the interior in light pastel colors.

Now you know how to make inexpensive repairs in the kitchen, photos and videos on this topic can be found on our website. Self-confidence and careful planning of the process will be the basis for creating the kitchen of your dreams.

To repair a small kitchen with your own hands, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich does not exceed 6 sq.m. there are rules for the selection of design and furniture. First of all, it is important to choose the best and most appropriate option that will be convenient for the hostess to work in the kitchen. Of course, the main purpose of such a small kitchen will be cooking, but the right design will please the eye.

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of a place for the refrigerator. It should not be placed close (no closer than 15-20 cm) to the stove, oven or radiator - otherwise it will quickly fail. For the same reason, it is not recommended to place it in direct sunlight.

A cozy kitchen is the dream of any housewife, because it is in this room that a woman spends most of her free time. If you decide to do it and don't know where to start, follow the tips from this article. Carefully thought-out interior design will help to equip a comfortable working and dining area.

How to start kitchen remodeling. Video

When preparing the kitchen for repair, one should take into account the features of this room: high humidity, high temperature, the presence of gas appliances. You will have to carefully consider not only the interior design, but also the location of sockets, hoods, furniture and sewer installation.

Any repair begins with the preparation of a design project. On the three-dimensional drawing, you need to place the sink, stove, refrigerator, furniture. If you are carrying out a major overhaul, then order finished furniture, taking into account your project. At the same time, do not forget to measure household appliances so that they fit neatly into the dimensions of the room. The location of the sockets is thought out in advance so that the equipment can be easily connected.

Useful video: How to start repairs in the kitchen

Once you have decided on the design, you can proceed to the selection and calculation of materials. You will need wall and ceiling paint, primer, putty, cement, flooring, and other materials. It is better to change the windows in the room before the start of the repair, so that later you do not spend additional funds on finishing the slopes of the window opening.

The next step is to prepare the surfaces for finishing. You will have to take out all appliances and existing furniture and start removing old finishing materials from the floor, walls or ceiling. At this stage, you can also redevelop the room, for example, connect the kitchen with the living room.

We begin repairs in the kitchen with electrics, sewerage and ventilation

Proper arrangement of sockets and switches is the key to comfort in any room. You should have sockets in the working area, as well as in a place for connecting a refrigerator, microwave oven and other equipment.

Watch the video: How to arrange switches and sockets in the kitchen

Then you can proceed with the installation of the hood, which is located at a distance of 65-70 cm above the stove. Remember that ventilation systems cannot be moved, so immediately plan the location of the stove and hood, according to the intended building project.

It is advisable to replace old pipes with new ones made of polypropylene or metal-plastic. When you have replaced the sewer systems in the kitchen, you can proceed with the installation of gas hoses.

How to start a kitchen remodel. Surface finishing

It is best to start finishing in the kitchen from the ceiling. You can choose the ceiling yourself, for example, fabric or stretch. The easiest way is to putty, prime, and then just paint the ceiling. Remember that the installation of a stretch ceiling is carried out not in the first place, but after finishing the walls.

Tutorial Video: Tile Laying Technology

For wall cladding, you can choose any building material. Most often, in the kitchen, tiles are used to decorate the working surface, and the seating areas are decorated with beautiful wallpaper. Be sure to level all surfaces before starting work.

After finishing the walls, proceed with the installation. Today, warm floors are popular, which are laid on a screed, and the system is poured with mortar from above. The selected floor covering is mounted on top. It remains to fix the plinth.

Useful video: Installing a warm floor in the kitchen

Renovation in a small kitchen. Before and after

Doing a complete kitchen renovation with your own hands can be difficult, so use the services of experienced professionals to replace sewers or electricians. We hope that our advice on how to do it right overhaul in the kitchen will be useful to you.