Kemerovo Agricultural Institute selection committee. Kemerovo State Agricultural Institute (KSI), detailed information. General activities

When choosing an educational institution in which you are going to enter, you are guided by several of the most important parameters. And one of the significant selection criteria is the prestige of the specialty that can be acquired at the university and good prospects for further employment. According to this parameter, as well as some others (quality of knowledge, availability of modern equipment, admission conditions, and so on), students and graduates evaluate universities, and a rating of the best educational institutions in our country is compiled. We will consider the features of one of the institutions, which was included in the list of universities of the city with a good reputation, in the sections of the article.

Notable institutions of higher education in Kemerovo. Kemerovo State Agricultural Institute

Evaluation and classification of universities is carried out in order to analyze the quality of their work (that is, the level of training of future specialists). According to the rating of educational institutions, the universities of Kemerovo, recognized as the best, are:

  1. Kuzbass State Technical University.
  2. Kemerovo Technological Institute of Food Industry.
  3. Kemerovo State Institute of Culture.

This list also includes the Kemerovo State Agricultural Institute, to which this article is devoted.

General activities

The university was founded in 1976, and at first it existed as an educational and scientific center. The organization has come a long way in its development, and only in 2015 did it acquire its current status and name and become what it is now.

The educational institution provides training for specialists in HPE and SPO programs. Agriculture is an integral part of our life. Therefore, workers in this area are always in high demand. GSHI in Kemerovo provides all the opportunities for staff training: university teachers have vast experience and a high level of qualification; students are prepared for professional activities already during their studies (by involving them in scientific work, internships and practical classes in foreign educational institutions).

As for the location of KGAR, the address of the organization is 5th house on Markovtseva street in the city of Kemerovo. Departments of management at the university work from Monday to Thursday from eight-thirty in the morning to seventeen-fifteen in the evening and on Friday from half past eight in the morning to four in the afternoon. The head of the university is I. A. Ganieva.

Departments and areas of training

When choosing an educational institution for admission, we, first of all, ask ourselves the question of what kind of professionals are trained in a particular university. Regarding KSAR, the Kemerovo State Agricultural Institute consists of the following units for training specialists:

The Kemerovo State University provides training in the field of agricultural machinery, environmental protection and nature management; in the field of crop and livestock production, fodder production and landscape design; it also trains managers in the agricultural business.

Science and research

In KSAR, Kemerovo there is a division for research activities. In this department, scientific developments are carried out and applied in the learning process, as well as the introduction of new technologies in agricultural activities. The division of science deals with the issues of the agricultural industry, technology and research.

The department carries out work in the following areas:

The head of the department of science and research at the Kemerovo State Agricultural Institute is Konstantinova O. B.; the chief specialist Popova L.V. and the leading engineer Rotkina E.B. also work here.

Departments of laboratory research

These units in GAAR were formed as recently as last year. They carry out theoretical and practical activities in such areas as agricultural ecology and technical support of the agro-industrial complex.

The departments of laboratory research are headed by doctors of technical sciences E. V. Ulrikh and V. I. Myalenko.

The departments carry out the following activities:

  1. Various studies of soil and cultivated plants.
  2. Creation and application in practice of new technical means of the agro-industrial complex.
  3. The study of feed for farm animals and the compilation of an optimal nutrition system for them.
  4. Observation of plant growth in the Siberian region. Study of the factors influencing agricultural crops.
  5. Development and application of technologies for soil use.
  6. The use of computer technology in agriculture.
  7. Work on improving the quality of agricultural machinery.
  8. Study of the impact of agricultural technologies on soil, plants.

Interaction with other states

The university actively carries out joint activities with foreign partners through the center of interethnic commonwealth, which was formed quite recently, in January of this year. This unit conducts activities aimed at improving the scientific, professional and educational activities of GIAR.

The main goals of the international department:

  1. Interaction of the university with foreign partners through the signing of contracts.
  2. Development and application of joint programs.
  3. Creation of opportunities for students from foreign countries to study at GSHI.

Information for applicants (exams and preparatory classes)

As already mentioned, the Kemerovo State Agricultural Institute is engaged in the training of specialists in secondary and higher professional education. To obtain SVE, you do not need to pass exams upon admission, it is enough to present a document on graduation from high school. To study for a bachelor's degree, you need to pass entrance tests in such subjects as biology, mathematics, Russian language, physics and social studies. Exams are taken in writing, in the form of tests, in three of the above academic disciplines. If you want to get a master's degree, you need to pass entrance tests in animal science, agronomy and computer science, as well as interviews. For the preparation of applicants, the GSHI provides courses in such general subjects as mathematics, physics, the Russian language, and biology. In order to successfully pass the exams and enter the university, it is advisable to regularly attend these classes.

Documentation required for applicants

Admission to KSAR is possible only after presentation of the following documents:

  1. Identity card and its copy.
  2. Previously received certificates and diplomas, as well as their photocopies.
  3. Six photographs in 3x4 format.
  4. Certificate of medical examination (form 086-y).
  5. A copy of the vaccination document.
  6. A photocopy of the individual tax number and SNILS.
  7. Copy of military ID.

If you want to find out more information about the admission of documents to the university or about the conditions for admission, you can contact the admissions office (it is located in room No. 1107).

Student associations

Kemerovo State Agricultural Institute has a developed system of youth organizations.

Student life includes visiting vocal and dance studios, a sports club, as well as the Sofia Orthodox Center. The latter organization is interesting because it constantly hosts discussions on religion, culture and history in the form of tea parties and seminars.

The club accepts adherents of various religions. In addition, creative evenings dedicated to musical groups or performers are held here, and work is also underway to organize trips to the holy places of the Siberian and Altai regions.

The university is also quite active on its basis, student charitable groups "Helping Hand", "Iskra" function.


According to studies that examined and analyzed the universities of Kemerovo, GSHI is recognized as one of the best. The Internet page dedicated to this educational institution has taken the fifth place in popularity among the resources on science and education. KGAR is one of the most prestigious agricultural universities in the Russian Federation. The university occupies a leading position due to effective scientific activities and relevant research.

In addition, a KSAR diploma is a great advantage in employment due to the fact that the university teaches prestigious and sought-after specialties.

Employment department

This organization implements career guidance and professional self-determination programs. The main objectives of this division of the CGSI:

  1. Implementation of practical activities at the university (based on federal state educational standards) and participation of students in it.
  2. Organization of effective joint work of the department of employment with the departments of the university.
  3. Creation of a system of continuous education in the field of agriculture through interaction with employers of agricultural companies.

As for labor activity after graduation from KSAR, the specialties of the university involve work in the following areas:

  1. Agricultural engineering.
  2. Nature management.
  3. Agronomy.
  4. Landscaping.
  5. Agricultural technologies.
  6. Livestock.
  7. Economy.
  8. Local government.

As for the reviews about the university, it should be noted that, in general, the educational institution leaves a positive impression on students and graduates. Many note the high professionalism of teachers, good staff training and the absence of difficulties in finding a job after graduation. The main disadvantage of the university (judging by the reviews) can be considered bribery. According to students, some teachers demand money for getting a good mark on the exam.

Kemerovo State Agricultural Institute is a higher educational institution of the agricultural profile in the city of Kemerovo. The history of the university begins in 1976, then it was a branch of the Novosibirsk Agricultural Institute. As an independent educational institution, the Kemerovo Institute has existed since 1995.

The institute is one of the most demanded specialized institutions. Here they conduct training according to the curricula of higher education and secondary vocational education. The directions of the institute are popular in agricultural production and are in demand in the market of professions.

Kemerovo Agrarian University offers education at the following faculties:

Agricultural technologies
Humanitarian and pedagogical

Education at a high level is provided by an experienced teaching staff. Competent professional teachers produce the best specialized employees and are proud of their students. The quality of education is 100% dependent on these worthy people, among whom are the flower of the Russian scientific community. The skill of the teachers of the institute is beyond competition, the scientific elite of all departments of the university transfers all its knowledge from year to year to future specialists of the country's agro-industrial complex.

Graduates of the Institute deservedly occupy places in production as ordinary employees and executives. They easily and successfully climb the career ladder, thanks to hard work during the years of study and the proper level of training.

Students receive a variety of professions: economists, managers, accountants, agricultural engineers, livestock specialists, agronomists, technologists, teachers, merchandisers, landscape architects, machine operators, agrochemists, motorists. your future life. Full-time, part-time education and education according to an abbreviated curriculum, as well as distance learning at the correspondence department are available. The Institute provides pre-university training, postgraduate education and retraining of specialized personnel.
The educational institution opens up unlimited opportunities for students who want to engage in scientific and innovative activities. For this purpose, there is a graduate school that conducts scientific work in five areas.

The research process is represented by the work of scientific schools, scientific problem laboratories, competitions and events of a scientific nature. There is the Academic Council, the Council of Young Scientists and the Scientific Department, which organizes and coordinates the scientific and technical process on humanitarian, agricultural and technical disciplines at the university. He also oversees the work of the postgraduate department, the defense of scientific papers, controls the publication of monographs, articles, reports and recommendations, including the implementation of scientific research in the process of study and in production conditions. Three new studies have been added to the already existing research areas of the Institute.
International cooperation occupies an important position in the activities of the Agricultural Institute. The partners of the university are Serbia, China, Armenia, Canada, China, Tajikistan, Mongolia, Germany. In these countries, students undergo agricultural practices and agro-internships.

The management of the institute concludes agreements on mutual cooperation in the international space with universities of a similar profile and scientific communities. The exchange of experience and the joint conduct of experiments brings the work of the institute to an important level of development, opens cloudless horizons for the development of domestic scientists in the world scientific arena.

The list of partner countries is not limited to this, because continuous diplomatic work is being carried out to expand the list of foreign states that can expand the geography of the Kemerovo Agricultural Institute.

The material and technical support fully corresponds to normal life and the conduct of the educational process. Students have all the conditions, from equipped classrooms with new technology and the Internet to comfortable hostels with laundries and study rooms.

Free time can be spent in gyms, dance and vocal studios, creative circles. The Institute publishes the newspaper "Variant" and participates in events of regional significance.

FGBOU VPO "Kemerovo State Agricultural Institute".
Information on faculties, areas of study, profiles:

Direction: Economy. Profile "Finance and credit"; Profile "Accounting, analysis and audit".
Direction: Management. Profile "Production management of the agro-industrial complex" Direction: State and municipal management.

The cost of training at the commercial department: 22,100 rubles; 13500 rubles; 14500 rub.

Direction: Agricultural engineering. Profile "Technical systems in agribusiness"; Profile "Technical service in the agro-industrial complex".
The cost of training at the commercial department: 33,150 rubles; 13260 rubles; 13500 rub.
Direction: Nature management and water use. Profile "Environmental arrangement of territories".
Cost of training at the commercial department: 28750 rubles; 12000 rub.
Forms of education: full-time; correspondence; in absentia-abbreviated.
Terms of study: 4 years; 5 years; 3.5 years.
Entrance tests: Russian language; physics; maths.

Direction: Agronomy. Profile "Technology of production of crop products."
Direction: Zootechnics. Profile "Technology of livestock production"; Profile "Unproductive animal husbandry".
Direction: Technology of production and processing of agricultural products. Profile "Technology of production and processing of livestock products"; "Technology of production and processing of crop products."
Forms of education: full-time; correspondence; in absentia-abbreviated.
Terms of study: 4 years; 5 years; 3.5 years.
Entrance tests: Russian language; biology; maths.
The cost of training at the commercial department: 33,150 rubles; 13260 rubles; 13500 rub.

Direction: Teacher Education. Profile "Natural science education"; Profile "Technological education".
Forms of education: full-time; correspondence; in absentia-abbreviated.
Terms of study: 4 years; 5 years; 3.5 years.
Entrance tests: Russian language; social science; maths.
The cost of training at the commercial department: 22,100 rubles; 10500 rubles; 11000 rub.
Deadlines for receiving documents:
- for part-time education - from May 13, 2013
- for full-time education - from June 20, 2013

There are two hostels for full-time students.
In 2013, it is planned to open the following specialties (fields of training):

Bachelor's degree: Landscape architecture, Commodity science.
Speciality: Economic security, Ground transport and technological means.
Master's Courses: Animal Science