Life hack - life is easier! How to make a mosquito trap from a bottle Essential oils: clove, anise, basil


1. To repel mosquitoes, use chopped leaves and flowers of basil and bird cherry. The smell of anise, eucalyptus and cloves will also scare away mosquitoes. It is enough to apply any of the oils of these plants to open areas of the skin or to a source of fire - a fireplace, a fire, a candle.

2. The smell of cedar oil will scare away not only mosquitoes, but also cockroaches and flies. Tea tree oil will also help in the fight against mosquitoes. It will also help relieve itching from bites.

3. Mosquitoes do not tolerate the smell of tobacco smoke, valerian and camphor (100 grams of smoldering camphor will save even very large rooms from mosquitoes and other flying insects).

4. In nature, spruce and pine cones will help in the fight against mosquitoes. It is enough to throw them into the fire and this smell will scare away mosquitoes.

5. Also, mosquitoes do not tolerate the smell of tomato leaves. Several pots of tomato bushes placed on the windowsill will be a reliable barrier to mosquitoes.

6. Another effective mosquito repellent is vanilla water. Vanillin powder is diluted in water, and then exposed skin is treated with this composition.


Life hacks - folk remedies for mosquitoes (7 ways)

With the advent of heat, many are faced with nightmares in the form of not only buzzing, but also biting mosquitoes. Many people have faced the problem more than once when mosquitoes do not let you fall asleep in the late evening. Although there are many ways to solve this problem. In this article you will find information on how to get rid of mosquitoes in the apartment.

1. Install on windows mosquito net.

If your house has old wooden frames, then you can fill the windows with gauze that will not let insects through.

2. By growing tomatoes on the windowsill, you will forget about mosquitoes, and besides, you will also grow natural homemade tomatoes.

Mosquitoes do not tolerate stock of tomato leaves.

Therefore, if there is a tomato on the windowsill, mosquitoes will fly around your window side.

3. Shop for special ultrasonic device, which will repel mosquitoes from your apartment.

The old way helps medium.

Sold at any hardware store.

There is really another way, but I will not mark it separately)

To get mosquitoes out of the room - you can just turn on the light in the next one!)


Mosquitoes are oriented not only to light.

That is, in search of “food”, they fly to heat (infrared (thermal) radiation)
4. Can also be purchased fumigator.

There are different types of fumigators. Mostly repel mosquitoes with plates, spirals or liquids.

The fumigator begins to act in about an hour.

It usually lasts all night, so you can sleep peacefully all night if you turn on the fumigator in the evening.

5. Exist repellents, which do not kill, but repel mosquitoes.

repellents for sale in the form of creams, ointments and sprays. Apply the repellant to exposed areas of the skin, according to the instructions for the product.

6. Mosquitoes can't stand many smells. Use essential oils to repel mosquitoes. Apply them in the bedroom and other rooms. A couple of drops will be enough.

In addition, mosquitoes do not like smell of cloves, mint, onion and basil. Arrange these plants on windowsills or just in the room.

7. Heat up a frying pan and sprinkle some camphor. Mosquitoes will immediately leave your apartment, smelling the smell of camphor smoke, but for a person this smoke will not bring any harm.

The ubiquitous mosquitoes are to blame for everything, striving to plant their proboscises deeper in you and sip your honestly produced blood. Here are some simple tips to help you deal with the itch from mosquito bites and get the long-awaited...

The ubiquitous mosquitoes are to blame for everything, striving to plant their proboscises deeper in you and sip your honestly produced blood. Here are a few simple tips to help you deal with itching from mosquito bites and get some long-awaited relief.

1. Creating an "X" with a fingernail

We all do this from childhood, but none of us knows why. It is believed that pressing the nail on the bite brings some pain, which distracts us from itching. The main thing is not to press too hard, otherwise you can damage the skin, through the wound in which an infection can easily enter our body.

2. Hand sanitizer

Alcohol and hand sanitizers (again, 99% alcohol) with antiseptic properties not only decontaminate the bite site, but the resulting burning sensation from their use helps to relieve itching

3. Scotch tape

It is believed that a piece of adhesive tape, pasted for several hours at the site of a bite, not only significantly reduces itching, but can also extract from the skin what the mosquito left in it. There is not a ton of scientific explanation for this method, but in any case, even if it does not work, the tape will save the bite from scratching

4. Aspirin

Aspirin contains acetylsalicylic acid, which is an anti-inflammatory agent. Crush a few tablets and mix with water to make a paste to apply directly to the bite

5. Vinegar

Due to its low acid levels, vinegar is an excellent remedy for mosquito bites. You can spot it on the bites, and if the mosquitoes have made a smorgasbord out of your body, you can add 2-3 cups of vinegar to the bath, and then take it

6. Remedy for hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoid cream is specifically designed to reduce inflammation and relieve itching. Even on skin that is far away from your ass..

7. Toothpaste

The vast majority of toothpastes have a mint flavor, because they usually contain ingredients containing menthol. Menthol significantly cools the skin, and our brain feels a feeling of freshness stronger and faster than the sensation of itching. In addition, some toothpastes contain anti-inflammatory ingredients that can help reduce swelling.

8. Banana peel

This is a remedy used all over the world, but which has no scientific justification. However, some experts suggest that the sugar in the banana skin may have a soothing effect and draw fluid out of the bite.

9. Hair dryer

Itching from mosquito bites occurs because during the bite, insects leave protein compounds in the skin. Itching is your body's reaction to the protein they left behind. Heat can break down these compounds and stop itching. Point the hair dryer directly at the sting until the skin is warm, but don't overdo it so you don't get burned.

10. Oatmeal

Oatmeal can relieve itching and reduce swelling due to the content of special anti-irritants. Make a paste of oatmeal (oatmeal) and water in a bowl, then apply some of the paste on the irritated skin, leave on for about 10 minutes, then wash off

11. Dirt

The mud not only cleanses the skin, but also has a soothing effect and can reduce swelling. The mud really works!

12. Lemon juice and lime juice

Lemon and lime juice can help with itching while also being antibacterial and antimicrobial. Just put some freshly squeezed juice on the affected area of ​​the skin and it can reduce itching and prevent infection. Use this remedy indoors as direct exposure to the sun may cause skin blistering

13. Ice

The principle of operation is the same as for a burn. Ice can reduce swelling and act as a local anesthetic, providing temporary relief from itching.

14. Baking soda

Being alkaline, baking soda regulates the pH of the skin, providing relief from itching. Dissolve one teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water. Dip a clean cloth into the resulting mixture and apply the cloth to the affected area of ​​the skin for 10-20 minutes

15. Basil

Basil contains camphor and thymol, two compounds that can relieve itching. To do this, simply crush a fresh basil leaf and apply to the affected area.

16. Salt bath

Salt has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties that can help soothe the skin after a bite. You can make a solution by adding a few drops of water to a small amount of sea or table salt and apply to the sting, or take a hot bath with the salt added first.

17. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera has anti-inflammatory properties, which can help relieve itching. For even better results, store your aloe vera product in the refrigerator, as the cold will greatly help with itching and reduce swelling.

Summer is perhaps the best time of the year for outdoor recreation. You can walk all night long. But there is one problem - mosquitoes that lie in wait for people everywhere. To combat them, they came up with a variety of devices. But we decided to recall 8 eco-friendly products that are available to everyone.

1. Valerian or camphor

It is enough to place 100 grams of valerian or camphor over a burner or in an aroma lamp to get rid of mosquitoes even in very large rooms or to protect yourself from insects in nature.

2. Rowan

To prevent mosquitoes from attacking on the street, it is enough to finely chop fresh rowan leaves and rub them on exposed skin.

3. Essential oils: clove, anise, basil

5-10 drops of essential oils of clove, anise or basil in a glass of water, and lubricate exposed skin with this solution. This is a great way to protect yourself from annoying bloodsuckers. You can put a container with fragrant liquid on a heated pan or over a candle. You can moisten a piece of cotton wool with one of the oils and put it on the windowsill.

4. Elderberry

It is enough to put fresh elderberry branches in the room so that not a single mosquito flies into the room. The smell of tomato leaves is about the same.

5. Juniper

So that mosquitoes do not bother nature, it is enough to throw juniper branches into the fire.

6. Cedar oil

The smell of cedar oil can scare away not only mosquitoes, but also cockroaches and flies.

7. Wormwood

Not a single mosquito will approach if you wash your face and hands with a decoction of wormwood roots. To do this, pour a handful of chopped roots with 1.5 liters of water, bring to a boil, and then let it brew for 20-30 minutes

8. Eucalyptus

If the liquid for the electric fumigator has run out, it is not at all necessary to rush to the store for a replacement unit. You can fill the bottle with 100% eucalyptus extract. You can be sure that mosquitoes will forget the way to your house!

It will help get rid of annoying uninvited guests and.

Annoying itchy mosquitoes are one of the troubles that you encounter on vacation. These little bloodsuckers are like a natural disaster. And hiding from them is sometimes not easy! Bright Side shares tricks that will help you ward off ubiquitous insects and stay “uneaten.”

1. Aromatic oils

The most suitable essential oils for fighting blood-sucking insects: lavender, valerian, eucalyptus, geranium, anise, thyme, mint, tea tree, camphor laurel, cedar.
How to use:

  • Soak a piece of cotton wool in one of these oils and place the fragrance on a windowsill or near your pillow.
  • Mix your chosen essential oil into your cream. Rub the resulting product on exposed areas of the body.
2. Indoor plants

Mint, myrtle, rosemary and geranium are houseplants that can repel insects with their strong fragrance. Also, tomato leaves are considered one of the most potent home remedies against mosquitoes.

3. Lemon with cloves

Cut open a lemon and stick a clove in it. Put next to the bed and you can sleep with the window open. A pleasant smell and the complete absence of mosquitoes are guaranteed!

4. Homemade mosquito trap

This mosquito trap works by attracting insects with carbon dioxide released during the fermentation of yeast. Mosquitoes smell it, fall into a trap and cannot get back.

5. Pine cones and juniper

In nature, spruce cones and juniper branches will help in the fight against mosquitoes. It is enough to throw them into the fire, and this smell will scare away insects.

6. Bird cherry and rowan

If you are on the street, it is enough to rub the open areas of the body with rowan or bird cherry leaves, and mosquitoes will stop reaching.

7. Onion and garlic

A recognized remedy for itching after bites is onions and garlic. The onion head is cut into two parts and applied to the bite site. As for garlic, you need to crush 1 clove and dilute the resulting slurry with a little water. Soak a piece of tissue in the solution and apply to the bite site.

8. Soda

Baking soda is the simplest and most common home remedy for mosquito bites. Mix 3 teaspoons of baking soda with 1 teaspoon of water until a thick paste forms. Apply the resulting mass to the bite site and let it dry.

9. Lemon juice

The bite site can also be moistened with lemon juice.

10. Spoon

Warm the spoon in hot water, then place it over the bite. The spoon should be kept firmly pressed against the skin for several minutes. When you remove it, the itching should go away.