Fumigator. Insecticide. Experience. Choice. Choose. Mosquitoes. Destruction. Use, application. Use, apply, destroy. Harmful, harmful, dangerous, danger. Health. On guard of peaceful sleep: mosquito fumigator Which fumitoks is better

Today, it’s easier than ever to rid yourself of the presence of mosquitoes, because in almost any store it’s easy to buy the most common fumigator. However, their choice is so great that sometimes you get lost which one to prefer and how to use it correctly.

How does a mosquito fumigator work?

The fumigator against flies, midges and mosquitoes is a device that heats the insecticide placed in it. It can be a liquid chemical or a special plate soaked in mosquito poison. Under the action of heat, the insecticide begins to evaporate and the vapors of this poison scatter around the fumigator, affecting insects. As an energy source for heating, either electricity is used (these are home fumigators that are plugged into a socket) or battery power (this is how a portable fumigator on batteries for the street works).

Usually, pralletrin or diethyltoluamide is used as a fumigant, that is, a poisonous substance. It is considered harmless to warm-blooded creatures, and therefore to humans, dogs, cats and other hamsters. But how does the fumigator work on mosquitoes and other cold-blooded creatures? Nervous paralytic, which means first paralysis of insects, and then their quick death. Such a fumigator helps against midges, mosquitoes and other flying insects. This, by the way, is the difference between a fumigator and repellents. The latter only drive away mosquitoes, which may give a less noticeable result. True, this result is possible only indoors. As a street mosquito fumigator, it will be ineffective.

Mosquito fumigator with liquid or with a plate - which one to choose

The main types of fumigators are those working with a liquid fumigant or with plates.

The liquid substance is sold in special flasks that are simply inserted into the fumigator. When heated, the liquid evaporates into the air. Such fumigators are considered more modern and more economical. The liquid evaporates more slowly and one bottle can last for about a month of regular use.

The principle of operation of the fumigator with a plate is the same. The tablet is based on a special porous material that is impregnated with the same substance, which also evaporates when heated. One plate is enough for about 8 or 10 hours of work, that is, for example, for one night. Therefore, you will have to constantly stock up on plates during the mosquito season. In addition, the plate itself smolders when heated, which theoretically can lead to a fire. However, in practice, subject to the rules of operation of the device, this is unlikely to happen.

There are also universal fumigators with the ability to use both plates and. Such fumigators work only indoors and are not very effective for the street.

Overview of the most effective brands

Among the variety of fumigators, the most popular are several manufacturers that have proven themselves to be safe and effective.

Fumigator “Raptor”

These are fumigators that use an active substance called Ethok, a nerve agent that is harmless to humans but deadly to mosquitoes. The line includes effective odorless or green tea flavored liquids, as well as products marked “bio” for people with hypersensitivity to chemicals. In these liquids and plates, the concentration of poisonous fumigants is reduced, but enhanced by natural extracts. There is also “Nekusayka” in the line - a children's fumigator from mosquitoes with liquid. The instruction, by the way, reports that it is effective against flies, mosquitoes and other flying insects.

“I have always used fumigators from Raptor at home - simple, reliable, sold everywhere. And for the child in the nursery, on the occasion, I bought a special children's fumigator from the same company. But if the usual one is very effective, then this one does not kill all mosquitoes, probably because the poison content is minimal. When there are few mosquitoes, he copes, and when there are a lot of them, you have to open the windows wider and turn on the usual adult raptor.”

Fumigator “Raid”

Offers two options for fumigators. One simple but budget. One night without mosquitoes will cost only 4 rubles, since the liquid from the bottle for 120 rubles is enough for about a month. A more expensive version of the device is equipped with a timer that will turn off the heating after 8 or 10 hours, as well as an evaporation intensity regulator. Raid works on pralletrin, a modern, harmless fumigant that protects not only from mosquitoes, but also from midges.

“Before, I did not pay attention to the brands of fumigators, I took the first ones that came across. And now only Raid, the one with the intelligent mode. It is very convenient that you don’t have to think whether I turned it on or not before leaving for work, it turns itself off after 8 hours. I mean, I don't notice it at all. Works for itself without noise and smell, mosquitoes are not visible, and not heard. Do not forget to turn it on before going to bed and change the liquid once a month. A very handy thing.”

Fumigator “Moskitol”

The products of this brand use pralletrin and transfluthrin. They effectively destroy insects without harm to humans. In the Mosquitol line there are fumigators with a fan and a timer for better distribution of volatile substances, as well as options with a reduced content of transfluthrin, these are children's fumigators.

“A good fumigator, I can’t imagine life without it at the dacha. I turn it on in my grandchildren's room before going to bed for a couple of hours, and then I transfer it to myself. In my bedroom I run the device all night, but with the window open. It’s enough for a month somewhere, mosquitoes don’t bother, they don’t squeak above the ear.”

Svetlana Petrovna

How to use the fumigator - the most common questions

The first time I bought a fumigator, how to use it?

Before first use, read the instructions for the device, it describes how to properly insert the liquid or plate. Following the instructions, insert the fumigant and plug the device into a power outlet.

Can the device be turned on all night?

As a rule, the fumigator can work all night, but on condition that there is an influx of fresh air in the room, that is, an open window. If the windows are closed, then the fumigator should not be kept on for more than 2-3 hours.

Should the fumigator heat up?

No, a high-quality fumigator should neither heat up nor emit unpleasant odors, let alone smoke. If the device becomes hot, it is most likely of poor quality or defective, it must be replaced.

I forgot the fumigator in the outlet, leaving for work, what should I do?

If your fumigator is branded and of good quality, nothing will happen to it, it will evaporate all the insecticide and will work “idle”. The temperature of its heating is not enough to start a fire. However, cheap low-quality devices may begin to melt plastic, which is fraught with fire. Use only high-quality appliances, and when you return home, immediately unplug the fumigator from the outlet and ventilate the room.

Fumigators have become as much an integral part of our lives as other electrical appliances. And this is not surprising - they are cheap, easy to use, but few mosquito control methods can match them in effectiveness.

Mosquitoes are harmful insects whose bites remind of themselves for a long time. Effective devices - fumigators will help get rid of them. They are absolutely safe for humans, do not create noise, unpleasant odors and other inconveniences during operation. At the same time, they help in the shortest possible time to get rid of mosquitoes and other insects. How to choose and operate a fumigator?

Principles of operation and types

For the fumigator to function properly, a fumigant is required, which can be released in the form of a liquid or a plate impregnated with toxic substances. The first option is more effective, since the liquid evaporates faster, instantly bringing results. For poisons to escape from the plate, it must warm up well, which takes time.

The principle of operation of the fumigator is as follows. During the heating of the plate or liquid, toxic substances evaporate, which, getting into the air, have a detrimental effect on insects. They not only destroy existing pests, but also scare away new ones.

Fumigators are classified into two types: pyrotechnic and electric. The first type is produced in the form of spirals, which, after ignition, together with smoke, release poisonous vapors into the air that are dangerous for blood-sucking insects. It is better to use such fumigators outdoors. Indoors, spirals are used in exceptional cases (for example, in the absence of electricity). At the same time, it is very important to observe fire safety measures.

In electrical appliances, evaporation occurs due to the heating of toxic substances under the influence of current. This type is more reliable and efficient.

The toxic substances that make up the composition can be natural (pyrethrins are extracted from plants) or artificially synthesized (pyrethroids).

Application rules

Before using the fumigator, be sure to read the instructions. Find out what precautions should be taken and in which cases the use of the device can be dangerous.

Before using the electric fumigator, insert a plate into it or screw in a bottle of liquid. Plug in the appliance. Do not place it at the head of the bed or near children. Do not leave the device unattended for a long time and do not touch it with metal tools or wet hands.

Keep the fumigator and all its components in closed places out of the reach of children and pets. Also, do not put them near sources of fire, food, medicine or personal care products.

This method of getting rid of mosquitoes is absolutely not like pregnant and lactating women, as well as people prone to allergies. In children's rooms, use special fumigants with a low concentration of toxic substances. Place the fumigator at least 1 m away from the baby's bed.

The volatile vapors emitted by the device are safe for cats, dogs and rodents. However, they can have a negative effect on fish or birds. Take your pets to another room while cleaning the room.

Use the fumigator for no more than 3 hours in a row, trying not to turn it on just before bedtime. Remember: with longer use, the concentration of toxic vapors in the air increases, and they can enter the body through the respiratory system.

If you want to purchase a high-quality and effective fumigator, consider several important criteria.

  • processing area. First of all, pay attention to this aspect, because the efficiency of the device depends on it. The packaging indicates the approximate range of the device. Knowing the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, it will not be difficult to choose the right device.
  • View. For indoor use, it is better to take electric fumigators, and pyrotechnic ones are suitable for the street.
  • fumigant type. The plate is an easier way, but its action is only enough for 8 hours of work. The liquid has a faster and longer effect, and one bottle will last for 30-35 days when used 8 hours a day. For ease of use, buy a 2 in 1 device that can use liquid and plates.
  • The concentration of toxic substances. The safe dosage for children is 10-12%. For use in rooms where there are no babies, the concentration may be slightly higher.

Advantages and disadvantages

Fumigators have a number of advantages. They are safe for people and most pets, easy to use and effective at killing mosquitoes. Poisonous substances, as a rule, do not cause discomfort or other unpleasant sensations, they are inaccessible to the human sense of smell.

The devices also have their drawbacks. So, with prolonged use (more than 3 hours), flying vapors can cause coughing or sore throat attacks. Adults may occasionally experience headaches or diarrhea.

Overview of popular brands

There is a wide range of fumigators of different brands on the market. Consider the features, advantages and disadvantages of the most popular brands.

"Reid" is an effective fumigator that gets rid of mosquitoes and other insects within a radius of 50 m. The active ingredient is pralletrin at a concentration of 1.6%, the liquid has a pleasant aroma of eucalyptus.

Some models of this brand are equipped with a concentration regulator for the release of active substances. This allows you to use the devices indoors with children. Fumigators "Reid" are also equipped with an automatic shutdown timer.

"Mosquitoll". The active substance of the fumigant is esbiotrin (3.3%). It quickly destroys insects and in a small concentration is absolutely safe for humans.

Under this brand, products for adults are launched on the market, as well as special fumigants for children with a low content of active ingredients. In children's fumigators, the active ingredient is transfluthrin at a concentration of 0.8%. Some liquids additionally use chamomile extract, which repels insects and has a slight aromatizing effect.

One bottle of liquid is enough for 40-45 nights. The device should be turned on for at least 1.5–2 hours, but you will notice the first positive effect after half an hour.

"Raptor" is distinguished by the content of natural ingredients. This makes it 100% safe for humans and destructive for insects. As a rule, appliances do not emit a pungent odor, but a slight unobtrusive odor may be present.

Under this brand, unique devices are produced that can operate on batteries. This is true for areas where there are frequent power outages. Also, such mobile fumigators can be used in a car or a tent during the holidays.

"Fumitoks" is an effective remedy based on pralletrin (a synthetic analogue of Dalmatian chamomile extract). The device does not emit a sharp unpleasant odor, while quickly destroying insects. The advantage is that you can independently change the position of the plug, which allows you to adapt the device to any outlet, regardless of position and type.

The fumigator is an effective method of fighting mosquitoes and other blood-sucking insects. When choosing a device, consider the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, the type of fumigant and the presence of children in the apartment. Observe the rules for using the device and the duration of its use.

A mosquito fumigator is a simple device in the form of a small box. A plate impregnated with an active substance, a cartridge, or a container with liquid is inserted into it. In modern devices, there is a fan inside to ensure a better distribution of the active ingredient into the air. Fumigators from mosquitoes work from electric current, batteries, accumulator.

Operating principle

How the fumigator works, everyone can figure it out. The principle is simple. The device under the influence of electric current heats the plates, liquid from mosquitoes. The active ingredient is released into the air. If there is a fan inside, the process is accelerated.

Most fumigators are powered by electric current. You just need to plug it in. If the room is less than 15 sq. m., you can not use the device if more than 60 sq. m., it is recommended to use several devices at different ends of the room.

The liquid mosquito fumigator is designed to work up to 30 nights. Turn on in the evening, turn off after 8 hours of continuous operation. new ones are used every time. Their actions last only one night.


The high effectiveness of mosquito repellents has allowed manufacturers to expand the scope of their activities. They began to produce plates for. However, the product does not have such a big effect.


The electric mosquito fumigator works due to the presence of DETA insecticide liquid in the composition of the plates. The substance is used for production all over the world. Causes paralysis of insects, quick death.

When using the device, you must strictly follow the instructions, do not violate the rules. An increased concentration of insecticide in the air causes breathing problems, weakness, dizziness, nausea and even vomiting.

In addition to the electric fumigator, there is a battery-powered device or a lamp that heats the plates with a candle. Such devices can be carried with you, put on your belt, bag, backpack, put on the table, in any convenient place in nature.

Ultrasonic device

In a separate group is an ultrasonic fumigator. A small device with a simple internal structure emits a sound of a certain frequency. The human ear does not feel it. The effect on the well-being of household members is not reflected.

  • An ultrasound-based mosquito repellent emits vibrations similar to the flight of a dragonfly, a bat. After fertilization, females avoid meeting with males, in every possible way they try to hide from them. For humans, it is the females that are dangerous for the opportunity to give life to new offspring.
  • Another version of the effective operation of the device - ultrasound interferes with "communicating" with each other, unbalances, makes it impossible to find a victim. In such conditions, the insect cannot stay for a long time, it flies away.

It works immediately after connecting to the electricity network. Reduce the effectiveness of walls, carpets. In a large room, it is recommended to use 2 devices at once.

There are also devices that do not repel insects with ultrasound, but attract. An example of such fumigators is. Mosquitoes fly to the sound, bright light, fall on the grids with current, instantly die.

Terms of use

Instructions for use are somewhat different depending on the type of fumigator, the principles of its operation.

  • The electrical appliance must be connected to the socket, if necessary, press the start button. Some models start working right away. Leave for 8 hours. Turn off in the morning. If the room is small, you can turn on the device only for half an hour, then ventilate the room. It should be placed at a distance of at least 1 m from the bed.
  • The ultrasonic fumigator creates waves of different frequencies. It is recommended to periodically change the frequency so that mosquitoes do not get used to the ultrasound. The distance from the bed to the device must be at least 3 m. Be sure to turn it off after 12 hours of continuous operation.

Children's fumigator is used according to the general rules. Only plates differ from adult devices, liquid in its composition.

Rating of the most popular devices

The best mosquito repellents are easy to use, effective, and safe.


A pioneer in this field. Everyone is familiar with the Raptor plates with the image of a cartoon dinosaur. Thanks to the effectiveness of this tool, other fumigators got the opportunity to "be". A simple device starts working immediately after connecting to the network. Readiness is signaled by a lit lamp. Plates are inserted into the device or a container with liquid is screwed in.

There is a separate line of products for children called. Liquid with chamomile extract provides protection for the smallest up to 30 nights. The cost of the kit is about 200 rubles. Liquid device for adults - about 150 rubles.

I rented an apartment on the first floor, mosquitoes just pestered me. They bit during the day, and at night they did not give rest. Felt like in a forest. I put it with the plates, the same night I slept peacefully. My suffering is over. Since then, only the Raptor.

Inna, Moscow

Off Clip it

A new version of the mobile fumigator with a fan inside. A liquid cartridge is being used. Enough for 12 hours of continuous work. Operates on batteries or accumulator. On the reverse side there is a clip for easy placement on a belt, bag belt, backpack, in a tent

The mobile device provides within a radius of 1 m. The cost of a kit with a replaceable cartridge is about 500 rubles. There is also a fumigator for children under one year old with an active ingredient - pyrethrum. The price of the device with liquid is about 300 rubles.

I like it for a long time. But since I tried the fumigator, I use only it. He is very comfortable. Now I take it with me to the forest, in the evening for a walk. Replaces spray, cream, aerosol. No time is wasted processing clothes, you are not afraid for your own health. Grandfather gave fishing with him, he was also delighted. The only negative is the high price.

Olya, Saratov


A fumigator for children from a year old produces the Kiko or Chico brand based on ultrasound. A small white device runs on 2 batteries. You can put it in any convenient place, take it with you to the street. The cost of Italian products is about 650 rubles.


The products are known all over the world. The tool is available in several varieties - for children, adults. It differs in design and active components in the composition of the liquid. works equally effectively in a residential apartment, house, on a veranda with open windows, on a terrace. The cost of the fumigator is about 500 rubles. One bottle lasts up to 30 nights with daily use.

Like this product very much. High quality at an affordable price. I tried it for the first time in the village, when a whole flock of mosquitoes flooded the veranda. There was no rest day or night. Everyone suffered from. The fumigator worked non-stop for the first days. Helped quickly, returned us to normal life. A device of this company is also bought for the child in the room. Didn't disappoint.

The beginning of the warm season is accompanied by the appearance of countless insects, primarily mosquitoes, flies and midges. The bites of these creatures are very unpleasant and can cause allergic reactions, tumors, swelling, as well as dangerous and even fatal diseases. To get rid of insects, a person is called upon to help special means of repelling and destruction - fumigators, but let's try to figure out how effective they are.

The principle of operation of fumigators

Fumigators are a popular insect repellant. They, depending on the type, can not only scare away, but also destroy mosquitoes, midges and flies. The general principle of operation of such devices is based on the spread of chemicals harmful to insects in the air, but at the same time safe for humans and pets. Poisonous fumes usually affect the nervous system of harmful representatives of the fauna, but depending on the composition and types of active substances, a different principle of exposure can be used. Fumigators of different types use the same repellent or insect-destroying effect

Table: Toxins used in insecticide formulations

The author of the article noted that the lion's share of fumigators uses the pyrethroid group of insecticides, apparently due to the greater effectiveness of the latter. Manufacturers, however, are trying to reduce the percentage of dangerous toxins in the composition of pyrethroids to such an extent as to achieve, on the one hand, maximum efficiency in the fight against mosquitoes, flies and midges, and on the other hand, safety for people and pets. True, the harmful effects of chemicals are still present to one degree or another even in the most “advanced” formulations.


Among the main advantages of fumigators, the following can be noted:

  • exclude contact with the body of a harmful substance (unlike ointments, creams and sprays);
  • have the possibility of collective protection;
  • high-quality devices do not cause irritation of the skin and mucous membranes, do not bear obvious negative consequences for health;
  • mobile devices can be used anywhere, including in the field;
  • high efficiency achieved by active evaporation of substances poisonous to insects;
  • low cost (but very budget models may have certain disadvantages);
  • availability of a wide range of consumables, i.e. fluids and plates;
  • absence of odors and other unpleasant sensations, with the exception of flavored cartridges and glowing coils, which are not recommended for indoor use.

Some models do not emit odor and do not cause other unpleasant sensations.


Among the disadvantages of fumigators are:

  • low service life, especially for products of dubious origin;
  • strong heating of the plastic case and even its melting, which can lead to a fire;
  • for autonomous models - the need for constant recharging (changing) of batteries;
  • the smell of plastic in low-quality devices;
  • strong odor and irritating effect of flavored cartridges;
  • the need for periodic ventilation of the room with a working fumigator;
  • inadmissibility of use in a room with pregnant and lactating women and young children (except for special models and consumables);
  • possible health problems, including allergic reactions, irritation of the throat and mucous membranes, headache, fever.

According to the author, in order to avoid the above or any other problems in the future, when choosing a fumigator, you should pay attention to the quality of the device case, look at the quality certificate, pay attention to the concentration of toxins in the plate or liquid (this parameter should not exceed fifteen percent), if necessary, you can purchase a universal device or, for example, a device with a timer.

Efficiency, types and arrangement of insect fumigators

The principle of operation of insect fumigators is to heat the active substance and its subsequent evaporation into the surrounding space. Devices can be used both in the house or apartment, and in the open air. A high-quality fumigator is a fairly effective means of combating mosquitoes, flies and midges.

An electric fumigator is a device with a heating element fixed in a plastic case. Depending on the type and shape of the device, liquid and plate cartridges can be used in it. Pyrotechnic fumigators are a smoldering spiral impregnated with special compounds. As a rule, such devices are used outdoors.

Video: simultaneous use of fumigators of different models can be harmful to health

One plate impregnated with insecticide is enough for about ten hours of continuous operation. When the plate becomes pale, it must be replaced with a fresh one. One bottle of liquid can last for a month of work. Pyrotechnic devices are more flammable than liquid or plate devices, they have a higher concentration of insecticide and involve outdoor use.

Most devices against mosquitoes and midges are plugged into the network, but there are also portable models powered by batteries, gas cylinders or accumulators. Pyrotechnic fumigators are installed on a safe surface and set on fire, after which the fire must be blown out until smoke appears. It is impossible to inhale toxic fumes, in addition, smoldering spirals require compliance with fire safety regulations.

Indoor use rules

A guarantee of the safety of using the fumigator is given by the fire certificate attached to the device. Before use, it is important to study the instructions and then follow all the rules indicated in it.

Typically, the manufacturer recommends turning on the device for several hours, followed by a break. If this condition is not observed, people and pets may potentially experience the harmful effects of chemicals, or the device may simply burn out. Before and after turning on the fumigator, it is necessary to ventilate the room. It is permissible to turn on the device at night only if there are a large number of insects in the room.
An anti-mosquito net can be installed on the window as an additional protection.

Some people may have an individual intolerance to the active ingredients used in fumigator plates or liquids. Common symptoms of hypersensitivity include:

  • dizziness,
  • skin irritation,
  • headaches.

If at least one of the listed symptoms is present in any of the inhabitants of the house after turning on the fumigator, you should turn off the device and use other insect control methods.
Potentially effective, but actually of little use insect repellent

To avoid any problems in the future when operating fumigators from mosquitoes and midges, adhere to the following rules:

  • before connecting the device, carefully read the instructions attached to it;
  • make sure that the power outlet is in good condition and working;
  • do not use the device in an unventilated room, leave the window ajar at night;
  • do not touch the body of the connected device with wet hands;
  • use the fumigator one to two hours before bedtime; it is undesirable to leave the device on overnight;
  • do not place the fumigator closer than one and a half meters from the bed;
  • use several devices in a large area;
  • use pyrotechnic fumigators only outdoors;
  • if you experience discomfort or health problems after turning on the fumigator, stop using the device and ventilate the room well, if symptoms are severe, consult a doctor;
  • store fumigators and consumables for it in a place inaccessible to children and pets;
  • avoid contact of plates and liquids with food and utensils.

Safety of children, pregnant and lactating women, and pets

In a house with children, pregnant and lactating women, as well as pets, where the fumigator is turned on, increased safety measures must be observed. In this case, it is recommended to use the device for several hours and only in the absence of children, pregnant and lactating women, as well as pets, after which the room must be ventilated. To prevent mosquitoes from flying into the room again, mosquito nets are installed on the windows. You can leave the device overnight only with the use of special (children's) plates or liquids and with open windows.
To protect your child from mosquitoes, it is not necessary to dress him in a mosquito suit.

The safety of children, pregnant and lactating women, as well as pets, in a room with a working fumigator, is achieved by following a few simple rules:

  • turn on the device at a distance of no closer than two meters from the bed;
  • if there are signs such as sneezing, tearing, increased anxiety, turn off the device and ventilate the room well;
  • close aquariums with fish, snails and other animals during the operation of the fumigator;
  • remove cages with birds and decorative rodents to another room;
  • dogs and cats should also not be located near a working device;
  • observe the necessary electrical and fire safety measures;
  • use devices only of proven and well-known brands;
  • do not use fireworks against mosquitoes to protect children, consider alternative measures.

Popular models of fumigators

As already noted by the author, a huge percentage of modern fumigators use the so-called pyrethroid insecticides. Responsible manufacturers, in turn, minimize the content of dangerous ingredients in the composition of pyrethroids, without reducing the effective effect.
Popular models of fumigators are most often faked

Table: the most popular devices today

NamePurposePest typeAge limitAction start timeComposition of plates or liquidsPeculiarities
FumitoxFrom seasonal insectsmosquitoesFor adultswithin 10 minutesPralletrin, organic solvents, antioxidantWorks indoors up to 20 sq. m.
raptorAgainst insectsmosquitoesFor adultsWithin 10-15 minutesActive component Etoc - 1%, evaporator, solventsWorks indoors up to 25 sq. m.
MosquitolAgainst seasonal insectsMosquitoes, midgesFor adultsWithin 10-15 minutesTransfluthrin (0.9%), synergist piperonyl butoxide (1%), 5% stabilizer agidol, 30% hydrocarbon solventsReplaceable elements
PicnicFrom seasonal insectsMosquitoes, mosquitoes, midgesFor any agewithin 10 minutesPralletrin, stabilizer (agidol), solvents (isopropyl myristate, liquid petroleum paraffin or isoparaffin), essential oils: citronella, tea tree, chamomileReplaceable elements

A mosquito fumigator is a fairly simple device that works on the principle of fumigation, that is, it poisons insects with toxic fumes. These volatile substances are called fumigants and begin to evaporate rapidly when heated. All fumigators are divided into pyrotechnic, which must be set on fire, and electric, operating under the influence of current. The latter will be discussed in our article.

Types of electric fumigators

A fumigator alone is not capable of working against mosquitoes. It is just a heating element. And the filling for it are special formulations based on active substances. These include liquids and plates.

Consider the main types of fumigators using the following examples:

  1. "Fumitoks" from the company "Johnson" - designed to fight against insects and pests. Convenient and efficient in work. In the kit you will find a bottle of insecticidal liquid. It is enough to plug the device into the socket and for 8 hours your sleep will not be disturbed by any mosquito. One vial of liquid is enough for 30 nights.
  2. The diffuser from Raid is a new generation of highly efficient fixture. On the top of the plug-in unit you will find an indicator, which, after being plugged into the socket, should glow red. The same indicator light will tell you that the block needs to be changed. The special design and the presence of a silicon core prevent skin contact with a toxic substance. In addition to the fumigator, the kit contains mosquito repellent tablets.
  3. Fumigator for insecticidal plates "Combat". A very easy to use device. This fumigator is especially convenient in that you can find 90 additional plates in the package, and this amount is enough for the entire “mosquito season”. The insecticide is based on natural herbs, and therefore is safe for the whole family. Shows efficiency at open windows. One tablet is able to destroy mosquitoes for 15 hours of continuous operation.
  4. Raid's electric fumigator for plates is an inexpensive device with an improved design. Its plate heats up evenly, due to which the active substances begin to evaporate after a few minutes. The kit contains 10 tablets, each of which will work for 8 hours.

Insecticides for electric fumigators

So, the fumigator can work on insecticide in the form of a liquid or on plates or tablets. But there are also quite a few such fillers.

Insecticide liquids

Liquids are considered the most effective against mosquitoes and safe for human health. They quickly evaporate and, accordingly, begin to work a few minutes after switching on. In addition, such insecticides have a longer duration of action.

On sale you can find a myriad of liquid insecticides. Let's take a look at some of them in more detail:

  1. Liquid from mosquitoes "Raid". The contents of one bottle is enough for 45 nights. A large volume will allow you to protect your home for a long period and at the same time only one bottle is enough for a room of 50 m 2!
  2. Liquid insecticide from "Combat" - the active ingredient is DV-esbiotrin. Its unique formula is based on herbs. This liquid is able to clean any type of room of about 20 m 2 from mosquitoes.
  3. "Fumitoks" is a universal remedy, the action of which is aimed at combating mosquitoes, mosquitoes and other flying insects that have entered the room. Works continuously for 30 nights for 8 hours.
  4. Mosquitall mosquito fumigator liquid “Professional protection. For home and garden "- this tool is highly effective not only against mosquitoes, but also against annoying midges. Great for areas with high humidity, where there are especially many blood-sucking insects. The unique formulation of this drug is based on two active substances, due to which a quick effect is achieved - the first substance begins to evaporate even before the maximum heating of the plate, the second poison enhances the effect of the first, and as a result, you are provided with reliable protection against insects throughout the night.
  5. Mosquitall Gentle protection for children. 30 Nights is a modern, safe tool. Approved for use in children's rooms. Mosquitall Liquid Insecticide is effective against mosquitoes without harming your child's health. Without smell. Perfectly copes with the task at hand with open vents and windows.


Mosquito repellent plates are somewhat more popular among the population than liquids. Such insecticides may emit unpleasant odors when heated, others will be scented. High-quality tablets and plates will be safe for humans and pets.

Important! Individuals with individual intolerance may develop allergic reactions to the fumes of such insecticides. In some cases, with increased sensitivity, the occurrence of such unpleasant sensations as dizziness and nausea is quite possible. And in order to protect yourself from such discomfort, it is advisable to purchase odorless mosquito plates!

What can you choose?

  1. Mosquitall "Universal Protection" plates. One package contains 10 tablets.
  2. Mosquitall Professional Protection. For home and garden" - the cost of these plates is slightly higher. The composition of this product is similar to the composition of the liquid from the same series - it is based on two insecticides.
  3. Combat plates with natural herbs - each tablet effectively protects against mosquitoes for 15 hours of continuous operation.
  4. Of the flavored products, Raid Eucalyptus Mosquito Repellent Plates can be distinguished - one small tablet will protect your sleep for 8 hours.

Precautionary measures

Despite the simplicity of mosquito fumigators, it is necessary to read the instructions before using them. The same applies to interchangeable insecticides. The basic safety rules will be as follows:

  1. Store the fumigator and replacement insecticide in their original packaging and away from food, utensils, personal care products, pet food, and medicines.
  2. Do not allow children to take the device and plug-in units to it.
  3. Do not disassemble the fumigator and use it only for its intended purpose.
  4. It is forbidden to cover the device with metal objects and take it with wet hands when it is plugged into the socket.
  5. Before turning on the fumigator, it is advisable to remove or cover aquariums, terrariums, cages with birds and animals from the room.
  6. If a feeling of discomfort occurs, the use of the product should be stopped immediately.
  7. Almost all fumigators should operate only in well-ventilated areas.
  8. For connection, it is advisable to use an outlet that will be located in a place with good air circulation so that the vapors can be evenly distributed throughout the room.
  9. In children's rooms, only specially designed products can be used.
  10. During pregnancy, lactation, as well as in the presence of allergies, it is better to refuse the use of fumigators.