Finishing of internal slopes on windows. How to finish the internal window slopes Decorative slopes for internal windows

Finishing window slopes indoors is one of the types of mandatory finishing works that are designed to create reliable isolation of the window system from environmental influences. In order for it to be operated for a long time and with high quality, you can finish it yourself with one of the modern materials.

The improvement of the apartment does not stop only with the installation of a new window. During installation, the window opening is partially destroyed. To eliminate all the chips that have appeared in the walls, to extend the life of the window system, you will need to finish the slopes in your own home. If desired, it can be done by hand.

Now it is fashionable to live or spend a vacation in the summer in an environmentally friendly wooden house. In such a dwelling, it is realistic to install both plastic and wooden windows. In a wooden house, for interior and exterior decoration, wooden lining, natural wood or practical plastic are used.

For plastic windows installed in a wooden house, experts advise choosing plastic panels. In order to independently finish the plastic panels in your favorite wooden house, you will need the material itself, corners, sealant, a reliable screwdriver, and a special construction stapler with staples.

In a wooden house built from logs, window decoration with a clapboard is relevant. It is environmentally friendly, strong, durable, frost-resistant. For this kind of finish in a wooden house with your own hands, prepare a screwdriver, the right amount of material, sealant, self-tapping screws and corners.

A starter set of tools and materials for finishing any of the materials that will be discussed later includes a paint knife, fleas and profiles (for the frame method), a screwdriver, a puncher (for the frameless method), drywall glue, putty, plasterboard, level, self-tapping screws, spatula, container for glue, sickle, perforated corner, acrylic, construction gun.


Anyone who wants to do the finishing with their own hands is advised to insulate the slopes beforehand. When choosing plaster slopes, paint can be used as a finishing layer. Sheets of drywall to a metal base should be attached with self-tapping screws, reinforcement of corners should be carried out with slats. For all types of slopes, you need to adhere only to the expanded angle, do not leave an unfinished foam seam on the outside.


Previously, the window opening is freed from old plaster, mounting foam, covered with a primer, and metal profiles are installed. For plastering, a dry mixture based on gypsum or cement is diluted with a liquid and placed on the base by spraying, followed by soil and coating. The plaster is sanded and sanded, stained.

When carrying out such a finish with your own hands, you can not keep the window open. Otherwise, the solution will get into the crevices of the fittings and then will prevent it from working normally.

The advantage of the method is considered to be low cost, the disadvantages include a large amount of dirt.


Finishing slopes with drywall is a good and not time-consuming method. Sheets are attached to a special glue if the walls and slopes are not curved. But professionals advise to pre-install a frame consisting of metal profiles, cut according to the dimensions of the slopes.

Take care of good heat and sound insulation. There can be no voids in the space between the wall and the sheathing. They should be filled with special mounting foam, and mineral wool or polystyrene is placed under the sheets with their own hands. Next, puttying, grinding and painting the resulting structure is carried out. Where drywall is placed in the window profiles, it is advised to glue the mesh tape. This is followed by 2 layers of putty, grouting, painting with acrylic or oil paint.

Please note that moisture-resistant drywall boasts an increased level of rigidity, excellent thermal insulation and high thermal resistance.


Plastic slopes are recognized as a universal option. Plastic can last from 15 years or more. Unlike plaster, it is permissible to make slopes from this material on the day when the window was installed. PVC panels create thermal insulation, have good moisture resistance, rigidity, strength, do not sweat, do not lose their primary color, they are easy to clean. In such panels, unnecessary stress does not arise if changes in temperature are observed. Window openings have a presentable appearance. Mineral wool is used for insulation in such structures.

Plastic wall panels and sandwich panels have become popular. The second type of panels is 2 sheets of plastic with a layer of extruded or foamed polystyrene placed between them. Manufacturers offer such panels with a thickness of 8 to 36 mm. For window cladding, it is better to take those with a thickness of 1 cm. You can use this material to finish the slopes of window systems with a width of 5 - 150 cm. The disadvantage is that when exposed to moisture, delamination of such material is not excluded.

Before installing the panels, the foam is allowed 1 day to dry. Installation is carried out simultaneously with window sills. The ends of the materials are fastened with dowels to the base of the slope, fasteners and decorative plastic corners are installed. Seams are treated with PVC-based adhesive or neutral sealant. It does not have a sticky consistency, so it will not turn yellow and will not be covered with dirt.

decorative stone

The decoration of the slopes, which is done by many decorative stone, also called artificial brick, perfectly imitates natural material. Facing with artificial stone is much easier and cheaper than natural marble, granite or onyx. Gypsum or cement are the main components of any decorative stone, as well as fillers (expanded clay, pumice, perlite) and dyes. Stone often looks like brick. There are options for decorating slopes with chipped or sawn decorative stone.

For stone finishing indoors, specimens 1.5 - 2 cm thick are selected. Such an artificial brick must be laid with your own hands in strictly horizontal stripes and fixed to the surface with liquid nails. If the main component of the decorative stone is gypsum, cut it really with a hacksaw, and if cement - only with an electric circular saw. At the end of the facing of slopes with stone, rubbing of the seams is mandatory. After waiting for a day, they are treated with a special solution and smoothed using a rubber spatula. It is permissible to lay artificial bricks using butt technology without seams.

No less popular is the finishing of slopes with tiled, ceramic or tiles imitating natural stone.

Advantages of finishing with any tile:

  • great look,
  • a wide selection of colors and textures,
  • ease of maintenance, resistance to damage,
  • strength and long service life,
  • additional holding of the window frame.

The disadvantages include the high cost of tiling and the complexity of its installation for beginners.

Finishing with textured tiles is easy to do with minimal theoretical knowledge with your own hands, since you do not need to make the surface even. Step-by-step technology for performing work looks like this:

  • place marks on the surface;
  • prime the slopes;
  • apply glue (it is permissible to take liquid nails or sealant);
  • attach the tile to the glue horizontally;
  • use corner pieces to avoid joining tiles at outer corners.


When creating their masterpieces, architects attached great importance to windows as the final stage in the formation of an architectural ensemble. Dimensions, shapes and functional purpose have changed over time and the requirements of architectural fashion.

The architecture improved, and with it, the windows became the dominant decorative wall motif. Having absorbed a variety of styles inherent in a particular era, the windows have acquired a laconic look and a classic shape. This element of architecture has a decorative character and surprises with functionality.

Plastic windows prevail over their wooden counterparts for a long period. Therefore, finishing the slopes of plastic windows and their installation does not lose its relevance.

Types of materials

More recently, slope plastering has been in vogue. At the same time, the adhesion of plastic and plaster was not very good. Very often, the seams cracked, due to temperature changes, the entire surface of the cladding cracked, hydro-, heat- and noise insulation was broken. At the same time, plastering is a complex and lengthy process that requires patience and accuracy.

With the help of modern developments, it is presented inside in several forms, which implies a choice based on the positive aspects of the materials.

With all the diversity, it is worth taking a responsible approach to the choice of materials, taking into account all of the above factors, before how finish window slopes inside .

Finishing window openings inside with plastic

Finishing window slopes inside with plastic has numerous advantages. Defining parameters:

  • aesthetic appearance;
  • duration during operation provides economic benefits;
  • damage-resistant material;
  • functionality.

In addition to the main characteristics, it is worth paying attention to the technological qualities of slopes:

  • the presence of stiffeners (panelite);
  • the content of foamed insulation (sandwich panel) ensures greater preservation of heat in the room;
  • prevention of formation of condensate;
  • tight;
  • correct installation hides defects;
  • interior window trim looks symmetrical and smooth;
  • large color palette;
  • a lamination procedure is possible to create a textured structure;
  • matte and glossy surface;
  • dust repellent surface
  • comfort and ease of care;
  • ease of installation design.

High-quality finishing of internal slopes of plastic windows serves as a guarantee of durability.

Necessary tools and materials

The interior decoration of plastic windows requires some preparation in terms of acquiring the necessary materials and tools:

  • level;
  • drill;
  • construction knife;
  • calculator (for comfort in calculations);
  • F-profile;
  • stapler;
  • mineral wool (mounting foam, ponoizol);
  • silicone (sealant, liquid plastic);
  • staples;
  • antifungal agent (primer, fungicide);
  • small self-tapping screws ("bugs");
  • plastic;
  • choppers and slats (plastic, wood);
  • masking tape;
  • degreasing agent (alcohol, acetone).

How to do interior window trim

In order to finish, it is not necessary to resort to the help of qualified specialists. The easiest way, which is quite doable, is to decorate the windows with plastic with your own hands. It is enough to gradually revet the window opening.

  • carefully cut off the remaining foam that protrudes;
  • remove paint and old plaster;
  • treat with an anti-fungal agent.
  1. Panel cutting:
  • make accurate measurements;
  • put markings;
  • cut at a 45° angle.
  1. Mounting:
  • fix the cut panels around the entire perimeter of the window opening with small self-tapping screws;
  • carefully dock at the corners;
  • with a slight mismatch, adjust the design;
  • observe a gap of 3 cm between the base of the slope and the plastic structure.
  1. Filling voids:
  • foam for installation (mineral wool, penoizol) fill the perimeter between the old and new slopes;
  • foam should not be filled in a continuous line, but at small intervals.
  • F-profile corners cut at an angle of 45°;
  • to fix the rail, use chopsticks made of wood or plastic;
  • on masking tape, attach the profile with grooves to the end part of the plastic panel.
  1. The finish:
  • degrease the facing seams at the joints;
  • fill them with sealant.

As a rule, finishing plastic windows inside takes no more than 3-4 hours, even in the absence of experience.

Reasons why you need to finish the windows in the house

The completeness and accuracy of the window create slopes, both inside the room and from the outside, and also carry a number of functional loads:

  1. outdoor:
    • protection against destruction of mounting foam,
    • prevent moisture ingress
    • thermal insulation,
    • maintain sound insulation
    • UV protection.
    • I provide reliable adhesion of the window frame to the opening.
  1. internal:
  • decorative element,
  • protection of waterproofing materials,
  • eliminates condensation.

If the slopes are not finished on time from the outside, then the negative consequences will lead to the re-installation of the window block. These are additional expenses and money, and time, and forces.

The installation of modern double-glazed windows requires careful observance of the technology so that the window structure will properly serve the entire declared period. This is especially true of slopes, because any violation of their installation can significantly reduce the operating time and provoke drafts. To avoid such phenomena, you need to follow a certain algorithm of actions and use high-quality materials. Let us consider in more detail the technology for finishing slopes from the inside.

Finishing window openings from the inside of the room can be dictated by a number of factors, among which there are internal and external. The first group of prerequisites includes:

  • increased humidity in the home;
  • condensation on double-glazed windows due to a significant difference in indoor and outdoor air temperature

External reasons, due to which there is a need for finishing slopes, are as follows:

  • frequent and sharp changes in temperature indicators;
  • adverse weather conditions: strong winds, frequent precipitation, intense sunlight;
  • the appearance of mold fungi and harmful insects in the walls of the house.

All these factors can have a destructive effect on window slopes and gradually break their tightness. Proper finishing on the inside will help protect against negative impacts and increase the life of windows. In addition, it has an aesthetic appearance and improves the overall perception of interior details.


One of the most popular modern finishing materials is drywall. Its operational characteristics make it possible to make high-quality and perfectly even finishing of slopes with a minimum expenditure of effort and money. Due to its light weight and special internal structure, drywall is easy to process and install on both horizontal and vertical types of surfaces. Outside, the material can be painted in any color, in addition, it can be treated with antiseptic agents to prevent fungal and mold colonies.

Material selection

In order for the slopes to be finished with maximum quality, it is necessary to carefully consider the choice of materials. Not every type of drywall is equally good at repairing window openings, since it has different performance characteristics.

First of all, you need to take into account the fact that windows are a source of high humidity, since condensation forms on them during temperature changes. Therefore, when choosing drywall, only moisture-resistant varieties should be preferred. Such material will be resistant to condensate and will retain an attractive appearance for a long time. To enhance the protective properties, it is worth doing an antiseptic treatment and covering the surface with a special paint.


The most initial stage in the finishing work is the implementation of measurements. Measurements are taken with a tape measure and must be performed as accurately as possible. Otherwise, it will be difficult to achieve a perfect fit of the frame with the slope. Measurement errors can result in the following negative manifestations:

  • the formation of microscopic cracks through which heat will escape from the room;
  • rapid wear of window structure parts;
  • growth of mold and fungus.

Taking measurements

Slope installation

After taking accurate measurements on sheets of drywall, details of the appropriate sizes are drawn, after which they are cut out with a special knife.

drywall cutting process

Installation of cut plasterboard pieces is carried out on a profile, crate or directly on the wall. The last mounting option is only suitable for cases where the wall surfaces are perfectly flat and smooth. If the walls have flaws, they resort to installing strips on which the panels will be mounted. All voids formed during the work must be filled with foam or sealant so that cold bridges do not form in the structure.

PVC panels

Another popular material for finishing slopes is PVC panels, which have good aesthetic, technical and operational properties. Before starting their installation, preliminary preparation of surfaces is carried out, on which leveling rails and profiles are subsequently installed. If the building in which the repair is being carried out is affected by cold weather, it is worth taking care of the insulation of the slopes. For this purpose, the space between the wall and the PVC sheet is filled with mineral wool or mounting foam.

One of the significant advantages of PVC panels is the fact that they are available in a variety of colors and have a smooth surface. Such characteristics make it possible to do without finishing painting and facilitate the care of slopes. In addition, the use of identical materials in physical properties guarantees the same coefficient of expansion, which prevents uneven deformation and the formation of cracks.

Surface preparation

Surface preparation is a mandatory step when installing plastic panels. It includes the following operations:

  • removal of excess mounting foam;
  • cleaning the wall from dirt and dust;
  • antiseptic treatment;
  • padding.

A hair dryer will help clean the walls of paint.

Guide profile installation

After the preparatory stage, a frame of guide profiles is installed on the adjacent wall surfaces. To do this, the U-shaped parts are cut into identical segments, according to pre-made measurements of the slope. The resulting profiles are attached to the outer part of the frame using screws with a distance of 20 cm from each other. The side and top profiles are fastened in the same way.


To install the crate, it is necessary to stock up in advance with wooden slats having a cross section of 10x40 or 20x40 mm. Their fastening is carried out on three sides of the window perimeter, with the exception of the surface where the window sill is located. For reliable fixation of the crate, PVC dowels and self-tapping screws are used, the distance between which should not exceed 30 cm.

Panel mounting

Finishing with plastic panels is also good because you can handle it yourself. To do this, the slabs are cut to the specified dimensions using an electric jigsaw, mounted on a profile and screwed to the wooden laths of the crate. All voids formed between the frame and the wall are filled with mounting foam, after moistening the surface.

Installing F profiles

The finishing profile is mounted along the edges of the panels on a special adhesive to give them a more aesthetic and perfect look. For a better fit of the structure, it is recommended to make small cuts in those places where its surface is in contact with the fasteners. The final touch of installation is the application of white sealant to all existing gaps and crevices. This design of the seams serves not only for the benefit of aesthetics, but also protects against the penetration of mold fungi and rapid wear.

Sandwich panels can also be used as finishing blocks for window slopes. They usually draw up the entire perimeter of the opening, including the window sill. This finish allows you to create a single design solution in the interior, combining it with the high performance characteristics of the material itself.

The installation of such plates is not very difficult and can be done by hand. The blocks are fixed by applying the “liquid nails” composition, which provides a tight and durable connection. Before installing sandwiches, it is necessary to make a crate with wooden slats so that the surface of the slopes is as smooth as possible. The final finish consists in processing the joints with silicone sealant, which will give the structure a neat look and protect it from moisture and mold. The voids formed during operation must be filled with foam, which will provide additional insulation of the window opening.


Another way to finish windows is to apply plaster. This method can be used only in cases where the slope surface is perfectly flat and smooth. The thickness of the application of the plaster composition should not exceed 2 cm, since thicker layers are subject to rapid cracking and shedding. Plastering includes the following technological steps:

  • removal of dust, dirt, application of antiseptic;
  • priming with special mixtures;
  • applying the initial leveling layer;
  • slope surface reinforcement;
  • finishing plaster, painting.

Common mistakes

In cases where the technology of finishing work is not respected, serious shortcomings may appear very soon. The window structure does not receive the necessary degree of resistance to adverse factors, and the slope elements wear out very quickly and require new repairs. To avoid such troubles, we will analyze the most common mistakes encountered in the course of work:

  • inaccuracies in the measurements;
  • ignoring such an important stage as applying an antiseptic and sealant;
  • applying too thick a layer of plaster.

In addition, it is worthwhile to carefully approach the choice of finishing material so that it is suitable not only in terms of external parameters, but also in terms of operational properties. Savings in this case are also not always beneficial, since you can run into poor-quality and hazardous material.

The importance of finishing the window after the installation of plastic windows is not always realized by customers. Because of this, subsequently, a lot of people complain that they installed advertised double-glazed windows, and it bleeds through the window. In fact, the problem lies in the fact that without finishing all the work cannot be considered fully completed.

The quality of the installation of a plastic window depends on the quality of the finish of the slopes.

Finishing a plastic window with your own hands will allow you to create not only a beautiful appearance of the window, but also significantly extend its life.

After the plastic windows in the room are installed, the next stage of work begins - the creation of slopes. Properly done finishing of a plastic window with your own hands allows you to create an attractive finished look to the opening.

Properly done finishing of a plastic window with your own hands allows you to create an attractive finished look to the opening.

Slopes are considered to be all surfaces of the walls that are near the windows. Slopes are external (located on the outside of the window) and internal (located on the inside of the window). Most often, everyone is interested in the internal slopes. If it is better to entrust the installation to professionals, then it is more expedient to do the finishing with your own hands.

Correctly made slopes play not only an aesthetic role, they also have thermal insulation qualities. Slopes allow you to protect the mounting seams, prevent windows from fogging, prevent the destruction of the mounting foam. To create slopes, various types of materials are used.

Internal finishing with plaster

Slopes with plaster have more disadvantages than advantages. Over time, the plaster begins to burst and crack, losing its original color. The installation itself is also not very convenient, it takes a lot of time and effort for high-quality performance. The plaster is applied in several layers, each layer must be dried and cured. After that, the surface is primed and finally painted. It usually takes one to two weeks. Plaster slopes do not create the necessary thermal insulation, and when hypothermia, the windows will fog up.

Plain drywall

The only drawback in the application is the fear of drywall moisture. Therefore, it is worth installing GKL only in rooms with a low level of humidity.

Slopes made of drywall are quite durable. They have a smooth and attractive appearance. Drywall is insulated, and this gives decent thermal insulation properties to the slopes. The only drawback in the application is the fear of drywall moisture. Therefore, it is worth installing GKL only in rooms with a low level of humidity.

The process of installing drywall slopes is laborious: puttying, priming and painting are required. You can make them faster than plaster slopes. Although the installation time also depends on the qualifications of the master.

Drywall finishing is an intermediate option in terms of price and quality. To create a neat joint around the perimeter of the window, a special plastic or metal corner is used. Such slopes can be covered with a layer of paint, liquid plastic, decorative plaster or transparent wood-like furniture film. Using the latter option, a completely smooth surface is obtained, which is easy to clean and well suited for use in the kitchen.

Plasterboard window trim is often chosen when there is a need to hide slopes with very damaged openings. In this case, treatment with a primer or antibacterial impregnation is used.

Avoid leaving an air space between the plasterboard sheathing and the wall that water can enter. Otherwise, spots may appear on the finish coating and deformation of the slope will occur.

Installation of plastic

Plastic slopes can be quickly mounted, they do not fade, they are easy to clean and have an attractive look that blends harmoniously with the windows themselves (it is advisable to choose the same shade).

This is the most common and universal way. Plastic slopes can be quickly mounted, they do not fade, they are easy to clean and have an attractive look that blends harmoniously with the windows themselves (it is advisable to choose the same shade). When installing such slopes, mineral wool is used, which provides the necessary thermal insulation, sound insulation and water resistance. They are fairly easy to make with your own hands. Slopes made of plastic have a fairly decorative appearance, a flat and smooth surface, and a long service life (equal to the service time). They can be done quite quickly (within about two hours). Install plastic slopes without additional work on puttying and painting. They have a good degree of vapor impermeability, which protects walls and foam insulation from freezing.

Tools and materials

Before starting work, stock up on the necessary set of tools.

  1. Plastic strips 8 mm thick.
  2. U-shaped strip of plastic (the so-called starting strip).
  3. F-shaped strip of plastic.
  4. Wooden lath about 12 mm thick.
  5. Insulation material (usually mineral wool is used).
  6. Scissors and a knife for metal.
  7. Construction stapler with staples.
  8. Building level.
  9. White silicone.
  10. Self-tapping screws (4.5 mm and 95 mm).
  11. Drill or perforator.

If the window was recently installed, then it is better not to remove the protective film until the end of the work.

Installation steps

Wooden slats are stuffed around the entire perimeter around the window. To fix them, use 95 mm screws. Reiki are placed flush to the walls.

  1. Wooden slats are stuffed around the entire perimeter around the window. To fix them, use 95 mm screws. Reiki are placed flush to the walls. To prepare the surface of the wall, a puncher and a drill are used as needed. To obtain perfectly even slopes, the rails are vertically attached to the wall, aligned with the level.
  2. On the outer edge of the window, it is necessary to fill a U-shaped strip. 4.5 mm self-tapping screws are used for fixing. A slope strip is inserted into the groove of this strip. The joints of the U-shaped strips should make it possible to install the plastic at given angles. Therefore, when crossing U-shaped strips, it is necessary to partially cut off the corners with a knife, thereby ensuring an even and smooth joint from the inside.
  3. An F-shaped strip is being installed. Its groove should be located opposite the previously installed groove of the U-shaped strip. In the rest, which is located above the opening, the F-groove must be cut off. This is necessary because the upper part of the F-strips should be overlapped. It is necessary to fasten this strip to a wooden rail using a construction stapler. After joining, all excess parts of the F-strips should be cut off with metal scissors. This method is convenient because it does not require further wallpapering around the window. F-strip covers all defects.
  4. The plastic is installed in the grooves with the simultaneous laying of the insulation. Here it is important to measure the size of the plastic as accurately as possible. If the joints could not be made perfectly smooth, then you can wipe them with white silicone.

The exterior finish is much more important than the interior, since the mounting foam, left without protection from ultraviolet sunlight that destroys it, deteriorates very quickly and becomes unusable.

It is desirable that the installation of all slopes be carried out the next day after installing the window, when the mounting foam is already dry enough. Polyurethane foam can be used as a heat-insulating material. To obtain optimal performance, it is best to install slopes and window sills at the same time.

Many, trying to save money, order installation without exterior and interior window trim. Some believe that inner beauty is more important than outer beauty and do not finish the window from the side of the street, leaving mounting seams without protection from the outside. In fact, the exterior finish is much more important than the interior, since the mounting foam, left without protection from ultraviolet sunlight that destroys it, deteriorates very quickly and becomes unusable. If there is a desire to save money, then it is better to wait a little with the interior decoration. External treatment must be carried out as soon as possible after installation.

External plaster

Due to the low cost, this method is the most common. Most often, cement mortar is used in this case. A more durable solution is considered, which is prepared from glue for ceramic tiles. However, there is no guarantee that the entire finish will not crack over time.

Special tape PSUL

Some professionals often use a special tape, by installing which the seam space expands and fills the free space, thereby protecting the mounting foam from moisture and ultraviolet rays. However, when doing the exterior decoration of windows with your own hands, it is not always possible to be able to buy such material.


The flashing is a plastic corner, which is made specifically for finishing windows from the outside and protects the mounting foam from all external influences.

The flashing is a plastic corner, which is made specifically for finishing outside and protects the mounting foam from all external influences.

Finishing begins with the installation of a corner on the upper seam of the window. To do this, cut a piece of the flashing, which has the same length as the distance between the quarters of the window opening. It is fixed to the window profile with ordinary self-tapping screws.

There is no need to install self-tapping screws very often. If necessary, slots must be made in the corner (if, for example, mosquito net holders interfere with installation). After that, you need to mount the ebb to the wall using dowel-nails. At the same time, it is advisable to apply mounting foam separately in several places. This will more tightly fix the ebb and soften the sound when raindrops hit it.

The most difficult thing in this method of finishing is cutting out the side flashings. They should fit with the maximum accuracy with the upper flashing and window sill. Sometimes it is better to cut off with a margin, and then make the fit to the desired size. The joints with the upper flashing after installation must be treated with liquid plastic or silicone.

Properly finished plastic windows will serve you and will delight you for many years!


After installing plastic windows, the question always arises about the design of slopes. After all, they perform not only an aesthetic function, but also provide additional heat, sound and moisture insulation. Experts say that the design of slopes is a complex and expensive process. In this regard, many are interested in interesting ways and options for slopes on plastic windows.

There are several technologies for mounting slopes on windows or the so-called<окосячки>. This is plasterboard sheathing, installation of sandwich panels, plastering and finishing with PVC panels. Let's take a closer look at these types.

It is better to sheathe with drywall with increased resistance to moisture - GKLV. There are two ways to do-it-yourself plasterboard sheathing of slopes on windows: frame and frameless.

Moisture resistant drywall.

Frame installation method

On the drywall joining line with, a profile is screwed into the groove on the screws. The frame is ready, you can begin installation. The device of window slopes has such a feature that there is an empty space between the GKLV sheet and the wall, this will worsen the thermal insulation qualities of the opening. Therefore, the space is filled with mineral wool or polyurethane foam.

When using mounting foam, it is worth filling the space carefully, because. when dried, the foam has the ability to increase in volume and can damage drywall.

At the junction of drywall sheets, a perforated corner is mounted and putty on top of it.

Frameless installation method

Basically, the frameless method is used for plasterboarding old ones. Before starting work, the surfaces must be cleaned of finishing materials and primed. Drywall is cut and prepared in advance, then glue is applied pointwise to the blanks and they are attached to the guide.

To fix drywall and evenly distribute the glue, you should press it with a wooden block, this will give evenness to the structure.

For additional fixation, use spacers installed to. Complete fixation of the gypsum mortar (Rovband or similar) occurs within an hour. At the end of the sheathing, they begin to putty and paint, you can also paste over with wallpaper.

This is the most common and quite practical way for do-it-yourself windows. Usually use a sandwich - panels with a thickness of 10mm. They differ in budgetary cost, along with high rates of moisture resistance. The surface is glossy, matte, stylized as wood. They have a spongy structure, which provides thermal insulation.

Sandwich panels

Another technology for mounting slopes is to install a wooden block and fix it with self-tapping screws.

Advantage This method is that with the help of a wooden lath it is faster and easier to align crooked corners, and the irregularities between the lath and the wall are filled with mounting foam or gypsum mortar. This method allows you to quickly install window slopes with curvature of the walls

minus visual, then that even with small sizes of the bar, you will have to use a corner of at least 30 mm. In addition, when attaching the rail, a corner break occurs.

Fastening is carried out on a mounting foam. From the window, sandwich panels are wound tightly on the box and foamed, and the other edge is attached to a wooden crate. The outer edges of the sandwich panels are fixed with screws. The edges where the screws are screwed will close.

Treat joints and cracks with sealant.

Plastering window openings

This method is the most time-consuming and requires the utmost accuracy, but the least expensive. Mixtures for plaster are based on gypsum and cement. Dilute with water before use.

Work performance technology

Before plastering, the entire work surface is carefully prepared. If there are strong irregularities, then the entire wall is knocked down and primed. First, the walls are plastered, and only then they start working with. This is a very long process, because one layer must dry, only then a second can be applied to it. The gaps are filled with mounting foam, this provides additional sound insulation. Each layer of the coating - the base must be primed. Corners are finished with special plaster corners, which ensure the evenness of the corner.

In order to avoid cracks in the future at the points of contact between the plastic and the plaster, an acrylic sealant is applied at the corners of the joining of the box, which can be safely painted.

How to make slopes on plastic windows

To install you will need:

  • Plastic panel, they are three - and six meters;
  • Starting profile, the same dimensions as the panel;
  • Profile F - figurative, for edging a window opening;
  • Mineral wool, for insulation;
  • "Liquid nails" with a gun,
  • Self-tapping screws for metal, for attaching profiles to the frame and window sill.

The work is carried out in several stages:

  1. All cracks are sealed with silicone white sealant.

Warm slopes on the windows in winter will prevent the formation of condensate and, accordingly, the appearance of harmful fungi.

Installing slopes for plastic windows with your own hands is a sure way to save money. Because sometimes in companies this process is expensive and not every company undertakes to carry it out.

Subject to the correct measurements and the selection of all the necessary components, making slopes on the windows with your own hands will not be a difficult task for you.