How to fix roller blinds on plastic windows. Roller blinds for plastic windows: all about the design, methods of fastening and caring for the canvas. Roller blind prices

Roller blinds how to fix this question arises among the newly minted owners of fashionable and practical window decorations. Having appeared not so long ago, they have already become a favorite finishing touch in the design of window openings in residential and office premises. When choosing and installing curtains, it is necessary to take into account various nuances: the type and type of fasteners, their combination with heavy curtains or light curtains. All this will create comfort and eliminate the feeling of dissonance in the interior.

A variety of models of roller blinds allows you to choose the most optimal option for you, depending on the functional purpose. Depending on the modification and window composition, roller blinds are attached to the ceiling, wall or directly to the window sash. Therefore, it is worth talking separately about the types of roll structures. There are two types: open and closed. Let's consider them in more detail.

Rolled structures of open type

Open roll structures allow you to mount curtains, both in the window and above it. Depending on the modification, there are several types of open fastening methods.

Among the most common:

  • Use of guides with a hook;
  • Fastening with mounting double-sided adhesive tape;
  • It is allowed to use hanger mounts that are not suitable for each frame;
  • Fastening with self-tapping screws is the simplest and most common way;

Open design types are considered multi-purpose. Among them, you can choose mechanisms that will allow you to fix the blinds not only on metal-plastic windows, but also on wooden ones. Manufacturers of roller blinds do not limit the flight of your design fantasy in any room.

Closed roll construction

When using a closed-type design in fastening roller curtains, several features must be taken into account. The main difference from the previous type is the presence of a box. If until recently it was believed that a closed-type structure for attaching a roller blind can only be fixed to plastic windows, today they can be seen on wooden and aluminum frames.

There are designs of various sizes on the market. It is the size of the box that plays an important role when fastening curtains. When choosing an overall roller blind, you should choose a design with a large box and a durable roller shaft. In this case, the curtain is fixed on the ceiling. If it is possible to use guides, do not neglect them.

However, regardless of the type of construction, the principle of fastening and the operation of the mechanism are the same. With a roller blind, you can darken the room at any time or, by lifting the curtain, let the sun's rays fill the room with their cheerfulness.

Installation of closed-type roller blinds (video)

Installation of roller blinds: caution and accuracy

Roller blinds have quickly become fashionable and are gaining more and more popularity. They are a web of fabric that is wound on a special shaft using control mechanisms and fixed in any position at a level that is comfortable for you. There are a number of rules that must be observed when installing a roller blind system.

Let's take as an example the installation of one of the types of roller blind design:

  1. Carefully unpack and check that all accessories are included. Dissolve the control chain and remove the side covers from the eaves;
  2. Attach the cornice to the window and check how symmetrical the gap is between the window and the curtain;
  3. Mark the places of the intended fasteners;
  4. Fix the cornice on the vertical bar of the window with self-tapping screws;
  5. Put covers on the control unit and check the fastening;
  6. Before gluing the side rails, degrease the gluing points with acetone;
  7. Next, remove the protective film from the side guide and glue the upper edge under the cover of the control unit. You also need to do with the guide on the other side of the box;
  8. Lower the curtain with the control chain to the rubber seal and install the limiter;
  9. The next step is to install the control circuit locking device using self-tapping screws, put on and snap the box cover.

After installation, it is necessary to check the working condition of the entire structure. These simple steps for installing one of the types of roller blinds will allow you to not only fix it correctly, but also extend the life of the curtains.

How to assemble roller blinds: according to instructions or by intuition

The versatility of roller blinds gives a special uniqueness to the interior: subdued sunlight, comfortable room temperature create an atmosphere of comfort in the room. Many models of curtains and methods of their fastening have been developed, but the most popular are roll-cassette, which can be mounted not only on the window sash inside, but also outside.

The existing fastening features allow you to choose those models of curtains that, while remaining almost invisible, create an atmosphere of coziness and comfort in the room.

When assembling and installing roller blinds on a window, you should not blindly trust your intuition. In this case, extra fasteners may remain, and the curtain will soon cease to protect the room from the sun. Following the instructions step by step will save you time and nerves and will extend the life of the curtains. It is possible that when buying rolled curtains, you should simultaneously order not only curtains, but also their installation.

A roller blind is simply indispensable in a bedroom or nursery, as its mechanism is distinguished by the absence of extraneous noise. Silent operation of the mechanism of roller blinds is one of the main characteristics that the buyer pays attention to in the first place.

When checking the system, even the slightest noise should alert you, signaling a defect in the design itself or violations during assembly.

The choice of installation of roller blinds directly depends on your needs. When buying, consider not only the comfort of mounting the system, but also the type of window.

Installation of mini-curtains roller with guide strings

Roller mini-blinds are an ideal option for blind windows or with a tilt-and-turn opening mechanism, and are also used if you want to hide niches in the room from prying eyes. Installing a mini roller blind with guide strings will take a minimum of time if you first read the illustrated instructions in as much detail as possible.

Designs of mini-curtains are sold unassembled.

For this reason, not only assembly, but also the unpacking process requires caution:

  • Before installation, check that all accessories are present;
  • If necessary, cut the curtain fabric and fasten it to the shaft;
  • Next, we thread the fishing line into the holes of the mounting corners, after tying the edge into a knot;
  • We do the same with the second edge;
  • After that, you need to cut the fishing line;
  • Carefully insert the plastic capsules into the edge of the shaft.

Now it remains only to snap the edges of the capsules of the mounting brackets and the roller blind is ready for operation.

Following the rules for installing roller blind designs will allow you to enjoy comfort in any room for longer.

The process of installing mini-blinds with guide strings is easy and not particularly different from other methods of attaching curtains to window sashes with a similar opening mechanism.

Measurement and installation of mini-curtains roll (video)

But in any case, follow the instructions or contact a specialized roller blind installation company!

Since ancient times, people have been using fabric cuts to decorate their homes. Today, not only classic curtains are used for this, but also roller blinds (they are also Roman blinds) that are gaining popularity. They have many advantages, so every day more and more people make a choice in favor of them. Installing roller blinds on plastic windows is most often done by a specialist, but you can cope with this task yourself. Today there are several varieties of roller shutters with their own installation features.

Roller blinds "mini"

The most common option today is the mini roller blinds. They are a piece of fabric wound on a metal shaft, equipped with a mechanism for raising and lowering the web. Experts also call this type boxless (this is due to the fact that the canvas itself is not closed by anything). The advantage of this option is that the canvas can be quickly cut to fit a window of any size.. Roller shutters "Mini" are affordable and take up little space, but at the same time they look aesthetically pleasing and do their job perfectly.

In the Mini version, the fabric is located on an open shaft


The first thing to do before installation is to carefully measure the opening. This is important not only for "Mini", but also for other models of roller shutters. Otherwise, the installation of a roller blind on a plastic window threatens to end with the fact that the canvas, box or shaft simply does not fit into the opening. The main thing is to do everything clearly and without errors, carefully record all measurements.

At the first stage of installation, roller blinds measure the dimensions of the window

First of all, the dimensions of the glass are measured without taking into account the parameters of the frame. To the numbers obtained, add 3 cm to the width and 12 cm to the height. Next, you should decide on which side it is preferable to hang the control chain. The side of the hinges is preferable so that nothing interferes with the roller shutter.

Self-tapping mounting

Installation of curtains "Mini" on self-tapping screws is carried out in several stages.

  1. The roller blind in the assembly is applied to the upper sash of the window, leveling it.
  2. Marks for corners are made on the profile.
  3. Mounting brackets are removed from the main shaft and screwed to the marked places.
  4. The structure is assembled and pressed from above with a side plate.
  5. The chain should be threaded through the hole on the side, it should hang down by 10-15 cm.
  6. The curtain is mounted in the corners, after which it is fixed on both sides.
  7. Clamps are installed, the weight is hung on the chain.

Important: if the installation was done correctly, the installation of the shaft should be accompanied by a distinct click. The complete decorative cover should be mounted last after testing the structure for strength.

Mounting on spring brackets

This method is somewhat simpler and has only one, but very important nuance: springy brackets can be attached to the opening sash and only to it. In general, the installation of "mini" roller shutters on springy brackets is no different from the version with self-tapping screws. The only difference is that instead of fixing the corners, you will need to snap the brackets on the top of the sash at a given distance.

Velcro mounting

The third mounting option is Velcro. Most often they come already in the kit and, despite the apparent fragility, they are able to provide a fairly reliable attachment to the frame. An additional advantage is that such installation of roller blinds does not imply any damage to the window, and if necessary, you can dismantle the Velcro fast enough.

Mounting the blinds on double-sided tape eliminates the need for drilling plastic

The process of installing roller blinds on a window is simple:

  1. The surface of the frame at the attachment points is degreased to ensure maximum grip.
  2. The installation site is heated with a household hair dryer.
  3. Mounts are attached to the frame.
  4. The design of the curtain is mounted in the mounts.

Important: regardless of the type of fastening, it must be remembered that the uncovered section of the chain mechanism must face down. If you give up this rule, the roller shutter simply will not work.

Roller blind Classic

The classic system of roller blinds in many ways resembles the "Mini", but has a larger number of elements. In addition to all of the above, it also includes a box in which the shaft is hidden, on which the curtain fabric is wound. Also among the differences are guides that are mounted on the window frame. They help to ensure a tighter fit of the fabric on the windows. Classic roller shutters can create total darkness in a room.

In closed roller blinds, the shaft on which the fabric is wound is hidden in a box.

Measurements and installation

The dimensions of the curtains are calculated from the dimensions of the window: the height will be the distance from the top to the bottom glazing bead, the width will be the distance between the side ones.

Sale of roller blinds of the classic sample is carried out exclusively in assembled form. This allows you to save time and immediately proceed to the installation of roller blinds on a plastic window. It is carried out as follows:

  • With the help of a special solution, window glazing beads at the attachment points are degreased for maximum adhesion to the adhesive.
  • The guides are glued to the fat-free glazing beads. Experts recommend not trying to glue the entire guide at once, it is better to do this by gradually tearing off the protective strip and warming the surface with a hairdryer. Move from bottom to top.
  • After that, the box is attached. First, side covers are removed from it, and then mounted using self-tapping screws. Before this, you should lay the curtain fabric in the guides and carefully align it.
  • All that remains is to carefully assemble the structure, put the clamps and the complete load on the chain.

The guide roller blinds, installed on the sides, hold the fabric web

Mix system

A newcomer to the market was the Mix system (sometimes called “bottom-up”). This version of roller blinds is significantly different from its predecessors and, thanks to the original approach, has already managed to gain a lot of fans. The key difference is that, unlike others, they install the Mix system in any part of the window (most often at the bottom), and not just at the top.. In fact, the design rotates 180 degrees, and the result looks stylish and functional. The dimensions of the canvas in this case is the distance between the glazing beads. No additional allowances are required.

The design of the roller blind allows you to close the window both from above and below

Installation is carried out as follows:

  • the fishing line is cut into equal parts;
  • all parts are first threaded through the upper limiter, after which they are tied into several knots;
  • limiters are mounted on glazing beads;
  • the free parts are threaded into the holes of the protective box, after which they are attracted to the lower bar, while fixing the upper bar in parallel;
  • after the latches on the roller shutter are wrung out, all that remains is to raise the canvas.

Whichever type of roller blind you choose, it's safe to say that it will look great on the window. Of course, the installation of Roman blinds on plastic windows is most often carried out by a specialist, but self-assembly is quite a feasible task even for a non-professional.

With the change of old wooden windows to new plastic ones, there was a fashion for new curtains - roller blinds. The simple design of roller blinds allows you to darken or decorate windows without wasting space. Most often, roller blinds are installed directly on the window sashes, then they darken the room as much as possible and do not bring a new color to the design. By the way, roller blinds go well with the usual heavy curtains, curtains and light tulle, it is enough to choose the right color scheme. On the market you can find similar products of any modification and configuration, usually curtains from different manufacturers may differ in key points. That is why the question may arise how to install roller blinds. We will talk about this in this article.

Advantages and disadvantages of roller blinds

Roller blinds or as they are also called "roller blinds" or "fabric roller blinds" have become fashionable recently, but at the same time they are intensively capturing the market. Today, many immediately order additional installation of curtains along with the installation of new windows. And this popularity is quite justified. Roller blinds have significant advantages over conventional blinds.

Benefits of roller blinds:

  • A huge selection of colors and shades, textures, textures of fabrics that will suit any interior. Due to the fact that roller blinds are a single piece, it may well have a complex pattern on it, and it will not look sloppy or ugly. Cloths can have different densities, be both almost transparent and dense enough to completely darken the room. The drawing on the canvas can be plain, color, with images of children's drawings, photo printing of complex drawings, paintings or company symbols.
  • A variety of fabric structures - cotton, linen, silk, polyester and even PVC fabrics. Curtains/blinds are impregnated with a special composition, thanks to which the canvases do not fade, get dirty minimally, dust does not accumulate on them, and the edges of the canvas do not bloom.
  • On the market, you can even find roller blinds with anti-reflective properties or thermal insulation.

  • Roller blinds go great with tulle unlike conventional blinds. To revive the interior, you just need to choose the right color combinations.
  • There are special roller blinds that completely darken the room, they consist of two layers - the inner one is a fabric, and the outer one is a reflective screen. Such blinds are perfect for rooms where there is a home theater and bedrooms.
  • Roller blinds are very compact, take up very little space, roll up into a roll, as a result of which the window sill remains free. They can also be lowered not completely, closing only part of the window, and leaving the opportunity for sunlight to penetrate.
  • Roller blinds, which are mounted separately on each window sash, allow you to close only one sash, depending on your needs. With ordinary blinds, this is not possible.
  • Very easy to clean - just wipe with a damp cloth, and wash off the accidental stain with soapy water.

Disadvantages of roller blinds:

  • Insufficiently strong and durable components of roller blinds. Almost all parts are made of plastic, and with careless handling they are easy to break.
  • The canvas can absorb odors, especially if the curtain is installed in the kitchen, and they cannot be washed, unlike ordinary curtains.
  • If the roller blind is installed on the window frame, and not on the profile, or inside the window opening, then it will not work to open the window with the curtains closed. This is a rather significant drawback, since ordinary curtains can be completely combined with open vents and windows. If the curtain is installed on the sash profile, then this problem does not exist.

In order to minimize the shortcomings as much as possible, it is better to choose roller blinds from trusted manufacturers from quality materials.

Roller blinds - instructions for installing roller blinds on a window sash

The most popular option for roller blinds are those that are mounted directly on the window sash. This is due to the ease of installation and operation, as well as the minimum loss of usable space and the ability to completely close the entire window without gaps. Roller blinds for window sashes are available in several different versions, each of which is good in one way or another and is designed to meet the needs and wishes of the customer.

How to shrink roller blinds without a Mini box

Mini roller blinds are a fairly simple design - a canvas wound on a shaft and a mechanism for raising / lowering it. This type of curtain is also called "roller blind without a box", since the rolled up canvas is not protected by anything. If you order a similar version of the curtain from the manufacturer, then there should not be a problem with the dimensions, but if you bought the product in a supermarket, you will have to adjust its dimensions. Please note that this is not possible with every model.

How to cut a roller blind:

  • To begin with, we perform accurate measurements: length - between the outer edges of the horizontal glazing beads, width - between the outer edges of the vertical glazing beads. The width of the curtain fabric should be equal to the resulting width.
  • We unfold the roller blind, remove it from the shaft.
  • We make a mark on the shaft at a distance of the width value from the edge.

  • Cut off the excess shaft with a hacksaw.
  • We saw off the lower curtain rail of the same length.
  • We install a plug with a protrusion on the shaft.
  • Next, we spread the curtain fabric on a flat surface and measure the required width. We make an appropriate note.

  • We cut off the excess canvas with a sharp construction knife or scissors.
  • Then you need to fix the curtain fabric on the shaft. To do this, remove the protective film from the self-adhesive strip from the surface of the shaft.

  • Then we bend the top edge of the canvas up so that the top edge is about 5 cm.
  • We put the shaft in the resulting niche with a self-adhesive strip up. Align the shaft.
  • Roll the shaft up into a short strip. We do this carefully so as not to warp the canvas. We press the self-adhesive strip to the canvas.
  • We wrap the curtain fabric ¾ of the length, insert the lower rail into the lower edge.

The roller blind is now ready for use. If there is a need to cut the canvas along the length, then you will have to do it in the upper part, where there is no hole for the lower rail.

Usually roller blinds of the Mini system without a box are delivered completely disassembled. To assemble the structure, first cut the package and take out all the components. We have already described how to cut the canvas and fix it on the shaft.

  • We find the mounting corners and fishing line, thread the fishing line through the holes in the corners and tie the edge with a double knot. We perform the same procedure with the second edge of the fishing line - we thread it into the holes of the second corner.
  • Cut the string in half.
  • We insert plastic capsules into the edge of the roller blind shaft.
  • We snap the edges of the capsule into the mounting corners.

Further assembly must be combined with the installation, which will be discussed below.

Mounting roller blinds Mini on self-tapping screws

Fastening roller blinds of the Mini system to self-tapping screws is the most reliable of all. But if in the future it is planned to remove the curtains, then it is better to pay attention to another method, after which there are no holes in the profile.

measurements: length and width - the distance between the outer edges of the glazing beads. On both sides, at least 23 mm must remain in width for mounting the fastening mechanism.


  • We apply the roller blind in the form in which we assembled it in the previous paragraph to the window sash at the top, focusing on the outer edge of the glazing bead.
  • We set it strictly according to the level, we control the even location in width.
  • We make marks on the window profile where the mounting corners will be located.
  • We remove the mounting brackets from the curtain shaft and attach them to the profile separately. We align according to the previously marked marks and make accurate marks for the holes. Using a screwdriver, drill holes.
  • We assemble the curtain mechanism: we insert plastic capsules into the mounting corner, and press it on top with a side plate.
  • We insert the control chain into the curtain opening and closing mechanism so that one edge hangs down by 10 - 15 cm. The wider part of the mechanism is its upper part.
  • We insert the assembled curtain control mechanism inside the capsule. Pay attention - the spring of the mechanism must coincide with the groove inside the capsule.
  • We put on the side cover with a hole for the control chain. Before putting on the lid, we thread the chain through the hole.
  • We fasten the assembled corner with self-tapping screws into the prepared holes.
  • At this stage, you can check the length of the chain and cut off the excess. We connect the edges of the chain with a special latch.
  • We remove the tape from the roller blind, which holds back the roll of the canvas. We insert the curtain into the fixed corner.
  • Supporting the second edge of the curtain with your hand, we unwind the canvas and see if it hangs evenly. If exactly, then we outline the holes for attaching the second corner.
  • We remove the curtain and drill holes for the second mounting bracket. We fix the corner with self-tapping screws so that the fishing line is sandwiched between the profile and the corner.
  • We insert the curtain into the mounting corners.
  • We pass the free edges of the fishing line through special holes in the bottom bar of the roller blinds.
  • We fix the capsule of the second corner with a side plate and close the lid.
  • Now we fix the bottom edge of the fishing line. For this there are special elements - clamps. We stretch the free edge of the fishing line parallel to the glazing bead. We make sure that the line is strictly vertical. We outline the resulting strip with a pencil. We do the same on the other side.
  • Strictly along the line of the fishing line at the very bottom - at the edge of the glazing bead - we fix the latch with the help of two self-tapping screws.
  • We pass the fishing line through a special hole in the latch and tighten it, twisting the latch mechanism with a screwdriver. Excess line can be cut off.
  • On the control chain, we set the clamps for the minimum and maximum position of the curtains. The minimum position is that the curtain with the lower bar must not go under the control mechanism. Maximum position - the curtain must cover the line clamps so that they are not visible.
  • We hang a weight or a plumb line on the chain. It should be included - most often a beautiful decorative detail.

Important! Fastening roller blinds of the Mini system without a box to an opening sash is no different. Only the control chain, so that it does not dangle when the sash is in the ventilation mode, must be fixed on the sash. To do this, the kit comes with a special latch, which is installed 10 cm above the bottom edge of the curtain. Also note that the control mechanism and shaft may interfere with the full opening of the window sash.

Fixing Mini Roller Blinds with a Spring Bracket

In order not to injure the surface of the profile or frame, you can use the method of attaching the roller blind to a special spring bracket. This method is only suitable for the opening sash.

Spring brackets are made of plastic or aluminum, they are hung on the sash in the open position and simply press down on the seal. When the sash is in the closed position, nothing is injured and does not stick out, it closes quite tightly.

We put side clamps or covers on the brackets. For this, both the bracket and the side latch have special fasteners. Then we put on a curtain with a shaft. We assemble the curtain in exactly the same way as described above. We lower the curtain canvas, check the evenness of its location and set the limiters on the control chain.

Important! In different models of roller blinds of the Mini system, the mechanism for fixing the lower bar in the position when the curtain is lowered is made in different ways. In the previous paragraph, we considered the option of fixing with the help of fishing line and limiters. But you can do without fishing line. Magnets are installed on the bottom bar of the curtains, exactly the same are attached to the window profile / frame. When the curtain is lowered, you can lightly press the bar against the magnets and it will lock into place. To raise the curtain, you will first have to remove the bar from the magnets, and then pull the chain.

Fastening Mini Roller Blinds with Adhesive Tape

A non-traumatic option for fastening a roller blind to a window profile, which is suitable for both an opening sash and a fixed sash, is fastening with adhesive tape. Sometimes it is also called the Easy Fix attachment system.

The kit comes with special fasteners, the back wall of which is hidden by a protective tape, under which there is an adhesive layer. After accurately verifying the dimensions of the curtain and making marks where the mounting brackets should be, it is necessary to degrease the surface of the profile. Remove the protective tape and attach the elements to the window profile. We press them to fix.

When such elements are installed on both sides, we fix the side clamps on them, and then the curtain itself. The curtains are assembled according to the standard scheme.

Important! To fix the curtain in the lowered position, you can use textile Velcro with an adhesive back. Velcro with a more sparse pile is glued to the window frame, and with a more fluffy pile - on the lower bar of the curtain.

The method of fastening roller blinds on adhesive tape allows not making a single hole in the window frame profile, but at the same time it is not strong enough. It is one thing when only the lower latch is attached to the Velcro, and it is quite another when the curtain shaft with a control mechanism is attached. There is a high chance of the curtains falling off.

How Classic Roller Blinds Are Attached

Roller blinds of the Classic system differ from Mini curtains in that the shaft with the curtain is hidden in the box, and also in that the unwound curtain cloth is fixed on the window with guides.

measurements: height - from the outer edge of the upper glazing bead to the inner edge of the lower glazing bead. Width - the distance between the inner edges of the glazing beads. It is necessary to take measurements very carefully, without rounding the results, since the measured width is the distance between the holes in the fasteners. Beads must be even and at least 12 mm wide. If less, then it is necessary to expand the width measurements by 2 - 4 mm. Such curtains are not installed on a rounded or uneven glazing bead. If the width of the glazing beads is more than 20 mm, then, on the contrary, the dimensions must be narrowed. The depth of glass landing must be at least 7 mm, otherwise you will have to use another system.

The Classic roller blind comes practically assembled, so no assembly of the elements is required. The kit also includes guides and other accessories.


  • Degrease window glazing beads with alcohol or alcohol wipes.
  • We remove the protective tape from the back of the guide and glue it to the bead so that its edge coincides with the outer edge of the bead. The opposite edge of the guide will hang freely in the air above the window. Start gluing from the bottom up, the bottom edge should coincide with the outer edge of the bottom glazing bead.
  • Carefully glue both guides, making pressing movements over their entire surface.
  • Next, install the curtain itself. First, remove the side covers so that the holes for the fasteners are visible.
  • Carefully slide the fabric of the roller blind behind the guides, align the location of the roller blind so that its upper edge coincides with the outer edge of the glazing bead. Checking the level.
  • We fix the curtain with self-tapping screws.
  • We return the side covers to their place.
  • We lower the curtains and put on the latches / stoppers on the control chain. The second stopper must be installed in a position where the curtain is unwound quite a bit so that the lower bar does not go under the box.
  • We hang a weight / plumb line on a chain.
  • We install a retainer for the chain on the window frame so that it does not interfere with the open window sash.

Important! The advantage of roller blinds of the Classic system is the absence of light gaps on the sides of the window. The guides overlap the canvas, and almost complete shading is obtained. All installation is carried out only on glazing beads, the frame itself is not injured.

How to fix roller blinds Profil

Roller blinds of the Profil system differ from the Classic system in that the guides in it are a U-shaped profile, into which the curtain fabric is inserted. It is convenient to use such curtains when the glass landing depth is less than 7 mm. The second feature is the method of fastening on sticky adaptive corners without the use of self-tapping screws.

measurements: length and width - the distance between the outer edges of the glazing beads. If the glazing beads are rounded, then the measurements are increased by 9 mm on each side. The distance from the outer edge of the upper glazing bead to the slope must be more than 35 mm.


  • We degrease the glazing beads before installing the guides, as well as the upper part of the window profile.
  • We glue the guides with a hole inside the window. We focus on the lower edge of the lower glazing bead.
  • We remove the protective film from the adaptive corners on the curtain box.
  • We put the lower bar into the guides, align the curtain box and glue it to the base.
  • We install stoppers on the control chain and the weight / plumb line of the chain.

Roller blinds - fixing the Mix system at the bottom of the window

As practice has shown, quite often the curtains on the windows are used only so that no one looks into them, and not for blackout. For such cases, you can use the roller blinds of the Mix system, which can be installed with a box at the bottom and unrolled up to the required height, leaving a sunny gap above.

measurements: length and width - the distance between the outer edges of the glazing beads.

Roller blinds - installation:

  • We cut in half the fishing line that comes with the kit.
  • We insert its edge into the upper limiter and tie it with a double knot. We do the same with the other half.
  • We fix the limiters on the window glazing bead.
  • We pass the free edges of the fishing line through the holes in the curtain box.
  • We fix the curtain bar at the top of the window, stretch the fishing line and thread it into the lower limiters.
  • We lower the curtain box down and fix it at the bottom.
  • To lower the canvas, it is necessary to press the latches on the bar.

The installation of roller blinds inside the window opening makes sense only if the distance from the slope to the beginning of the opening sash is large enough so that the sash can be freely opened when the curtain is rolled up.

measurements: width - the distance between opposite slopes minus 4 cm, 2 on each side. Length - the distance from the upper slope to the window sill.

Installation roller blinds inside the window opening are made on corner brackets using self-tapping screws or screws. The brackets themselves can be placed on the side slopes or on the upper slope. The curtain turns out to be freely hanging without bottom fixation, side light gaps are also inevitable.

The roller blind outside the window opening actually replaces the usual curtain.

measurements: the width must be at least 5 cm wider than the window opening on each side, i.e. by 10 cm. Although you can make a curtain of any width. The height should be at least from the place where the curtains are attached (ceiling or place on the wall) to the window sill, if it protrudes beyond the window opening. If the window sill is flush with the window opening, then the curtain can be made long.

Installation instructions for roller blinds must be included with the curtain. If you did not find it, you may have come across an unscrupulous supplier, and it is better to turn to another place. Installation of roller blinds does not take much time and effort, it can be done independently. Installation instructions for another type of roller blind system - Day-Night can be viewed in the video at the end of the article.

Progress does not stand still, introducing innovations in all spheres of human life. Today, the wooden window frames familiar to us are gradually fading into the background. Increasingly, the owners of houses and apartments are installing plastic window packages. On such a design it is very convenient to use both classic fabric curtains, and innovative blinds, and roll products. Moreover, manufacturers of curtain structures, taking care of the integrity of window plastic frames, offer new options for fixing roller blinds without drilling. You can buy such products in a specialized store, including the famous Leroy Merlin.


Roller blinds for plastic windows without drilling are of two options:

  • Mini rollers.
  • Cassette.

The cheapest models are mini. They are extremely easy to use. These models have an open shaft, a free canvas that stretches along the window opening. To prevent the canvas from sagging, a variety of fasteners are used for fixing, for example, magnets.

Cassette models are practical products. When assembled, the canvas is reliably protected from dust and other negative environmental influences. Such roleta do not lose attractive appearance, are not exposed to burning out. Manufacturers offer a wide range of colors of boxes, which allows you to choose a model that is ideal for this interior design. Cassette roller shutters are perfect for fixed and opening plastic windows. Due to the special design of the product does not interfere with the movement of the valves.

Cassette roller blinds without drilling in Leroy Merlin are presented in two variations:

  • Models equipped with side guides, which are fixed on wide glazing beads inside the opening.
  • U-shaped guides, for fastening from the outside of the window opening.

Ready-made roller blinds without drilling are single and double. The latter include models with a day-night effect, which consist of darkened and transparent strips of fabric.

Mounting Features

Roller blinds for windows without drilling in Leroy Merlin are equipped with one of two fastener options:

  • On hooks.
  • On construction tape.

In the first case, mini-rolls are fixed on a plastic window using an adhesive pad. However, if a low-quality, weak hook is found in the design, the design will interfere with the normal functioning of the sash, which will create some inconvenience.

In the second case, the cassette structure is attached to the building tape. If this mounting option seems not reliable, you can additionally fix the tapes with glue.

To purchase roller blinds with fastening without drilling at Ikea or Leroy Merlin, you need to make the correct measurement of the window. If the plastic structure has straight glazing beads, then the curtain should occupy the distance from one glazing bead to another. This applies to both horizontal and vertical measurements. If the opening is curly, the curtain is selected according to the maximum value of the distance between the glazing beads. In any case, the dimensions of the window must be measured to the millimeter.

Mounting details

Reviews of buyers of window structures in Ikea and Leroy Merlin claim that each product must be accompanied by step-by-step instructions for assembling and installing roller blinds. However, there are additional recommendations from experienced craftsmen that you will not find in any instructions from the manufacturer. So, in order for the finished roller-type curtains to be ideally fixed on a plastic frame, it is necessary to use a construction plumb line or level. If there is the slightest distortion, the design will not serve properly.

Before fixing the rolled product, it is necessary to lean it against the frame and mark the points of future attachment with a pencil. For reliable fixation of the adhesive tape, the surface must be thoroughly degreased. Given the considerable weight of finished cassette structures, it is recommended to use high-quality, expensive construction tape for installation. For easier removal of the protective tape from the adhesive tape, you must first heat it with a hair dryer.

Recently, residents of apartments and owners of office premises are increasingly choosing roller blinds as light-shielding structures. In this regard, more and more often the question arises of how to hang roller blinds with your own hands.

Unlike classic curtains or curtains, roller structures require a special approach during installation. The way you are going to install the structure on the window will depend on the features of the work. In order to properly install roller blinds, you should carefully familiarize yourself with their design features and the types of fasteners used.

The choice of roller blinds for windows

The roller blind mechanism has much in common with blinds.

Structurally, a roller blind is one of the varieties of blinds. The only difference is that to darken the room, not transverse slats assembled into a single structure are used here, but a fabric curtain wound on a shaft.

Rising, the curtain opens up access to the room for natural light, falling - creates in the room, depending on its density, either a light translucent twilight, or almost complete darkness.

The widest range of fabric roller shutters is presented on the modern market, differing in colors, texture of the material, design features and their cost. Therefore, before choosing roller blinds, you should decide which option is most suitable for your room.

The dimensions of roller blinds depend on the place of their attachment: on the window frame, window opening or separately on the sash

With the help of roller shutters, you can give the interior almost any design, decorating it either in a strictly business style, or creating home comfort in it.

Before you go to choose roller blinds, you should first take measurements from window openings or sashes. It all depends on where you are going to attach the structure.

Structurally, fabric roller shutters can be of open or closed type. The first option provides for the installation of the shaft directly on the fasteners, and in the second, the shaft is installed in a protective box, which, in turn, is already mounted on the fasteners.

Installation methods of roller blinds can be very different:

  • on the window opening;
  • on the wall or ceiling above the window opening;
  • on the window sash.

Each of these options has its pros and cons. Let's take a closer look at how to install roller shutters in each of these ways. First of all, you will need to assemble the roller blinds from the components into a single mechanism, and only after that attach them to the window. Before assembling the structure, read the instructions and drawings attached to it.

It should be remembered that if, due to incorrect or careless assembly, the mechanism is disabled, the manufacturer's warranty on it is canceled.

Installing roller blinds on a wall or ceiling

To install roller shutters over a window opening, you will need a building level, a tape measure, a puncher, a screwdriver and a pencil. All work is carried out in several stages:

  1. We determine the place where the base of the device will be attached - a roll shaft or a protective box.
  2. With the help of the level, we mark the strip along which our structure will be attached.
  3. We apply a roller blind to the strip and align it in the center of the window opening. In the right places, we outline marks for holes in the wall.
  4. Using a perforator, we drill holes in the wall for dowel-nails and fasten the base of the roller blind to the wall with their help.

To adjust the fabric part of the curtain in length, we release it in such a way that it is 10-15 cm below the window sill.

In this place, we install a stopper on the control chain, which will prevent us from lowering the curtain to the floor. For information on how to hang roller blinds on a window, see this useful video:

Installation of roller blinds on a window frame

This method has several advantages:

  1. Even with the curtain down, there is free access to the window sill.
  2. In order to open the window, you do not need to remove the curtain fabric on the shaft.
  3. You can close only one window sash with a curtain, thereby adjusting the level of illumination in the room.

You can fasten the structure to the frame using the same self-tapping screws. As in the first case, we mark with a level and a pencil the place of installation of the brackets. For a tutorial on installing roller blinds on a window frame, see this video: We apply the roller shutter to the frame, aligning it in such a way that the canvas completely covers the glazed part of the window. Then we fix the base of the roller blind to the frame using self-tapping screws.

Methods for fastening roller shutters without damaging the frames

Roller blinds can be attached to the window with double-sided tape

However, the question often arises among apartment residents: “How can you hang roller blinds on plastic windows without damaging the frames?”. In this case, double-sided tape can be used to install the roller blind on a plastic window.

We also mark the window opening, mark the approximate horizontal line. Then we stick double-sided tape on the back side of the roller shutter base. We release a fabric curtain along the entire length of the window sash, tear off the protective layer of the film from the second side of the adhesive tape and, having tried on the curtain to the window, fasten the base of the roller shutter to the frame. As a result, we get a sufficiently strong connection that can securely hold the roller blind on the window frame.

For a stronger connection, before using adhesive tape, clean the frame from various contaminants: dust, grease stains, etc.

Also, instead of adhesive tape, it is possible to use mounting glue (“liquid nails”) or special spring brackets. In this case, all the nuances of this method of fastening should be taken into account: liquid nails provide an excessively strong adhesion between the base of the blinds and the frame, so it will be difficult to dismantle the roller shutter without the risk of damaging it or the window.

Spring brackets are designed to mount the roll system only on opening window sashes. Installing them on blind doors will not work because of their design features. How to install roller blinds without drilling, see this video:

Based on the foregoing, any home master can install roller blinds on the windows of his house. To do this, you do not need to have any transcendental abilities - it will be quite enough to be able to handle simple construction tools, and the desire to do this work with your own hands.