Ficus Benjamin: types, photos and care at home. Indoor ficuses - types, photos and description Ficus with green leaves what is the name

ficus- one of my favorites indoor plants. The genus Ficus (Ficus) includes many ornamental species, for example Ficus Benjamin, Ficus lyre, Ficus rubber, which will be discussed in this article and many others.

In nature, ficuses grow in the tropical forests of Asia and Africa. (Ficus elastica) is an evergreen tree 20-30 meters high with aerial roots that serve as props. In a room, this species can grow up to 3-4 meters in height. Dense leathery leaves, elliptical in shape are very attractive and can reach a length of 20-30 cm. The central vein is highlighted at the leaf. New leaves appear at the top of the shoot, opening from the shell. The leaves are attached to the trunk with short petioles.

Ficus is called the orderly of the air, since its large leaves collect dust well, and the plant itself, according to bioenergetics, absorbs negative emotions, calms and drives away evil spirits.

Now there are many interesting variegated varieties: "Tineke" - leaves painted in several shades of green from dark to light and cream or white border around the edge; the Tricolor variety has leaves painted in several colors - green, cream or white and pink. Still popular are monochromatic varieties of rubber-bearing ficus "Decor" with raised leaves up, "Abidjan" with large leaves of a purple-red hue.

ficus- hardy and easy to grow indoor plant.

For rubber ficus, it is best to highlight the most illuminated place with scattered rays of the sun, lighting is especially important for variegated varieties. With a lack of light, the plant is strongly stretched, the trunk is quickly exposed, the leaves turn pale and become thin.

From spring to autumn, the ficus actively grows. At this time, it is watered abundantly and fed with complex mineral fertilizer once every two to three weeks. The temperature during the growth period should be above +18 0 С.

In winter, the ficus rests, the temperature in the room should be below +18 0 C, but not below +15 0 C. Watering at this time is limited to a minimum - once a week, and top dressing is stopped.

Dry air for ficus leaves is detrimental, so they are often sprayed and wiped with a damp sponge.

Ficus is sensitive to drafts and sudden changes in temperature, due to these unfavorable conditions, it can shed its leaves. It also responds to the cooling of an earthen clod in a pot, so place it on a cold window sill or floor with an insulating gasket.

The appearance of spots on ficus leaves can be caused by several reasons: improper watering, poor lighting, dry air. Changes in temperature and light cause the dropping of healthy leaves, try to protect the ficus from stressful conditions.

Ficus is transplanted every two to three years. The pot is increased immediately by 3-4 centimeters in diameter. To prepare for transplantation, the ficus is watered abundantly, then removed from the old pot. If possible, remove the old earth by shaking and check the condition of the roots. The plant is placed in a new pot with a layer of drainage already poured and covered with fresh earth, the roots are sprinkled on all sides with fresh earth to the previous level of the root collar. Large specimens are very difficult to transplant, so they simply replace the top layer of the earth. Land for transplantation should be nutritious, it is prepared from fertile garden soil containing humus manure or compost, peat and sand in a ratio of 2:1:1.

Not all ficus varieties are branching. The grown trunk becomes bare over time and the plant loses its beauty. You can rejuvenate a ficus by rooting its top or making it give side shoots from dormant buds. To do this, it is necessary to bend the trunk into a horizontal position, or even bend the top to the base, fix it well. After a while the buds wake up and date the shoots.

The main method of propagation of ficus is through cuttings. They are cut in the spring with a length of 10-15 cm. Each cutting should have 1-2 leaves, it is better to remove the leaf at its base. Rooting can be done in water or in a mixture of peat and sand at a temperature of 22-24 0 C and high humidity.

You can root a bare shoot with an air layer. To do this, an incision is made on the shoot, this area is wrapped with moss and cellophane on top. Moss is constantly moistened, as soon as the roots appear, the shoot is cut off and transplanted into a pot.

Indoor plant - ficus. As part of the course around the world.

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"Indoor plant - ficus."

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Varieties of ficus, place of origin.

  • FICUS (Ficus)- the most numerous genus of plants of the Mulberry family, which includes trees, shrubs, lianas. The most famous representative of the genus is the fig tree, or fig, or fig, or fig, or fig, Ficus karika.
  • Homeland: tropical Asia, West Africa, India, Himalayas, Sri Lanka.
  • This genus contains about 800 species and 2000 varieties, among which there are trees of impressive size with large leaves, and there are ground cover ficuses with small leaves.
  • About 20 species are grown indoors. Most of them are evergreen, some are deciduous. Their color and shape depend on the particular variety. From small-leaved ficuses, you can grow a bonsai tree using the bonsai technique.
  • It happens that among ficuses
  • meet strange individuals. This is a ficus

    catastrophe. If you don't water it, it

    sheds leaves if watered too much -

    it will drop leaves if it gets on

    draft - it will drop leaves if it

    rearranged - you guessed it - it will shed its leaves (many plants don't like to be rearranged, but not to the same extent). If you are lucky and he likes the place you have chosen, he will grow a very beautiful plant, just breathe carefully around him, otherwise he will suddenly drop the leaves.

    • It is believed that ficus can be useful in almost any home. And, if you correctly follow the recommendations for caring for this plant, then it will delight us with its beauty for a long time, bring health and happiness. Also, this plant is able to absorb the negative energy of the room and neutralize the bad emotions of the household.
    • There is one legend according to which a rich couple who did not have children has a child after some old man brought a ficus to their house and told them to take care of it.
    • And the couple did everything as the stranger told them. Therefore, it is not in vain that there is probably a belief: “If there are no children in the family, and the spouses really want to have them, then it is imperative to have a ficus.” Ficus grown at home can not only decorate any interior, but also purify the air of substances harmful to health, and improve the microclimate.
    • It should be borne in mind that most ficuses grown at home do not tolerate drafts, severe waterlogging and direct sunlight. Ficuses with solid green leaves are exceptionally shade-tolerant, while variegated forms require good lighting.
    • Plants tolerate the dry air of apartments quite well, but with the beginning of the heating season, they should be sprayed 2-3 times a week. Water sparingly, allowing the soil to dry out between waterings.
    • All domestic ficuses do not tolerate stagnant water in the soil, therefore, expanded clay should be placed on the bottom of the pot as a drainage layer.
    • Indoor ficus does not like change, so it is better to immediately determine a permanent place for it and, if possible, do not transfer, move, or disturb it. In summer, ficus can be taken out to fresh air, a balcony or terrace.
    • How to properly care for

    • Dust deposited on the leaves spoils the appearance, interferes with the normal air exchange of the plant with the environment and the process of photosynthesis. It is necessary to periodically clean the leaves from dust with a damp cloth. Adult leaves can be treated with a wax sheen, the plant will look more spectacular.
      • Ficus " Melanie" belongs to the family of rubber-bearing ficuses.
      • This variety appeared relatively recently, but quickly gained popularity among lovers of indoor plants, due to its compactness.

        Like any other ficus, it is unpretentious in conditions and can serve as a decoration for any apartment.

      • Rubber ficus grows in tropical Asia from India to Indonesia.
      • In nature, these are large tall trees with aerial roots, 30-40 meters high.
      • It was found in a greenhouse in one of the cities of Holland and is a mutation from another type of ficus - Decora.
      • From the cuttings taken from him, new plants were grown, which completely retained the properties of their progenitor, which made it possible to distinguish "Melanie" into a new variety.
      • This plant does not require any special conditions of detention. Caring for "Melanie" is extremely simple and will not cause much trouble.
      • The flower does not respond well to excessive lighting and feels as comfortable as possible in a humid climate, that is, at room conditions, it needs regular daily spraying.
      • Once upon a time, a woman lived on the outskirts of the village. In the old, almost collapsed house, cracks and peeling plaster were visible everywhere on the walls and in the window frames. In a word, a terrible picture. Yes, and all sorts of nasty living creatures were present, like mice and cockroaches. And on the other side of the village lived a kind sorceress. And her house looked like a popular print, cleanliness everywhere, a beautiful garden, flowers, trees, bushes, neat paths. Once a woman came to the sorceress and asked: Neighbor, I really want my house to be beautiful, like yours, help me with this. The sorceress agreed and said the following: Here is a magical ficus as a gift. He will help make your house the best in the village.
      • The woman took the ficus and with joyful hopes carried it home, where she placed it on the window. And then I noticed that the ficus, with its beautiful glossy leaves, looks terrible against the background of a dirty window. The woman took a rag and washed the windows. And the glass shone with cleanliness, but against their background the old frames looked disgusting. I had to paint the frames with snow-white paint, and then the woman looked at her updated window and thought: such a clean, well-groomed window, and everything around is just awful. A woman bought wallpaper and pasted over the walls with them, but the trouble is that the furniture in the house was old, dilapidated and spoiled the whole look. She invited the master and he repaired her furniture. And everything in the house became beautiful and comfortable.
      • The Tale of the "Magic Ficus"

      • Well, so that the appearance of the house does not spoil what is inside, she had to put it in order from the outside, and at the same time put the yard in order.
      • I planted trees and bushes, flowers, swept the paths, fixed the fence. And her dream came true, her house became better than all the houses in the area. And the popular rumor went about her and about the magic ficus everywhere.

        What are the types and varieties of indoor ficuses

        What types are

        Most varieties of these home flowers do not need special care, even beginners are happy to grow such plants. Among the varieties of ficuses, you can find those that differ in the color and shape of the leaves, trunk.

        The first ficus, which became common in Europe, was a fig or fig tree, and its height was up to 10 meters, now other species are used for the purpose of planting trees and shrubs. You will not see fruits on them, they have compact dimensions, attractive colors and leaf shapes. Many varieties of these indoor flowers that do not bear fruit are easy to form, so you can learn from them and topiary art, creating unique living sculptures to your liking.

        There are three large groups of ficus varieties - evergreen, ampelous and bottle. Each of them, in turn, contains many varieties. These are ficus Banyan or Bengal, and ficus Benjamin, Binnendijka, Ginseng or ginseng, mountain or Montana, deltoid or variegated, Dracaena, Karika or indoor fig, lyre-shaped, Melanie, Parcel, creeping, ivy-shaped, Pumila White, variegated, Retuza, rusty either Rubiginosa, sacred or Sacred fig.


        These unique plants come from distant India and nearby countries. The people living here have great respect for evergreen ficuses. Buddhists even have a sacred flower or fig tree, which has heart-shaped leaves with a long, sharp end. Ficuses grow near the temples, which are carefully cared for, and bright ribbons are tied on the branches. The sacred tree can grow up to 35 meters, in India there is a unique ancient ficus, whose age is over 3 thousand years.

        Until recently, on the shelves of shops there was mainly rubber ficus, now there are other types. Among flower growers, in addition to rubber, a lyre-shaped or violin flower is popular. He is a frequenter of reputable offices. The plant got its name due to the special shape of the leaves - in the form of a lyre, which have a length of up to 50 cm. The main color of the surface is dark with interspersed - light veins.

        Ficus rubber is still popular. Many grow at home forms robusta - a culture with dark green broad leaves and variegata - a plant with light yellow and white patches on the surface, sometimes with shades of pink. Ficus with the beautiful name "Black Prince" looks like robusta, but its leaves have a characteristic black color. The doescheri flower has a medium vein of red, the schrijvereana variety has an interesting marble pattern, the tricolor has a pink tint, and the variegata has a delicate cream border.

        Another favorite of flower growers in our country is Benjamin's ficus. This plant variety is characterized by the presence of small leaves, the tips of which are elongated or sharp. There are various forms - with wavy and straight edges of foliage, stripes and spots, differing in shades. Thin and weak shoots of culture require shaping. Often several plants are planted in one pot, which are then twisted into a pigtail. Bengal or banyan - ficus with velvety leaves up to 20 cm long.

        Its lateral branches form aerial roots, which then provide additional support. Ficus Bengal will thus get the opportunity to start life on the branches of other trees. One culture of such indoor flowers is often a whole grove. Long and narrow leaves of ficus Ali are similar to blades of grass. If you intertwine their trunks during growth, you can get a plant that looks like a palm tree. Ficus triangular is named so because of the corresponding shape of the leaves, which seem to be cut off in the middle.

        Such houseplants come from Indochina. Under natural conditions, they grow in the lower tier of tropical forests. These trees have small leaves. Among the ampelous varieties, dwarf ones can be called - it has rounded miniature leaves up to 3 cm in size. There is a rooting ficus with an elongated foliage shape, the size of which reaches 7 cm. Beginning flower growers sometimes have difficulties with growing ampelous species and caring for them. They look and feel great in hanging planters, or as groundblood crops in tall pots. These types of home flowers place demands on the degree of air and soil moisture.

        If Benjamin's ficus is not watered in time, then it will stay in dry ground for some time without any problems. But if you do not give moisture to a dwarf flower, it can even provoke its death. Since apartments often do not have the air humidity necessary for ampel cultures, it is customary to turn to special humidifiers for help. It is optimal to grow in aquariums or mini-greenhouses, where it is really possible to create a good microclimate. If you place a snag on the bottom of the aquarium, the ficus will easily begin to braid it. Too bright sunlight is dangerous for these home forms. When caring for them, it is advised to organize diffused lighting. Artificial light bulbs are also suitable.

        Video "Care for ficuses of various varieties"


        These ficuses came to the territory of Russia from hot Mexico and California. In order to adapt to the harsh local climate, they accumulate moisture in the lower part of the trunk, due to which they acquire a bizarre shape. To grow bottle varieties and care for such flowers, special skills are not needed. They are characterized by the presence of a small root system, so it is permissible to use a shallow, but with wide edges pot. High-quality drainage is also required, expanded clay, broken bricks, and small cobblestones are added to the soil.

        In winter, bottle indoor species are in a dormant period. Therefore, minimal watering is carried out, the frequency of which increases with the arrival of spring.

        Ficus Palmera has beautiful shiny dark green leaves. It grows slowly, the thickening of the trunk is slow. It does not manifest itself if the culture is grown from branches, not seeds. From domestic species, rusty ficus can also be distinguished. It got such an interesting name due to the lower part of the flowers, reminiscent of rust. This pet also naturally has glossy leaves of a classic green hue. There is also a variegated form of such a plant. Climbing culture, which is often used as a cover - ficus arrow-shaped. Delta leaf grows up to a maximum of 1 meter, does not differ in intensive growth.

        Care and disease of ficuses

        When caring for any of the ficuses, you can even create a small penumbra, which is not true only for variegated and ampelous ones. The temperature should be about 20 degrees in winter, higher rates are allowed in summer. Do not lower the temperature in the room below 12 degrees. During intensive growth and development, care includes abundant watering. The earth should be thoroughly moistened from mid-spring to autumn. Then the frequency of watering is reduced to 1 time in 10 days.

        Do not forget half an hour after the procedure to drain excess water from a special tray. Fertilizers are applied from spring to September, do it 1 time in 2 weeks. The preparations Ideal, Palma, Rainbow are perfect. Many flower growers prefer natural dressings - nettle infusion, wood ash, mullein. Ficus care is a transplant of young crops once every 2 years, which is planned for the spring.

        For adult specimens, it is only permissible to update the top layer of soil. The optimal composition of the substrate is peat, sand, leafy and soddy soil, taken in proportions of 1:1:1:2. Many flowers prefer to grow hydroponically. On the eve of the planned transplantation, the plant is watered abundantly, then, together with an earthen clod, it is transferred by transshipment to a new pot, 2–4 cm larger than the old one.

        When growing and caring for ficuses, one may encounter such a phenomenon as dropping leaves by a culture. The reason for this may be the movement of the pot, that is, a stressful situation, or excessive watering of the pet. Ficuses also react negatively to the lack of normal lighting, to which they respond with leaf fall and growth retardation. Low temperatures, drafts, and large amounts of fertilizers are also dangerous.

        Ampel species suffer from burns and low humidity. Spraying can help them. With incorrect cultivation, ficuses can be affected by pests - spider mites, mealybugs, scale insects. To combat the latter, Actellik is intended - 20 drops per 1 liter of water. He will save if you find a thin cobweb under the leaves - the result of the life of spider mites. Mealybug appears when the air in the room is dry. Use the drug Karbofos - 15 to 40 drops of the product should be taken per 1 liter of water.

        Video "Ficus. Selection, cultivation and care "

        Choosing the right ficus is not so easy. And caring for him and growing a healthy plant is even more difficult. In this video you will find useful tips that will facilitate your efforts in this difficult process.

        All varieties of ficuses belong to the mulberry family and are evergreens. About 2000 species of ficuses have been described, among which there are trees of impressive size with large leaves, and there are ground cover ficuses with small leaves and ampelous ones. About 20 species are grown indoors.

        The most popular in room culture are the "head of the family" rubber-bearing ficus Ficus elastica and its varieties rubber-bearing ficus decora and rubber-bearing ficus Robusta. Very common among indoor plants:

        ficus lyre-shaped Ficus lyrata
        tiny ficus (dwarf) Ficus pumila
        Ficus blunted Ficus retusa
        creeping ficus Ficus repens
        rusty-leaved ficus (Australian) Ficus rubiginosa
        Ficus benjamina Ficus benjamina
        ficus carica (fig, fig tree) Ficus carica
        ficus rooting Ficus radicans
        mountain ficus Ficus montana
        ficus ivy Ficus hederacea
        sacred ficus Ficus religiosa
        ficus diversifolia Ficus diversifolia
        triangular ficus Ficus triangularis
        ficus Bengal (banyan) Ficus benghalensis
        ficus Parcel Ficus parcellii
        ficus rough (aspera) Ficus aspera
        Ficus deltoidea Ficus deltoidea
        boxwood ficus Ficus buxifolia
        Ficus Ali (Ficus Binnendeyka) Ficus Ali
        and others.

        Ficus rubbery

        Ficus rubbery Robusta Tinika

        Ficus rusty

        Ficus lyre

        Rubber-bearing ficus - at room conditions it is a tree 1.5-2 m high, with large and dense leathery oval-shaped leaves, up to 35 cm long and 10-20 cm wide, forms aerial prop roots. The birthplace of this ficus is Burma, Nepal and the tropics of India, the Himalayas, Sri Lanka, West Africa, where the tree grows up to 25-30 m tall. The trunk of the rubber-bearing ficus branches weakly. In indoor floriculture, it has been used since 1815 - back in the 19th century. grown its narrow-leaved form. The green forms of this ficus are easier to cultivate than the variegated ones. Ficus robusta variety has larger and broader leaves than ficus decora. Variegated varieties of rubbery ficus are ficus Black Prince Ficus elastica Black Princ with almost black leaves, ficus docheri Ficus elastica doescheri with variegated leaves, cream spots and a red median vein, in ficus schrijvereana cream and yellow spots on the leaves form a complex marble pattern, tricolor ficus Ficus tricolor, along with cream spots, has light pink stains on green leaves, and Ficus elastica variegata is distinguished by the cream edges of the leaf blade. The leaves of these species must be kept clean. And if the leaf or short cutting on which it sits is damaged, the ficus secretes white poisonous juice. So that it does not cause poisoning, wash your hands thoroughly after working with ficus. This ficus practically does not bloom in room culture, but is generally unpretentious and adapts well to environmental conditions. With an excess of moisture in the soil during a relative dormant period, rubbery ficus can shed its leaves. The same thing happens in too dry soil. Although rubber-bearing ficus is not whimsical to air humidity, it can withstand high dry air and high temperatures, and is not picky about bright lighting. Variegated forms do not withstand direct sunlight, overdrying of an earthy coma, require frequent spraying and bathing of leaves, grow more slowly than ficuses with plain green leaves.

        Lyre-shaped ficus - large light green hard leaves in shape and size resemble the silhouette of a violin, and at a young age are slightly pubescent or covered with a wax coating. On the leathery glossy leaves, a relief of white veins protrudes, the leaf blade is 50-60 cm long, 30 cm wide. The lyre-shaped ficus tree reaches a height of 12 m in natural conditions. The trunk is erect, slightly branching. It has no aerial roots. Needs good natural light, but gets sunburned in direct sun.

        Ficus dwarf (ficus pumila) or tiny is an ampelous plant, creeping or climbing, with numerous long and thin shoots up to 5 m long, covering the soil with a thick carpet and putting out roots (grows to the soil with adventitious roots). It comes from China and Japan. The leaves of the dwarf ficus are small heart-shaped, slightly corrugated, up to 2.5 cm long, and on young shoots there are asymmetrical plates. If the dwarf ficus is propagated vegetatively by such shoots, then the asymmetry is preserved in the adult plant in the future. With age, the size of the leaves increases to 10 cm. There are variegated forms of dwarf ficus. And in a ficus of a dwarf form, mini leaves do not exceed 0.7 cm in length. The shoots of a dwarf ficus grow very slowly, the culture can more easily withstand a lack of lighting than direct sunlight. The growth rate of shoots increases at elevated temperatures and humidity.

        Ficus obtuse (Ficus retuza) - known as ficus Cuban or ficus laurel, comes from tropical Asia, Taiwan and Southeast Asian countries. Glossy leathery dark green leaves 7-10 cm long, ovate with a pointed edge. Ficus is distinguished by a peculiar stem - a thick bizarre trunk, thanks to which plants are used for bonsai, this ficus is considered the simplest and most suitable for growing bonsai. The bark of the trunk is covered with reddish dotted spots through which gas exchange occurs.

        Ficus carica, fig, fig tree

        ficus benjamina

        ficus bengal

        ficus aspera

        Creeping ficus is a miniature shrub that creeps along the ground or climbs along the bark of trees with tiny rounded leaves. It grows slowly in the shade, but in good light it can cover a square meter in a few months. This type of ficus needs abundant and frequent watering more than others, it does not tolerate overdrying of an earthen coma. With age, the shoots become woody, become like dry bark and the ficus loses its decorative effect. Attached by adventitious roots to the surface, the creeping ficus completely covers everything underneath.

        Rusty-leaved ficus (Australian ficus) - a low sprawling evergreen tree of rusty-leaved ficus is similar to rubber-bearing ficus, but small in size. The young shoots of this ficus have a reddish tint, and the leathery dark green leaves are up to 25 cm long and 8-10 cm wide. If you look at the underside of the leaf blade, then it has a reddish-brown pubescence covering the petioles of the leaf. Large up to 5 cm apical buds are also pubescent, due to which they acquire a bright pink color. There is a variegated form of rusty-leaved ficus with a creamy-white border around the edge of the leaf. There are many aerial roots on the lower part of the trunk.

        Ficus Benjamin - very popular in indoor culture due to its universal size and medium leaf shape, it looks more like a tree than others. There are many varieties of ficus Benjamin - Nuda, Hawaii, Natasha, variegata, Starlight, Gold Princes, but they all resemble a weeping tree up to 2 m tall in shape. The difference is only in the shape of the leaves and color, for example, in the form of ficus Benjamin Baroque, the leaf blades are twisted in a spiral. Ficus Benjamin has ovoid leaves with a narrow pointed edge, in some varieties they are wider, in others the leaves are narrower, up to 12 cm long. The color can be either a plain light green, shimmering in the sun, or two-tone. Benjamin's ficuses produce aerial support roots, from which flower growers make beautiful weaves, with age the roots are passionate among themselves, forming an openwork decorative trunk with a light brown bark. The plant is very unpretentious. The vertical stems of Ficus Benjamin are very weak, quickly take on a horizontal direction. To give stability, several copies of this ficus are planted in a pot at once. Ficus stalks easily tolerate a haircut.

        Ficus karika is a fig or fig tree known to all for biblical motives. It was its leaves that served in Paradise to Adam and Eve as the first garment, and the fruit of the fig tree was thus forbidden. Homeland ficus karika - Europe, the Middle East, North and South Africa, India, the Caucasus, Transcaucasia, Afghanistan, the Mediterranean. This ficus is very ancient and has been cultivated since ancient times. A small tree-like deciduous shrub with a spreading crown. Broadly lobed strongly palmately incised petiolate leaves with protruding light yellow or white middle veins are very decorative, rough to the touch, fall off in winter. When damaged, secrete milky juice. With proper care, figs easily bloom and bear fruit at room conditions, forming flattened spherical or pear-shaped seedlings, which are called wine berries. The flowers of the fig tree are invisible, so in China this type of ficus is often called "fruit without a flower." Today, varieties of ficus carica are already known that do not require fertilization for fruiting - this is the variety Dalmatika, Kadata, Sochi-7, Black San Pedro, Black Crimean, Shuisky. Leaves may drop in October-November. In winter, this type of ficus is kept at low temperatures and watered occasionally. More photophilous than other types of ficuses.

        Ficus rooting is a very unusual species with thin curly shoots native to India. Leaf blade ovoid, pointed, sitting on a short petiole, blade 5-7 cm long, dark green with a white border around the edge.

        Ficus montana (mountain ficus) - comes from Southeast Asia, Indochina, Indonesia, Burma, Malaysia, New Guinea and the Malay Peninsula. The leaf blade is bright green with darker central veins that sit in depth. The leaf of this ficus is ovoid, slightly serrate along the edge, 5-10 cm long and 2-4 cm wide, shaped like oak leaves. From the underside it is pubescent with bristly hairs, ficus shoots are also pubescent. Tree-like shrub reaches 1.5 m in height. It doesn't grow too fast, but it doesn't grow too slowly either.

        Ficus ivy is a climbing shrub that forms aerial adventitious roots in leaf nodes. It comes from Northern India, Burma, Southern China, Laos and Thailand. Two-row leaves on thick petioles, leathery leaf blades are narrow elliptical with a pointed edge, 6-11 cm long, 3.5-5 cm wide, pubescent with bristles on the underside.

        Ficus Ali, Binnendi ficus

        Ficus dwarf variegated form

        Ficus heterophyllous

        Ficus sacred

        Ficus sacred (ficus religious) - has wide heart-shaped leaves up to 10-20 cm long, up to 15 cm wide with a sharp tip - this is the so-called drop point. When atmospheric pressure changes, juice is formed at the ends of the leaves of the sacred ficus - this is called the weeping of the sacred tree. The length of the petioles exceeds the loin of the leaf blade twice. The greenish-blue leaf has a pronounced white-yellow central vein. Young leaves are twisted into a tube. It comes from Southeast Asia - India, China, Taiwan, Thailand, and also from Pakistan. In India, this ficus is very revered by Buddhists, who believe that during meditation it was under this sacred ficus that the Buddha reached the state of nirvana. In Bombay, a religious ficus is known, which is already more than 3 thousand years old. A deciduous tree in nature reaches 30 m in height, forms aerial roots-props in the lower part of the trunk. At high temperatures and dry air, it can drop leaves, it does not tolerate dry air.

        Ficus variegated - a slowly growing shrub at home barely reaches a height of 1 m. Leathery dark green leaf blades are dotted with small brown spots. The shape of the leaves is small, oval-rounded, smoothly turning into a green petiole. The name of this variety is given due to the fact that on one plant you can find leaves of a completely different and unique shape. Sets fruits the size of an olive greenish color, decorative, but not edible.

        Ficus triangular - leaves 7-10 cm long, 5-8 cm wide, triangular in shape, the edge of the leaf is the base of a triangle with a small notch, and the acute angle smoothly passes into the petiole. Dark green glossy leathery leaf blade with a deep median vein that symmetrically divides the leaf in half. Triangular ficus is native to tropical Africa. Woody shrub reaches 30 m in natural conditions. Aging plants are invasive and are able to oppress smaller plants, suffocate them in their shoots. Young triangular ficuses often grow as epiphytes. In room culture, it bears fruit abundantly, forming small pea-berries of a light yellow color. There are variegated forms of triangular ficus. Requires a moderate temperature of 15-18 degrees, moderate watering and medium light.

        Ficus Bengalis a banyan tree, a very attractive plant, well branched, lateral shoots grow almost horizontally and give aerial roots that hang down to the ground. Growing into the soil, the roots form many trunks under one crown. In nature, this ficus grows in plantations and is an invasive species, as it destroys smaller plants under it. In room conditions, magnificent bonsai are created from Bengal ficus. The leaves of this ficus, up to 20 cm long, are smaller than those of the rubber-bearing one, but are similar in shape, and at a young age they are also pubescent. In room conditions, the tree can grow up to 7 m tall.

        Ficus Parcella is a highly decorative, densely leafy, fast-growing tree, unlike any of its fellow ficuses. Broad-oval leaves with a drawn edge, hard, bright green in color with white-yellow splashes or strokes over the entire surface. In size, the leaf blade of this variety of ficus reaches 15-18 cm. It is thermophilic, loves spraying and bathing the leaves, does not tolerate bright lighting, and grows slowly.

        Ficus rough (Ficus aspera) is a densely leafy tree of medium height, reaches a height of 1.5 m, branches well, but the lower part of the trunk is bare. The leaves are rigid, narrowly lanceolate, 10-15 cm long, on a dark green background there are bright white and pink spots and dashes that form a marble pattern. He likes moderate drought (the soil should be constantly barely moist), diffused lighting.

        Delta-leaved ficus - a tree-like shrub - less often a tree, whose birthplace is Southeast Asia - Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, the Philippines, where it grows up to 5-6 m tall. Slow growing species, similar to ficus heterophyllous. Leathery dark green deltoid leaves - similar to triangular ficus, but more rounded and with smoothed corners, glossy, 4-8 cm long, up to 7 cm wide, tapering towards the petiole. Ficus deltoid forms decorative fruits the size of a pea, like ficus heterophyllous.

        Ficus boxwood is a bushy plant that has small leaves up to 2.5 cm long, dark green in color, similar to boxwood leaves, with smooth edges and a blunt top. It comes from Africa. In room culture, it produces inflorescences in the axils of the leaves, which form decorative seedlings, initially green and then reddish-brown. Ficus boxwood is used due to its flexible trunk at a young age to form bonsai. In older shoots, plasticity is lost.

        Ficus Ali is a ficus binnendiyka, a plant native to Southeast Asia, from the island of Java. In nature, ficus ali is a tree with a drooping crown growing up to 20 m in height. Long narrow leaves are similar in shape to willow or oleander leaves, can be up to 30 cm long and 6 cm wide. The leaf blade is leathery, glossy, concave along the central vein, which is well expressed on the outside of the leaf. There are variegated varieties of ficus binnendijk. Fast growing tree.

        Ficus mountain montana

        Ficus ivy

        community of green men

        Encyclopedia of indoor plants

        Ficus (Ficus)

        Family: Mulberry

        Brief information about the houseplant

      • Ficus rubbery

      • ficus benjamina

      • ficus carica

      • Ficus binnendi
      • Etymology

        The genus bears the ancient Greek name of the fig tree.

        Types and varieties of ficus

        The genus includes about 800 species of trees, shrubs and vines growing in the tropics and subtropics of both hemispheres.

        Bengal ficus (Ficus benghalensis)

        Evergreen tree, in nature up to 30–40 m tall. The bark is grayish-brown, smooth, thick. The leaves are large, leathery, oval, up to 10–30 cm long, arranged in a spiral.

        Tiny ficus (Ficus pumila)

        Evergreen creeping or climbing shrub. The shoots are long, thin, equipped with numerous adventitious roots. A characteristic feature of the species is the variability of its leaves with the age of the plant. In young creeping shoots, these are small (2 cm long, 1 cm wide) asymmetrical leaves. In adult plants, large hard leathery leaves of the correct oval shape appear on the shoots.

        Popular varieties of Ficus tiny:

        « White Sleigh"- leaves with a wide cream border;

        « Dort"- beautifully shaped leaves with golden splashes;

        « Sled"- leaves with a broken creamy border.

        Ficus carica, or Figs, Fig tree, Wine berry, Fig tree (Ficus carica)

        Deciduous tree or shrub, in nature 5–12 m high. Shoots are thick, slightly branched. The leaves are palmate, less often - whole, with a coarsely rough surface. Inflorescences spherical or pear-shaped, hollow. On the inner wall of the overgrown receptacle are small flowers, the so-called syconium. Siconia are of three types: male, female with short columns and female with long columns. Plants are dioecious. Pollination is done by insects.

        Ficus carica, Fig

        Ficus binnendijkii (Ficus binnendijkii)

        Evergreen tree, in nature up to 20 m in height. The bark of young plants is dark brown, in adults it is light gray with white strokes. The leaves are long and narrow, up to 25 cm long, leathery, glossy, pointed. Leaf blades are slightly concave along the central vein.

        Popular varieties of Ficus binnendijk:

        « Ali"- a widespread variety with a dark brown trunk with white strokes;

        « Amstel Queen" and " Amstel King"- the leaf blade reaches 7 cm, the trunk is dark brown with numerous white strokes;

        « Variegata"- variegated variety.

        Ficus Benjamin (Ficus Benjamina)

        An evergreen tree in nature up to 10–20 m high. The shoots are thin, drooping, aerial roots extend down from them. The leaves are alternate, shiny, up to 5–10 cm long, 2–5 cm wide. The infructescences are paired or single, 1.2 cm in diameter. There are variegated forms.

        Ficus Benjamin, variegated form

        Popular varieties of Ficus Benjamin:

        « Hawaii» - leaves with white spots;

        « Golden King"- leaves with a whitish edging and gray-green spots;

        « Naked» - narrow slightly wavy leaves, lateral shoots partially drooping;

        « Israel"- leaves with a strong gloss, large, gray stems, drooping shoots;

        « Dwarf golden» - the leaves are small green, grayish with age, the edges of the leaves are white;

        « starlight"- leaves are dark green with a white border;

        « exotic"- leaves with a strong gloss, brown in young shoots and along the central veins.

        Rubber ficus (Ficus elastica)

        An evergreen tree 20–30 m high. It has aerial prop roots. The leaves are oval, 20–30 cm long, 10–20 cm wide, dark green, shiny, leathery, with a pronounced midrib. Young leaves are twisted into a tube and covered with reddish stipules. Variegated forms are found in culture.

        Lyre-shaped ficus (Ficus lyrata)

        Evergreen tree 10–12 m high. Leaves up to 60 cm long and 30 cm wide, lyre-shaped, with a wavy edge, dark green, leathery. There are no aerial roots.

        Ficus blunt (Ficus retusa)

        Evergreen tree with aerial roots. Looks like Ficus Benjamin. It differs from the latter by horizontally spreading non-hanging shoots and denser leaves.

        ficus care

        Ficuses are unpretentious and shade-tolerant, except ficus carica. Some of them (for example, Ficus lyre and Ficus dwarf) need high humidity. The temperature in winter is maintained within +10…+15 °С. Watering in spring and summer is plentiful, moderate in winter. Plants do not tolerate overdrying of an earthy coma. You should regularly spray the plant with soft water. In the warm season, top dressing is carried out every 2-3 weeks.

        Plants easily tolerate pruning and need crown formation. Ficus pruning is done to rejuvenate the plant, give it a certain shape, prevent tree-like species from baring the trunk, causing branching in the right place, changing the direction of growth of branches and for sanitary purposes. It is not recommended to prune and transplant at the same time, as this can weaken the plant. In addition, weakened and diseased plants should not be subjected to formative pruning.

        Ficuses are transplanted in the spring: young plants annually, adults - once every 3-4 years. Preference should be given to spacious containers, 1/4 filled with drainage material. For large specimens, crushed stone is used as a drainage material. This provides stability to the container by making its bottom heavier. A soil mixture of soddy soil, compost, peat and sand (1:1:1:1) is used. When moving and transplanting large ficuses, it is necessary to ensure that the most developed part of the crown remains facing the direction of the greatest illumination, as it was before the rearrangement.

        Ficuses do not tolerate the rotation of the crown relative to the light source. The exception is Ficus rubbery- it should be rotated relative to the light source to form a symmetrical crown.

        Ficus propagation

        Propagated by cuttings in spring. The milky juice released from the cut shoots is washed off with water, after which the cuttings are planted in a wet mixture of peat and sand (1: 1), rooted at a temperature of +25. +30 °C at high air humidity.

        Ecology of the home

        The substances that these plants emit are biologically active and serve as a source of improvement in the air environment, which has a positive effect on the human body. By creating "clean air", ficus helps to increase efficiency, overcome stress, and normalize sleep. But ficus has other amazing properties. It belongs to filter plants, its leaves are able to absorb formaldehyde up to 10 mt/h. This colorless gas is often found in the air of rooms and kitchens (released from chipboard, plywood, foam and other polymeric materials used in interior decoration). This invisible pest causes irritation of the respiratory tract, constant headache, and sometimes nausea. Place 2-3 ficus indoors on an area of ​​16-20 square meters. m, which will significantly improve the environmental situation.

        One of the best air purifiers in the apartment - ficus benjamina. Due to the dense arrangement of stomata on the leaves, it carries out intensive gas exchange with the surrounding air, absorbing many harmful compounds, such as benzene, trichlorethylene and phenols, which are poisonous to humans, and converts them with the help of special enzymes into amino acids and sugars.

        Medicinal properties

        Ficus dwarf, or small-leaved, known as creeping ficus widely used in folk medicine. Leaves are used to treat dysentery, hemorrhoids. Dried leaves and stems - with furunculosis, rheumatism, ulcers in the larynx. The juice from the stem is recommended for skin diseases, and the stem itself and the skin of the seedlings - for back pain, cancer, indigestion, dysentery, gonorrhea, hernia, etc. In oriental medicine, the plant is considered to increase sexual performance, in any case, male potency . The use of this plant inside relieves pain in the heart and prevents the danger of cancer.

        Interesting from a therapeutic point of view Ficus karika (fig tree, fig). In medicine, the whole plant is used as an anticancer agent. A decoction of the leaves is effective for pain and helps to reduce hemorrhoids, warts. Infructescence - a means of promoting digestion and lactation in lactating women.


        Ficus works like a vacuum cleaner, cleaning the space from the dust of our anxieties, doubts, and worries. Sorrows and worries weaken the energy of our apartments and disturb the vibrational balance, which affects the state of the atmosphere as a whole. And this is especially true for houses that are located in the city center. Ficus, as it were, takes over the fire, absorbing negative energies and transforming them into positive ones.

        There is a belief that ficus contributes to the conception and birth of children, although it is rather difficult to confirm or refute such a statement. But the ficus really affects the energy balance: it relieves irritability, acting as an immune psychotherapist, transfers to a person his state of peace, balance, a sense of stability in life. It extinguishes aggression in quick-tempered people, and gives decisiveness and purposefulness to those who are unsure of themselves.

        Ficus Benjamin: types, photos and care at home

        Various varieties of ficuses are very loved and popular among flower growers. They have long settled in apartments, greenhouses, offices, shops. By planting such a plant on your windowsill and properly caring for it, you can admire the green handsome man for many years. True, many varieties of ficuses are gigantic in size, so they require a spacious room. But there are a lot of varieties of ficuses, and everyone will be able to choose a plant for their apartment or office by size, color or leaf shape.

        Ficus: types, photos and names

        Beautiful evergreen plant ficus belongs to the mulberry family. Plants growing naturally in New Guinea, Southeast Asia and the Solomon Islands can be both trees and shrubs. Depending on the type, ficuses can have green or bicolor leaves up to 70 cm in size. Small flowers of the plant are located on simplified perianths.

        In nature, ficuses can grow up to 40 meters in length, and their trunk diameter can reach 5 meters. There are climbing and creeping plant species. In total, there are more than 1000 varieties of ficuses. However, much less is grown at home. Ficuses known in amateur floriculture, we will consider today in our article.

        Popular types of ficuses

        Rubber ficus is one of the most popular and unpretentious species of this genus of mulberry plants. He characterized by a weakly branched trunk, which at home can reach two meters. The leathery and glossy elliptical leaves are slightly pointed at the tip. The grayish-green crown of the tree is rough and dotted with horizontal grooves. In damp rooms, the tree gives aerial roots. This type of ficus has different varieties, which mainly differ in the color of the leaves:

      • Variety "Black Prince" is a plant with black leaves.
      • Variety "Doechery" is distinguished by the presence of pink spots and a red vein in the middle of the sheet.
      • Variety "Variegata" has beautiful green leaves, along the edges of which there is a cream edging.
      • The Robusta variety is a plant with large, glossy deep green leaves.
      • Ficus benjamina is an evergreen tree with thin shoots in nature can grow up to 10-20 meters. At home, the bush reaches a height of three meters. The gray-beige branched crown of the plant has the correct shape. Oblong sheets are 5-20 cm long and 2-5 cm wide. They can be monochromatic or two-color, have an oval, ovoid, or spiral shape. The crown of the tree is so dense that sometimes the trunk is not visible because of it. Thanks to the aerial roots growing from their shoots, you can make beautiful bindings and give the tree unusual shapes.

        Creeping ficus is a miniature creeping shrub characterized by long stems on which additional roots form. On the green surface of its heart-shaped hard leaves, a yellow-tinted mesh pattern is formed. Thanks to its suction cups, the plant can grow on trees or supports.

        Ficus dwarf or Pumila White is a vine with long, creeping shoots. The asymmetrical leaves are oval-heart-shaped and are located on stems 5 cm thick. The rough and wrinkled surface of the leaves is covered with a mesh pattern. The plant completely covers the soil with a carpet, growing to the ground with its numerous roots.

        Ficus lyre is distinguished by large leaves of a light green hue. In young plants, they are covered with wax, and in shape they resemble the silhouette of a violin. Each leaf is 60 cm long and 30 cm wide. Green leaves with a white speck in the middle have a pronounced vein. The erect stem of the plant in nature grows up to 12 m.

        Ficus Rubiginosa or rusty is a small spreading tree with reddish shoots. Aerial roots form in the lower part of the crown, and bright pink pubescent buds grow at the top of the tree. The rather large leaves of the plant are dark green above, and reddish-brown on the underside.

        Ficus variegated got its name due to the fact that on its branches you can see leaves of completely different shapes. A shrub growing up to one meter has a tree-like stem and leathery leaves. On their dark green background, brown spots may be located. The shrub bears fruit with olive-like berries, which should never be eaten.

        Ficus Melanie is considered a sacred tree in Indonesia. The young plant has an underdeveloped crown. The trunk of the plant is covered with leathery, elliptical dark green leaves and aerial roots reaching to the ground. At home, the plant does not bloom, but forms syconium fruits.

        Ficus Karika or room fig- This is a small deciduous shrub with a spreading crown. It is distinguished by a brown-gray thick trunk and irregularly shaped serrated leaves. Each leaf is covered with light yellow or white veins. With proper care at home, you can achieve flowering and fruiting of figs. The flowers of the plant are barely noticeable, but the fruits or wine berries resemble spherical seedlings. In autumn, this type of ficus can shed its leaves.

        How to care for ficus at home?

        Indoor plants are unpretentious, therefore they are very popular and loved by flower growers. Ficus care at home is good lighting, regular and proper watering and a suitable temperature. However, there are still some nuances of growing, especially some types of plants.

        The best option for placing ficuses is a well-lit place. without direct sunlight. A small plant can be placed on a western or eastern window sill, and a tall bush or tree can be placed on the floor or stand near the window. Pushing the plant deep into the room is not recommended. In the shade, the bush will slow down growth and shed its leaves.

        In the warm period of time, ficuses can be taken out to the loggia or balcony, arranging them so that direct sunlight does not fall on the plant. In winter, light-loving plants suffer due to a short daylight hours, so it is recommended to additionally highlight them for several hours a day.

        Temperature and humidity

        In summer, the optimal temperature for growing ficus maybe in the range of 25-30C. In winter, the plant is recommended to be kept at an air temperature of 16-20C.

        Ficuses feel good at room temperature. The only thing they don't like is the dry air coming from the heating radiators. Therefore, it is recommended to spray the plant two to three times a day with water at room temperature. Otherwise, dry air can cause damage to the tree by pests or diseases.

        Watering and water procedures

        When caring for a ficus, regular watering is required, which depends on the humidity of the air and the temperature regime in the room. The plant is watered only after the top layer of the earth mixture dries well. Too frequent watering can lead to root rot. It is also necessary to ensure that water does not accumulate in the pan.

        In the dry season, twice a month, ficuses are recommended to be bathed in the shower, having previously covered the soil with a waterproof film. In the absence of a shower, the leaves of the plant can be periodically wiped first with a dry and then with a wet cloth.

        To make the leaves of the tree a rich green color, experienced flower growers wipe them with a special solution:

      • two tablespoons of mayonnaise are diluted in half a glass of water;
      • a dry and clean cloth is wetted in the resulting solution;
      • the leaves are rubbed until dirt and dust are completely removed.
      • Ficus feeding

        When caring for ficus at home, top dressing is done only in the summer. It is recommended to use mineral and organic fertilizers alternately for this. Plants are fed every ten days.

        In winter, when there is little light and heat , fertilizers are not applied. But for good health, plants can be fed with tea leaves, burying a small amount of them in the ground.

        Transplant and soil for ficuses

        Young, actively growing plants need to be transplanted every year. Old trees and bushes are transplanted once every few years. This should be done in order to renew the sour and settled soil.

        For transplanting, a neutral or slightly acidic special soil for ficuses sold in flower shops is suitable. Young plants need a specific soil mixture that can be cook from equal parts:

        Mature trees are transplanted into denser soil, so humus and soddy land are added to the mixture.

        About a day before planting, the plants are watered. For young bushes, new pots should be about 2 cm larger than the previous ones. At the bottom of the tank, drainage is first poured, and only then a small layer of soil. A plant pulled out of an old pot along with an earthy clod installed in a new container and covered with soil.

        Ficus Benjamin: home care, photo

        A small tree with small leaves requires more attention and some care. Otherwise, leaves begin to fall from it, and the plant becomes completely bald.

        Ficus Benjamin in nature lives in conditions of high humidity, so it does not tolerate too bright lighting and dry air. Therefore, it is recommended to grow it away from direct sunlight, and spray it several times a day. A very good option to increase humidity would be to use a special humidifier.

        If, nevertheless, ficus Benjamin leaves started to fall, the reason could be:

    1. Acclimatization of the plant to new growing conditions.
    2. Irrigation with cold water.
    3. Lack of light.
    4. Uncomfortable temperature for the plant (above 23C or below 17C).
    5. Drafts and sudden changes in temperature.
    6. Dry air.
    7. Excessive or insufficient soil moisture.
    8. All these reasons should be eliminated when caring for Benjamin's ficus. The plant is placed in a bright place away from sunlight and drafts, regularly watered, sprayed and fed. Also, do not forget to periodically loosen the soil in a pot and replant a young plant annually.

      Reproduction of ficuses at home

      The simplest and most common way to propagate ficuses is cuttings.

      To obtain cuttings in the spring, shoots are cut off from the bush under the lower node, on which there should be at least 2-3 leaves. The bottom leaf is removed, the cut is washed, and the cutting is placed in wet sand or water. A segment of the plant is abundantly sprayed and covered with a transparent plastic bottle or other cap. In this form, the cuttings are placed in a warm, shaded place, and ventilated daily. As soon as the plant gives roots and begins to grow, it can be safely planted in a pot filled with earthen mixture.

      As a cutting, you can also take a large leaf of ficus, cutting it off along with the heel. A leaf rolled into a tube is rooted in wet peat or sand. A support is installed next to it for stability. The leaf is sprayed and covered with a flask. During rooting, it is necessary to ventilate the cutting and moisten the peat. After the appearance of the roots of the leaf planted in a small pot. As the plants grow, they are transplanted into large pots.

      True ficus lovers consider caring for a pet at home to be quite easy. By fulfilling just a few conditions, you can admire the beautiful greenery of a small bush or a magnificent and spectacular mature tree all year round.

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    Types of ficuses differ in color, shape, size of leaves, so by looking at the photo and description you will learn how to distinguish them.

    This ficus is sold in almost every specialized store. It is also called the ficus tree. The plant is native to West Africa, India and Nepal.

    At home, rubber ficuses began to be grown at the very beginning of the 19th century.

    Benjamin grows at the foot of the mountains and in tropical forests, where high humidity prevails. The height of the tree is over 15 meters.

    IMPORTANT: If Benjamin is kept at home, then it is necessary to ensure that the plant is not too long in the draft. Light is especially important to him.

    When Benjamin begins active growth, her trunks are intertwined with a pigtail.

    The homeland of this ficus is Taiwan and tropical Asia. In nature, its height reaches 20 meters, and sometimes even more.

    At home, the plant needs careful lighting, otherwise it will not grow.

    Initially, the growth of a blunt ficus is similar to an epiphyte. After that, it becomes like a banyan tree.

    It is believed that there are no analogues of Ginseng in the whole world. Its vowel distinguishing feature is the root, which most of all resembles the root of a fabulous mandrake.

    ATTENTION: It is practically impossible to grow this type of ficus at home from scratch without special equipment and the required skills.

    However, in many stores, Ginseng is freely available, so you can buy it and fully grow the plant in your home.

    This type of ficus has been very popular for more than a decade. Rezuta grows in the warm countries of Asia and can reach a height of more than 20 meters.

    Even a novice florist can grow it at home or in the country, since the plant does not require any specific care.

    However, Rezuta also has one drawback - this ficus grows incredibly slowly.

    The full name of the plant is ficus de dumbbell. It differs in that it has leaves of an exceptionally white color. It grows mainly in Japan and China in the subtropics.

    If you properly care for the plant, then it will delight the grower with its beauty for a long time to come.

    This small shrub slowly creeps along the ground or partially winds up a tree. In a creeping ficus, the shape of the leaves is rounded.

    REFERENCE: Feels great in the shade. In excellent light, it quickly covers the entire form that is nearby.

    The plant requires abundant and regular watering.

    Another name for this ficus is banyan. It grows in South China, India, Malaysia, Burma and Thailand. Any novice florist can handle its cultivation.

    At home, it can grow to a height of up to three meters.

    It needs regular watering and bright light.

    The full name of the ficus is Amstel King.

    It reaches a height of more than 20 meters in natural conditions.

    Direct sunlight is the key to the successful growth of Amstel King. It is impossible to fill the ficus, it can significantly damage it.

    The shape of the leaves of this plant most of all resembles a violin or a lyre. That is why the ficus got its name.

    In the people, the plant is called violin ficus.

    REFERENCE: Tropical Africa is considered the birthplace of lyre-shaped ficus. Under natural conditions, plants can reach 30 meters in height.

    More than 40,000,000 years ago, a species of this ficus appeared. Scientists are of the opinion that this plant is one of the most ancient that have survived to this day. Australia is considered the birthplace of large-leaved ficus.

    On this continent, it reaches a height of 60 meters.

    At home, it is much smaller, but it is not difficult to care for it.

    This is a relatively small ficus, its height reaches about two meters. The Middle East is traditionally considered the birthplace of the plant.

    In the summer, it is enough to water carica twice a week.

    Ficus called Moklame can be found in many houses and apartments. It is not difficult to care for it, it fits into any interior and therefore is very popular.

    Taiwan, Australia and China are the birthplace of the plant.

    IMPORTANT: Watering is necessary constantly so that Moklame grows well.

    Ampelous ficuses grow in China and India mainly in the tropics. They have small foliage, the length can be either 0.7 centimeters or reach 7 centimeters.

    It is difficult to grow them at home, as they are distinguished by increased requirements for soil and air.

    Moreover, the ampelous ficus must be constantly and properly watered.

    Homeland is considered West Africa. It is enough to make a little effort, and even a novice amateur grower can grow this plant.

    Under natural conditions, the height can reach 30 meters. At home, everything is much more modest - about 1 meter.

    ADVICE: Direct sunlight is not recommended for triangular ficus.

    Benedict grows in Africa in the tropics and subtropics. In nature, it can reach a height of about 20 meters.

    You need to water regularly, it is recommended to feed twice a month.

    It grows in Japan, China, Taiwan and Vietnam. Refers to dwarf species. Density and leatheriness are the hallmarks of ficus.

    ADVICE: If you plant it indoors, the plant will purify the air.

    Due to the beauty and unpretentiousness in care, Pumila White Sunny evokes only positive emotions among flower growers.

    The Philippines, Southeast Asia and India are the birthplace of Balsamina. The plant is unusually hardy and in nature reaches over 20 meters in height. Heavy rains or strong winds are not terrible for ficus.

    However, at home, the plant must be carefully looked after, otherwise the plant may get sick.

    Japan, China, Taiwan, Vietnam - it is in these countries that dwarf ficuses can be found.

    To grow indoor ficus, the optimum temperature must always be observed.

    His homeland is Southeast Asia. The growth of this plant in nature is 20-25 meters.

    Its peculiarity is a thin, smooth trunk and a lush, dark green crown.

    REFERENCE: The scientific name - Ficus microcarpa, he received because of the miniature fruits that appear on it in the wild.

    At home, neither flowering nor fruit can be obtained, since there are no conditions for its pollination. In indoor floriculture, it is most often grown in the Bonsai style.


    To grow all types of ficuses, most often no specific knowledge and skills are required. The variety of plant species makes it possible even for beginner gardeners to enjoy the beauty of ficuses.

    Ficus is a plant from the mulberry family, there are more than 900 species.

    Ficus comes from countries with a subtropical or tropical climate (southeast Asia, Java, Ceylon, Borneo).

    In its natural habitat, its height reaches 25-30 meters, and the leaves are up to one meter long. Ficus leaves can be: regular, glossy, pubescent, whole.

    In nature, the flowering of ficuses is a common occurrence, which is extremely rare in domestic flowers.

    ficus benjamina. This evergreen tree grows in the humid forests of Asia, its length reaches thirty meters. Decorative varieties do not exceed two meters in height. The leaves are ovoid, monochromatic, but there are also bicolors. Shoots that intertwine create a beautiful powerful trunk, resembling in appearance, give a special decorative effect.

    rubber ficus- a tree-like plant, with large dark green leaves, the length of which is about 30 cm. An unpretentious and low-maintenance decorative flower. Ficus lyre. A large evergreen ornamental plant, with light green leaves, in its shape resemble the silhouette of a lyre. The size of the leaves is impressive, length - 60 cm, width - 30 cm.

    The plant loves loneliness, it is desirable to place at a distance from others.

    Ficus Microcarpa, originally from Southeast Asia, in nature grows to enormous sizes. In a decorative form, I fell in love with it because of the unusual shape of the roots and the ability to form a thick and lush crown.

    Ficus dwarf. This ampelous plant is characterized by a large number of shoots closely adjacent to the soil. It has heart-shaped leaves, 8-9 cm in size. A shade-loving plant, it grows several centimeters in a year.

    Ficus creeping. Decorative curly bush, with green, oval leaves. Light-loving plant, grows rapidly in comfortable conditions.

    ficus retuza, known as laurel and Cuban. The leaves are egg-shaped, green, shiny, about 10 cm long. This variety is used for bonsai.

    Ficus rusty. Evergreen tree, small in size, has shoots of red color. The leaves are dark green, leathery, 20-25 cm long.

    ficus benedict. A characteristic feature is that the leaves, which have a pointed shape, are very densely arranged to each other. It must be tied to a support, otherwise the trunk will break from the weight of the leaves.

    These are just the most popular varieties of ficus that a beginner grower can grow at home, it is enough to know some rules of care.

    Home care

    Lighting and temperature

    Light-loving plant, but avoid direct sunlight. From a lack of light, the branches are drawn out and the flower loses its decorative effect. It is preferable to place the flower near the eastern or western windows. Avoid drafts, otherwise the plant may get sick.

    In summer, the temperature of 23-25 ​​degrees is favorable for ficus, in winter the temperature is not lower than 15-16 degrees.

    Humidity and watering

    Ficus is plentifully watered and sprayed in the hot season. To do this, use warm settled water. From a lack of moisture, the leaves turn yellow, and an excess of moisture in the soil leads to rotting of the roots.

    With the onset of cold weather, watering is carried out as the topsoil dries out. You should not place the flower next to heating appliances, because low air humidity leads to wilting of the leaves.

    top dressing

    Fertilize the plant with mineral and organic fertilizers once every ten days in the warm season. With the advent of cold weather, ficus is fed once every 30 days.

    Ficus transplant

    The plant is transplanted when the pot is completely filled with shoots and it becomes crowded. If the soil dries out quickly, this is also a signal for a plant transplant.

    Suitable soil is a mixture of soddy soil, humus, foliage, sand. Lay a drainage layer at the bottom of the pot. The plant is removed from the pot and the excess soil is shaken off and placed in a new pot, densely filled with soil.

    Young plants require annual transplants, an adult plant is transplanted once every two years.

    Spring and summer is the best time for this event.

    Ficus propagation

    Three methods are used:

    It is faster to propagate ampelous varieties of ficus, since the process of rooting in them is easier and faster. More difficult with tree views. In order for the breeding process to be successful, certain rules must be followed.

    Quick Breeding Rules

    1. season spring - early summer;
    2. after the cutting is cut, the cut point must be washed with warm running water and dried for several hours;
    3. young shoots are not suitable for cuttings, a low percentage of rooting;
    4. the stalk must be taken with two or three knots.


    We cut off the stalk with at least two nodes, 15-18 cm long, the cut is processed.

    Then the stalk is placed in a container with water, covered with a plastic bag, thereby creating greenhouse conditions for faster rooting. Root germination time is: 15-35 days.

    When the first young leaves appear on the cuttings, they can be transplanted into pots.

    Possible problems


    Excessive watering is accompanied by the following symptoms: drooping, sluggish leaves, an unpleasant smell from the soil. You can save the plant by transplanting into a new soil.

    The tips of the leaves are dry - this happens at low humidity, regular spraying will help correct the situation.

    Red-brown spots that appear on the leaves can be an indicator of both low humidity and sunburn, so you should change the humidity of the air and protect it from further exposure to direct sunlight.


    The pests that infect ficus are listed below.

    Shchitovka- when these pests are affected, small brown spots appear on the sheet.

    You can overcome the pest if you wash the leaves of the plant with warm soapy water and treat with an insecticide solution.

    The most dangerous pest for ficus - spider mite, insects are very small in size and it is almost impossible to notice them with the naked eye, but they can be recognized by a light white coating resembling a web.

    When this pest is found, the ficus is washed with warm water to wash it off, and the leaves are wiped with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol. If this does not help, they resort to chemical preparations.

    Aphid It is dangerous because it spreads with lightning speed and infects nearby standing plants. The leaves begin to wither, turn yellow and fall off.

    Remove the pest with warm water and laundry soap.

    Understand what plants are affected mealybug it is possible by a white coating on the leaves, resembling pieces of cotton wool. The pest itself is a brown insect that feeds on plant sap.

    Ficus is treated three times with soapy vodka and tobacco solution.

    Ficus in the house - good or bad?

    Ficus, like any plant, carries energy, but which one is positive or negative.

    The fact is that there are a number of superstitions associated with this indoor flower. The ancient Slavs associated this flower with negativity.

    It was believed that in a house where this flower will not be happy, that it creates negative energy, provoking the owners of the house to sort things out and to groundless scandals.

    The people called him Muzhegon, unmarried girls avoided this plant and it was with him that they associated their failures in their personal lives. But such negative signs existed only among the Slavic peoples.

    Foreigners, on the contrary, consider the ficus a symbol of the hearth and harmony in the house. In Thailand, ficus is a symbol of happiness. In China, this plant is associated with comfort.

    And scientists have proven that ficus is a “natural filter” that purifies the air of formaldehydes, benzenes, phenol and other harmful substances. The air becomes cleaner and enriched with oxygen.

    Among indoor plants grown at home, ficuses occupy an important place. The genus includes hundreds of species, few of which are major popular houseplants. The genus Ficus includes more than 1000 species of plants, trees, bushes and vines. The genus belongs to the Mulberry family (Moraceae). Natural habitats are found in Asia, Africa, Australia. The species are varied, all exude a milky sap which, in the case of sensitive individuals, may cause irritation on contact with the skin.

    At home, you can grow both large specimens and smaller ones. It is worth noting that in the warmer parts of Europe, in the Mediterranean countries, in cultivation, you can find Fig tree, or Fig (Ficus carica). The fruits are edible, can be eaten raw and after processing.

    This guide will describe some types and general rules for growing and caring for ficuses at home.


    - natural habitat, northern Australia, India, Malaysia. Under natural conditions, it grows into a powerful tree, at home, it can reach several meters in height. There are many varieties, with beautifully colored foliage, characterized by smaller sizes. Ficus benjamin, is one of the most popular species, in addition to the whitish border on the leaves, it is characterized by thin, shiny, stiffer leaves. Hanging shoots look picturesque.

    Ficus Benjamina is a species that is not too demanding to care for, it can grow in rooms with dry air thanks to its leathery leaves. The basis for caring for Benjamin's ficus is lighting, should not be exposed to direct sunlight. In a too dry room, the flower will drop foliage. Do not expose the plant to drafts.

    The plant is useful, absorbs chemical pollution in the room.

    - an interesting species, which is a climbing shrub. Original plant with decorative foliage. Especially beautiful is the variety "White Sunny" with leaves with a white edge. Natural habitats of the species Japan and China. In the natural habitat, the stems of the plant are several meters long, at home they are much shorter, shortened by pruning.

    Requires constant, high humidity, does not like direct sunlight. Ficus dwarf is not picky about home care, given the temperature. Grows well at room temperature and tolerates temperatures below 10°C.

    Ficus binnendi- the species can reach large sizes, characterized by narrow and long leaves. The plant must be provided with a well-lit place, without direct sunlight. The temperature in summer is about 20 °C, in winter it is not lower than 15 °C.

    - decorative variety with original and large leaves, leaf length 40-50 cm. The leaves are green, shiny, leathery, lyre-shaped, wavy at the edges. It grows to large sizes, in natural conditions (West Africa) is a large tree. Requires a lot of space at home. It is a species that requires a lighted place, without direct sunlight. Too low air humidity will be manifested by the drying of the foliage.

    - refers to the most popular species grown at home. It is characterized by large, shiny leaves, up to 20 cm long. At home, varieties are more often grown. Under natural conditions, a large tree. Characterized by rapid growth. Over time, it will require pruning, stimulates the plant to branch.

    It does not belong to demanding species, optimal care should be observed, thanks to which the plant will be full of strength. Requires a well-lit place, especially variegated varieties, without direct sunlight. Varieties with green foliage are more suitable for partial shade.

    creeping ficus- original species, characterized by lanceolate leaves and adventitious roots. A flower grown at home does not reach large sizes. Variety ‘Variegata’ with decorative, variegated leaves.

    It does not belong to the species that purify the air, it is not picky about care, it grows well at room temperature.

    Ficus deltoid- the view is not demanding for care at home. It is characterized by a looser cut, the leaves are not large, obovate. At home, the height can reach about 1-1.5 m. The plant looks decorative not only because of the leaves, but because of the greenish fruits, the size of a pea.

    - An interesting tree-like species, more compact than Benjamin's Ficus. Often grown as a bonsai tree. Requires constant air humidity, grows well at home.

    - a decorative species, in its natural habitat, is a powerful tree. It has decorative, large leaves, oval, elongated, with noticeable venation.


    • Ficus benjamina "Barok" (Baroque) - a variety of F. Benjamin with leaves, slightly twisted leaves. The variety reaches a small size.
    • Ficus benjamina "Starlight" (Starlight) - F. Benjamin's variety is decorative due to the beautiful, white color of the leaves. The brighter the lighting, the more intense the foliage is colored.
    • Ficus radicans "Variegata" (variegata) - a variety of F. rooting with white edges on the leaves.
    • Ficus benjamina "Golden King" (Golden King) - F. Benjamin's variety with white-yellow spots along the edges of the leaves.
    • Ficus benjamina "Reginald" (Reginald) - F. Benjamin's variety, reaches large sizes. Young foliage is golden yellow, later greenish.
    • Ficus benjamina "Monique" (Monique) - a variety with green, slightly corrugated leaves.
    • Ficus benjamina "Variegata" (variegata) - a variety of F. Benjamin with two-color leaves.
    • Ficus elastica "Tineke" (Tineke) - a variety of F. rubbery, distinguished by a cream edge on the leaves.
    • Ficus benjamina "Judi" (Judy) - an ornamental variety of F. Benjamin with leaves with golden pigment spots.
    • Ficus pumila "Sunny" (Sunny) - a popular variety of F. dwarf with a white border on the leaves.
    • Ficus elastica "Decora" (Decora) is a popular variety of F. rubbery, the most common in cultivation. Characterized by shiny, green foliage.
    • Ficus benjamina "Esther" (Esther) - F. Benjamin's variety, characterized by bright green foliage.
    • Ficus elastica "Tricolor" (Tricolor) - a variety of F. rubbery with very decorative leaves with shades of green, white, cream and light pink.
    • Ficus pumila "Variegata" (variegata) - a variety of F. dwarf with variegated foliage.
    • Ficus binnendijkii "Alii" (Ali) - F. binnendijkii variety, popular, has long and thin shoots, green, lanceolate leaves.
    • Ficus benjamina "Natasja" (Natasha) - F. Benjamin's variety with beautiful green leaves.


    Lighting, ficuses love the sun, especially Benjamin's ficus and varieties with variegated leaves. Less demanding on lighting is rubber-bearing ficus, with green leaves, also dwarf ficus.

    The flower loves the sun, but direct sunlight should be avoided. Too much shade will result in leaf shedding, limiting or stopping growth. Ficuses do not like rooms with drafts, frequent movements from place to place.

    as a substrate you can use universal soil, with the addition of compost soil rich in humus. Ficuses do not tolerate stagnant water, you need to use a well-permeable substrate. Vermiculite can be added to the substrate.

    Transfer, young specimens are transplanted annually, old ones every few years, in the case when the roots are visible through the lower holes of the pot. In the case of larger samples, the top layer of earth can be replaced. When transplanting plants in the spring, remember to have good drainage.

    Temperature, ficuses grow well at room temperature, in the range of 18-24 ° C. During the winter, temperatures for most species should not fall below 15°C.

    Fertilization- moderate, during the growth period twice a month, every two weeks with universal liquid fertilizers.

    Watering and humidity– depending on the room temperature, it is necessary to adjust the frequency of watering. Pour soft water, plentifully, so that excess water is removed from the stand. Before watering the plant, the substrate should dry out slightly, it is better to check the moisture content of the substrate with your finger to make sure that the plant will not be flooded. Ficuses like a slightly damp substrate, not wet and quickly respond to overflow.

    Ficuses, especially small-leaved ones, love spraying with soft, warm water; during irrigation, the leaves are cleaned of dust.

    Small-leaved varieties during the summer will appreciate a shower, making it easier to keep the plants clean.

    Other care procedures- if necessary, ficuses can be cut.


    Ficuses are usually propagated vegetatively. In the case of rubber and dwarf ficus, reproduction should not be a problem. In other cases, it can be problematic and will require more attention and participation.

    Breeding methods:

    • propagation by apical cuttings,
    • propagation by stem cuttings,
    • leaf propagation,
    • propagation by air layering.

    The most common method of propagation of ficuses is the method using apical cuttings. The method can be used to propagate the following species: F. Benjamin, F. lyre-shaped, F. microcarp, F. arrow-shaped, F. dwarf, F. rubber-bearing, F. binnendiyka, F. goblet-stipules.

    Apical cuttings cut in the spring. Each of the cuttings should have 2-3 leaves. The cuttings are placed in warm water until the milky juice stops oozing from the cuttings. It is necessary to prepare the soil, it must be permeable, a mixture of peat and sand (1: 1). After stopping the flow of milky juice, the cuttings must be dipped in a rooting stimulator. Previously, you need to remove excess leaves, leaving two sheets at the top. In a pre-prepared hole, place the stalk and dig in the ground. Then water and cover with foil. The temperature during rooting should be approximately 25 °C.

    stem cuttings root also, but part of the stem, which has 2-3 leaves. The method allows you to get more seedlings, since there are not too many apical cuttings.

    leaf reproduction, the method of reproduction is suitable for F. dwarf, F. rooting, F. rubbery, F. lyre.

    By using air layers rubber-bearing ficus reproduces more often, the plant loses its lower foliage over time, so you can get a new plant.

    A longitudinal incision is made on the trunk under the leaf or under the place where the leaf was. Then the incision site is wrapped with wet sphagnum moss, wrapped with a rope, then covered with a film. Roots should appear in a few weeks. When the roots are well developed, the plant should be cut off below the rooting site and planted in a separate pot.

    In the case of reproduction of species with large leaves, in order to reduce the evaporation of water from the leaves, it is necessary to roll the sheet and tie it, for example, with an elastic band.


    Diseases can be caused by various reasons, diseases are mainly fungal. The most common disease of ficuses is anthracnose, manifested by numerous blotches from yellow to brown, located on the top of the leaf, sometimes capturing the entire leaf. The fight against the disease consists in repeated spraying with a fungicidal agent, after preliminary removal of the affected leaves.

    Another disease of fungal origin - gray rot, can be defeated by spraying with a fungicidal agent.


    Of the pests, the most common problem is spider mites, scale insects, false scale insects, thrips, mealybugs and even aphids.

    In the case of spider mites, yellowish spots appear on the leaf, leading to curling, drying and falling leaves. Spider mites feed on sap by piercing the leaf blade from the underside. Ticks are small, easily recognizable by their characteristic web.

    You can try to fight the pest with home remedies, for example, increase the humidity of the air, previously isolated the ficus from other plants. Spraying helps to cleanse the foliage, to maintain constant air humidity, you can cover the plant with a film for several days.

    Spider mites- difficult pests, in order to finally remove it is necessary to use appropriate means. Spraying with the product should be repeated several times, after about 7 days.

    Scale insects and false scale insects easy to distinguish by rounded shields, pests will appear along the main stem. The female hides under the shield, difficult to remove, resistant to most agents. The attack of scale insects leads to a stunting of the ficus, appear yellow spots on leaves leaves dry up over time.

    Scale insect control - control of newly acquired plants so as not to bring pests home from outside.

    With a small population, the pest can be dealt with manually, removing insects with a cotton swab moistened with denatured alcohol. First, the shield is removed in one motion, then new cotton swab, moistened, in one motion we wash the leaves. Application of the method help to avoid the spread of eggs and larvae pests that are under the shield.

    Another way to control the pest is to remove the shields and wash the leaves with a soapy water solution.

    With a massive attack, it is better to use a chemical agent.

    Aphid, leads to twisting of the leaves, you can fight with a mixture of water and laundry soap, spray and wash the leaves.

    thrips, love dry air and a substrate that contributes to the emergence of pests. A thrips attack will appear as thin, whitish-yellow spots on the leaves, becoming more silvery over time, the spots covering most of the leaf. Dark pest excrement will be visible on the leaves.

    The pest can be fought with a special chemical agent.

    Thrips are hard to deal with. If you do not use chemicals, you can try to remove with a cotton swab, brush, then wipe with denatured alcohol.

    Other problems

    When growing ficus at home, you can face many problems, depending on the growing conditions.

    The most common problems:

    • root rot, occurs with excessive watering;
    • leaf fall- change of location, change in temperature, too dark place, drafts, too much watering, low temperature;
    • Yellowing leaves- too much watering;
    • wilting leaves– too dry substrate;
    • The plant grows poorly or stunted, the leaves are pale, thin - the plant requires top dressing, transplantation;
    • Dark spots on leaves- Ficus is too cold.


    The types of ficuses are extremely diverse, it is easy to choose the type suitable for use in the living room, study or bedroom. When choosing plants, one should be guided not only by aesthetics, but also by the conditions of care. Available types of ficuses require different care at home, it is easy to grow, for example, rubber ficus, you can purchase species that are more difficult to care for, lyre-shaped ficus.

    Variegated ficuses can be a good architectural accent. The texture of variegated leaves looks good in various compositions. You can buy ficuses with small leaves, dwarf ficus, with large ones, lyre-shaped ficus.

    Lanceolate, oblong leaves are characteristic of ficus binnendiyka, it has numerous varieties with variegated foliage. There are really a lot of species and varieties, it is not necessary to be limited to one ficus.

    Final remarks

    To emphasize the beauty of plants, pay attention to the pots. Pots with low aesthetic value, interfere with the aesthetics of plants, do not allow to fully reveal the beauty. A flower pot together with a plant should be a close-knit duet, harmoniously complementing each other.