Show Wolfberry. Poisonous berries. TOP dangerous berries of our forest. What to do in case of wolfberry poisoning

Botanical characteristic

The common wolfberry, translated as Daphne mezereum, the plant also has a number of other names, for example, wolf bast, upland wolf pepper, wolf berries. Its height is not more than a meter, but sometimes it can reach 200 centimeters. This shrub is covered with yellow-gray bark, which is somewhat wrinkled.

The leaves are oblong-lanceolate, they are green above, and slightly bluish below, they are narrowed into a rather short petiole closer to the base, alternate, crowded at the ends of the branches. The flowers are pink in color, sessile, fragrant, their smell is a bit like hyacinth, nail-shaped corolla.

Three flowers are located in the axils of the leaves, which remained from last year. characteristic feature This shrub is considered the fact that it begins to bloom even before the appearance of the first leaves.

As for the fruits, they are light red berries that have an ovoid, somewhat elongated shape, which makes them recognizable, and this is important, since they are very poisonous, and in no case should you eat them!


The wolf's bast shrub is common in the European part of our country, in Siberia, in the Caucasus. He prefers to be localized in a shady area, and the soil should be fertile, well fertilized. You can see it on the forest edges.

Used part

For therapeutic purposes, flowering branches, as well as the bark, are used in the common wolfberry. These parts of the plant contain coumarins, moserein, glycosides, daphnin, gum, resins, dyes, and wax.

Collection and preparation

The bark is usually prepared in early spring before the start of the flowering of the wolf's bast. Since the plant is extremely poisonous, it is necessary to collect raw materials only with rubber gloves, and after work, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water so as not to accidentally bring toxic substances into the oral cavity.

The collected raw materials should be cut into smaller pieces and placed in an automated drying chamber, which maintains the optimal temperature regime, in this case it should not exceed fifty degrees.

When the raw material is completely dry, it should be packaged in cloth bags, which should be sewn from natural materials. They are recommended to be placed in a ventilated area. The shelf life should not exceed three years, since after this time the bark will exhaust its medicinal properties and become unusable.

Wolfberries - application:

Let me remind you once again, dear reader, that the plant is very poisonous! However, in the past, the poisonous berry wolf's bast was used as a laxative, poultices were prepared from its bark, which were used to treat abscesses and boils.

Wolf berry berries have found their application in homeopathy, of course, these drugs should be used on the recommendation of a doctor, for example, there is such a remedy as Mezereum, it is made from fresh wolfberry bark and is prescribed for dermatological diseases, for example, eczema, dermatitis, and trophic ulcers, with itchy rashes and herpes zoster.


If the juice of the plant in a concentrated form falls on skin, this can lead to severe burns, which can even cause tissue necrosis. Therefore, if a similar situation accidentally occurs, it is worth immediately washing the causal area with a 2% manganese solution.

The first signs of poisoning with berries will be expressed by the following symptoms, an unbearable burning sensation in the oral cavity, pain in the epigastric region, dyspeptic phenomena, which are manifested by nausea and subsequent vomiting, as well as possible violations from nervous systems s in the form of convulsions.

In this case, you should immediately call ambulance, and while she is driving, you need to repeatedly rinse the stomach, and drink about twenty tablets activated carbon and wait for the arrival of medical personnel. Remember, it is enough for a person to consume literally a couple of berries of a wolf's bast, and this can lead to death from cardiac arrest, so be very careful!


Decoction preparation. You will need twenty grams of bark, which must first be crushed and poured with boiling water. After that, the container should be put on the stove, and evaporated until exactly half of the liquid remains. It should be taken one drop three times a day, after dissolving it in in large numbers boiled water.

Preparation of tincture. Take one gram of bark for sixty milliliters of alcohol or vodka, and place the container in dark place for one week, the drug should be shaken daily, and then filtered, and taken drop by drop, diluted in water, three times a day.

Ointment preparation. You will need five milliliters of tincture, which must be mixed with ten grams butter. The resulting mixture can be used to treat joints with arthritis, as it will have a slight analgesic effect. Store the drug should only be in the refrigerator.


Remember poisonous plant wolfberry quite dangerous, so be extremely careful when collecting and using it, and it is advisable to consult a doctor in order to clarify the dose of drugs taken.

At the beginning of development suburban area when there was nothing on it yet, we planted a bush brought from the forest. We liked it for its decorative effect: it blooms early, when the snow has not yet melted, the flowers are bright lilac color, leaves beautiful shape bright green. And at the end of summer, red berries appear on it. Planted and rejoice for many years. And they didn’t even bother to find out better what we are growing. True, a neighbor warned us that the plant is poisonous. And today, in one of the posts, I saw our joy and finally recognized her name.))

Why is the wolf's bast considered one of the most poisonous plants found in our country?

AT spruce forest wolf's bast bush bloomed with small pinkish flowers. Flowers sit right on the trunk and on the branches, as if attached to them.

How pleasing to the eye are these unpretentious flowers, how they smell good, fresh and gentle, just like spring!

Now there are no leaves on the branches of the wolf's bark yet, they will appear later, when the plant fades. The leaves of the wolf's bast are oblong, slightly pointed towards the end. These leaves grow in bunches at the ends of the branches. And below them, bright red berries the size of a pea appear on the branches by autumn.

G. Skrebitsky.*

The shrub grows in dense forests, thickets, blooms in March-April, the berries ripen in June-July. All parts of the plant (fresh and dried) are very poisonous, especially bast (wood fibers) and berries. Poisoning can occur upon contact with the plant, especially with its bark. The toxic component of the wolf's bark has a sharp, burning taste and is highly irritating.

In children, ingestion of 1-2 berries can cause severe poisoning, which very often ends in death!

Poison that enters the human body through the skin or digestive tract causes severe inflammation of the skin and mucous membranes, ultimately affecting the central nervous system, circulatory system and kidneys.

Upon contact with the skin, symptoms of its inflammation appear: redness, swelling, vesicles on the skin, in severe cases - suppuration. The mucous membrane of the digestive tract and conjunctiva reacts in a similar way. In case of oral poisoning, the inflammatory process begins in the oral cavity and spreads to other parts of the digestive tract (stomach and intestines). There are pain in the mouth and stomach, salivation, thirst, swallowing disorders, nausea, vomiting, crampy pain in the abdomen and diarrhea, sometimes with an admixture of blood. General symptoms: headache and dizziness, agitation, fever, increased heart rate, weakness, shortness of breath, convulsions in children, difficulty urinating, hematuria, circulatory failure, which can result in death.

First aid - wash the affected skin, conjunctiva and mouth with water. Give the patient milk and/or protein chicken eggs and then transported to a hospital immediately.

What does a wolf's bast look like?

This shrub is not higher than one meter. However, if the shrub is grown, creating favorable conditions for it, then it can grow up to 2.5 meters in height (for example, a wolf bast bush in a garden or park). In spring, the stems of the shrub are bare, and pink flowers bloom on the branches. fragrant flowers, located in the axils of leaves that fell last year. Each sinus consists of three flowers.

The trunk with branches is gray-brown in color. Leaves are ovate. The fruit of the plant is light red in color, the shape is also ovoid.

From February to the end of March, this plant blooms beautifully, and on the territory of Russia, the flowering period is April-May.

The plant grows in dimly lit places, on soil with a lot of nutrients. You can meet a wolf's bast in the floodplain forest or on the edges of the forest.

According to legend, somehow the wolf was late for the council of animals. It can be seen running among the trees, in search of dinner. And the council at that time gave the plants names, and therefore not one of the plants was named after the wolf. The wolf was so angry that, out of vexation, he pounced on a bush standing nearby and began to rip off the bark from it with claws and teeth. Animals, wanting to calm the raging predator, named the plant wolf's bast in honor of him.

Medicinal properties of wolf's bast

The plant contains poisonous substances in all its parts: meserine resin (which causes indigestion. And blisters and redness appear on the skin) and daphrin glycoside (leads to rapid bleeding). In the bark of the plant, the content of resins, waxes of coloring substances and wax was found. Fruits are a source of bitter and coloring substances, fat, coccognin and essential oil.

Given the fact that this is a poisonous plant, you can take it only after the permission of the doctor. Wolf bast preparations have antiepileptic, analgesic, laxative and hypnotic properties on the human body.

The use of the wolf's bark

Let me remind you once again that wolf's bast preparations should be taken in homeopathic doses, and only when your doctor gives permission for this. It is necessary to take preparations of this plant carefully and not hastily. Externally, an infusion of this plant is used for radiculitis, neuralgia, tumors, sciatica. This remedy had irritating and blistering properties. In some cases, a tincture or decoction is used for sore throat, dysentery, jaundice, and even a cold.

In the presence of a toothache, the wolf's bast has an analgesic property.

A decoction of a wolf's bark.

It is necessary to take 2 grams of plant flowers and pour 20 ml of boiling water over them. We put on fire for 20 minutes. Having removed the broth from the fire, it must immediately be filtered, and the raw materials must be squeezed out. The resulting volume must be brought to 250 ml with boiling water. take this decoction 5 drops three times a day.

Wolf bark powder.

This medicine relieves a person of toothache. It is very easy to make it yourself, because for this you only need to collect the flowers of the plant and grind them into powder. Next, take this powder and rub it on the sore spot. After that, you need to rinse the genus with warm boiled water.

Decoction-hypnotic wolf bast.

4 grams of plant roots poured with a glass of boiling water, you need to put for 30 minutes on water bath. After a quarter of an hour the broth is infused, it must be filtered. Take a decoction before meals, 1 teaspoon twice a day.

Tincture of wolf's bast fruit.

Take half a glass of 70% alcohol and fill it with 1 gram of the fruit of the plant (you can bark). Leave for 7 days for infusion. Strain with gauze. It is recommended to take this tincture before meals three times a day. Before you take this tincture you need to dilute. For example, put 2 drops of wine in a spoonful of water.

Wolf poisoning

All parts of the plant contain poison, so it is enough for a person to eat 3-5 berries of the plant and he will die.

Signs of poisoning are as follows:

Abdominal pain;

Urine with blood;


The death of a person can occur in case of cardiac arrest.

Measures for poisoning.

The first step is to wash the stomach, and then enter vaseline oil. In no case should a laxative be used for poisoning with this plant. The main goal is to eliminate irritation of the mucous membranes of the digestive tract, for which it is necessary to allow the victim to hold pieces of ice in his mouth, lubricate the mucous membranes with dikaip, and the poisoned person must take anestezin inside.

Be careful, do not stop near the wolf's bark, pass by!

Wolf tincture

To prepare it, take 10 grams of plant bark (crushed) and pour half a glass of alcohol (70%). Leave to brew for 2 weeks dark room. You need to take the tincture three times a day, 1 drop, but every day the dose should be increased by 1 drop. When a single dose is 30 drops, start the countdown in the reverse position, that is, reduce the dose by 1 drop. Before taking, dilute the tincture with 100 ml of water. The course of such treatment is 60 days. After taking a break for 14 days, you can resume the course, or take another poison.

Wolf bark contraindications

Since the wolf's bast is a very poisonous plant, it must be used strictly observing the dose. Children are strictly forbidden to use wolf bast preparations.

Read about other poisonous plants here:

*thanks heartily to PaniPolak for this quote.

Wolfberry has been known to almost everyone since childhood, especially those who grew up or often visited the countryside. Wolf's eye or wolfberry looks like a currant - the fruits are small, round in shape. The berries themselves are red or black, depending on the type of plant. Now there is a huge hype around useful berry goji, which is used for a variety of purposes - treatment, weight loss, strengthening immunity. Wolfberry and goji have nothing in common, they are confused due to similar names - wolfberry (goji), a shrub originally from China, we know it under the name "common dereza", so you can not confuse it with a wolfberry.

Wolfberry - what is it

Why is the wolfberry so called? Everything is very simple, the name did not come from the fact that wolves or other forest animals feed on this bush. It’s just that the name has come from the old times, when the designation “wolf” meant everything evil, dangerous and harmful. Thus, everyone has known about the dangers of these berries for a very long time.

The name wolfberry can mean several plants at once - privet, crow's eye, brittle buckthorn, raven, elder. You can list for a long time, but nevertheless it is under the term "wolfberry" that most often means poisonous bush, which is popularly called privet, wolf's bast or wolfberry.

Wolfberry grows everywhere, found in the forests of America, as well as throughout Europe. Very common in central Russia, the Caucasus and Siberia. What does a wolfberry look like? Its description and properties can be found in any school biology textbook. The bush blooms very beautifully, the smell is intoxicating. By the way, thrushes love to feast on these berries. It is this bird that is the main seed carrier.

Privet is a small shrub on which round and small berries ripen. The shrub in the spring blooms very violently and beautifully, thanks to its small size(up to 5 m) is successfully used in landscape design. By autumn, the fruits ripen, and this is the mistake of many - they begin to be collected and used for food, to prepare teas and infusions. It is absolutely impossible to do this, because berries are poisonous and can cause not only poisoning, but also lead to death. Therefore, if you are interested in the question - is it possible to eat wolf berries - the answer is categorical - no!

Why are berries dangerous?

What happens if you eat a wolfberry? Almost 100% you can get poisoning and indigestion, but everything, of course, will depend on the amount. The fact is that the fruits contain solanine - the strongest poison, which provokes poisoning. If you do not provide first aid in a timely manner, do not call an ambulance, then a fatal outcome will be inevitable. About five berries can cause death.

Not only the fruits themselves are poisonous, but the entire shrub as a whole - branches, leaves. Thus, it is better not to touch the plant at all, but to admire it only from afar.

The composition of berries and bark contains a number of substances that cause poisoning. The main components are meserein, daphnetin, daphnin glycoside, coumarin. In almost all cases, poisoning does not go away without a trace, even after the treatment, various complications may occur, so it is very important to take all measures in a timely manner.

The wolf's bast berry causes severe poisoning, if you made a mistake and ate it, then the symptoms will be as follows:

  • sensation of a burn of a mouth and all mucous;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • profuse salivation, there may be difficulty in swallowing;
  • diarrhea;
  • eye inflammation, lacrimation;
  • convulsions, general weakness are possible.

Wolfberry poisoning is severe, the degree will depend on the amount of fruit consumed. In its course, such poisoning has the form of hemorrhagic gastroenteritis, death occurs mainly due to cardiac arrest.

If the juice of the plant gets on the skin, a burn or redness appears. With prolonged contact with the skin, the development of tumor-like destruction on the epidermis is quite possible. It is dangerous even to be near flowering plant- inhalation of pollen irritates the mucous membranes.

What to do in case of wolfberry poisoning

If a child or an adult ate a wolfberry, then you must immediately call an ambulance and take first aid measures.
. First of all, it is necessary to remove the source of poisoning from the body, that is, induce vomiting. Suitable for this weak solution potassium permanganate (liquid should be light pink, not deep purple!). You can give the victim activated charcoal or any other sorbent. If possible, give the victim a cleansing enema.

Berry poisoning can cause convulsions and cardiac arrest. If there are heart preparations in the first-aid kit, it is necessary to give them to the patient following the recommendations and the correct dosage. After providing first aid, it is necessary to force the person to lie down, take a calm position and wait for the ambulance to arrive. In almost all cases, hospitalization and further inpatient treatment follow.

The whole wolfberry bush is poisonous, so if the juice gets on the skin or if the plant just scratched you, you need to wash the place with an antiseptic solution, if there is nothing at hand, potassium permanganate will do.

The dangers of using privet should be clear to everyone, it is especially important to convey this information to children. If you are planning a trip to the forest or live in the countryside, do not forget to tell your children about all the dangers that are fraught with attractive and tasty-looking berries. In addition to privet, there are many other plants, the touch of which can already carry unpleasant consequences.

Beneficial features

Many poisonous plants have beneficial features, but they must be able to use them correctly, otherwise it is very dangerous for life and can lead to unpredictable consequences.

Privet has long been used in conventional and traditional medicine for the treatment of various diseases:

  • of cardio-vascular system;
  • kidneys and liver;
  • neuroses and mental disorders;
  • eye;
  • joints.

Due to their toxicity, shrub products are not used in official medicine, but are used exclusively in homeopathy. Among the people, tinctures and decoctions from this plant are used to treat bronchitis, pneumonia, and colds. Privet has proven itself very well in folk medicine for the treatment of skin diseases.

Prepared tinctures and decoctions are never taken internally, they are used for rubbing, rinsing, lotions.

Plant blanks are made in the summer - branches, leaves are collected, roots are dug out. In autumn, you can harvest the fruits of the shrub.

It is worth remembering that in the event of any disease, self-treatment can be dangerous, especially if you prepare homemade tinctures and poisons from toxic plants. Remember that the plant contains a dangerous and poisonous substance, which even in small doses leads to heart failure, can cause cardiac arrest and death.

Application in everyday life

Privet has proven itself as a poison for agricultural needs. With its help, infusions are prepared against Colorado potato beetles and other pests.. Such a poison is only suitable for root crops, spray it with other plants and fruit trees highly discouraged, especially immediately before collection. It is best to spray in the spring, when the leaves are just beginning to form, there is no flowering and fruit. The use of such poison in a summer cottage can be compared with the use of simple chemicals Therefore, care must also be taken to use a mask and rubber gloves when spraying.

Previously, ink was made from black privet berries. Wolfberry is quite often found on suburban areas and in urban areas as a hedge. The shrub is quite dense, with beautiful leaves and lush bloom. It is drought-resistant, unpretentious in care. With the right circumcision, you can get a beautiful and perfect hedge up to 5 meters high. Now several varieties of common privet are artificially bred specifically for hedges. They can differ in color (during flowering), height, care features. In most cases, no special care is required - timely watering and pruning.

Thanks to the Internet and the spread of information about the miraculous goji berries, many people have already encountered an unpleasant situation - a mistake in collecting wolfberries instead of dereza. Keep in mind that real goji berries grow exclusively in the provinces of China. Some gardeners even grow these shrubs at home, but this is a long and laborious process. Dereza shrub in wild environment It is also quite rare, but in our territories it is the dangerous and poisonous privet that is most often found, the use of which can lead to death.

Pay attention to others dangerous bushes, which in appearance of leaves and berries can be similar to a wolfberry - red-fruited raven, red elderberry, snowberry, crow's eye, brittle buckthorn. When eating all the berries from such bushes, 100% poisoning appears. Symptoms are common - vomiting, diarrhea, nausea. It is necessary to provide timely first aid and send the victim to the hospital.

And plant science does not have such a thing as "wolf"; in fact, it is a collective name for a number of berries, which are distinguished by toxic properties. These include:
- belladonna,
- dereza,
- wolfberry,
- raven eye,
- brittle buckthorn,
- snowman.

The berries look like shrubs, up to 1.5 meters high with rare and round berries of a bright red hue, sometimes of blue color. In the toxicological departments of hospitals, you can often see photos of these plants, because they serve common cause poisoning.


This very poisonous plant is found quite often in forests. middle lane. All parts of it are poisonous, and the berries and leaves contain a high concentration of toxic substances.

Many also call the berries "wolf's bast."

Berries have a pronounced spicy taste, so even without knowing that this is a dangerous berry, it is unlikely that a person will be able to eat it in large quantities. Although, on the other hand, even 10 pieces can cause death, it all depends on the human body.

Symptoms of poisoning appear quickly, they are as follows:
- vomit,
- burning sensation in the mouth,
- nausea,
- convulsions,
weakness and even loss of consciousness.

First aid for poisoning

A person who has eaten the fruits of the wolfberry must be given first aid. Gastric lavage is usually done, toxins are removed with the help of activated carbon or other sorbents. In stationary conditions, a course of therapy is carried out aimed at restoring the natural biochemical composition of the blood.

Skin lesions can be caused by contact with wolfberry leaves and bark. In this case, blisters, redness appear on the surface, peeling begins quickly.

It will be possible to wash the affected areas of the skin with a solution of potassium permanganate. Further treatment will be prescribed by a dermatologist.

Hazardous Ingredients

If we consider the composition of wolf berries, then the main substance there will be meserine. This substance is very toxic, causes irritation of the mucous membrane and skin. Other components of the wolfberry cause severe bleeding, so in the villages, healers gave a decoction of berries to women who wanted to terminate a pregnancy ... often at the cost of own life.

Some medicines wolfberry is included as an assistant in the treatment of kidneys, immune and nervous systems. But it is worth remembering that for medicine it undergoes a series of treatments and loses its poisonous properties.

Summer is a time of rest in the country, in the forest. Some plants in your area are harmless, while others can be deadly poisonous. Today we would like to consider the wolfberry: to study its beneficial properties, as well as dispel some myths.

Since childhood, my grandmother told us about toxic properties wolfberry. However, few people know that there are several varieties of such berries. For example, Belladonna is poisonous kind, while Dereza vulgaris is not. Thus, wolfberry is a collective folk name that includes many varieties of the plant. Also poisonous are Wolfberry and raven eye. or dizziness can be Brittle buckthorn and Snowberry. The honeysuckle plant is not poisonous.

In addition to the previously written, other inedible plants that have a specific color, for example, bright red, are often referred to as wolfberries. Thus, red elderberry and some types of black elderberry are also in some way wolfberry.

A low shrub with small red berries that look a lot like goji is a standard wolfberry. It is this plant that is most often presented during the stories of parents or grandmothers.

Beneficial features

As already noted, only two types of wolfberry are not poisonous - Dereza and real honeysuckle. However, only the fruits of the first shrub are suitable for consumption. Decoctions and teas are made from these berries, they are discussed below.

It is very difficult to get a wolfberry in Russia. Its habitat is Ukraine, the Caucasus and Moldova. But, if you manage to buy Dereza somewhere, you will forever forget what a cold, runny nose, etc. is, because this plant strengthens the immune system, making the body more resistant to diseases.

Other types of wolfberries cannot boast of such properties, but they can become useful in the household. From poisonous fruit some gardeners make poison for pests. It is worth noting that these are quite effective, but do not differ much from purchased substances: store-bought poisons and those made on their own harm the garden. It is categorically impossible to touch the wolfberry remedy: if it gets into even the smallest wound, it causes poisoning, moreover, quite serious.

Plants that have an attractive appearance are used to decorate the summer cottage and garden. For example, privet will perfectly complement landscape design, forming a living fence.

Some types of wolfberry are used in medicine for making. And in Nepal, local firms produce paper from wolf bast.

Thus, poisonous fruits, although unfit for consumption, have become an integral part of industry and decor.

wolfberry fruits

Wolfberry is relatively easy to recognize among other plants. poisonous plant grows in a forest area, very similar to currant. However, where the wolfberry grows, currants cannot exist. The color of the wolf's bast is peculiar: the berries are dark, they may have purple hue. Also distinguishing feature- the surface of the fruit is glossy. In this regard, it is impossible to confuse a plant with dereza.

The berries contain solanine - a very strong poison. If you eat a dozen fruits, then a person will experience dizziness, indigestion, weakness, vomiting, and impaired coordination of movements. But a large dosage can kill, moreover, in a short time.

There is also a wolfberry with red fruits. They strongly resemble goji, but are identical in properties to black fruits. Very often, citizens who want to lose weight go in search of local ones. As a result, they end up in the hospital in critical condition. Remember, although berries are similar to the famous weight loss remedy, they have nothing in common except appearance, Dont Have.

wolfberry leaves

Each shrub has its own leaf shape. In this regard, it is difficult to remember certain types of wolfberry from the foliage. It is worth noting that the leaves are also poisonous, just like the root, trunk and, of course, the berries themselves.

Dereza leaves are small, oblong, have a clear oval shape, the tip is slightly pointed. Color is rich green.

The leaves are of no value. It is not used to make medicinal tea or decoction.

Application of wolfberry

As already noted, wolfberry is used in medicines, as it has a number of useful properties:

  • normalizes the work of the heart;
  • nervous system;
  • kidneys and liver;
  • supports immunity;
  • treats diseases of the eyes, joints and intestines.

Dereza is very similar to barberry. It turns out very tasty, and also healthy drink. Below is the tea recipe.

Prepare a spoonful of barberry and 250 milliliters of water. Grind the dereza by passing through a meat grinder or using a blender. Put the berry mass in a thermos. Fill her up hot water, but not boiling water, because dereza will lose all its properties. Wait half an hour for the tea to brew. You can drink this drink instead of regular tea.

Is wolfberry dangerous?

Dereza is rich in minerals, amino acids, vitamins B and C, iron, polysaccharides, etc. If you eat even a small amount of harmful fruits, you will find yourself in a hospital bed. And if you eat berries in large quantities, then death is possible. Rarely do doctors manage to save a person.

Decoction of wolf berries

If you suffer from a rectal fissure, hemorrhoids or spastic colitis then prepare the next decoction.

  1. Boil 20 grams of coda dereza for 20 minutes in a glass of water.
  2. Pass the decoction through a fine sieve or cheesecloth.
  3. Use in the morning and evening before meals on a spoon.

A decoction of 60 grams of wolfberry, 20 grams of dandelion roots, 20 grams of parsley (fruits), the same number of fennel fruits and twenty grams of peppermint will improve digestion. Pour 20 grams of herbal mixture half a liter hot water(80°). Insist 30 minutes. Drink two glasses at a time in the morning.

This remedy is also a diuretic.

For the treatment of constipation, this recipe is useful: grind thirty grams of dry wolfberry bark, fill it with 200 grams of alcohol. It should be insisted for at least a week. Take a little (no more than a spoonful) in the morning or afternoon.