Spanish style in the design of country houses. How to build a house in the Spanish style. Maximum natural materials

In our collection, updated in 2016, there are projects of houses made in different styles of architecture. Therefore, each developer can easily find a house that best suits his needs. There are also projects of houses in the Spanish style in the collection (photos, diagrams, videos, drawings and draft designs are posted on the website in this section), which can be bought from us for turnkey implementation at average market prices.

Spanish-style house project plans: features

Before choosing Spanish-style house designs, you need to know about their differences and features. In any house of this style, the following features of Spanish architecture are present:

  • Roofs of cottages of brick (terracotta) color. This is due to the fact that it is the brown-red tile that is the most ancient and popular roofing material in the Mediterranean countries. Thanks to the use of tiles made of clay of various shades, beautiful asymmetric patterns are obtained on the roof. This roof is in perfect harmony with the white walls.
  • Spanish-style houses necessarily have a terrace with wicker furniture, which provides a good rest from the hustle and bustle.
  • Arches supported by columns, with smooth symmetrical lines. Thanks to such arches, residential buildings become graceful and elegant.
  • Arched windows. This form is also used as an interior decoration.
  • The design of houses in the Spanish style is characterized by the active use of various forged products for decoration. These can be stair railings, window and fireplace grates, gates, lamps, etc.

Spanish Style House Plans: Additional Services

If you managed to choose a project for a future new home from the proposed ready-made options, but there are some nuances in it that you would like to improve, the company's specialists will help you with this.

The character of a modern Mediterranean cottage harmoniously combines the simplicity of a rustic country and the severe restraint of a medieval castle. Built on the contrast of light and dark, the architecture is both simple and original. Typical Spanish-style house designs, with all their diversity, are almost always recognizable by their characteristic details.

Features of Spanish architecture

The architectural design of a “house like in Spain” is, of course, not limited to the mechanical repetition of building elements and materials. In the Russian climate, this is simply impossible. Rather, the designer creates a competent stylization that expresses color, a special aura of serene calm inherent in the Spanish way of life. The most typical external features are expressed in detail.

  1. The combination of white facades, painted or lined with stone, and dark wood or stone framed by a balcony, porch, terrace (often with a double entrance).
  2. Numerous large windows flooding the house with light from all sides, with bars and stained glass inserts, arched.
  3. Low flattened roofs covered with tiles of soft colors. Hinged visors are characteristic, protecting from sunlight.

Vertical architectural elements in the exterior of the facade are also an iconic element of the Spanish-style house project. They imitate columns, and are usually emphasized by the color and texture of the stone.

Bright Spanish villa in the Russian forest

A typical Mediterranean building always naturally blends into the surrounding landscape. She can miraculously stay on the slope of a steep cliff, hide behind a bend in the beach, hide in lush greenery. Projects of Spanish-style houses with a terrace almost always take into account the features of the landscape in which it will be located.

Russian nature is distinguished by its beauty, and a bright house among pines and birches looks no less picturesque than in an olive grove. If you pave the patio with stone tiles and equip the source, as is customary in Spain, then the owners are provided with peace and comfort of a small villa. Of course, only professional projects of Spanish-style houses make it possible to realize the idea in a classic way.

In the catalog of houses with a terrace "Projects of Cottages" you can see a number of proposals, stylistically designed in a Mediterranean style. They differ in number of floors, area, color and texture of materials. At the same time, the characteristic features are immediately visible: hospitable lawns, balconies, often based on beams, open galleries. In the exterior decoration of the facades, uneven sharp-angled “wild stone” tiles are used, creating a contrast with light walls. These features form the cozy look of a country house in the Spanish style.

Projects of houses in the Spanish style will not leave anyone indifferent. You will surely like this project of careful restoration of an old Spanish manor. A majestic old house in a picturesque location called La Cerdanya, in the Eastern Pyrenees, is the perfect balance of progressive comfort and old-fashioned charm. Previously, the estate consisted of scattered buildings - a house, a barn, a hayloft, a large warehouse and premises for livestock.

Combining all these buildings to form a coherent architectural masterpiece, the designers from Dom Arquitectura have created an amazing home filled with coziness and comfort.

The estate, surrounded by idyllic Pyrenean landscapes, is surrounded by peace and serenity. Modern interior design allows you to let nature into the house with wide doorways and large windows. The main structure of the stone walls was preserved by the architects in order to pay tribute to the historical past. The entire estate complex consists of four separate rooms, which can be completely independent of each other. The decor is dominated by light colors, most of the walls are plastered and painted white, and the wooden floor serves as a unifying detail of the interior.

This is really a harmonious and rational use of old structures to create a new romantic architectural ensemble with a patio. A unique combination of tradition and the latest trends in architecture!


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Traveling around the world, a fairly large number of new styles are discovered that not only represent a particular people, state or culture, but also reflect some other styles. So, for example, having been in Spain and seeing a Spanish house, few people remain indifferent and come home without the intention of reproducing the same thing on their own land. Simplicity, warmth, lightness and luxury at the same time - that's what attracts home owners in this style.

Spanish style house plans

A person who has lived his whole life in the city is best able to appreciate and compare city life with life outside of it. It is here that you will find enough space not only to build a Spanish-style house, but also breathe in plenty of fresh air, take sunbaths. This house should be decorated in the form of an old mansion, of course, in the Spanish style, with its romance and spontaneity.

The main feature of this house is that, having 2 floors, it is completely invisible from the road, while its neighbors are fenced off by high fences.

Despite the fact that the house has a significant area, which is usually more than 1000 meters, it is not a very bulky structure:

  • It fits harmoniously enough into the style and into the general appearance, even of the simplest buildings.
  • All visible curved decorative paths that lead to the house, as well as effective methods of landscape design on the territory adjacent to the house, are formed not only artificially with the help of experts, but also with the preservation of the natural area. It is expressed in taste, in fantasy and imagination.
  • This type of house has another feature, its lines are not parallel to the borders and lines throughout the site. In connection with these changes, it looks much larger and more massive.

  • In addition to the house itself, it is necessary to pay special attention to such a moment as the external design of the site and the creation of an architectural ensemble. Each of its parts (a pond with a waterfall or a sandy shore, or a huge summer barbecue garden filled with decorative wooden furniture, a beautiful lawn by the pool or a special area of ​​​​the site with a sundial, a fountain) will effectively complement and decorate the living area. Accordingly, this special place will become attractive not only for the owners of the house, but also for those who will be present here as a guest.
  • Be sure to equip and allocate a special place in the area around the house, enclosed in a high green fence (made of arborvitae, juniper). Here, benches in the style of the 18th century can be installed, and even a small fountain, which will be used not only for decorative purposes. He may well become a source of reinforcement for the birds in the garden.

This is how a typical patio in Spanish houses is equipped.

Instructions for decorating a house in the Spanish style

Most of the tourists visiting Spain cannot forget the small villas, bathed in the sun, quietly huddled in an environment of greenery and silence. Even in the interior of such a house, everything resembles the sea, the blue cloudless sky, the rustle of the wind, the smell of the sun-warmed earth and orange trees.

Despite the fact that this style is called Spanish, many other elements are mixed in it, which are characteristic of such styles as:

  • Italian (more precisely, the style of ancient Rome).
  • Greek.
  • Phoenician.
  • Deutsch.
  • Arabic and even Celtic.

For the most part, every Spanish house is built no higher than 2 floors. The roofs of houses are terracotta (brick) in color, since in the Mediterranean countries the most ancient and common roofing material for all was and is brown-red tiles. Beautiful asymmetrical structures are obtained by using ceramic stones of different colors, so that the roof matches perfectly with the walls, which always remain white.

Note. Every Spanish-style home should have a wicker terrace that allows you to relax and unwind on a hot day or in the evening with your family. Galleries are used not only to create a covered terrace, but also for stairs, hallways.

The Spanish arch, incorporating smooth curved lines, is an indispensable attribute of every Spanish-style house. It is thanks to the arch that the facade of the house becomes elegant and graceful.

Windows can also be arched. The same form is used as a decoration, and inside the house. This applies to interior items such as:

  • Fireplace.
  • Stairs.
  • Facade elements and much more.

In addition, this design is actively used in interior design with various forged products:

  • Gates.
  • Railing.
  • Lamps.
  • Window bars.

Spanish style house interiors

Such an important point as creating a kind of southern mood in the house deserves special attention, because this is what will indicate that the house was built in the Spanish style.

In this case, it is very important to choose the right finishing materials for interior design. Therefore, certain rules must be followed:

  • It is not recommended to use wallpaper for wall decoration.
  • Preference is given to such a process as plastering and puttying with further painting of the surface of the walls.
  • In this case, it must be borne in mind that all colors used must correspond to the style of the Mediterranean.

The same applies to the facade of the house. To paint it, you need to choose bright shades:

  • Orange.
  • Pink.
  • Yellow.
  • Green.
  • Red.
  • Blue.
  • Brown.
  • Bright colors should be added to lots of white.

Let's take a closer look:

  • For flooring, wood flooring or ceramic tiles are usually used. In some rooms, you can place a colorful ethnic-style carpet on the floor, which is sure to create a cozy atmosphere.
  • High-quality pieces of furniture should be made of rustic hardwoods. It is advisable to choose furniture made of dark wood. This interior looks elegant even when wrought iron and various decorative elements corresponding to it are used in its design.
  • As for the terrace, it is best to put wicker furniture on it.

Materials accompanying the Spanish interior are presented:

  • Skin.
  • Natural fabrics.
  • Copper.

Other features:

  • Massive chests, wardrobes and stools, wrought iron chandeliers and sconces, a fireplace and window bars will not be out of place in the decor of the rooms.
  • Wall paneling in wrought iron and dark wood (or on light-colored plaster walls) is eye-catching and the highlight of the room.
  • Most often, there are no curtains on the windows of Spanish houses, since nothing should prevent the penetration of sunlight into the room. If you are uncomfortable living with bare windows, you can hang wooden blinds on them. But there is also a place for fabrics.
  • You can put a pillow on the sofa and decorate the walls with tapestries. All this will make the room cozy and warm.
  • Chandeliers emphasize the Spanish style. But along with them, candelabra on the floor, vases, pots, pottery will look great in this interior. However, you should not overdo it, because otherwise the interior may turn out to be tasteless. One or two bright trinkets (the price of which is quite small) will be quite enough.
  • Don't forget statues, paintings, and religious images. The Spaniards also like to decorate the walls in the house with family photos.

In the process of planning the internal space, it is necessary to adhere to the external design of the house (see Styles of facades of houses, choice of design).

In a one-story house, you should not equip more than 3 bedrooms. Accordingly, 5-6 bedrooms can be built in two-story apartments. Or, instead of additional living rooms, it will be possible to add several common rooms - a library or an office, a gym, if the design allows. There will also be an indoor pool.

In the case when the house is equipped with a swimming pool, you will not depend on insufficiently favorable climatic conditions. Thus, the house in the Spanish style is both simple and luxurious. Almost everyone can afford to reproduce such a structure.

And even an ordinary house can be converted into a Spanish style as a result of repairs. The main thing is to reflect all the features and emphasize the main advantages of your home. After the house is ready, it will be possible to proceed to the design of the adjacent plot. Watch the video on how to decorate a house in the Spanish style.

IC "Novation" has been working on the construction market for more than a year. During this time, we have accumulated a lot of experience, because we have several hundred built objects on our account. The key to the quality of construction is the rational approach of the company's employees and control at all stages of construction: from planning to the direct implementation of the facility.

Construction of houses associated with many technical, design, organizational and financial issues. Use our turnkey house service, and we ourselves will take care of things that are obscure for an ordinary person, such as purchasing building materials, drawing up project documentation, obtaining permits, searching for teams, etc. You just express your idea and share your vision of the future layout, and our architects will draw up a project in compliance with all requirements.

Build a house from "A" to "Z"

Construction of houses in the Krasnodar Territory is associated with a number of difficulties, and they relate to very many issues. In addition to possible problems associated with direct construction, there are also a number of design and regulatory requirements. First of all, you should make sure that the site suits you: its size, the availability of communications, the type of soil, etc. Then it is necessary to develop a project that includes architectural, engineering and structural sections. In addition, you need to obtain official permission for the construction and draw up an estimate for the conduct of construction work. Do not forget why it is difficult in this region construction of houses, Krasnodar- This is a seismically active area, so any housing must be built taking into account this feature.

However, you can easily get rid of these problems with the help of the Novation construction company, which has established itself in this area. Moreover, she is closely acquainted with the Krasnodar Territory and its climate. We will deal with all the "paper" issues, such as building permits and budgeting, we will choose the best projects for you and prepare the site for work.

Having passed the planning procedure with us, your next step will be the celebration of a housewarming party!

Quality assurance

IC "Novation" offers you a favorable cost of building a house in Krasnodar and a guarantee of the quality of all work performed for a period of 5 years. Thanks to this approach, we have achieved a good reputation among customers, and they recommend our services to all their friends. We also guarantee that we build cottages only from high-quality materials, and each of our employees has a high specialization.

Do you need a home where everything is thought out to the smallest detail? Give us a call and we'll build it for you!