What did the room dream about? Dream Interpretation - what the room is dreaming of: empty, large, dark

Have you heard the expression: someone else's soul is darkness? In dreams, the subconscious mind opens our eyes to the state of our own soul.

It is not surprising that many people are particularly impressed by vivid dreams with a house or apartment that personifies our personality.

But why is the room dreaming? Look into the dream book: the room symbolizes one, quite specific aspect of life, which facilitates the interpretation of sleep and provides a lot of opportunities for positive changes in fate.

Exterior view of the room

A room in a dream is a fairly clear description of the current state of affairs. Some people are confused by the dark or Empty room, however, such spaces mean that you are subconsciously ready for change, and soon life will be filled with new events, meetings and hobbies.

Furnished spaces mean attachment to a certain level of comfort, communication with the usual social circle.

The condition of the premises - how to interpret?

What a room is dreaming of can be understood by its decoration - furniture, design, lighting, the presence of people or animals in it.

1. Gloomy room. The dark room indicates the parts of life that you pay the least attention to.

  • What items are in the room?
  • How beautiful are they or, on the contrary, broken?
  • What area of ​​activity do they belong to? Personal relationships, creativity, career?

After such a dream, it is highly desirable to pay special attention to one direction for several months, trying to transform it as much as possible.

2. Empty space. Seeing an empty room is a great sign! Especially before changing jobs, starting a new relationship, or moving.

Emptiness in a dream means the presence of inexhaustible possibilities in reality. Nothing limits you or pulls you back. Probably some significant stage has ended, you have rethought a lot and are quite ready to move on!

3. Unfamiliar room. Often dreams reflect the features of our interaction with other people. An unfamiliar room demonstrates your social interaction skills.

  • A beautiful and elegant room means that you have already created a circle of loyal associates.
  • Dirty and neglected speaks of the need to improve social contacts.

Soon you will be able to meet many interesting and useful people. Try to dress brighter and present your the best sides in communication with anyone.

4. Secret, hidden room. Why dream of a room hidden from prying eyes? A secluded corner means your hidden desires, cherished dreams and plans. Dreamed of a secluded room? A cherished dream will come true soon!

5. Furnished room.

  • In a dream, an unfamiliar room is full antique furniture? Expect pleasant surprises from close friends. Noble decoration means that soon you will receive lucrative offers of cooperation from wealthy older people.
  • Brand new furniture warns of innovation, unexpected business projects that can be extremely successful.

General form

The degree of tidiness of a room always means how important a particular room is to you. vital sphere. A dirty one speaks of indifference, and a clean one speaks of a high priority.

Color characteristic

I had a very dream bright design, filled with catchy colors? At the same time, attention was not focused on furniture or living beings?

Hurry up to look into the dream book! The room in such a dream is of less importance than a particular color.

  • For example, the room is often dreamed of by unmarried women and portends the emergence of an amazing, romantic relationship.
  • For men, the white zone also has great importance It's time for a major career change!

Room dimensions

  • Seeing a comfortable, cozy little room in a dream means that you are completely satisfied with your life.
  • The walls are crushing, there is not enough space? Then you subconsciously want more. It's time to admit your ambitious plans and realize them!
  • Large, on the contrary, means the presence of impressive desires and daring aspirations.

Game world

Adults often dream of a nursery (of their own or their child). Such a dream draws attention to creative aspect personality. Pay more attention to self-expression, try to maximize your creative potential.

The nursery is often dreamed of by people who can afford to lead a free lifestyle. Perhaps you are thinking about freelancing or planning a big trip? Circumstances will be extremely favorable!

Seeing halls, bedrooms, living rooms or other living spaces in a dream is a common occurrence, so we often do not attach special significance a similar plot. And it would be worth it!

Because room dreams are excellent indicators of our state of mind. Author: Ekaterina Volkova

In an article on the topic: "dream book a dark room- provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

Loff's dream book

dreamed of a dark room

Did you dream of a dark room? Remember what sensations overcame you in a dream. Feeling calm can be interpreted as a shelter or support for the mother. In a dream, you were confused or scared - this is an omen of the loss of your authority or the authority of your mother, perhaps there will be a change in roles.

Dream interpretation of the 21st century

dark room dream interpretation

When you dream of a room whose darkness is caused by the darkness outside the windows, this is a warning about your isolation. You should try to pay more attention to the world and the people around you, then pleasant emotions will appear in life.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

dark room according to the dream book

In a dream, you were in a dark room - in real life there are some secrets. Such a dream can also be interpreted as an attempt to hide emotions inside oneself, to hide certain character traits.

Modern dream book

a dark room in a dream what is it for

Esoteric dream book

dreamed of a dark room

If you dreamed dark narrow room, in reality you will go to jail or be punished in some other way.

dark room according to the dream book

If you dreamed of a dark room, you will be punished for an offense. Also, a dream can mean loneliness, but on the condition that you really have no fault.

With a dream, a dark room, people also dreamed

Sleep from Sunday to Monday means renewal and the onset of a new stage in life.

Dream Interpretation Dark Room, why dream of a Dark Room in a dream

Loff's dream book

David Loff connects the dark room with a place where you can be alone with yourself, hide, perhaps find support from your mother. The author of the dream book suggests analyzing the sensations of sleep. If you were calm and comfortable in the dark - this means a dark room - reliable protection and you are safe. If you were scared, you tried to get out of it, this indicates that in real life there is a change of roles, you are losing authority in something.

AT esoteric dream book the image of the room is associated with the soul. Any dream room reveals the state of mind. If the room was dark, cramped, uncomfortable, then this indicates a punishment in which the soul languishes. A dark room may also portend a prison or other form of punishment. We can even talk about karmic punishment. If the room was dark because there are no windows in it, this speaks of hopelessness and deep longing.

Psychotherapist Antonio Meneghetti considers dreams with images of the house as a characteristic of personality. Any room in the house characterizes the style of behavior, the way of thinking at this stage of life. Every psychoanalytic detail is very important for deciphering the dream. If we only know that the room was dark, then we should think about the outflow of energy and look for a person with the ability of energy vampirism.

In the dream book of Evgeny Tsvetkov, according to the state of the room that is dreaming, one can foresee future events. Rich, for example, dreams of success, small - to poverty, bright - to triumph. Darkness in Tsvetkov's dream book is a symbol of the unknown, the unknown. Therefore, a dark room may portend unexpected news.

Any room is an explanation of your emotional state, that is, a dream about a dark room is already the result of what you are now feeling, your state of mind is on this moment. The dark room symbolizes the darkness and twilight of your soul. This is a signal to draw a conclusion and try to get out of the state of immersion in darkness and despondency.

One comment on “Dream Interpretation Dark Room, why dream of a Dark Room in a dream”

Why dream of a small room? If, despite the size, you feel comfortable in it, then in this life span, no troubles can destroy the state of happiness and balance. The dream interpretation portends a harmonious and happy life.

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Dream Interpretation Dark Room, why dream of a Dark Room in a dream

Why dream of a dark room?

What if you dream of a dark room?

After sleeping with a dark room, before interpreting, you need to remember what sensations were experienced at that moment, how scary and lonely it was. Perhaps, on the contrary, you like being in it, is there an opportunity to get out of it.

If everything is fine, there is no panic and fear, there is peace and a sense of security, then you can simply find out what the dark room is dreaming of and no longer return to this issue. In this case, a person constantly feels maternal support, he needs it, and he appreciates such help and maternal love.

Sometimes, despite the fact that the room is dark, a person knows the situation and can easily navigate the room. If he imagines a large and luxurious room, then ahead of him awaits financial well-being and material support from close relatives.

For a girl, such a dream can be a prediction of a meeting with a man who will be wealthy and generous. If the dark room is empty, a person walks and meets nothing on his way, then in life he will be disappointed. The size and layout of the room is important: small room dreams of the possibility of avoiding misfortune at the last minute, and unusual walls or the perimeter of the room - to success and good luck.

What portends?

It is important to remember about your physical condition, which was in a dream. If it is warm and cozy, then you just need to find a way out of the current situation, cold and a feeling of discomfort - to a dead end and loneliness, only meeting a person who is close in spirit will help.

If a dark room is abandoned, there are a lot of cobwebs and dirt in it, you can feel unpleasant odors, then a person is attracted to everything unknown and unusual, he may become interested in black magic and communication with dark forces, in some cases this happens unconsciously.

If there are no such preferences, then such a dream can predict a serious illness or death of a person.

Seeing a dark room in a dream is a warning or positive sign that you need to learn how to interpret correctly. In rare cases, he predicts tragedy and misfortune. If there was no danger, then perhaps you just need to visit your mother.

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dream interpretation

dark room room

Dream Interpretation Dark Room Room dreamed of why in a dream a dark room is a room? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a dark room in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation Dark rooms, rooms without an exit, why dream of Dark rooms, rooms without an exit in a dream to see

From this article, you can find out why Dark Rooms are dreaming, rooms without exit from the dream books of various authors. What does what you see mean, the analysis of dreams on the Lenormand cards will tell you. And even more accurately, the lunar calendar will help to understand the dream.

Why dream of Dark rooms, rooms without an exit: interpretation of sleep according to 75 dream books

Dream interpretation of psychologist D. Loff

Why does the dreamer dream of Dark rooms, rooms with no way out, psychological analysis:

Dark rooms, rooms without an exit - A room without an exit represents the mother's womb. The appearance of such a room in dreams reflects the conflict of authoritarianism and dependence between the mother and you.

Try to determine if you are safe in this room and enjoy being there, or maybe you are being unnecessarily kept for other purposes.

Do you want to get out of the room or is it your salvation from the potential dangers prepared by the world?

Dark rooms - Is the room a pleasant or painful place for you to stay? The answers to these questions are essential for interpretation. What do you feel in a dark room - peace and tranquility or fear and confusion? The feeling of peace symbolizes shelter or maternal support. Fear and confusion may indicate the loss of authority (yours or mother's) during the archetypal formation of personality, threaten to change roles.

What is the dream of Dark rooms, rooms with no exit on the days of the week:

Whether the night vision will come true depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and what time of day the dream occurred.

  • If you dream of Dark rooms, rooms without exit in a dream from Sunday to Monday
  • What is the dream of Dark rooms, rooms without access according to the dream book from Monday to Tuesday
  • If you dream of Dark rooms, rooms without exit from Tuesday to Wednesday
  • If you dream of Dark rooms, rooms without exit according to the dream book from Wednesday to Thursday
  • What is the dream of Dark rooms, rooms without exit from Thursday to Friday
  • If you dream of Dark rooms, rooms without exit in a dream from Friday to Saturday
  • Why dream Dark rooms, rooms without exit in a dream from Saturday to Sunday

Wed November 16, 2011, 05:06:21 PM

Dark rooms, rooms without an exit in the dream book. Tell your dream:

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What did the room dream about?

at the Women's Club!

Have you heard the expression: someone else's soul is darkness? In dreams, the subconscious mind opens our eyes to the state of our own soul.

It is not surprising that many people are particularly impressed by vivid dreams with a house or apartment that personifies our personality.

But why is the room dreaming? Look into the dream book: the room symbolizes one, quite specific aspect of life, which facilitates the interpretation of sleep and provides a lot of opportunities for positive changes in fate.

Exterior view of the room

A room in a dream is a fairly clear description of the current state of affairs. Some people are confused by a dark or empty room, but such spaces mean that you are subconsciously ready for change, and soon life will be filled with new events, meetings and hobbies.

Furnished spaces mean attachment to a certain level of comfort, communication with the usual social circle.

The condition of the premises - how to interpret?

What a room is dreaming of can be understood by its decoration - furniture, design, lighting, the presence of people or animals in it.

1. Gloomy room. The dark room indicates the parts of life that you pay the least attention to.

  • What items are in the room?
  • How beautiful are they or, on the contrary, broken?
  • What area of ​​activity do they belong to? Personal relationships, creativity, career?

After such a dream, it is highly desirable to pay special attention to one direction for several months, trying to transform it as much as possible.

2. Empty space. Seeing an empty room is a great sign! Especially before changing jobs, starting a new relationship, or moving.

Emptiness in a dream means the presence of inexhaustible possibilities in reality. Nothing limits you or pulls you back. Probably some significant stage has ended, you have rethought a lot and are quite ready to move on!

3. Unfamiliar room. Often dreams reflect the features of our interaction with other people. An unfamiliar room demonstrates your social interaction skills.

  • A beautiful and elegant room means that you have already created a circle of loyal associates.
  • Dirty and neglected speaks of the need to improve social contacts.

Soon you will be able to meet many interesting and useful people. Try to dress brighter and present your best sides in communication with any person.

4. Secret, hidden room. What is the dream of a room hidden from prying eyes? A secluded corner means your hidden desires, cherished dreams and plans. Dreamed of a secluded room? A cherished dream will come true soon!

5. Furnished room.

  • In a dream, an unfamiliar room is full of antique furniture? Expect pleasant surprises from close friends. Noble decoration means that soon you will receive lucrative offers of cooperation from wealthy older people.
  • Brand new furniture warns of innovation, unexpected business projects that can be extremely successful.

The degree of tidiness of a room always means how important a particular area of ​​life is to you. A dirty one speaks of indifference, and a clean one speaks of a high priority.

A dark room in a dream symbolizes the most hidden corner of the soul. It reflects the depressed mood, depression and personal fears of the dreamer. In addition, it is a sign of failure, confusing and gloomy circumstances. The dream book will help you find out what exactly this dream image is dreaming of.

What are you afraid of?

It is necessary to start the interpretation of sleep from the main element. Darkness in a dream marks a loss of life orientation, unwillingness to change anything or fear of change, certain actions.

Glamor you have or not, but at home you can have it if you want. Dare with a hole in the headboard wall and blue wallpaper; They can be your bets to get the charm and the exposure you deserve to sleep. Choose shades of white and beige for walls, bedding and upholstery in linen and cotton. They will bring warmth and brightness throughout your stay.

Perhaps this would have been Heidi's bedroom if she still lived in the Alps today.

Real shelter. To get the amplitude, architect Christina Carbonell whitewashed the pine wall and ceiling and built a headboard as it delimits the seating area and dressing room. The offer is prepared by two light metal tables and two deflections.

Dreamed of a dark room? The world around you scares you so much that you are ready to hide from it for the rest of your life. But the dream book reminds: the reason for these fears is most often contrived and lies inside, and does not come from outside.


Why dream of hopeless darkness yet? Perhaps in a dream you foresee the arrival of trouble, trouble, a situation that has real threat. A dream means that the further development of events practically does not depend on you.

The mirror cabinet can be good decision if every morning you have a home competition to take a bath. You will see how you look your best with the natural light that comes in through the window and floods every corner thanks to the mirrors. The room gets warm with wooden furniture, fibrous carpet and a mixture of toast and white tones.

You have books everywhere and you don't know where to store them, do you? Well, very a good option- take advantage of one of the bedroom walls to create a custom. The key is to maintain order, place books with style, and not overcrowding. You will have a very illustrated bedroom!

Dreamed of pitch darkness? The dream interpretation suspects that you have come under a serious influence that suppresses the will. Moreover, it can influence real person, and an otherworldly entity or even a certain program negative character(evil eye, corruption, love spell, curse, etc.).

Open your eyes!

Why do you dream of a dark room most often? Dream Interpretation believes that third-party support or protection is vital for you.

We are the place where we are born, the place where we grew up, in the room where we are. With this philosophy, photographer James Mollison has been depicting the corners where the children of this world sleep for many years. A gallery that shapes inequality. And the courage with which little people look at life. We are the land where we were born from what we imagine. The Portuguese writer José Saramago said: We are the earth, the house, the room, smells, tastes, sounds, the tree under the window, school notebooks, books, parents and friends, lived through space and Construction Materials rooms that are visible in these images, you can guess the situation in which they live and grow, Environment, the country to which some and others of those photographed belong.

Did you happen to see another character in a dream in a room without light? Perhaps it is you who should literally “open” his eyes to something important.

Had a dream that you got lost in an unlit room and could not get out of it? Life circumstances will become even worse, and you risk making unforgivable mistakes.

Through details and objects: there are wallpapers on walls and floors, flags, weapons, toys, designer furniture, goats, slave labor hammers, portraits of fraternal martyrs or mao, guitars, judo trophies, fairy tales, queen crowns, rugs, a shabby sofa or mattress on the ground, bunk beds, metal fence tent, piled up clothes, dolls, tribal decorations, rubbish, posters, high ceilings or wood or metal or Urals or homestead, homeless, plastic boxes with a name to keep a few things orphans or large wardrobes ready for the abundance of the only and rich son?

According to Miller

Miller's dream book is sure: even just seeing an unlit room is bad. The appearance of this image in a dream means that you can get seriously and permanently ill.


Did you dream that you suddenly found yourself in complete darkness? Failure will haunt you in any endeavor. Happened to lose someone in dark room? An outburst of unjustified anger will lead to a quarrel and parting.

"My bed was my personal kingdom, my room reflected my personality." It took him four long years to complete it, during which he has "no plan or agenda but curiosity and interest in stories". He traveled where he could, often on other assignments. "And many of the photographs are the product of chance encounters," he says in the book. Encounters like Kaya, with whom he once stumbled through the streets of Shibuya. He went with his mother, dressed as she looks here, a doll: "I have already visited several rich houses, but the bedrooms were small, disappointing."

However, a dark room in which you could not see anything in a dream calls for the development of other ways of knowing the world (hearing, touch, clairvoyance, etc.).

More details

Why else dream of a dark room? The dream book advises to remember as many details as possible.

  • Without doors and windows - loneliness, a dead end.
  • Close, small - a difficult situation.
  • Large, spacious - the uncertainty of the future.
  • Empty, in the web - dark desires, black magic, death of a loved one.
  • Cluttered, forced - attachments, duties.
  • Look for a way out - the search for opportunities, self-knowledge.

Everything will be alright!

Why dream of a gloomy, dark room in which the light suddenly turned on? Through numerous mistakes, you will pass the tests sent by fate, and you will certainly know happiness.

This room, but if his father - Railway, Kaya dismantled the idea that wealth equals luxury, he says on e-mail. When he was dismantled by poverty in Alyssa West, in the heart of Kentucky, when he saw the roof of his shack falling apart with no remedy, or an anonymous Romanian boy who slept on outdoors in Rome. They show the universe of everyone, in particular, and childhood in general, because it can be extrapolated to almost 500 million children that exist today and even to those who were one day: here and so you live, therefore you sleep, it is with you , that's how you dress, how are you? comes to tell Mollison.

If you dreamed that in pitch darkness you feel relatively comfortable and are not afraid of anything, then the dream book does not advise you to worry.

Very soon, there will be an improvement in life literally “on all fronts”, because it is known that the darkest time comes just before dawn.

Our experts will help you find out what the Dark Room is dreaming of in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

You move from one photo to another, like the doors you open, look and look, for example, Lei Lai, four years old, who lives in orphanage in Mae Sot as a Burmese refugee who is in big room, which serves as a school day and dining room, and at night turns into a bedroom. She and her 21 companions, at dusk, carefully separate tables, scatter rugs, and lie down together to sleep and dream.

The Declaration of the Rights of Man was read. His first article says, "We are all born equal." A noble intention, but completely false. He knew that thousands of juveniles die every day without even finishing five years; one billion who are victims of any kind of violence; 24% of them in western countries like Spain who are at risk of poverty? "There's something very intimate about the space where you sleep, it's the addition of an extra layer to the portrait," says Mollison.

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    Which room should have a children's room?

    Each child's room should be large enough and light enough. So if you have a choice of two rooms different size, choose the smaller one for the bedroom and increase its size for the child. You will sleep only in the bedroom, but your offspring in the room spends not only the night, but also the day. Even if you don't have a bigger budget in family budget that you would invest in a makeover or a complete establishment, believe they can almost work wonders.

    The soul of a child is beautiful, fantasy is overflowing, and we must keep it happy and happy. This is a great color for us. First, imagine the spirit of the room you intend to arrange, and then choose colors and motifs. if you have white furniture, you can use thicker pastel color on the contrary, if the furniture is dark, the room glows with bright colors.

    Hello. Dreamed tonight weird dream. I am in a dark room in a house in the village where I lived all my youth. The room is dark and only a little light enters the room through the window; a lantern on a pole shines on the street. I'm lying, either on the bed or on the couch. Suddenly, next to me, I see my mother in her old sweater, which she has been wearing for a very long time. And she says to me: “... I warned you. I told you." I can hardly move, I hardly turn my head in her direction. And almost through my strength I pronounce ma ... Mom ... At this moment I wake up from a very bad feeling ... What could it mean

    Think of two spaces that every child's room should have - a sleeping area and a second play area. Other needs, of course, are a newborn baby, another four-year-old, and another ten-year-old girl. Children tend to sleep in a dark room. Some of them need brightened lamps, other open doors or a stream of stars, moon and sheep, on a wall or ceiling that shines in the dark. They are made of phosphorescent material and shine after dark in the dark.

    Keep in mind that the color you choose, although it doesn't seem like it, can influence and influence the child. It has been scientifically proven that children do not sleep well in yellow-painted rooms. According to psychologists, your child can tell you what colors they feel. Just follow his reactions when you visit a blue, red, or green room. In any case, his age should not be underestimated. He does not yet understand and does not understand this, and such statements are incorrect.

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    Hello Tatiana.
    Sometimes my dreams disturb me.
    I was in my room. It's night outside. I get out of bed and realize that the room I'm in only looks like mine, but it's not. The curtains are torn, the wallpaper is torn, the glass is broken. Only the bed is ok. My cat is lying next to me, she is frightened and looks into open door which leads to the corridor. I start peering into the darkness and realize that someone is looking at me. I'm scared, but the voice in my head tells me to get out of bed and go to the window, but fear takes over and I stay in bed, hugging the cat with one hand, and squeezing the edge of the blanket with the other.
    The voice in my head still tells me to go to the window, gradually turning into the cry of an angry person. Anger begins to overwhelm my body... But this feeling quickly changes to anxiety. From the darkness, everyone is also looking, only there are more pairs of eyes ... I'm scared and I drive into a corner. The voice never disappears.
    Again a feeling of anger, hatred, aggression. And then I see myself (from the outside). I get out of bed and walk to the window, my hands clenched into fists. Having taken a couple of steps, I stop and turn towards the bed, looks at me and tells me to watch. A creature emerges from the darkness. It looks like a person, but it is not a person ... He pounces on my copy, but she is not afraid, she starts to beat him.
    I feel the anger she feels, feel my fists hit something. Then a couple of such creatures fly out of the darkness ...
    At this point, I woke up.
    Please interpret this dream. He has been haunting me for several months now.

    Also, a child who has already drawn himself can tell quite clearly which colors he prefers. Just take his paintings to the rescue. Here it will be clear which colors are his favorites. Next, we follow the psychology of child temperament. To calm overactive children, shades of lighter, cooler shades of blue, green-blue or purple are brought in. Bright colours colors such as orange, yellow, red and purple stimulate children and give them a sense of warmth. Designers recommend choosing a maximum of three colors - one color is distinctive and two are boring.

    At first I saw myself in a brightly lit room, I stood at the entrance and on both sides there were two refrigerators on which parrots were sitting in some Toli boxes in their nests. On the left side, two parrots are full and grated carrots with millet are a lot of food. And on the right, one parrot and some strange songbird, and they sat without food and hungry. I took a handful of food from some parrots with my hand and put food to others. From left to right. Then suddenly the room became impenetrably dark and some woman stood at the window and flung it open. A bright light poured into the room. And that songbird on the right side suddenly turned out to be a black crow. She flew up and flew out the window. And I woke up.

    Hello Tatiana! My name is Elena, I am 39 years old. I'll try to remember in more detail what I dreamed about .... “I am in a strange house, I just went into the room .... it is gloomy and quiet in it. At this moment, I am talking on the phone with my head of the department and I understand that I am, as it were, in her house and I am there, I need to take something for her. What exactly - I do not remember. I have a feeling that there is someone else besides me, but I don’t see him ... I wave my hand and stumble upon something alive and invisible. I’m shaking, afraid, cold, and I wake up ... ”This dream didn’t return during the night, but I also dreamed something like that, but only this was remembered. I have dreams about other world and I'm afraid of them. Explain, please, what it can mean. Thanks

    I was invited to work for some gatherings when I arrived the room was so dark that nothing could be seen in it I stood in front of the threshold in a very lit place, the light did not penetrate the room, the darkness did not spread beyond the threshold, I tried to see at least something for a long time, but so and then I didn’t see the room became bright and it had a completely renewed atmosphere with my employees and someone new, I sat down on the edge

    a dark room in someone else's house, there is a lot of furniture in it, but I can navigate the house very well, I don’t stumble on anything in the dark. I go into the kitchen and see movement in the hallway with peripheral vision, although I am sure that I am alone in the house. I go to the hallway and again I see a dark silhouette that runs out of the house, I try to run after it and remove the carpet cracker from the wall (as something that can be protected, brushed aside), my legs and arms do not obey well, I do everything very slowly, with difficulty , I still go out landing... I see only the stairs and scream ....

    Well, let's try. In my dream, I was in a room with my classmates, it became dark (the walls and floor were dark and blue), everyone huddled into one pile, and in keyhole was yellow light. But then quiet footsteps were heard and the light disappeared. Nastya (a classmate) quietly whispered: "Someone is coming .." We stood like that for a while in a semi-squat, and then the girl's face appeared right in front of my eyes, black spots instead of eyes, a mouth is not visible, and apart from this face I did not see anything (as as if the monitor screen was covered by this picture with a face on a dark gray background). Everything was pressing on my head, as if it was being squeezed, I always try to scream, but it doesn’t come out, instead of screaming, there is pain in my head. After that, I wake up with this pain, which goes away very quickly, later I look around the room and soon fall asleep. A little crazy, but what can you do?

    I dreamed about how I was sitting in a dark room in which there were no windows, it was terribly scary and lonely. I remember even crying because there was no one around (although I am a loner in life), but then the door opens. My childhood friend appeared there (who recently admitted to me that from the first time we met she was in love with me, although I don’t understand whether I love her or not ...) and says “Seryozha, are you here?”. I did not have time to answer as she looked at me and approached. Sitting down, she smiled, extended her hand and said, “Come with me, I will get you out of this gloomy life.” Then she pulled me along with her, and then as we left the room, it became so easy on my soul and pleased that someone saved me from loneliness.
    Then a bright light appeared and those memories that happened to me and my girlfriend flooded. Not having time to finish one memory as I woke up ....
    Help me understand my dream, or is it just my conscience that wants to convey something to me?

    Hello! I am in my apartment. Night. Dark. I'm scared. I'm trying to turn on the light. Does not work. I run from room to room, frantically knocking on the switches. Sometimes I still finally turn on the light, sometimes I wake up in horror. I dream about it several times a year.

    I was in the room. there was an arch opposite me, it was fenced off. There was another arch to my left, I looked a little and saw the TV turned on. I knew for sure that someone was sitting there and watching TV, but I was afraid to look.

    Hello. My dream began with me simply flying towards the sun. Through the clouds And when I finally got to it, it was gone. There was only darkness everywhere. A dark room. And in the center is a small monitor. As I understand it, the room received people after death. And I remember how I was standing near this monitor, and on it was a map of the world. And I was asked to choose any country, any city where I would like to live in the future. And the dream was thought out to the smallest detail. They even had their own system. Behind good deeds coins were accumulated, some of which could then be taken for a “new” life, and their number would be equal to my salary. I still remember how I screamed, I didn’t want to new life. And then he woke up crying

    I dreamed of a lot of bleeding and a dark room against a lot of people laughing in another room, parents somehow disappeared, some strangers around the house in the garden, children playing foodball, that dark room was mom and dad some stranger rustling near the house ...

    Good afternoon! I am 24 years old, not married. From Wednesday to Thursday (today) I had a dream, I was standing in a large room with a luxurious renovation, the walls were dark like expensive wallpaper, the floors were dark parquet, and a huge golden chandelier on the entire ceiling, there was no furniture and people around, but I seemed to admire . Thanks in advance for the clarification.

    I walked through an empty, abandoned building, the corridor was dark, I walked for a long time, saw the room, went into it, it was empty, dark and creepy. I went out in the middle rooms and door closed abruptly, I tried to open it, but my attempts were in vain. it was dark in the room, it was night outside, moonlight penetrated the window, then I heard a newborn baby cry, he cried very hard. I couldn’t leave the room, I sat in corner and thought “why is this with me?”. I sat like that for half an hour, then woke up from the fact that the alarm clock on the phone rang.

    Hello! Help decipher the dream. I had a close relationship with a man. We broke up with him. But after some time he called me and said that he had feelings for me. As I understand it, he did not forget me, and I, in turn, did not forget him. But due to past grievances, we could not improve relations and I said goodbye to him. Then I have a dream. I am with him in his room. The room is very small, cramped, the door is closed, the light bulb shines dimly. The room is bachelor-style and there is one single chair for one person. The room is hot. I open the door a little to get some air. It gets easier. But I think that the door should be closed, so I close it tightly. After that, such a fever sets in that sweat broke out on my forehead. I wipe the sweat from my forehead with my hand, and HE says to me, "Open the door." And then only I open the whole door and stop feeling the heat. And behind the door of the canopy, there is more light. The door to the street is covered with a gray curtain, which blows away from the draft. And then I sit down in that very only chair and tell him, “Well, what are we going to plan?” And woke up.

A dark room in which there is no exit, according to astrologers, is associated with the mother's womb. If a person is inside, then a conflict with his mother occurs or will arise in the near future, he will be oppressed by maternal authoritarianism, a desire to become independent will appear.

What if you dream of a dark room?

After sleeping with a dark room, before interpreting, you need to remember what sensations were experienced at that moment, how scary and lonely it was. Perhaps, on the contrary, you like being in it, is there an opportunity to get out of it.

If everything is fine, there is no panic and fear, there is peace and a sense of security, then you can simply find out what the dark room is dreaming of and no longer return to this issue. In this case, a person constantly feels maternal support, he needs it, and he appreciates such help and maternal love.

It is necessary to pay attention, if it is unpleasant in the room, it means that there are problems in the family, first of all, with the mother. Such dreams often come to teenagers during the formation of an independent personality. At this time, the mother begins to lose unconditional authority.

Sometimes, despite the fact that the room is dark, a person knows the situation and can easily navigate the room. If he imagines a large and luxurious room, then financial well-being and material support from close relatives await him ahead.

For a girl, such a dream can be a prediction of a meeting with a man who will be wealthy and generous. If the dark room is empty, a person walks and meets nothing on his way, then in life he will be disappointed. The size and layout of the room is important: a small room dreams of an opportunity to avoid misfortune at the last minute, and unusual walls or the perimeter of the room - to success and good luck.

What portends?

It is important to remember about your physical condition, which was in a dream. If it is warm and cozy, then you just need to find a way out of the current situation, cold and a feeling of discomfort - to a dead end and loneliness, only meeting a person who is close in spirit will help.

If a dark room is abandoned, there is a lot of cobwebs and dirt in it, unpleasant odors are felt, then a person is attracted to everything unknown and unusual, he may become interested in black magic and communication with dark forces, in some cases this happens unconsciously.

If there are no such preferences, then such a dream can predict a serious illness or death of a person.

If a person in a dream finds a way out of a dark room, then he will be able to solve all his problems and find happiness. It is not important to remember the emotions that were present at that moment. Do not worry if there was no panic and fear, such a dream will not bring anything bad.

Seeing a dark room in a dream is a warning or positive sign that you need to learn how to interpret correctly. In rare cases, he predicts tragedy and misfortune. If there was no danger, then perhaps you just need to visit your mother.

A dark room in a dream symbolizes the most hidden corner of the soul. It reflects the depressed mood, depression and personal fears of the dreamer. In addition, it is a sign of failure, confusing and gloomy circumstances. The dream book will help you find out what exactly this dream image is dreaming of.

What are you afraid of?

It is necessary to start the interpretation of sleep from the main element. Darkness in a dream marks a loss of life orientation, unwillingness to change anything or fear of change, certain actions.

Dreamed of a dark room? The world around you scares you so much that you are ready to hide from it for the rest of your life. But the dream book reminds: the reason for these fears is most often contrived and lies inside, and does not come from outside.


Why dream of hopeless darkness yet? Perhaps in a dream you foresee the arrival of trouble, trouble, a situation that has a real threat. A dream means that the further development of events practically does not depend on you.

Dreamed of pitch darkness? The dream interpretation suspects that you have come under a serious influence that suppresses the will. Moreover, both a real person and an otherworldly entity or even a certain program of a negative nature (evil eye, damage, love spell, curse, etc.) can act.

Open your eyes!

Why do you dream of a dark room most often? Dream Interpretation believes that third-party support or protection is vital for you.

Did you happen to see another character in a dream in a room without light? Perhaps it is you who should literally “open” his eyes to something important.

Had a dream that you got lost in an unlit room and could not get out of it? Life circumstances will become even worse, and you risk making unforgivable mistakes.

According to Miller

Miller's dream book is sure: even just seeing an unlit room is bad. The appearance of this image in a dream means that you can get seriously and permanently ill.


Did you dream that you suddenly found yourself in complete darkness? Failure will haunt you in any endeavor. Did you happen to lose someone in a dark room? An outburst of unjustified anger will lead to a quarrel and parting.

However, a dark room in which you could not see anything in a dream calls for the development of other ways of knowing the world (hearing, touch, clairvoyance, etc.).

More details

Why else dream of a dark room? The dream book advises to remember as many details as possible.

  • Without doors and windows - loneliness, a dead end.
  • Close, small - a difficult situation.
  • Large, spacious - the uncertainty of the future.
  • Empty, in the web - dark desires, black magic, death of a loved one.
  • Cluttered, forced - attachments, duties.
  • Look for a way out - the search for opportunities, self-knowledge.

Everything will be alright!

Why dream of a gloomy, dark room in which the light suddenly turned on? Through numerous mistakes, you will pass the tests sent by fate, and you will certainly know happiness.

If you dreamed that in pitch darkness you feel relatively comfortable and are not afraid of anything, then the dream book does not advise you to worry.

Very soon, there will be an improvement in life literally “on all fronts”, because it is known that the darkest time comes just before dawn.