How to remove the smell from the refrigerator? How to remove an unpleasant smell from the refrigerator: top tools available to everyone Why does the smell appear in the refrigerator

This note is intended for those who do not know how to remove the smell from the refrigerator at home.

Let's figure it out together!


The most common The reasons for the appearance of an unpleasant smell in the refrigerator are:

Now let's find out how to get rid of these odors already.

Ways to eliminate odor

The easiest and most effective way to get rid of unpleasant odors is to thorough washing of the refrigerator.

Wait! Let me guess. Would you like to do without washing?

Without washing, only odor absorbers can help to some extent (which will be discussed a little later), but they are, in our opinion, a half measure.

We need to find the source of the stench. Find and defuse!

So let's continue.

  • We turn off the equipment from the electrical network, we take out all the products, immediately throwing out the spoiled ones.
  • In the most meticulous way wash all the walls, pallet, seals.
  • It is allowed to use special household chemicals, laundry soap.
  • We wash and dry all shelves, drawers, trays well.

If the scent is too strong and you don't want to use chemicals, you can use proven folk remedies:

  • Vinegar. Dilute it with water in equal proportions and wipe the previously washed walls, shelves, seals and drawers with a solution. It is necessary to leave the doors open for a short time so that the smell disappears.
  • Lemon juice. We dilute its tablespoon with alcohol in a ratio of 1:10 or with water (1:2). Freshly peeled peel of any citrus will help to fix the effect.
  • Ammonia. Add one tablespoon of ammonia per liter of water, wiping all the insides of the refrigerator with the resulting solution.

Now you know how to remove the smell from the refrigerator at home, but how to prevent unpleasant odors from reappearing is also important.

Wash frequency depends on the type of cooling system.

Equipment with should be processed 2-3 times a year, while a drip system will require monthly such procedures.

Let's repeat again that spoiled foods should be thrown away immediately, and spilled juices, compote, milk, broths should be wiped instantly.

You can leave a cracker of black bread or cut raw potatoes on a plate, periodically changing them.

activated carbon, calcined in the oven, or a cup of ground coffee(most inexpensive) also tend to absorb odors.

In the freshness zone (lower vegetable tray), crumpled thick paper will help remove the musty smell.

You can use more modern methods.

The ultraviolet germicidal lamp effectively kills growing microorganisms, mold and fungus, not only eliminating unpleasant odors, but also prolonging the freshness of products.

Odor absorbers

Purifiers and odor absorbers are small devices whose purpose is to freshen the air in refrigerators.

There are models that are additionally equipped with an ionization function.

Operating principle similar to an air filter. Air flows are drawn into the device and passed through the filter element.
Modern cleaners remove about 96% of all kinds of bacteria.

FACT! Modern cleaners remove about 96% of all kinds of bacteria. They say that three hours of operation of the device can destroy even E. coli.

In parallel with the bacteria, the source of unpleasant odors and harmful fumes is also destroyed.

Regular operation of the device will cope with the problem of stale air many times more effectively than bread crusts and lemons.

Today, consumers are offered several types of absorbers:

Using the above recommendations, you can not only get rid of unpleasant odors in the refrigerator, but also prevent their reappearance, prolong the freshness of stored products. The tips are easy to implement, do not require much time and effort.

Perhaps some of you will say that they do not know what a bad smell in the refrigerator is. In fact, any smell is alien to the refrigerator. How many times have you removed a salad smelling of foreign smells? You don't even want to eat this dish! The reason is simple - the refrigerator was saturated with the smell of the products that were stored in it. Sometimes even in a contented clean refrigerator, which is regularly defrosted and washed, a musty smell reigns. However, not many housewives know that this trouble can be successfully dealt with!

As a rule, the cause of unpleasant odors in the refrigerator is careless operation and improper care. Many years ago, when refrigerators with automatic defrosting systems, the housewives defrosted the appliance about once every 2-3 months. Of course, after defrosting, the refrigerator was washed, wiped, dried. Modern refrigerators can work for a year without such care, but not many people think that this is at least unhygienic and even harmful! And in the instructions, by the way, it is clearly written that you need to defrost and wash this household appliance at least 2-3 times a year.

Checking the refrigerator for odors

To do this, take a small piece of butter and put it on a saucer. We carefully wrap the second piece in parchment or in a package and put everything in the refrigerator for a day or two. Then we extract the oil and taste it. If a piece that lay without packaging “gained” a smell, then you urgently need to start putting things in order. Similarly, you can test using ordinary distilled water.


Most often, the cause of the smell is a slice of old cheese, a rotten egg, a piece of sausage. To prevent this from happening, check the contents of the refrigerator more often. It is best to do this 2-3 times a week. If it doesn’t work out, then determine for yourself a day, for example, Saturday, when you will shift the contents of the refrigerator and throw out everything that has gone bad. Do not leave food that you will no longer eat. Often in the refrigerator there are halves of cheese curds, unfinished milk bags, expired vegetables or cut onions. As a rule, all this is forgotten, and in the refrigerator it turns into a realm of smells.

If you store a jar of pickled cucumbers, then it must be covered, otherwise all products will smell of marinade. Including those that you were not going to throw away.

Remember that a new refrigerator will take a long time to deplete the smell of plastic, so you will have to be patient for a while. Well, if you have the opportunity to simply plug the device into the network and let it work for a month without food. A solution of baking soda will somewhat alleviate the chemical smell, with which you need to wash all the details.

Eliminate odors

To get rid of the unpleasant smell that "settled" in your refrigerator, you need to use one of the tips that we will offer you.

Before cleaning the refrigerator, remove everything that was stored there. Now carefully clean all surfaces, corners, elastic bands - it is there that food residues often accumulate, which then give an unpleasant odor. Now you have to wash all the trays and limiters. If there is a smell in the refrigerator, then you need to wash all the elements and parts not with plain soapy water, but add citric acid or soda to it. Never use shampoo, powder or other household chemicals that are not intended for washing items related to products. The reason is that the chemical smell will remain and the food will absorb it.

Did the sealant lose its qualities? Then pour boiling water over it - the rubber will return its qualities.

Often the cause of a musty smell is water, in which bacteria multiply. That is, try to make sure that water does not stagnate in your refrigerator.

With an unpleasant smell without defrosting and washing, ordinary coal will help to cope. If you put it in the refrigerator for several hours, extraneous odors will be absorbed.

Soda can also serve as an absorbent: pour it into a container with holes and leave it in the refrigerator. You will have to fill up a new portion about once every two weeks.

Sliced ​​bread and rice grains will fulfill the same goals.

You should not heed the advice that the walls of the refrigerator should be rubbed with garlic or onions - nothing good will come of it!

And if you are too lazy to deal with the refrigerator and put things in order in it, then buy yourself special blisters to eliminate the smell in the refrigerator!


Be sure to ventilate the refrigerator after you've washed it. If this is not done, then unpleasant odors will return very quickly.

Here are some simple tips to help keep your refrigerator clean and odor-free!

The topic of unpleasant smell from the refrigerator does not cease to excite responsible housewives. Even the owners of newfangled models with a self-defrosting system are not immune from this trouble. You can't let everything go by itself. Something needs to be done so that all the food is not saturated with unpleasant odors. It is possible to remove the smell from the refrigerator, but first you need to figure out what caused it.

Deodorizers in the fridge

You can remove the bad smell from the refrigerator without even unplugging it from the mains. For this, odor absorbers or fragrances are used. Many of them are always at hand in the kitchen of every housewife. To remove unwanted odor from the refrigerator at home, use:

  • pieces of black bread;
  • rice cereal;
  • onion, potato or apple. The selected flavor is cut into medium pieces and changed every 2-3 days;
  • spices;
  • citrus fruit zest, lemon or orange slices;
  • coffee grounds or roasted coffee beans;
  • sugar or salt;
  • corks - to effectively eliminate the smell, you need several pieces;
  • crushed activated carbon;
  • a container with a solution of soda;
  • oat bran.

There are also industrial remedies for bad odors. Some of them not only eliminate the unpleasant odor, but also the very reason for its appearance - putrefactive bacteria. These include the ionizer for the refrigerator. This is a small device that ozonates the air. As a result, odor molecules are eliminated and food is stored longer than usual.

Helium granules have proven themselves well. They completely rid the refrigerator of the smell of plastic or pronounced aromas of food in 1 day. But they need to be changed every 1.5 months. Cheaper absorbent options are silica gel balls and activated charcoal odor eliminator. Takes them for 3 months. They cope with their task effectively, but longer - in 5-7 days.

The main condition for the absence of amber in the refrigerator is to keep it clean. If everything is fine with this, and strange smells still appear, choose an odor absorber to your taste. Both industrial and household products effectively remove unpleasant odors. They differ only in price and ease of use.

Causes of Bad Smell in the Refrigerator

Even good owners sometimes face the fact that their refrigerator starts to stink. The source of the problem is not always easy to find. The most common causes of smell from the refrigerator are as follows:

  • spoiled products;
  • poorly washed food containers;
  • leftover food on the walls of the refrigerator that got there by accident;
  • mold;
  • device malfunctions - problems in the ventilation system;
  • incorrectly set temperature;
  • the refrigerator is new - production standards were not observed, and there was a strong smell of plastic;
  • blockage in the hole for draining melt water.

Having found out the cause of the unpleasant odor, we proceed to eliminate it.

How to wash the refrigerator from the smell inside

It happens that immediately after purchasing a refrigerator, it has a specific aroma. Many buyers report an unpleasant smell of plastic. Do not assume that it will disappear on its own after a while. So that they do not soak fresh food, the unit is washed inside and out before turning it on. To do this, use water with soda or dishwashing detergent. All parts must dry before turning on. An unpleasant odor can also come from the condensate tray. In some models, it is hidden by the back panel of the refrigerator. In this case, it must be removed and thoroughly cleaned.

During operation, the device requires regular cleaning. In older models, a thin layer of frost quickly forms on the walls. When its thickness reaches 1 cm, it is necessary to defrost and hygienically clean the refrigerator. The unit is disconnected from the network and wait until, as a result of thawing, all the ice turns into water and drains into special trays. It is important to ensure that water does not get on the electrical parts of the appliance.

The advent of new technologies has simplified the process of maintaining the refrigerator. But even devices with the No Frost system need high-quality washing 2-3 times a year, and a unit with drip defrosting every month.

Whatever the class of the device, the principles of cleaning in it are the same. The refrigerator is turned off, food is removed, shelves and containers are pulled out and cleaned. All surfaces are wiped with a cloth soaked in a solution of water with a drop of dish detergent, and then again with plain water. The drain hole should also be cleaned. Before loading products, the unit must be completely dry and ventilated for 1-2 hours. Wash all food containers and pots thoroughly. Get rid of stale food.

If the smell appeared after storing too fragrant foods (garlic, fish, etc.), improvised cleaning products come to the rescue:

  • a solution of vinegar with water in a ratio of 1: 1;
  • water with lemon juice;
  • ammonia for wiping already cleaned surfaces;
  • a solution of baking soda in warm water (3 to 6 tablespoons per glass);
  • a weak solution of potassium permanganate well eliminates the rotten smell;
  • fishy aroma is removed by wiping the surface of the refrigerator with beer;

Remove mold from refrigerator

If the ventilation system in the unit is damaged, condensation will accumulate on the walls, increasing the humidity in the refrigerator chamber. This can lead to mold growth. They also appear due to long-term storage of products that gradually rot. This lack of hygiene leads to the fact that the refrigerator begins to smell bad, and the food becomes dangerous to human health.

The following remedies will help remove mold:

  • bleach containing sodium hypochlorite. It is diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 10. Blackened surfaces are wiped with a solution, then with clean water and a dry cloth. The refrigerator is left open all day in a well-ventilated area;
  • hydrogen peroxide. Undiluted peroxide is applied to the affected areas with a sponge. Then rinse with water and wipe dry;
  • saturated solution with laundry soap;
  • ammonia to remove mold from glass surfaces;
  • table vinegar. Apply to the surface with a fungus for 1 hour, and then rinse with water. The procedure is carried out 1 time per week.

Video: how to quickly eliminate an unpleasant smell in the refrigerator?

Video: how to quickly remove an unpleasant smell in the refrigerator?

Video: how to get rid of the smell in the refrigerator?

Have you ever encountered an unpleasant smell coming from the refrigerator? Most likely repeatedly. It doesn’t matter if the refrigerator is new or old, an unpleasant smell can occur suddenly and there are a number of reasons for this.

Why does the refrigerator smell bad and what should be done in this case?

First you need to establish the cause of the origin of the smell, what smells: freon, rotten meat, other products. Even if you store food properly in special containers and compartments, the appearance of an unpleasant smell can suddenly upset you.

Places and probable causes of the smell of rotten meat:

  • meat or fish left for a long time in a compartment with zero temperature, designed to store fresh food;
  • freezer;
  • food storage containers;
  • often the cause of the smell is in the material that insulates the walls of the refrigerator.

The case of eliminating the rotten smell from the insulating material inside the walls of the refrigerator is one of the most difficult. Who hasn’t left the refrigerator with groceries on for a long time before leaving? A sudden power surge in your absence causes the refrigerator to stop. Frozen foods will melt, their juice will flow along the walls, penetrate into the walls. In this case, to eliminate the smell, it is inevitable to replace the thermal insulation material.

If the cause of the unpleasant odor cannot be found inside the refrigerator on your own, all that remains is to call a specialist. An experienced master will establish and eliminate the cause of the stink.

The main causes of bad breath are:

  1. Damaged products. Unpleasant odors can come from packaged foods if they have passed their expiration date. An ordinary egg, which has an imperceptible crack, emits a stench that is barely perceptible at first.
  2. When buying products, you should carefully check the packaging. A product that was on the shelf in the store next to the leaked product can be brought home in dirty packaging.
  3. Liquid food (milk, kefir, soups, borscht) that has fallen on the shelves of the refrigerator must be removed immediately, otherwise it will become a source of odor.
  4. A refrigerator with the door closed, left unplugged for a long time, may smell moldy and musty. It will be difficult to get him out.

What to do to not smell

To eliminate an unpleasant odor, unplug the refrigerator, defrost and wash it. Wash better with warm water and laundry soap. Dry all surfaces thoroughly. Before turning on the refrigerator, check all the products placed in it for the integrity of the packaging and their expiration date.

The smell has not disappeared and some are wondering: maybe it smells like freon from the refrigerator? Modern freon is a refrigerant that does not smell. However, R12 freon, which smells like chloroform, is found in older models of Soviet refrigerators.

It happens that meat smells like a refrigerator if it has lain for a long time in the freezer. In this case, the meat should be soaked in a solution of vinegar, and the refrigerator should be washed using vinegar and baking soda.

Refrigerators "No frost" do not require frequent defrosting, as a "fur coat" does not grow in them. However, in order to prevent the occurrence of an unpleasant odor, they should be washed 2 times a year.

When purchasing a new refrigerator, wash all compartments with warm soapy water. This will eliminate the smell of new plastic.

The most effective ways to eliminate unpleasant odors from the refrigerator:

  1. Vinegar or citric acid, diluted 1:1 in water, will clean and deodorize the refrigerator compartment, get rid of the smell of rotten meat.
  2. A few crushed activated charcoal tablets placed on a plate in the refrigerator will absorb odors.
  3. Ammonia available in every home will perfectly clean the shelves and the air in the refrigerator. When working with ammonia, do not forget about a respirator!
  4. Ordinary soda, diluted in water to a mushy state, will wash the surfaces of the refrigerator compartment and adsorb stink.

It is important after processing the refrigerator to hold it for some time with the doors open.

Folk remedies are not always able to completely destroy the unpleasant smell from the refrigerator. In this case, a professional will help you.

The neutralizer is as natural and safe as folk remedies, but at the same time it has special properties due to which it does not mask the smell, but completely destroys it.

In order to eliminate the unpleasant smell from the refrigerator, you must:

  1. Find the source of the stink and get rid of it. Temporarily empty the refrigerator of all products, disconnect from the power supply and defrost. Drain all the water released during defrosting and clean all surfaces from visible contamination.
  2. Pull out all removable parts of the refrigerator and process them separately with a neutralizer.
  3. Apply SmellOff by spray on all surfaces of the refrigerator, including hard to reach places. On the areas that have absorbed the smell the most, it is necessary to spill the product so that it is absorbed as deeply as possible.
  4. Leave the refrigerator with the door ajar until completely dry for 12-24 hours. Please note that the product does not require rinsing with water.
  5. We ventilate.

What if the reason lies in the mold, on the walls of the refrigerator and insulating gaskets, a fungus wound up?

First, thoroughly wash the refrigerator, then use special adsorbents. Mold is a condensate growth stimulant, which contributes to an increase in humidity inside the refrigerator. The result is a fungus.

In this case, laundry soap diluted in warm water is perfect, or use a mixture of vinegar and hydrogen peroxide. It is important to carefully treat all surfaces inside the chamber and dry them well.

In emergency cases, the following tools will help to combat fungus and mold:

  • regular laundry bleach kills fungal spores;
  • hydrogen peroxide disinfects not only wounds, but also the walls of the refrigerator;
  • the glass will be cleaned and will shine after the application of ammonia;
  • purchase a special adsorbent in granules or in the form of a gel (helium is the most effective, made from algae and lemon juice);
  • special mineral salt crystal does not take up much space and absorbs odor;
  • battery powered ozonizer.

A modern arsenal of tools will help to cope with the problem and answer the question of what to do if the refrigerator smells bad. Wash the refrigerator, sort out the food, put an adsorbent in the chamber and the problem will be eliminated. The most effective is the capsule ozonator, mounted on the door of the refrigerator. If your refrigerator is large, you should purchase 2 copies. The service life of the capsule ozonizer is about 5 years. When purchasing a new refrigerator, take care of the ozonator immediately.

Look at the photo of modern products that absorb odors, choose the best option for your refrigerator. Armed with the knowledge gained, acquiring a good adsorbent, you will forever get rid of the problem of bad smell from your refrigerator.

Not so long ago, I was faced with the fact that unpleasant odors come from my refrigerator. To put it mildly, this did not please me at all. Not only did this terrifying amber spread throughout the kitchen every time I opened the refrigerator door, but also all the products acquired an absolutely nauseating aroma that completely discouraged my appetite.

There could be several reasons. First of all, I did a complete revision of the refrigerator for spoiled or stale food, since sour milk or thawed meat usually smells completely different from Chanel. When all sources of "fragrance" were eliminated, I thawed the refrigerator, washed it completely with a disinfectant to prevent bacteria and mold from growing.

Unfortunately, this didn't work for long. From this I drew some conclusions. The problem, it turns out, is that the smells of all products are mixed and this is what gives such a terrible effect. Of course, it was impossible to leave everything like that, therefore, armed with an arsenal of experienced housewives, I went to storm the refrigerator. So, let's talk about products that will reliably eliminate unwanted odors.

These products really help to get rid of the unpleasant smell in the refrigerator.


  • Weak vinegar solution(dilute 1:1 with water). Soak a cloth in the solution and wipe the refrigerator walls.
  • Ammonia would be a good alternative to vinegar. It is used in the same way, only it is not necessary to dilute with water.

The disadvantage of these two methods is that both vinegar and ammonia themselves have a very specific smell, so you can overdo it, and then you have to ventilate the refrigerator for a very long time. Therefore, I will tell you about less radical methods for solving this problem.

Folk remedies

As you can see, there are enough ways to deal with this trouble, but, in my opinion, it is easier to try to prevent it.

How to prevent the appearance and spread of odors

How I Got the Bad Smell out of the Fridge by Trying Everything!

Activated charcoal has become a godsend for me! It perfectly absorbs all odors with absolutely no side effects such as streaks on the walls and additional aromas. Now an open box of charcoal has settled in my refrigerator for a long time.

And if some products spoil and I still do not have time to remove them in time, then pieces of black bread come to the rescue.

So the problem of an unpleasant smell in the refrigerator is no longer in front of me in the same way as it is. I hope that some of the suggested tips will help.