The late mother dreamed. What is the dream of a dead mother dead

You should not assume that dreams are just like that, especially when it comes to dreams in which people who have already gone to another world appear to the attention of the sleeping person. Here is the night image in which the deceased mother of the patient appeared should not be overlooked.

What if the deceased mother is sick in a dream?

Figuring out what the patient’s deceased mother is dreaming of is actually not as difficult as one might think at first glance, because it is crucial for interpretation this image will have a model of the behavior of the deceased. The fact is that most dream books explain the appearance of the resurrected dead in a dream as a common harbinger of a change in weather (during the sunny season - to rain and cold and vice versa), although in reality this is not entirely true. Usually, such an interpretation is appropriate only if the deceased behaved quietly and did not show any conspicuous activity.

In all reverse situations, it is recommended to treat this kind of vision with extreme caution, especially if the deceased called the dreamer behind him, held out his hands to him, or even tried to enclose him in his chilling embrace. For example, for a person experiencing health problems, this dream can promise the most negative development of the situation.

Night vision is considered especially bad, in which the deceased mother sobbed on her sick daughter’s shoulder or took her with her, because in such a bizarre way the stars can warn the sleeping woman of a mortal threat hanging over her.

At the same time, interpreters of secret signs strongly recommend not to despair, but to pay attention to every word and gesture that was made by the deceased in a dream. For example, a dream about how a daughter rejoiced at the sudden resurrection of her own mother, while experiencing great happiness and relief, a priori cannot portend anything bad and should rather be regarded as an omen of some kind of miracle and future joyful changes. And it is not at all excluded that the long-awaited healing awaits the dreamer soon.

At the same time, one should be extremely wary of the words that the deceased utters in a dream, perceiving them, as they say, literally, especially if they contained some numbers or specific dates. As an example, we can cite cases when a dead man who appeared in a dream stubbornly repeated the same figure, which soon played a fateful role in the life of the sleeping person.

What portends?

Related meaning they will also have those night visions in which the deceased suddenly appeared and presented her daughter with some kind of gift, moreover, its interpretation will directly depend on the present seen. For example, a live flower in a pot will symbolize health and longevity, while a bouquet of half-cut flowers, on the contrary, is an omen of future troubles and misfortunes.

To see a revived mother pale, thin and sick is a bad sign, which may indicate that the dreamer will have to go through far from the most better times full of needs, worries and hardships. But the vision, according to the plot of which dead mother represents his own daughter alive, flourishing and full of strength, on the contrary, it can signal long-awaited changes for the better, so you definitely shouldn’t expect something bad in this case.

Sometimes forecasters and astrologers explain the appearance of deceased relatives in a dream as a sign that they continue to protect their loved ones even when they are in another world. That is why they advise to perceive dreams about the deceased mother as another confirmation of the close connection that continues to exist even after death.

Night dreams give us a hint and warn of future events. Through a parallel reality, you can understand whether a person is doing the right thing. Find out what dreams dead mother alive, and what popular dream books say about it.

Interpretation in popular dream books

Judging by the dream book of Gustav Miller, the deceased is dreaming as a sign that the dreamer is under the strong guardianship of the clan. Pay attention to the plot of the dream. If mom gives you something - wait for profit, if she takes it - there will be losses.

Dream Interpretation of Symbols considers such a vision a sign of a temperature difference. In the image loved one other entities may come. When meeting with them, a person will experience discomfort, excitement and fear. The appearance of a loved one, on the contrary, is accompanied by a warm attitude and calmness.
According to Noble dream book, dreams of a dead mother alive to rash acts. Everything that the parent says in night dreams is true. If the deceased leads and calls for him, and the dreamer follows him - to serious illness, death. The deceased parent was seen up to 40 days - a sign of her farewell and departure from this world.

Loft's dream interpretation does not attach special significance similar vision and connects it with the psycho-emotional state of a person who lacks decisiveness and courage.

Experts believe that dead people in dreams represent our personal projection and show an unfinished relationship with a specific person, the need for resolution former conflicts, understanding and reconciliation. Therefore, often meeting in a dream with a deceased mother is expressed by sadness, regret and repentance.

What does a recurring dream portend?

Recurring dreams are designed to draw our attention to important events that are happening in reality. Often, in everyday bustle, we are not aware of the full scale of the problem or are not ready to do it on a psychological level. The same plot can be dreamed of at any age with an interval of several days or years. The dream will be repeated until the situation improves.

The meaning of sleep will depend on the specific day of the week:

  1. Monday. A deceased relative in a cheerful mood dreams of problems and a series of financial troubles.
  2. Tuesday. Sleep promises help from strangers.
  3. Wednesday. We must expect serious news in real life.
  4. Thursday. You need to be prepared for the potential risk.
  5. Friday. It is necessary to perceive the dream as prophetic, it is important to remember it in detail.
  6. Saturday. If a deceased relative dreamed that day, wait for an early marriage.
  7. Sunday. Talking with the deceased - to make the right decision.

It is impossible to unequivocally answer what the deceased mother is dreaming of. In any case, you need to strive for favorable changes, learn to control the situation. The main thing is not to be afraid of visions, but to listen to the advice of a loved one who is no longer alive.

Parents are the closest people to a person. Whether they are alive or dead, their words always have a special meaning. All dream books, regardless of the people of what nationality they are compiled, agree on one thing: if the deceased mother had a dream, then this dream tells about something important.

What if the dead mother is dreaming?

The one who loved a person during his lifetime, and after death often appears to him in a dream, in a difficult time for him. life span. The appearance of a deceased relative, especially a mother, never goes unnoticed by consciousness. These dreams are often remembered, comprehended and cause a deep emotion. The words spoken by the mother are always important and her advice must be followed. If in a dream the deceased mother, with tears in her eyes, mournfully looks at the sleeping person and is silent, this is a very alarming sign. He reports that the parent expresses sadness in connection with the difficult trials ahead of her child. For women, such a dream often portends divorce and financial difficulties. Men who see such a dream should think about the correctness of their life path. Perhaps, in order to find peace of mind, you need to change your place of residence or find another job.

What the late mother dreams of can be understood from general analysis all the details of a dream. If the parent silently points the sleeping person to the church with her hand, then it is time for him to think about the state of his soul and repent of his sins.

It has been noticed that the deceased mother dreams especially often at a time when grief from her loss has not subsided. The first time after the funeral of a parent, she often comes in dreams to her child. They communicate for a long time, as if no tragedy had happened in reality. This is a natural process, it helps to survive the pain of losing a loved one. Therefore, during a period of acute sadness, the appearance of a deceased mother in a dream rarely has a special meaning. But in that case. if a lot of time has passed since her death, it is by no means impossible to ignore the words of her mother uttered by her in a dream. A loving parental heart always wishes well for their child, and if the sleeping person is in danger, the deceased mother seeks to warn him and suggest how to avoid tragedy. There are many examples of how the words of the mother said in a dream helped the sleeper to avoid great misfortunes.

What portends?

Every nation has a conviction that if in a dream a deceased mother or another deceased person calls for a sleeping person, then his days on this Earth are numbered. But it is not always the case. A parent can beckon to herself in order to bring her child to a certain place in which events important to him will take place. And suggest how to avoid possible danger. To dream that a mother who is alive in real life has died means that she will have to long life. Usually such dreams cause severe mental pain in connection with the loss, which the sleeper perceives as having really happened. But these dreams have the exact opposite meaning: in reality, mother will delight the sleeping person with her good health and good mood. If a deceased mother in a dream asks for food or clothes, then you need to arrange a day of remembrance for her. It is advisable to go to church and light a candle for the repose of her soul.

There is an opinion among the people that if you see the sad dead mother and father in a dream, this portends serious troubles in the fate of a person. Parents come to support their child in the trials ahead of him. In the event that relatives smile and look good, then positive changes are coming in the fate of the sleeping person.

The words and actions of the deceased mother in a person’s dreams must certainly be analyzed by the sleeping person, and if she gives advice, they must be followed. In any case, the appearance of a parent in a dream has a positive meaning, as it informs about upcoming changes.

Every dream that I managed to clearly remember, I want to interpret. There are a lot of dream books that reveal the meaning of what they saw. Seeing your mother in a dream also means something. Consider how the most popular dream books interpret dreams about mom. So, why is mom dreaming?

Mom - Miller's dream book

Generally see the parents in good mood means according to Miller's dream book favorable relationship in your own family and change for the better. If a young girl sees her mother in a dream, and even more so sincerely talks to her, this means that she herself will have good mutual understanding in the family, loyalty and devotion on the part of her husband.

To see a mother who actually died means that it is time to prepare for trouble. This dream should make you think: perhaps this is a warning about difficult times in life. Miller's dream interpretation interprets sleep in this way in relation to any of the parents. Seeing mom crying - there may be some risks to human health.

Wangi's dream book - what is mom dreaming about

Mom is in a dream in her usual state at your place, then expect changes for the better in business, business, any of your work. If you are having a calm conversation with your mother in a dream, then the dream means that you will receive good news about what you have been looking for answers for a long time.

If a woman sees her mother in a dream, this symbolizes a successful marriage and a happy family life. A mother lulling you to sleep in a lullaby is a possible sign of your inattention to your own family.

Hearing mother's call in a dream means loneliness; you will be left alone, without the support of friends; it can also mean the wrong way in your affairs. Mother's tears in a dream are always unfortunate: beware of illnesses and troubles in life. Sadness and sadness portends a dream in which you see someone else's mother dead.

Mom in a dream - interpretation according to Freud

And why does Freud's mother dream?

If a young man or man sees his mother in a dream, it means that he is very dependent on her. It may also be associated with sexual complexes. For example, to see in a dream a mother who has sex with another man speaks of a pronounced Oedipus complex.

Behind all this, there may be an attraction experienced by the mother, as well as failures in her personal life. Often, men who are too dependent on their mother try to find a wife or girlfriend who looks like their own mother. But it usually ends in failure and disappointment.

Seeing a mother in her usual state means that you are not giving her due attention. But if a girl sees her mother in a dream, perhaps she has a competitor in her personal life - you should take a closer look at your man.

To see mom in a dream - Longo's dream book

Mom is the closest and most loving person to you, so Longo's dream book interprets a dream about a mother in a good way: this is for well-being, happiness. If you see a mother with clear outlines, as if in reality, then you will surely meet her soon.

If she is no longer alive, then it is necessary to visit the grave of her mother. Mom in illness symbolizes conflicts, troubles at work, in family life; perhaps you are judged for something by more mature people. If mom cooks in a dream, then it’s time for you to go to the stove - wait for the guests.

Dream Interpretation Hasse - what is mom dreaming about

Hasse's dream book interprets the dream about mother differently. To see a dead mother is to live long years own life. A conversation with your mother in a dream means that you have to learn news about your ill-wishers, perhaps they have bad intentions towards you.

Mom on the verge of death in a dream portends you sadness and anxiety in life. A nursing mother says that there will be a favorable outcome in matters that you have been thinking about solving for a long time.

Family dream book - mom

Like many other dream books, family dream book Mom interprets in a dream as a favorable marriage for a girl. Such a dream means that your affairs will be resolved in positive side. Talking to mom in a dream - get good news in life. If she calls you, then you are probably very lonely.

What does it mean to see a mother in a dream according to a women's dream book

The female dream book advises you to be very careful about every word your mother said in a dream. Perhaps in her words you will find answers to your questions or advice on how to solve certain problems. life problems. If mom is cheerful and joyful in a dream, then everything will be fine in your life. If she is sad, then you also expect the arrival of sadness, difficulties and problems in reality.

If you see a dead mother calling you, holding out her hand, in no case should you follow her. This means that you can expect illness and death. If your mother dies in a dream, then in reality your conscience torments you. Giving gifts to your mother in a dream means a clear indecision: you don’t know what to do best, you are at a crossroads.

Why is the guy's mom dreaming

It is definitely not possible to interpret such a dream. A guy's mom in a dream can mean both a rival and an ally. It all depends on the rest of the details of your sleep.

For example, if you quarreled with a guy, and then saw his mother in a dream, get ready for reconciliation. Quarreling with a guy's mom in a dream means being among unpleasant people who will treat you negatively.

If a guy's mother dies in a dream, then unpleasant news, problems at work, and illness await in life. Seeing how you live together with the guy’s mother also promises trouble that you can solve, but you will have to spend a lot of time on this. When a guy's mom praises you in a dream - expect good news, but also gifts.

Dream Interpretation - a pregnant mother or that mother gave birth

If you see your mother pregnant or giving birth to another child, this means a lack of motherly love towards you. Under such a dream lies unconscious jealousy towards the mother: you do not want to share her love for you with anyone else.

A pregnant mother in a dream also portends profit, new knowledge that should be beneficial to your life. Also, a dream about a mother giving birth may be directly related to the mother: perhaps it means that your mother is full of strength and energy to change her life. Maybe you should listen and help her with this?!

What is the dream of the ex-boyfriend's mother

Dream Interpretation interprets a dream about a mother ex boyfriend, as the presence of complexes regarding their appearance. You don't feel attractive, feminine. Also, the mother of an ex-boyfriend can symbolize your truce with him and a possible reunion.

Seeing the mother of an ex-boyfriend in a dream means sadness and longing for your past relationship. There may also be news from afar, which you have not been waiting for a long time.

Crying, drunk mother in a dream - why

Most dream books interpret mother's tears as a warning of illness and various misfortunes.

And here's one weird dream how drunk your mother is ... If yours is actually alive, and in a dream she appeared drunk, perhaps in her personal life, for example, with her husband, there are problems, or she started an affair with a new person.

If, however, the deceased mother dreamed drunk in a dream, then the dreamer himself has problems in life. The mother is trying to reason with her child, to warn about the consequences of his wrong behavior or bad habits.

In any case, the mother in your dream always means something. Mother and child are so close that even in a dream she tries to save the child or, on the contrary, to please. Many life stages of each person are unconsciously associated with how the mother raised him. If you dreamed about your mother, in no case do not ignore the dream, but listen to it and think about it.

We often have to see relatives not only in reality, but sometimes in the world of dreams. Someone often dreams of parents, someone quite occasionally, but in any case, such dreams are always special and carry hidden information.

The image of a mother in a dream is especially important - it is associated with the family, with the female part of the soul, with something eternal and primordial. If mom is dreaming, you should definitely find out from the dream book the meaning of this vision.

In order to reliably understand what the dead mother is dreaming of, alive, what the mother’s death is dreaming of, her illness, or something less terrible, you need to calmly read what the dream book says. Do not be afraid - even if you dream of something unpleasant and frightening, this does not bode well, these are just symbols. There are many in dream books different values and plots:

  • Seeing a mother in a dream - the way she is in reality.
  • The deceased mother is dreaming as if she is alive.
  • She cries or laughs in her sleep.
  • Swear with her, conflict.
  • She dreamed of being drunk or sick.
  • Dreamed of a pregnant mother.
  • Talk to your mother in dreams.

These are not all options, but only the general, most common ones. Remember exactly your dream, its details and details, and you will be able to explain what mom is dreaming of.

To begin with, let's understand why mom is dreaming, whose image you saw in dreams from the outside. Why and why she came into a dream, what she wanted to say and what needs to be understood, the interpreters will prompt.

1. As the dream book describes, a mother in dreams is a symbol of family, female wisdom and strength. Well, if a woman has this dream, this is a hint that she becomes a Woman with capital letter more conscious, wiser and stronger. Perhaps your soul inner world already ready for transformation, growth, knowledge of something new.

2. If you just had a dream about your mother, and such dreams happen often, this is a direct hint that she needs to pay attention. She even reminds you of yourself in your dreams! Why not spend time with her, give her more of your attention and care? Now she really needs it.

3. If you dreamed of a mother who is no longer alive, and you saw her alive and healthy, then it's time to remember her, to visit the grave. Find time, devote yourself to memories, remember a loved one who is not around - but only in a physical sense.

4. The dream book tells what moms dream about - one of the most terrible stories that you can imagine. But don't be afraid! Not only that, nothing threatens her in reality. Moreover, great happiness awaits her! Your family relationships will be very bright and pleasant, a good period will come.

5. If a mother dreamed of a woman, dream books predict happiness in family life and a strong marriage.

6. For a man, the image of a mother also promises all the best - there is a bright streak ahead, harmony and tranquility. Such a dream is an occasion to calm down, to be more balanced and softer, to relax.

7. If you heard a mother's voice in your dreams, this is a hint - you are going to make a mistake in reality, or you are already doing something that you should not do. Perhaps not quite the right path was chosen, or an unsuccessful decision was made. A great opportunity to re-evaluate, analyze everything, change the chosen path and tactics.

8. A nursing mother (even if this is not your relative) is an excellent symbol of the implementation of plans and fulfillment of desires. If you saw a woman feeding a baby, you should know that soon everything that you think will work out in the best possible way.

What is she?

If you didn’t just have a maternal image, but the mother was cheerful or sad, drunk or sick, and so on, these factors can also and should be explained, and the dream book will help.

1. Question: why is mom dreaming? The dream is strange, but it has good value. This means that in reality you will achieve the realization and fulfillment of all desires. A period is coming when everything will be easy and successful, as if by itself. This period is not to be missed! Act, and many of your dreams will become a reality!

2. Do not be afraid if your mother was sick in a dream. But give her maximum attention in reality! This dream may be for this very reason - she misses you, and secretly she suffers because of this. Stay with her, show care, show that you love her. It is very important!

3. What is the dream of a cheerful, beautiful and happy mother? This is a wonderful sign, symbolizing a woman - female happiness and love, and a man - a strong family and a period of complete harmony. It also means that you are on the right track and doing everything right.

4. On the contrary, if she is sad or crying, this is a warning - you are doing something wrong. Maybe you often offend people or do not think about words and deeds. Maybe you forgot about your conscience and "go over your head" towards your goal. This is advice - it’s good to think about whether you are doing everything right and honestly.

5. Let's figure out why a drunk mom is dreaming. This dream is a harbinger of strange events for which you are not ready. You think you know how things will turn out in reality, but you don't. There are always surprises in life, and they will come.

6. Why does a mother dream about being young, healthy and very beautiful? This is a wonderful sign. Health, healing, harmony and complete happiness await you, as well as peace of mind and peace.


Of course, in your dreams you could not only see your parent, but also talk to her, swear, hug and much more. Every action has its own importance about which the interpreter will tell.

Another question is what the dead mother is dreaming of. This happens quite often, and she comes into dreams for a reason.

  • If the deceased mother in a dream was alive, healthy and looked good, this good sign. She supports and protects you, and you should not forget about it. You will have a good period!
  • If a mother who is no longer alive tells you something in her dreams, try to remember her words. Perhaps it was advice or a warning. The dead often say important things, they just need to be understood correctly.
  • If the deceased mother was alive in her dreams and cried, was sad, you are doing something wrong. Think about where the mistake is, what you are doing is dishonest or wrong.
  • What is the dream of a mother who was alive in her dreams and gave you something? This is advice. Listen to instructions and advice wise people, do not rely only on your experience.
  • Swearing with a dead mother in a dream is also a warning. Take care of yourself, do smart things.

Understand correctly such dreams, they are very important and will tell a lot. Analyze, ponder - and remember that always in reality everything depends only on you.