The words electorate and voting have a similar meaning. Electorate - what does it mean? Sentences with "electorate"

Electorate(from lat. elector - voter) - a circle of voters who vote for someone in parliamentary, presidential, municipal and other elections.

As a social phenomenon, the electorate existed even in the conditions of primitive democracy (for example, the election of a tribal leader, the adoption of a decision on war and peace, etc.). State forms of democracy and elections first arose in the Athenian Republic in the 5th century. BC e. It was a predominantly collectivist (direct) democracy, in which all male citizens who had reached a certain age were considered voters.

With the introduction of constitutional legal norms, the concept of "electorate" receives a clear legal definition. In democratic countries, the electorate (voters) are all citizens who have reached a certain age. Therefore, the quantitative composition of the electorate at a certain point in time can be calculated with an accuracy of one person. Thus, in Russia, in the parliamentary elections in December 2003 and the presidential elections in March 2004, the list of voters fluctuated within 108 million people.

However, the list of citizens who have the right to vote is only a "potential electorate", since not all potential voters exercise their right to vote. For example, in Russia, from 60 to 75 million people take part in various kinds of elections. People participating in elections can be conditionally classified into a social category - electorate.

The electorate, as a large social community, has its own internal structure. According to the nature of political preferences, the totality of voters can be conditionally divided into three structural elements: the political "swamp", the "contra" group, and the electorate itself. The political "swamp" unites people who are not at all interested in politics, as well as conformists who verbally express certain political preferences, but in reality remain indifferent observers 1 .

The “contra” group includes voters who vote “against”. They, in turn, are divided into those who vote against a certain party (political leader), and those who vote against everyone.

The main part in the structure of the potential electorate is made up of voters voting "for". It includes citizens with established political views and preferences.

The activity of the electorate, as a rule, begins to manifest itself during the election campaign. Many are already determined in their choice at the polling station. But among the voters there are relatively stable social groups that are staunch supporters of this or that party, this or that political direction. Such groups form the electoral core, which gives the party political vitality and maintains its potential even in times of crisis."

In countries with an established party system, each major party has its own relatively stable electoral core. This is especially true in countries with a two-party political system, such as the United States. In Russia, only the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (about 10% of voters) has the most stable and numerous electoral core. The core of such parties as the Liberal Democratic Party and Yabloko is 3-4%. The Pensioners' Party (RPP) has a significant electoral potential. In the regional elections held in 2005, the average result for the nine constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the RPP was 10.28%.

It is very difficult to determine the electoral core of such a party as United Russia, which won 37% of the vote in the parliamentary elections in December 2003, and 64.2% in December 2007. The fact is that this is the "party of power", the party of officials, using the administrative resource. Therefore, as soon as this resource dries up, it may suffer the fate of another similar party - Our Home Russia (NDR), which collapsed, having lost the support of the President, the Government of the Russian Federation and the administration of many subjects of the Russian Federation.

The size of the electoral core gives an indication of the lower limit of the number of votes a party can count on in the upcoming elections. During the election campaign, the electoral core is overgrown with a "shell" consisting of less consistent supporters.

There is also the concept of "potential electorate of the party." If the electoral core provides an idea of ​​the lower limit of the number of votes that a party can receive, then the size of the potential electorate outlines the upper limits of the possible supporters of the party in the elections. Thus, the electoral base is formed - the composition of voters who are ready (suggesting) to cast their votes for this or that political leader or party. The electoral base is one of the indicators of the political weight (rating) of a leader or party in the upcoming elections.

In the electoral process, not only the results of voting are important, but also the very fact of participation in the elections. Low electoral activity, voting evasion (absenteeism), as a rule, testify not only to a crisis of confidence in individual politicians, but also to society's disappointment in the functioning of the entire political system.

The main causes of absenteeism are as follows:

    voters do not see worthy candidates for whom they can vote;

    not participating in elections, they protest against the existing political system in general and the electoral system in particular;

    low political activity (apoliticality) of a certain part of citizens;

    distrust of specific elected bodies of power and administration.

Electorate - what is it? Definition, meaning, translation

The electorate is, in a broad sense, citizens who have the right participate in elections, that is, simply voters, and in a narrower one - those who vote for a particular party. Word Elections, in fact, means "elections" in translation from English. Typically, the electorate is assigned to a particular party or candidate. For example, the "Progress Party Electorate" is those who are going to vote for it.

In a civilized democratic election system (Russia does not count), each party is constantly working to strengthen its electorate, luring supporters of other parties to itself with the help of campaigning. In Russia, the ruling party simply does not allow the real opposition to take part in the elections, imitating the competitiveness of the elections with the help of puppet parties loyal to the authorities: the Communists, the Liberal Democratic Party and others.

You learned where the word came from, its explanation in simple words, translation, origin and meaning.

The electorate is citizens who have the right to take part in elections at various levels. At the same time, it does not matter where and when the Main Event takes place, so that it is aimed at people who plan to tick off the ballot.

Quantitative characteristics

Considering that in Russia, as in most countries of the world, almost all citizens have the universal right to vote, it turns out that the electorate is the entire population over 18 years of age. Another thing is that there is a passive and active electorate.

The passive electorate is the bulk of the voters, who poorly follow political and economic events, are poorly versed in the peculiarities of the Word, and do not represent any significant interest for them. But on the other hand, this category of the population actively responds to advertising, promotions and, in general, any form of promotion. It is subject to influence, and therefore, at the moment of electoral mobilization at the very peak of the election campaign, it is able to decide the outcome of the vote.

An active electorate is citizens who take an active social and political position, take part in public actions as far as possible, conduct campaigning and propaganda work, organize support or protest actions, that is, they are a stable support for their parties and politicians.

Qualitative characteristics

By its nature, the electorate is a heterogeneous mass. There is a so-called "core of voters", which includes loyal supporters. They will never vote for a “foreign” candidate or party, they always stick to their positions with almost reinforced concrete and do not change them either over time or with a change in the political situation. In other words, if we compare the electorate, voters, and other participants in the political game, it turns out that the “core” is a kind of strategic minimum that will support both financially and propagandistically, and at rush hour will come to the polling station and vote correctly.

In addition, a second group of voters stands out - the doubters. There is an influence here, but not significant. Rather, it is a question of assessing one's own well-being. If the policy pursued is in their interest, they will vote. If not, then stay at home. These are passive voters, however sensitively perceiving and rationally evaluating the events taking place around them.

And, finally, the "swamp": the position of these voters is extremely unstable, changing depending on the direction of the political wind. The lack of a civic position is compensated by a good commercial flair. Rarely are stably conducted election campaigns focused on them. To be honest, it doesn't make much sense: usually these people don't go to the polls at all.

Ideological differences

In addition, the ideological qualification of voters is applied: according to the number of supporters of one or another ideological direction, and hence the number of party organizations. Allocate left voters, centrists, right, others. Their choice is a choice between parties of the same ideological direction. For example, someone who voted for the CDU-CSU on principle will never vote for the SPD as representatives of the left movement. Rather, he will choose the liberals than agree to vote for the "greens".

The Russian electorate has not been formed yet. This is due not only to the fact that free elections are a new and unrooted thing, but also to the lack of a consolidated practice of traditional voting. Elections are the choice of a political defender of one's social interests, and this format of electoral campaigns in our country is rarely seen.

1) Electorate- - a generic name for all people who have the right to choose and potentially participate in elections at any level. This word is far from new and comes from the Latin "elector", which means "elector", "elector". The electorate in today's democracy is a kind of resigned and pliable mass, from which the skillful hands of puppeteers mold what they need with the help of electoral technologies. The rest of the time, the mass again spreads and takes on its original formless form, waiting for the next craftsman. Recently, however, the people ceased to be an "electorate". And although the majority of voters are not able to remember the deeds of this or that politician, the people feel in their gut that every election leaves them in the cold. Therefore, the vast majority simply stopped going to the polls, or more and more people vote against everyone. Apoliticality has become such a mass phenomenon that it has begun to seriously threaten the legitimacy of power. Indeed, it is difficult to feel confident about being a "people's choice" if you received only 5% of the votes from the total number of voters. And bribery, both direct and indirect, comes into play. According to some estimates, up to 10% of the votes (of the number of those who voted) are already being bought up in the elections. Given the turnout, this is not so much - three percent of the total number of voters. But they may well be decisive. Even more important is indirect bribery. Each local government has “baited firms” that live off budget orders. Many people are paid directly from the budget. The employees of such enterprises make up 10% - 15% of the population, but this is more than enough for the reproduction of power with the apathy of the majority. Here we should add SOBES clients, soldiers and prisoners of the pre-trial detention center - you can get an exhaustive picture of the "electorate of power." Voter buying has become legal in recent years. Deputies receive a “deputy fund”, which they spend in their constituency for improvement. So that voters do not make a mistake, to whom they should be grateful, the name of the benefactor-deputy is written on the renovated entrances or playgrounds. These are just some of the various means of turning people into an electorate - an obedient herd that votes to continue its life in the stall. See also: elective technologies, governor, the right to choose.

2) Electorate- (from lat. elector - voter) - 1) in a broad sense - all those who enjoy the right to vote in a given state and can take part in elections of the appropriate type and level; 2) that part of the voters who usually vote for this or that party, organization, its representatives or for this independent deputy. The value of E. in the first sense depends on the size of the country's population and the degree of democracy of its electoral system, as well as on what kind of elections we are talking about - nationwide, in subjects of the federation, or local; presidential, parliamentary or municipal. In the second case, the value of E. depends on the level of political influence of a given party or individual on voters, on their readiness to support the respective candidates in the elections. The struggle for the expansion of one's own 3. is the main content and purpose of the participation of candidates for deputies, their parties in election campaigns. ?? ?? ?? ??

3) Electorate - (lat. elector - voter) - the population that forms power as a result of elections; the circle of voters who vote for a certain party in parliamentary, presidential or municipal elections. The electorate includes both a part of voters voting for a particular party or candidate, and all voters - citizens of the state who have the right to participate in elections. A significant part of the electoral mass that supports this or that political force turns it into an influential party, acts as the basis of its activity. In a democracy, the attitudes, goals and interests of the electorate are transformed into programs of political parties or leaders. At the same time, parties have their own interests, which can be pursued along with the interests of the electorate. In a society with an activist political culture, the will of the electorate and its political participation turns parties into influential forces in the political process. The electoral activity of the electorate brings parties to power as a result of elections to democratic institutions. Its legitimacy and political and civil activity strengthen the position of the current government, allow the political elite to act as a stable political institution. Thus, the larger, more cultured and active the electoral space within the boundaries of the political space, the more effective the political structure and its functions of harmonizing social relations in general. Ideally, an exemplary democracy would be that political structure that succeeds in converting the majority of the country's population into an electorate that consciously supports it. The activist position of the electorate can only exist at the expense of a developed civic space. In such a political situation, to a large extent, there is no need to restrict a part of the population by violent means in order to maintain the dominant social forces. In order for a party or government to have an extensive electoral base, their political activity must coincide with the interests of this part of the population. The more consistently the political elite implements its program declarations, the more stable will be the support of the electorate, and the more will be its volume. At the same time, the relationship between contenders for power and power structures with the population can be clearly speculative. Political communication becomes rhetorical, demagogic. An attempt to defame the population in order to use it for their own selfish purposes leads the political force to a crisis. In the event that the electorate is not able to change the situation, its political activity drops sharply, and this is expressed in the refusal to vote, the decrease in legitimacy, and the intensification of opposition activity. Each political force that expresses the actual social content has its own electorate. If a party does not express the interests of a sufficient number of people, then in the strict sense it is not a party. To a greater extent, it acts as an amateur elite that is trying to use the existing social situation and structure to fight for power. Now such institutions are called parties of power. The formation of the electorate can be carried out not only according to the principle of unity of interests, but also according to the territorial principle. For example, in the United States, the population of the northern states sympathizes with the Democrats, the West prefers the Republican Party, the southern and central states vacillate between them. Therefore, in this country the political struggle is unfolding around winning the specific sympathies of the population of the "unstable" region. Social dynamics also affect the change in the electoral space. Thus, the reduction in the number of personnel employed in traditional industrial production in the West sharply reduces the electorate of communists, the growth of the middle class affects the development of neoconservatism, etc. Post-totalitarian processes in Russia at the end of the 20th century. characterized by a difficult situation for the electorate. The bulk of the population is not satisfied with the quality of the Russian political elite. This is due to the fact that our modern government has become the actual successor to the communist government. The socialist form associated with the collective form of attitude towards social wealth was discarded. The new government and economic passionaries became the owners of a huge part of the national wealth. The people turned out to be alienated from him, despite the fact that he was the main creator of everything that exists in the country. The interests of the people and the interests of the elite in the current time are directly opposite - the authorities are interested in expropriating the people. The electorate and the authorities are connected by two circumstances: the common interests of Russia as a state and hopes for market benefits in the future. The Russians do not yet see a political force that would really guarantee the implementation of programs of a truly popular character. This situation gives rise to many difficulties in electoral orientation. Soviet power for several generations formed an uncritical formal loyalty of the population. The hopelessness of the situation for the people gives rise to electoral passivity can be defined as the inability of the population to realize the real socio-political situation and actively influence its organization. Infantilism should be understood as the habit of the population to obey any authority, at the same time not trusting it and, in spite of everything, hoping for "miraculous" improvements. Negative forms of infantilism are political cynicism, apoliticality and some others. They do not positively influence the political situation, therefore, in the context of the crises that are shaking Russia, they cannot be welcomed. The situation in the electoral space is undergoing significant changes in an environment of socio-political chaos and crisis. The reality in these moments of history makes people think about the fate of the country, try to somehow influence it. The direction of electoral transformation depends on many factors. These include the civil and political maturity of citizens, the level of their consciousness and political culture, the state of the political infrastructure: the press, public opinion, civil self-organization, the connections of the political elite with the electorate, the controllability of politicians, etc. Since democracy in Russia is only in its infancy, everything these political institutions are in their infancy. It is connected with our history, with our way of life. Therefore, Russia's underdeveloped, emerging electorate is very unstable and unpredictable. The danger is that disappointment in the reforms could push him into the arms of a new dictatorship.

4) Electorate- (from lat. elector - voter): 1) the totality of voters voting in elections; 2) constituency.

5) Electorate- - the circle of persons having the right to vote in elections to state authorities or interstate organizations.

6) Electorate- (lat. elector voter) - a set of citizens with voting rights. In political science, considerable attention is paid to electoral participation, the degree of electoral activity, the motives for voting, and the electoral preferences of various electoral groups (or segments of the electorate).


A generalized name for all people who have the right to choose and potentially participate in elections at any level. This word is far from new and comes from the Latin "elector", which means "elector", "elector". The electorate in today's democracy is a kind of resigned and pliable mass, from which the skillful hands of puppeteers mold what they need with the help of electoral technologies. The rest of the time, the mass again spreads and takes on its original formless form, waiting for the next craftsman. Recently, however, the people ceased to be an "electorate". And although the majority of voters are not able to remember the deeds of this or that politician, the people feel in their gut that every election leaves them in the cold. Therefore, the vast majority simply stopped going to the polls, or more and more people vote against everyone. Apoliticality has become such a mass phenomenon that it has begun to seriously threaten the legitimacy of power. Indeed, it is difficult to feel confident about being a "people's choice" if you received only 5% of the votes from the total number of voters. And bribery, both direct and indirect, comes into play. According to some estimates, up to 10% of the votes (of the number of those who voted) are already being bought up in the elections. Given the turnout, this is not so much - three percent of the total number of voters. But they may well be decisive. Even more important is indirect bribery. Each local government has “baited firms” that live off budget orders. Many people are paid directly from the budget. The employees of such enterprises make up 10% - 15% of the population, but this is more than enough for the reproduction of power with the apathy of the majority. Here we should add SOBES clients, soldiers and prisoners of the pre-trial detention center - you can get an exhaustive picture of the "electorate of power." Voter buying has become legal in recent years. Deputies receive a “deputy fund”, which they spend in their constituency for improvement. So that voters do not make a mistake, to whom they should be grateful, the name of the benefactor-deputy is written on the renovated entrances or playgrounds. These are just some of the various means of turning people into an electorate - an obedient herd that votes to continue its life in the stall. See also: elective technologies, governor, the right to choose.

(from lat. elector - voter) - 1) in a broad sense - all those who enjoy the right to vote in a given state and can take part in elections of the appropriate type and level; 2) that part of the voters who usually vote for this or that party, organization, its representatives or for this independent deputy. The value of E. in the first sense depends on the size of the country's population and the degree of democracy of its electoral system, as well as on what kind of elections we are talking about - nationwide, in subjects of the federation, or local; presidential, parliamentary or municipal. In the second case, the value of E. depends on the level of political influence of a given party or individual on voters, on their readiness to support the respective candidates in the elections. The struggle for the expansion of one's own 3. is the main content and purpose of the participation of candidates for deputies, their parties in election campaigns. ?? ?? ?? ??

(lat. elector - voter) - the population that forms power as a result of elections; the circle of voters who vote for a certain party in parliamentary, presidential or municipal elections. The electorate includes both a part of voters voting for a particular party or candidate, and all voters - citizens of the state who have the right to participate in elections. A significant part of the electoral mass that supports this or that political force turns it into an influential party, acts as the basis of its activity. In a democracy, the attitudes, goals and interests of the electorate are transformed into programs of political parties or leaders. At the same time, parties have their own interests, which can be pursued along with the interests of the electorate. In a society with an activist political culture, the will of the electorate and its political participation turns parties into influential forces in the political process. The electoral activity of the electorate brings parties to power as a result of elections to democratic institutions. Its legitimacy and political and civil activity strengthen the position of the current government, allow the political elite to act as a stable political institution. Thus, the larger, more cultured and active the electoral space within the boundaries of the political space, the more effective the political structure and its functions of harmonizing social relations in general. Ideally, an exemplary democracy would be that political structure that succeeds in converting the majority of the country's population into an electorate that consciously supports it. The activist position of the electorate can only exist at the expense of a developed civic space. In such a political situation, to a large extent, there is no need to restrict a part of the population by violent means in order to maintain the dominant social forces. In order for a party or government to have an extensive electoral base, their political activity must coincide with the interests of this part of the population. The more consistently the political elite implements its program declarations, the more stable will be the support of the electorate, and the more will be its volume. At the same time, the relationship between contenders for power and power structures with the population can be clearly speculative. Political communication becomes rhetorical, demagogic. An attempt to defame the population in order to use it for their own selfish purposes leads the political force to a crisis. In the event that the electorate is not able to change the situation, its political activity drops sharply, and this is expressed in the refusal to vote, the decrease in legitimacy, and the intensification of opposition activity. Each political force that expresses the actual social content has its own electorate. If a party does not express the interests of a sufficient number of people, then in the strict sense it is not a party. To a greater extent, it acts as an amateur elite that is trying to use the existing social situation and structure to fight for power. Now such institutions are called parties of power. The formation of the electorate can be carried out not only according to the principle of unity of interests, but also according to the territorial principle. For example, in the United States, the population of the northern states sympathizes with the Democrats, the West prefers the Republican Party, the southern and central states vacillate between them. Therefore, in this country the political struggle is unfolding around winning the specific sympathies of the population of the "unstable" region. Social dynamics also affect the change in the electoral space. Thus, the reduction in the number of personnel employed in traditional industrial production in the West sharply reduces the electorate of communists, the growth of the middle class affects the development of neoconservatism, etc. Post-totalitarian processes in Russia at the end of the 20th century. characterized by a difficult situation for the electorate. The bulk of the population is not satisfied with the quality of the Russian political elite. This is due to the fact that our modern government has become the actual successor to the communist government. The socialist form associated with the collective form of attitude towards social wealth was discarded. The new government and economic passionaries became the owners of a huge part of the national wealth. The people turned out to be alienated from him, despite the fact that he was the main creator of everything that exists in the country. The interests of the people and the interests of the elite in the current time are directly opposite - the authorities are interested in expropriating the people. The electorate and the authorities are connected by two circumstances: the common interests of Russia as a state and hopes for market benefits in the future. The Russians do not yet see a political force that would really guarantee the implementation of programs of a truly popular character. This situation gives rise to many difficulties in electoral orientation. Soviet power for several generations formed an uncritical formal loyalty of the population. The hopelessness of the situation for the people gives rise to electoral passivity can be defined as the inability of the population to realize the real socio-political situation and actively influence its organization. Infantilism should be understood as the habit of the population to obey any authority, at the same time not trusting it and, in spite of everything, hoping for "miraculous" improvements. Negative forms of infantilism are political cynicism, apoliticality and some others. They do not positively influence the political situation, so in the context of the crises that are shaking Russia, they cannot be welcomed. The situation in the electoral space is undergoing significant changes in an environment of socio-political chaos and crisis. The reality in these moments of history makes people think about the fate of the country, try to somehow influence it. The direction of electoral transformation depends on many factors. These include the civil and political maturity of citizens, the level of their consciousness and political culture, the state of the political infrastructure: the press, public opinion, civil self-organization, the connections of the political elite with the electorate, the controllability of politicians, etc. Since democracy in Russia is only in its infancy, everything these political institutions are in their infancy. It is connected with our history, with our way of life. Therefore, Russia's underdeveloped, emerging electorate is very unstable and unpredictable. The danger is that disappointment in the reforms could push him into the arms of a new dictatorship.

1) Electorate- - a generic name for all people who have the right to choose and potentially participate in elections at any level. This word is far from new and comes from the Latin "elector", which means "elector", "elector". The electorate in today's democracy is a kind of resigned and pliable mass, from which the skillful hands of puppeteers mold what they need with the help of electoral technologies. The rest of the time, the mass again spreads and takes on its original formless form, waiting for the next craftsman. Recently, however, the people ceased to be an "electorate". And although the majority of voters are not able to remember the deeds of this or that politician, the people feel in their gut that every election leaves them in the cold. Therefore, the vast majority simply stopped going to the polls, or more and more people vote against everyone. Apoliticality has become such a mass phenomenon that it has begun to seriously threaten the legitimacy of power. Indeed, it is difficult to feel confident about being a "people's choice" if you received only 5% of the votes from the total number of voters. And bribery, both direct and indirect, comes into play. According to some estimates, up to 10% of the votes (of the number of those who voted) are already being bought up in the elections. Given the turnout, this is not so much - three percent of the total number of voters. But they may well be decisive. Even more important is indirect bribery. Each local government has “baited firms” that live off budget orders. Many people are paid directly from the budget. The employees of such enterprises make up 10% - 15% of the population, but this is more than enough for the reproduction of power with the apathy of the majority. Here we should add SOBES clients, soldiers and prisoners of the pre-trial detention center - you can get an exhaustive picture of the "electorate of power." Voter buying has become legal in recent years. Deputies receive a “deputy fund”, which they spend in their constituency for improvement. So that voters do not make a mistake, to whom they should be grateful, the name of the benefactor-deputy is written on the renovated entrances or playgrounds. These are just some of the various means of turning people into an electorate - an obedient herd that votes to continue its life in the stall. See also: elective technologies, governor, the right to choose.

2) Electorate- (from lat. elector - voter) - 1) in a broad sense - all those who enjoy the right to vote in a given state and can take part in elections of the appropriate type and level; 2) that part of the voters who usually vote for this or that party, organization, its representatives or for this independent deputy. The value of E. in the first sense depends on the size of the country's population and the degree of democracy of its electoral system, as well as on what kind of elections we are talking about - nationwide, in subjects of the federation, or local; presidential, parliamentary or municipal. In the second case, the value of E. depends on the level of political influence of a given party or individual on voters, on their readiness to support the respective candidates in the elections. The struggle for the expansion of one's own 3. is the main content and purpose of the participation of candidates for deputies, their parties in election campaigns. ?? ?? ?? ??

3) Electorate - (lat. elector - voter) - the population that forms power as a result of elections; the circle of voters who vote for a certain party in parliamentary, presidential or municipal elections. The electorate includes both a part of voters voting for a particular party or candidate, and all voters - citizens of the state who have the right to participate in elections. A significant part of the electoral mass that supports this or that political force turns it into an influential party, acts as the basis of its activity. In a democracy, the attitudes, goals and interests of the electorate are transformed into programs of political parties or leaders. At the same time, parties have their own interests, which can be pursued along with the interests of the electorate. In a society with an activist political culture, the will of the electorate and its political participation turns parties into influential forces in the political process. The electoral activity of the electorate brings parties to power as a result of elections to democratic institutions. Its legitimacy and political and civil activity strengthen the position of the current government, allow the political elite to act as a stable political institution. Thus, the larger, more cultured and active the electoral space within the boundaries of the political space, the more effective the political structure and its functions of harmonizing social relations in general. Ideally, an exemplary democracy would be that political structure that succeeds in converting the majority of the country's population into an electorate that consciously supports it. The activist position of the electorate can only exist at the expense of a developed civic space. In such a political situation, to a large extent, there is no need to restrict a part of the population by violent means in order to maintain the dominant social forces. In order for a party or government to have an extensive electoral base, their political activity must coincide with the interests of this part of the population. The more consistently the political elite implements its program declarations, the more stable will be the support of the electorate, and the more will be its volume. At the same time, the relationship between contenders for power and power structures with the population can be clearly speculative. Political communication becomes rhetorical, demagogic. An attempt to defame the population in order to use it for their own selfish purposes leads the political force to a crisis. In the event that the electorate is not able to change the situation, its political activity drops sharply, and this is expressed in the refusal to vote, the decrease in legitimacy, and the intensification of opposition activity. Each political force that expresses the actual social content has its own electorate. If a party does not express the interests of a sufficient number of people, then in the strict sense it is not a party. To a greater extent, it acts as an amateur elite that is trying to use the existing social situation and structure to fight for power. Now such institutions are called parties of power. The formation of the electorate can be carried out not only according to the principle of unity of interests, but also according to the territorial principle. For example, in the United States, the population of the northern states sympathizes with the Democrats, the West prefers the Republican Party, the southern and central states vacillate between them. Therefore, in this country the political struggle is unfolding around winning the specific sympathies of the population of the "unstable" region. Social dynamics also affect the change in the electoral space. Thus, the reduction in the number of personnel employed in traditional industrial production in the West sharply reduces the electorate of communists, the growth of the middle class affects the development of neoconservatism, etc. Post-totalitarian processes in Russia at the end of the 20th century. characterized by a difficult situation for the electorate. The bulk of the population is not satisfied with the quality of the Russian political elite. This is due to the fact that our modern government has become the actual successor to the communist government. The socialist form associated with the collective form of attitude towards social wealth was discarded. The new government and economic passionaries became the owners of a huge part of the national wealth. The people turned out to be alienated from him, despite the fact that he was the main creator of everything that exists in the country. The interests of the people and the interests of the elite in the current time are directly opposite - the authorities are interested in expropriating the people. The electorate and the authorities are connected by two circumstances: the common interests of Russia as a state and hopes for market benefits in the future. The Russians do not yet see a political force that would really guarantee the implementation of programs of a truly popular character. This situation gives rise to many difficulties in electoral orientation. Soviet power for several generations formed an uncritical formal loyalty of the population. The hopelessness of the situation for the people gives rise to electoral passivity can be defined as the inability of the population to realize the real socio-political situation and actively influence its organization. Infantilism should be understood as the habit of the population to obey any authority, at the same time not trusting it and, in spite of everything, hoping for "miraculous" improvements. Negative forms of infantilism are political cynicism, apoliticality and some others. They do not positively influence the political situation, therefore, in the context of the crises that are shaking Russia, they cannot be welcomed. The situation in the electoral space is undergoing significant changes in an environment of socio-political chaos and crisis. The reality in these moments of history makes people think about the fate of the country, try to somehow influence it. The direction of electoral transformation depends on many factors. These include the civil and political maturity of citizens, the level of their consciousness and political culture, the state of the political infrastructure: the press, public opinion, civil self-organization, the connections of the political elite with the electorate, the controllability of politicians, etc. Since democracy in Russia is only in its infancy, everything these political institutions are in their infancy. It is connected with our history, with our way of life. Therefore, Russia's underdeveloped, emerging electorate is very unstable and unpredictable. The danger is that disappointment in the reforms could push him into the arms of a new dictatorship.

4) Electorate- (from lat. elector - voter): 1) the totality of voters voting in elections; 2) constituency.

5) Electorate- - the circle of persons having the right to vote in elections to state authorities or interstate organizations.

6) Electorate- (lat. elector voter) - a set of citizens with voting rights. In political science, considerable attention is paid to electoral participation, the degree of electoral activity, the motives for voting, and the electoral preferences of various electoral groups (or segments of the electorate).


A generalized name for all people who have the right to choose and potentially participate in elections at any level. This word is far from new and comes from the Latin "elector", which means "elector", "elector". The electorate in today's democracy is a kind of resigned and pliable mass, from which the skillful hands of puppeteers mold what they need with the help of electoral technologies. The rest of the time, the mass again spreads and takes on its original formless form, waiting for the next craftsman. Recently, however, the people ceased to be an "electorate". And although the majority of voters are not able to remember the deeds of this or that politician, the people feel in their gut that every election leaves them in the cold. Therefore, the vast majority simply stopped going to the polls, or more and more people vote against everyone. Apoliticality has become such a mass phenomenon that it has begun to seriously threaten the legitimacy of power. Indeed, it is difficult to feel confident about being a "people's choice" if you received only 5% of the votes from the total number of voters. And bribery, both direct and indirect, comes into play. According to some estimates, up to 10% of the votes (of the number of those who voted) are already being bought up in the elections. Given the turnout, this is not so much - three percent of the total number of voters. But they may well be decisive. Even more important is indirect bribery. Each local government has “baited firms” that live off budget orders. Many people are paid directly from the budget. The employees of such enterprises make up 10% - 15% of the population, but this is more than enough for the reproduction of power with the apathy of the majority. Here we should add SOBES clients, soldiers and prisoners of the pre-trial detention center - you can get an exhaustive picture of the "electorate of power." Voter buying has become legal in recent years. Deputies receive a “deputy fund”, which they spend in their constituency for improvement. So that voters do not make a mistake, to whom they should be grateful, the name of the benefactor-deputy is written on the renovated entrances or playgrounds. These are just some of the various means of turning people into an electorate - an obedient herd that votes to continue its life in the stall. See also: elective technologies, governor, the right to choose.

(from lat. elector - voter) - 1) in a broad sense - all those who enjoy the right to vote in a given state and can take part in elections of the appropriate type and level; 2) that part of the voters who usually vote for this or that party, organization, its representatives or for this independent deputy. The value of E. in the first sense depends on the size of the country's population and the degree of democracy of its electoral system, as well as on what kind of elections we are talking about - nationwide, in subjects of the federation, or local; presidential, parliamentary or municipal. In the second case, the value of E. depends on the level of political influence of a given party or individual on voters, on their readiness to support the respective candidates in the elections. The struggle for the expansion of one's own 3. is the main content and purpose of the participation of candidates for deputies, their parties in election campaigns. ?? ?? ?? ??

(lat. elector - voter) - the population that forms power as a result of elections; the circle of voters who vote for a certain party in parliamentary, presidential or municipal elections. The electorate includes both a part of voters voting for a particular party or candidate, and all voters - citizens of the state who have the right to participate in elections. A significant part of the electoral mass that supports this or that political force turns it into an influential party, acts as the basis of its activity. In a democracy, the attitudes, goals and interests of the electorate are transformed into programs of political parties or leaders. At the same time, parties have their own interests, which can be pursued along with the interests of the electorate. In a society with an activist political culture, the will of the electorate and its political participation turns parties into influential forces in the political process. The electoral activity of the electorate brings parties to power as a result of elections to democratic institutions. Its legitimacy and political and civil activity strengthen the position of the current government, allow the political elite to act as a stable political institution. Thus, the larger, more cultured and active the electoral space within the boundaries of the political space, the more effective the political structure and its functions of harmonizing social relations in general. Ideally, an exemplary democracy would be that political structure that succeeds in converting the majority of the country's population into an electorate that consciously supports it. The activist position of the electorate can only exist at the expense of a developed civic space. In such a political situation, to a large extent, there is no need to restrict a part of the population by violent means in order to maintain the dominant social forces. In order for a party or government to have an extensive electoral base, their political activity must coincide with the interests of this part of the population. The more consistently the political elite implements its program declarations, the more stable will be the support of the electorate, and the more will be its volume. At the same time, the relationship between contenders for power and power structures with the population can be clearly speculative. Political communication becomes rhetorical, demagogic. An attempt to defame the population in order to use it for their own selfish purposes leads the political force to a crisis. In the event that the electorate is not able to change the situation, its political activity drops sharply, and this is expressed in the refusal to vote, the decrease in legitimacy, and the intensification of opposition activity. Each political force that expresses the actual social content has its own electorate. If a party does not express the interests of a sufficient number of people, then in the strict sense it is not a party. To a greater extent, it acts as an amateur elite that is trying to use the existing social situation and structure to fight for power. Now such institutions are called parties of power. The formation of the electorate can be carried out not only according to the principle of unity of interests, but also according to the territorial principle. For example, in the United States, the population of the northern states sympathizes with the Democrats, the West prefers the Republican Party, the southern and central states vacillate between them. Therefore, in this country the political struggle is unfolding around winning the specific sympathies of the population of the "unstable" region. Social dynamics also affect the change in the electoral space. Thus, the reduction in the number of personnel employed in traditional industrial production in the West sharply reduces the electorate of communists, the growth of the middle class affects the development of neoconservatism, etc. Post-totalitarian processes in Russia at the end of the 20th century. characterized by a difficult situation for the electorate. The bulk of the population is not satisfied with the quality of the Russian political elite. This is due to the fact that our modern government has become the actual successor to the communist government. The socialist form associated with the collective form of attitude towards social wealth was discarded. The new government and economic passionaries became the owners of a huge part of the national wealth. The people turned out to be alienated from him, despite the fact that he was the main creator of everything that exists in the country. The interests of the people and the interests of the elite in the current time are directly opposite - the authorities are interested in expropriating the people. The electorate and the authorities are connected by two circumstances: the common interests of Russia as a state and hopes for market benefits in the future. The Russians do not yet see a political force that would really guarantee the implementation of programs of a truly popular character. This situation gives rise to many difficulties in electoral orientation. Soviet power for several generations formed an uncritical formal loyalty of the population. The hopelessness of the situation for the people gives rise to electoral passivity can be defined as the inability of the population to realize the real socio-political situation and actively influence its organization. Infantilism should be understood as the habit of the population to obey any authority, at the same time not trusting it and, in spite of everything, hoping for "miraculous" improvements. Negative forms of infantilism are political cynicism, apoliticality and some others. They do not positively influence the political situation, so in the context of the crises that are shaking Russia, they cannot be welcomed. The situation in the electoral space is undergoing significant changes in an environment of socio-political chaos and crisis. The reality in these moments of history makes people think about the fate of the country, try to somehow influence it. The direction of electoral transformation depends on many factors. These include the civil and political maturity of citizens, the level of their consciousness and political culture, the state of the political infrastructure: the press, public opinion, civil self-organization, the connections of the political elite with the electorate, the controllability of politicians, etc. Since democracy in Russia is only in its infancy, everything these political institutions are in their infancy. It is connected with our history, with our way of life. Therefore, Russia's underdeveloped, emerging electorate is very unstable and unpredictable. The danger is that disappointment in the reforms could push him into the arms of a new dictatorship.