What is a good deed? What men's actions delight women

State special (correctional) educational institution Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous region- Ugra for students, pupils with handicapped health

« Nyaganskaya special (corrective) comprehensive school– boarding school VIII kind»

Classroom hour

on the topic: "Our deeds"

Educator of the extended day group

Keramova Zaifat Magomedshafievna

Every action you take reflects on other people;

do not forget that there is a person next to you.

Topic: "Our Actions"

Target: developing the ability of students to analyze their actions.


1. Learn to evaluate your actions and actions.

2. Develop the ability to predict the consequences of actions and correct your behavior.

3. Give an opportunity to look at yourself from the outside through situational examples.

4. To cultivate the desire to do good deeds and good deeds.

5. Fixing

A) The game "Good - bad"

A good deed brings benefit, joy to people. Bad upsets, brings trouble. For a bad deed, we have to answer, bear responsibility.

An exercise in the ability to distinguish good deeds from bad ones.

I will name bad and good deeds, and you write down only good deeds.

Each act is first discussed, evaluated. Children explain their opinion.

He tore his blouse, speaks politely, defended a weak one, offended a friend, helped a child get dressed, quarreled with his mother, gave way to an elderly person in a transport, kicked a puppy, destroyed bird's Nest Helped clear the dishes.

Remember what your act you consider very important (proud of it)?

Let's listen to these words, try not to do something that we may later regret.

B) Discussion of life situations.

Once Dima accidentally broke a pot with his mother's favorite violets. Mom was very upset. Neither Dima nor Anya immediately told the truth, but shifted the blame to the kitten. The kitten was punished. Dima suffered all day, and in the evening he confessed everything to his mother. To Dima's surprise, his mother did not scold him, but, on the contrary, praised him for telling the truth. And she said: "Better the bitter truth than the sweet lie."

Guys, what would you do in Dima's place?

A good deed is when you do something that does not harm yourself or others.

- Guys, can it be an act of refusing to do something?

There is such folk wisdom, it reads: “Sow an act, reap a habit.”

And we'll talk about habits in the next class hour.

6. Summary of the classroom.

Sooner or later, a person thinks about which path he is following: along the road of “good” and “light” or along the road of “evil” and “darkness”. At good man both words and good deeds. Can both good and evil coexist in the same person? Not! Can not! Just as sweet and bitter water cannot be in the same jar at the same time. “Each jug pours out what it contains ”, says the proverb. If the heart is filled with goodness, then goodness is poured out, and vice versa.

In conclusion of our lesson, I want to wish, advise you, accustom yourself to good deeds.

Answer from Eurovision[guru]
How often do you do so-called good deeds? Yes, when I say this, I mean such seemingly ordinary, at first glance inconspicuous, things like “give way to grandparents”, “help pick up the bag” and stuff like that. We all lead an active and not very active lifestyle, we often ride the subway or buses and face this. Every single day. And then some of us are faced with a choice: "Give way or pretend to be asleep? Or pretend that I just don't notice? Let someone else give in, why me? And in general I'm tired (a) and not in the mood. And go I'm far away." (Almost everyone thinks so, and, alas, the scales are leaning towards the second point. This is an internal dialogue, a kind of devil inside, which incites bad deeds and whispers excuses to himself. Some are so subjects to him that they are not at all able to resist , in any situation.Think for a minute, be sure to remember something similar from your life.I'll tell you straight, this is a weakness that is very harmful to the individual and you need to start fighting it right now, otherwise it will be too late...
Returning to the topic of the topic, there is such a situation that only a few give way to places, and basically these are the same grandfathers, some adult men and young guys. The girls do not give up their places in principle, they probably think that it is "beyond their dignity." Your dignity has not yet grown to reason like that ... A very rare girl gives way, for which they are greatly honored and respected 🙂
What can we say about helping to lift the bag up the stairs or telling the saleswoman about the extra change that she accidentally gave you. And we see it almost every day. Of course, I do not dispute the fact that we are all busy people and madly in a hurry about our business. But at least once try to help someone, you will lose 1-2 minutes at the most, but how you help a person! Think for a moment how "more" tired you are than a grandparent in his seventies and how hard it is for him to stand and carry a bag. But almost all of them are war veterans ... The saleswoman who gave extra change will pay the shortfall in the cash register from her wallet. The vast masses think they are special and it's none of their business at all. And it is precisely from this that such a sad picture arises that grandparents have to come up and ask to give way or help to cross the road .... It is disgusting to look at such people. Think... .
Sometimes, having experienced a similar situation, "closing your eyes", you feel like something is gnawing from the inside. That is, conscience. “Well, why didn’t I come up and help, because I’m not in a hurry, what prevented me? ..” And after you do something good, you feel some kind of moral satisfaction. What can I say, the mood just rises 🙂
People, be kind to each other and do not skimp on good deeds!! ! For edification, I will give 2 proverbs: "Do to people the way you would like to be treated to you" and "what you sow, so you reap." Without selfish goals, just from the breadth of your own soul. =)

Behavior, any actions of people are necessarily due to the inner conviction, idea, belief of the individual. And, for the most part, bad and good, evil and good deeds of a person should be in the nature of their usefulness (pragmatism) for himself, i.e. a person performs certain actions with some practical purpose, even if it is not realized, based on his beliefs, views on life - life values and priorities.

If we accept the premise that people choose beliefs based on their pragmatic adaptability, how can we explain the following apparently unhelpful behaviors?

1. Bad deeds of people that cause physical harm to the individual, such as the use of drugs, alcohol or smoking, as well as psychological harm - frequent computer games, "hanging" in social networks ...
2. Evil deeds for which society punishes, for example, the commission of criminal offenses.
3. Good deeds of people- self-sacrifice for the sake of another, for example, rescuing a child from a burning building.
4. Good deeds of a person- selfless help to one's neighbor, for example, a material donation to the needy, the sick ... etc.
What is the practical benefit of these human actions? According to the theory of pragmatism, people should not do such things, but they do them. Maybe something is wrong in theory?

Despite these examples, the theory is still correct. Our mistake is that we do not see the real benefit from these actions. Defining rewards will help us understand why people continue to behave the way they do.

Let's take a look at each of these examples.
Actions that bring harm to us (such as the use of drugs, alcohol) do not contradict the theory, because pain appears much later, after pleasure. People who abuse alcohol or drugs may seek immediate rewards and ignore long-term consequences. The immediate reward for many drugs is called a "high."

Some people are addicted to stimulation, they like to feel the endorphins being released into their brain. Such people are looking for adventure: someone likes to ride roller coasters, someone likes fast driving, bungee jumping or skydiving.

The problem is that the high is temporary, lasting only a few minutes or hours. Eventually the addict will go into withdrawal and the alcoholic will have a hangover, but despite the painful days they know they're in for, many people choose a few minutes of pleasure. They may think that this time the pain will pass them by, or they may simply ignore it because of a strong desire for pleasure.

If the gain for the abuse chemicals- temporary pleasure, then what can be the benefit of criminal activity? Excitation? The pleasure of intimidation? Financial acquisitions?

All of the above and more. The most striking thing about the reasoning of criminals is that they talk to themselves about the crime they have committed. Most criminals believe that they did nothing wrong. By this we do not mean that they insisted on their innocence - almost everyone in prison claims to be innocent. We mean that even those who privately confessed to the crime they committed denied that they had done anything wrong, even though it was against the law. Many of the convicted criminals gave naive, innocent explanations for breaking the law.

They say, "Everyone steals, I'm just unlucky to get caught." "She deserved to be beaten because she's still that bitch"; "These rich people in huge houses… they have all the money, and I have nothing. I have the right to break in and take everything I can”; “I made the world happy by killing the bastard”; "I hid my friend's product because I was just trying to help him"; "I robbed a store because I needed money"; “I hit a man because he bored me. I had the right...

This is a human trait. Many people find it very difficult to think badly of themselves. The self-concept requires them to see themselves in the best possible light. They may have committed some monstrous deeds, but they will find some justification for themselves. For example, some serial rapists see themselves as messengers of God to punish women for their immoral behavior. In their eyes, their actions were not only not sinful, but even good and lawful: they fulfilled God's will, ridding the world of vicious women. It seems that if you try, people can rationalize any of their actions.

The practical benefit for many lawbreakers is not money, arousal, or the expression of frustration. They also draw positive sensations from their own perverse rationalizations.

The end result of their criminal act is imprisonment, and they don't like it. But punishment does not change their behavior; strikingly, they do not link the punishment to the crime. When they asked prisoners in prison: “How did you get here?” Few answered, "Because I broke the law." Instead, most responded, “Because HE pulled me in, you son of a bitch!” or “The cops found drugs in my car when they stopped me for speeding,” or “That bitch screamed so loud when I hit her that the neighbors called cops."

When asked, "What could you do in the future to avoid imprisonment?" Instead of saying things like, “I shouldn’t rob stores, distribute drugs, and beat my wife,” they responded, “I should get rid of Him!”, “Don’t drive when you have drugs in your car,” “Get an old a lady who doesn't yell so much."

This proves the point about punishment. For the punishment to work, it is not enough that it is strong. It is much more important that the person being punished sees the connection between his act and this punishment. Most lawbreakers do not see this connection. Because of their distorted thinking, they don't see anything that they would do wrong, so there is no reason to stop their criminal behavior.

Finally, the third and fourth contradictions to pragmatism remain, and this seems to be the most revealing. What can be the reward for those heroes and heroines who sacrifice their lives for the sake of others? Or those who donate their property?

In some cases, everything can be simple - the admiration of mankind. "Isn't Michael a wonderful person?" - very powerful reinforcements if you are Michael. If only a few people can observe the self-sacrifice of a person, it seems to him that all of humanity applauds. Or, perhaps, a subconscious desire to “write oneself in the Book of Life in Heaven”, according to the type - good deeds write off sins ...

How many young men imagine their girlfriend's rapturous look when they imagine they are loading a machine gun? The fact that their girlfriend is unlikely to think, "He's such a big, strong, wonderful hero," but rather, "I don't want to marry an idiot who loads automatic machines," has nothing to do with this fantasy.

In a word, if you recognize your deep, inner, often hidden

So, it's done! You have met the one and only, with whom you are ready to live your whole life and grow old together, surrounded by numerous children and grandchildren. The only thing left is to win her heart.
It’s good if your chosen one understood at first sight that you were the same prince that she had been dreaming of since kindergarten. If you didn’t manage to impress the girl on the first day of your acquaintance, don’t despair. Take the advice of psychologists - they know exactly what men's actions admire women. By the way, our TOP 10 men's actions will be no less useful. married men, after all, often after the wedding, misunderstandings and disappointments arise in the relationship of the spouses.
1. Solving her problems
Taking on her problems is an act that is sure to be appreciated. Offer your help in some business, and SHE will be grateful to you. It is very important for a woman to feel confident that in a difficult situation she can count on your help and support.
2. Attention and care
Every woman wants to be taken care of. By the way, remember Golden Rule- regularly give gifts to your beloved. No, this is not about diamonds, fur coats and cars. We are talking about signs of attention. It is important for a woman to know that she is always remembered and thought about. A sprig of lilac for no reason will please her ten times more than a traditional bouquet of roses on March 8th.
And, of course, do not forget the elementary rules of etiquette - give a hand, open the door, throw a jacket over your shoulders if it is cold.
3. Little things and details
Few men know how to listen, and not just listen, but pay attention even to small details and draw conclusions.
Remember the little things so that on the next date you give her your favorite flowers, go to a movie where her favorite actor plays, buy tickets to a concert of her favorite band ...
4. Romance
Yes, no one canceled the princes on a white horse. A woman needs to be conquered by her actions. Of course, with a horse and serenades under the balcony, not everything is so simple, but dinner with candles, poems, pleasant surprises, touching sms will help win the heart of the girl you like. Note that romantic deeds are no less important in the future - they will not allow you to turn your life together into routine.
5. Confidence in yourself and your actions
Do not confuse confidence and rudeness. Often, trying to show off in front of their friends, young people try to behave boldly and defiantly. This behavior has nothing to do with self-confidence.
A self-confident person is calm and collected, perfectly imagines his goals, feels responsible for loved ones, he can stand up for himself and for his companion.
A woman intuitively dreams of meeting a man who will stone wall. The confidence and reliability of a man attracts women to him.
6. The ability to joke
The presence of a sense of humor tells a woman that next to her is not a bore. A man who can make you laugh always enjoys the special disposition of the female sex. FROM positive person it will be easier to overcome life's difficulties, so a woman will choose the man who will create a good mood for her.
7. Attention to her relatives and friends
From her best friends you are not thrilled, and communication with her relatives seems like a heavy duty? No need to try to avoid meeting with her surroundings, find mutual language with people close to your chosen one. She will be pleased to hear compliments addressed to you from her friends or relatives.
8. Watching melodramas together
If not all, then certainly most women adore tearful melodramas. Men, in turn, avoid such films. If you watch romantic pictures with her from time to time, she will appreciate it. In general, regular joint evenings at the TV bring together and bring comfort to the relationship.
9. Rush at the first call
At any time of the day or night, your willingness to rush to her call, no matter what happens, leaving all your affairs, will show her your true attitude. Of course, if a girl "calls the alarm" too often, you should think about it.
10. Sometimes take on women's responsibilities
A woman, as a keeper of the hearth, is entrusted with many household duties - cooking, cleaning, washing, ironing, raising children ... Your help around the house without requests and reminders from her is a real man's act. If you invite your loved one to go to the hairdresser, to go shopping or to meet with girlfriends, expressing your readiness to stay for a few hours with the children, in her eyes (and in the eyes of others) you will appear as a real hero worthy of admiration.

A person commits many good and bad deeds throughout his life. Most often, his behavior lies in internal beliefs, beliefs, ideas. Almost everything that a person does has a purpose. In this article, we will give an example of good and bad deeds of people.

good deeds of man

This can include many different activities. For example, when a person helps his neighbor (material, physical, verbal help). People don't have to do all this, but they do it so they can help others.

In addition to helping others, a person very often helps animals or nature. On the street, he can feed various animals or even take them home if they need it. People grow plants and plant trees.

Saving other people is a very good deed that cannot be forgotten.

Good deeds include observance of etiquette, rules of being in society, respect for other individuals.

bad deeds of man

As a rule, bad deeds are everything that brings personal benefit to a person, in some cases with harm to society.

Promotion of alcohol, drugs, violence, etc. Bullying attitude towards animals, other people, harming nature.

Very often a person commits bad deeds by littering anywhere or when he commits theft.

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Many people who have done bad things often find various excuses for themselves. It is important to always remember the rules and laws, because some actions can be not only bad, but also terrible. If a person does good deeds, it will have a very positive impact on society. But if people commit crimes, they are punished.