Dimples on the face what does it mean. Superstitions and character of a person by dimples. What does folk wisdom think?

They are small indentations on the muscle of the cheekbones. They appear due to individual features this muscle and are located at a certain distance from the corners of the mouth and have either a round or oblong shape. Some people believe that this feature gives the face additional attractiveness.

Naturally, it is not inherent in everyone, but many want to acquire it, so they resort to the services of plastic surgeons and not only.

Dimple Features

The pits on the cheeks are practically invisible when the face is at rest. They appear in the following cases:

  • when a person smiles;
  • laughs;
  • shows other mimic activity.

The fact is that during contraction, the zygomatic muscle acquires a slight bifurcation and has the shape of the letter V. With active mimic activity, the corners of the mouth stretch upward and bifurcate, and small depressions appear on both sides at the divergences.

Dimples, depending on the structure of the muscles, may have different sizes and depth. If the cheeks are plump, they appear deeper. All thanks to a layer of fat that lifts them.

From a medical point of view, this feature is considered a defect, however, its owners are considered attractive, and the smile seems to be more friendly. It is for this reason that people are trying to achieve the appearance of such dimples by artificial means, if nature has not endowed them with them.

Cosmetic techniques for creating pits

If you do not have natural dimples on your cheeks or they are very small, but you are afraid to turn to the services of surgeons, then you can try using cosmetics.

You will need:

  • powder;
  • pencil;
  • corrector;
  • liquid eyeliner;
  • shadows.

If the natural dimples are weakly expressed, then their shape and depth can be effectively emphasized with powder or shadows that are several tones darker than the natural skin color. They need to be applied to the places where the dimples form. Or, in the center of the dimples, make a small dot with a brown soft pencil and blend them with cotton swabs.

Natural dimples can also be emphasized with a liquid highlighter, to do this, use it to highlight the areas around them. Thanks to this contrast, the effect of a clear transition from the dimple to even skin will be created.

If you don’t even have small dimples, then you can draw them at home using cosmetics. The algorithm is this:

When choosing this method of transformation, you need to consider that this only applies to a photo shoot or shooting, when you need to smile all the time. But in the case when the muscles are predominantly relaxed, such makeup will not look very appropriate.

Dimples with piercing

People who dream of getting attractive cheek hollows can do this by contacting a piercer. The pierced cheekbone muscle creates the effect of natural dimples, even if you do not wear jewelry on it. But remember that such an operation is very serious and you will have to wear clothes that match this image. There are two types of piercing:

  • classic puncture with a needle;
  • intradermal microimplantation - in this case, a small puncture is made under the skin, then a barbell passes through it, and balls, spikes and other decorations of various configurations are already wound onto it.

Any piercing is a rather serious step. Before you decide on it, take into account the following tips:

While the puncture site will heal, but requires special care. It will need to be washed regularly. special solutions prescribed by the doctor. Also, until the wounds heal, you should not allow them to get into hot water visit the solarium or swimming pool.

The decoration should not be removed for at least 2-3 months so that the wound can heal.

The cheek piercing procedure will cost an average of 1 thousand rubles per cheek.

Making holes at home

This method will appeal to those who want to get pits on their cheeks, but do not want to do either piercing or plastic surgery. But it should be noted that it is slow and does not help much. Exercise may not help, be prepared. But you can still try, a set of exercises helps to stimulate the facial muscles.

Perform the entire exercise in two sets of 15 times. They look like this:

  • Pull your cheeks inward, and close your lips with a “duck”, tighten your facial muscles, relax your teeth, and do not squeeze your cheeks.
  • Press your lips together and smile broadly. Press with your index fingers on the places where depressions should appear.
  • Feel the places where the cheeks fall as much as possible. Press your fingers on them and pull the skin back a little and try to smile broadly.
  • Lift up the corners of the lips alternately.
  • Straining your lips, as often as possible, press with your fingers or pencils on the places where depressions form.

Each exercise must be performed systematically and on regular basis. To do everything right, constantly look at yourself in the mirror. Over time, the facial muscles will tone up, and small treasured pits will appear on the cheeks.

Surgical intervention

If you dream of quickly becoming the owner of the cherished dimples, then you should resort to dimple ectomy. This simple operation is incredibly popular in many countries of the world. It doesn't matter if your cheeks are thin or plump.

When deciding on this operation, remember that it is irreversible, it will not work to remove the cavities, you can only reduce their depth. The dimples themselves may have different shape, size or depth.

The scheme for carrying out this operation is as follows:

  • points are applied to the cheeks with a marker where the pits will be;
  • local anesthesia is performed;
  • with inside a small incision is made on the cheeks;
  • the doctor removes fat lumps;
  • soft tissues are pulled together.

The procedure is completely safe, its duration is about an hour. At the same time, the skin is not injured and there will be no scars, it will not be necessary to pull the threads either.

You can return to your usual activities immediately after the operation. The only point is that for some time there will be slight discomfort in the oral cavity, it completely disappears in a few days. You will also need to rinse the role with antibacterial agents, as well as take painkillers. To speed up the regeneration process and the muscles getting used to the new position, analgesics can be prescribed.

The key disadvantage of such an operation is that in old age the dimples can be greatly distorted or resolved. As a result, wrinkles may appear on the face, which will be very difficult to get rid of.

The cost of dimple ectomy is about 30-40 thousand rubles and depends on the pricing policy of the clinic and the cost additional services(anesthesia, etc.).

Natural cheek dimples are rare and are considered a genetic defect.. However, according to popular wisdom, such a feature is considered a blessing, and its owners are considered incredibly attractive.

There is a large number of all kinds of signs and myths associated with depressions on the cheeks. The most famous are:

  • people with pits on their cheeks are very lucky, they have an easy fate;
  • they enjoy life and look at everything from a positive point of view;
  • owners of dimples belong to the sign of Venus and are incredibly popular with members of the opposite sex;
  • they are active at work;
  • temperamental in personal relationships;
  • dimples indicate the independence and independence of a person.

In addition, such negative qualities are attributed to people with natural cavities:

  • passion for gossip;
  • narcissism;
  • tendency to despotism and authoritarianism;
  • impudence.

Despite the fact that the presence of such pits has a completely physiological explanation, many associate this with a special purpose. Of course, not everyone was lucky to be born with them, however, if desired, dimples can be acquired.

Cheek dimples are small natural depressions in the area of ​​the cheekbones and cheeks. It is very difficult to achieve their appearance in a natural way. There are various massages that help to achieve approximate result by pumping the facial muscles. In the modern world, you can also help yourself with special innovations in medicine or directly cosmetics . The article presents 4 main and most effective ways: surgery, piercing, cosmetics and training.

How to make dimples on the cheeks with exercises

Before proceeding, you should protect the skin from the appearance of wrinkles or stretch marks. Rub in a moisturizing cream with aloe, olives or sea buckthorn oil in circular motions. Have fun with active music. Loads increase every week by 1 additional approach. As a result, a maximum of 10 approaches in 1 exercise.

  • Exercise number 1 - indentation.

They are located in front of the mirror and press their index fingers into places where dimples should appear. The next step is a smile. The corners of the mouth are stretched in a smile, the position is delayed for 2-3 seconds. and return to their original, relaxed position, without lifting their fingers from imaginary dimples. For the first time such approaches 2 to 50 times. If you remove your fingers at the end of the exercise, then small dimples will remain on your face for a while. With regular employment, in the future, they will be permanent. Rest break 30 sec.

  • Exercise number 2 - stretching.

Without leaving the mirror, they place their fingers on the cheek cavities and alternately begin to stretch out a smile. First, one corner stretches, the second rests, then vice versa. Run 50 times per side for 2 sets. Rest 30 sec.

  • Exercise number 3 - retraction.

The movements are very easy to perform. It is necessary to draw the cheeks into the inside of the oral cavity and hold the position for 2-3 seconds. Slowly finish 2 sets of 50 reps.

How to make dimples on the cheeks with cosmetics

Such transformations are suitable only for creating a certain image in the picture. In real life, dimples created by cosmetics will be ridiculous. Achieve results by brightening and darkening the skin. On site supposed the recesses are marked with a soft brown cosmetic pencil, shade the point with a cotton swab so that clear contours are not visible.

When there are insufficiently pronounced depressions, they are transformed with powder and shadows several shades lighter than the skin. Darken the depth and brighten the edges.

How to make dimples on the cheeks with a piercing

Dimples made by piercing are also called metal. Such services should be offered by a specialist who is familiar with the procedure and also works in a clean environment with sterile equipment. Independent a session can lead to infection, damage to the facial nerve, poor performance of facial expressions, and other undesirable consequences. It is better to inspect the workplace of a specialist for sanitation. The hands of the master must be in disposable gloves, syringes are sterile. Earrings set in fresh piercings, silver, gold plated, gold or platinum.

The patient takes care of the wounds with medical solutions, do not visit solariums, swimming pools until healing, hot showers are avoided.

How to make dimples on the cheeks with surgery

Dimplectomies are the latest trend in plastic surgery. Practice exclusively professional surgeons. The operation lasts about 1 hour. Before proceeding, the doctor will find out the location of the dimples, their depth and shape. There are no restrictions on skin type, as well as on the thickness of the fat layer. But there is a caveat - a second operation will not be able to completely remove the cavity, only make it a little smaller. Under an anesthetic, small incisions are made on the mucous side of the cheeks and fat is removed, pulled together with threads, forming dimples and then sewn up. Hospitalization is not required and the patient quietly continues to live and work.

A survey conducted between the population suggests that the male sex more often sympathizes with women with dimples on their faces. It's caused with associative representations about naivete, kindness. Unfortunately not all lucky be born with them. But, as you can see, for the desperate there are options to choose from. World technologies have reached the level of progress when the patient is conscious during the operation, and after the procedure he can immediately go about his business without getting out of work and life schedule.

It is reliably known that the dimples on the cheeks are just a pathology of the muscle. Our ancestors were inclined to interpret many physical phenomena from a romantic point of view. They believed that Cupid himself loves and protects people with dimples. Until now, the owners of such an unusual smile attract attention. This is especially true for women. The owners of such a pretty "defect" are very fond of men, they consider them sexy and sensual natures. Even if nature has not rewarded dimples on the cheeks, modern medicine will help correct this injustice with the help of dimple ectomy.

What does folk wisdom think?

People who smile dimples on their cheeks are considered lucky. It is commonly believed that this special sign, a mark guaranteeing the owner an easy and comfortable existence. Life spoils such people and generously rewards with the attention of the opposite sex. In addition, happy owners of hollows on their cheeks have a more pronounced interest in society, they like to be in the spotlight.

The man himself with dimples on his cheeks is characterized by folk wisdom as open, romantic and sociable. Such people find contact with society easier, have a good disposition and increased sensitivity. Empathy for others is not alien to them.

Sexuality is another feature that is prescribed to the owners of a bewitching smile. Indeed, such people cause undoubted interest in their person. The combination of sensuality and childish naivety produce the desired effect. Residents of Asian countries are especially inclined to think so.

There is also a version about the owners of only one dimple. Those who have a miraculous mark appear only on the left side:

  • independent;
  • proud;
  • easily cope with everyday difficulties and troubles;
  • have a mobile mind.

A dimple on the right cheek betrays a person:

  • sociable;
  • temperamental;
  • prone to many new acquaintances;
  • positive attitude.

This is understandable. The owners of such an original smile like themselves, and therefore strive for a stormy public life. But some believe that such active attention from others produces in sincere and attractive owners of dimples. negative traits character. Such as vanity, superficial perception of the world and the internal component is replaced by external tinsel.

The dimples on the cheeks also became the object of study of physiognomy. For men, hollows on the cheeks are interpreted as an indicator of fortitude, the will to win. It is believed that they have a real inner core. Women, on the other hand, are soft and docile. Very amorous, romantic and flirtatious.

The Russian people have a special sign. When matchmakers come to look at the bride, the presence of a cute mark on her cheeks definitely plays in favor of the future wife. This is considered very a good sign and the promise of a happy family life.

There is a legend about the appearance of unusual marks. It says that once Aphrodite kissed a lovely child on the cheek. And since the goddess could not give him wealth, fame and power, she presented the most precious thing in the world - the happiness of love.

What Science Says

A person has the ability to smile thanks to the large zygomatic muscle. She pulls the edges of her lips up, allowing people to show positive emotions with the help of mime. The muscle is attached to the zygomatic bone and, splitting, approaches the lips. For some, it has a peculiar structure. For example, additional transverse fibers that connect to the subcutaneous layer on the cheek. When smiling, they are pulled up by the contracted muscle, thereby creating a dimple effect.

The very structure of this form of pathology is extremely diverse. The dimples may be rounded or more elongated, resembling slits. In addition, the location on the cheek is also peculiar. The more body fat a person has, the stronger the effect of fiber contraction. There is also an age trend.

In children, dimples on the cheeks are much more common than in older people. This is due to physiological changes. Such as stretching a muscle or reducing body fat. For some people, the depressions disappear over time, for others they remain. Science is not as romantic as society and does not prescribe any special character traits to the owners of such a wonderful smile. From the point of view of genetics, dimples on the cheeks are a dominant trait. Accordingly, they are inherited.

Why do people like dimples on their cheeks

People with dimples on their cheeks attract attention. The smile becomes more open and friendly. When you see a person who has this feature, you want to approach him and speak. This happens because the owners of romantic cavities subconsciously inspire confidence.

In addition, dimples on the cheeks often evoke an association with childhood, which is remembered with joy and tenderness. When a person with an amazing smile appears in society, all the positive characteristics that are possible are gathered together.

Popularity of Dimpleectomy

It is unlikely that cute dimples can leave someone indifferent, but not everyone can boast of having them. Dimpleectomy comes to the rescue in this matter. It is an operation that belongs to plastic surgery. AT foreign countries this procedure is widespread. The Russians began to resort to it not so long ago.

The popularity of dimple ectomy is also associated with the widespread cult Hollywood stars. Many popular actors, singers, musicians, as well as ordinary people, find the appearance of dimples on the cheeks during a smile very attractive. Their fans strive to be like their idols, to attract the attention of others. Moreover, the operation is common in both women and men.

How is the operation

Dimple ectomy is relatively inexpensive and performed quickly. Still, do not forget that this is a real operation. Includes preparatory stage and the procedure itself.

Before plastic surgery:

  • pass sample analyzes(clotting and blood type, Wasserman reaction);
  • consult a surgeon;
  • determine the preferences for the depth and location of the dimples.

It is important to understand that the consequences of the operation are irreversible. If the patient is not satisfied with the result, the procedure will need to be repeated. But getting rid of the dimples will no longer work. That is why the specialist will conduct a simulation, show how the depressions will take their place. Next is the marking on the face. Plastic has practically no contraindications. The result will also not be affected by the state and type skin.

The operation is carried out as follows:

  • direct marking is carried out already on the patient's face;
  • anesthesia is performed (most often local, but general anesthesia is possible if indicated or desired);
  • an incision is made in the oral cavity on the mucous membrane of the cheek with a scalpel;
  • particles of the fatty layer are removed in the right place and the required size;
  • with the help of a surgical thread, nearby tissues are pulled together;
  • formed scar and forms dimples on the outside of the cheek.

The fact that the plasty is performed from the inside of the cheek, avoids the appearance of defects on the face.

The operation is carried out within 30-60 minutes. Hospitalization of the patient is not required. In just an hour you can go home. A slight swelling is likely to appear, but this will not affect the usual way of life. Sick leave not required, because there are no contraindications for any type of activity.

Postoperative period

Depending on the characteristics of the fat layer and dermis, healing occurs from 1 to 3 weeks. Immediately after the operation, depressions will appear on the face. True, at first they will be visible all the time, regardless of facial expressions. At a time when the surgical thread will resolve, the manifestation of the dimples will become more natural - during a smile. The surface of the skin is leveled, and the depressions do not look artificial.

  • do not eat solid food for 3-4 days;
  • take a broad-spectrum antibiotic;
  • if necessary, resort to the help of an anesthetic;
  • perform oral hygiene.

Reinforced hygiene procedures it is required to carry out only during the healing period of the wound on the buccal mucosa. For this, various antibacterial drugs are used. It is very important to carefully follow all the doctor's instructions to prevent infection.

Some patients experience pain after surgery. Usually the discomfort is quite tolerable, but in some cases it is still necessary to take painkillers, especially at night.

Just like natural ones, dimples created through modern medicine tend to decrease or disappear with age. The reasons are the same in both cases.

From an aesthetic point of view, dimple ectomy helps not only create depressions on the cheeks, but also visually reduce the width of the face, making it more open and friendly.

Whether natural dimples on the cheeks or obtained with the help of the latest achievements of medicine is not so important if it can give self-confidence. It must be remembered that the creation of charming depressions through plastic surgery is for life. The main thing, if a decision is made to carry out the operation, is to choose a good clinic and a highly professional specialist.

Dimples on the cheeks adorn not only women, but also men. According to existing beliefs dimples on the cheeks mean that this person was kissed at birth by Cupid. Many call such people lucky in life. Interestingly, dimples on the cheeks are inherited, and they can also appear or disappear with age.

What do the dimples on the cheeks of girls mean?

A person who has dimples on his face while smiling can count on good luck in any business. Such people stand out for their cheerfulness and positive. There is another version that the dimple means the presence of sexuality and charm that attracts the attention of the opposite sex. Such people have an inexplicable attraction and independence. If a person has dimples on his cheeks, then he likes luxury and entertainment. AT ordinary life, despite their aristocratic nature, they are generous and can come to the rescue at any time. Physiognomists claim that dimples on the cheeks of women and men mean the presence of vanity and authoritarianism. In some situations, they can even be despotic.

Let's figure out what the dimple on the left cheek means - this is a sign that a person has an independent disposition and it is easier for him to adapt to everyday life. Such people often exist in their imaginary world. If the “decoration” is on the right cheek, then such a person is sociable and temperamental. Another dimple on the right cheek means that its owner quickly switches from one job to another.

In science, dimples are explained by a genetic defect, that is, a special structure of the zygomatic muscle. How to train these muscles or get rid of them folk way it is forbidden. The only solution is surgery. Some people agree to the operation, on the contrary, to beautify themselves on the face.

It is impossible to create real dimples. Dimples on the cheeks are the result of a genetic muscle deformity - contraction of the facial muscles: the only way to receive them is to be born with them. However, if you want to create the illusion of dimples, there are exercises and cosmetic techniques that can help you achieve this. There are several tricks to help you get dimples, from using cosmetics to even surgery! However, we will tell you about all this in this article.


Dimple exercises

    Poke out your lips and draw in your cheeks. Make a face like you just ate a lemon or something very sour. Pout your lips and partially retract your cheeks. Do not clench your teeth, but close your lips. Your cheeks should be pointed inward so that the notch is just between your upper and lower teeth, between your front and back mouth.

    • Note- This grandfather method. It's by no means certain that it will work!
    • Your cheeks should, even in theory, retract inward, with the deepest point of the "retracted" part of the cheeks between the teeth, approximately in the middle of the mouth.
    • In fact, you can eat or drink something sour if you find it difficult to imagine an appropriate facial expression.
  1. Press in and hold the marks. Determine the area where your cheeks sink the most. Hold this point on both cheeks with your index fingers.

    • You can also hold these points thumb or the rounded end of a pencil, if that makes it easier for you.
  2. Smile and move your fingers to the right place. Gradually smile wider and wider, keeping your fingers on all the same points on your face. You need to smile widely, with your whole mouth, since dimples, as a rule, appear precisely with a wide smile. Your fingers should be located at the edges of the “smile” - where the dimples appear on the cheeks.

    Continue pressing for 30 minutes or more. If you want to train your cheeks to form dimples for a longer time, you need to press these artificial dimples with your fingers for at least 30 minutes.

    Repeat the exercise every day. Continue to do dimple exercises daily for several weeks. If a month has passed, and you still haven’t managed to create dimples, then you should try other methods. Since this technique is not backed by science, it may not work for you.

    cosmetic effects

    1. Smile broadly. Look in the mirror, smile broadly and determine the location of future dimples.

      • When you smile, wrinkles should form on the outside of your mouth. Your "dimples" should fall exactly on these folds, starting at the upper corners of your lips.
      • Smile widely and naturally. You will better understand where you will need to draw cosmetic dimples if you smile broadly - and just smile, not grin. In general, do not be embarrassed!
      • Note- this method is suitable for those cases when you need to take a picture with dimples on your cheeks. In other cases, everything may look a little ... unnatural.
    2. Make a small dot with eyeliner. Use dark brown eyeliner or pencil to dot future dimples - they usually look like short lines or thin arched shapes.

      • A dark brown tone works better because it can be blended into a more natural shade. But black and colored eyeliner is best avoided.
    3. Draw a curve on the cheek. Relax your mouth. Draw a small curved line, starting at the point you've already marked. Please note that you need to draw with the same thing that you marked the point with!

      • The line should be no further than 2.5 cm below the dot. It should be slightly curved.
    4. Blend and redraw if needed. So, the dimples are drawn, it remains to apply makeup on top so that everything looks natural (as far as possible, of course). Use your fingers or a sponge to blend the line up and down instead of side to side.

      • One application may not create a dark enough line, so you may need to draw the line and blend it several times.
    5. Smile to see the result. If the position of the dimples is not quite correct, wash off the makeup and try again. See if everything is in order - if the lines are dark enough, symmetrical, if they look strange. If you don't like something, wash it off and draw again!

    cheek piercing

      Contact a professional. Do not attempt this procedure at home. Visit a qualified professional with an excellent reputation, straight hands and clean instruments to minimize the risk of infection or complications.

      • Remember that most professionals will refuse to give you a dimple piercing if you are under 18, even with parental permission. However, the exact "disputed" age depends on the laws of your country. The age of majority in Russia comes only at the age of 18 (Article 21 of the ACRF).
      • Remember that many professional piercers refuse to do this type of piercing regardless of the age of the client. Nose and ear piercings only go through skin and cartilage, while dimple piercings go through muscle. As a result, accordingly, there is a great risk of damaging the nerve.
    1. Wash the puncture area thoroughly. More precisely, if, of course, your piercer is a pro, then he should do it himself. Outer side cheeks should be cleaned with antibacterial soap, alcohol, or other appropriate sterilization agent. All this in order to destroy the pathogens that are on the cheeks, which can lead to the development of complications.

      • The piercer may also ask you to rinse your mouth with an antibacterial solution to reduce the risk of bacteria from the inside of your cheek becoming infected with the piercing site.
    2. Make sure your tools are clean too. A good piercer only uses disposable needles - that's a fact. Please note that cleanliness is exceptional important point. Needle to pierce you obliged be pure without a shadow of a doubt. Never and for nothing do not settle for a piercing with a needle that has already been pierced by someone. Besides:

      • The needle must be annealed before use.
      • The master should wash his hands with antibacterial soap. He may or may not wear disposable gloves.
      • Earrings should be cleaned with an antibacterial solution.
    3. Make a hole. The piercer will make a puncture in the place where the natural dimples should be. Immediately after the skin puncture, it is necessary to insert earrings into the puncture site and treat the area with an antibacterial solution.

    4. Take care of the puncture after the procedure. You will need to clean the piercings with saline for several days until the piercing heals, which will reduce the risk of complications. Check with your piercer for details.

      • The solution for processing can be bought from the master. You can make it yourself - just mix 1 tablespoon of salt with 250 ml of distilled water.
      • Apply the saline solution with a cotton pad. Wipe the area around the piercing and also behind the earring.
      • Try not to play with the earrings until the puncture has healed, otherwise the bacteria from your hands will get into the wound, and you may dislodge the puncture site, which will worsen the condition of the wound.
    5. Leave the earring in the hole for 1-3 months. It will take the same amount of time for the piercing to heal. Please note that at first the puncture must heal, only then you can safely pull out the jewelry. If you pull out the piercing ahead of schedule, that is, there is a chance that the puncture will heal on its own (and you will no longer be able to insert the jewelry back). Wait at least 1 month (1-3), during which time your cheeks will heal.

      • The scheme is simple: they pulled out the earring - the skin began to grow. While it overgrows, two small holes will remain in it. When they overgrow, two small depressions will remain in their place - two, in fact, dimples.
      • Watch what jewelry you wear in your piercing! Some people develop an allergy to some jewelry, sometimes even a serious one (especially cheap jewelry is guilty of this).
      • Remember that these "dimples" will remain on your face, whether you are smiling, frowning or not expressing any emotions.
    • Dimples look cute, but you always have to be yourself.
    • You can take a bottle cap and suck in your cheeks. However, it will be an artificial dimple.
    • You may consider cosmetic surgery. While not a natural way to get dimples, it can be very effective.


    • Be aware that cheek piercings can cause unexpected, lasting muscle damage. Lack of proper care for cheek piercings can also lead to infections. Use this method only if you are fully prepared for the consequences.