Losers at school - the king in life: how Hollywood stars studied. Losers on the screen: the stars who did poorly in school


Popular actress and public figure Angelina Jolie did not like to go to school. She was an outcast in the class. School psychologists referred her to a group in need of psychotherapist's help. But at the same time, the future movie star realized that she could influence what happens in society. She and her friends protested against the dismissal of physical education, and the campaign ended in success - Bill Smith remained to teach at the school.

Future actress Charlize Theron primary school the children considered the ugly duckling and did not want to be friends with her. The same fate befell the Hollywood actor Tom Cruise, for whom it is associated with unpleasant memories.

Daniel Radcliffe, the performer of the legendary role of the young Harry Potter, dropped out of school for the sake of filming. The star of the films "Armageddon" and "Lord of the Rings" Liv Tyler also dropped out of school at the age of 14 due to the fact that she could not stand school rules and requirements. Quentin Tarantino could not stand the bullying of his classmates and also did not receive a certificate.

The famous actor and the object of adoration of many girls Ashton Kutcher already at school liked to be in the spotlight. He always got into different stories, and once even thundered into prison, breaking the lock on the school. But, despite this, he studied well and received high marks. Mexican actress Salma Hayek was also a diligent student. But she, like many schoolchildren, often lied to teachers and told all sorts of fables in order to get out of the water dry.

The popular actor Hugh Grant, like Ashton Kutcher, also loved attention during his school years, especially of the opposite sex. He liked to play in performances and be the subject of universal admiration. The young actress Keira Knightley could not imagine her life without cinema and theater. In order to somehow force their daughter to study, the parents made concessions: Kira goes to classes, and they hire her an agent.

The star of the movie "Basic Instinct" Sharon Stone at school was a real daredevil. Her tricks often drove teachers into the paint. The heroine of the films "Charlie's Angels" and "Very Bad Teacher" was not the best student either. Cameron Diaz rarely gave up homework for verification and was surprised when she was transferred to the next. And at the age of 16, Cameron was not at all up to studying - at this age she began her modeling career.

Among the geniuses of literature and physics, inventors and pioneers, there are also many who were poorly given school sciences. Among them were Albert Einstein, who could not connect two words, and Isaac Newton, who was one of the worst students in the class, and Alexander Pushkin, who received deuces in all non-humanitarian subjects, and Thomas Edison, who was taught at home by his mother after dropping out of school.

On the eve of the start of the new school year, we remembered celebrities who achieved world fame in spite of, rather than because of, their school successes: most of them did not study well at school. Rare honors students who have crept into their ranks are exceptions that only confirm the rule.

School grades don't matter. To achieve success in life, something else is clearly needed.

Born in the family of a teacher and a doctor, and the first years of schooling was - in his words - "a quite successful student." But then I met Matt Damon and other street guys - and only one memory remained of an exemplary boy.

He studied poorly at school and later at the Catholic seminary due to dyslexia - a disease that is expressed in difficulty in mastering the skill of reading. Classmates recall that Tom was popular with girls - because of which, in the end, he was expelled from the seminary.

The star of "127 Hours" and "James Dean" was still a bully at school - he drank, skipped classes and was cheeky to teachers.

He repeatedly admitted that his school was life itself. He studied only a few classes and left his studies for the sake of filming a movie.

The socialite admits that she studied "very mediocre" at a Catholic girls' school, where her star parents sent her. She was more interested in clothes, cosmetics and boys.

He was a real rebel in his youth. By the age of 16, he was already experimenting with drugs, running after skirts and dreaming of becoming a rock star. “I ended up dropping out of school and it was a real deliverance for me,” said the actor.

She was an excellent student at school - exactly until the moment when she was carried away by school theatrical performances, where the girl sang and played. Stephanie Germanotta was not a popular student - her classmates laughed at her appearance and long nose - so music and theater classes became her salvation.

She complained in her interviews that she was not popular with her classmates - they allegedly began to mock her when they found out that she wanted to become an actress. But the classmates themselves refute this, calling Megan the "drama queen." “She was a popular girl and got a little bit up in her nose because she went with older guys. Her complaints about the fact that she was not loved and mocked at her - to put it mildly, is not true, ”one of her classmates told reporters.

She was an exemplary student - this is how her strict parents-preachers brought her up. “No one wanted to be friends with her,” one of Katie’s classmates shared his memories. - She was too correct - and such a gray mouse.

She can boast that she studied well, was the head of the class, a cheerleader, sang in the choir, participated in various amateur circles and was respected by her classmates.

He remembers himself as a "difficult child". “I was a punk, an outsider. And no one wanted to hang out with me. Nobody knew what to expect from me. After graduating from school at 16, I breathed a sigh of relief.”

Not the best progress was shown at school and her husband. He was very attractive and was popular with girls. He also went in for sports - so actually there was no time left for study.

She says that she was a bully at school and often fought with guys. Rapper Snoop Dogg, who studied with her at the same school, assures that Cameron was " the sweetest girl(Apparently, she failed to fight with him).

Christina Aguilera remembered as "a real little bitch". Christina began participating in the Mickey Mouse Club in childhood and early felt like a star.

Her "teammate" recalls that he was not popular at school. He grew up in Tennessee, and while his other classmates were into American football and baseball, Justin was more interested in music and theater. For him, he received the nickname "sissies."

She was a quiet and modest girl who preferred the company of a guitar to communication with classmates. They reciprocated her. “How often I heard: On Friday we have the coolest party, everyone is invited - except for Swift,” she said. I have to thank these people. If not for them, I would hardly have started writing songs and entered the stage.

Photos in the text - RexFeatures.

Ask any person how people studied who later became outstanding in any field of science, art. The answer is: bad. A.S. Pushkin, Ludwig van Beethoven, Albert Einstein had deuces in mathematics. The future theoretical physicist L. Landau, on the contrary, surprised with his knowledge in the exact sciences, and he had big problems with literature.

Science was also bad for Leo Tolstoy. And not only in the development of the school compulsory program, but also at the university: he never managed to finish it. The author of "War and Peace" did not have a diploma of education. A.P. Chekhov twice stayed in the second year, Thomas Edison, a famous inventor and millionaire, generally had to leave school because of unsatisfactory grades, and his mother taught him. The list of great "doubles" goes on and on.

The most striking thing is that some of them managed to get “failures” in the disciplines in which they later became famous. For example, the English physicist, mathematician, mechanic and astronomer, one of the creators of classical physics, Isaac Newton, in his youth, did not do well in physics and mathematics, he generally studied worse than anyone in the class. Such examples give hope that a genius can grow out of a child who does not get out of twos.

Now try to name at least one famous person who showed in his studies outstanding abilities. So you do not read now longer, but try to remember yourself. Well, how are you doing? Most likely, as in the song: "and in response - silence." It is not easy to do this even after searching in additional literature and the Internet. For some reason, losers are well-known, but excellent students are not. We know their names, but we can't remember them quickly. Most likely, the reason for such a memory is precisely for the twos and threes that by citing them as an example, we justify to ourselves and to other people our laziness, shortcomings, and unwillingness to achieve our goals. Excellent students are not suitable for this - they make great efforts, are responsible, always hardworking.

So who did succeed in mastering school disciplines? The Russian writer and diplomat A.S. Griboyedov had encyclopedic knowledge and a sharp, quick mind. The chemist D. Mendeleev, the physicist Maria Sklodovskaya-Curie, the natural scientist, physicist and chemist M.V. Lomonosov, etc. studied very well.

But there are still more great doubles. Why is it so strange? Isn't great knowledge a 100% guarantee of a successful future? Apparently not. And the losers and excellent students are different. Both one and the other can expect a rise or fall in life. But look at your classmates: who became who, what heights they achieved. The facts are stubborn - for losers and threes, the career usually develops well, but with excellent students who were predicted to have a bright future, the situation is different.

So what do we parents do now? Give up on your child's education? Let him do nothing, not study? And to be afraid of fives, since nothing good can be expected from them? Of course not.

Apparently, the secret of success is in the child's attitude to the learning process. If he studies because he is interested, that's fine. It is dangerous if the motive is getting a good grade, praise, gratitude. Basically, excellent students are very dependent on the opinions of others, their grades. Hence self-doubt, lack of initiative, fear of failure, constant stress. That is, all those states that are unknown to the freedom-loving loser or triplet. A students mainly study for evaluation, while C students study to learn something important, because it is interesting or necessary for the job.

Usually, excellent students have no time to look around, stop to understand who he is, what he can and wants. What is it striving for? But the threes and losers have plenty of time to do what they love. They have their own idea of ​​what they need and what they don't. Often losers are very purposefully engaged in their self-education. They are simply not satisfied with the school curriculum, they are bored and uninterested in the lessons. They can for the whole academic year never open a textbook on the subject being studied, but re-read all the available additional literature on this discipline, and very serious, scientific, and even put many knowledge into practice in an appropriate circle.

Many three-year-olds after school run to courses, and visit theaters, exhibitions, and regular visitors to the library, etc. They are often very active, so they have a wide social circle, as time allows, and the interests are very diverse, and they are not fixated on assessments. They have many acquaintances who subsequently provide assistance at work.

Reality forces a weakly studying child to be a good organizer, a subtle psychologist, to be able to appreciate their business qualities in people, to find for everyone the right approach, which gives a positive, i.e. necessary for the double, the result. One can write off Russian, the other will help with mathematics, the third will explain physics best of all, etc. When schoolchildren grow up, it somehow happens that twos and threes are excellent bosses. And the excellent students come to their former classmates get hired and become good ... performers doing, as in school, assigned work and rejoicing in the leader's praise. And everyone is happy. That is life!

So, you don't have to be an excellent student? It is necessary if the fives are just grades, and not the ultimate goal, the indispensable prize of every effort made by the child. Teach your child not to be afraid to be left without the coveted excellent grade. Studying a subject at school is not a “five” in the diary, but well-learned knowledge. Teach your child to see the versatility, the boundlessness of life, to live for the sake of their prosperity, unlocking their potential, abilities, and not for the sake of some kind of score. The goal of any education is knowledge, and the assessment is simply a soulless indicator for everyone else (including the child) of the level of this knowledge.

But they, these people, have become geniuses, successful and famous throughout the world. Sometimes the inability to meet the requirements of the system is by no means a sign of failure in the future.

Among geniuses, there are a lot of twos or threes and a difficult relationship with the school. Although, as a rule, many of these geniuses had support in the face of loved one(mothers, uncles, nannies), thanks to which the talent was not lost, and the desire to develop it did not fade ... Parents of modern potential geniuses should also think about it. Success does not always depend on marks in the report card. Most often, however, from the faith of parents in the child and his talent.

Anton Chekhov- an unsurpassed master of words, a brilliant writer - in the third grade he stayed for the second year because of twos in arithmetic and geography. In the fifth, I was delayed again because of the Greek. Even in Russian literature and language, he had triples.

Sergei Korolev- a man who did a lot for the exploration of space by mankind, at school he was a three-year student with a tendency to roll into deuces.

Thomas Edison- a famous inventor, immediately hated the school. Already in the first year of study, he became a round loser. The teacher stated that Thomas is incapable of learning as he is a mentally handicapped child. His mother, a former teacher, taught Thomas at home. She supported her son in every possible way and believed in his abilities. And it gave its results. Genius from her son turned out.

Richard Branson- multimillionaire, founder of the Virgin Group corporation, a person who develops the idea of ​​private space tourism. At school, he was considered illiterate. Later it turned out that he suffered from hidden reason underachievement - dyslexia. This is a neurological disorder with an inability to recognize written language.

Winston Churchill was the eldest son of his aristocratic parents, a loafer and a prankster. Didn't like to study. He changed one private school after another, where he received deuces or, at best, triples. Parents did not lose hope and looked for ways to teach their son. Winston liked to read serious literature in a quiet corner. What he did when he was punished with loneliness. And he was assigned additional lessons on English language, perhaps, then began his journey to Nobel Prize on literature.

Pushkin hated mathematics and did not understand it at all. However, this is not his main problem. In the lyceum, he was the penultimate one in terms of overall performance.

Bill Gates did poorly in school. He did not try too hard and in general considered much of the school curriculum unnecessary and uninteresting. His parents encouraged him different ways and did not lose faith in his talent and abilities.

Albert Einstein- the most famous physicist, Nobel Prize winner, creator of the theory of relativity in his school years was known as a dumbass. The teachers doubted that he would master the program and be able to finish school. The school subject of physics was one of the most difficult subjects for the boy.

His uncle was engaged in his education, who gave knowledge that was ahead of the school level. Maybe Albert was just bored. But the humanities were difficult for him, he wrote and read poorly. There is also an opinion that brilliant physicist was autistic and suffered from.

Photo source: rexfeatures.com, depositphotos.com, wikipedia.org

Almost everyone has heard that the future genius Albert Einstein did badly at school. But not everyone knows that the fate of an outstanding physicist is not a surprising exception, but a completely natural case. French scientists from the University of Poitiers argue: good studies does not always indicate high level intelligence and vice versa.

Researchers from the University of Poitiers have refuted the common misconception that academic success indicates a high level of knowledge, while failures and mistakes, on the contrary, are a sign of lack of education. This point of view causes a lot of suffering to capable schoolchildren and students who become afraid of making mistakes.

French psychologists conducted three experiments involving sixth graders. At the first stage, the students were asked to solve very difficult anagrams, which they obviously had no chance to cope with. The psychologists then divided the children into two groups.

They talked with the first, telling that learning is difficult, and this process cannot be completed without mistakes and failures, which are completely natural to make. The researchers did not calm the children from the second group, but simply discussed with them the mistakes made in the task.

In conclusion, the sixth-graders passed a memory efficiency test. Schoolchildren from the first group, who did not cope with a difficult task, but did not consider it a failure, had higher results than those who were disappointed by the failure. Moreover, their memory worked more efficiently than in the control group, who did not solve any tasks at all before the test.

Two subsequent experiments confirmed the results of the first. They were built in a similar way, but instead of memory tests, schoolchildren were tested for the level of understanding of texts. It turns out that making mistakes is useful, provided that you treat them calmly as part of educational process. But the stereotypical attitude to mistakes as something unacceptable, which should be avoided with all your might, labeling "losers" and lazy people "can really reduce academic performance and even worsen the mental abilities of students, experts say.

Previously, American psychologists analyzed the biographies of 400 famous people, including many scientists. It turned out that 240 (that is, more than half) of them had serious problems with academic performance in school. Among such "losers" are Charles Darwin, Blaise Pascal, Albert Einstein and Isaac Newton.

The latter was known at school as an inveterate lazy and stupid. The parents were forced to take Newton home due to a "learning disability". Albert Einstein, a key figure in modern physics and a Nobel laureate, was considered retarded as a child. He learned to talk and walk late, and at school he was older than most of his classmates.

Einstein studied poorly anyway and at the age of 15 was expelled for poor progress. The future genius suffered from dyslexia, a disorder that prevents him from mastering reading and writing. By the way, researchers have long noticed that dyslexia occurs not only in children with developmental problems, but also in gifted, highly successful individuals in the future. British billionaire Richard Branson, the founder of Virgin Corporation, suffered from the same disease.

Perhaps there is Feedback: to overcome the problems associated with dyslexia, children have to be persistent and diligent, develop memory, diplomacy - all these skills, of course, give them a great advantage in adulthood.

Students who show bright abilities, but for some reason get poor grades, are considered to be lazy. Is it so? Psychologists analyze a number of reasons, in addition to laziness, that can lead to poor academic performance of a capable child.

First of all, it's just plain boring. Gifted children think deeper than their peers and quickly acquire new knowledge. They need training to be complex enough, deep enough, to allow discovering new things, to require constant voltage mind. It is clear that the average school program, which should be mastered by 20-30 students at the same time, does not suit them. To show a "sense of elbow" for a child of 7-10 years old is overwhelming work. Very soon he realizes that going to school is a waste of time, he does not receive new knowledge in the classroom, and the motivation to study disappears completely.

Another problem of capable schoolchildren is uneven development. The intellect of gifted children sometimes significantly exceeds their psychological, psychomotor or social development. Outcome - the student understands perfectly new material, but, for example, does not have time to write down tasks, or cannot clearly and quickly formulate a thought, is afraid to go to the board and answer publicly, and the like. Unfortunately, not all teachers and even parents are ready to take into account the peculiarities of the development of such children.

Creative personalities, moreover, do not get used to a strict routine imposed from the outside, and they also like to argue. They say that this is what Einstein sinned - he often entered into disputes with teachers, which had a bad effect on his grades ...