Room design for a girl. Design of a room (bedroom) for a girl Lovely rooms for girls

Designing a room for a girl is always difficult. The whole point rests on the fact that the young lady already has her own opinion, which lies under the burden of fashion, style and current trends. In fact, she most often does not know what she wants. After all, there are so many style design designs for rooms that it becomes difficult to choose something specific for yourself. Hence all the problems. But the requirements of the girl herself for the design of her own room are almost the same. This is unusualness, style, originality and dissimilarity to everything that exists in the modern world. Try it here and please her.

Therefore, professional designers who have vast experience in communicating with people of different age categories, when creating a design project, definitely offer the girl to actively participate in its production. Thus, two birds with one stone are killed at once. The first is the process of creating a design project - a creative business. It will definitely please the girl. Secondly, in the process itself, it will be easier for her to explain some specific nuances of creating a design.

So, she was involved in the process, now it is necessary to decide what she wants specifically. But all her fantasies will have to be broken down regarding the three zones that must be present in the room without fail. This is a working area, a bedroom and a guest room.

Attention!!! The older the young lady becomes, the more her preferences will be given to the guest area. It is for her that high priorities will have to be allocated. This is the law. Currently, designers offer fairly versatile projects in which one can observe lightness, airiness, a pleasant atmosphere and a bright image of the hostess.

And so, the girl's room. Where to start?

Good question. Start with the walls. As always, there are a huge number of finishes, but experts say that the best option would be wallpaper, and textured wallpaper that looks like compressed fabric. By the way, this type of finish is used for painting, which makes it possible to use all sorts of color options. But there are already ready-made models.

It is important here not to oversaturate the room with bright colors, but the interior should not be boring either. For example, manufacturers today offer wallpaper with gold splashes. An excellent material, the rays of the sun falling on its surface, will create unusualness inside the room when the wallpaper begins to shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow.

Wallpaper can also be used on the ceiling. Designers consider this option to be youthful. In terms of the color of the ceiling, you can not be smarter and use white. It will look like white suede. You are guaranteed uniqueness.

With floors, everything is much easier. As practice shows, young girls today give their preference to laminate, modern flooring. You should not dissuade them from this, because in fact the laminate is an excellent material with excellent physical, technical and operational characteristics. It does not even leave traces of women's heels. But the hostess of the room must choose the color of the floor herself, it is important here to get into the tone of the general concept of the room design.

Bedroom furniture for girls.

Something, and girls pay special attention to this category. The requirements here are strict. And they do it right. Let's note one fact. Today it is almost impossible to pick up all the furniture in general in one single concept, where the form, construction, style, color, functionality and practicality are combined in one variant. If we are talking about finished furniture. Therefore, it makes sense to make furniture to order.

What can be offered today from furniture to a room for a girl? The central element is the wardrobe. Specialists offer a wardrobe, divided into two parts. The first part is a wardrobe. The second is shelving for books, CDs and other small things. The design of the door is important here. In the open state - this is an open wardrobe, closed racks. In the closed state - this is a closed cabinet, open shelves.

The table should be small, versatile, which can accommodate all writing utensils and a computer or laptop. Several shelves at the table, a comfortable chair or a small armchair. But let the girl choose a sofa, an ottoman and a bedside table with a mirror, this is her prerogative.

Curtains should be airy, light. Mandatory tulle. You will have to work with the same color, combining it with other decorative elements.

And one moment.

As practice shows, in the process of repair, suddenly, the hostess can suddenly change the design project. You must always be ready for this. What can you do, because no one has ever been able to understand this subtle girlish nature.

Interior for a girl photo:

Tags: girls room girl room design girl room interior girl room photo girls room design girl room photo teen girl room young girl room

The design of a room for a girl in a modern style is an excellent option for decorating a cozy place. It allows you to make the room multifunctional and combine a bedroom, a living room, an office and a mini-gym. Such an interior will embody all the dreams of the owner, it will be cozy and beautiful.

The desire to have a personal corner in the house is inherent in every person. And this is not surprising. Thus, he expresses himself. When furnishing a girl's bedroom, it is necessary to take into account various factors. The main ones include age and character, which determine her preferences. The design of a room for a girl should meet her current interests and requirements. It reflects her nature, is an intimate space.

When creating a room design for a girl, her preferences should be taken into account.

This design is cozy and beautiful at the same time.

Modern style is perfect for girls

Arranging a girl's bedroom is an interesting event. It is not advisable for parents to carry out repairs on their own. The owner must be involved in this. Otherwise, the surprise may not have the desired effect. The girl wants not only to show her knowledge of style and fashion in her own wardrobe, but also in relation to the arrangement of her personal living space.

The design of a room for a girl can be varied. Today, there are many options for it, but not everyone is able to realize the preferences and requirements of the hostess. Many girls are tired of the usual design of rooms in pink. They do not feel like dolls, so the romantic-glamorous shade is not relevant. In this case, you should give preference to other color palettes: white-green, blue.

Pink color is not so popular anymore, you should give preference to other shades.

There are many different interior design options.

The design of a room for a girl should combine beauty and practicality, style and comfort. Here she not only sleeps and rests, but also studies, does what she loves, and spends time with friends. Therefore, it is important to divide the room into functional zones. If this is done correctly, then the hostess will be cozy and comfortable in it.

As a rule, the girl's room is small in size. This complicates the set-up process a bit. It is quite difficult to place the necessary furniture, items. Zoning will be a great help in solving this problem. Each site should be harmoniously combined and complement each other.

The room must have a workplace

The room can be divided into zones

The design of a room for a girl should combine practicality and beauty.

Good for zoning, partitions made of drywall of a stationary type are suitable. You can also install mobile on rollers, which will make it possible, if necessary, to change the interior of the room. Partitions can not only divide a room, but also be equipped with shelves and niches of any size and shape.

Curtains are perfect for this purpose. They will divide the room into several zones in an interesting and original way. Moreover, you can easily and quickly change their location, thus updating the interior without costly repairs. As an addition, lighting is used. If you choose it correctly, then the design of the room for the girl will be harmonious and cozy. It is appropriate to hang sconces and lamps in each zone that are used in the evening. They will allow you to allocate a sleeping place, a work desk and a sofa for relaxation.

The room should have a place to relax and study.

Zoning in a room can be done with curtains

Room style

When choosing the direction of the interior of a room for a girl, her age must be taken into account. Over the years, interests change, what you liked at five is unlikely to suit a lady at sixteen. Romantic design is not for everyone. Some prefer the use of strict colors, contrasts in the arrangement of housing.

The interior of a room for a girl can be decorated in such styles as:

  • London;
  • High tech;
  • Minimalism;
  • Oriental;
  • Vintage;
  • Pop Art.

There are many options for decorating a room, choosing the right one is not difficult.

The room can be done in a warm pink color

When choosing a room style, consider the age of the child

The last direction is mainly chosen by active representatives of the fair sex. It is distinguished by the use of rich colors in the interior, which make the room energetic and stylish. Perfectly embodies the most creative and daring design solutions. Such a room will say a lot about the character and temperament of the hostess. For lovers of antiques, vintage style is perfect. This variant of the situation allows you to get a modern and unusual interior.

In some cases, a room that is too bright is not worth doing.

The design of the room can tell about the character of the hostess

What furniture should be in a girl's room?

The furniture in the room should be not only comfortable, but also beautiful. Girls pay special attention to the external data of the objects that surround them. Their shape, color, design must be perfect and harmoniously fit into the overall interior.

The girl has a lot of things for which it is necessary to properly organize the storage system. A closet will help. It is the central element of the room, so there are special requirements for it. Perfect for this case wardrobe. It is functional and practical.

The table in the room must be

Furniture should fit into the existing interior

Choosing furniture in the room is beautiful and comfortable

Be sure to have a table in the girl's room. Especially if the main type of her activity is studying. It should be comfortable and versatile. It stores writing instruments, a computer is installed. Shelves or an open shelving work well for a book. As for the chair, it is as comfortable as possible. All furniture should be modular and multifunctional. This will provide a spacious place in the room and emphasize the modernity and originality of the interior.

If the area allows, then it is worth organizing a corner where the girl can do her hair and apply makeup. It includes a dressing table. Its color and style, as a rule, are chosen by the ladies themselves.

Do not neglect the design of the window opening. This will be the logical conclusion of the entire interior. In this case, light curtains and tulle are appropriate. Their color is combined with other decorative elements. They will give the room airiness.

Girls love to talk on the phone for hours and look at magazines. Doing this at a table or on a mole is not very convenient. It is better to sit on a hanging chair or in the form of a bag, a soft window sill. Such a cozy corner will certainly please the hostess and will be appreciated.

Modular furniture can be used in the room

There should be a lot of little things in the room

The nuances of choosing colors

The color scheme gives the room character. Therefore, wallpaper must be chosen carefully. Pink color is interesting for girls up to ten years old. Older ladies prefer calm and unobtrusive shades that give the design conciseness.

Pastel colors look good. You can dilute them with bright furniture. A light bed will suit any design. She looks luxurious and cute. It is worth experimenting with colors carefully. Bright colors should not be too much. They negatively affect the human psyche.

The modern design of a room for a young girl involves the use of peach, olive or lilac colors. Ideas with gentle tones look original: pink and blue. Paintings and photographs located on the wall will complement the youth interior.

The color in the room should be in harmony

Color should not hurt the eyes and distract from business

Choose the color for the room carefully

Workplace: how to organize?

The workplace is an important area in a teenager's room. It must be well-organized. A comfortable table is set up so that the girl feels comfortable when doing homework. Be sure to have good lighting in the area. Therefore, it is placed next to the window. When it is not possible to provide natural, then a lamp is placed on the desktop.

Mandatory presence in the design of lockers. They are used to store writing instruments and other trinkets. An excellent option is a classic desk. It has a large upper part, built-in drawers for storing notebooks, books, pens. The hostess feels comfortable behind him.

The workplace is an important place in the room

When choosing furniture, do not forget about modern trends.

At the same time, do not forget about fashion trends. The workplace allows you to combine stylish colors, interesting lamps, original hangers. All this will emphasize the modern interior of the room.

There are a lot of ideas for creating a room design for a girl in a modern style. This allows each representative of the fair sex to choose exactly the one that will meet her preference requirements. Her room acquires an unusual charm and a cheerful atmosphere. It disposes to rest, good pastime, meeting with friends.

Video: Design a room for a girl

When a girl reaches adolescence, parents think about changing the interior in her room, which until that moment was called the nursery. The girl needs to create a special atmosphere in the room, the room must be extremely functional, and fulfill all the necessary needs of the girl.

It should fit a wardrobe for a large number of things, because almost all girls are fashionistas, and there should also be a place where you can arrange all the cosmetics. Therefore, the design of a room for a girl requires a special approach from parents, which must be taken with all responsibility.

Room zoning

If you decide to independently change the interior of a room for a daughter who has reached adolescence, first of all, pay attention to the competent distribution of functional areas in the room.

One room should simultaneously serve as an office, bedroom, dressing room and living room. Therefore, you need to carefully consider the capacity of each zone so that they can harmonize with each other. For zoning room space, you can use plasterboard or movable partitions on rollers. With the help of drywall partitions, you can make various shelves and niches of various shapes and sizes, and movable partitions will make it possible to quickly and easily change the interior of a room.

A convenient type of zoning is the division of a room with curtains. In this way, you can quickly and easily change the interior without resorting to costly repairs. Properly selected room lighting will make additional adjustments to the interior design. For this, sconces and lamps are used, which in the evening will be able to highlight each zone in an original way.

Organization of the working area

For a girl of school age or a student, in any case, you need a study area where she will do her homework or prepare for the session. In this zone there should be a desktop, where, in addition to books and notebooks, a computer or laptop, bookshelves should fit. There should be enough light in the work area. If space permits, here you can install an easel for drawing, a globe, hang a map of the world on the wall.

The working area can be separated from the recreation area, for example, by shelving installed on two sides of the table. On racks made of metal and glass, you can also lay out the items you need for study, such a design will not interfere with the penetration of light into the working area.

Rest zone

The rest area should have enough space for sleeping. If the room is small, then you can install a folding sofa bed, which, when folded, is perfect for receiving guests, watching TV or listening to music during the day, and easily turns into a bed at night.

The sleeping area can be separated from the rest of the room with a screen if there is a sofa, or a canopy if there is a bed. Instead, you can use special partitions that will not only separate the recreation area from the rest of the room, but also diversify the interior in an original way.

Even if the room for a girl is very small, you still need to approach the interior design very responsibly and carefully. It is important to correctly calculate literally every centimeter of the room, so that the result is a cozy functional room. The original design of a room for a girl can be obtained by combining wallpapers.

Wardrobe area

Most girls can't imagine their lives without a larger wardrobe where they can hang their favorite clothes, lay out their underwear and arrange their shoes. Therefore, a special place should be allocated to such an element of furniture. There are many options for how you can arrange a dressing room. It can be just a closet, or a whole separate room, if the area allows. Be sure to have a large full-length mirror in the dressing room. An ideal option for a wardrobe is a closet, which is quite roomy, and one door in it is a mirror, which visually enlarges the room.

When creating a dressing room, you can experiment with various materials: plastic, glass, wood, etc. It will look good as a wardrobe wardrobe-transformer, which can be modified depending on the needs.

The dressing room can be separated from the rest of the room with a beautiful screen or shelving.

A budget option for a dressing room can be a niche in the wall in which you can install shelves.

When furnishing a room for a teenage girl, you need to remember about her hobbies, and allocate a special place in the room for this.

Good selection of color palette

When designing a room for a girl, it is very important to choose the right color for the room. Designers do not recommend combining more than three colors for one room, so it is important to highlight the main one among them. For a youth room, warm pastel shades are well suited: yellow, orange, peach, and in addition to them, the use of contrasting colors. It is important to know that for a bright shade, a contrasting calm color must be present to brighten up its aggressiveness. Bright colors must be used very carefully, they go well with the explosive and active temperament of a girl who has a rich imagination.

Light colors, although not very practical, will make the room visually more spacious and lighter. Light shades look good in a small room. They are ideal for a calm and romantic nature of a teenager. But you need to know that light furniture very quickly loses its presentable appearance due to its soiledness.

Pink color with all its shades will suit a glamorous young lady. It gives the room a rich, imposing look. With the help of additional accessories, you can complement the feeling of glamor and luxury. It can be, for example, decorative burgundy pillows or panels on the wall.

Wallpaper in the interior of the girl's room

Modern types of wallpaper allow you to create interesting interiors, especially if you combine them with each other. It is not necessary to cover the entire room with wallpaper alone. You can achieve an original solution by combining wallpapers. If you use wallpaper of the same color, but of a different shade, you can visually enlarge the room. By combining, you can highlight the boundaries between different areas of the room. When choosing wallpapers for one room, it is important to know that they should complement each other harmoniously, for example, have the same style of ornament with different color shades. Wallpaper should be in harmony with the overall interior of the room and complement it.


A room for a teenage girl is multifunctional. In addition to the functions of a dressing room, bedroom, living room and study, it still has to play the role of a beauty salon. Therefore, the room must be allocated a place for a dressing table or dressing table, a bedside table for jewelry and cosmetics and other girl's accessories. This place should be well lit, it will give the interior a feminine touch and add comfort.

All other furniture should be soft, mobile, easy to move, and not take up much space, as well as easy to clean when necessary, for example, for music parties when guests gather. The interior of the room should not be cluttered, it should have a lot of space and light.

Decorating a small room

Not all apartments have a large enough area, so the issue of proper furniture placement in a small room for a teenage girl is relevant, so that it is cozy and comfortable.

When choosing a place for a bed, you can install it with a side back and headboard against the wall, that is, in the corner. The bed can be with drawers for storing clothes and shoes. An armchair-bed can also save a lot of space, and you can attach a desk to it when assembled.

Design options for a girl's room

There are many ways to diversify the interior of a room for a girl. First of all, it is desirable to abandon the generally accepted design mistake in decorating a room in the form of a house for Barbie. In adolescence, girls are no longer interested in this topic, they consider such a decision too childish. Pink shades can be very adequately replaced with blue ones, from heavenly to turquoise. The interior can be calm tones or bright - it all depends on the preferences of the hostess of the room.

Adherents of any youth culture can be offered a black and white version of the interior, graffiti wall paintings, or completely white walls interspersed with several bright color accents.

You can decorate the interior of the room in such a way that it suits both a teenage girl and an adult woman. In any case, it should be cozy and comfortable, where you can completely relax and feel protected.

If you do not plan to change the interior in the next decade, then you should consider its design, taking into account the fact that the girl is growing up and her tastes are changing. The ideal option for all occasions can be the design of a room in the style of a salon, which will suit a girl at any age. To do this, the walls are painted in a calm color, the floor is covered with wooden parquet of a beautiful shade and beautiful furniture of the same shade is installed. An obligatory and indispensable element of furniture should be a dressing table with a mirror. The walls are decorated with various decorative elements.

Many designers, creating a modern interior for a girl's room, are of the erroneous opinion that only pink and all its shades should be the main color in the girl's kingdom. But not all girls like pink.

Some people just hate it. Each girl is unique in her preferences, so parents should not emphasize pink without first consulting with the hostess of the room. This also applies to folds and draperies, which have almost outlived their time. Modern girls playing sports or listening to rock are unlikely to like outdated interior elements that pleased the eyes of medieval young ladies.

Modern interior design should be comfortable and practical. A few decorative pillows on the sofa are enough to emphasize the femininity of the hostess of the room. Wallpaper with butterflies and flowers on the windows are also not liked by all modern girls. A wise decision when decorating a room is to use neutral interior details, which will allow you to experiment with choosing the right decor.

Many girls, although not all, like to surround themselves with mirrors to once again admire their beauty. But that doesn't mean mirrors have to be everywhere. A large full-length mirror in the dressing area and on a well-lit dressing table will be quite enough so that the girl can feel comfortable.

Not all girls love a large number of different clothes, bursting wardrobe. For some, it is enough for happiness to have several jumpers and jeans of different styles that can easily fit into a small chest of drawers. Therefore, it is not at all necessary to install a huge three-door wardrobe in the room. The only thing you need to think about is that jeans will one day become obsolete when your daughter starts dating and evening gowns will need to be hung up somewhere.

With the help of modern design, you can create a unique and original interior that will appeal to anyone. But still, the most correct decision when decorating a room is the joint participation of parents in it with their children. After all, just when your daughter herself voices her desires and takes part in their realization, creating the room of her dreams, this will be the most correct design decision, as a result of which the room will become a place where you can relax and unwind, which is so important for today's youth.

The interior of a bedroom for a girl in a modern style is associated with the breaking of stereotypes, the creation of a new direction in aesthetics with the study of details, combinations and forms. Young people are receptive to new trends, trying to express themselves and be creative, which means that this is the most suitable audience for introducing new ideas and fashion trends. Active girls want to participate in the design of their own corner, decorated with a light youth style that is relevant today.

The design solutions of this article will help parents make the right choice and make the interior ideas for their daughter's room a reality, taking into account her interests, wishes and age.

Features of the design of the girl's room

The modern room of a young girl is an excellent compact option for arranging a cozy and multifunctional place. It combines a bedroom, a living room, an office and a mini-gym. The interior realizes the girl's dreams, gives her the opportunity to reveal her creative potential in testing her own initiatives.

The design of a room for a girl in a modern style should not stand out, be pompous, noisy and heaped up, on the contrary, it should contain captivating youth style trends, and sometimes experimental elements beyond any style.

Modern fashionable young ladies are as energetic and businesslike in temperament as the guys. The design of a room for a teenage girl is different from the interior of a girl in her twenties and older, and the choice of interior details will indicate the color preferences that work best.

It is important to understand that the monotony and fading of shades can at some point just get bored, and the iridescence and acid colors can tire, so it’s better to opt for halftones, excluding the base colors.

As teenagers grow up, they take seriously a cozy personal space that reflects their moods, hobbies, and personality traits.

In order to please the desires of the daughter as much as possible in the interior design of her bedroom, it is necessary:

  1. Organize a trip to the store.
  2. Allow the child to choose objects for decorating the space, support his initiative in the process of buying the designer products he likes.
  3. Purchase newfangled and practical items.
  4. Discuss with your child a plan for dividing the room into mandatory areas.
  5. Gently direct to the choice of practical, versatile things that will be relevant for many years.
  6. Consider making local adjustments and refurbishing the room to accommodate temporal interests.

Joint efforts to arrange the child's personal space will pay off with interest.

Color spectrum

The bedroom is the most private room in the house, creating an atmosphere of relaxation and peace. Nothing should create discomfort and distraction.

The choice of wallpaper and experiments with colors need a neat and scrupulous approach:

  1. Girls under 10 years old and glamorous ladies often choose pink tones - they make the room luxurious and imposing. It does not hurt to add a ceramic composition to the wall and decorate the room with cherry-colored pillows.
  2. A peach color is suitable for a small bedroom, which will visually expand the room, make it more lit and warm.
  3. Stability and peace brings green interior.
  4. Bright shades should be present in moderation - they irritate the mental organization of a person, cause a state of anxiety and a decadent mood.
  5. Modern notes involve the use of peach, olive and lilac shades; blue and cream will also look original.

Girls' bedrooms should preferably be decorated in light and soothing colors.

For bedrooms with an unusual approach to design, fashionable color schemes will come in handy:

  1. Terracotta tone. It has been used for a very long time, but it will be in trend for the future design of the bedroom of a young lady. Various shades of terracotta will be fashionable: ginger, ocher, rust, red terracotta, red clay, paprika.
  2. Green-turquoise (emerald) tone. Natural juicy colors echo the previous tone, are effective in contrasting combinations, claim to be the main fashionable color.
  3. Purple. It is represented by almost the entire monochrome gamut of the violet palette. The fashion trend is a paired version with terracotta color. Associated with mystery and an aura of mystery, convincing in the selection of accent details.
  4. The color of the sun is relevant in all options for warmth and contrast. Yellow shades are relevant and versatile in tandem with terracotta, emerald and purple shades.
  5. Deep blue color is suitable for fashionistas who prefer meaningful and calm tones.

It is not easy enough to go from whitish or gray tones to catchy natural shades, but for those who are used to keeping up with the times, this is not a problem.


Most often, the girl's bedroom is small-sized, which complicates the process of improvement a little. It is very difficult to place the necessary pieces of furniture and accessories. Therefore, it is extremely important to divide it into practical zones. If everything is organized correctly, then the room will be comfortable and convenient - all areas should be in harmony with each other and blend perfectly.

For the fair sex, zoning involves division into sections:

  • for sleep and daytime rest;
  • work zone;
  • guest room for chatting with friends.

To divide the room into zones, it is better to use standard drywall. You can make movable partitions on rollers to change the interior of the room if necessary. They can be equipped with shelves and niches of different sizes and designs.

Curtains are suitable for zoning, which will help divide the room in an original and interesting way. Besides, it's very beautiful. Well-chosen lighting will complement the harmonious design. It is quite appropriate to hang small sconces and lamps in separate areas for evening lighting and highlighting a bed, a sofa for relaxing and a desktop.

The nuances of wall decoration and the selection of curtains

Wall decoration for a girl's room suggests its colorful or calm design, which directly depends on the age preferences of the hostess.

When it comes to the young age of a girl, some nuances should be taken into account:

  1. Walls can be painted with special markers, which make interesting creative miniatures or graffiti.
  2. The magnetic properties of the paint will allow you to place posters of idols and favorite heroes on the plane, which will save the walls from traces of adhesive tape or glue.
  3. Posters are usually placed overhead or slightly higher on the wall. Their number should be limited, decorated stylishly, beautifully combined with other interior items.
  4. Excessive love for pink should not be encouraged. You can leave the vanilla tone if you really like it, but without fanaticism.
  5. Use a compromise: one wall can reflect the character of the hostess, and the rest can harmoniously fit into the overall design.
  6. The best color schemes for walls contain pastel colors that are soothing to the eye with different textures (interesting shades are beige, cream or snow-white). Such paints will not overload the space of the room and will serve as a good background for placing posters.

A young age is characterized by a frequent change of authorities and hobbies. For these reasons, the wallpaper is unlikely to remain in its original state for a long time.

Materials that are ideal for the walls of the room:

  1. Wallpaper. Preferably textured, without patterns, similar in appearance to crumpled fabric or artistic plaster made of decorative materials.
  2. Paint for coloring non-woven wallpaper. The tone should convey the mood of the owner, it is also good for finishing the ceiling. The classic option is a white wall that looks like suede fabric.
  3. Plaster with decorative additives. It is resistant to mechanical damage, non-toxic, has moisture-resistant and sound-proofing properties. The walls look amazing in the form of marble, granite, silk or metal.
  4. Ceramic tiles are not such a nonsense. It is mainly used to decorate part of the wall in the form of a pattern or panel, sheathed with wooden material.

You also need to remember about such an important element of decor as textiles. Cloaks, curtains, fabric blinds should be part of the interior, even if everything is decorated in a strict minimalist style. You should exclude heavy rough materials and opt for stylish textiles in delicate or conspicuous tones that fit perfectly into the overall design of the room.

Fashion trends in textile materials for a girl's bedroom:

  1. Damascus ornament is an indicator of the relevance of modern design.
  2. Woolen cloth, a retro sixties upholstery material for furniture, is a fashionable design touch.
  3. Velvet, plush and velor. Upholstered in these fabrics, this chair is perfect for an avant-garde or classic setting.
  4. Translucent linen. This is a silky structured fabric, reminiscent of a mix of silk and a thin veil. Great for the style of romance, and in addition, the material is endowed with environmental properties.

As for textiles, accessories, furniture facades - here a neat look and grooming are in the first place. Sometimes fabric blinds can be a good option.

The choice of suitable textiles depending on the design style of the girl's bedroom:

  • classic - light curtains;
  • romantic - with lace trim and ruffles;
  • modern - with leather inserts or metallic coating;
  • retro - fleecy plush and soft velor.


The trendy concept of the new furniture for the girl's bedroom is light comfortable armchairs and streamlined sofas on high legs, without sharp corners, as opposed to heavy antique furniture with its multifunctional properties.

The furniture has become less overall and as comfortable as possible, very similar to the charismatic retro interior of the 60s with deliberately simplified lines, but in an updated upholstery made of wool matting and velvety fabric.

It is noteworthy that after wood-based furniture (wardrobes and authentic decor items), high-quality wooden furniture with a dark polished surface is considered fashionable, which looks organic and solid in the bedroom, reminiscent of the interior of grandfather's office.

Not every girl will appreciate and accept such an unexpected invasion from the past. However, if you creatively change the room, for example, paste over the walls with green or terracotta wallpaper, then a chest of drawers or an old closet from the 60s will fit perfectly into the bedroom.

What you can not do without when choosing options for furnishing a room:

  1. Polished furniture will advantageously emphasize style, status and aesthetics. A modern interior cannot do without a mini-dressing room instead of a massive closet. The freed up space is an additional opportunity for placing creative decor items or a win-win backdrop for photographs. A beautiful closet may well fit - the central element of the storage system, quite functional and practical.
  2. The theme of a fashionable bed for a young girl has not yet been fully disclosed. Designers offer to upholster the headboard with natural leather or velor fabric. You can make it in the form of metal patterns, come up with an array of wood with a cornice, or draw it directly on the wall. As for the bed options, first of all, you need to pay attention to its convenience, and it is best to purchase an orthopedic mattress. With its appearance, it should harmoniously fit into the chosen style, and the dimensions will depend on the dimensions of the room and the wishes of the young hostess.
  3. You can not do without a universal table, especially if the main activity is study. The chair should be as comfortable and modular as possible - you should focus on quality.
  4. If there is free space, you can organize a corner with a dressing table, where the girl can do makeup and hair. Its color scheme and style are often chosen by ladies on their own.
  5. No need to ignore the stylish methods of decorating window openings - there should be as much light as possible to visually expand the space. Beautiful and practical windows with air curtains will complete the whole interior.
  6. Girls spend a lot of time talking on the phone and looking at magazines. It is better to do this not at the table, but to sit comfortably on a hanging chair, a pouffe-bag, on a fleecy-plush window sill.


The presence of decor in the interior will cheer you up, enliven the style, will not let you forget about the best episodes of pastime, will bring back nostalgic memories.

Decorative elements should match the theme of the room:

  1. You can decorate the room with slender porcelain figurines and memorable souvenirs.
  2. Many girls are delighted with canopies that elegantly complement the bed. In addition, they are very feminine and romantic.
  3. A beautiful interior will be complemented by a panel or a picture with green foliage or flower painting. Good choice - three-dimensional shots and portrait sketches.
  4. The interior of the room is advantageously emphasized by picturesque flower reproductions, shots of romantic episodes and adventures, the flight of butterflies, graceful dancers.
  5. The children's room should be complemented by photographs of cheerful, pleasant content.

Which modern style to choose

The design of a fashionable young lady's room can be decorated in different styles, but it must necessarily emphasize her inner world and romantic nature.

Below are the most popular stylistic solutions for a young girl's room.


For a dreamy person, this style will be the most suitable.

The walls are decorated in light colors and go well with contrasting black and white images of a panoramic view of Paris - posters, photo wallpapers, poster canvases. Additionally, the room is filled with beautiful accessories with French touches. Carved furniture with mirrors will look chic.


The peculiarity of the style is the combination of actual finishing technologies with practical furniture. To decorate a natural pattern on the wall, you can add bright, juicy details. Soft colors and high-quality textiles are used for the main interior components.

Classic style

Suitable for owners with an already formed taste, as well as the age category of 20-25 years. This style can look quite modern and expensive. All you need to do is use good quality wooden furniture and expensive wallpapers. A chic chandelier, like a stylish dressing table, should be chosen by the hostess herself.

The head of a wooden bed should be effectively decorated with fabric or can be carved. The canopy above it will add romance to a strict classic interior.

Only natural and high-quality fabrics are used in the design of the room. Furniture can be upholstered with velvet, satin or silk. A dressing table with a pouffe can fulfill its intended purpose or act as the main design elements. Another bright accent of the decor is a large mirror in a carved frame.

Shabby chic

This design has a lot of blue, creamy, powdery, cream shades. Furnishing - from forged elements; the head of the bed is decorated in the form of a bizarre ornament. The bedroom of this style emphasizes femininity and is distinguished by a variety of decorations: wood carvings, mirrors in exquisite frames, vases, candlesticks, indoor flowers.

The textiles use natural materials with soft lines. Curtains, decorated with large pleats, and frilly forms of pillows can create a cozy atmosphere of comfort and peace. Bed linen is preferable to choose soothing colors with floral patterns or monograms.


The design of the modern style is dominated by non-flashy light shades, uniform lighting with a small presence of simplified furniture. It is especially relevant in small-sized rooms, where an increase in area is welcomed. Therefore, the style has a minimum of details and decor items, and a cozy atmosphere is created by the right selection of colors and interior.

Thus, the modern style is distinguished by large free space, the presence of transformable furniture, decoration from natural materials, and a light palette. A computer desk and audio or video systems fit perfectly into the interior.


The main features of the style are a simplified look (suitable for small rooms), an abundance of light and air, strict and clear lines.

An original interior is obtained by combining color schemes. For example, bright blue, red, green shades are added to neutral colors. The walls are decorated with graphic, black and white paintings, and bright decorated pillows refresh the tone. Indoor plants will bring freshness and warmth.

japanese zen style

This style likes peace and relaxation, the predominance of a monochromatic range and warm tones. Discreet design will suit those who love peace of mind, balance and serenity. The ideal combination for this style is a minimum of decor, low furniture, materials in vinyl shades.


Reflects the connection with the natural environment through the elements of the rural way of life. Suitable for those who love simple solutions and freshness in the interior presentation.

The flooring is presented in the form of parquet or parquet boards. The walls are decorated with floral wallpapers, striped or checkered wallpapers are also interesting. Wooden panels are appropriate both on the ceiling and on the walls. The palette is diverse - from beige-blue tones to olive-terracotta shades. The color of the furniture - the color of the tree.


Style features - a minimum set of things and details, spaciousness and cleanliness, maximum free space.

The central place belongs to a tatami-type bed without visible legs. Sliding wardrobes are also installed (most often they are built into the wall). There is no painted decor. Textiles - plain, often dominated by blinds.


This style is for fans of vintage and antique items. As a result of interior design with the help of vintage things, a modern and rather original design is obtained.

A very tempting idea is to create your own individual interior and at the same time not deviate from the fashionable solutions of reality.

You can choose the style of the bedroom, focusing on the character of the girl:

  • those who prefer luxury and gilding finish will suit the Empire or Baroque style;
  • a lover of nature and naturalness - country or Provence;
  • a connoisseur of exotic and minimalism will like the Japanese style;
  • decisive ladies will choose pop art or glam fusion designs.

Room decoration depending on the age and other qualities of the girl

In a room, the design of which corresponds to the interests and state of mind of the hostess, it is pleasant to spend time doing creativity and absorbing knowledge.

Therefore, when arranging personal space, taking into account the age and preferences of the girl, you need to remember some of the nuances:

  1. Minimalism should not be brought to asceticism - the most strict and moderate style should be diluted with colorful bright objects. A picture in a frame, a flower in a vase, some stylish souvenirs, watches, candlesticks will do.
  2. You can come up with a unique design by placing a panel on the entire wall, choosing floral motifs or a panorama of the night metropolis. In this case, you need to take into account the color combination of the panel, the background of the walls and pieces of furniture.
  3. If the repair is designed to withstand the next decade, you need to choose a salon interior style in which age boundaries are not visible: the walls are neutral, the floor coverings and furniture are the same warm colors. Only little things will hint at the age of the owner of the room - books, paintings, lamps.
  4. It is better for teenagers to paste over the walls with wallpaper on which you can draw graffiti.
  5. For creative natures, it would be more correct to fill the room with their own products.
  6. The area for rest and sleep should not be highlighted in bright colors.
  7. The workplace should be placed closer to window openings and artificial lighting.
  8. It is better to replace a classic chair with a frameless one - more comfortable and unpretentious to carry. Its flattened appearance does not spoil the view of the room.
  9. The room should have enough space for dancing during the party.

teenage girl

The interior for adolescence should reflect the mood of the child and his hobby, because children in this period are active and emotional.

Steps for choosing an interior for a teenager's room:

  1. In a darker room, you should buy wallpaper in light shades. The sunny side can be shaded with contrasting tones. For large rooms, any color scheme is suitable. The ideal option is pastel colors with bright accents (furniture, accessories). In moderate execution, even black looks impressive.
  2. Less furniture should be used so that there is enough space for games, dances, and receptions. A spacious closet, funny ottomans, pear chairs and a dressing table with a mirror will fit well into the interior.
  3. It is important to organize a quality bed with linens to match the room.
  4. A multifunctional desk model is best placed near a window.
  5. Wall murals and bulky interior details are not suitable for small rooms - it is better to use mirrors and large windows to visually increase the size of the room.
  6. It is necessary to take into account the desire of a teenager to stick decorative posters on cabinet doors.
  7. You can decorate the wall with pictures of family members, friends, your own photos and interesting travel shots.
  8. Especially carefully you need to plan the areas of the room so that they are safe and practical. Transforming furniture, built-in furniture and a hanging bed with lockers below will save interior space.

It is advantageous to purchase folding furniture models so as not to clutter up space and save usable space.

  • place a hanging chair with many pillows;
  • arrange a multi-tiered ceiling in the form of a panorama of the starry sky;
  • choose a podium place, and install a large mirror next to it;
  • decorate the wall with interesting graffiti.


With the transition to the status of a student, a girl does not need a lot of space for notebooks and stationery - a more compact place for classes will do. But you will need more space to meet with friends. Therefore, it is better to divide the room into zones using the ceiling level and proper lighting. For example, shade the work area, and make the reception area more brightly lit with ceiling lights. They can be built into the wall, hanging, single, suspended in groups of several.

In a small bedroom it is not easy to allocate a separate area for sleeping. Therefore, a folding sofa is better suited, on which friends can sit.

Romantic room

Design for a romantic nature is better to arrange in a classic style: paint the walls and ceiling in neutral shades, and textiles in more saturated colors. Choose furniture from natural wood in non-aggressive tones. Bright accents are inappropriate here.

To decorate the room, accessories made of bronze or porcelain are suitable: frame pictures, vases of flowers, lamps on the bedside table near the bed. A mandatory attribute is an oval or custom-shaped wall mirror in a frame.

Romantics prefer a freer style in the choice of finishing materials and colors:

  • shabby chic;
  • modern;
  • Art Deco;
  • country.

White wallpaper on three walls with a floral print on the carpet, textiles and on the fourth wall will look original. At the desire of a young hostess, you can replace the table for classes with a bureau.

The interior of a romantic girl is similar to the decoration of rooms for secular ladies of the century before last.

You can give the room a modern look by adding trendy accents:

  • leave a minimum of furniture;
  • fill the room with a sufficient number of lighting fixtures;
  • designate a place for gadgets and a computer;
  • find a place for a convenient organizer for all sorts of little things.

Active girl's bedroom design

A girl with an active lifestyle will not fit ruffles on the bed, multi-tiered curtains and hanging canopies. All this has long become unattractive even in the eyes of romantic girls.

The modern choice of the vast majority is minimalism, moderation, unclutteredness, the absence of heavy decor elements.

Distinctive features of an eclectic room style for an active girl:

  • simple furnishings, including a bed on slats, a desk, a sofa for guests, comfortable armchairs;
  • a small dressing room for storing countless items of clothing;
  • traditional zoning with the help of indoor plants, partitions on the chassis and rack structures;
  • versatility and comfort;
  • muted finishing colors; non-irritating, combined shades;
  • accessories: no-frills lamps, photographs in black and white style without frames or in classic frames.

And most importantly, an active girl likes to choose everything on her own.

Thus, in order to successfully decorate the interior in a girl’s room, you need to take into account many nuances. It is not always easy to please fashionistas, but if you enlist the support of experienced designers and take into account all the wishes, you will get a fantastic design for the bedroom of a young lady.


The video shows a creative approach to creating a trendy teenage girl's bedroom design.

The next video offers a design option for a small-sized children's room with its own dressing room.

You can see how a room for a girl is created in a classic style in the next video.

A children's room, even the most stylish, cute and comfortable, will not suit a young girl. After all, her territory does not represent fluffy teddy bears, but awakening femininity. Here they arrange pajama parties with girlfriends, dress up for a first date, try different styles of makeup.

In the girl's room it should be comfortable to relax, dream, consult with friends, but you should not forget about the need to study or work. What should this room be like?

Bright girl's room interior design

The main nuances of arranging a girl's bedroom

The first thing to choose is the overall style of the interior. Not all girls will like bows and ruffles, but in a rich glam rock style, not everyone will feel comfortable. Therefore, we focus on the preferences of the owner - if dreamy and romantic beauties like Provence, then more temperamental and active will suit pop art or modern.

Room decoration with hints of Provence

But there are parameters that are important no matter what style is chosen:

Nuances of zoning and choice of style

The room of a young girl is not a bedroom in the classical sense, but a living room, a place to sleep, a dressing room and an office (read). Each zone must be carefully planned and isolated, which can be difficult to do, especially given the small dimensions of the room.

The option of separating the working and sleeping areas

You can zone the space with the help of spectacular finishing materials, or you can highlight the areas with color - the main thing is to arrange the furniture in a practical way.

Suitable finishes for a girl's bedroom

There are three materials that are ideal for a young girl's room:

  1. Wallpaper- best of all, resembling crumpled fabric or decorative plaster.
  2. Dye. It can be used to paint wallpaper (non-woven), choosing a tone that best conveys the mood of the owner, or it can also be used to finish the ceiling. The classic trick is to create a white surface that resembles suede.
  3. Laminate how wonderful. It delightfully conveys the texture of natural wood and is immune to mechanical damage - even to point loads from women's heels.

Important. As for styles, for girls who value luxury, baroque and empire are suitable, allowing you to actively use gilding and rich fabrics. Feminine connoisseurs of natural beauties will like Provence or country, and fans of minimalism and exotic will like oriental style. If the owner of the room is a determined girl, then an original and contrasting finish in the spirit of glam fusion or pop art can even be used.

What furniture should be in a girl's room?

The wardrobe will always be the centerpiece of a girl's room. It is better to immediately choose a wardrobe as a more practical, roomy and at the same time compact option. It is divided into two zones: the first - in fact, and the second - all kinds of racks and shelves where you can store films, books, magazines and cosmetics.

The sliding wardrobe is convenient in use

Well, if one of the wardrobe doors is a full-length mirror. This design will allow you to turn a standard piece of furniture into a full-fledged dressing room, where the girl can lay out all her outfits and experiment in front of the mirror with the creation of new images as she pleases.

Workplace for classes

You will definitely need a table - preferably a small one, but one that fits both writing instruments and a computer. A practical superstructure with shelves can also be provided. Directional bright lighting is also required here. No less important is the dressing table (if necessary, it can be replaced with), which is complemented by a soft ottoman.

Cape on chair and fur rug on the floor

Bookshelves, shelving and an armchair are all appropriate in a girl's room, if they do not clutter up the space. You can also find a place for an easel or a synthesizer, a lot of pillows on the floor or a hanging cocoon chair, an embroidery machine - it all depends on the preferences and hobbies of the owner.

Important. The girl's room combines the function of a living room and a bedroom, and therefore a spacious bed here in most cases is out of place. Better to use . If space allows, then a full bed is installed - and then the recreation area is fenced off from the rest of the room with screens, curtains, threads or a canopy.

Option with two beds for sisters

The nuances of choosing colors

If schoolgirls are almost completely delighted with the shades of raspberry, fuchsia, lilac and pink marshmallow, then for girls these shades may seem sugary-sweet. Especially if their nursery was decorated in these colors. But even if black suddenly became the favorite color of a young beauty, then you should not turn the room into the chambers of a Gothic castle. As always, you will have to find a compromise, trying to choose the right color scheme, combining the main color with companions.

Advice. For a girl's room, a combination of bright shades with muted ones, pure watercolor tones with pastels and deep ones will be ideal.

A win-win option for the main color is any muted tone. It is chosen so that it refreshes the room, makes it more spacious. In addition, the shades of the walls and furniture facades should be in harmony with each other. It is not recommended to use more than three basic tones at the same time, and one of the selected colors should still dominate.

The combination of yellow and purple

A room for a young girl will look sunny and bright if you use warm pastel colors for its decoration - peach, yellow, orange, orange. They are combined with contrasting shades. In general, one of the important design rules says that a bright tone must be balanced by a contrasting calm one so that the room does not look aggressive.

The predominance of purple tones

You need to use bright shades in a dosed way - although they go well with an explosive active girlish temperament, they can bring chaos to a harmonious interior. But the bleached, watercolor tones are "responsible" for a rich imagination. It is they who in most cases are used in a small room when you need to visually enlarge the space.

Unsaturated shades are suitable for calm and romantic natures, but you should not make everything light without exception - walls, furniture, and textiles.

Combination of bright colors with light gray shades

Interestingly, fans of modern glamor are not in a hurry to give up pink - in their room they just need to use a different, not childish shade. The impressiveness and chic of this tone can be made even deeper if you combine it with blue flowers - light sky or turquoise.

Combinations of blue and brown are also possible.

If a girl does not tolerate glamor, but prefers sharpness, then a contrasting black and white design option or a pop art style with red, yellow, blue color spots will suit her well.

Bright pink dilutes the monochromatic interior

In a girl's bedroom, a combination of styles is also appropriate, but such a mixture is only performed on large areas. When it comes to a small room, they choose the principle of zoning - for example, the work area is emphasized with wallpaper of a different, more dynamic color.

White combined with gray-brown tones

And do not forget about textiles - curtains and bedspreads in the girl's bedroom should always be present, even if the room is decorated in the style of hard minimalism. , for romantic styles with lace and ruffles, for modern ones with metallic finishes or even leather inserts. But in any case, do not forget about practicality - keeping a girl's room clean should be easy, and this applies to textiles, and flooring, and furniture facades.

In the next article we will tell you how to equip.