Dreamed of classmates from school. Why dream of former classmates. What happened at the meeting

When school years are long gone, but former schoolmates continue to follow us in night dreams, a completely logical question arises.

Why is a classmate or classmate dreaming - the dream book gives a completely detailed answer to this question.

First of all, it would be fair to decipher dreams involving classmates for those who have not yet left the walls of the school. Regarding what a classmate is dreaming of, the dream book will give a completely understandable answer and not one. Classmates in many interpreters symbolize imminent joy, noisy fun party and carefree leisure. If the holidays are just around the corner in reality, then be sure that they will be more fun than ever and leave behind a lot of pleasant memories.

  • Seeing a school friend or a roommate in a dream is a harbinger important event. It is possible that someone's secret will be revealed to you. Regardless of its content, try to preserve the information;
  • I dreamed of a classmate who I like - a romantic meeting or a declaration of love. Perhaps the dreaming girl will become yours close friend, or maybe you will meet another companion;
  • A kiss with a classmate in a dream is a pleasant surprise and a series of joyful events. It is also possible that the dream will turn out to be prophetic and will come true with all the details;
  • You were kissed by a classmate who is not attractive to you - a new love.

A dream in which your classmate just appears may mean that soon you will find yourself in circumstances in which you cannot do without the support of good and true friends. The problem may turn out to be quite simple, but friendly support will still not hurt you.

If a former classmate dreamed

School years, happy for some and not so good for others, never disappear from our memories. Sometimes former classmates visit us in dreams, signifying various events in real life. What is the dream of a classmate for adults? On this score, the dream book has several interpretations.

  • Seeing former classmates in a dream is a sign that you should remember your friends, they are in dire need of your attention. It is quite possible that in a heap of daily worries you forgot about their existence;
  • I dreamed of a former school friend - a lack of rest, vivid emotions and impressions in Everyday life. Routine absorbs you, so you should definitely give yourself a busy weekend;
  • A classmate passed by and did not recognize you - an indication that in reality you are absorbed exclusively in work and affairs. You do not notice your friends and relatives. Very soon they will forget you;
  • I dreamed of a meeting of former classmates - a craving for friendly communication and warm atmosphere in the company of close friends;
  • Classmates joyfully meet you and smile - honor and an enviable position in society.

Dreams involving classmates or former school friends always stand out from other dreams, because they leave behind incredible bright emotions forcing you to go back to school for a moment.

Other interpretations about a classmate

Dreams about the former school friends often indicate the inner state of the dreamer's soul. If in a dream you saw your classmate, then perhaps in this moment you feel longing for childhood, you need warmth and attention from loved ones. The constant bustle takes a lot of time, so it is rarely possible to find a couple of hours to meet with the relatives themselves.

Try to postpone your affairs for some time and just stay with your family, thereby renewing warm relations and trust between you. If the dreaming classmate was annoyed or angry with something, then in reality a strong shake awaits you. You again, as in your school years, will plunge into worries about the situation that has developed in reality. Solving this problem will require a lot of strength from you, however, if you work hard and try, the outcome of the situation will surely please you. However, the result depends not only on you.

Dead classmates - what does sleep mean

Dream books give a very ambiguous prediction about what the late classmates dream of. On the one hand, such a terrible vision can be explained by the dreamer's inner fear of inevitable death and the desire to turn all the plans and goals into reality in time. At the same time, a deceased classmate in a dream can become a sign that in reality the sleeping person is at a crossroads and cannot make a choice in any way. To deal with your own thoughts and feelings, set aside some time and be alone with yourself.

Having calmly considered and reconsidered life priorities, you will find a reasonable way out of this situation. According to another interpretation, the deceased classmate is a direct indication of the dreamer's incorrect life position. By doing nothing, you allow the worst thing to happen: the collapse of not only your personal life, but also your career. Return to reality and take the leadership of fate into your own hands, that work and relationships did not interfere with each other, but, on the contrary, complemented and filled life with something pleasant.

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The article on the topic: "dream book classmates dreamed of the former" - provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

From this article, you can find out why you dream of Odnoklassniki from dream books of different authors. What does what you see mean, the analysis of the dream on the Lenormand cards will tell you. And even more accurately, the lunar calendar will help to understand the dream.

Why Odnoklassniki is dreaming: interpretation of sleep

Why do you dream of Odnoklassniki in a dream?

Former classmates - have you met any of them recently? Such a dream may reflect events in your life. If you had a meeting, you may have felt romantic emotions towards this person and now you are dreaming of him.

Former classmates dream of having a great time if in a dream you have fun with them.

Former classmates who fight - you have to resolve conflicts and quarrels in the near future. Former classmates quarrel with you in a dream - first of all, remember if you still have grievances from school days? If so, then such a dream shows that they are still tormenting you.

Seeing former classmates in a dream good mood portends pleasant events in life.

What do classmates dream about in spring?

Classmates - Seeing classmates - to commit a naive act.

Why do classmates dream in the fall?

Classmates (classmate) - Seeing in a dream an evening meeting with classmates at school - to nostalgia for the past.

What do classmates dream of in the summer?

What does it mean to see Odnoklassniki (classmate) in a dream - The classmates you saw in a dream - to memories of your school years.

Why does the dreamer dream of Odnoklassniki in a dream?

A classmate is a point of view that was formed at school and remained unchanged.

Why do Odnoklassniki dream?

Seeing classmates in a dream is a dream that suggests that you will soon need the help of your friends. If you dreamed of classmates with whom you gathered at some kind of party, then in reality you can expect news from your long-forgotten friends, acquaintances, and so on.

What classmates dream about - If you had a dream in which a classmate passes you without noticing, then in real life you pay too much attention to your work, your business, your social status, while forgetting about your obligations to family, friends and people close to you.

It is worth reconsidering your attitude to life, otherwise a period will soon come when you will feel lonely, you will feel an urgent need to talk to someone, and there will be no one around.

classmates - If in a dream you went to a reunion of graduates, then this moment you have achieved great success in life, and you would like others to know about your achievements.

Classmates - If you had a dream that your classmate became your lover, then in real life you are not satisfied with the current state of affairs, it may seem to you that your loved ones cannot appreciate you, support you in difficult moment. However, this is not so - your family loves you, you just do not give them the opportunity to prove it.

The meaning of sleep by day of the week:

Whether the night vision will come true depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and what time of day the dream occurred.

  • If Odnoklassniki is dreaming in a dream from Sunday to Monday
  • Why dream Odnoklassniki in a dream book from Monday to Tuesday
  • If Odnoklassniki is dreaming from Tuesday to Wednesday
  • If Odnoklassniki is dreaming in a dream book from Wednesday to Thursday
  • What is the dream of Odnoklassniki from Thursday to Friday
  • If you dream of Odnoklassniki in a dream from Friday to Saturday
  • Why do Odnoklassniki dream in a dream from Saturday to Sunday

Wed June 28, 2017, 10:04:44 AM

Mon June 19, 2017, 02:16:39 PM

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Classmates in a dream book. Tell your dream:

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What if a classmate dreamed?

In the plots of dreams, what most often appears is what surrounds the dreamer in reality. School life contributes to dreams in which a classmate, school, or some events associated with them - for example, control, trips somewhere with the class.

If we have already left the walls for a long time educational institution, acute nostalgia is caused by dreams in which former classmates or school dream. To understand what classmates dream of, one should remember well the details of the dream and the emotions that the dreamer experienced in it.

For people who have long left the walls of the school

What classmates dream of depends mainly on whether the dreamer is currently studying at school or has long been unlearned. Seeing in a dream your former classmates or the school where the dreamer studied usually means in reality experiencing either a powerful creative upsurge or a desire to get rid of burdensome obligations, relax, feel free and feel like a child. Exact values depend on the context of the dream.

If a meeting of former classmates occurred in a dream, the interpretation is given in the light of the emotions experienced by the dreamer. Meeting with former classmates, associated with an experience of warmth towards them and a feeling of support from them, according to Miller's dream book, means the dreamer's desire to get rid of loneliness in life, meet loved ones, and receive support.

If the meeting was accompanied by a sense of pride and a cheerful mood, the person is on the right track. The dreamer is happy with what is happening in his life. If the meeting brought great excitement, there was a desire to leave it or hide from classmates - it means that a person is deeply dissatisfied with life, he is worried that he could not realize his potential.

It is worth thinking about this dream: perhaps the dreamer should reorganize his life, reflect on the goals of his activity, remember his dreams and try to start embodying them. Otherwise, there is a high probability of regrets about a wasted life. Do not consider time lost, but do not miss it in the present: at any age, you can act, win and strive for what is in tune with our heart.

Often seeing in a dream a former classmate who, in school days, showed sympathy for the dreamer, means that in reality the girl regrets that she did not take the opportunity to build a relationship. In most cases, such dreams speak of an unfulfilled desire to love and be loved.

Don't regret missed opportunities. In adolescence, we very much idealize others and attribute to them the ability to satisfy our desire for perfect relationship although they may not have this ability.

The dream book gives practically the same interpretation of such a plot of a dream for a man, if he often sees in his dreams a former classmate who in the past showed interest in him or whom he himself sympathized with. But for a man, such a dream can still be a symbol of the emergence in reality of the opportunity to radically change his life and try to achieve the goals that he set for himself in his school years.

If a former classmate kisses the dreamer in a dream, then the man lacks openness in contacts, he restrains emotions and feelings too much, so they fade out, and his emotional life becomes gray. Communicate more with friends and family, surround your beloved with attention, try to diversify your life with impressions, take care of others - and it will return to you tripled. If a woman is kissed in a dream by a former classmate, in reality she lacks support and care from loved ones. To get help, contact them openly.

In addition to pastoral plots, even people who are married for a long time may dream of former classmates having sex with them or seducing them in every possible way. Such a dream speaks of the problems of understanding that arose between the spouses in reality, no matter who dreamed of this plot. Therefore, you should carefully analyze everything with your spouse or wife. contentious issues and calm yourself.

If sex with a former classmate was dreamed of by a girl or a man who does not yet have a permanent partner, interpretations vary. For a girl, this plot means fear of making new acquaintances, searching for the old and proven, so in reality there is an avoidance of possible very good relations with strangers. Don't be afraid to try something new - it might be just what you need.

All events in childhood and adolescence are almost completely determined by circumstances beyond our control, and as adults, we ourselves form a social circle and our own living conditions. For a man - the need to reconsider his attitude towards women, to show more responsibility and perseverance.

A dream in which a deceased former classmate dreams has several interpretations. First, the deceased symbolizes the inability to accept the thought of death. If such a plot greatly worries the dreamer and appears in dreams often, you should think about contacting a specialist.

Secondly, the deceased is a symbol of the crossroads in life. In such situation the best strategy behavior will be a withdrawal from activity and withdrawal into oneself. Spend some time in solitude and serious reflection, this will help you decide and set the right accents.

Thirdly, such a plot may be a reflection of anxiety about the inexpedient waste of energy in reality. A person is too carried away by trifles and forgets about his goals. The fear that the goals will never be achieved and the deeds completed is very disturbing and does not allow one to relax. Don't waste energy on nonsense.

Interpretations for schoolchildren

School is a place where we learn, communicate and develop. Therefore, dreams in which classmates or school, school events or trips with classmates somewhere were dreamed are usually a reflection of daytime experiences. But some dreams are worth considering in detail and find out what classmates dream of, according to the dream book. The category of dreams that matter usually includes those that have caused a storm of emotions in the dreamer's soul.

If in a dream you dreamed of a classmate (or classmate) who the dreamer does not like, then you should think about how justified this person’s assessment is: perhaps you should take a closer look at him.

A kiss in a dream with a person from the class is interpreted differently for a girl and a guy, moreover, the interpretation depends on the emotions experienced in reality for this person. So, kissing in a dream with a classmate who likes - a girl should not get too carried away with her fantasies, the image of her lover is based on her desires and differs from the present.

If a guy kissed in a dream with a classmate who is attractive to him, then in reality the dreamer's tastes and values ​​\u200b\u200bare formed. It is time for a young man to think about the field of activity that interests him most and begin to develop in it, for this the most favorable period has come.

Teenagers not only have innocent dreams, but also those with sexual overtones. Such dreams indicate a certain similarity between the characters in the dream. Most likely, they have a similar style of thinking and could become great friends in reality.

School is not a place for flings, but it is very suitable for joint development in areas of interest, so dreams with elements of romance often mean an opportunity for young people to become a good team.

Classmates enter the dream book as a symbol of our hobbies, goals, victories, and also as a reminder of loyalty, friendship, real and proven relationships. If you dreamed about your former classmates, you should think about your attitude towards others, about the existence of genuine feelings and vivid emotions in your life, about the fulfillment of what you have long dreamed of and what you considered your main goals.

Schoolchildren dream of their classmates as a reflection of the process of becoming a person and the falsity of the first judgments about others. In general, a dreamer of any age should first of all be honest with others and with himself, choose the right vector for applying efforts and think more about the consequences of his actions.

We went uphill, there was a lot of snow.

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what does every dream mean

Why do former classmates dream

What did classmates dream about?

Without dreams, everyone's life would not be so interesting. After all, it is at night that we find ourselves in mysterious and mysterious worlds, where everything is subject to laws unknown to us, where any miracles are possible, where secret dreams come true.

Dreams, of course, are very different - and it is no secret that each vision does not just appear to the dreamer, but means something. And only dream books can explain what exactly.

Even ordinary dreams, not full of miracles and incredible events, are very important for interpretation. After all, signs and symbols are also hidden in them, deciphering which, you can learn many secrets, and even look into your own future.

Especially interesting values acquire dreams in which familiar people come to us - for example, classmates. These are people with whom fate connects us for many years - after all, school time is remembered forever. I wonder what classmates are dreaming of - at least former, but at least real.

Familiar people always dream of various events, often of joyful changes. For schoolchildren and schoolgirls, classmates come to dreams for special reasons, and there may be several of them.

A meeting, conversation, or even a kiss with a school friend can both promise certain events and indicate the dreamer's thoughts. The dream book will help you understand exactly and understand what classmates are dreaming of, but for this it is worth considering all the nuances. They may be as follows:

  • You dreamed of your own classmates.
  • Dreaming of a classmate.
  • In a dream, a boy from the class appeared.
  • I dreamed of a guy from a class that I like.
  • I saw a kiss from a classmate that you like.
  • Kiss that classmate who, on the contrary, does not like at all.
  • Dreaming of former school friends.
  • Former school friend.
  • In a dream, a neighbor on the desk passed by, did not recognize.
  • Meeting of graduates in dreams.
  • School friends in a dream are glad to see you.
  • Dreaming of a former friend on the desk, who liked or still likes.
  • Dreamed of a kiss with former friend by class.

For schoolgirls, such a dream can be very pleasant, for adults - nostalgic. But regardless of the emotional trace that the dream left, one should concentrate, remember all the details of such a dream, and decipher it.

If you are still at your desk...

It will be fair to first decipher the "school" dreams for those who are still in school. If you are still going to school, and your school friends visited you in your dreams, the dream book will give an answer - why is this a dream.

1. As the dream book says, classmates are a symbol of imminent joy, noisy fun, carefree pastime. If holidays or weekends are coming up, be sure that they will be unforgettable, and many joyful events will happen that will be remembered for a long time!

2. A school friend or a roommate dreams of an important event. You have to find out someone's secret, someone will trust you, or you will learn it by accident. Remember, regardless of the content of what is to be learned, other people's secrets are worth protecting.

3. The dream book gives an answer to what a classmate is dreaming of: just a guy that you don’t think about in reality. This is a promising dream - and the interpreter claims that you have a secret admirer in reality.

Perhaps it is nearby, maybe in your class or in a parallel one. It is not at all necessary that this is the same boy who appeared in dreams. This is just a symbol, a metaphor, but the meaning is clear and precise - someone is secretly in love with you. Worth a look around!

4. As the dream book says, the classmate you tirelessly dream about is good sign. This is a joy, and can also promise a romantic date or a declaration of love. Maybe this guy will be the hero of your waking novel? Perhaps you will meet a new friend...

5. If a girl dreamed of a long-awaited kiss from someone she likes, this is also an excellent sign. It promises a great pleasant surprise, and joyful events that will literally follow in succession. Maybe the dream will come true exactly - especially if it happened on Friday night.

6. If in your dreams you were kissed by that classmate who is not at all attractive to you - do not be alarmed, this only portends you a new love. Soon your heart will beat faster, because a romantic feeling will settle in it!

If school is behind...

No one ever erases school years from memory, and former teammates sometimes look into dreams. What this portends - the interpreter will tell you.

More often, such visions not only promise some events in reality, but advise something, hint at your feelings or state of mind, and hint at the need for change. You will learn more by remembering all the nuances of "school" dreams.

1. Seeing former classmates in a dream is accurate advice. You should remember your friends, they are in dire need of your attention. Perhaps, in your routine and emergency, you just forgot about them and don't even call.

You don't want to lose your friends, do you? Do not forget about them, find time for communication - this is important!

2. An ex-school friend is a sign that you are lacking in everyday life. have a nice rest, fresh and vivid emotions, new sensations. Routine life absorbs you - but it doesn’t cost anything to arrange a busy weekend for yourself, meet friends and relax!

3. If in a dream a former classmate passed by you without recognizing, this is also a direct hint that you are too absorbed in work and affairs. You yourself do not notice your loved ones, and if this continues, they will simply forget about you.

4. Alumni meeting is a vision that indicates your craving for warmth, friendly communication.

5. If in a dream former classmates are glad to see you, they meet you cheerfully - you will be honored and have a good position in society.

6. Did you see a former school friend who you once liked? This is just a decree on nostalgia, a return to the past. But be careful, don't let the past consume you, live in the present.

7. An unexpected kiss from a former classmate in a dream promises a pleasant and very unexpected acquaintance. It can go far!

Such dreams are very special, they always leave vivid emotions, make you look through the school album, remember the best school years.

But remember - dream books only hint at possible options present and future events, rather than predetermining them. Therefore, put your hope only on yourself in the first place - and how to act in reality, decide for yourself.

Dream Interpretation Odnoklassniki

Why do Odnoklassniki dream in a dream from a dream book?

Classmates in a dream are a multifaceted symbol that can be interpreted in different ways depending on the context of the dream. On the one hand, it is a sign of infantilism, frivolity, immaturity. Therefore, such a dream may indicate the commission of some naive, stupid act.

On the other hand, the image of school comrades sometimes simply reflects memories of youth, past feelings, experiences. Something will remind you of this, inspire nostalgia, make you mentally resurrect the forgotten.

Did you dream about the classmates with whom you are studying now? What, besides classmates, did you see in a dream? Did you dream of a classmate who is unpleasant to you? What did you do with a classmate in a dream? What gender did your classmate dream about? Did you dream of a living classmate? Did you dream that you were seeing classmates? Did you dream of young classmates?

Did you dream about the classmates with whom you are studying now?

What, besides classmates, did you see in a dream?

Did you dream of a classmate who is unpleasant to you?

I dreamed that I liked a classmate

If a young girl sees in a dream a classmate she likes, then in reality this guy has mutual feelings for her. The dream interpretation promises the beginning of new feelings, pleasant romantic experiences.

What did you do with a classmate in a dream?

Sex with a classmate in a dream book

A dream about sex with a classmate can be interpreted in different ways, depending on real relationship between you and a dreaming school friend. If a girl dreams of such a plot and she had a romantic relationship with this guy, then in reality she regrets the breakup and would like to return everything.

For a married woman, such a dream suggests that she unconsciously compares her husband with her former love. But you should not return to the past, you need to try to establish real relationships. Take the first step in creating mutual understanding and harmony in the family.

What gender did your classmate dream about?

Boy classmate in a dream

To dream of a boy classmate who was in love with you, but you did not reciprocate, means that in reality you are afraid to trust a man who is attractive to you. Perhaps you regret that in your youth you missed your chance by not reciprocating the guy.

Dreaming of a man who was your classmate

If a woman dreamed of a classmate who is now a man, and at school he was in love with her, but did not admit it, then in reality this person still has feelings for her and is very sorry about his school cowardice.

Did you dream of a living classmate?

A deceased classmate in a dream book

What is the dream of a dead classmate? Do not be afraid, this is just a sign that you are at a crossroads. Also, a deceased childhood friend, according to the dream book, means that you spend a lot of time on unnecessary, unimportant things. Take a break, take care of your household, your family is waiting for your attention.

Did you dream that you were seeing classmates?

Did you dream of young classmates?

Old classmates in a dream

Why do classmates dream?

Being at a meeting with schoolmates means that you lack communication in your life. If at the same time you experience longing and sadness, this indicates that you still cannot forgive yourself for how you offended someone greatly during your school years.

Seeing classmates in a dream, and at the same time being very happy, is a sign that some kind of trouble awaits you. This dream indicates that you should turn to your friends for support.

If you dream of the funeral of one of your classmates, such a dream may indicate unpleasant memories associated with school years.

If you go to a reunion of graduates, this indicates that you have reached the heights of life, and you really want everyone to know about it.

The dream in which you have love relationship with your school friend, says that in life you are not satisfied with your affairs and relationships with others. Most likely, it seems to you that your loved ones do not appreciate you and cannot support you in a difficult situation. In fact, these fears are groundless: your loved ones love you, you just do not notice it.

A dream in which you had a dream about classmates at some event or evening means that in life you can receive news of a forgotten friend or acquaintance.

If you see that a classmate is walking by without noticing your presence, then you should devote less time to work and take care of your position in society. You should remember your responsibilities to your family, do household chores, devote your free time to relatives and friends.

Such a dream is a warning that if you do not reconsider your attitude to life, you will suffer from loneliness and be left without the support of friends. Now that you know what classmates are dreaming of, you should reconsider your priorities.


The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

Chat with a classmate- take a dominant position in the family, cultivating their past.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

Classmates you saw in a dream- to the memories of school years.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, December

To dream of an evening meeting with classmates at school- nostalgia for the past.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

see classmates- to commit a naive act.

Modern universal dream book

How do you feel about meeting classmates in a dream?- Are you worried or worried about the possibility of seeing people from your past? Or are you proud of yourself because you know that you look better and have achieved more than the rest? Or are things not going the way you would like, and you feel like a failure?

If you dream of meeting classmates- you need to understand who from your past you would like to meet. What an experience past life would you like to experience again?

Why do classmates dream?

Viktor Osipov

just that rare case. What is nothing!

Igor Alexandrovich

All of us at one time went to school, now our children and grandchildren study there.

If in a dream you see your classmate, then in real life you will have a problem that you can solve only with the support of friends.

We met in a dream with former classmates - which means that the consequences of your act, committed back in school years, will soon be revealed.

If you have already graduated from high school and dreamed about your classmates, this means that deep down you miss your childhood, your bright and disinterested friendship, and soon your past will make itself felt - meeting with the dearest friends of that time.

A dream where you came to a reunion of graduates means that you are not satisfied with your circle of friends, and you missed a sincere conversation.

Odnoklassniki is a community of people who exist and develop side by side for several years. And whether we want it or not, we will get to know those who surround us much better.

Hedgehog Affectionate

not classmates, but specific ones, something that happened, some kind of binding, that's what reminds me of myself. that yes, as in the details of your dream. very wrong statement of the question - why.

When school years are long gone, but former schoolmates continue to follow us in night dreams, a completely logical question arises.

Why is a classmate or classmate dreaming - the dream book gives a completely detailed answer to this question.

Interpretations of sleep for schoolchildren

First of all, it would be fair to decipher dreams involving classmates for those who have not yet left the walls of the school. Regarding what a classmate is dreaming of, the dream book will give a completely understandable answer and not one. Classmates in many interpreters symbolize imminent joy, a noisy merry holiday and carefree leisure. If the holidays are just around the corner in reality, then be sure that they will be more fun than ever and leave behind a lot of pleasant memories.

  • Seeing a school friend or a roommate in a dream is a harbinger of an important event. It is possible that someone's secret will be revealed to you. Regardless of its content, try to preserve the information;
  • I dreamed of a classmate who I like - a romantic meeting or a declaration of love. Perhaps the dreaming girl will become your close friend, or maybe you will meet another companion;
  • A kiss with a classmate in a dream is a pleasant surprise and a series of joyful events. It is also possible that the dream will turn out to be prophetic and will come true with all the details;
  • You were kissed by a classmate who is not attractive to you - a new love.

A dream in which your classmate just appears may mean that soon you will find yourself in circumstances in which you cannot do without the support of good and true friends. The problem may turn out to be quite simple, but friendly support will still not hurt you.

If a former classmate dreamed

School years, happy for some and not so good for others, never disappear from our memories. Sometimes former classmates visit us in dreams, signifying various events in real life. What is the dream of a classmate for adults? On this score, the dream book has several interpretations.

  • Seeing former classmates in a dream is a sign that you should remember your friends, they are in dire need of your attention. It is quite possible that in a heap of daily worries you forgot about their existence;
  • I dreamed of a former school friend - a lack of rest, vivid emotions and impressions in everyday life. Routine absorbs you, so you should definitely give yourself a busy weekend;
  • A classmate passed by and did not recognize you - an indication that in reality you are absorbed exclusively in work and affairs. You do not notice your friends and relatives. Very soon they will forget you;
  • I dreamed of a meeting of former classmates - a craving for friendly communication and a warm atmosphere in the company of close friends;
  • Classmates joyfully meet you and smile - honor and an enviable position in society.

Dreams involving classmates or former school friends always stand out from other dreams, as they leave behind incredibly vivid emotions that make you return to school for a moment.

Other interpretations about a classmate

Dreams about former school friends often indicate the inner state of the dreamer's soul. If in a dream you saw your classmate, then perhaps at the moment you are longing for childhood, you need warmth and attention from loved ones. The constant bustle takes a lot of time, so it is rarely possible to find a couple of hours to meet with the relatives themselves.

Try to postpone your affairs for some time and just stay with your family, thereby renewing warm relations and trust between you. If the dreaming classmate was annoyed or angry with something, then in reality a strong shake awaits you. You again, as in your school years, will plunge into worries about the situation that has developed in reality. Solving this problem will require a lot of strength from you, however, if you work hard and try, the outcome of the situation will surely please you. However, the result depends not only on you.

Dead classmates - what does sleep mean

Dream books give a very ambiguous prediction about what the late classmates dream of. On the one hand, such a terrible vision can be explained by the dreamer's inner fear of inevitable death and the desire to turn all the plans and goals into reality in time. At the same time, a deceased classmate in a dream can become a sign that in reality the sleeping person is at a crossroads and cannot make a choice in any way. To deal with your own thoughts and feelings, set aside some time and be alone with yourself.

Having calmly considered and reconsidered life priorities, you will find a reasonable way out of this situation. According to another interpretation, the deceased classmate is a direct indication of the dreamer's incorrect life position. By doing nothing, you allow the worst thing to happen: the collapse of not only your personal life, but also your career. Return to reality and take the leadership of fate into your own hands, that work and relationships did not interfere with each other, but, on the contrary, complemented and filled life with something pleasant.

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Trying to find out what former classmates dream of, check the events last days. If you recently met with one of them, it is not surprising that now you are dreaming of these people. Such dreams do not carry a special semantic load.

Dream Interpretation of Astromeridian

Having fun in a dream with classmates - to pleasant communication and pastime.

A quarrel and a fight with former classmates portends troubles and conflicts in real life. If you were just an observer in this dream, you will have to resolve someone's quarrels and conflicts.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

If many years after graduation you dream of your class, it means that deep down you miss your childhood and youth. Fate favors you and will soon give you the opportunity to meet with old friends and enjoy talking to them.

If a schoolboy dreams of classmates, such a dream does not mean anything special.

Worldly dream book

Knowing what classmates dream of, you can count on the help of your friends. In the near future, you will need help and support, and this you will receive from your friends without any assistance from you.

If in a dream you were walking down the street and a former classmate walked past you without noticing you, pay attention to the importance of work in your life. She occupies all your attention, and there is no time to communicate with family and friends.

To be in a dream at a meeting of graduates suggests that you have achieved great success and are proud of them. You would like to meet with former classmates and tell them what you have achieved in life.

When wondering why a classmate is dreaming as a lover, pay attention to yourself. It seems to you that your relatives do not love you, do not notice and do not appreciate you. In fact, it is you who do not give them the opportunity to do it and show it.

Esoteric dream book

Meeting with former classmates - an unworthy act committed during school years will surface.

Fun and jokes with friends at school are not good. You will have to worry a lot so that your reputation is not damaged due to past sins and misdeeds. If your former classmates showed severity and restraint towards you, you will be lucky and you will get off without serious consequences.

Modern dream book

Meeting with graduates suggests that you missed the bright years of childhood and youth. You are not satisfied with your social circle, you want more friendly and sincere relations.

A very approximate interpretation is literally a version in the dark: at the present time in your personal life there is some self-admiration for your own masculinity, a romantic role, which leads you away from a correct assessment of the situation and the state of the relationship. On the other hand, there is also a feeling that this is not just a mistake and shortsightedness, but also in this way an unconscious shirk from looking at the truth and postponing decisions for later.

Dream Interpretation - Classmate

Hello. It seems to me that your classmate is now experiencing not better times... I think that she may have problems in her personal life (this can be seen from her strange appearance in a dream, or rather in her eyes) ... The fact that you were attacked in a dream unknown guy maybe there will be a skirmish with this person in reality ...

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream Interpretation - The funeral of a living person, classmates

The dream tells the Dreamer that it is time for her to change her life views - they are somewhat outdated, since they significantly limit her abilities and opportunities. In everyday life, there may be friction at work or dissatisfaction with a partner in the personal sphere, but this should be the starting point for further advancement or development.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream Interpretation - Kiss with a classmate

A dream about the predominant emotionality of the Dreamer, dependence and compliance, which can lead her to life failures and insurmountable trials. Emotionality will be better understood and move forward in its social path (education, development, awareness of one's feminine destiny and one's Soul - all together, in the aggregate).

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream Interpretation - Vacuum cleaner, deceased classmate, web

The call of the late Chuzhakova for the City, the Dreamer agrees with her, the former Roshchina joins them, calling with her - symbolizes the balance of emotional and conscious Aspirations in reality, their joint result. White p - and the late Chuzhakova - means in reality emotional dependence or "look after someone" (in the ass), and the former employee Roshchina - a confident social appearance and independence. The Dreamer cleans up under the Bed, the Sister observes the result - perfect cleanliness- symbolizes the spiritual qualities of the Dreamer, work on herself and on her emotions, a reasonable Mistress of the emotional sphere (where the Sister is the observance of Spiritual balance, external actions taking into account Her needs). Under the Table there is a huge Web with a spider, the web is destroyed, the Spider remains - it symbolizes the hidden side of the sphere of Consumption and its Source (Dependence on the sphere of consumption, social aspirations), which must be balanced by human manifestations (miserable Spider and Sister). The Dreamer at the Party, swinging on a high Vertical (Yang) swing and does not understand why she does not Fall, seeing herself from the side - shows the Dreamer's reasonable and balanced aspirations in the social field, which is Balance (the balance of the manifestation of mind and emotions). The dream concerns the revival of the emotional sphere of the Dreamer (the late Chuzhakova), where Native sister- symbolizes Peace of mind (satisfaction with all aspects of life), to which the Dreamer is confidently moving forward.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun